Thursday, July 04, 2019

Not a time to celebrate.

Children are being held under inhumane conditions at our Southern border, while Mr. trump holds a rally to celebrate himself and stroke his ego with a spectacle that is disguised as something celebrating our country and honoring our military. We the people are not fooled.

Today is America's birthday, but given everything that is happening in our country I don't feel like celebrating right now.

Instead, I am posting Fredrick Douglass's words, and his feelings about the 4th of July: 

"The papers and placards say, that I am to deliver a 4th [of] July oration. This certainly sounds large, and out of the common way, for it is true that I have often had the privilege to speak in this beautiful Hall, and to address many who now honor me with their presence. But neither their familiar faces, nor the perfect gage I think I have of Corinthian Hall, seems to free me from embarrassment.

The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped, is considerable—and the difficulties to be overcome in getting from the latter to the former, are by no means slight. That I am here to-day is, to me, a matter of astonishment as well as of gratitude. You will not, therefore, be surprised, if in what I have to say. I evince no elaborate preparation, nor grace my speech with any high sounding exordium. With little experience and with less learning, I have been able to throw my thoughts hastily and imperfectly together; and trusting to your patient and generous indulgence, I will proceed to lay them before you.

This, for the purpose of this celebration, is the 4th of July. It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. This, to you, is what the Passover was to the emancipated people of God. It carries your minds back to the day, and to the act of your great deliverance; and to the signs, and to the wonders, associated with that act, and that day. This celebration also marks the beginning of another year of your national life; and reminds you that the Republic of America is now 76 years old. I am glad, fellow-citizens, that your nation is so young. Seventy-six years, though a good old age for a man, is but a mere speck in the life of a nation. Three score years and ten is the allotted time for individual men; but nations number their years by thousands. According to this fact, you are, even now, only in the beginning of your national career, still lingering in the period of childhood. I repeat, I am glad this is so. There is hope in the thought, and hope is much needed, under the dark clouds which lower above the horizon. The eye of the reformer is met with angry flashes, portending disastrous times; but his heart may well beat lighter at the thought that America is young, and that she is still in the impressible stage of her existence. May he not hope that high lessons of wisdom, of justice and of truth, will yet give direction to her destiny? Were the nation older, the patriot’s heart might be sadder, and the reformer’s brow heavier. Its future might be shrouded in gloom, and the hope of its prophets go out in sorrow. There is consolation in the thought that America is young. Great streams are not easily turned from channels, worn deep in the course of ages. They may sometimes rise in quiet and stately majesty, and inundate the land, refreshing and fertilizing the earth with their mysterious properties. They may also rise in wrath and fury, and bear away, on their angry waves, the accumulated wealth of years of toil and hardship. They, however, gradually flow back to the same old channel, and flow on as serenely as ever. But, while the river may not be turned aside, it may dry up, and leave nothing behind but the withered branch, and the unsightly rock, to howl in the abyss-sweeping wind, the sad tale of departed glory. As with rivers so with nations.

Fellow-citizens, I shall not presume to dwell at length on the associations that cluster about this day. The simple story of it is that, 76 years ago, the people of this country were British subjects. The style and title of your “sovereign people” (in which you now glory) was not then born. You were under the British Crown. Your fathers esteemed the English Government as the home government; and England as the fatherland. This home government, you know, although a considerable distance from your home, did, in the exercise of its parental prerogatives, impose upon its colonial children, such restraints, burdens and limitations, as, in its mature judgment, it deemed wise, right and proper.

