Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"A lynching"? Not even close.

So this happened today. The president of the United States declared that what he was going through with Congress ( a legitimate impeachment inquiry process), was equivalent to being lynched. 

Let that sink in for a minute.......

Anyway, in case you forgot, I have included some images of actual lynchings for others who are so inclined to think like the president to view.

  • Image result for lynchings images
  • Image result for lynchings images
  • Image result for lynchings images
  • Image result for lynchings images
  • Image result for lynchings images

“if a Democrat becomes president and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the president, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!”

No Mr. trump, you are not being lynched, and shame on you for trivializing one of the darkest and most shameful chapters in America's history.  A chapter that exposed the cruelty and inhumanity of our fellow Americans. 


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Field gets the vapors and jumps in on the fake Outrage-of-the-Day again. What a surprise.

    "Lynching" means the lack of due process by acting outside the rule of law. It's used all the time in that context, for example by Kamala Harris is describing the Jussie Smollet hoax and by Jerrold Nadler in describing the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

    And while the history of lynching is surely dark and shameful, it is far from unique, and much less relevant than things that are actually happening during our lifetimes.

    More blacks are killed by other blacks every 18 months than were ever lynched in the history of the US.

    There were less total lynchings in US history than black on white interracial murders in the past decade.

    But hey, let's all pretend something that's said all the time is unconscionable because Trump said it, because that's we do.

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Journalism is just explaining why it’s ok when Dems/Press do it and not ok when Republicans do it.....


  3. “if a Democrat becomes president and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the president, without due process or fairness or any legal rights."

    Uh, already happened. Ken Starr? Remember? Those house impeachment procedure rules the Pig People are all stamping their trotters about? They were written by Republicans who were hell-bent on impeaching Bill Clinton for anything they could dig up, and finally managed to get him on record lying about a consensual blow job.

    If we were giving Fergus the Ken Starr treatment, we'd be empaneling grand juries to hear testimony from witnesses to the 43 credible accusations of sexual assault against the creepy rat bastard.

    As for the lynching comment, before he even had that verbal malfunction, Twitter was on fire yesterday over all of the folks who had never heard what went down in Tulsa in 1921.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. "There were less total lynchings in US history than black on white interracial murders in the past decade."

    I'm gonna call bullshit. You gotta prove that one.

  5. trump is once again using divisive racial language to distract us from the ambassador's testimony. Just another shameful moment.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Field gets the vapors and jumps in on the fake Outrage-of-the-Day again. What a surprise.
    6"26 PM.
    This has to the dumbest, most insensitive post I have ever seen on this blog.Please go to Stormfront and post you opinions there. I"m sure you will be much appreciated there. Here not so much.

  7. "This has to the dumbest, most insensitive post I have ever seen on this blog."

    I've seen worseπŸ˜‚ Stick around I'm sure the trolls are just getting started.

  8. Anonymous8:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "There were less total lynchings in US history than black on white interracial murders in the past decade."

    I'm gonna call bullshit. You gotta prove that one.

    According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968 in the United States, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites.


    Blacks kill about 400 whites per year in America, or over 4,000 per decade:


    4,000 > 3,446

  9. Anonymous8:26 PM

    People have described any miscarriage of justice as a “lynch mob” for a long time. It’s meant as a figure of speech. It’s not intended to be taken literally, and this turn of phrase is certainly not Trump’s invention any more than his invocation of being on the receiving end of a “witch hunt.” (I don’t see anyone trying to burn Trump at the stake for engaging in sorcery, although this did, in fact, really happen to various women in real historical events.)

    What I think inspires extra outrage with Trump doing it is that:

    1) What Trump is going through isn’t in any way a miscarriage of justice. He has unquestionably done what he’s been accused of, and it’s a textbook abuse of power. He can fuck right off with his disingenuous cries of unfair persecution.

    2) Trump is a rabble-rousing racist himself. The events he holds for his supporters are like Klan rallies. (Check out his disgusting speech in Minnesota demonizing Somali refugees as an especially pertinent recent example). It feels like an actual, real racist lynching might kick off after these rallies end. Given that he’s a hatemongering demagogue who regularly incites vigilante violence, his whining about being the victim of vigilantism just breaks the irony meter.

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    "This has to the dumbest, most insensitive post I have ever seen on this blog."

    It's dumb and dishonest to conflate the use of a common term with being insensitive to crime of lynching.

    You are all full of shit, and you know it.

    1. Is that you Lindsey?☝🏾️

  11. "It's dumb and dishonest to conflate the use of a common term with being insensitive to crime of lynching."

    Nah, it's dumb and dishonest to use a racially charged word to portray yourself as a victim especially when he knows damn well he's guilty.

  12. Well, it's working well enough cause we're talking about this instead of Bill Taylor's testimony.


  13. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Fox is totally ignoring the Taylor hearing. Pathetic.

  14. Two proud boy incels got four years for felonious idiocy. Wonder if their anti-masturbation oaths will hold up in prison?

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Taylor just buggered Fergus but good. Actually, Fergus did the buggering by committing the crimes, Taylor just gave a detailed, factual account of it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Hannity pushing wild conspiracy theories while completely ignoring Taylor's testimony. πŸ˜‚ Just wow, no wonder conservatives have no clue about what's going on.

  17. No Justice, No Peace10:57 PM

    "Two proud boy incels got four years for felonious idiocy."

    For defending themselves.

    It was their rally. They were attacked by Antifa thugs.

  18. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "wild conspiracy theories"


  19. Anonymous11:02 PM

    amgreatness.com? seriously troll?

  20. Anonymous11:25 PM

    "Taylor just buggered Fergus but good."

    No one cares what some Obama holdover has to say. It's all just fake news.

    What is going on now is a widespread rejection of the ruling authorities and their beliefs, on the part primarily, but not only, of the American youth at large. This is similar to the rejection of communism by dissidents and youth in the Soviet bloc in the 1970’s and 80’s, and driven by similar causes.

    Unvarnished, unedited Nietzscheanism, “right wing nihilism,” has been one of the opinions absolutely forbidden by the postwar liberal world order. It has resurfaced in the space of freedom provided recently by the internet, and has spread there with some speed, the way it always will when it is not repressed.

    It represents a youth counterculture that has rejected the controlled, staged, edited and therefore mendacious form of public discourse that dominates America and the West right now.

    Americans chose Trump because at least here was a man who wasn’t a marionette stuffed full of consultant-approved public relations talking points. It is the same, but on a much bigger scale.

    The failure of the conservative establishment to address the insanity of the new left is the chief negative cause of the phenomenon or movement in question. The new left has alienated large swathes of younger men especially who otherwise would have been sympathetic to its causes. Many voted for Obama and were very much of the “green” faction for example. They weren’t doing so because they were antifa or communists or radicals—in temperament, background, profession, many would have probably been young Republicans before George W. Bush—but did so because the Republican party of the time, the party of Romney and Paul Ryan, was bankrupt in ideas and spirit and had nothing to offer. Obama was promising accountability for the extremely destructive financial crisis of 2008 and for the Iraq War before that. But he didn’t deliver; he became instead a protector of a corrupt ruling class, and a racial demagogue.

    The anti-male and anti-White rhetoric of the new left is extreme. The racial attacks on whites in particular approaches exterminationist propaganda. This “Interahamwe Left” should have been opposed by mainstream conservatives and even classical liberals, and it is indeed possible to oppose this vicious and exterminationist hatred on purely liberal and racially egalitarian grounds. But this didn’t happen, which puts the lie to the claims that traditional conservatives care about equality under the law or about any of the ideals they claim to espouse. Instead, we see the absurd phenomenon of conservatives who joined in this hatred.

    If we listen to the rhetoric of the left, we can only guess that further restrictions of speech and life, both de facto and de jure, are coming. What is the conservative plan to deal with any of this? The “youth”—but not only the youth, and certainly not only the white youth, although they are the most affected—has seen only capitulation from the conservative establishment, or otherwise outright collaboration. What vision of life do mainstream conservatives have to offer?

