Monday, September 16, 2019

Scared yet?

Image result for trump deranged images

The rapper Common must have been reading my mind. I say this because of his recent comments about Mr. trump's mental health.

"He may be the most powerful person on Earth, but Donald Trump needs help, in the opinion of the famously enlightened American rapper Common.

"You can see his actions and behaviour are that of somebody who don't really love themselves," said the singer, who revealed how therapy turned his life around earlier this year in his bestselling memoir, "Let Love Have the Last Word".

The US president is a victim of his own out-of-control ego, the Chicago-born performer of hits like "The Light" commented to AFP before a show in Paris at the weekend.

Trump has "got some issues going on. And those issues need to be resolved," Common said.
"Narcissism is something that can be dealt with. Therapy can help that. And I would subscribe every leader (to it), even if you were a good leader," he told AFP.

"So somebody would really help the country and the world if they would" take the US president aside and tell him, "'Hey, this needs to be part of your programme, some therapy'."

Common speaks from experience with therapy. In his memoir and the accompanying album, "Let Love", the rapper opens up about his time on the couch that helped him put his childhood abuse behind him and grow as a man.
- 'Be quiet and listen' -" [Source] 

This of course is all true, but it's sad because we know that the last thing that Donald trump will do is "be quiet and listen." It's just not in him. A seventy plus year old man with an out of control ego and showing early signs (or late depending on who you ask) of dementia is not going to go quietly into the night. 

Of course none of this would matter to us if the guy was still some cartoonish reality talk show host telling washed up B list actors and celebrities that they are fired on his show. Sadly, the stuff he does has serious implications and could mean life or death to thousands and thousands of people. This just isn't  funny anymore. 

The Middle East is on the verge of war and our own Private Bone Spurs is tweeting threats to the Iranians on twitter. Mind you we don't even know if they Iranians are to blame for bombing the Saudis precious oil plants. They say they are not, and trump says that they are. Isn't it sad when you believe the Iranians more than you do your own president? Private Bone Spurs declared that we are "locked and loaded" and he put the Iranians on notice that we are ready to proceed. He also tweeted that what we do depends on who the Saudis believe bombed their facilities. And here I thought the will of the American people came first. Silly me. 

Peter Wehner, writing for The Atlantic, had the following to say about trump's fitness for office: 

" Donald Trump’s disordered personality—his unhealthy patterns of thinking, functioning, and behaving—has become the defining characteristic of his presidency. It manifests itself in multiple ways: his extreme narcissism; his addiction to lying about things large and small, including his finances and bullying and silencing those who could expose them; his detachment from reality, including denying things he said even when there is video evidence to the contrary; his affinity for conspiracy theories; his demand for total loyalty from others while showing none to others; and his self-aggrandizement and petty cheating."[ Source]

This is all true. And it  makes Mr. trump scary as hell. 

 *pic from


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    "Mind you we don't even know if they Iranians are to blame for bombing the Saudis precious oil plants. They say they are not, and trump says that they are. Isn't it sad when you believe the Iranians more than you do your own president?"

    On this one, he is probably right. If the Iranians didn't send the drones themselves, then they almost certainly provided them to the Houthis in Yemen, who then carried out the attack.

    "He also tweeted that what we do depends on who the Saudis believe bombed their facilities. And here I thought the will of the American people came first. Silly me."

    Yeah, this is nuts. We're letting them tell us what happened? What, did our CIA all decide to go on vacation in September?

    Hopefully, Trump doesn't really mean this, and just wants an excuse to back off from starting a war without appearing weak. Because everything with Trump is about looking like a tough guy, maybe he is looking to the Saudis to be the ones to say they don't want us to go to war, so he won't look wimpy making the decision himself. His idiotic decision to trash the nuclear treaty with Iran is already making the Iranians completely flip out -- they're seizing hostages, blowing up Western oil tankers, and now this attack on the Saudis. Tensions are very high. Any retaliation could lead to full-scale war.

    This may be wishful thinking, though, giving Trump more credit for sanity than he deserves. He might actually want a war to get all the rah-rah patriotic flag-humpers fired up in order to boost his flagging approval ratings going into next year's elections. In which case, heaven help us. War with Iran will make Iraq look like a walk in the park.