But, your fathers, who had not adopted the fashionable idea of this day, of the infallibility of government, and the absolute character of its acts, presumed to differ from the home government in respect to the wisdom and the justice of some of those burdens and restraints. They went so far in their excitement as to pronounce the measures of government unjust, unreasonable, and oppressive, and altogether such as ought not to be quietly submitted to. I scarcely need say, fellow-citizens, that my opinion of those measures fully accords with that of your fathers. Such a declaration of agreement on my part would not be worth much to anybody. It would, certainly, prove nothing, as to what part I might have taken, had I lived during the great controversy of 1776. To say now that America was right, and England wrong, is exceedingly easy. Everybody can say it; the dastard, not less than the noble brave, can flippantly discant on the tyranny of England towards the American Colonies. It is fashionable to do so; but there was a time when to pronounce against England, and in favor of the cause of the colonies, tried men’s souls. They who did so were accounted in their day, plotters of mischief, agitators and rebels, dangerous men. To side with the right, against the wrong, with the weak against the strong, and with the oppressed against the oppressor! here lies the merit, and the one which, of all others, seems unfashionable in our day. The cause of liberty may be stabbed by the men who glory in the deeds of your fathers. [Source]

*Pic from


  1. I'm not really celebrating either, but the neighborhood sure is: BOOM! BOOMBOOMBOOM! BLAM! BOOM!

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Trump Flubs History In July 4th Speech

    July 4, 2019 at 11:49 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 128 Comments

    “President Trump read most of his Independence Day speech from a prepared text, but stumbled on his history at one point: He talked about airports during the American Revolution,” USA Today reports.

    Said Trump: “Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports.”

    Of course, there was no air travel in 18th Century America.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Rammed the ramparts? How do you man the air? Send up several men?

    That poor tortured mind that can barely blurt out a complete sentence. He really does hold the imagination of his followers in the palm of his hand? Somehow he gives them that red meat that they crave. I can easily imagine the thrills today of the faithful. Rain or shine. Braving the elements. The flybys. The Bradley fighting vehicles. I'm guessing the event was a huge success and yet another victory for our Mussolini wannabe. He might have had a bigger crowd if it was sunny. But the crowd looked pretty big to me. Maybe it was the angle of the camera.

    Goddess help us all. If this type of fuckery keeps up, we could lose. Never give up one inch. Never let a productive mind fall into his camp. This is the most important victory of our lifetimes.

    I know some of you were babies and little kids during WWII, but you know what I mean.

  4. O/T So I rented one of my favorite Fellini movies this week, Amarcord. All I really wanted to do was to see the voluptuous French lady who played Gradisca or S'il Vous Plait. I'm with the little boys spanking their puppets in the old car in the garage. Any ordinance shot whilst thinking of her would be a definite shot on goal.

    But I also very much wished to see the brief scene wherein Benito Mussolini and his cohorts visit the town where the young Federico Fellini lived with his odd family. The town had a gate to the main street and plaza. Gradisca could barely contain her excitement as she waited with the crowd and saw her first glimpse of Il Duce, So his entourage parked all of their cars and trucks and held a rally on foot. Mussolini jogs in like a mad drill sergeant surrounded by soldiers and comrades, some female, running at a good pace through the town square. Gradisca is almost crying with joy as she exclaims that she wants to touch him. After jogging about two city blocks, Mussolini surrounded by his comrades partially ascends a staircase and addresses the crowd, some BS about the glory of ancient Rome.

    However, Federico's dad, has placed his Victrola high in the tower of the square and manages to wind it up and leave it playing a song of the resistance. Later he is picked up by the Fascists and humiliated before being sent home.

    I imagine that it is not uncommon for the Trumpie women to sexualize Trump in much the same way. Frightening shit. Mussolini had this trademark move where he sort of hopped up and down on his toes raising his heels. Trump should learn that.

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    You know Latinos absolutely despise you monkeys, right?

  6. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Did he say anything about the 57 states?

  7. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Doug has had his ramparts rammed. And he still gets them rammed every chance he gets.

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson6:38 AM

    So. I watched the whole thing. Trump did make a mistake about airports. It happens. That's the ONLY thing you can criticize him for?

    I thought he was patriotic, and can't remember him politicizing anything.

    You folks are sad.

  9. Lt. Commander Johnson6:45 AM

    BTW, he also gave a great shout-out to Frederick Douglas, calling him a Great American.