    Today it is the large corporations, Big Tech, high finance and other white collar institutions that promote the most restrictive and aggressive leftism.

    The left completely abandoned Americanism in the 1960’s; at this point they’ve also abandoned biological reality. Vitalism is all that is left against their demented biological Leninism. Encouraging health, normality, and physical nobility against their celebration of deformity, obesity, and sexual catamitism must be one of the basic functions of conservatism in our time.

    We are now faced with a left that has embraced a dialectic of racial and class destruction in a context where belief in absolute human equality is professed at the same time that no one believes in it anymore.

  21. "No one cares what some Obama holdover has to say. It's all just fake news."

    Has served in every adminiatration beginning with Reagan. Let the smearing of Taylor begin, ya know a guy who went to the US Military Academy and actually served in Nam unlike a certain rich kid who avoided serving. Taylor has served the country in some capacity for the last 50 years. I'd call him a patriot.

  22. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Anon at 11:25pm do you really believe anybody is gonna read that bullshit you copied and pasted? Blah blah blah blah. Jesus, get a fucking life.

  23. Anonymous11:40 PM

    "What is going on now is a widespread rejection of the ruling authorities and their beliefs, on the part primarily, but not only, of the American youth at large. This is similar to the rejection of communism by dissidents and youth in the Soviet bloc in the 1970’s and 80’s, and driven by similar causes."

    Hahaha, c'mon. What fucking universe do you live in? The "American youth at large"? Trump got destroyed among the under-45s.

    Want visual evidence of this? Check out Trump's rallies. They're filled with fat, elderly rednecks in Walmart couture. Also known as: his base.

  24. Anonymous11:47 PM

    If you fail to see that you live in the Soviet Union of the 1970’s or 1980’s, or rather something slightly even more repressive than the Eastern Bloc of that time, it may be you don’t know about the threats, financial ruin, and mob violence that Trump supporters and anyone really who steps out of line has been subject to since at least 2016—but actually since some time before that.

    To give just one egregious example, there is a group, Hamilton 68, that is a plain front for the American security state establishment, dedicated to calling Americans who criticize the state of things Russian agents, and to forcing their identities to be revealed so as to subject them to violent harassment and physical attacks. This is the same function that the figure of the sycophant had in ancient Greece. These attacks are carried out by so-called “antifa,” but what in fact appears to be the establishment’s paramilitary force—the last Democrat vice presidential candidate’s son was a violent member (an impossibility as a “coincidence” for anyone remotely familiar with how Washington DC works)—abetted by police “stand-downs,” as at San Jose in 2016.

  25. Anonymous11:51 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I'd call him a patriot"

    And if he was on Trump's side, you'd call him a Russian.

    You don't know the first thing about the guy other than what he may be saying possibly supports your side.

    You're a fraud.

  26. Anonymous11:51 PM


  27. Anonymous11:52 PM

    You're a fraud.
    And who the fuck are you?

  28. Anonymous11:57 PM


    No asshole, the only fucks who play the who's side is who on is you. trump is a lying, cheating piece of shit who fires patriots and instead installs cronies. Taylor is a lifelong civil servant unlike trump and his kids. trump is a fraud and we need him to go away.

  29. "You don't know the first thing about the guy other than what he may be saying possibly supports your side."

    What do you think of Taylor?

  30. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I know very little about him and am in no position to label him liar or patriot, and I have no idea what he is saying because the dems are holding hearings in secret.

  31. So the case about Fergus hiding his tax and financial documents goes to the second circuit tomorrow.

    You know, the one where the judge called his attorneys' assertion of "absolute immunity" from not just indictment, but all forms of criminal investigation of acts while he is president and before and extending to his family and associates "repugnant to the nation's governmental structure and constitutional values" when rejecting his case wholesale.

    The judge also had another interesting angle on Fergus, his felons, and their felonies: That OLC memo, the one that kept Mueller from just cuffing the rat bastard and remanding him into custody, and that he's been hiding behind saying "Neener neener neener, you can't touch me" no matter what evidence piles up incriminating him?

    Well, OLC is executive branch, and not binding on the judicial branch, and the judge flatly rejected the idea that a sitting president was immune from judicial proceedings.

    Should be interesting to see where that one goes, especially as those financials reportedly don't agree with those tax documents in ways commonly referred to as "tax, loan, and insurance fraud" or as we're likely to know them as: "impeachment article III".

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Taylor has served under Republican and Democratic administrations and can just as accurately be characterized as a "Reagan holdover" as an "Obama holdover" and has been described by state department colleagues thusly: "If Bill Taylor said it happened, you can bet your bottom dollar it happened."

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. "I know very little about him and am in no position to label him liar or patriot"

    Lots of info on him. Do some research.

  34. "can just as accurately be characterized as a "Reagan holdover" as an "Obama holdover"

    Yeah but for partisan reasons it sounds better to label him an Obama guy. You know Hannity will.

  35. https://amgreatness.com/2019/10/15/no-the-biden-ukraine-story-is-not-a-conspiracy-theory/

    It is a totally fabricated low tech, low IQ lynching. And Fergus is the lowest IQ of all.

  36. Anonymous10:53 AM

    In 2018, there were 100 homicide arrests in Minnesota.

    46 suspects were black.
    42 were white.

    In 2018, there were 985 arrests for robbery in Minnesota.

    684 suspects were black.
    238 suspects were white.

    Blacks are just 6% of the population of Minnesota.  This is why NOBODY wants blacks around.


  37. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Bill Taylor, who served as ambassador to Ukraine from 2006 to 2009, said in his opening statement that Gordon Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, told him that Trump wanted Zelensky to open investigations into Burisma and the Bidens in exchange for both the release of military aid to Ukraine, as well as a face-to-face meeting between Trump and Zelensky.

    “Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelensky was dependent on a public announcement of investigations,” said Taylor.

    Sondland testified on Oct. 17 that, while Trump personally told him that there was no quid pro quo in place for security assistance, he was not certain Trump was telling the truth.

    Kurt Volker, who worked with Sondland and Taylor as special envoy to Ukraine, told lawmakers on Oct. 3 that he did not see evidence that military assistance was part of a quid pro quo.

    So, Trump told Sondland there was no quid pro quo, but he wasn't sure if Trump was telling the truth. Sondland told Taylor there might have been a quid pro quo, but then later told him he was mistaken. Volker said he saw no evidence of quid pro quo.

    Not exactly an open and shut case on the quid pro quo question.

    If there was a quid pro quo, it sought assistance in a corruption investigation, which is a legitimate use of leverage when dispensing aid. (Unlike using influence to quash an investigation involving your son).

    Let's not forget that the Obama administration did the exact same thing in 2016, when it made aid contingent on Ukrainian assistance into investigating Paul Manafort.

    By all indications to date, there is nothing that justifies impeachment proceedings.

  38. Gmbler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    If you fail to see that you live in the Soviet Union of the 1970’s or 1980’s, or rather something slightly even more repressive than the Eastern Bloc of that time, it may be you don’t know about the threats, financial ruin, and mob violence that Trump supporters and anyone really who steps out of line has been subject to since at least 2016—but actually since some time before that.

    11:47 PM
    Dear Ivan,
    Please go away. We who regularly post here are not falling for your bull shit.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:32 AM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...
    "I'd call him a patriot"

    And if he was on Trump's side, you'd call him a Russian.

    You don't know the first thing about the guy other than what he may be saying possibly supports your side.

    You're a fraud.
    Hey, troll, go away. You're wasting your time here.

    11:51 PM

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:45 AM

    Anonymous said......

    Blacks are just 6% of the population of Minnesota. This is why NOBODY wants blacks around
    Your post listed the number of arrests, not the number of convictions. Please come back with that data. In the mean time, I remind you that you don't speak for everyone. In fact you are speaking only for yourself. So cut the bull shit. I know many people who "like to have Blacks around."I am one of them and you remarks are totally disgusting to me.

    Go away!

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:59 AM

    Anonymous said.......
    Not exactly an open and shut case on the quid pro quo question.

