Saturday, September 21, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for trump money out back pocket images

I need a caption for this pic. 

Example: Who needs a wallet? 


  1. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Black Suspect arrested in shootings of Chicago police officer, woman
    Michael Blackman, 45, had been considered armed and dangerous, police said.

  2. How'd your tie get yellow Donald? DONALD! I asked you a question!

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous3:01 AM

    “Michael Blackman, 45, had been considered armed and dangerous, police said.”

    I’m betting our troll had a racism-gasm when he discovered that a police shooter in Chicago was a black man named “Blackman.”

    That’s, like, triple Nazi points!

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM


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  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Police search for a black suspect after 6 people are shot in downtown Indianapolis:

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    President Trump gets back on Air Force 1 after winning 2020 elections.

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    “Michael Blackman, 45, had been considered armed and dangerous, police said.”

    I’m betting our troll had a racism-gasm when he discovered that a police shooter in Chicago was a black man named “Blackman.”

    That’s, like, triple Nazi points!
    3:01 AM

    You mean the career nigger felon who shot a black women and later shot a Chicago Police Officer??

  7. Drumpf is sporting an poached tiger tail believing it will bring bigly virility to his micro-dick. In typical drumpf fashion he implicated his stoopid older sons as the poachers of said dead tiger. And then blames HRC when the lads get arrested, extraordinarily rendered to Pakistan and fed piecemeal to other tigers,

    Drumpf then erroneously claim with the two dumb fucking kids out of the way he can keep moar of their inheritance.

  8. Is that a dollar in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

  9. So what if Fergus promised something illegal to a foreign leader, he never keeps the promises he makes so it's just one more of the 12K+ lies he's told since becoming president.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous3:30 PM

    “President Trump boards an Air Force One flight to Ukraine with a specially minted 250-million-dollar bill in his pocket.”

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    You mean the career nigger felon who shot a black women and later shot a Chicago Police Officer??
    Nah, the bowl haircut asshole just like you who will be the next mass shooter killing a classroom full of kids.

  12. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Damn it, I'm gonna 'make it rain on some whore'. I need cash!

  13. Ivanka and Melanoma were discussing the Donald when Melanoma says your Dad could use some Head and Shoulders. Ivanka asked, "How do I give my Dad shoulders?"

  14. Two oldest drumpfuck boys decided to bring a sheep to hunting camp for fun and games after the fire burns low at night.

    They go hunting next day and return late exhausted and looking forward to some sheep fucking that evening when the cook announced they were having lamb chops for supper.

    Drumpfuck bros gave the cook pained expressions like they were about to burst into tears. The cook says, "Whassamater boys, did I screw up the cooking?"


  16. rumpfuck is running scared......

  17. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Another GOP party apparatus, this time for the state of Alaska, has dumped their primary and is automatically going to put Trump on the ballot, for fear that if he actually had to run for office against opposing Republican candidates, he just might lose.

    This is surreal. Republicans are trashing democracy without a moment's hesitation. I've found them repulsive for a long time, but the rottenness is even more pervasive than I had realized. They don't even have respect for their own internal party democracy.

  18. How I got Melania.

  19. Moar precedence ignoring from stoopid fucking wingnuts. Laws do not apply to stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    The most corrupt law breaking government the world has ever known and it all belongs to wingnuts.

  20. Bloviating Ignoramus9:10 PM

    Now it's the sun's fault that you look orange Butt Trumpet?

  21. From Twitter:

    ‏ @stonecold2050

    Trump visited the US border this week & said rock climbers tested his wall & agreed it cannot be climbed. But Mexicans have turned Trump's wall into a tourist attraction & are playing a game to see who can climb it the fastest, no ladders or ropes needed. The record is 45 seconds

    MAGA= Mexicans always get across.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Good one, Doug Mexicans Always Get Across.

  23. Anonymous8:23 AM

    That's a funny Doug, but the border crossers are from all over the world. Makes a curious person wonder how did people from all over the world get to Mexico to cross the US border? But you aren't curious and in addition a very "low IQ" person.

  24. Anonymous10:17 AM

    “ That's a funny Doug, but the border crossers are from all over the world. Makes a curious person wonder how did people from all over the world get to Mexico to cross the US border?”

    Excellent observation. Except for it being, you know, a lie.

    Migrants crossing the southern border are overwhelmingly from Latin America, not from “all over the world.” How did they get to Mexico? They took a bus.