  10. Ramming the ramparts is stoopid fucking wingnut speak for gay sex with gay goats.

  11. Suppose Drumpfuck is clear on whether Douglas is still deceased? Dies he want to see his death certificate?

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    3 stabbed, 14 trampled at Navy Pier after Fourth of July fireworks
    “Just chaos. Chaos. That’s all it was,” one woman who was caught in the stampede said.
    By David Struett and Nader Issa Jul 4, 2019, 10:29pm CDT

  13. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Chicago July 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 7
    Shot & Wounded: 51
    Total Shot: 58
    Total Homicides: 8

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Rural white America July 2019 to date:

    OD's: 35,000
    Babies sold for meth: 40,000
    Showers taken: 3
    High school diplomas: 2
    Teeth: 7

  15. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy12:13 PM

    I thought he was patriotic, and can't remember him politicizing anything.
    And seriously, who gives a fuck what a dumb smelly fake no serving pussy thinks?

  16. Anonymous12:22 PM

    BTW, he also gave a great shout-out to Frederick Douglas, calling him a Great American.
    Does he want a gold star and a cookie for remembering the one negro he ever mentions? Did he figure out who he is yet? trump is almost as dumb as Lt. Commander no serving pussy. No serving pussies do tend to flock together. Best president ever huh Pussy?

  17. Anonymous12:28 PM

    “Does he want a gold star and a cookie for remembering the one negro he ever mentions? Did he figure out who he is yet?”

    More to the point, did he figure out Frederick Douglass is dead yet?

  18. Just discovered this blog, quoted on Daily Kos.

    A superhero called "Shower Cap." He covered Trump's 4th festivities.

    Fucking hilarious.

  19. calling him a Great American.

    We all know someone wrote that for Drumpf because Drumpf has no idea what Douglas was about or his importance in our history.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:54 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    So. I watched the whole thing. Trump did make a mistake about airports. It happens. That's the ONLY thing you can criticize him for?
    Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that the leader of the "Free World" doesn't know there were no air planes during the Revolutionary War? Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that even if he did know, his incompetent staff who wrote the speech didn't know? Didn't anyone proof read the speech? I guess not. Instead they allowed the president to go out and make a fool of himself once again for the whole world to see and laugh at.

  21. Here's yer patriotic Drumpfuck, Commandeered Queenie, At one point during his Thursday speech at the Lincoln Memorial, the fortunate son who got five deferments during the Vietnam War (including the famous, and likely fake, "bone spurs" medical excuse) actually exhorted young people to join the military "and make a great statement in life — and you should do it.” None of his kids ever joined the military either, of course. It was recently reported that Trump's child support agreement for his daughter Tiffany stipulated that he would withhold all money if she joined the military.

    from article at Salon.


    This is disturbing as hell, but typical America under Drumpfuck. One of Drumpf's lawyers was on the defense team and Drumpf is taking credit for saving this rat bastards reputation and life. Fucking unbelievable.

  23. Anonymous1:24 PM

    “This is disturbing as hell, but typical America under Drumpfuck. One of Drumpf's lawyers was on the defense team and Drumpf is taking credit for saving this rat bastards reputation and life. Fucking unbelievable.”

    Maybe Trump should take credit for getting him off. Trump did publicly weigh in on the officer’s innocence before/during the trial, which might have have improperly influenced the jury.

    Of course, there’s also the inherent bias that any country’s military have toward value their own service member over the rights of an enemy combatant. And general American bigotry toward Arabs and Muslims.

    Basically, there’s a whole lot of reasons for the jury not to have given a shit that a Navy SEAL extrajudicially executed a member of ISIS.

  24. "Of course, there was no air travel in 18th Century America."

    He claims the teleprompter went out. Is he really that dumb?

  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    “He claims the teleprompter went out. Is he really that dumb?”

    So many questions about this speech.

    Did Trump himself write it, unlike most of his formal speeches? If so, maybe that explains why it was so bad.

    If someone else wrote it, then maybe he forgot his reading glasses, couldn’t properly see the teleprompter, and filled in the blanks with incomprehensible nonsense. Or possibly he was having an attack of dementia or a mini-stroke on stage.

    Whatever happened, industrial quantities of gibberish came out of that man’s mouth. One of the all-time worst oratorical performances of a US president, for sure. I can only imagine the “WTF?” looks on the faces of the folks who saw it in person.

