Thursday, December 26, 2019

I'm still out of pocket.

But I will holla at you soon, field- hands.

There is so much to chop it up about.

The stock market is roaring along, and yet more Americans than ever are calling for the impeachment (and removal) of the Orange crime boss.



  1. We are in deep shit!

  2. What happens when Republicans are in charge.


  3. "What happens when Republicans are in charge."


  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

  5. Witch Hunt9:45 PM

    Well, it looks like President Trump is going to make it through 2019 without being impeached, as Nancy Pelosi is afraid to send the ridiculous articles passed by the House to the Senate.

    What a shit show.

  6. Al Whore10:16 PM

    It’s so weird how all the “solutions” to climate change are all the things the communists have been wanting since the creation of communism.

  7. The threat to Democracy:

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:10 PM

    Witch Hunt said...

    Well, it looks like President Trump is going to make it through 2019 without being impeached, as Nancy Pelosi is afraid to send the ridiculous articles passed by the House to the Senate.

    What a shit show.

    9:45 PM
    The House has charged Trump with two articles of impeachment, therefore he's already been impeached. The trial starts when the Senate acts. Try to keep up by reading Article 1 of the United States Constitution. What country are you posting from?.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:18 PM

    Al Whore said...

    It’s so weird how all the “solutions” to climate change are all the things the communists have been wanting since the creation of communism.

    10:16 PM
    LOL, you climate change deniers are hilarious. Please provide us with some examples of how current climate solutions relate to what communists advocate. Thanks. I will be waiting, but I don't plan to hold my breath.

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    9:40 PM
    So in your book, two wrongs make a right?

  11. "The market" may be roaring along, and that's probably nice if you're a bazillionaire, but if you take a closer look at the economy a pattern emerges: the parts doing the roaring are the parts Fergus hasn't fucked with. The ones he has? Not so much.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Funny how all the things that cause climate change are good for billionaires and bad for everyone else.🤔

  13. Pelosi needs to continue to with hold impeachment articles from the Sinate and let the impeached shitgibbon dangle and twist in the wind. He will slowly finish driving himself to crazytown and then his handlers can erase the stain of drumpfuck the dumbfuck, aka the world's worst bogus potus ever.

  14. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Hog Maw!

  15. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's alleged booming economy is growing due to socialist handouts to wealthy farmers and booming federal debt and deficits.

    How are the farmers doing that drumpf doesn't smile upon?

    Yup, stoopid fucking wingnuts get fucked over again by their dead animal pelt wearing messiah who does nothing but lie to them and everyone else.

  16. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Amid Season Of Peace, Negro Attacks Targeting Jewish People Across NYC Grow

  17. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Marc Rich said...
    "What happens when Republicans are in charge."

    9:40 PM

    repairs can be made to restore democracy and start repairing Democratic/Socialist damage

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:19 AM

    Witch Hunt said...

    Well, it looks like President Trump is going to make it through 2019 without being impeached, as Nancy Pelosi is afraid to send the ridiculous articles passed by the House to the Senate.
    You obviously don't understand the meaning of the word impeached. See below from today's Crooks and Liars website.

    Friday News Dump: Jonathan Turley Says Trump Was Impeached, And Other News
    Even Jonathan Turley isn't accepting Trump's silly talking point that he wasn't impeached.
    By Susie Madrak

  19. Witch Hunt11:44 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "The House has charged Trump with two articles of impeachment, therefore he's already been impeached. The trial starts when the Senate acts."

    No, the President is impeached when the House sends the articles to the Senate and appoints managers.

    Obviously, this was all a charade.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 AM

    There is a really great article on Alternet this morning regarding the media's role in promoting Republican lies. it is well worth reviewing.

  21. Al Whore12:31 PM

    "Please provide us with some examples of how current climate solutions relate to what communists advocate."

    1. Government control of all economic activity.
    2. Government mandates on how we live, what we eat, and how much we are allowed to travel.
    3. Government control of healthcare.
    4. Government elimination of private property rights.
    5. Government redistribution of wealth.