  2. So president pussy ass bitch is waiting on his marching orders from his owners, the Saudis? What, did they buy him from the Russians, or is there some sharing agreement?

    So here comes the war he believes will get him reelected and keep him out of prison until the statute of limitations runs out on obstruction of justice.

    Only that might not work, as the New York AG has just subpoenaed his taxes going back to 2011, and he isn't bound by any OLC memos about indicting a sitting president.

    I know you have to be a little crazy to want to be president, but this is fucking ridiculous.

    And also, what anon@11:55PM said.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous3:32 AM

    If only half the country knew some of this instead of living in the conservative bubble we might survive this.

  4. Drumpf's lies and his insecurities/instablities should surprise no one at this stage of the game. He is flat out a fucking liability to world peace and America's future. His enablers in the stoopid fucking wingnut party all need to be thrown out of office and into Guantanamo where they will never be allowed to come into America again.

    McCturtlefuckface, Miss Lindsey and a host of other Moscow Mitch clones need to be stripped and publicly flogged before having salt poured on their wounds as a reminder of the damage to our government and constitution they swore to uphold and protect. Just a suggestion.

    Wingnuts, be sure and call the FBI again.

  5. RIP Cokie Roberts. A stalwart female journalist ahead of her time in a male dominated sexist world. She was certainly prescient when she wrote this,

    As a commentator, Roberts sometimes walked a line that threatened to eclipse her role as a dispassionate journalist. In a February 2016 op-ed co-authored with her husband, Roberts called on "the rational wing" of the Republican Party to stop the nomination of Donald Trump.

    "[Trump] is one of the least qualified candidates ever to make a serious run for the presidency," Roberts and her husband wrote. "If he is nominated by a major party — let alone elected — the reputation of the United States would suffer a devastating blow around the world."

    Lordy, you can say that in lights!

  6. The White House and Senate Republicans set narrow parameters on the investigation, giving the FBI one week to interview two of Kavanaugh’s friends, a friend of Blasey Ford (who says she was not aware of the alleged assault), and Ramirez.

    Agents did not interview the 20 people who wished to share corroborating evidence about Ramirez’s allegation. They did not interview any former classmates who wished to dispute Kavanaugh’s testimony in front of the Senate about his drinking habits. They did not interview Christine Blasey Ford. They did not interview her corroborating witnesses. And they did not interview Brett Kavanaugh.

    At the end of the week, the FBI sent a report to Trump that said they found no new corroborating evidence against Kavanaugh. Stier’s letter reminds us that they didn’t look particularly hard for it — and it gave Senate wobblers cover to support Kavanaugh.

    Again the politicized FBI did not do the job required of them and as a result America is stuck with Kavernmouth for like forever.

  7. Loretta Lynch Mob2:29 PM

    "Again the politicized* FBI did not do the job required of them and as a result America is stuck with Kavernmouth for like forever."

    The FBI didn't confirm fake rape accusations against Kavanaugh and didn't provide unlimited time for lying activists to create an endless series of further fake rape accusations that would be rehashed forever by insane communists unable to accept losing an election.

    *James Comey, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, et al

  8. Corroborating witnesses are not fake and you arer a typical nutjob willing to overlook the truth because Drum-pf did not win the election. You have to live in total denial to make the rest of your made up shit appear real to yourself.

    HRC's private server was never hacked. Drumpf's i-phones were hacked by Russia and China both. But HRC had emails and you pathetic fucking wingnuts have wasted 41 years and tens of millions of dollars trying to make up a crime you can bust her for.

  9. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Actually, there were no corroborating witnesses. Zero.

    We don't know if Hillary's server was hacked, because she refused to turn it over to the FBI then had it wiped clean after it was subpoenaed.

    But we do know the claims of Trump's iPhone being hacked turned out to be false.

    Thanks for playing.

  10. Anonymous4:18 PM

    “Agents did not interview the 20 people who wished to share corroborating evidence about Ramirez’s allegation. They did not interview any former classmates who wished to dispute Kavanaugh’s testimony in front of the Senate about his drinking habits. They did not interview Christine Blasey Ford. They did not interview her corroborating witnesses. And they did not interview Brett Kavanaugh.”