  26. "You know Latinos absolutely despise you monkeys, right?"

    Really? To whom are you referring?

  27. Perhaps he actually said "rammed the ram parts" and was only celebrating the buggering of sheep as a distraction from his sadness at not being allowed to fuck his own daughter.
    That we know of.

    "Listen my son and you shall hear
    of the red-eye flight of Paul Revere"

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Rural white America July 2019 to date:

    OD's: 35,000
    Babies sold for meth: 40,000
    Showers taken: 3
    High school diplomas: 2
    Teeth: 7
    12:11 PM



    Drumpfuck claims he has cleaned up Obama's messes in China and North Korea. What a delusional, disconnected dumbfucker this pathological liar is.

  30. Bishop Dr. John8:17 PM


    Giggles like a little bitch. Now go back on the corner and finish getting my money!

  31. Time to celebrate. Who knew Shep Smith from Fake Noize was gay? Not me, until tonight. No wonder he s one of the very few talking heads at Fake Noize that does not make shit up.

  32. Anonymous9:17 PM

    The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government - T. Jefferson

  33. Lance Cockstrong9:44 PM

    It’s unfortunate that our nations birth has been ruined by micro dick retards like Butt Trumpet.

  34. Yisheng = nigger cunt9:58 PM

    Trump supporters probably don’t even know what year America gained independence. They probably don’t even know who our first President was, or who we gained independence from.

  35. Of course blacks don’t care about 4th of July. You people are an ungrateful race, only content when your massive egos are being stroked. In fact, your egos are as big as your brains are small.

  36. Fuck Nebraska11:11 PM

    What Trump has done to this country is the epitome of “un-American.”

  37. Anonymous11:15 PM

    “Time to celebrate. Who knew Shep Smith from Fake Noize was gay?”

    He’s been out of the closet for a few years, at least.

    Since Smith isn’t a professional liar like virtually all of his coworkers, he must go home every night and cry into his pillow, wracked with guilt over working at the bullshit factory and taking Fox’s filthy money.

  38. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Will you people leave eight year old girls alone? So typical yet so sad.

  39. Dave Zirin = faggot kike7:10 AM

    The vast majority of Trump supporters get off on seeing black and brown children in cages and being treated like shit.

  40. Celebrate stoopid fucking micro-dicked wingnuts like Steve King....

    What a fucking mow rawn King is.

  41. Anonymous8:36 AM

    “The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government - T. Jefferson”

    Jefferson never said this. Or at least not the second half of the sentence about protecting oneself against “tyranny.”

    Wingnut bullshit is endless.

  42. Anonymous9:24 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:37 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:24 AM
    Trump in prison 2020

  44. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Problems easily solved, stay the fuck home and quit trying to invade the U.S.A. The African in America disaster is enough, no need to exacerbate the costs of the Negro plague by importing more dullards by the millions. If Blacks and Browns the world over had anything to offer America, their home countries would be enviable utopias. Their countries are shitholes and failures because they reflect the people who inhabit them. Logic as usual escapes the minds of Leftist demons.

  45. He’s been out of the closet for a few years, at least.

    Shows you how much time I waste on Fake Noize. I checked local airports for any signs of blue coats and they apparently went home, the cowards. Real army men would have died and mummified before deserting their hard won airports all them centuries ago.

    And, yes, Drumpfuck ereally is that mind boggling fucking stoopid and his followers are worse.

  46. Yisheng = nigger cunt12:37 PM

    Three descriptions of Trump supporters:

    -Dregs of society
    -Lower than pond scum
    -Too stupid to understand they have been played this whole time

  47. The Fixer12:41 PM

    Of course conservative white males care about 4th of July. You people are an ungrateful race, only content when your massive egos are being stroked. In fact, your egos are as big as your brains are small.


  48. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that the leader of the "Free World" doesn't know there were no air planes during the Revolutionary War?
    Of course not, you're talking about a guy from the fattest and dumbest state and thinks it's cool to pretend to be a military officer. He's been dreaming about a fat dumb draft dodger as president for years. You know, as long as it's not a darkie he's cool.