  25. Anonymous10:25 AM

    5 killed, 21 wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago

    By Sun-Times Wire Sep 23, 2019, 6:26am CDT

    Five people were killed and 21 others were wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago.
    Police investigate the scene where a man was shot multiple times, in the 11700 block of South Eggleston Avenue, Sept. 21, 2019, in West Pullman. Justin Jackson/Sun-Times
    At least 26 people were shot — five of them fatally — in citywide black violence over the weekend.

  26. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Nah, the bowl haircut asshole just like you who will be the next mass shooter killing a classroom full of kids.
    3:43 PM

    Don't give up the day job to become a profiler....or do you sponge off the public dole???

  27. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "So what if Fergus promised something illegal to a foreign leader?"

    He didn't.

    The Democrat media's attempt to turn a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal will blow up in their faces.

  28. Michael10:39 AM

    The media has no awareness that their credibility to scream "SCANDAL" and "IMPEACHMENT" has been completely obliterated by the years-long Russia farce, for which there has been zero accountability. They just pretend like nothing happened

  29. Anonymous10:50 AM

    OBAMA: On all these issues…it’s important for [Putin] to give me space.

    MEDVEDEV: I understand your message about space. Space for you…

    O: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

    M: I will transmit this information to Vladimir & I stand with you

  30. Anonymous10:55 AM

    HELLO! WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI WORLD RICHES. Are you a business Man, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati brotherhood, and receive a monthly salary of $500,000USD. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great Illuminati Brotherhood then message us on WhatsApp: +1 737-529-9282

  31. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Hey anon @10:27 here's another white bowl haircut having asshole who shock of shocks wants to committ violent acts and kill lots of people. Nothing to see here huh? Wanna bet he was gonna kill kids? You white guys seem to hate kids for some weird reason.

  32. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The Democrat media's attempt to turn a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal will blow up in their faces.
    Sure Vlad, trump has been real tough on Russia huh? Give me a fucking break.

  33. Anonymous3:06 PM

    or do you sponge off the public dole???
    Nah, I'm not a redneck on "disability".

  34. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Wanna bet this asshole has a bowl cut and crazy eyes. Watch your kids, crazy white guys wants to kill lots of folks.

  35. O: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility

    What exactly was Obama talking about? Or didn't fake noise tell you what to say Obama meant?



    Night before cop Amber Guyger's triasl for murdering Black neighbor gets under way, the lead prosecutor, despite a strict gag order not to discuss case, gave interview discussing case. Needless to say the Black female judge was not pleased.

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Police: Ex-NBA player, BIG3 star Andre Emmett shot and killed in Dallas

  39. Pathological liar Drumpfuck admits he made call to Ukraine's Prez and sought info on Biden after calling everyone under the sun a liar.

  40. "What exactly was Obama talking about? Or didn't fake noise tell you what to say Obama meant?"

    You mean critically analyze something? Good luck getting a conservative to do that. Oh and by the way global warming is fake😂

  41. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "What exactly was Obama talking about? Or didn't fake noise tell you what to say Obama meant?"

    He was talking about selling out America's national security to Putin:

    President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

    President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

    President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

    President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

    Critically analyze that you ignoramus.

  42. Fake News Update5:22 PM

    Here's a "new revelation" in this article: the whistleblower complaint is based on hearsay. From the article: "The whistleblower didn't have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN."

  43. Dude, Fergus admitted he said it. Are you saying he lied?

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. I saw nothing that tells me Obama sacrificed, endangered or harmed our national security vis a vis Russia and Putin, until Drumopfuck got Putie's blessing to serve as mini-micro-dicked czar.

  45. So now it turns out that there's an extra $140 million in the Ukraine package. I wonder what's up with that?

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "So what if Fergus promised something illegal to a foreign leader?"

    He didn't.

    The Democrat media's attempt to turn a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal will blow up in their faces.

    10:29 AM
    Oops, today Trump admitted that he did. Looks like your prediction was pretty "all wet." Want to try another one that isn't so stupid?

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:41 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said.....

    "OBAMA: On all these issues…it’s important for [Putin] to give me space.

    MEDVEDEV: I understand your message about space. Space for you…

    O: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

    M: I will transmit this information to Vladimir & I stand with you"
    This came from a site called Trump's War Room. Without context and a credible source, it's just more trump lies. Add it to the 12,000+ that he has already told.

  48. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "Oops, today Trump admitted that he did."

    No Granny, he admitted he would accept Ukraine's assistance in investigating the corruption of the Biden family.