    Realistically, it wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference to the way anyone in the Senate voted. Kavanaugh’s gross behavior at a party doesn’t prove he committed an attempted rape. And none of the Republicans care about Kavanaugh’s alcohol consumption in college or whether he lied about it.

    Barring a discovery of someone who could directly corroborate Christine Blasey Ford‘s account, or someone making an accusation of a different rape committed by Kavanaugh, the outcome would have been exactly the same.

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    “We don't know if Hillary's server was hacked, because she refused to turn it over to the FBI then had it wiped clean after it was subpoenaed.”

    Her server was wiped clean BEFORE any FBI investigation ever started, much less any subpoenas were issued. There was nothing TO subpoena.

    The chronology went like this:

    State Department found out that there were work emails hosted on Clinton’s server that were not being archived at State, and asked her to hand them over.

    She did hand over all the work-related ones, then deleted all the personal ones and junked the server (which included wiping the hard drives, as anyone who is not an idiot does when they get rid of a computer).

    Then congressional Republicans got wind of it and went into hyperventilating conspiracy theory mode, inventing the whole Espionage/Hackers/Treason! outrage-mongering story. They pressured the FBI to start a bogus investigation.

    The FBI dutifully came back with the report that their mega-tax-dollar-wasting investigation into a non-crime had shockingly found nothing criminal.

  12. Hey guys, whatever happened to that one operation Obama was supposed to have ordered that would have imprisoned a bunch of people in that Walmart parking lot in Texas? Just saw a black helicopter and wondered if I should start packing.😂

  13. Kavernmouth's perjury should have been a red flag, but wingnuts were so desperate to push the court to the extreme right they completely ignored perjury, which is one of the charges to tried to impeach WJC for.

    Drumpf and wingnuts obstructed justice by defining the parameters of the FBI investigation to exclude all persons who could corroborate Kavernmouth's perjury.

    Dumbfucker Drumkpfuck wants congrerss to investigate Obama's Netflix deal which was made after he was out of the WH as our last legally elected Potus.

  14. FBI: No Evidence Clinton Server Hacked Despite Trump Tweet
    FBI: No Evidence Clinton Server Hacked Despite Trump Tweet
    FBI: No Evidence Clinton Server Hacked Despite Trump Tweet
    FBI: No Evidence Clinton Server Hacked Despite Trump Tweet
    FBI: No Evidence Clinton Server Hacked Despite Trump Tweet

  15. Anonymous5:05 PM

    “Dumbfucker Drumkpfuck wants congrerss to investigate Obama's Netflix deal which was made after he was out of the WH as our last legally elected Potus.”

    Someone needs to explain corruption to Trump. There has to be a quid pro quo, or at least the realistic possibility of one, in order for a politician to have acted corruptly. So what was the “quo” here?How, exactly, was Obama supposed to have illegally served the interests of Netflix as president in order for him to later be rewarded special treatment after leaving office?

    Trump’s accusation is incoherent and infantile. It amounts to: “Obama is making money! Unfair because reasons!”

    That’s not what corruption is.

    Fortunately, Trump’s followers won’t ask these questions, because they’re such contemptible morons that they they actually believe the lifelong crooked businessman is “draining the swamp.” To paraphrase Walter White, Trump isn’t in danger of being corrupted; HE IS THE DANGER. He is the guy who causes governmental corruption, and always has been. He sure as hell won’t be the one to fix it.

  16. You are lying are ignorant7:57 PM

    "Her server was wiped clean BEFORE any FBI investigation ever started, much less any subpoenas were issued. There was nothing TO subpoena."

    Actually, the chronology went like this.

    Clinton served her last day as secretary of state. In July of 2014, the State Department reached an agreement with the Benghazi committee about producing records for its investigation into the 2012 attack on a U.S. embassy in the Libyan city. In October of 2014, the State Department sends an official letter to Clinton’s staff requesting "emails related to their government work."

    In December of 2014, instead of providing the emails electronically, Clinton provides 55,000 pages of printed emails comprising only a portion of those on the server. There is no way to verify what may be missing, and no way to search the contents for relevant information. All have to be scanned.