  49. Love scratching my asshole4:27 PM

    The dumbed-down, lowest common denominator mentality that has permeated throughout this country since Trump’s election is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  50. So Fergus is shutting down the scientific research arm of the USDA and firing all of the scientists in two weeks, apparently because he has, like, a really good brain.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Anonymous5:21 PM

    “So Fergus is shutting down the scientific research arm of the USDA and firing all of the scientists in two weeks, apparently because he has, like, a really good brain.”

    Trump knows that everyone should eat overcooked steaks with ketchup on them, and wash them down with lots of Diet Coke. But forget about vegetables, because those are gross.

    And nobody should ever exercise, because that’s bad for you.

    And vaccines cause autism, so make sure not to get any shots.

    See, what do we need those smug, tedious PhDs for, with all their silly knowledge and stuff? Follow Trump’s health and lifestyle tips and you’ll live to be at least 23!

    P.S. Global warming isn’t real, according to our president, so fire the EPA, too.


    Someone in Slovenia is a twisted mothereffer or brilliant sculptor. Captured the true essence of Melanoma for posterity.

  53. "So Fergus is shutting down the scientific research arm of the USDA and firing all of the scientists in two weeks, apparently because he has, like, a really good brain."

    Rachel Maddow is follwing this story, they were given a choice either move immediately to Kansas City or resign. Typical Republican war on science but trump of course is taking it to a whole new level.

  54. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!


  56. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "So Fergus is shutting down the scientific research arm of the USDA and firing all of the scientists in two weeks, apparently because he has, like, a really good brain."

    Rachel Maddow is follwing this story, they were given a choice either move immediately to Kansas City or resign. Typical Republican war on science but trump of course is taking it to a whole new level.

    So Trump is NOT shutting down the scientific research arm of the USDA.  He's moving it to where (a) most of the action actually is, and (b) office space and cost of living are cheaper.

    If cost of living is cheaper, the personnel will have a higher standard of living on the same salary.  This is a BENEFIT to them.  But of course, such nuances are lost on NPCs.

  57. There are no facilities in KC for them to work in and the estimated cost of the move to the taxpayers was $138 million.

    The move has to happen in two weeks, so yes, without anywhere to work, the whole program will be shut down until such time as they build facilities for them to work in and hire scientists to replace the ones who couldn't move their families from the DC area to KC in one month.

    If you believe they will actually do either of those, you probably also believe that tax cuts pay for themselves.

    He's shutting it down because their results don't look good to his backward looking campaign for reelection.

    Also, the bigots and imbeciles in his base love it when he "sticks it to the elites", and somehow also love it when he hands the elites a trillion and a half dollars in tax breaks.

    His base is kinda dumb, and so the rest of us get hosed as he tries to make them like him, and somehow they both just love the whole ugly mess.

    Did I mention that they suck? Because that sounds just like something I'd mention.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  59. Remember when Fergus said he was "bringing back beautiful, clean, coal"?

    "Nearly 2,000 miners across four states may lose their jobs after yet another major coal company filed for bankruptcy this week – the third since May and fourth since last October.

    The bankruptcy filing from Revelation Energy LLC and its affiliate Blackjewel LLC, the nation's sixth-top coal producing company in 2017, comes amid President Donald Trump's ongoing efforts to boost the flagging industry."

    Coal is dying. It can't and shouldn't be "saved" or "brought back" and Fergus never planned on doing either. It was just a lie, like everything else he says.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. Kill white men, fuck white women2:02 AM

    Truer words have never been spoken.


    Now that Drumpfuck's longtime friend has been arrested for child trafficking it is only appropriate to remember what Drumpfuck had to say about Epstein.

  62. "So Trump is NOT shutting down the scientific research arm of the USDA. He's moving it to where (a) most of the action actually is, and (b) office space and cost of living are cheaper."

    Nah, they made the decision quickly and gave the scientists only weeks to decide if they would move or not. They haven't even secured any office space as of yet. Read the story and you'll see this is a blatant attempt to undermine the agency. Nuance is not lost on those who pay attention to detail.


