Monday, June 17, 2019

Tired of his act?

  • Image result for trump crazy images mad
According to a new FOX News poll 50% of Americans want to see Mr. trump impeached.  And if you think the FOX News part was a typo you would be incorrect. I meant to write FOX.

I hope Ms. Pelosi is paying attention, because Americans seem to be tiring of Mr. trump's act.  And her political strategy when it comes to impeaching Mr. trump might be out of step with where the rest of the country is right now. I mean that's a FOX News poll for crying out loud! 

And if you want further proof that Americans are over Mr. trump, just take a look at thew overnight ratings for his much hyped sit down interview with ABC News.  Politico called it a "ratings bust" It came in third in its time slot. America's Funniest Home Videos just wiped the floor with him. If you can't beat AFHV how the hell do you expect to beat Joe Biden?

During that same interview we learned that Mr. trump thinks it's cool to collude with foreign governments to undermine our democracy, and he confirmed what most of us already know: That he just horrible human being. Imagine chastising and berating someone for simply coughing. Most decent people would have asked the guy if he was OK or if he needed water. Not trump. Apparently it's a sign of weakness in his world.

"Mulvaney's cough is audible, albeit only faintly, but the president made it clear that it was unacceptable
"If you're going to cough, please leave the room," Mr. Trump told his top aide, insisting on reiterating his answer for the camera. "

Imagine if former president Obama had said that to an aide. 

And yet, Mr. trump has declared that he has been treated worse than any president in our history.  "Even Lincoln".           

OK Mr. trump, pick up a history book and try to read it and then get back to me. Things didn't turn out so well for Honest Abe. For you to compare yourself to  Lincoln just shows how depraved you are.                           


  1. He lasted longer than any of us expected. SDNY is waiting for him whenever he is done presidenting😂

  2. Lance Cockstrong7:05 PM

    God help us all if 2020 turns out to be micro dick retard Butt Trumpet vs. micro dick queer Butt Gag.

  3. The Coatesville ExPat8:17 PM

    OK, outside of any and all leftist masturbatory fantasies, WHY SHOULD this POTUS be impeached? He defeated Hillary Clinton and under the Constitution, that is neither a high crime nor a misdemeanor. We left the plantation, joining the living world years ago, and we're tiring of your junior high school lunch table cabal.

  4. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:03 PM

    Obama made us proud to be an American. tr**p is nothing short of shameful. He is the quintessential ugly American.

  5. I’m as tired of Trump as I am tired of you people and your high crime rates, low education standards, loud and fat single mothers, and unbearable BO.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:56 PM

    When I read about the incident with Mulvaney coughing and Trump's response, I thought about the Roman Emperor Caligula. Some historians say that he executed one of his hephews because of the young man's chronic cough. In my humble opinion, Trump is just as crazy as Caligula and would be just as ruthless if he had enough power.

  7. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:00 PM

    Trump supporters don’t have:


  8. Note for the record that I did NOT suggest that Fergus field test his claim about being treated worse than Lincoln.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "When I read about the incident with Mulvaney coughing and Trump's response, I thought about the Roman Emperor Caligula. Some historians say that he executed one of his hephews because of the young man's chronic cough. In my humble opinion, Trump is just as crazy as Caligula and would be just as ruthless if he had enough power."

    Wasn't Caligula the emperor who made his horse a consul (high-ranking position in the Roman Empire)?

    Yep, that sounds a lot like Trump, with his cabinet a rogues' gallery of dimwits, crooks, and villains, all of them totally unqualified for their jobs. It wouldn't surprise me at all if our next secretary of defense is a horse.

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson2:08 AM

    field, funny how you constantly use the worst pictures you can find for Trump, on your posts. Go figure.

    Speaking of butt-ugly...I see where some of you "progressives", want to digress and put Harriet Tubman on the 20$ bill. Are you kidding? Mebbe the two dollar bill. Hell, make a three dollar bill, and slap her ass on it.

    Andrew Jackson was a hero. You darkies haven't managed to tear his statues down. Even in New Orleans.