    Climate alarmists/communists always demand solutions to perceived problems that prohibit economic activity and restrict individual rights and liberties. They couldn't sell totalitarianism to people on its merits, so now they try to scare us into it by telling us we'll all die if we don't submit to their agenda. Just ask them:

    In a Nov. 14, 2010 interview with the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Dr. Otto Edenhofer, co-chair of the U.N. IPCC’s Working Group III, made this shocking admission:

    “One must free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. [What we’re doing] has almost nothing to do with the climate. We must state clearly that we use climate policy to redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”

    In the same interview, Edenhofer added this:

    “Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with protecting the environment. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”

    Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.’s real purpose in pushing climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world:

    "This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing [getting rid of] the economic development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution."

    A year earlier, Figueres revealed what capitalism must be replaced with when she complained that America’s two-party constitutional system is hampering the U.N.’s climate objectives. She went on to cite China’s communist system as the kind of government America must have if the U.N. is to impose its environmental will on the world’s most free and prosperous capitalist nation.

    Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted in July 2019 that addressing climate change was not Ocasio-Cortez’s top priority in proposing the Green New Deal during a meeting with Washington governor Jay Inslee:

    “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing”

    Climate Change isn't about controlling the weather, it's about controlling you.

  22. The Trumpening12:41 PM

    Wage growth highest among lowest earners:

    Thanks President Trump!

  23. The Trumpening1:03 PM

    Rank-and-File Workers Get Bigger Raises:

    Thanks President Trump!

  24. The drumpfening said exactly, "derp!"

    Low end and rank and file still aren't getting livable wages. Korporate thieves are trying to pacify workers in hopes of avoiding a mandatory minimum $15 an hour wage for starters.

  25. A1 Whore begs mike from iowa to prove his bullshit @ 12:31 PM is false.

    It is false.

    Whore writes, In a Nov. 14, 2010 interview with the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Dr. Otto Edenhofer, co-chair of the U.N. IPCC’s Working Group III, made this shocking admission:

    “One must free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. [What we’re doing] has almost nothing to do with the climate. We must state clearly that we use climate policy to redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”

    This quote was attributed to Paris Climate agreement in 2010 when the agreement was not signed until 2015.

    So you have another climate denier dead Breitbarting another's words to say something they did not say.

  26. From Whore's diatribe above it looks like most of the false info came from Climate Change Dispatch.

    Here is what Medias bias and fact check had to say about them.....

    Overall, we rate Climate Change Dispatch as a Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience source for the promotion of false or misleading information that is not inline with the consensus of science.

    As a matter of fact, much of Whore's article should have been directly attributed to CCD and was not.

  27. Al Whore1:50 PM

    "From Whore's diatribe above it looks like most of the false info came from Climate Change Dispatch."

    Nothing was cited from that source, and nothing is false. All of those quotes are directly obtainable from multiple sources, and are absolutely true.

  28. Al Whore1:54 PM

  29. Except for all of them and you cited no sources.

  30. Anonymous2:39 PM


    Thanks President Trump!”

    Actually, thanks, Democrats who passed state minimum wage hikes!

    It’s weird how there appears no mention of that in the article. I wonder why. Could it be that CNBC caters to rich businesspeople and their biases?

  31. Al Whore2:39 PM

    "Except for all of them and you cited no sources."

    Playing dumb is really working for you.

  32. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "Democrats who passed state minimum wage hikes!"

    Minimum wage hikes have had a next to zero effect on overall wage growth.

    If you really were concerned with increasing wages for American workers, particularly the bottom half of earners, you'd be for halting illegal immigration and cutting off the H1-B visa program.

  33. While I was at the store today, a man walked up to me and said: “How can you support a president who calls Africa a shit hole country.”

    This was my response:


    Who couldn't see this coming.

    Late4st polls has drumpf with 55% in favor of conviction in Senate which means he would be removed if convicted. But treacherous wingnuts have declared their party and victory is more important than their constitutional oaths to protect America from foreign (Putin) and domestic (drumpfuck the dumbfuck) threats.