  63. "Now that Drumpfuck's longtime friend has been arrested for child trafficking"

    Wait, I thought it was all the Dems who were under secret subpoenas and would be frog marched out of congress not friends of the president. WTH is going on?๐Ÿ˜‚

  64. This belongs in the all obvious understatement of the year hall of fame, right up with, ""Okay Challenger, Go with throttle up. KABLOOEY, Obviously a major malfunction. (No shit, Sherlock)

    He was calling the gas company when the mall exploded, ‘but by then it was too late’

  65. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Kill white men, fuck white women said...
    Truer words have never been spoken.
    2:02 AM


  66. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Trump in prison 2020
    9:37 AM

    Sure,thats why he won last time and that's why he is going to win in 2020!!

  67. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Sure,thats why he won last time and that's why he is going to win in 2020!!
    Doesn't matter cause the Dems are gonna win the Senate and keep the House and his bitch ass is gonna quit. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:29 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trump in prison 2020
    9:37 AM

    Sure,thats why he won last time and that's why he is going to win in 2020!!

    4:43 PM
    Trump didn't win in 2016 and he won't win in 2020. The Dems are going to take the senate. Your side has shown that they do not know how to govern.

  69. "Your side has shown that they do not know how to govern."

    But when has that ever stopped people from voting for them? Another Dem will come in and clean up the mess and then they'll go and elect another clown.๐Ÿ˜–

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:41 AM

    PilotX said....

    But when has that ever stopped people from voting for them? Another Dem will come in and clean up the mess and then they'll go and elect another clown.๐Ÿ˜–

    11:02 PM
    You're right. I keep forgetting about that. Roosevelt, Clinton, and Obama were all "cleaner uppers".

  71. "You're right. I keep forgetting about that. Roosevelt, Clinton, and Obama were all "cleaner uppers".

    Yup, and after the adults clean up the mess and put us on a sustainable path the next clown screws it up. America is kind of a dumb country.

  72. Oh dear god,this fool seriously wants to kill us all. Just because Barack did it.๐Ÿ˜ก

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:21 AM

    PilotX said......

    "Yup, and after the adults clean up the mess and put us on a sustainable path the next clown screws it up. America is kind of a dumb country."

    9:49 AM
    That's the understatement of the century. If they weren't so dumb, they would not continue to vote against their own self interest.

  74. Here's another of Drumpf's "I only pick the best people" failures.

    Lots of people say Drumpfuck has the lowest IQ of any creature with a hard skeleton. It is in the negative range.

  75. Fucking magats never quit.

  76. Anonymous2:13 PM

    If they weren't so dumb, they would not continue to vote against their own self interest.

    An apologist for the murder capital of the USA has no business lecturing anyone else on "self-interest".

    You claim to be a superior judge of what other people's self-interest is than they themselves are.  Of course, you abhor the historical situation when whites judged what was good for blacks instead of letting blacks choose for themselves (making you either a hypocrite or a black supremacist), but the results of white legal and cultural hegemony were objectively better than today's urban war-zones which are the fruit of "black self-determination".


    Drumpf violated the nuke deal with Iran and so Iran is no longer legally held to that agreement. Drumpf is solely to blame if Iran gets nukes and he cannot blame anyone but his own fucking stoopidity and that of his enablersa.

  78. "but the results of white legal and cultural hegemony were objectively better than today's urban war-zones which are the fruit of "black self-determination".

    Better for whom? Definitely not better for me.

  79. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Better for whom? Definitely not better for me.

    Let us know if you still think that after you are the one who catches a stray bullet in Bronzeville.  After all, you in the "talented tenth" did quite well for yourselves before "civil rights", and you benefitted from the suppression of the criminal hordes even more than the whites who simply kept them out.  Now you have aldermen who are openly members of criminal gangs.  You call that progress?

  80. "Let us know if you still think that after you are the one who catches a stray bullet in Bronzeville."