    On March 2, 2015, The New York Times breaks the story that Clinton used a personal email account while secretary of state. On March 4, the Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

    Between March 25-31, 2015, the Platte River Networks employee has what he calls an "oh shit" moment, realizing he did not delete Clinton’s email archive, per Mills’ December 2014 request. The employee deletes the email archive using a software called BleachBit.

    To recap: The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.

  17. Anonymous8:12 PM

    "How, exactly, was Obama supposed to have illegally served the interests of Netflix as president in order for him to later be rewarded special treatment after leaving office?"

    Net neutrality.

    Obama supported net neutrality in 2014, and as with other bureaucracies, the FCC did what Obama wanted in 2015. Net neutrality was sold as helping the little guy, but the companies it helped most were wealthy big bandwidth-users. The biggest bandwidth-user of all is Netflix.

    The internet has worked well for decades without net neutrality, and somehow Obama and his FCC didn't push it through until well into his second term, after the Netflix CEO had donated large amounts to Obama and lobbied heavily for it.

    Competition would have kept Netflix and others from raising their prices too high on the little guy if they actually had to pay for the large amount of infrastructure they require.

    The CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, was a bundler for the 2012 Obama campaign.

    Ted Sarandos and his wife, Nicole Avant, bundled nearly $600,000 in contributions to Obama from their friends and associates during the 2012 presidential campaign."

    And who is Ted Sarandos?: "(Netflix)'s creative content chief who oversees an $8 billion budget (and who) helped to broker the Obamas $60 million Netflix deal.

    Nicole Avant served as US ambassador to the Bahamas from 2009 to 2011, during the president's first term. Her father, Clarence, a music exec, bundled a total of nearly $450,000 for Obama's presidential campaigns.

    Giving the Obama's $60 million to "produce television shows and films for the streaming service" makes perfect business sense for Netflix – given the Obamas' extensive experience in story development, screenwriting, direction and production. Or maybe not. Maybe it's just a little token of appreciation for working to save them billions in bandwith fees.

    That’s what corruption is.

  18. Anonymous9:55 PM

    BREAKING: Donald Trump used the express lane with 11 items in the 1980's, claims former roommate's girlfriend's friend.

  19. Air crews have reported staying up to a week at Fergus' struggling resort in Scotland, and the multimillion dollar fuel purchases from the cargo planes have helped keep the struggling nearby airport in business so as to help the struggling golf resort, all taxpayer money straight up stolen by Fergus to prop up one of his many failing businesses.
    That's fucking corruption.
    So Corey Lewandowski was the first witness to testify in front of a congressional committee under the recently adopted rules for impeachment related hearings (the other two witnesses were no shows after Fergus claimed "absolute immunity" which doesn't exist under US law, and constitutes more obstruction of justice) and made a mockery of the proceeding until the part enabled by the newly adopted rules where a staff attorney was allowed to question him at length and mopped the floor with his lying ass.
    I suggest that in future hearings they have the attorney ask questions first, and then let the committee members have their five minutes each afterward so as to better tailor their questions to the exposed malfeasances of the witness.

    -Doug in Oakland


  20. Natasha Bertrand
    ‏Verified account @NatashaBertrand

    MORE from @SchreckReports: Air Force crews are not Turnberry’s only conspicuous guests. Earlier this summer, according to a resort staffer, a group of Saudi royals stayed at the resort for about a week, bringing a party of 25 people.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Obama's Netflix deal was for 65 million for his and her Memoirs. There has been no monetary value placed on the movie deal and it will likely be considerably higher in value. Netflix has similar deals with other celebs in the 150 mil/ 5 year range. Because of the Obama's popularity and experience with social programming, I would expect them to earn much more.

    The only way Drumpf could come close to matching anything like this is to make shit up and pass it as the truth and you blind, ignorant, inbred followers would swear it was gospel.

  22. From Newsweek.....While memoirs from past presidents are nothing new, the forward-thinking Obamas also struck an exclusive deal with Netflix to produce their own movies, series and documentaries to continue the philanthropic and social change work they championed while in office.

    The deal was first announced in May 2018, with the Obamas launching their own production company, Higher Ground, to both produce their own shows and acquire and distribute existing content. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed and there are no concrete estimates about the ballpark figure either. All that was revealed at the time is that it is a multi-year agreement.