  35. Playing dumb is really working for you.

    Only way to reach yer level. To fight deplorable swamp critters you must be willing to get in the muck with them.

  36. Legal migrants do not suppress wages. They do jobs no Americans can or will do. Don't even bother with you will take away their foodstamps until they all agree to work non-living wage jobs for Americans.

  37. "Government elimination of private property rights."

    That would be Fergus, dear, seizing the land owned by US citizens to build his stupid, stupid fence.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Gambler: Susie Madrak has her own blog as well as writing for Crooks and Liars, and it's about half music and half politics, as she is a guitar player.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "If you really were concerned with increasing wages for American workers, particularly the bottom half of earners, you'd be for halting illegal immigration and cutting off the H1-B visa program."

    Illegal immigration has had negligible effect on lower-income workers, because we are at full employment. There aren't loads of native-born citizens sitting around without ability to find jobs, and those who are unemployed aren't in that position because of foreign labor competition. (Other factors, like disability, criminal records, and the need to care for relatives, apply. As do national governmental policies that have resulted in some rural areas of the country turning into economic sinkholes with few businesses or jobs.)

    H1-B visas don't directly impact the poor at all, since those are awarded to fill jobs that can't remotely be described as "lower class." And I don't see Trump doing much of anything to change the number of H1-B visas issued anyway. It's all "Mexicans are rapists and Muslims are terrorists, keep them out."

    You can pretend Trump is trying to address some legit economic need. But he's not. It's 100% racism.

  40. Stoopid fucking wingnut conspiracyn theorists claim Burger King's Impossible Whopper has 18 million times more estrogen than regular whoppers and they fear it may turn men into women.

    Life in the stoopid fucking wingnut fishbowl.

  41. December 27, 2019 and still not a meter of drumpfuck's folly has been built along any border anywhere by anybody for any amount of money.

    And, as of today, Scalia and Ailes are still dead and Fergus is still impeached.

  42. Anonymous4:26 PM

    "Stoopid fucking wingnut conspiracyn theorists claim Burger King's Impossible Whopper has 18 million times more estrogen than regular whoppers and they fear it may turn men into women."

    Lazy. They're just updating Alex Jones' conspiracy theory that juice boxes will make your kids go gay. He should sue for copyright infringement. "Hey, hands off -- those are MY lies!"

  43. "repairs can be made to restore democracy and start repairing Democratic/Socialist damage"


  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:36 PM

    Witch Hunt said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "The House has charged Trump with two articles of impeachment, therefore he's already been impeached. The trial starts when the Senate acts."

    No, the President is impeached when the House sends the articles to the Senate and appoints managers.

    Obviously, this was all a charade.

    11:44 AM
    Of course the trial starts when the House sends the articles to the Senate. Read the Constitution. Trump has been impeached. Impeachment is the passage of the Articles of impeachment in the House.In this case, there are 2 articles so far, both of which passed in the House. The Senate trial is to determine if Trump guilty and should be convicted and removed from office.

    Johnathan Turley is a high-powered, Republican, constitutional scholar. See below:

    Law expert Jonathan Turley rips argument that Trump was not ... › 2019/12/26 › law-expert-jonathan-turley-rips-argume...
    23 hours ago - A prominent law professor who was called as a Republican witness during the House impeachment proceedings threw cold water Thursday on the notion that President Donald Trump isn’t technically impeached until Speaker Nancy Pelosi sends the passed articles to the Senate.

    So please, stop saying that Trump has not yet been impeached because that simply isn't true.

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:43 PM

    Anonymous said ..........

    Minimum wage hikes have had a next to zero effect on overall wage growth.
    I would like to see your source for this claim. Seems to me of several million people get a five dollar an hour raise, there would be some effect on overall wage growth.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:59 PM

    Al Whore said....

    Climate Change isn't about controlling the weather, it's about controlling you.

    12:31 PM
    Most of the things you complain about in your post are normal government activities in modern life. These are not communist; †hey are approved by the representatives we elect in our democratic republic. Communism is a system of economics in which all means of production are controlled by the state.