    The actual scandal is the corruption of the Biden family.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:45 PM

    Hey JAMES ANDERSON, please go spam somewhere else. As Trevor would say, "We ain't got time for this."

  50. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Without context and a credible source"

    Do you live in a cave?

    The actual video was broadcast on every news network and is available on the internet, where there are over 350,000 page hits.

  51. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Shit, I heard someone brought up "TREASON", got to get out of town. (Try prison, Bitch; your ass is so big and ready to get di$ked.) Death is too easy for your fat ass, although you should be shot, along with the other bit$hes in the 'so called "Justice Department"!

  52. Just like every other fever dream of stoopid fucking wingnuts, there is no Biden scandal. There never was a Biden scandal and there will never be any actionable charges leveled against Biden because there is not now and never was any scandal to investigate.

    Let's say, for the hell of it, there was a scandal, stoopid fucking wingnuts are too fucking stoopid to find it, see it for what it is and prosecute it simply becAuse they are stoopid fucking moron wingnuts.


  53. Anymoose @ 6:42
    The actual scandal is the corruption of the Biden family.

    Completely false narrative, moose shit for brains. Non of your slop is true about Biden or family. Read some real proven facts, not bullshit from fake noize.

  54. Did Joe Biden act improperly to shield Burisma for his son?

    Biden was hardly alone in calling for Shokin’s ouster. Western leaders and institutions were largely united in seeking Shokin’s removal, arguing that he was not pursuing corruption cases aggressively.

    For instance, in early 2016, International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde said that "it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue" unless corruption prosecutions accelerate.

    Steven Pifer is a career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton and deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs under President George W. Bush. Pifer told PolitiFact that "virtually everyone" he knew in the U.S. government and virtually all non-governmental experts on Ukraine "felt that Shokin was not doing his job and should be fired. As far as I can recall, they all concurred with the vice president telling Poroshenko that the U.S. government would not extend the $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine until Shokin was removed from office."

    If anything, Biden may have put his son in legal jeopardy by pushing to remove a prosecutor who refused to preosecute corruption.

    Like I keep telling stoopid fucking wingnuts, yer flogging a dead imaginary horse here, again. Biden isn't near as fucking stoopid as Drumopfuck and his criminal enterprise. Get over Biden.


    Drump0f blurted out he wanted Ukraine to smear Biden and he used the threat of withholding military funds to do it.

  56. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Plugs Biden and his cretinous son belong in jail.

  57. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Much like Colonel Jessup in A Few Good Men,You don't have to push Trump very far for him to admit that he did, in fact, do whatever shitty, unethical, illegal thing he is accused of doing. And he'd do it again! It was totally justified, because reasons!

    He wants to admit that he did the bad thing, because he thinks that he can get away with it, and getting away with it proves he really is the Very Important Guy he wants to be. Constantly flaunting his awfulness and not facing any consequences for it is like a narcotic for a malignant narcissist like Trump, who feels tiny and weak if he's not always proving to himself how much more powerful than others he is. Since literally nobody actually likes or respects him, succeeding at being a lawless bully and a thug is the best he can do to boost his fragile sense of self-worth.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:57 PM

    Anonymous said.......

    "Since literally nobody actually likes or respects him, succeeding at being a lawless bully and a thug is the best he can do to boost his fragile sense of self-worth".

    9:00 PM

    Trump doesn't understand that in order to be liked and admired, he needs to play nice instead of always being an asshole.

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Oops, today Trump admitted that he did."

    No Granny, he admitted he would accept Ukraine's assistance in investigating the corruption of the Biden family.

    The actual scandal is the corruption of the Biden family.

    6:42 PM
    No, son, as usual you are wrong again. Several weeks ago, Trump admitted on live TV that he would go after help from a foreign country to get dirt on an opponent. And the true scandal is that Trump is still in office after 12,000 plus lies and numerous crimes committed.

    And how do you explain that Trump put a hold on aid to Ukraine just before he called their president? This has just come out tonight.

    By Thursday, Trump will do his usual thing and say he did it, and that there was nothing wrong with doing it.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:12 PM

    Anonymous said....


    WTF are you talking about, Dude?

  61. Anonymous12:08 AM

    There's a lot of desperation and foul odor in this here blog. Who needs a good scrubbing?

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    There's a lot of desperation and foul odor in this here blog. Who needs a good scrubbing?

    12:08 AM
    The foul odor is coming from wingnuts' bull shit.

  63. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The foul odor is coming from wingnuts' bull shit.
    10:28 AM


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