Friday, July 19, 2019

Narcissist or racist? You decide.

Image result for trump images       The following article was written by William Saletan for 

"Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, has a theory about President Donald Trump. The president is a “narcissist,” not a racist, Graham told reporters on Wednesday. A racist hates everyone of a certain color or ethnicity, said Graham. A narcissist, on the other hand, makes exceptions for those who flatter or support him.

That’s an accurate assessment of how Trump thinks. But it’s an elaboration, not a refutation, of the president’s bigotry. Trump is a narcissist and a racist. He uses racism as a weapon to serve his narcissism. And his narcissism, in turn, shapes his racism. Because Trump equates love of America with love of himself, he treats his domestic critics—particularly those of African, Middle Eastern, or Latin American ancestry—as enemies of the United States. 

In his latest attack, Trump tweeted that four Democratic congresswomen—one black, one Latina, one Palestinian American, and one Somali American—should “go back” to the countries from which they “originally came.” Reporters reminded Trump that all four women were citizens and that three were born in this country. He refused to back down. At a rally in North Carolina on Wednesday night, the president lambasted the congresswomen, particularly Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who was born in Somalia. He paused for effect as the crowd chanted, “Send her back!”

None of this, according to Graham, was racist. “A racist says, ‘Go back to Somalia because you’re a Somalian or you’re a Muslim or whatever,’ ” Graham told reporters on Wednesday before the rally. Trump doesn’t operate that way, said Graham. “If you’re a Somali refugee who likes Trump, he’s not going to say, ‘Go back to Somalia.’ … It’s not about being from Somalia. It’s about whether you support him or not.” On Thursday, Graham presented a similar defense of the “Send her back” chant. “If you’re a Somali refugee wearing a MAGA hat, he doesn’t want to send you back. You’ll probably have dinner at the White House,” said Graham. “If you embrace his policies, it doesn’t matter where you come from.”
It’s true that Trump makes exceptions for people of color who are nice to him. In 2016, he praised a black man at one of his campaign events, telling the audience, “Look at my African American over here.” Trump called the man “a fan of mine” and commended him for punching a protester. To Trump, the loyalty was personal: my, mine. But when Omar criticized the president, he accused her of disloyalty to America. On Monday at the White House and on Wednesday at the rally, he smeared her as a traitor and terrorist sympathizer. He baited the rally crowd into its “Send her back” chant by telling lies about Omar, including a fabricated quote: “Al-Qaida makes you proud. You don’t speak that way about America.”

The president is waging a similar campaign of character assassination against Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a congresswoman of Palestinian descent who was born in Michigan. In January, Tlaib called for Trump’s impeachment, referring to him as a “m—–f—–.” Trump declared her language unpatriotic, calling it “highly disrespectful to the United States of America.” At Wednesday’s rally, he framed Tlaib’s contempt for him as contempt for America. Tlaib “used the F word to describe the presidency and your president,” Trump told the crowd. “She was describing the president of the United States and the presidency with the big fat … vicious F-word. That’s not somebody that loves our country.”

Trump has been playing this l’etat, c’est moi game for years. Throughout his first presidential campaign, he impugned the patriotism of people who disagreed with him. He targeted Latinos, Muslims, Arab Americans, and African Americans. Even giving one’s life in military service wasn’t enough, in Trump’s eyes, to overcome the sin of opposing Trump. When Khizr Khan, the father of a slain Muslim U.S. Army officer, criticized Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, Trump repeated his warnings about “radical Islamic terrorism” and suggested that Khan’s wife, as a Muslim woman, “wasn’t allowed to have anything to say.” Trump justified his smear by complaining that Khan had “viciously attacked me.” 

The clearest case of Trump’s narcissistic racism was his 2016 slander of Gonzalo Curiel, a federal judge in California. In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Trump declared Curiel unfit to preside over a lawsuit against Trump University because, although Curiel was a U.S. citizen born in Indiana, the judge was “of Mexican heritage.” According to Trump, this presented “an inherent conflict of interest” since “I’m building a wall. I am trying to keep business out of Mexico.”