    Are you upset that Trump is using eminent domain to take land from farmers and others along our southern border to build his wall?

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:05 PM

    Philip Anderson said...

    While I was at the store today, a man walked up to me and said: “How can you support a president who calls Africa a shit hole country.”

    This was my response:

    2:53 PM
    Hey, Phil, If you want people to get your point, you need to include a hint in your text. I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't go to any site without some clue that it will be worth the effort.

  48. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "Most of the things you complain about in your post are normal government activities in modern life. These are not communist; †hey are approved by the representatives we elect in our democratic republic. Communism is a system of economics in which all means of production are controlled by the state.

    There are some far-lefty types who do want to use climate change to sell their ideas about socialist utopia. As an example:

    To Confront Climate Change Humanity Needs Socialism

    This is, frankly, unhelpful. We don't have to wholly eliminate capitalism to confront climate change, and we don't really have time to fight this stupid additional, massive ideological battle, given the urgency of the environmental crisis.

    But solving the problem quickly enough will most certainly involve lots of government regulation and funding, which of course makes wingnuts break out in hives.

    Oh well, too fucking bad for them. There is no alternative here. One can only deny the science so long before the effects of climate change have repercussions on one's own life. Ask the Australians who are fighting horrific, unprecedented wildfires which party is lying to them, the climate scientists or the fossil fuel company execs.

  49. Phillip Anderson is living in denial, claiming it can't be proven drumpf called African countries "shitholes." Being a black man and wearing a magat hat doesn't help his argument, either.

    There are numerous outlets on line with references to "shithole" country remarks made by drumpf.

  50. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "Illegal immigration has had negligible effect on lower-income workers, because we are at full employment.

    It has a profound effect on wages. If employers wish to fill positions, they need to offer workers better wages.

    "H1-B visas don't directly impact the poor at all, since those are awarded to fill jobs that can't remotely be described as "lower class."

    It impacts the middle class, especially young people with degrees who can't pay off their college debt because big companies import low-wage coders from India to take their jobs. Politicians from both parties have been bought off by Big Tech to keep the supply of cheap labor flowing.

    "You can pretend Trump is trying to address some legit economic need. But he's not. It's 100% racism.

    Of course it is, because Trump did it, and we all know that everything he does is because of racism.

  51. soy boy from iowa6:26 PM

    "Stoopid fucking wingnut conspiracyn theorists claim Burger King's Impossible Whopper has 18 million times more estrogen than regular whoppers and they fear it may turn men into women."

    Says mike after he polishes off his third one today.

  52. Al Whore6:30 PM

    "Most of the things you complain about in your post are normal government activities in modern life."

    Normal government activities that include banning SUVs, air conditioning, red meat, air travel, and private home ownership.

    We all should look forward to living in cargo containers and eating bugs, because the Planet.

  53. Phillip Anderson is living in denial, claiming it can't be proven drumpf called African countries "shitholes."

    Let's take a trip to Liberia:

    Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

  54. Anonymous6:38 PM

    "Normal government activities that include banning SUVs, air conditioning, red meat, air travel, and private home ownership."

    All fantastical assumptions. Some of these things might conceivably become more expensive (LARGE SUVs, air travel, meat). None are likely to be banned.

    The sooner actions against the climate crisis are taken, the more problems can be solved through technological innovation, rather than by the populace making painful lifestyle sacrifices.

  55. Says mike after he polishes off his third one today.

    Ignorant fucking liar. I don't eat at any fast food outlets. Go make lies up on Stormfront or dead Breitbart.


    Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.

  57. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "It has a profound effect on wages. If employers wish to fill positions, they need to offer workers better wages."

    You can't pay non-existent workers higher wages to take jobs because there is no reserve of unemployed citizens to fill jobs -- we are currently at what economists consider full employment."

    If we were to kick all 11 million illegal immigrants out of the States tomorrow, employers wouldn't pay a dime more to their workers to fill their slots because this wouldn't in any way solve their problem. There aren't idle people sitting around waiting to fill their slots! How dumb do you have to be not to understand this? What would actually happen is that businesses would scream bloody murder, and the government would immediately approve 11 million "low-skill visas," and new set of workers from foreign countries would stream into the country to take those jobs again, this time legally.

