Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Image result for back pack images

I'm on the road field hands.

I will holla at you later.

Be safe out there.


  1. We're visiting our friends an hour North of here for Thanksgiving dinner again this year. They came within about a mile of being wiped out by the Kincade fire last month, so they have a lot to feel thankful for this year.

    The "bomb cyclone" has dumped a couple of feet of snow down to a couple thousand feet elevation effectively ending the fire season for the North half of the state, so as fucked up as this year was, we did get lucky and have much to be thankful for.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm. trump in office for 3 years, life expectancy rates fall for 3 straight years.🤔

  3. Supreme court says Dr. Michael Mann can sue National Review for defamation.😂😂😂

  4. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Multiple black males assault a black female McDonalds employee and knock her unconscious:

    BLM activists: 

    Blacks do not care about black lives.  Nobody else should either.

  5. Have a wonderful and safe Thanskgiving everyone!

  6. Anonymous3:08 AM

    “Supreme court says Dr. Michael Mann can sue National Review for defamation.������”

    If the US had better anti-defamation laws, half the wingnut media outlets in America would get sued out of existence.

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Oooooops. Forgot to post the link.


  8. If the US had better anti-defamation laws, all the conspiracy sites like dead Breitbart, Alex jones, O'keefe and a multitude of others would all be wiped out. Especially Fake Noize.And drumpf the champeen liar of all recorded history.

    Hope they choke on their wishboners.

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    "BLM activists:

    Blacks do not care about black lives. Nobody else should either."

    I've never seen that message from any BLM chapter. Care to share your info?

  10. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Ha! A handy guide for dealing with any QAnon idiots. A good profile of the believers.

  11. Anonymous11:07 AM

    “Ha! A handy guide for dealing with any QAnon idiots. A good profile of the believers.”

    If you actually have any relatives who believe in QAnon, and need instructions on how to deal with them over Thanksgiving, my strong advice would be: Don’t.

    Don’t have anything to do with anyone this dangerously deranged. That is way too Trumpy. Contact the authorities and begin the appropriate paperwork to have them committed to a secure facility that will keep them away from any sharp objects.

  12. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  13. From Business Insider.... A Trump administration official has told The Washington Post that the White House has been unable to find any record of the September 9 call between President Donald Trump and the US ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland.
    Both men have said that during the call Trump told Sondland he sought "no quid pro quo" and wanted "nothing" from Ukraine.
    Trump has used the call in his impeachment defense, repeating some of what Sondland told the House Intelligence Committee

  14. The Fed is staving off recession by taking on unbelievable amounts of debt in the form of bonds, the same practice they used to help ease us out of dumbass dubya's recession.

    Why isn't anyone talking about how much debt we are racking up under drumpfuck the dumbfuck?


    Tell me, what wingnut party is this white privileged POS belonging to? Thak giving for compassionate conservatism.

  16. "Don’t have anything to do with anyone this dangerously deranged."

    Like other cult members you need to stay in contact if you have any hope of one day reaching them.

  17. "Why isn't anyone talking about how much debt we are racking up under drumpfuck the dumbfuck?"

    It only matters when a Dem is in the WH.


  19. Anonymous3:16 PM

    “Like other cult members you need to stay in contact if you have any hope of one day reaching them.”

    Yeah, the article addresses this. It’s more serious and less jokey than is typical for Wonkette.

    However, I honestly don’t know how many people would be willing to devote their holiday to acting as “cult deprogrammer” to an extended family member. This is nobody’s idea of a good time.

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I've never seen that message from any BLM chapter.

    The message is implicit in the <crickets> you hear from BLM when blacks assault or kill other blacks.  Their silence proves that black lives ONLY matter when they can be weaponized against whites.

  21. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "Their silence proves that black lives ONLY matter when they can be weaponized against whites."

    No, their silence proves that the entire point of their organization is holding the police accountable for violence, not fixing all violence throughout society.

    Why? Because the police already hold everyone else accountable for violence. They just don't hold themselves accountable, preferring to respond to almost every instance of brutality by officers with: "Oh well, it's justified; that guy shouldn't have resisted."

  22. Eye opening read, PilotX.

    Black lives don't matter because drumpf has his cultists believing only white lives matter. When he tosses all his cultists under the bus they will find a way to blame someone else. Latest article from Moody's says 64 % of Americans situations have either not changed or have gotten worse since drumpf's taxcuts for the koch bros last year.