Trump said he had no problem with most Latinos. “I employee thousands of Latinos,” he told Tapper. “I employ, over the years, thousands of Mexicans. They’re great. … I sell them apartments.” Trump said he wouldn’t have had any issues with Curiel, either, if Curiel had treated him better. “If he were giving me fair rulings, I wouldn’t be talking to you this way,” said Trump. But Curiel was handling the case in a way Trump didn’t like. And that, according to Trump, raised a sinister question: “Why?” The answer, according to Trump, was that Curiel was Mexican—and, on that basis, “should recuse himself.”.

Everything in Trump’s rant against Curiel matches Graham’s diagnosis. If Curiel had ruled in Trump’s favor, Trump would have treated him no differently from a white judge. But when Curiel made trouble, Trump played the race card. He framed the judge’s unfavorable rulings in a private fraud case not just as anti-Trump, but as anti-American. It’s the same racist-nationalist-narcissistic maneuver Trump is now attempting against Omar and Tlaib.

Graham understands this. Three and a half years ago, he excoriated Trump for proposing the Muslim ban. “He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot,” said Graham. “He doesn’t represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for.” But now, as Trump vilifies two Muslim congresswomen and tells them to leave the country, Graham says it’s not racism. Trump is the same man he was then. It’s Graham who has changed.

Trump has no principles. He doesn’t believe in white supremacy any more than he believes in equality, pluralism, or civil rights. All he has is a set of resentments—his and his supporters’—that he’s willing to deploy whenever they suit him. He’ll go after whatever he can use against you: your ancestry, your religion, your disability, your sex. Racism is part of his narcissism, and narcissism is part of his racism. That’s his sickness. And the sickness in his party is that to men like Graham, the narcissism somehow counts as a defense." {Source}

So to answer the headline of this post. He is both. 

*Image from


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM


  2. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Chicago July 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 25
    Shot & Wounded: 162
    Total Shot: 187
    Total Homicides: 29

  3. Jack Ketch10:44 PM

    You are both, Field.

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Black Florida Judge Allegedly Choked Clerk Over Late Paperwork

  5. It's kinda like his illiteracy: what's the difference between someone who can't read and someone who won't read?

    He's probably a racist at least to the extent that when everything else is equal he'll favor the straight, white, wealthy, male, and everything else to him is racial politics.

    He's sort of clever, in that he has seen the maintenance dose of racism Republican politicians have been doling out to the bigots and imbeciles in their base for decades and concluded that those bigots and imbeciles would do almost anything for a straight geeze of the pure, uncut product.

    He's sort of dim and shortsighted for not even bothering to ask why no other Republicans who had the opportunity had done so.

    So now he'll find out, and it's up to us as Americans to make sure that it does not go well for him.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. "Maintenance dose of racism ". Very apt and useful turn of phrase.

  6. Which came first, his narcissism or his racism? Like the chicken-and-egg riddle, the answer is "a circle has no beginning".

    Behind his racism and narcissism is hatred and self-hatred. He said that the Squad's nation - which is America - is broken and inept and corrupt. That is a description of himself.

  7. Drumpf is a fucking liar, too.

  8. Graham's head is so far up Trump's ass that Graham can see daylight above.

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson10:34 AM

    10:33 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Chicago July 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 25
    Shot & Wounded: 162
    Total Shot: 187
    Total Homicides: 29me town.

    10:43 PM

    Hey, Anon. Who cares about Chicago?

    You wanna make a point, post the stats on Philadelphia, field's home town. He's so proud about it, he actually used to have a "Killadephia Meter" on his sidebar, for many years.

    Suddenly, the meter disappeared. When the stats were going off the wall. No explanation.

  11. Anonymous10:41 AM

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Chicago has more murders in their first quarter than Philly has all year!!!

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson11:36 AM

    Sure. But it pisses field off.

  14. Anonymous11:39 AM

    “Chicago has more murders in their first quarter than Philly has all year!!!”

    Er, no. Going by the year-to-date numbers, Chicago has had 268 homicides, and Philly has had 180. That is nothing like the 4:1 ratio you’re suggesting. I am sorry that flunked math in school.