    If there was a quid pro quo, it sought assistance in a corruption investigation, which is a legitimate use of leverage when dispensing aid. (Unlike using influence to quash an investigation involving your son).

    Let's not forget that the Obama administration did the exact same thing in 2016, when it made aid contingent on Ukrainian assistance into investigating Paul Manafort.

    By all indications to date, there is nothing that justifies impeachment proceedings.

    11:25 AM
    There are a couple of flaws in your argument. First, the crime Trump committed was to extort a foreign government to investigate his political main political rival in the 2020 election. This is clearly a crime. The fact that a quid pro quo was involved is somewhat irrelevant.

    Second, At the time the Obama Administration sought evidence of Manafort's activities, Manaforte was not running for any elective office, nor was Obama.

    It seems that you may not understand the nature of the crime Trump committed. He sought help from a foreign government in order to smear a political opponent. That is the crime.

  42. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "First, the crime Trump committed was to extort a foreign government to investigate his political main political rival in the 2020 election. This is clearly a crime"

    Actually, leaving aside whether or not there is actual evidence of "extortion", it's not crime. And your premise rests on the idea that someone who is running for President should be immune from corruption investigations. Really?

    "Second, At the time the Obama Administration sought evidence of Manafort's activities, Manafort was not running for any elective office, nor was Obama."

    At the time, Manafort was the campaign manager for the opposition party running against his party's designated successor. Try to think this through.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:22 PM

    Anonymous ssaid.....

    At the time, Manafort was the campaign manager for the opposition party running against his party's designated successor. Try to think this through.

    12:31 PM
    Please think this through yourself. Manaforte had been doing business that area for years and was the agent of many people. In addition, he was campaign manager for only a short while. Biden had no long-standings activities in that area of the world, no did Obama and neither one of them was a presidential candidate in 2016.

  44. drumpf is a third rate drama queen and a fifth rate bogus potus.

  45. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Biden had no long-standings activities in that area of the world, no did Obama and neither one of them was a presidential candidate in 2016."

    Whether or not you are guilty of corrupt dealings with a foreign government has no relation to how long you have been involved with that country.

    And you are saying neither Obama or Biden had any interest who won the 2016 election?

  46. A lynching might be just what the doctor ordered for this administration.


    I imagine the money for Puerto Rico was with held at drumpf's command in order to punish Puerto Rico for not voting for drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  47. "And you are saying neither Obama or Biden had any interest who won the 2016 election?"

    Sure they did but they didn't try to use foreign influence to tilt it to their liking. trump is throwing career civil servants under the bus and destroying institutions for his own ambitions. That's just sad.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:49 PM

    And you are saying neither Obama or Biden had any interest who won the 2016 election?

    1:32 PM
    Read my post again. I said neither Biden nor Obama was running for president in 2016. Try to address my points instead of deflecting if you can.

  49. "neither one of them was a presidential candidate in 2016."

    Yeah but that's not how the conservative mind works. Instead of dealing with a situation they immediately try to find a tot for tat which leads to their inevitable false equivalence. Just watch Fox, they all do the same thing. 1. Go to whataboutism and immediately bring up Obama 2. Ask several questions at once to avoid getting in depth into the original question which will never get answered. 3. Change the subject.
    Rinse and repeat. Get used to it Ms. Gambler

  50. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "Sure they did but they didn't try to use foreign influence to tilt it to their liking."

    Oh yes they did:


  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Actually, leaving aside whether or not there is actual evidence of "extortion", it's not crime. And your premise rests on the idea that someone who is running for President should be immune from corruption investigations. Really?

    It is a crime. Please read the Constitution. It is a crime for anyone serving in the US government to solicit aid from a foreign government to influence an election. And I did not even hint that someone running for president should be immune from corruption investigations. Trump clearly committed a crime.

    Either you don't understand what you read or you are pretending to misunderstand my words. Which is it?

  52. Anonymous2:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "neither one of them was a presidential candidate in 2016."

    Yeah but that's how the liberal mind works. Pretend that you don't see the rank corruption of your side and then accuse the other side of doing what your side is actually guilty of.

    Colluding with Russia by paying for fake dossier.

    Coercing Ukraine into stopping an investigation into your corruption.

    Destroying subpoenaed evidence of corruption and mishandling of classified information.

    Spying on the opposition campaign under false pretenses.

  53. Anonymous2:00 PM

    In recent court proceedings, Trump’s lawyer decided to defend his client’s right to murder his fellow Americans for fun.

    “The lawyer, William Consovoy, was responding to a question by Judge Denny Chin of the Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, who asked, ‘What’s your view on the 5th Avenue example? Local authorities couldn’t investigate? They couldn’t do anything about it?’

    ‘I think once the president is removed from office, any local authority — This is not a permanent immunity,’ Consovoy said.

    ‘Well, I’m talking about while in office,’ Judge Chin continued.

    ‘No,’ Consovoy interrupted.

    ‘That’s the hypo[thetical]. Nothing could be done — that’s your position?’ the judge pressed.

    ‘That is correct. That is correct,’ Consovoy responded.

    The exchange came as lawyers were arguing in the 2nd Circuit in New York over a subpoena for Trump’s tax returns as part of a Manhattan county criminal investigation involving the president.”

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:00 PM

    PilotX said.....

    "neither one of them was a presidential candidate in 2016."

    Yeah but that's not how the conservative mind works. Instead of dealing with a situation they immediately try to find a tot for tat which leads to their inevitable false equivalence. Just watch Fox, they all do the same thing. 1. Go to whataboutism and immediately bring up Obama 2. Ask several questions at once to avoid getting in depth into the original question which will never get answered. 3. Change the subject.
    Rinse and repeat. Get used to it Ms. Gambler

    1:49 PM
    Thanks, PilotX. I'm not very good at getting used to bull shit like this, so I guess I'll just continue to call them out when they pull this crap.

  55. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "It is a crime for anyone serving in the US government to solicit aid from a foreign government to influence an election."

    Whatever electoral interest Trump may have, it is in the interest of the US to investigate corruption at the highest levels of government. This was a legitimate request and no crime was committed.

    "And I did not even hint that someone running for president should be immune from corruption investigations."

    Yes you did:

    "the crime Trump committed was to extort a foreign government to investigate his political main political rival in the 2020 election".

    You are saying it is a crime to request foreign cooperation in investigating your political rival, ergo, since much of the evidence is held by that foreign government, that rival should be immune from investigation.

    "Second, At the time the Obama Administration sought evidence of Manafort's activities, Manafort was not running for any elective office, nor was Obama."

    Here you are saying it was okay to investigate Manafort since he himself was not running for office (neither is Hunter Biden, btw).

    I don't think you understand what you are writing. Maybe if you tried expressing your own thoughts rather than attempting to parrot the talking points you consume, you'd make more sense.

  56. "Thanks, PilotX. I'm not very good at getting used to bull shit like this"

    This is kinda new. Remember in the 80's when politicians got in trouble for taking a cheap digital watch or trips. Nowadays it's normal for US Presidents to openly work with foreign entities against fellow Americans. This is the obvious result of electing a reality tv star as President. Gee, who knew? Sad thing is so many Republicans are going along and not standing up for America.

  57. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Your post listed the number of arrests, not the number of convictions. Please come back with that data.

    There you go again, denying facts which refute your nonsense.  Criminal trials take a long time, don't you know?  That is, unless it's politically useful to have a show trial and railroad some guy who was just trying to get back home.

    On page 23 of the report we learn that there were 111 criminal homicides, but only 88 homicides were cleared.  That makes 23 homicides with no identified perpetrator.  It's a fact that black killers are the least likely to be caught, so the number of black murderers could be as high as 69.

    69 out of 111 (62%) from just 6% of the population.

    I know many people who "like to have Blacks around."I am one of them and you remarks are totally disgusting to me.

    There's your fantasy world, and then there's "white flight".

    We will always have the mentally ill, like you and Rachel Dolezal.  This does not mean we should have to tolerate dangerous two-legged animals among us.  OTOH we could put YOU among them and let you become a lesson to others.  I'm sure there are plenty of empty apartments on the west side of Chicago, in Baltimore, St. Louis and a host of other places where you would be the only white face in sight.  We could take bets on how long you lasted.  Nobody deserves it more than you do.