  11. Lt. Commander Johnson2:22 AM

    Read Jackson's biography, and compare it to Tubman's:

  12. Anonymous4:34 AM

    "Andrew Jackson was a hero. You darkies haven't managed to tear his statues down."

    Yet. Enjoy them while they last, I guess?

    He wasn't actually a very good president, by the way.

    His "accomplishments" include the fueling of governmental corruption and the foolish dismantling of America's central bank, with a side order of extra racism (even by 19th century standards). Not great. Democrats celebrated Jackson for years, mainly because he was the founder of their party, but his face honestly doesn't belong on any US currency.

  13. Love scratching my asshole6:21 AM

    The dumbed-down, lowest common denominator mentality that has permeated this country since Trump was elected is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  14. Commandeered Queenie, when was Harriet Tubman approved for the twenty dollar bill and remind me which party (yours) had control of both houses of congress and still approved the deal.

    Learn some history and stop eating oncoming traffic.

  15. Lt. Commander is a pussy11:08 AM

    Learn some history and stop eating oncoming traffic.
    Lt. Commander no serving pussy is a dumbass from the fattest and dumbest state he is incapable of learning.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:37 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    "field, funny how you constantly use the worst pictures you can find for Trump, on your posts. Go figure."
    No, it's not funny. The reason is obvious: There are no good pictures of Trump. His evil nature always comes through in his pictures.

  17. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Magic Halfrican Chicago Jesus oversaw and orchestrated a Coup which makes him the worst President in American History. But, since Negro crime is and always has been an entitlement program he and his cohorts will get a pass. Hey field, how much violence, crime and murder have American Negroes committed so far this week? Make sure you all tune in tomorrow for the Gibsmedat reparations whine fest in Coongress.


    The world's greatest negotiator cum impostor is a fucking mow rawn with half-shits fer brains. He ain't all there. Demands Iran stick with deal Drumpfuck has reneged on.

    FUCK!!!! This fucking mow rawn is the dumbest fucking mow rawn in the dumbest fucking mow rawn world. The world of white privileged dumb fucking mow rawns.

  19. Remember this....

    Miami dead eye cop shoots caregiver in the leg, a man laying on his back with his hands in the air, instead of the actual target, a mentally disturbed man holding a toy truck.

    Cop was acquitted of manslaughter attempt charges. No doubt he will get promoted and given sharpshooting medal as well.

    I Tiny URLed the link because original url was 363 characters long and it is well know short attentioned span Drumpfuck followers have short attention spans.

  20. So, has anyone started following O.J. Simpson on Twitter yet?

  21. Simpson already threatened someone with a Twitter and knife emojis.

  22. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  23. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Magic Halfrican Chicago Jesus oversaw and orchestrated a Coup which makes him the worst President in American History.
    Dumbest comment in American history.

  24. "Dumbest comment in American history."

    American? Really? You sure about that?

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Trump’s official nominee to head the DOD has withdrawn from consideration, on account of rampant domestic violence issues. (I’m not kidding. In this dude’s family, they’re all punching each other. Ultra-messy.)

    So I guess we really may end up with a horse for our secretary of defense.

    In other news, Trump is hyping up some kind of deport-a-palooza in the next few days. He is very excited about the opportunity to inflict misery on some brown people. He might do a racist end zone dance, gloating about all the families he gets to break up.

  26. A small correction @ 6:31..... Drumpf had never filed nomination papers on this guy and the Senate couldn't hold hearings on him until he was officially nominated.


    Drumpfuck said he just learned of the allegations on Monday, which just proves that none of Drumpf's best people are ever vetted.

    This is extremely tiresome, childish routine for Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.


    Thye shitshow continues. AG Barr is openly running interference to protect Manafort from serving time in a shithole prison. Manafuckhead was supposed to go to Riker's Island.

    Impeach immediately.

    Kremlin Annex officials said the KA knew about DOD's Suckretarys domestic abuse problems months ago. Drumpf lied again.

  29. The fucking moronstrosity never quits.

    In a normal world, Drumpf would be handcuffed and muzzled, for his aND our safety and led away to an institute for stoopid fucking mow rawns and abandoned in a hole in the astroturf.