    Adjusted for population, the homicide rates of Chicago and Philly are very similar (see this chart for numbers) and both have pretty average crime rates for big US cities.

    Chicago just gets more attention than other, comparable big cities because it has the largest total population — outside of NYC and LA, which have unusually LOW crime rates — and because Republicans are liars.

  15. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Some defense — Trump isn’t racist; he’s just a bad person!!

    It’s nonsense, too. Trump treats POC like his servants if he likes them, and demands they leave the country if he doesn’t. There isn’t a category of POC that he treats as equal to whites.

    Sounds like a textbook description of racism to me.

  16. Back when we was renting his Daddy's apartments, he marked "C" on some applications and illegally filed them in a drawer--why? Not because black applicants had disparaged him in any way, but because they were black. Hard to reason your way out of that one, Mr. Saletan.

  17. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The following article was written by William Saletan for

    Wait, what?

    Feeled put an attribution UP FRONT?

    Will wonders never cease!

  18. Anonymous1:25 PM

    “Back when we was renting his Daddy's apartments, he marked ‘C’ on some applications and illegally filed them in a drawer--why? Not because black applicants had disparaged him in any way, but because they were black. Hard to reason your way out of that one, Mr. Saletan.”

    Yeah, no part of Lindsey Graham’s logic works here. Trump treats black people badly under all circumstances; it just so happens that he treats them even worse if they’re black and oppose him. It’s an outright lie to suggest that he only breaks out the racism “pragmatically” to use against his enemies. He’s racist most of the time. It’s just that he’s even more racist if you attack him.

    And even if one could convincingly argue that Trump was “pragmatically” racist, that he used hate speech only as a tool to get elected but didn’t really believe it, how would this conceivably be okay? That’s only marginally less bad. It should still be disqualifying in a president. But Republicans have been pulling this routine for decades, so maybe they’ve all convinced themselves that it is perfectly fine to incite hate as long as you don’t personally believe the words that are coming out of your mouth.

  19. Blacks can be plenty racist, and you people certainly are narcissistic. What’s that saying about throwing rocks in glass houses? The funny thing is that if a black lived in a glass house they probably would throw rocks due to sheer stupidity.

  20. Dave Zirin = faggot kike4:09 PM

    Trump supporters are some of the lowest forms of life on Earth.

  21. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Er, no. Going by the year-to-date numbers, Chicago has had 268 homicides, and Philly has had 180. That is nothing like the 4:1 ratio you’re suggesting. I am sorry that flunked math in school.

    Er, yeah retard, Chicago has had 282 homicides so far 07/20/2019.You are using libtard skewing techniques again to skirt the truth, out of control negro violence.Both cities are like 80% black crime overall.

  22. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Dave Zirin = faggot kike said...
    Trump supporters are some of the lowest forms of life on Earth.
    4:09 PM


  23. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What to call this? Trickle-down hate? Trump is inspiring public displays of racism in his followers.

    Georgia state lawmaker Erica Thomas says she 'feared for her life' after being told to 'go back'

  24. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "Er, yeah retard, Chicago has had 282 homicides so far 07/20/2019.You are using libtard skewing techniques again to skirt the truth, out of control negro violence."

    You are using that HeyJackass fool, some Chicago-hating wingnut blogger. Hardly a reality-based source, lol.

    And even if his number were right, it still wouldn't come anywhere close to proving your crazy point that Chicago's total homicide number works out to 4 times Philly's for the year. That is laughable.

    And yes, most of the homicides in Chicago are in certain black neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods are also the poorest in Chicago, mainly because of decades of racist policy in the early 20th century made them poor. Those two facts are not unrelated. Racism causes poverty. Poverty causes crime.

    And none of this in any way unique to Chicago, or worse in Chicago. It's pretty much how the whole country works.

  25. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Georgia state lawmaker Erica Thomas says she 'feared for her life' after being told to 'go back'

    Whiny-ass hijab-wearing rule-breaker gets all upset when someone insists she FOLLOW THE RULES or GTFO.  Imagine that.  Entitled bitch.