  23. So drumpfuck the dumbfuck says the declassified Russia Investigation memo completely exonerates him. This guy is beyond intervention and/or redemption. He is in dire of need of being locked far away in a cage and not have visitors ever.

    The memoo clearly states the Steele Dossier was not the basis for carter page surveillance and the FISA judge was aware of politics behind some accusations.

  24. Donald Trump's Former Kentucky Campaign Manager Tim Nolan Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Child Sex Trafficking

    This will get maybe 1/1000th of the coverage that the pretend child sex ring in the basement of the pizza place with no basement received.

    (h/t: Carl Newman)

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. What a way to end Thanksgiving......

  26. Well my favorite day of the year tomorrow,Black Friday!😂

  27. Anonymous2:10 AM

    "The message is implicit in the you hear from BLM when blacks assault or kill other blacks."

    Um no, the message is something you made up. Why not talk to a BLM official and get their take on matters instead of making up things and putting out messages they would in no way endorse? I mean this is the new racist "where is Jesse Jackson" trope used for years. Go to the horses mouth or give it a rest, it's old.

  28. Anonymous2:12 AM

    "Their silence proves that black lives ONLY matter when they can be weaponized against whites."

    And we can assume the same is true about you. You are silent when whites assault or kill other whites sooooooooooooooo. Right back atcha.

  29. Anonymous2:28 AM

    How conservative Christians lost the bible and found trump.

  30. Lt. Commander Johnson3:49 AM

    Just , who do you call "who"? Anon @2;12?

    White folks are the first to keep the trash down. Black, or white.

  31. In the interest of exposing stoopid fucking wingnuts meddling deeper into a woman’s uterus, may i present this beauty of a piece of unscientific legislation……

    Science says there is no procedure for this monumental joke.

  32. Then why is there so much white trash voting against their own best interests?


  34. Anonymous11:25 AM


    Of course the photo wasn’t doctored. A team of mad scientists successfully transplanted Stallone’s body onto Trump’s head in a groundbreaking surgery!

    Stallone is reportedly not happy with his end of the arrangement.

  35. Anonymous11:56 AM

    their silence proves that the entire point of their organization is holding the police accountable for violence, not fixing all violence throughout society

    Yes, holding THE POLICE, and ONLY the police, "accountable" (meaning, preventing them from doing police work) which enables VASTLY MORE VIOLENCE FROM THE THUGS THE POLICE WERE KEEPING IN CHECK.  Blacks think thuggery is a civil right, when it is anti-civilization.

    The post-Ferguson, post-McDonald surge in murders has killed more blacks than in the entire history of lynching in the USA.  BLM and "the community" both think this is a success.  That's all the rest of the country needs to know.  Blacks are irredeemable.  Black lives don't matter to blacks, and nobody else should give a damn either.

    You are silent when whites assault or kill other whites

    I don't practice "no snitching" and never say "too many white men in prison" either.  Blacks do.


  36. Yes, holding THE POLICE, and ONLY the police, "accountable" (meaning, preventing them from doing police work) which enables VASTLY MORE VIOLENCE FROM THE THUGS THE POLICE WERE KEEPING IN CHECK. Blacks think thuggery is a civil right, when it is anti-civilization.

    What a crock of bullshit.

  37. Anonymous1:38 PM

    “Yes, holding THE POLICE, and ONLY the police, ‘accountable’ (meaning, preventing them from doing police work) which enables VASTLY MORE VIOLENCE FROM THE THUGS THE POLICE WERE KEEPING IN CHECK.”

    Yeah, that is the standard line from police unions. If they aren’t allowed total impunity to kill whomever they like, they won’t be able to do their jobs and then there will be mayhem.

    It’s a self-serving lie.

  38. Anonymous1:48 PM

    “I don't practice ‘no snitching’ and never say ‘too many white men in prison’ either. Blacks do.

    Blacks don’t practice “no snitching” either. This is essentially a myth.

    But it is true that black people are sometimes afraid to rat out gang members because they are afraid of reprisals by the gangs that live in their neighborhoods if they do. Anyone would be. And black people also sometimes don’t want to cooperate with police because some of the police are racist.

    And yes, that police racism is a factor in why, in fact, there ARE too many black men in prison.