  58. Anonymous2:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Nowadays it's normal for US Presidents to openly work with foreign entities against fellow Americans"

    Nazar Kholodnytskyy, Ukraine’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, said he soon saw evidence in Ukraine of political meddling in the U.S. election. Kholodnytskyy said the key evidence against Manafort — a ledger showing payments from the Party of Regions — was known to Ukrainian authorities since 2014 but was suddenly released in May 2016 by the U.S.-friendly NABU, after Manafort was named Trump’s campaign chairman: “Somebody kept this black ledger secret for two years and then showed it to the public and the U.S. media. It was extremely suspicious.”

    Kholodnytskyy said he explicitly instructed NABU investigators who were working with American authorities not to share the ledger with the media. “Look, Manafort’s case is one of the cases that hurt me a lot,” he said.

    “I ordered the detectives to give nothing to the mass media considering this case. Instead, they had broken my order and published themselves these one or two pages of this black ledger regarding Paul Manafort."

    “For me it was the first call that something was going wrong and that there is some external influence in this case. And there is some other interests in this case not in the interest of the investigation and a fair trial,” he added.

    Kostiantyn Kulyk, deputy head of the Ukraine prosecutor general’s international affairs office, said that, shortly after Ukrainian authorities returned from the Washington meeting, there was a clear message about helping the Americans with the Party of the Regions case.

    “Yes, there was a lot of talking about needing help and then the ledger just appeared in public,” he recalled.

    Kulyk said Ukrainian authorities had evidence that other Western figures, such as former Obama White House counsel Gregory Craig, also received money from Yanukovych’s party. But the Americans weren’t interested: “They just discussed Manafort. This was all and only what they wanted. Nobody else.”

    Manafort joined Trump’s campaign on March 29, 2016, and then was promoted to campaign chairman on May 19, 2016.

    NABU leaked the existence of the ledgers on May 29, 2016.Later that summer, it told U.S. media the ledgers showed payments to Manafort, a revelation that forced him to resign from the campaign in August 2016.

    A Ukrainian court in December concluded NABU’s release of the ledger was an illegal attempt to influence the U.S. election. And a member of Ukraine’s parliament has released a recording of a NABU official saying the agency released the ledger to help Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


  59. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "The other case raised at the January 2016 meeting, Telizhenko said, involved Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company under investigation in Ukraine for improper foreign transfers of money. At the time, Burisma allegedly was paying then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as both a board member and a consultant. More than $3 million flowed from Ukraine to an American firm tied to Hunter Biden in 2014-15, bank records show.

    According to Telizhenko, U.S. officials told the Ukrainians they would prefer that Kiev drop the Burisma probe and allow the FBI to take it over. The Ukrainians did not agree. But then Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Ukraine’s chief prosecutor in March 2016, as I previously reported. The Burisma case was transferred to NABU, then shut down.

    The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington on Thursday confirmed the Obama administration requested the meetings in January 2016, but embassy representatives attended only some of the sessions.

  60. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Telizhenko’s claim that the DOJ reopened its Manafort probe as the 2016 election ramped up is supported by the DOJ’s own documents, including communications involving Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr, his wife, Nellie, and ex-British spy Christopher Steele.

    Nellie Ohr and Steele worked in 2016 for the research firm, Fusion GPS, that was hired by Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to find Russia dirt on Trump. Steele wrote the famous dossier for Fusion that the FBI used to gain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Nellie Ohr admitted to Congress that she routed Russia dirt on Trump from Fusion to the DOJ through her husband during the election.

    DOJ emails show Nellie Ohr on May 30, 2016, directly alerted her husband and two DOJ prosecutors specializing in international crimes to the discovery of the “black ledger” documents that led to Manafort’s prosecution.

    “Reported Trove of documents on Ukrainian Party of Regions’ Black Cashbox,” Nellie Ohr wrote to her husband and federal prosecutors Lisa Holtyn and Joseph Wheatley, attaching a news article on the announcement of NABU’s release of the documents.

    Bruce Ohr and Steele worked on their own effort to get dirt on Manafort from a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who had a soured business relationship with him. Deripaska was “almost ready to talk” to U.S. government officials regarding the money that “Manafort stole,” Bruce Ohr wrote in notes from his conversations with Steele.

    The efforts eventually led to a September 2016 meeting in which the FBI asked Deripaska if he could help prove Manafort was helping Trump collude with Russia. Deripaska laughed off the notion as preposterous.

  61. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "the crime Trump committed was to extort a foreign government to investigate his political main political rival in the 2020 election."

    Biden extorted that same government to stop investigating corruption which involved his own son (whose Burisma job was part of a quid-pro-quo payoff).  Pelosi's son also got Ukranian payoffs.  Trump's duty to faithfully enforce the laws of the United States REQUIRES him to investigate this.

    Biden isn't a candidate yet.  He may never be; Elizabeth Warren is polling ahead of him.  It's funny how you think that cleaning up corruption in your own party is a BAD thing.

    "Sure they did but they didn't try to use foreign influence to tilt it to their liking."

    Two words:  "Russian dossier."

    "I imagine the money for Puerto Rico was with held at drumpf's command in order to punish Puerto Rico for not voting for drumpfuck the dumbfuck."

    Puerto Rico isn't a state and does not have any votes in either Congress or the electoral college.  (The nonsense that libturds say here constantly amazes me.)

  62. Countdown to impeachment party. Who's hosting?πŸ˜†


  63. How many anonymoids does it take to distract from smoking-gun impeachment testimony by irrelevant racial libels?

    None. Anonymoids are nobodies.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:07 PM

    Anonymoous said........
    We will always have the mentally ill, like you and Rachel Dolezal. This does not mean we should have to tolerate dangerous two-legged animals among us. OTOH we could put YOU among them and let you become a lesson to others. I'm sure there are plenty of empty apartments on the west side of Chicago, in Baltimore, St. Louis and a host of other places where you would be the only white face in sight. We could take bets on how long you lasted. Nobody deserves it more than you do. 2:17 PM
    All of this from a gutless bully that doesn't even have the courage to declare a screen name for this blog. Please take your bull shit somewhere else and leave us sane people alone.

  65. How does murder by a lawless mob resemble removing a corrupt traitor from office?

    They look the same if you close your eyes.

  66. "We could take bets on how long you lasted. Nobody deserves it more than you do."

    Lots of cool people on the West Side. Lots of white face in condos that have no problem. She'd feel right at home and friends of mine would be welcoming for dinners and movie nights. Such small minds.

  67. "How does murder by a lawless mob resemble removing a corrupt traitor from office?"

    Because conservative males love to play the victim card. πŸ˜“

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "the crime Trump committed was to extort a foreign government to investigate his political main political rival in the 2020 election."

    Biden extorted that same government to stop investigating corruption which involved his own son (whose Burisma job was part of a quid-pro-quo payoff). Pelosi's son also got Ukranian payoffs. Trump's duty to faithfully enforce the laws of the United States REQUIRES him to investigate this.
    Apparently your reading ability leaves a great deal to be desired. Once again, the fact the Donald Trump while a sitting president requested aid from a foreign government to smear a rival in an up coming election is a crime. It is a crime regardless what Biden, Biden's son, or Pelosi's son has or has not done. Stop deflecting and face the fact that your president is a criminal and must be impeached.

  69. Republicans blocking witnesses now. They are all out to protect this criminal con man. Republicans will regret this period of time.

  70. "Stop deflecting and face the fact that your president is a criminal and must be impeached."

    They won't stop deflection or trying to changing the subject.

  71. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2019/10/23/impeachment-republicans-trump-055688

  72. Anonymous3:28 PM

    "the fact the Donald Trump while a sitting president requested aid from a foreign government to smear a rival"

    That's one interpretation, one that rests on a completely speculative reading of the available facts.