    Netflix has courted and locked down other big players in the entertainment industry to similar exclusive deals, which might give an idea of what the Obamas will earn over the course of theirs. Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes signed a deal estimated to be worth $150 million over five years in 2017 and Glee and American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy signed a five-year deal worth a reported $300 million last year.

    Get it? The big deal wasn't made until 2018, after Obama was safely out of the WH.

  23. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "the forward-thinking Obamas"


    And it's all cool since they waited a whole year after he left office.

    At least they had the $60 million book deal to tide them over.

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    "made a mockery of the proceeding"

    A well deserved mockery.

    What a shit show fat Jerry is putting on.

  25. "the forward-thinking Obamas"

    Meanwhile, 2016 election loser Drumpf corrupts in real time, past time and future time, but his base could care less. They are still obsessed with proving HRC and Obama are crooks, although they have zero evidence of any criminal activity by either of the aforementioned people.

    Drumpf's Ne2w Mexico rally drew 27 lies from Drumpf, many which he repeats over and over again.

  26. Police dogs and cops should scare everyone. These animals are poorly trained and there are numerous instances of them attacking innocent people, including kids, and failing to respond to officer's commands.

    Dog nearly killed a sleeping man who was asleep and the dog lacerated his throat. Then the cops charged him for petty crimes and those were later dropped.

    Hope he wins millions.

  27. Anonymous1:23 PM

    LOCK HIM UP!!!! Please remember to throw away the key. Thanks, The American Citizens with 'common sense'.

  28. "What a shit show fat Jerry is putting on."

    Very true until the lawyer took over at the end and made Lewindowski look like the sniveling little shit he is and made dumb ass Doug Collins cry.😂👍🏾😂😂😂 We need to START hearings like that.

  29. Nadler is what you are supposed to look like after stomach surgery, not like Mike Hucksterbee, who put on all original weight and then added a Drumpf or two.

    Nadler needs to start throwing people in jail for ignoring subpoenas, starting with the lifetime crook Drumpfuck the criminal dumbfuck.

    Put Drumpf under oath and throw his orange ass in jail for repeated perjury.

  30. 3 young blacks arrested for waiting while black.


  31. Anonymous7:19 PM

    @Dunce at 7:57PM

    So much wrongness.

    1) You have moved the goalposts here. I said there were no emails for the FBI to subpoena. You came back with a subpoena from the Republicunts' mickey-mouse congressional investigation into their nonsensical Benghazi conspiracy theory. Not the same thing.

    2) From that Politifact article you quoted, "the Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya." That stuff would be included in her work emails she'd already turned over to the State Department. It wasn't a subpoena for the server itself and all its contents.

    3) Even if the congressional Republicunts wanted the electronic copies of those particular emails straight from the server, Hillary Clinton could not have complied, because as far as she was concerned, they were already gone. She had earlier given the order to delete them before ever receiving any such subpoena. She had no idea that the tech hadn't finished wiping the server per her orders. Which is what the FBI reported in their investigation.

  32. The stupid, it burns7:31 PM

    Replying to Gambler2 somewhere that she might actually see it:

    'If' is the definitive word. They are here. We are dealing with reality not wishful thinking.

    The law says they have no right to be here.  They are deportable.  "Operation Wetback" deported over 100,000 and got around a million more to go home to avoid being caught and deported and taking a 10-year ban on entry to the USA.  (Penalties work.)  We CAN get rid of them... if people like you stop standing in the way.

    You probably think "black lives matter", but you don't care if Americans (black or otherwise) suffer and even die of diseases brought by people who have no business being in the USA.  You don't care if Americans suffer and even die because all the doctors are tied up treating people who have no business being in the USA.  You don't care about the misery of Americans whose already-high taxes go still higher to pay for all the freebies given to people who have no business being in the USA.

    You're an enemy of America and Americans.  It's too much to expect to see you prosecuted and punished for it, but I hope you are anyway.

  33. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "Obama supported net neutrality in 2014, and as with other bureaucracies, the FCC did what Obama wanted in 2015. Net neutrality was sold as helping the little guy, but the companies it helped most were wealthy big bandwidth-users. The biggest bandwidth-user of all is Netflix."

    "Net neutrality was sold as helping the little guy, but the companies it helped most were wealthy big bandwidth-users": It's not sold as that; it IS that.