  30. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “Thye shitshow continues. AG Barr is openly running interference to protect Manafort from serving time in a shithole prison. Manafuckhead was supposed to go to Riker's Island.”

    Manafort will be pardoned the moment the 2020 election is over.

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson9:41 PM

    Yeah, and for AOC to compare Trump to Hitler, and say we have "concentration camps" on the border, proves her "smart".

    You progressive/socialists really suck. All your talk about "Comprehensive Immigration reform" really boils down TO NOTHING.

    Show me the Bill which explains "comprehensive immigration reform". Hell, you bastards control the House.

  32. (I’m not kidding. In this dude’s family, they’re all punching each other. Ultra-messy.)

    You left out the part where his son hit his wife with a baseball bat.

    And Commander, we do have concentration camps, by anyone's definition except Liz Cheney, who has them confused with death camps, because of course she does.
    She is taking a serious beating on Twitter about it, which won't hurt her one bit as none of her constituents can read.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson10:24 PM

    So, Doug...maybe you can explain "comprehensive immigration reform", educate us all, and explain why the Dem's don't do a damn thing about it, except criticize Trump?

    Nah, I don't think so.

  34. Anonymous10:31 PM

    The Central Park 5 confessed to their crime before police even knew there WAS a crime.  They confessed on video with details only the perps would know.  They were guilty as sin, beyond ANY doubt.

    They were "exonerated" by a district attorney (Robert Morgenthau) who hates white people.  The confession of another minor perp to putting semen into the victim does not mean that the CP5 did not do what they confessed to doing.  He paid no price for his confession, as the statute of limitations had passed.

    The $40 million payoff to the "wrongly" convicted went through a law firm connected to DeBlasio's campaign.  To put it bluntly, the CP5 should go back to prison and DeBlasio and every partner in that law firm should go with them.  The whole thing and everyone connected to it is corrupt.

  35. Dugg from Jokeland10:58 PM

    So let me get this straight.

    People are flying from Angola to Brazil, then traveling North through Central America and Mexico to get in line for a "concentration camp?"

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson11:39 PM

    Kinda funny how all these poor, persecuted folks get all this money to fly and move around.

  37. Anonymous1:22 AM

    The Demo-rats won't impeach Trump, regardless of how bad he is.

    They are worthless bitches.

    Any real "resistance" to Trump will have to come from *outside* the Democrap Party--at the grassroots and in the streets.

    The Democrats are just as afraid of popular rebellion as the Republicans.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Yeah, I get it, you despicable creeps like it when asylum seekers are put in concentration camps, you're Republicans and that is to be expected.

    And our president is a scumbag, so he keeps nominating other scumbags to positions running the government, thinking that's just ducky.

    But anyone even marginally competent at running anything, much less the United States government, would know that you have to actually vet the fuckers you nominate.

    Not Fergus.

    He thinks all of the wife beaters and two bit grifters make him look good by comparison.

    And maybe to his base, who don't remember anything past the latest lie they got from their propaganda, they do.

    But for anyone who is in possession of a working memory, and can remember back when competent professionals ran the government, it just reinforces what a dangerous clown he is.

    So the normally Republican leaning paper in Orlando, ahead of his campaign rally tonight, ran their endorsement of... not Trump.
    They aren't sure who should be president in 2021, but they're sure who shouldn't be, and that's Donald the fuck Trump.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Lt. Commander Johnson7:54 AM

    Thanks, Doug. Great explanation of "comprehensive immigration reform".

    Typical of Democrats. They talk shit, but don't say shit.

  41. Anonymous said...
    The Central Park 5 confessed to their crime before police even knew there WAS a crime. They confessed on video with details only the perps would know. They were guilty as sin, beyond ANY doubt.

    Confessions were coerced. No DNA from any of the CP5 was found on the woman or the crime scene. Cops fed the young men details, etc.,etc.

  42. Commandeered Queenie, pick a lane and drive it.

  43. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Study: 96.9% of straight people uninterested in dating transgenders

  44. Immigrants from Angola and the 2 Congos are escaping civil wars and other violence. They have a right to seek asylum, asswipes.

    Let's see your proof Soros is funding these immigrants because you and I know you are going to blame Soros and HRC for this.