    Racism causes poverty. Poverty causes crime.

    You have that completely backwards.  Crime causes both poverty AND "racism".  Crime destroys capital and causes poverty.  Crime creates "racism" because nobody wants to be the victim of a crime and will try to avoid the people who commit crime.  If they're disproportionately black, everyone else will hate and avoid blacks... and guess what, they do!

    Why not try BEHAVING BETTER and see if that fixes anything?  Either you can and you're just being total scum, or you can't... and racial inferiority is TRUE and the "racists" were right all along.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Georgia state lawmaker Erica Thomas says she 'feared for her life' after being told to 'go back'

    Whiny-ass hijab-wearing rule-breaker gets all upset when someone insists she FOLLOW THE RULES or GTFO. Imagine that. Entitled bitch.
    Please enlighten me - What rules didn't Erica Thomas follow?

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:51 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "You have that completely backwards. Crime causes both poverty AND "racism". Crime destroys capital and causes poverty."
    And you know this because your opinions are more valid the than best educated, intelligent sociologists and economists? Or is it because some idiot racist told you that?
    And what if the criminals are white. Do their crimes cause racism toward whites?

  28. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "Please enlighten me - What rules didn't Erica Thomas follow?"

    She had more than 10 items while standing in the 10 items or less line at the supermarket. Obviously, this makes her a total monster who should be expelled from the country. Why, she's lucky to escape with her life after committing such a heinous misdeed!


    I only wish I were making this up. But apparently this makes sense inside racists' heads.

  29. There is no sense in racists' heads, just recycled propaganda and homeless families of brain worms.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Drumpfuck has no idea, from one day to the next, what he is doing and is without question, the dumbest son of a bitch ever to disgrace the White House. History will bear this out.

    I cannot believe I still hear stoopid fucking wingnuts claim America was a total mess when Putin got Drumpfuck installed in the kremlin annex. Wingnuts are too stoopid and terrified to educate themselves to real facts and real history.

    Maybe the rest of the world should nuke this country and then we can start all over minus magats.

  31. Lance Cockstrong9:56 PM

    All micro dicks are racist. All racist retards like Butt Trumpet have a micro dick. This all goes without saying of course.

  32. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  33. Just got home from Sonoma State's Green Music Center where Chris Thile did his NPR Live From Here show, and god damn was there some good music there.
    Zakir Hussain and Ganesh Rajagopalan were outstanding, as was Chris Thile who played his mandolin with them on one song.
    You could tell you were in the Northern part of California by the couples hippie dancing on the lawn to a guitar and mandolin arrangement of a Bach piece.
    A good reminder of the kind of things the goddamn Republicans want to kill the funding for that just make the world a little bit better of a place.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Congrats, gorillas, you are one giant evolutionary step ahead of stoopid fucking wingnuts in the overall scheme of things. Some day, if stroopid fucking wingnuts haven't destroyed Earth, you'll maybe sniff the evolutionary and constantly evolving plane of Liberals.


    If Drumpf refuses to call these mongrels what they are, radicaL cracker terrorists, the radical cracker terrorists win.

  36. Drumpf loving stoopid fucking wingnuts are batshit crazy and need to be deported to hell.

    Where oh where are the Secret Service dudes in black?

  37. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Catering to commies, dirt world beggars, and the useless farm equipment has brought America to it's knees. When this place is nothing more than any other non white shithole who will you blame? Who is the oppressor then? Just imagine every inch of the country functioning like so many urban dumps, this is the above mentioned parasites future and you deserve it. Hopefully the Chinese take over at some point, they are immune to the guilt cult pumped into Honky houses 24/7 by the electronic Rabbi hanging on the wall. Are you listening Susan Rice? Maybe Jihadi Barbie Omar's Brother/Husband can be the President of this future dung heap? We jus need mo money fo dem programz President incest, then da chilluns will be our future. Yes, yes, yes the lefty multi cult demons have a plan and a vision.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:28 AM

    Anonymous said.......

    "She had more than 10 items while standing in the 10 items or less line at the supermarket."
    OMG! How awful!! However, I see white people doing that quite often, but how dare black people think they can do that too!