    The reason illegal immigrants have been taking those jobs all along is because they were needed. They always should have been allowed in legally, but weren't because of the temper tantrums of racists.

  58. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  59. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "The sooner actions against the climate crisis are taken, the more problems can be solved through technological innovation, rather than by the populace making painful lifestyle sacrifices"

    Yes, let's just legislate technological progress. If we demand that sunshine and unicorn farts can replace fossil fuels, it shall be so.

    And btw, there is no climate crisis.

  60. "Let's take a trip to Liberia"

    Ok. You ever been there?

  61. Racist, Misogynist wasicu wastey shock jock Don Imus is looking up drumpf's ass from Hell as of today.

    Does anyone know if drumpf spray tans his ass and micro dick?

  62. How would the USA be subjugated and destroyed?

    Certainly not by foreign invasion. The US armed forces are powerful, and the populace is armed. The subjugation and destruction of the USA would not be by an invading force. It would be by the purchase of the political class by oligarchs, mostly foreign, some domestic.

    Both political establishments would be bought, and some of America’s own oligarchs. The oligarchs would be pricier, unless the purchasers discovered workarounds like violence or blackmail.

    The purchasers would right away start looting, for it would be a hostile takeover. At first the citizens would be utterly supine. Resistance would start with the poorest, despised minorities, and other misfits. Maybe also the half of the 1% not in on the deal.

    When resistance starts, it would be directed against the political class. If resistance turns into civil war, then it would be on racial lines, and the purchasers would fund both sides. Result: physical ruin, mass death, partition. If missiles fly, then it would be American vs American, in aggression and revenge. All this would be per purchaser’s plan; their mission accomplished.

    But if resistance turns into revolution, then it would be 99.5% vs half of the 1%. The former would win, would be bloodied and financially ruined, but also would be unified with an attitude.

    Therefore purchasers would call for civil war, and patriots would call for revolution.

  63. So John Wayne was a racist/white scumacyst in real life. Who knew?

  64. John Wayne was a creep and a coward.

    "How dumb do you have to be not to understand this?"

    Just dumb enough to be addicted to right wing propaganda. Once addicted, it's more about the addiction than the stupidity, like any addiction, really. Facing up to having been that wrong for that long is harsh, and very few have what it takes to do so.

    Which is, of course, just how the propagandists want it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  65. Anonymous9:23 PM


  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:38 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    But solving the problem quickly enough will most certainly involve lots of government regulation and funding, which of course makes wingnuts break out in hives.

    Oh well, too fucking bad for them. There is no alternative here. One can only deny the science so long before the effects of climate change have repercussions on one's own life. Ask the Australians who are fighting horrific, unprecedented wildfires which party is lying to them, the climate scientists or the fossil fuel company execs.

    5:25 PM
    Thanks for your comment. I agree, and I think that having some inconvenience because of regulations is much preferable to burning up our planet or chocking to death for lack of oxygen.

  67. Anonymous10:02 PM

    When Trump is exonerated by the Senate what will the libtards do????

  68. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Legal migrants do not suppress wages. They do jobs no Americans can or will do.

    ... at the immigration-depressed wages that employers are currently able to offer and still get non-American takers.

    It used to be the case that American teenagers could pay for their college by picking apples in the summer.  But colleges jacked their prices up many times faster than inflation, and farmers hired illegals to pick crops for far less than even the minimum wage.  Now there are only 3 ways to get a certified college education (credential):

    1.  Have rich parents/relations.
    2.  Be some variety of "diversity" to get scholarships.
    3.  Become a debt-slave to student loans that you can't get rid of in bankruptcy.

    The end of illegal immigrant labor is here anyway.  Robots are rapidly getting cheaper than fruit-pickers and have already under-priced lettuce cutters.  When the first farmer is sued out of business for employing an illegal alien murderer or rapist whose job could have been done by a robot, the trickle will turn into a flood.  Ten years from now, all the illegal aliens currently in the USA will not be employed here.  They will have to go back home.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:14 PM

    Anonymous Al Whore said...