    If telecoms are able to charge more for some data to pass over their networks than others, the economic costs will inevitably land on regular Internet users, not big businesses. Jesus, how brain-damaged do you have to be to paint net neutrality as some sinister thing that decent people have to be bribed into doing, and boosting Comcast's profit margins as a noble public good?

    I find the level of you trolls' brainwashing truly impressive. You managing to have a warped, upside-down, fucked-up view of reality on absolutely every conceivable issue. I expect next you'll be justifying raping and eating children if the sentient shower molds over at Breitbart tell you that's a good idea.

    Congrats on having zero critical thinking skills. You should be very proud.

  34. Special Bulletin7:38 PM

    We interrupt this episode of "Talk About Anything Except What Is Actually Wrong With Black People" for a special news bulletin.

    Gambler2 AKA Race Traitor asked about proof of anti-white discrimination in government.  Here we have it, straight from the Department of "Justice":


    TOWSON, Md. — The U.S. Department of Justice filed a race discrimination lawsuit against one of Maryland's largest police departments.

    The DOJ is claiming the Baltimore County Police Department discriminated against black applicants for years.


    The lawsuit filed by the DOJ's Civil Rights Division blames a written exam that it said led to hiring fewer African-Americans as entry-level police officers and cadets, alleging the pass/fail exams were a discriminatory screening device.

    The claim stems from a written exam the department used to select applicants.

    According to the DOJ, written exams used by the Baltimore County Police Department to screen and select applicants led to the county hiring: "Fewer African American applicants as BCPD entry-level police officers and police cadets since January 1, 2013 than it would have had it used a nondiscriminatory screening device."


    What is "discriminatory" about a written test?  A piece of paper can't tell what race you are; whether you answer correctly or not depends on your ability, not your skin.  The only way you could claim "discrimination" is if blacks get more wrong answers and don't make the cut, which means they are objectively inferior on that measure of competence.

    This is not some new-fangled thing.  Some 4 decades ago the US Supreme Court declared that any test which does not pass blacks at least 80% as often as whites constitutes "unlawful discrimination".  Since American blacks have a 1.1±0.2 SD deficit in cognitive ability compared to whites (and an even greater deficit compared to NE Asians) this means that the cutoff score for "non-discrimination" has to be somewhere leftward of 16% on the white ability curve.  This means that the people who "pass" at the bottom are going to be pretty dumb/bad.  They certainly shouldn't be hired, but agencies can't even make two lists by race and pick the best until they get the "right" proportion of each race.  Nope, they have to consider ALL passing scores equal.

    This blatantly discriminates against higher-ability white candidates, whose chances of being selected are markedly lower than they ought to be AND forces them to both deal with and endure the disreputable behavior of blatantly stupid colleagues (especially but not all black) who should never have been hired.

    This has deadly consequences.  Among other outrages, this is how you get mentally and psychologically unfit Somali police officers who shoot white women who call to report what they suspect is a rape-in-progress.
    (continued next comment)

  35. Special Bulletin7:40 PM

    Here is a personal account from a white man who suffered discrimination by being forced to do much of the work of an incompetent black who should never have been hired and should have been fired forthwith (lightly edited):

    "My particular “White Man’s Burden” (call him Deonte) smoked like a chimney and would leave his assigned unit (without telling me, naturally) within 15 minutes of clocking in to take his first of many unauthorized smoke breaks to calm his nicotine jitters. Not only that, but one of our female supervisors (his smoke buddy) would join him on this first break – knowing full well he was not where he was supposed to be. This was a daily routine.

    "Deonte also had almost zero troubleshooting skills, would perform substandard work which was frequently left to me to correct, bailed out of repairing what we referred to as “wrecks” (mail jams so catastrophic it would knock off drive chains and disable an entire machine – usually for a minimum of 30 minutes), and jive-talked his way through problem solving. Had no business being a mechanic and everyone knew it."

    You can multiply Deonte (and Laquisha) by millions to get the total impact on America:

    - Americans are forced to pay people who do not and cannot perform the jobs they're supposed to do.
    - White Americans are forced to work "with" incompetents and do their jobs for them, in addition to their own work.
    - Even after they retire, white Americans are forced to pay inflated pensions based upon this fake work.
    - White Americans are forced to shut up about this unjust state of affairs or lose their jobs for "racism".