    The other interpretation is that the President requested assistance in investigating potential corruption committed by the previous Vice President which was supported by the previous President. This interpretation is bolstered by the fact the previous Vice President openly bragged about withholding aid unless a foreign government quashed an investigation into his son's corruption, and that the previous President was on board with this extortion.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:38 PM

    "We could take bets on how long you lasted. Nobody deserves it more than you do."

    PilotX said.....
    Lots of cool people on the West Side. Lots of white face in condos that have no problem. She'd feel right at home and friends of mine would be welcoming for dinners and movie nights. Such small minds.
    Thanks, PilotX. I would like very much to be friends with you and your family. Wish I could - too far way.

    I find this poster's comments quite shocking because I have never before had any contact with a rabid racist who appears to be mentally ill.

    I grew up in a family that believed that every person is worthy of respect, that we are all created equal,and we should evaluate others as individuals. These are the principles that I passed to my children and grandchildren.

    My currentbneighborhood houses a divers group of people. We have no problems. Long ago,I rented a house in a black community. I had zero problems with anyone else who lived there.

  74. So the Republican "crooks brothers riot" disrupted an impeachment investigation proceeding today, and the frothing imbeciles took their phones into the SCIF.

    That didn't look frantic or desperate at all.

    If we had a real AG instead of Fergus' testicle cozy Barr, they would all be in custody right now.

    Just wait, guys, your time is rapidly approaching.

    But you know that, and that's why you're freaking the fuck out now.

    Should've thought about this before you decided to suck Fergus dick full time, anyone could see what was gonna happen.

    Have fun!

    -Doug in Oakland


  75. Brad Heath


    The extent to which the DNC server conspiracy theory has taken hold never ceases to amaze. At bottom it’s a factually deficient effort to undercut the fact of Russian interference in 2016. There was no single server - it was cloud email.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Doug is a liar5:54 PM

    There was a server, and it was wiped using Bleach Bit after being subpoenaed by Congress.

    The email server was located in the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York, from January 2009 until 2013, when it was sent to a data center in New Jersey before being handed over to Platte River Networks, a Denver-based information technology firm that Clinton hired to manage her email system


  77. the fact the previous Vice President openly bragged about withholding aid unless a foreign government quashed an investigation into his son's corruption, and that the previous President was on board with this extortion.

    That is a bald faced phucking lie. The prosecutor was removed solely because he was not prosecuting corruption. You are not entitled to your own facts. And your lies get debunked over and over. Maybe time for you to get a new vocation and molest pets or something you're qualified to do.

  78. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The Democratic coup plotters are holding their impeachment inquiry in secret.

    That doesn't look dishonest at all.

  79. Anonymous6:05 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    the fact the previous Vice President openly bragged about withholding aid unless a foreign government quashed an investigation into his son's corruption, and that the previous President was on board with this extortion.

    "That is a bald faced phucking lie."

    Are you calling Joe Biden a liar?


    "The prosecutor was removed solely because he was not prosecuting corruption.

    Biden extorted the Ukrainians because they WEREN'T investigating his son's corruption. Think that one through, mike.

    You are not entitled to your own facts. And your lies get debunked over and over.

    Facts are facts, even when you don't like them. No one has 'debunked' this story, Let's get Hunter and Joe in front of congress and see if they can do some debunking.

  80. That's not the server they're looking in Ukraine for, dear.

    All impeachment investigations are held in secret, just like grand jury testimony, for the same reasons. The house has to do the investigation phase of this impeachment because instead of an AG we have a Fergus testicle cozy who won't do his damn job.

    And if the goddamn Republicans don't like the house investigation rules, they could have written them differently back in 2015, but they didn't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  81. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "And if the goddamn Republicans don't like the house investigation rules, they could have written them differently back in 2015, but they didn't"

    Pelosi changed impeachment rules in December of 2018.

    "A formal vote to initiate an “impeachment inquiry” is not technically required; however, there has always been a full house vote until now. The reason not to have a House vote is simple: if the formal process was followed the minority (republicans) would have enforceable rights within it. Without a vote to initiate, the articles of impeachment can be drawn up without any participation by the minority; and without any input from the executive. This was always the plan that was visible in Pelosi’s changed House rules"


    The House Impeachment Rules were again updated on August 12, 2019. This is the exact same day that the partisan CIA whistleblower filed his complaint – August 12, 2019.


  82. Anonymous6:19 PM

    No evidence has ever been presented to show the Russians hacked the DNC emails.

  83. Anonymous6:22 PM

    "The email server was located in the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York, from January 2009 until 2013"

    Wait, the DNC server was at Hillary's house? She was DNC chair? Did the DNC pay her to keep it there? So many question.


  84. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "The Democratic coup plotters are holding their impeachment inquiry in secret."

    There are still Republicans on the committee. Let the process play out, this is just a stalling tactic.


  85. Anonymous6:28 PM

    There IS evidence Russians hacked DNC e-mail. US Intelligence agencies have stated as much. trump trusts Putin more than his intel agencies. Sad.



  86. Anonymous6:29 PM



  87. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Wait Field, Jesse Lee Peterson "lost" his mind? Man, you're kinda late on that one bro.


  88. Drumpf and anti-American douche bag wingnuts would love nothing more than for drumpf to be able to try the impeachment on twitter. He lies all the time and his dick sucking homies could care less. That is why the hearings are behind closed doors- to attempt to preserve the dignity of the Congress before drumpf makes total jokes out of our Democracy.

  89. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "That is why the hearings are behind closed doors- to attempt to preserve the dignity of the Congress before drumpf makes total jokes out of our Democracy."

    Exactly. Lindsey Grahm has already tipped his hand when he said he was trying to pass a resolution that would immediately discount the impeachment because of lack of transparency. Dude doesn't understand that the House makes its own rules. Also there are 48 Republicans authorized to attend the closed hearings including Jim Jordan, Virginia Foxx and Mike Pense's brother. Thank god the adults are in charge of the process cause these mouth breathers will be exposed for who they are.


  90. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Yes, the secrecy is about "dignity", not hiding what they are doing.

    You people are a trip.

  91. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "There IS evidence Russians hacked DNC e-mail. US Intelligence agencies have stated as much."

    The DNC refused to turn servers over to the FBI, and "US Intelligence agencies" never got to examine them. Instead, they had to rely on the DNC's hired private company's word regarding who may have accessed the DNC emails.

    It's all a sham.

  92. Anonymous8:00 PM

    All of this from a gutless bully

    Hitting you with truths you don't want is not bullying.  In other contexts it's called "cognitive-behavioral therapy"... and god, do you ever need it!

    that doesn't even have the courage to declare a screen name for this blog.

    Facts matter.  Names do not.

    leave us sane people alone.

    Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish.  Talk sense to the insane...

  93. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Argh. Republicans have come up with a plan to stop school shootings. It's not good one.

    It doesn't involve keeping guns out of the hands of kids. Of course not, that would be too sensible.

    Nope. Big Brother is the answer.

    Republicans propose mass student surveillance plan to prevent shootings

    Because in the minds of the wingnuts, unlimited gun ownership is not only AN essential civil liberty (never mind that it really isn't considered one in any normal country in the world), but unlimited gun ownership is apparently the ONLY important civil liberty.

    Wait, I take that back. They also believe in freedom of speech.*

    (*Offer applies only to white, Christian people spouting hate speech.)

  94. From Slate...... All of this is nonsense. As the Daily Beast put it in a headline last year, “Trump’s ‘Missing DNC Server’ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server.” The DNC, like all large organizations, relied on many servers to store and process data and we know, from a lawsuit that it filed last year, that the DNC ultimately had to decommission more than 140 servers, wipe and reboot 180 computers, and rebuild 11 servers as a result of the 2016 incidents.

    That’s a perfectly normal, even admirable thing for an organization to do following a security breach—replace and reboot network equipment. There is no indication that any of these decommissioned or rebuilt servers were not subject to the CrowdStrike investigation, or that any of them went missing at any point, or that any of them ended up anywhere in or near Ukraine

  95. Biden extorted the Ukrainians because they WEREN'T investigating his son's corruption. Think that one through, mike.

    Biden's son was not ever charged with any wrongdoing of any type. The original investigation into the gas co ended before Biden was seated. And there is not a single shred of credible evidence of any criminal activity except on the part of Drumpf. Think that one through.