    1:54 PM
    I went to your source, and after a bit of research into the founder of, I found the following:

    In July 2009, an editorial in Investor's Business Daily claimed that physicist Stephen Hawking "wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the [British] National Health Service (NHS) would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."[

    How could anyone get it so wrong? Therefore, I'm not inclined to take your source too seriously when they denigrate climate-change science.

  70. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "December 27, 2019 and still not a meter of drumpfuck's folly has been built along any border anywhere"

    Well over 200 miles built already.  Little of it is "new" as it replaces barbed-wire fences and vehicle bollards that do not block pedestrians, but it's definitely "wall" replacing "non-wall".

  71. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Of course the trial starts when the House sends the articles to the Senate.

    Yet Pelousy, supposedly desperate because of the threat that Trump poses to the USA... is waiting around to send those articles over for trial.

    Know how many people can see that you are all liars?  It's every last 2016 Trump voter, and about 20 million more.  You morons need to be destroyed in every sense of the word.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:47 PM

    Anonymous said......

    Yet Pelousy, supposedly desperate because of the threat that Trump poses to the USA... is waiting around to send those articles over for trial.
    Too bad you don't know how to spell Pelosi. Since Moscow Mitch has said he plans to acquit Trump without a real trial, Nancy is holding out for Mitch to live up to the Constitution. He has said there will be no witnesses. Furthermore, when the trial starts all senators must take an oath that they will be impartial and weigh the evidence. Mitch has declared that he will not be impartial. He has even stated that Trump will be acquitted. Meanwhile the house judiciary committee is continuing to investigate Trump's many crimes.

    Why don't you think for yourself instead of swallowing the party line? If Trump is innocent, why won't he turn over documents and allow all of his staff to testify? What is he hiding? What is he afraid of? And how can you have a fair trial without witnesses? Seventy percent of American voters want witnesses at Trump's senate trial.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:54 PM

    Anonymous said......
    Know how many people can see that you are all liars? It's every last 2016 Trump voter, and about 20 million more. You morons need to be destroyed in every sense of the word.

    11:04 PM
    Seventy percent of the American voters want to see witnesses at Trump's senate trial, so there must be a whole lot of us "morons". Maybe you and the other thirty percent who don't want witnesses are the morons in this equation.


  74. Well over 200 miles built already. Little of it is "new" as it replaces barbed-wire fences and vehicle bollards that do not block pedestrians, but it's definitely "wall" replacing "non-wall".

    Bullshit. None of the wall drumpfuck promised has been built. This is all replacement shit and does not count as the brand new wall.

  75. Anonymous12:16 AM


  76. Anonymous8:38 AM

    20th murder linked to Billy Chemirmir, the Kenyan Killer.


    ugh 😡


  79. Anonymous9:39 AM

    ...AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR????!!!

  80. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Puerto Rico Enacts Pro-gun Overhaul of Firearms Laws

  81. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Michael Moore predicts 2020 Trump win:

  82. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Baltimore Nears Record per-Capita Homicide Rate After a Week of Relentless Violence: (democratic control)

  83. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Two dead, 7 injured in Harris County mass shooting while filming negro rap video:

  84. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Chicago December 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 20
    Shot & Wounded: 152
    Total Shot: 172
    Total Homicides: 28


    Deutshe Bank has been handing over drumpf's records of financial dealings to drumpfuck's worst nightmare- Maxine Waters.

    All them there racist bones drumpf's sycophants claim he doesn't have will manifest themselves bigly when the financial shenanigans of drumpf hit the streets.

  86. Wasicu wastey bitch jumps off building with her two young girls in murder suicide.



  88. Minnesota man killed by falling giant redwood tree in California. drumpfuck supporter, anymoose, looking for a negro to blame

  89. "Minnesota man killed by falling giant redwood tree in California. drumpfuck supporter, anymoose, looking for a negro to blame"

    Nah, just flew to California with a wingnut. They'll blame Gavin Newsome.😆

    1. Oh yeah, and Virginia Dems for taking his guns so he couldn't shoot the tree.



    Wasicu racist (insert c word here) attacks Asian woman and then calls cops claiming victim status. And t is all on video.