    Yup, still will be because I have medical insurance because now I am able to work anywhere I want without restrictions. The progress that has been made in this country is amazing. We still have a ways to go but to tie an entire group of people's progress to a small number of knuckleheads is dumb. I can catch a stray at a country music comcert in Vegas or in a church in Charleston so no need in restricting paranoia to one apecific area. Well I gotta go because I have to go play tennis at a brand new facility owned by a blah man. Now THAT'S progress no matter what you may think.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:45 AM

    Anonymous said.....
    ...."but the results of white legal and cultural hegemony were objectively better than today's urban war-zones which are the fruit of "black self-determination".
    You are a little short on facts. The murder rate in 1933 was 9.7 per capita. In 2017 it was 5.3. And I do think that Blacks now have somewhat more "self-determination" than they had in 1933. All you need to do is Google a few references and you will see that your opinions are not based in reality.
    In general, crime and murder rates have been dropping in the US for decades, following big crime and murder increases in the 1960s through the 1990s. The rises in 2015 and 2016 led some criminal justice experts to worry that the decades-long trends may be reversing. But the 2017 numbers, at least, suggest the recent increases have stopped.

    We don’t have the FBI’s official numbers for 2018 yet. But preliminary data from the Brennan Center for Justice, an advocacy group, projected that crime and murder rates have dropped in the 30 largest cities in the US. ....

  82. Anonymous2:08 PM

    You are a little short on facts. The murder rate in 1933 was 9.7 per capita. In 2017 it was 5.3.

    The US murder rate soared after "civil rights", jumping from 4.6 in 1963 to 9.4 ten years later; in 1980, it was 10.2.  Robbery rose SIX TIMES between 1960 and 1988.  "Civil rights" now means "crime is an entitlement".

    And I do think that Blacks now have somewhat more "self-determination" than they had in 1933.

    Chicago's per-capita murder rate in 2015 was 17.52.  Philly, 17.86.  Kansas City KS, 18.62.  Hotlanta, 20.23.  Memphrica, 20.52.  KCMO, 23.03.  DC, 24.1.  Baton Rouge, 26.23.  Jackson MS, 31.08.  Birmingham AL, 37.21.  New Orleans, 41.68.  Detroit, 43.82.  Baltimore, 55.37.  St. Louis, 59.29!

    This self-determination is used in killing each other.  I wouldn't object so long as I could just be left out of it.

  83. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "I wouldn't object so long as I could just be left out of it."

    And how are you involved? Also not many share your opinon. Ask any blah person over the age of 70 and see if things are better now or 50+ years ago. The only people who share your opinion are people under 30. Thanks for sharing though.


  84. Anonymous11:32 PM

    And how are you involved?

    Not being able to even visit the neighborhoods where my parents grew up because of murderous negroes.  But if I try to make my area a no-go zone for them, I will go to prison.

    Also not many share your opinon.

    Funny, those same people who "disagree" do their best to stay away from black criminality and keep their children away from blacks in schools.

    Ask any blah person over the age of 70 and see if things are better now or 50+ years ago.

    Why should IGAF what any black thinks?  They are the problem.  That includes you.

    The only people who share your opinion are people under 30.

    So I am decades ahead of the clueless normies.  Good to know.

  85. "Not being able to even visit the neighborhoods where my parents grew up because of murderous negroes."

    Bullshit, go visit you'll be fine. Don't be so scary.๐Ÿ˜‚

    "Funny, those same people who "disagree" do their best to stay away from black criminality and keep their children away from blacks in schools."

    Yes, there are certainly racists floating around. You certainly are exhibit A.

  86. "Why should IGAF what any black thinks? They are the problem. That includes you."

    The feeling is certainly mutual.

    I see you use terms such as "normies", you must be one of those incel type dudes.๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    You are a little short on facts. The murder rate in 1933 was 9.7 per capita. In 2017 it was 5.3.

    The US murder rate soared after "civil rights", jumping from 4.6 in 1963 to 9.4 ten years later; in 1980, it was 10.2. Robbery rose SIX TIMES between 1960 and 1988. "Civil rights" now means "crime is an entitlement".
    Correlation does not equal causation. You have made the typical error in thinking that one thing is caused by another symply because they occurred in sequence.