  39. Anonymous1:57 PM

    If they aren’t allowed total impunity to kill whomever they like, they won’t be able to do their jobs and then there will be mayhem.

    Try "can't perform Terry stops if there are "too many" minorities being stopped" (part of the Chicago consent decree with the ACLU) and now can't point (without firing) their weapons at hostiles without being investigated and punished for that as well.

    CPD officers have "gone fetal" to protect themselves from being ruined.  Actual police work, the kind of pro-active attitude which stops thugs before they kill, is gone there.  "Flash robs" in downtown are now a regular thing.

    It’s a self-serving lie.

    Everything BLM says, and everything you believe, are lies.  I can only hope that your belief winds up hurting nobody except you.

  40. Anonymous5:14 PM

    The GOP candidate running against Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in 2020 has been kicked off Twitter after she used it to libel Omar and call for her to be executed.

    Ilhan Omar's Republican opponent was banned from Twitter after suggesting the congresswoman should be tried for treason and hanged

    Stay classy, Republicans.

  41. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "Try 'can't perform Terry stops if there are "too many" minorities being stopped' (part of the Chicago consent decree with the ACLU) and now can't point (without firing) their weapons at hostiles without being investigated and punished for that as well."

    This is bullshit.

    "Stop and frisk" is an illegal practice, pure and simple. It violates multiple constitutional provision to stop and search people solely for having the audacity to be black. This is already, by definition, banned everywhere that the police do not willfully defy the law and violate people's rights. Break out the tiny violins for officers crying about not being able to pull this crap anymore.

    And Chicago's consent decree only calls for officers to document every instance when they point their gun at someone. It does not call for them to be investigated.

  42. drumpf legged it over to Afghanistan and told troops Taliban wants a peace deal. Problem is, no one told them they wanted a peace deal. drumpfy can't not lie to save himself. Real presidential pos.


    drumpf wants soldiers to swear loyalty to him, not the constitution or their superior officers.


    What was UPS thinking?

    Right royal prick kid (sucks)rock went on a drunken racist diatribe against Oprah and some white women, but he swears he is not a racist.

  45. Anonymous3:41 AM

    “What was UPS thinking?”

    They were thinking that black people are allowed to be delivery drivers, even if this makes some racists freak out because they assume any black person in their neighborhood must be up to no good?

  46. Anonymous6:36 AM

    That's because if you find a UPS driver stealing, they're almost always black:

    2019 will be more of the same.  It's not prejudice or bigotry.  It's experience.

  47. Here's yer Negro UPS driver stealing package. He was so ashamed he turned white on the spot.


    Here UPS delivers and non-Negro Fed Ex guy taketh away. Why should UPS non Negro guys have all the fun?

  49. Anonymous11:27 AM

    “Here UPS delivers and non-Negro Fed Ex guy taketh away. Why should UPS non Negro guys have all the fun?”

    I’m gonna have to say that’s not a real Fed Ex employee. He just bought a used, beat-up old Fed Ex jacket to wear so he and his buddy could look less suspicious while they followed the UPS guy around on his route and stole packages.

  50. The point was neither the package stealing Fed Ex guy or his lady friend were Negros.

  51. Be thankful billionaires for South Dakota, aka Northern Mississippi. By the end of 2020 Dakota will hold 355 billion bucks in untaxable trust fund pesos from billionairea all around the world.

    Dakota gets no use from the funds as near as anyone can tell, so why do this? A paltry penny or two tax could help the state coffers tremendously in a slum where there is no income tax and they can't keep graduates at home because of low wage jobs.

  52. White teen driver shot by white backseat passenger with an AR-15 while she was driving. Happy Holidays, dead girl. Nice shooting, white Willie Horton.

  53. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Police: Black man threw children, ages 1 and 4, over barbed wire fence during chase:

  54. Best joke of the week.....

    Lincoln, without his brasin and having been dead a few years is still a more stable genius than drumpfuck the dumb!

  55. From The Guardian:

    A bill to ban abortion introduced in the Ohio state legislature requires doctors to “reimplant an ectopic pregnancy” into a woman’s uterus – a procedure that does not exist in medical science – or face charges of “abortion murder”.

    These fuckers are batshit crazy.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. Easy remedy for that draconian law, Doug. Make abortion retroactive and mandatory for all stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  57. motivation45612:24 AM

    very nice Christmas eve