  45. I'm still waiting for smoking gun video proving Keith Ellison physically assaulted his girlfriend.

    Medical records do not substantiate her claims of abuse, but in stoopid fucking wingnut land, where day is night, that means Ellison confessed.


    Record cocaine bust far from Mexican border. Put a wall around Philly?

    Where's wall dough?

  47. Lt. Commander Johnson12:25 PM

    Thanks for the stinking link, Queen bitch from Iowa. It just helped prove my point. You communists have no idea what "comprehensive immigration reform" actually is, you just use the phrase all the damn time. Let's see your bill.

    Why don't you read the link you sent?

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson12:47 PM

    Ya know, Queenie, your stupidity is truly astounding.

  49. Anonymous12:59 PM

    You don't know what service means Lt. Commander mo serving bitch. Just another fat red neck from Mossissippi.

  50. Commandeered Queenie, you ain't had enough time to read the url let alone any of the "links" provided.

  51. Anonymous1:41 PM

    How many Congo Ebola parasites have Negro Churches in America taken in to care for their Pyramid Building Brothers and Sisters? In fact, are there any legit listed Negro charities in all of America?

  52. Fuck you Commander butt plug, I ain't your momma. Read any of the seven bills introduced by the Democrats in the last four years if you actually want an answer to your butt-plug question.
    But you won't do that, will you?
    Nope, you'll just repeat the BPQ over and over to try and make it seem like the Democrats don't have a plan, or that they haven't introduced comprehensive immigration reform as a bill every damn year since the fucking Bush administration.
    Fuck you and your weak, lame lies.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Commandeered Q and anyfuckingmoose, I got a paying proposition for you rascals. On June 21, paint or dye yer worthless hides black, get some dreds hair extensions and baggy pants and circulate through the nearest white neighborhood and see how long before the man hassles your black hide for being black. Try it for a month and at the end of the month I will pay each of you one nickel to assuage yer hurt white privileged butts.

    Is it a deal? I want unedited video and audio of your eventual deaths at the hands of racist cops, if it happens.

  54. Lt. Commander Johnson6:43 PM

    Oh, you degenerates are losing it, big time.

  55. No guts, no glory, CQ.

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  57. Anonymous12:44 AM

    People have already done the race-swapping thing with makeup and gone out in public.  The white people in blackface get treated a lot better than real black people, because they don't act rude, loud, confrontational and entitled.

    If it's "their culture" to act that way, does that entitlement extend to stabbing someone to death for taking the last chicken wing, or shooting them because of a disagreement over the proper recipe for "purple drank"?

    Dreads and saggin' pants are not a race, they're as much a statement of values as Doc Martens and a mohawk.  You wear either, you deserve what you get.

  58. @ 12:44 AM, what about driving while black, Walking while black, shopping while black, sitting in a cafe while black, mowing the lawn while black, canvassing neighborhood while black, swimming while black, etc.

    It is honky's culture to automatically call the cops as soon as a black person is seen. It is all over the internet. Blacks are more likely to be stopped and hassled because of the color of their skin. Proven fact.

    Check out famous -people who have used "fat suits" in public and see how they were treated. Then get a life, a real life.

  59. Anonymous11:53 PM

    > what about driving while black, Walking while black, shopping while black, sitting in a cafe while black, mowing the lawn while black, canvassing neighborhood while black, swimming while black, etc.

    What about most speeders being black, most property thieves being black, etc?

    > It is honky's culture to automatically call the cops as soon as a black person is seen. It is all over the internet. Blacks are more likely to be stopped and hassled because of the color of their skin.

    It is white people's self-defense to call the cops on ANY suspicious person.  Un-recognized blacks are suspicious as hell, and far more likely to be engaged in crime than a random white.

    Blacks could eliminate their problems with "racist" whites by... staying in black areas!  But those areas have no shopping (because black thieves put the stores out of business), no cafes (because blacks send food back hoping for freebies and won't tip), no swimming pools (because blacks turn them into war zones when they aren't drowining)... and just WTF is a black doing running for office in a district with whites?  Aren't there blacks who need representation?

    Exactly what is wrong with blacks that they can't survive without whites?

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