  88. "You have made the typical error in thinking"

    His type doesn't do much thinking.๐Ÿ˜‚

  89. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Correlation does not equal causation.

    It's funny that you have seen claims that poverty, or racism, or whatever causes black crime over and over, but NOW you object that it's not causative.

    You have made the typical error in thinking that one thing is caused by another symply because they occurred in sequence.

    Lemme tell ya, Granny Mudshark:  when you can use an event to predict subsequent events, over and over again, there is most definitely a cause-effect relationship.  Rising crime, falling property values, and "failing" schools follow blacks like night follows day.  Murder follows Section 8 housing.  All not just predictable, but predictED and proven true.

    I've got a proposal for you:  let's try resegregation in a few states and see if that fixes the social problems.  If it doesn't, you get to declare victory... but if it does, the "racists" were right all along and get to clean up the problem THEIR way.

    Don't worry, PilotX.  We'll let you keep Bronzeville.  However, I predict that you'll quickly be complaining that it's not a good place anymore.

  90. "Don't worry, PilotX. We'll let you keep Bronzeville. However, I predict that you'll quickly be complaining that it's not a good place anymore."

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Son, you don't have the power to LET me do anything. Secondly, have you seen the median price of houses in Bronzeville? I bet they're much higher than the area in which you live. Now go back to having women ignore you and your silly conspiracy theories.


  91. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Secondly, have you seen the median price of houses in Bronzeville? I bet they're much higher than the area in which you live.

    I see 4058 S. King Dr. for $499,500 asked on Zillow.  I didn't see a condo over $400k.

    I could sell my current place, buy that and have a few hundred grand left over, and I have the smallest, cheapest house in the neighborhood.

    Son, you don't have the power to LET me do anything.

    When the flag goes up, someone might decide not to pull the trigger and LET you keep breathing.  But I suspect the sentiment will be "caedite eos".  Nobody's going to care if you were "a good one".

  92. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "I could sell my current place, buy that and have a few hundred grand left over, and I have the smallest, cheapest house in the neighborhood."

    Of course you live in a mansion. I'll bet you have a PhD in nuclear physics too.

    "When the flag goes up, someone might decide not to pull the trigger and LET you keep breathing. But I suspect the sentiment will be "caedite eos". Nobody's going to care if you were "a good one"."

    Sure kid, says the guy too cowardly to even include a screen name on a blog. Yawn. Still waiting for this flag to go up, your type has been promising this for decades now. I guess your little race war is like the dumb racist redneck version of waiting for Jesus.


  93. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "I see 4058 S. King Dr. for $499,500 asked on Zillow. I didn't see a condo over $400k."

    You might want to look a bit harder, there are several new properties worth well north of that.


  94. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Of course you live in a mansion.

    At least two of the houses on my street could be described as mansions (especially the one that was built after tearing down the previous structure on the lot), but mine?  Hardly.

    Hint:  Location, location, location.

    I'll bet you have a PhD in nuclear physics too.

    You're batting 0 for 2.  Typical for the status-focus of Africans.

    Sure kid, says the guy too cowardly to even include a screen name on a blog.

    Let's see if you're still this confident when I-90 and all the other routes between Bronzeville and ORD have multiple checkpoints on them due to people fed up with black criminals, and trying to go to work means risking someone blowing your head off multiple times on each trip.

    Face it:  when the flag goes up, you choose between your job and your home.

    there are several new properties worth well north of that.

    You asked about the median, motherfucker.  I saw plenty under $200k.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.


  96. "You asked about the median, motherfucker"

    But yet your dumbass brings up the fact the highest you found was $490,000 so I responded in kind.

    "trying to go to work means risking someone blowing your head off multiple times on each trip."

    Yawn. Oh the fantasies of the simpleminded. Let me know when that flag goes up.

    My comment about the PhD was sarcastic because we know your type rarely has better than a high school diploma. If being amuses by the fact that those who somehow feel superior to others are largely uneducated then color me status-conscious. Maybe if you spent as much time educating yourself as writing race war fantasies ona blog you would have a PhD.

    PS, use a screen name so it'll be easier to communicate.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ