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:36 AM

    Anonymous at 9:50

    The garbage you posted could only have come from a Russian troll. If you hate diversity so much, immigrate to a country that is nearly all white.

  40. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anonymous at 9:50

    The garbage you posted could only have come from a Russian troll. If you hate diversity so much, immigrate to a country that is nearly all white.
    10:36 AM

    Why would Patriotic Americans leave their own country??? You leave commie....

  41. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date(7/21)
    Shot & Killed: 256
    Shot & Wounded: 1215
    Total Shot: 1471
    Total Homicides: 282

  42. Everytime shithole Drumpf opens his mouth someone needs to call him a racist liar.

    Every right wing pol that does not disavow Drumpf immediately needs to be earmarked for deportation to Mother Russia.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:14 PM

    Anonymous said......

    "Why would Patriotic Americans leave their own country??? You leave commie....

    10:53 AM
    Patriotic Americans do not fear or hate diversity; they embrace it. You fascists are the ones who are not patriotic and should leave. Why don't you all buy an island somewhere and create you own country? The majority of Americans don't want your violence and hateful ways.

  44. Not a single mile.

    Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:

    The Trump administration has not installed a single mile of new wall in a previously fenceless part of the U.S.-Mexico border in the 30 months since President Trump assumed office, despite his campaign promise to construct a “big beautiful wall.”

    In a statement last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the federal agency overseeing border barrier construction, confirmed that all the fencing completed since Trump took office is “in place of dilapidated designs” because the existing fence was in need of replacement.

    The agency said that it had built 51 miles of steel bollard fence with funding that was set aside during fiscal 2017 and 2018. But while the funding was meant both to replace outdated walls and to place barriers where there previously had been none, the government has only completed the replacement projects. The projects to secure areas with no fence are still in the works.

    Keep in mind that Trump has repeatedly bragged that there have been miles of new border wall built since he took office.

    Not one single mile has in fact been built.

    Why does Drumpfuck the pathological liar do nothing but lie?

  45. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Or is it because some idiot racist told you that?

    It's because trillions of dollars spent on public health and Head Start and massive upgrades in schools (Kansas City, MO) and both indirect aid and direct cash payments have NOT raised black performance or even lowered black criminality.  "Poor" blacks in the USA are fabulously wealthy compared to peasants in India, yet the Indians behave better.

    It's because every time a company tries to make a gesture by opening a supermarket in a "food desert", they close it shortly thereafter because the blacks steal everything they can.  If the store even tries to stop shoplifters, they are accused of "racism".  So the stores lose money and have to close, taking away the jobs that were supposed to "help the community".  Crime destroys capital and creates poverty.

    It's because black criminal violence against everyone non-black is evident everywhere, even in China:

    And what if the criminals are white. Do their crimes cause racism toward whites?

    Ask the Chinese and Indians why they hate white people in the USA.  I wouldn't know.

  46. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Everytime shithole Drumpf opens his mouth someone needs to call him a racist liar.

    That would be GREAT!  Nothing would make the "racist" slur a laugh cue faster.

    Every right wing pol that does not disavow Drumpf immediately needs to be earmarked for deportation to Mother Russia.

    Found the Communist.

  47. Anonymous3:16 PM

    And you know this because your opinions are more valid the than best educated, intelligent sociologists and economists?

    My public opinions are vastly more valid than those of people who have to cleave to the "anti-racist" narrative to keep their jobs.  It doesn't matter how intelligent or educated you are if you have to lie to have a chance of getting to retirement; just ask James Watson about that.

  48. "Why don't you all buy an island somewhere and create you own country?"

    Those morons don't have enough money between them to buy a Jesus sandwich at Chunk Fill Out let alone property, and besides, islands are surrounded by tremendous amounts of water, which interferes with them riding their bicycles to their meth dealers.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Fact of the Day5:34 PM

    The white race is a disease.

  50. I wasn't happy about chant and I started speaking quickly about grabbing the "Squad's" pussies, just because, you know, you can get away with this stuff if you are a celebrity. But I did like the chant and this crowd is full of super patriots and tomorrow I can lie some more to hand my base red meat to attack and physically assault the enemy and I will pay fines. Yes I will, suckers.


    The lyin' king of America. The less than honorable Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  52. Can we go with all of the above?

  53. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Trump and his supporters are worthless pieces of shit. That much is clear.

  54. Love scratching my asshole10:21 PM

    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  55. Anonymous11:46 PM

    60 to70 percent of black women are raped before the age of 20. Some say younger.

    90 percent not reported because black women “are trained to protect the race at all costs.”

  56. Anonymous12:30 AM

    In North Carolina, during the past 18 months, more than 331 illegal aliens have been charged with 1,172 child rapes and child sexual assaults.

  57. Anonymous12:32 AM

    "OMG! How awful!! However, I see white people doing that quite often, but how dare black people think they can do that too!"

    You would think after Jussie Smollett that the media would be skeptical of racism claims when, as here, becoming a victim of racism is the best thing that could happen to someone’s career. Yet this keeps happening again and again. The demand for racism vastly exceeds the supply.

  58. Anonymous12:45 AM

    The end point of the war on white culture, starting after World War II, is that whites no longer feel their desires have merit. If whites want something, they must first find a non-white to bless it. When a black is not available, then the next move is to prove it is good for Israel or Jews. When that fails, then it is an appeal to the Holy Spreadsheet. It’s as if the tastes, the preferences and the desires of white people are so anathematized, white people are ashamed to acknowledge them.

    This is the mentality of a conquered people. This is the slave trying to convince the master to allow him a little room for himself. This is the outlook of people who no longer have a self that has aspirations, desires and a future. Instead it is the attitude of a people who see themselves at the mercy of others. That is exactly the situation of white people today. To say, “This is who we are and this is how we live, because it is the way we want it” is outside the shared reality of white people.

    Fundamentally, this is the heart of the fight. All the stuff about demographics, race realism, ethnography and so forth are window dressing. The real battle is to break the conditioning of whites, who have been trained their whole lives to see themselves as fundamentally amoral, therefore in need of external moral standards to justify their desires and their preferences. The end point of this is that time when it is natural for white people to say, “Because we live here and this is how we do things.”

  59. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Fact of the Day said...
    The white race is a disease.
    5:34 PM


  60. Funny, I'm white and I don't feel anything like that. In fact, to me it seems like whatever my other shortcomings, being white means I can pretty much do whatever I want.

    Perhaps that might be because I don't want to do a bunch of fucked up shit to people I don't know for no reason.

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. Chicago 20 July 2019 Silver Room Block Party!

  62. Chicago 5July2019:

    40,000 attend the Chosen Few House Picnic.

  63. Chicago 10July-14July 2019:

    Over a million people attend the Taste of Chicago.

  64. Chicago 2018:

    57,700,000 visitors to our fair city.

  65. Chicago 2018:

    World's busiest airport. 903,747 aircraft operations.

  66. Chicago, ranked as one of America's most cultured cities.

  67. Chicago ranked as one the best sports cities.

  68. Chicago ranked as one of the best cities for college students.

  69. Anymoose @ 12:30 AM- you are full of shit and so is yer source.


    Drumpf is and has long been a RACIST!

  71. Racist, Rascist, Rascist!

    Marcia is a Racist!

  72. Anonymous9:01 AM


  73. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Chicago ranked #1 in negroe violence

  74. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Chicago #1 in corruption and political hackery.

  75. Anonymous9:10 AM

  76. Anonymous9:13 AM

  77. Anonymous9:16 AM

  78. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Illinois #1 In Nation For Residents Leaving The State

  79. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Trump ahead of the chocolate Jesus:

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:50 AM

    Anonymous said....

    And what if the criminals are white. Do their crimes cause racism toward whites?

    "Ask the Chinese and Indians why they hate white people in the USA. I wouldn't know."

    3:11 PM
    You argue like a child without any serious intent to exchange ideas. You are a thrower of "spaghetti at the wall," hoping something will stick.

    I asked you a question that you didn't bother to answer seriously. So I'll ask it again, when the criminals are white, do their crimes cause racism toward whites?

    You know very well that the answer is no because what white people do is considered to be the norm.

  81. Rasmussen is biased towards Drumpf and their methods ensure a near unanimous right wing poll group.



  82. In June the Pentagon started deploying equipment and hundreds of troops back to a military base in Saudi Arabia — Patriot missile air-defense batteries, fighter jets, and eventually, more than 500 personnel.

    On paper, the deployment of U.S. troops to protect Saudi Arabia was one of the factors that prompted Osama bin Laden to declare war against this country. OBL wrote in 1998:

    First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim people

    from the Hill.

  83. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association website posted a picture of Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, and Pressley (now taken down), labeling them the “Jihad Squad.”

    But don’t you dare call the GOP a bunch of bigots. That’s mean and unfair.

  84. Yeah, Oakland is full of minorities and violence also, so make sure to stay as far away from it as possible...

    -Doug in Oakland

  85. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The only people more intellectually challenged than Hamaskateers Squad are the idiots on this site that support them. You all are irrefutable proof why Eugenics should have been instituted as public policy long ago. Hopefully the left will push for abortion up until the age of 70, and the Pyramid Builders of America will soon declare, along with Math and punctuation, Oxygen Racist and boycott it as well. AOC (Absolutely Obtuse Cunt) and her girls are poster kids for why White Nationalism is necessary.

  86. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Another member of Team Hate has outed himself.

    A Louisiana police officer made a threatening-sounding post on Facebook, implying AOC should be shot, after flying into an incoherent wingnut rage because he read a fake story on a parody website called (lol) Taters Gonna Tate about AOC having demanded military service people receive a pay cut.

    He will probably not face any real consequences for this because ... Louisiana.

  87. Anonymous4:20 PM

    He should get what Antifa pussies got when they beat Andy Ngo in Portland, Oregon.... Nada.

  88. Too late with eugenics dipshit. I already instituted abortion as retroactive and mandatory for stoopid fucking wingnuts. Now go beat ab Africanized Bee hive and see how long you last.

  89. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "He should get what Antifa pussies got when they beat Andy Ngo in Portland, Oregon.... Nada."

    Well, enjoy the good old days when Antifa only handed out beatings, I guess, because it looks like they are moving on to packing pistols.

    Viva la 2nd Amendment, right? Isn't that what you wingnuts are always going on about?

    ‘If others have rifles, we’ll have rifles’: why US leftist groups are taking up arms

  90. Lt. Commander Johnson4:47 PM

    You know something? I've noticed you Negros never allude to your childhood days. No mother, and especially no father. Maybe your Grandmother, at times.

    Why is that?

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:58 PM

    Anonymous said........

    "White Nationalism is necessary."

    4:03 PM
    White nationalism is never necessary. It brings only pain and death. Go peddle your evil shit some where else.

  92. Anonymous6:08 PM

    7 negroes shot during basketball game in West Philadelphia; 2 black suspects sought:

  93. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "Viva la 2nd Amendment, right? Isn't that what you wingnuts are always going on about?"

    The Second Amendment is not for promoting criminal use of firearms dipshit. ANTIFA is a left wing terror group, you know, the Brown Shirts for the Democratic Party.

  94. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy6:16 PM

    You notice something? Lt. Commander is still a fat assed dumb no-serving pussy. Why is that?

  95. Antifa has committed no domestic terrorist acts like white scumbags suckpremacysts have done. Whose the terrorists? Ain't Antifa.

  96. Lt. Commander Johnson6:40 PM

    Uh, huh. Another non-answer to my question, simply calling names and insulting.

    Typical Democratic crap.

  97. Fucking asshole Drumpfuck couldn't bother to show some humanity and pay respects to deceased Scotus Justice without sullying the office with moar cheap shots and lies about four American freshmen congresswoman who are all decent, well mannered, educated and better looking than the POS in the kremlin annex.

    Impeach this fucking waste of space on Earth before it spreads its poison any further. Drumpfuck life without the possibility of fried chicken and hamburgers.