  96. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/467160-former-nunes-staffer-fueled-trumps-ukrainian-corruption-claims

    Numbnuts rears his ugly had again in feeding info to drumpf for his daily rants. I ogo5t the dull knife and no-salve for Numbnuts numb nuts.

  97. https://the-immoral-minority.com/former-national-security-adviser-susan-rice-calls-senator-lindsey-graham-a-piece-of-shit/


  98. Anonymous9:02 PM


    Yeah, not too surprising that Susan Rice hates Lindsey’s guts. He was one of the ringleaders of the big Benghazi circus, which was meant to smear Hillary Clinton, but Susan Rice got smeared as collateral damage in the process.

    Lindsey has, indeed, been a huge piece of shit for a long time. The only mystery is that he went from a Trump-hating piece of shit to a Trump-defending piece of shit, seemingly overnight.

    What is the explanation? Blackmail? Does Trump have some kind of dirt on Graham?

  99. And now Sister Lindsey wants to outright dismiss any impeachment findings because he wants "transparancy". Does it really matter how the information was gathered? trump either committed impeachable offenses or he didn't. The House makes its own rules. If your best and last argument is about process then you may want to re-evaluate your argument. There are 48 Republican members in the closed hearings so they should be pretty confident in the proceedings.

  100. “The Trump administration has sought repeatedly to cut foreign aid programs tasked with combating corruption in Ukraine and elsewhere overseas, White House budget documents show, despite recent claims from President Trump and his administration that they have been singularly concerned with fighting corruption in Ukraine,” the Washington Post reports.

    So that "We're only concerned about corruption" bullshit is proven to be just that. These morons are so used to playing to their idiot hordes who will swallow any lie any time that they've forgotten that some things get written down or recorded.

    -Doug in Oakland

  101. "What is the explanation? Blackmail? Does Trump have some kind of dirt on Graham?"

    He explained that thusly: "I know how to win an election."

    -Doug in Oakland

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The Democratic coup plotters are holding their impeachment inquiry in secret.

    That doesn't look dishonest at all.

    5:57 PM
    You are obviously an idiot who flunked Civics 101. The committees investigating Trump's criminal behavior are made up of both Democratic and Republican Congressmen. Each committee is nearly equal in the number of members from each party, except that the Democrats get one more member than the Republicans on each committee because they control the House. If Republicans controlled the House, they would have one more member than the Democrats on each committee.

    Holy Smokes, Dude, don't you know anything about how our government works?

  103. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 PM

    Trump really stepped on it yesterday. LOL

    After Trump declared he is building a "border" wall in Colorado, Colorado governor Polis said: “Well this is awkward…Colorado doesn’t border Mexico. Good thing Colorado now offers free full day kindergarten so our kids can learn basic geography.” www.politicalwire.com

  104. Anonymous10:56 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Biden's son was not ever charged with any wrongdoing of any type."

    Because his father got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold aid.

  105. So Fergus' lawyers argued in federal court today that yes, Fergus could shoot someone, and no the local police could not stop him.
    Not just could not charge him with murder, but could not prevent him from committing other murders.

    This is what the goddamn Republicans are trying to do to the country.

    -Doug in Oakland

  106. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Good thing Trump has the personal discipline not to shoot people.

  107. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Doug sure does like using the words "sucking" and "dick". Coincidence? I think not.

  108. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "Even if the President should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching..."

    Joe Bidet 1998

    There's a long list of demonrats using the word "lynching". So feelz, this is all fake outrage. Fake butthurt much?

    Doug on the other hand, really does have a bad case of butthurt.

  109. Because his father got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold aid.

    Finally got part of the story right. Took you long enough. Obama, along with several other nations which gave aid to Ukraine wanted Sholnick removed because he WAS NOT PROSECUTING FRAUD! There was no ongoing investigation into Biden and no need for it. Hunter Biden was a target only in wingnut fever dreams.

    Gawd you stoopid fucking wingnuts are stoopid!!

  110. Drumpfuck said it was to soon to congratulate me for the beautiful job he did in Syria.

    Dumbfucker is seriously warped in his twisted mind.

  111. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "there was no ongoing investigation into Biden and no need for it. Hunter Biden was a target only in wingnut fever dreams."

    Sworn statement of former Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin regarding his termination:

    “I was forced out because I was leading a wide-range corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine, and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was a member of the board of directors. I assume Burisma,which was connected with gas extraction, had the support of the US Vice President Joe Biden because his son was on the Board of Directors”

  112. You didn't expect Sholkin to admit the truth, did you? He was trying to buy favor from Drumpf, much as you wingnuts do.

  113. BTW what exactly was Biden accused of corrupting?

  114. https://www.wonkette.com/montana-high-school-superintendent-wont-even-accidentally-apologize-for-accidentally-offensive-racist-video

    Wingnuts have no qualms about insulting everybody except wasicus.

  115. Anonymous10:59 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    BTW what exactly was Biden accused of corrupting?

    The US pulled off a CIA-managed coup in Ukraine in that violently ousted the democratically elected government in Mid-February 2014.

    After that, the Obama administration basically owned the government of Ukraine, and many prominent democrats cashed in on lucrative extortion deals.

    One of those deals occurred when Ukrainian gas company Burisma hired Hunter Biden to curry favor with his father, who was the administrations point man on Ukraine. Hunter, recently kicked out of the Navy, had no experience in the energy business, but was placed on the board and given a generous monthly salary. (BTW, two of Hunter's business partners for his lucrative business deal with the Bank of China were John Kerry's stepson and Whitey Bulger's nephew.)

    When Sholkin started poking around Burisma as part of a corruption probe, it threatened to expose what Biden, and lots of other connected democrats were doing, so the pesky prosecutor had to go.

    Biden held up $1.2 billion in aid until the Ukrainians fired Sholkin, ending the probe into Burisma. Slow Joe then bragged about it in a videotaped interview.




  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Good thing Trump has the personal discipline not to shoot people.

    1:58 AM
    I'm not too sure about that. He hasn't shown any personal discipline yet.

  117. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Hillary Clinton spotted at Costco.


  118. Federalist hit job has a lot of maybe this and what if thats and no credible evidence to show either Hunter helped gas company avoid scrutiny or that Joe got prosecutor fired to stop investigation into Hunter.

    Not having experience in a field is no excuse not to hire someone. Look at Drumpf's cabinet and judiciary picks. you'd be hard to find one eligible for the position they hold. Bat shit Betsy deVos is exhibit one as education secretary. Ben Carson as HUD director.

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:14 PM

    Anonymous said.....




    10:59 AM
    Do you have any references that are not right-wing propaganda sites?

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:34 PM

    TO Anonymous at 2:33 PM....

    The viral image said that when Hunter Biden was serving as "a director to Ukraine’s largest private gas producer," his father "threatened to withhold $1 BILLION in U.S. aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire a prosecutor looking into" the gas company.

    The image gets individual pieces of this assertion right -- Hunter Biden was a director of the company, and Joe Biden did leverage U.S. aid to fire a prosecutor. But it overreaches by assuming that Joe Biden acted to protect the company his son was affiliated with. In reality, there was widespread agreement in the West that the existing prosecutor had to go, and it’s not clear that the company would have benefited from his ouster anyway, given evidence that its cases had long been dormant.

    That said, experts criticize the Bidens for their arrangement, saying it could have been a significant conflict of interest.

    We rate the statement Half True.

  121. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Put Biden in Half Prison then.

  122. Granny is not a real person2:57 PM

    "Do you have any references that are not right-wing propaganda sites?"

    No, I just stick to Russian-funded right-wing propaganda sites like....Counterpunch.

  123. Corn Pop2:59 PM

    If I ever catch one you mofos on here calling Biden a liar, I'm gonna cut y'all up with a rusty straight razor.

  124. The prosecutor was fired for not investigating corruption, sort of the opposite of what Fergus and his felons are claiming, but outrageous lies are SOP for that bunch.