    And that is just part of how "anti-discrimination" discriminates against white Americans.

  36. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Well, it looks like Saudi Arabia is not giving Trump an “out.” They swear the Iranians attacked them.

    So maybe Trump attacks Iran now, just to prove he’s not weak? Who knows, really?

  37. From Taegan Goddard:

    Military Has Spent $200K at Trump’s Scottish Resort

    September 18, 2019 at 2:46 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 40 Comments

    “Since Donald Trump took office, the U.S. military has spent nearly $200,000 at the president’s luxury Scotland resort, according to figures and documents the Pentagon provided to the House Oversight Committee,” Politico reports.

    “The spending, which has all occurred since August 2017, paid for the equivalent of hundreds of nights of rooms at the Turnberry resort over approximately three dozen separate stays.”

    That, of course, is aside from the millions of dollars paid at market rate to refuel the aircrafts at the struggling little airport that serves Turnberry.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Wasicu scumacysts are making a list to track Jews who complain about them.

    Bout time to take care of the scumacysts once and for all.

  39. Time for some serious fun.....

    Beats tipping cows, I hear. For all you Drumpfuck racists out there, yes the cow was black. This happened about 10 miles from me.

  40. Make friends with Kool Aid. Make Kool Aid with friends.

    Are they friends, yet?

  41. Anonymous11:54 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  42. Harris/Booker 2020!

  43. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Literally Anybody But Trump 2020

    (Even Fox says so.)


  44. Anonymous1:44 PM

    It's not politically correct to say "retarded" anymore, you have to call them "Democrats"

  45. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Black Teen arrested in fatal stabbing of boy that dozens filmed as he bled to death

  46. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Antonio Brown: Patriots WR dropped by Nike amid sexual assault lawsuit

  47. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Black Man on bicycle shoots woman on Near West Side: police

  48. The main assailant in the school stabbing sure looked like a snowflake.

  49. Drumpf picked new NSI director because he is clean cut. Probably his greatest qualification for the job.

    Trump reportedly praised the clean-cut look of his new national security adviser after complaining about his predecessor John Bolton's bushy mustache

    Drumpfuck the pathological liar is one sick fuck.

  50. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “Trump reportedly praised the clean-cut look of his new national security adviser after complaining about his predecessor John Bolton's bushy mustache”

    Bolton should have just shaved it off, come back to the White House, and interviewed for his old job.

    Trump might not have recognized him, because he’s not all that bright.

  51. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Kim Jong Un was actually correct when he called Trump a “dotard.”

  52. Anonymous12:09 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    The main assailant in the school stabbing sure looked like a snowflake.
    4:37 PM

    Its a shine Mike.

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    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $200 USDCards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $850 USDCards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $2,200 USDCards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USDCards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,500 USD
    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us viaemail address:: {}

  54. INSTEAD OF GETTING A LOAN,,  I GOT SOMETHING NEWGet $5,500 USD every day, for six months!
    See how it worksDo you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...
    Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact usvia email address::{
    We have specially programmed ATM cards that  can be use to hack ATMmachines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, atstores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interestedbuyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATMand up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of cardyou order for:: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hackservices, we are here for you anytime any day.
    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $200 USDCards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $850 USDCards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $2,200 USDCards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USDCards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,500 USD
    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us viaemail address:: {}

  55. Anonymous10:56 AM

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  56. Do you need a Legit hacker to help you with a programmed blank ATM card you can use in Withdrawing $5000, $10,000 or more daily from any ATM Machine anywhere in the world for 5 years?

    If yes contact them on whatsApp +15085930940, or Email him on

    And get your already programmed Blank ATM card immediately he is really good and he help in changing my financial status, your appreciation in me is more than what you have done. I’m really grateful.

  57. Hello Everyone. I want you all to know about the hacked atm card, for those of you who been fighting for financial issues, here is a great chance for you to get a blank atm card, you can use this blank atm card to withdraw anywhere around the world, you can withdrawal up to $3,000 USD per day with this card and also you can use it to shop online and attach it to your PayPal, if you want to get one for yourself, contact via email: (, do not miss this great opportunity of your life, contact them now and thank me later.