  98. Commandeered Queenie laments like a skunk at a picnic. No one loves him because of what he is.

    I'll give you credit for your openness in wanting to railroad young Black men for crimes they didn't do. Whose Eric?

  99. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy7:26 PM

    Uh, huh. Another non-answer to my question, simply calling names and insulting.
    Uh huh, another non-answer from a fat racist. Typical Republican.

  100. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Commandeered Queenie laments like a skunk at a picnic. No one loves him because of what he is.
    What is he? I mean other than a fat, dumb, smelly redneck from Mississippi? Perfect trump supporter.

  101. Anonymous7:30 PM

    In fact, to me it seems like whatever my other shortcomings, being white means I can pretty much do whatever I want.

    Benjamin Franklin: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

    Perhaps that might be because I don't want to do a bunch of fucked up shit to people I don't know for no reason.

    Right.  You don't want to do fucked-up shit like sucker-punching a woman just having a phone conversation, like this:

    That was not the "racist USA with the original sin of slavery."  That was in Guandong, China.  The perp was obviously African.  He didn't do it because he was oppressed.  He did it because he wanted to.  And that is why Africans cannot be allowed freedom in our society.

  102. Anonymous8:00 PM

    "Another member of Team Hate has outed himself.

    A Louisiana police officer made a threatening-sounding post on Facebook, implying AOC should be shot, after flying into an incoherent wingnut rage because he read a fake story on a parody website called (lol) Taters Gonna Tate about AOC having demanded military service people receive a pay cut.

    He will probably not face any real consequences for this because ... Louisiana."

    Ha, whaddaya know -- he got canned. One less scary thug in blue to harass the public.

    Although this does mean he will now have more time on his hands to threaten AOC for doing things she didn't do, so ...

  103. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "You argue like a child without any serious intent to exchange ideas. You are a thrower of "spaghetti at the wall," hoping something will stick."


    "I asked you a question that you didn't bother to answer seriously. So I'll ask it again, when the criminals are white, do their crimes cause racism toward whites?"

    Who COULD be racist toward whites?  Not whites.  It would have to be people of OTHER races.  That's why I told you to ask the Chinese or Indians.

    Whites have CLASS hatred.  The upper class despises "deplorables" for not being so "enlightened", while isolating themselves from all the pain and misery their policies create for those without the money to get away from the non-white hordes.

    "You know very well that the answer is no because what white people do is considered to be the norm."

    Wrong.  Criminality among whites is punished by other whites.  Criminality among BLACKS is protected and defended.  That is why every other race hates Africans, whether they call them "African-Americans", "非洲人", "kaffirs" or the N-word.

    You can't get this because you're 白左.

  104. "Uh, huh. Another non-answer to my question, simply calling names and insulting."

    Just my guess but no one knows to whom your question was directed. I was born in the 70's so I have never been a "negro" so I can't answer the question.


  105. Right. You don't want to do fucked-up shit like the fucking Iraq war.

    There, I fixed it for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  106. Stoopid fucking house wingnuts are trying to force Amazon to peddle books on disgraced gay conversion therapy. Free speech ain't free if it ain't forced.

  107. Arm teachers and watch innocent kids get killed.

    Fuck wingnuts who will whine he wasn't supposed to have a gun and he didn't intentionally shoot anyone. He had two illegal weapons in that classroom and they conspired to kill themselves a child.Fuck Russia/NRA!

  108. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The child was struck by a bullet fragment that didn't even penetrate the skin.  This would not be a story in Philadelphia, Newark, Detroit, St. Louis...

    The only reason Raw Story even mentions this, instead of the multiple fatal black-on-black shootings in Chicago every week, is because they want white people disarmed and totally defenseless against tyrants and their melanin-poisoned shock troops.

  109. "The only reason Raw Story even mentions this, instead of the multiple fatal black-on-black shootings in Chicago every week, is because they want white people disarmed and totally defenseless against tyrants and their melanin-poisoned shock troops."

    I mean if you're paranoid sure but if you're a normal person you just don't want twenty hundred leven guns everywhere.