    They are not redeemable and need to be driven from not only government, but any position of responsibility above the level of "do you want fries with that?", obviously.

    The harder issue is what to do about their idiot hordes who love them and are addicted to the lies they tell. They are, after all, citizens who deserve to be represented in their government, stupid, destructive ideology and all.

    If their representation can be constrained to their actual numbers, the problem will take care of itself in a few election cycles, so that must be a priority as soon as we get the levers of power back, and it's encouraging that the house has already passed legislation in that direction so enacting it will take up a smaller slice of the 18 months or so we will be allocated to fix all of this bullshit.

    -Doug in Oakland

  125. Anonymous3:27 PM

    "The harder issue is what to do about their idiot hordes who love them and are addicted to the lies they tell."

    Obviously put them in concentration camps where they can be offered a shot a reeducation before they are exterminated.

    The Pig People must pay for irritating Doug with their existence. No one should have to suffer in continuous outrage like he has.

  126. Honest Abe3:43 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "The prosecutor was fired for not investigating corruption"

    Just like Hillary deleted her emails because they weren't incriminating enough.

    We don't deserve such goodness from our politicians. God bless the Democratic Party.

  127. Just like Hillary deleted her emails because they weren't incriminating enough.

    Is it humanly possible stoopid fucking numbnut wingnuts could lie more than they do now? HRCs emails were determined through legal counsel, with familiarity with government regs, to be personal and not work related emails. Niow if you were honest and fair(guffaw) your beef would be with her lawyers, not your personal hatred of HRC.

    So stick a sock in it.

  128. Doug the numbers problem might not resolve itself since the SPOTUS recently ruled Michigan can continue the loosided gerrymandering that put them in power.

    It may take decades to rid the courts of unqualified right wing ideologues Drumpf has poisoned America with.

  129. Rumour has it Drumpfuck and stoopid fucking crooked wingnuts plan to kidnap Elijah Cummings body while it lies in state, and demand an end to all impeachment proceedings for the safe return.

    Drumpf plans to remove the casket to Drumpf Dump South and sell tickets so people can earn his some pocket jingle while he is still bogus potus.

    Expect full details on twitter in the early morning hours followed immediately by a complete denial with Drumpf claiming he has never met and did not know Elijah Cummings remains.

  130. Former Judge Andrew Napolitano from Fox News: “As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors … they are consistent with the rules. … When were the rules written last? In January of 2015. And who signed them? John Boehner. And who enacted them? A Republican majority.”

  131. Obama, the smart guy, gets to eulogize Cummings. I doubt Drumpf will be invited and no one wants to hear drumpf eulogize himself in a pity party.

  132. https://boingboing.net/2019/10/24/scientists-train-rats-to-drive.html

    and they enjoy it. Hey wingnuts, see the possibilities that could open for you if only you believed in science? You, too, could be taught to drive and eat with silverware and who knows what else you could do.

  133. Darwin5:00 PM

    "if only you believed in science?"

    Science says there are significant differences in IQ across racial groups.

  134. Wingnuts are racists and they are pretty god damned dumb.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:33 PM

    Darwin said...

    "if only you believed in science?"

    Science says there are significant differences in IQ across racial groups.

    5:00 PM
    Only discredited fake science says "there are significant differences in IQ across racial groups." Real scientists say the entire concept of different races is false.

  136. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Granny is not a real person said...

    "Do you have any references that are not right-wing propaganda sites?"

    No, I just stick to Russian-funded right-wing propaganda shttps://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2019/may/07/viral-image/fact-checking-joe-biden-hunter-biden-and-ukraine/
    I have one for you. See above.

  137. Darwin6:58 PM

    "Real scientists say the entire concept of different races is false"

    Granny is a creationist who doesn't believe in evolution.

  138. "Science says there are significant differences in IQ across racial groups."

    Pseudo-science. I mean sure the idiots on VDare or stormfront with barely high school educations push this bullshit.

  139. 97% of Cultists8:23 PM

    Scientists say driving SUVs and eating meat will destroy the earth in 12 years despite there being no observable evidence of coming calamity: PilotX says we must believe them.

    Scientists say there are directly observable and measurable differences in IQ distribution among genetically identifiable racial groupings: PilotX says we must not believe them.

  140. Wingnut trained scientists are still having problems with the concept of water being wet.

    Wingnut scientists are trained at conservative arts schools.

  141. Whoops, he did it again. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-records-strongly-corroborate-sex-assault-claims-accuser/story?id=66509771

    Nail his skanky orange ass, Summer Zervos.

  142. "Doug the numbers problem might not resolve itself since the SPOTUS recently ruled Michigan can continue the loosided gerrymandering that put them in power."

    They said that congressional or state level remedies were OK, though, just not judicial ones.

    HR1 limits partisan gerrymandering, and my state (and others) draw districts with an independent commission.

    We can fix this. They want us to believe we can't so we'll stop trying, and that tells you what they really think about it.

    They're scared shitless of the change that's coming because they know they can't stop it.

    We're minority-majority below age 18 already, so those folks start voting next year. And every year after that more and more age into the electorate. Things will look much different for them politically a decade from now, which is why their strategy is to take over the judiciary while they are still able to attain elected office.

    And: "Obviously put them in concentration camps where they can be offered a shot a reeducation before they are exterminated."

    When what I said was, and always has been: "They are, after all, citizens who deserve to be represented in their government, stupid, destructive ideology and all."

    They are doing a fine job of exterminating themselves, causing our life expectancy to go down for the first time and the only developed country to do so. What we want to do is give them healthcare so they don't have to die so young.

    -Doug in Oakland

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:04 PM

    97% of Cultists said...

    Scientists say driving SUVs and eating meat will destroy the earth in 12 years despite there being no observable evidence of coming calamity: PilotX says we must believe them.

    Scientists say there are directly observable and measurable differences in IQ distribution among genetically identifiable racial groupings: PilotX says we must not believe them.

    8:23 PM
    99% of all sane people think you are an idiot.

  144. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:12 PM

    Darwin said...

    "Real scientists say the entire concept of different races is false"

    Granny is a creationist who doesn't believe in evolution.

    6:58 PM
    Wow, did you get a wrong number! If you are speaking of me, you are barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. Please, I'm no creationist. Only loony or badly deceived people believe in creationism. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming, as the evidence of climate change.

    I suggest you take a college level course in informal logic, since you tend to jump to conclusions based on very little evidence.

  145. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Mississippi Wind Chimes

  146. "Scientists say driving SUVs and eating meat will destroy the earth in 12 years despite there being no observable evidence of coming calamity"

    Oh boy, we have a genius here.πŸ™„

  147. "Scientists say there are directly observable and measurable differences in IQ distribution among genetically identifiable racial groupings"

    Not scientists, racists on racist websites citing pseudoscience. Get a degree son, it'll help.

  148. Darwin10:46 AM

    PilotX believes in fairy tales, but not in evolution.


  149. "PilotX believes in fairy tales, but not in evolution."

    Yawn. Nah, it's conservative evangelicals who home school that don't believe in evolution. I'm an atheist so I'm not big on invisible deities i.e. fairy tales. πŸ˜‚ I believe in science and evolution but not fake science promoted by anonomous trolls who have never seen the inside of a college science classroom. Nice try though. Now please go attack the fools that want to put "God" into the classroom.

  150. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/louisiana-public-schools-display-god-trust-beginning-school/story%3Fid%3D64947756?fbclid=IwAR3xbegx_hT9DfuAqXI86zfn2_T6Ygq5eq9tdQgxeDu0ozDbzPyCYMr1Zz8

  151. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "Nah, it's conservative evangelicals who home school that don't believe in evolution."

    If you don't believe that different environmental pressures can lead to genetic differences in separate populations, you don't believe in evolution.

    Race is a biological fact, one that can be determined by DNA analysis, skeletal measurements, or just plain looking.

    There are observable differences in different racial groups. To deny this is to deny evolution.

  152. Anonymous12:16 PM

    "I'm an atheist so I'm not big on invisible deities i.e. fairy tales."

    You believe that anthropogenic contributions to climate change are a significant factor in global warming, and that this represents an existential threat to the planet, despite there being no clear data that proves this. You believe this because "Scientists" say so, while you refuse to accept the scientific consensus on biological differences between human populations, despite there being overwhelming evidence from numerous disciplines that proves race is real.

    You may not believe in God, but you ascribe to a quasi-religious belief system that justifies its rigid ideological tenets based not on science but on a selective acceptance of the word of people designated as scientists, who function as a priesthood for the New Religion.

  153. "You believe that anthropogenic contributions to climate change are a significant factor in global warming, and that this represents an existential threat to the planet, despite there being no clear data that proves this."

    Nonsense, the vast vast vast majority of climate scientists have studied the data which shows significant warming. I have studied under well respected climatologists including the state climatologist of the state if Mississippi and all have concluded through research that the climate is changing due to human activity. Other friends include the former president of the American Meteorological Society, which by the way has concluded the planet is warming due to human forcings. Where did you study climate science? What climatologists have you consulted? Are you yourself an atmospheric scientist or like all other armchair "experts" do you just search information that satisfies your beliefs? I have no need to "believe" in global warming because the data conclusively proves it. Go to the ncdc.gov to educate yourself (national climate data center). Sorry bro but I'll trust the findings of serious climate scientists over an anonymous troll on a blog with zero scientific credentials, yeah I'm silly like that.

  154. "There are observable differences in different racial groups. To deny this is to deny evolution."

    No shit Sherlock but there are also commonalities and the pseudoscience of proving whites are superior has long been debunked Now go back under your bridge and play "scientist" somewhere else. You probably have a high school education af best. Educated scholars don't try to prove racial superiority all day as an anonymous troll. Get a job kid.

  155. The global warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human activity. The data proves this.


  156. Global warming is unequivocal.


  157. Anonymous1:00 PM

    No shit Sherlock but there are also commonalities

    And your mama has commonalities with dogs, which makes them the same.  Same "logic" you're using.  Ever heard the term "false syllogism"?  Either you've been refuted, or you are literally a son of a bitch.

    the pseudoscience of proving whites are superior has long been debunked

    Whites are superior as proven by their record of accomplishment over centuries.

    Educated scholars don't try to prove racial superiority all day as an anonymous troll.

    So we don't need racially integrated schools any more, because there is NOTHING superior about whites and black kids don't have to sit next to them to learn?  Everything since Brown vs. Board of Education was a mistake, and we should stop wasting time, effort and especially blame?  Sign me up!

  158. https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/about-ams/ams-statements/statements-of-the-ams-in-force/climate-change1/

  159. "So we don't need racially integrated schools any more, because there is NOTHING superior about whites and black kids don't have to sit next to them to learn?"

    Absolutely not. We don't NEED intergrated schools at all. Parents send their kids to whatever school they decide without restrictions placed on them by racists. It's obvious you're a racist and also a coward who hides behind the anonymous screen name. You have no new information, you are just regurgitating disproven and silly racist stereotypes. If you have something new to say and can create a screen name and atick with it we can communicate but if you insist on just posting nonsense as anon I gotta move on.

  160. Darwin1:12 PM

    "all have concluded through research that the climate is changing due to human activity"

    This is not true, and those that have concluded such have based their conclusions of climate models that have proved wrong in all of their predictions.

    Any human contribution to climate is lost in the noise of natural fluctuations. There is no climate crisis.

  161. Darwin1:27 PM

    PilotX said...
    "No shit Sherlock but there are also commonalities and the pseudoscience of proving whites are superior has long been debunked"

    This has nothing to do with superiority. I do not believe whites are superior. We are all humans of equal worth, and everyone has their own talents that are not constrained by their racial classification.

    However their are observable differences in the distribution of attributes when looking at group populations, especially at the high end of human achievement. For example, people of West African descent dominate in sprinting. This particular 'superiority' has an obvious genetic component. This does not mean other racial groups are inferior humans, just that the lack of Northern European or East Asian gold medalist sprinters is not indicative of any racial bias.

    The reality of human biodiversity is denied on ideological grounds, not scientific grounds.

  162. "Overall, we rate Principia Scientific International (PSI) a strong conspiracy and Pseudoscience website that promotes anti-vaccine propaganda and frequent misinformation regarding climate change. (D. Van Zandt 7/18/2017) Updated (9/26/2019)"

    Sure kid,a conspiracy anti-vaxer site that quotes an "anonymous" top researcher who believes the government wants to tax us more. Great, you know how to use the internet search function. Just stop.

  163. "Any human contribution to climate is lost in the noise of natural fluctuations. There is no climate crisis."

    Sure kid. I'm sure you've studied atmospheric science. You win, I'll take the word of an anonymous troll on a blog over research scientists who've spent half of their entire lives studying the climate. πŸ˜‚

  164. Climate scientists are well aware of the "anonymous" claims all over the internet. Of course NASA faked their data and a former "top researcher" proves it on a fringe website. Got a few bridges for ya Darwin,really cheap too. πŸ˜†

  165. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/climate-and-climate-change/climate-change/impacts/index

  166. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Climate change is bullshit.....

  167. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:00 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Whites are superior as proven by their record of accomplishment over centuries.

    1:00 PM
    LOL! Everyone but you and your ilk knows why it appears that whites have such a "record of accomplishment". It's because white men write nearly all of the history books.

  168. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:43 PM

    97% of Cultists said...

    "Scientists say driving SUVs and eating meat will destroy the earth in 12 years despite there being no observable evidence of coming calamity: PilotX says we must believe them."
    Which scientists say that? Please post a source of you quote.

  169. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:48 PM

    Anonymous Darwin said...

    "all have concluded through research that the climate is changing due to human activity"

    This is not true, and those that have concluded such have based their conclusions of climate models that have proved wrong in all of their predictions.

    Any human contribution to climate is lost in the noise of natural fluctuations. There is no climate crisis.

    1:12 PM
    Please post the source of your claim that " climate models that have proved wrong in all of their predictions". And if climate models really have proved wrong, how were they wrong? Were they too mild? Two severe? Too conservative??????

  170. Anonymous10:51 PM

    LOL! Everyone but you and your ilk

    Who do you mean by that, specifically?  Most of us went to public schools, where we received the standard "social studies" curriculum of the day.

    We know what they wanted us to think.  We also know that a lot of it was lies, especially the parts about Harriet Tubman, Charles Drew and George Washington Carver.

    knows why it appears that whites have such a "record of accomplishment". It's because white men write nearly all of the history books.

    Which required inventing the printing press, movable type and ways of making paper cheap and abundant.  I notice that you give white men no credit for any of those huge contributions to humanity.

    But the record of accomplishment goes far beyond books.  Sub-saharan Africa did not produce anything resembling an aqueduct, a Gothic cathedral or glass windows despite thousands of years of time alone.  Despite an abundance of species at hand the African never found a way to domesticate an elephant, an equuid or a buffalo while other races did.

    Sub-Saharan Africans never produced histories because they never invented printing, or paper, or writing.  That came when the white man arrived.  And they (and you) still hate him for it.  Ingrates, all.

  171. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:51 AM

    Anonymous (of course) said....

    I notice that you give white men no credit for any of those huge contributions to humanity.
    Well pardon me. I wasn't aware that you required me to give white men credit for anything during this conversation. Is that standard with you?

    Sorry, but you old, tired rant is really boring. Go away,I ain't got time for this.

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  173. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "I wasn't aware that you required me to give white men credit for anything during this conversation. Is that standard with you?"

    No, it only comes up when some sleepwalking twit who thinks they're "woke" says something like "Everyone but you and your ilk knows why it appears that whites have such a "record of accomplishment". It's because white men write nearly all of the history books."

    And when someone smacks you in the face with the truth, you get all offended.  All you had to do was stick to the truth in the first place, but that was too much for you to do in your ivory-tower job and feather-cushioned retirement.

    "Go away,I ain't got time for this."

    The evidence is that you do.