    Moar Dem voters will be the battle cry even after stoopid fucking wingnuts learn the bil has been signed into law by drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  93. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Paradoctor said...
    "How would the USA be subjugated and destroyed?

    Certainly not by foreign invasion. The US armed forces are powerful, and the populace is armed. The subjugation and destruction of the USA would not be by an invading force. It would be by the purchase of the political class by oligarchs, mostly foreign, some domestic."

    This country has already been subjugated by (((foreign))) oligarchs and is well on its way to being destroyed.

    "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

  94. "This country has already been subjugated by (((foreign))) oligarchs and is well on its way to being destroyed."

    Is this person a Democrat?😂 That's the anti-Semitic party right?

  95. Anonymous11:46 AM

    "That's the anti-Semitic party right?"

    See, PilotX knows who you aren't allowed to criticize.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:08 PM

    From today's Political Wire:

    Trump Tariffs Backfired

    December 27, 2019 at 10:40 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 77 Comments

    A new Federal Reserve study finds President Trump’s tariffs on imports — intended to boost the economy and protect jobs — ultimately led to job losses and higher prices for consumers.

  97. Orange man bad1:02 PM

    "A new Federal Reserve study finds President Trump’s tariffs on imports — intended to boost the economy and protect jobs — ultimately led to job losses and higher prices for consumers."

    Yes, let's just give up on fixing the long term trading relationship with a hostile economic superpower because of some predictable short term pain.

    Because America is a GDP with a people, not a people with a GDP.

  98. drumpfuck has not the intelligence, patience or temperament to fix anything. He is the world's worst negotiator and doesn't realize every country so far has eaten his lunch while he makes up lies about how smart he is.

    And you stoopid fuckers only have yourselves, drumpf and Putin to blame for this orange clusterfuck.

  99. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Two dead, 7 injured in Harris County mass shooting while filming negro rap video"

    They call them "aspiring rappers", but that's because they can't pronounce "expiring".

  100. Anonymous1:21 PM

    "every country so far has eaten his lunch"

    Please provide examples.

  101. Anonymous1:22 PM

    You can't pay non-existent workers higher wages to take jobs because there is no reserve of unemployed citizens to fill jobs -- we are currently at what economists consider full employment."

    CNN admits that there are 96 million Americans of job-holding age who are not working.  That's close to 1/3 of the American population, and it is bigger than any army Earth has ever seen, unless you mean ants.

    If we were to kick all 11 million illegal immigrants out of the States tomorrow, employers wouldn't pay a dime more to their workers to fill their slots because this wouldn't in any way solve their problem. There aren't idle people sitting around waiting to fill their slots!

    "After Mississippi ICE raids, job fair draws hopeful workers
    By JEFF AMYAugust 12, 2019 GMT

    FOREST, Miss. (AP) — Days after immigration agents arrested 680 Latino workers in a massive workplace sting at seven Mississippi chicken processing plants, job seekers flocked to an employment fair Monday in hopes of filling some of those now-empty positions.

    Koch Foods, based near Chicago, held the job fair to recruit new workers at one of its Morton plants, after Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents on Wednesday arrested 243 workers suspected of working without legal authorization."

    BTW, we don't have 11 million illegal immigrants.  We have more like 40 million plus their anchor babies.  Take away "birthright citizenship" for those who have no business being here, their welfare benefits and their jobs and they'll all go back home.  America will be Greater almost literally overnight.

  102. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Psycho from Iowa:

    Minnesota man killed by falling giant redwood tree in California. drumpfuck supporter, anymoose, looking for a negro to blame

    Never happen.  Everyone knows blacks are afraid of nature.  National park tourists are either white or foreign.  The government keeps trying to attract blacks to the parks, and blacks keep staying away.  Not enough trash to make them feel at home, maybe?


    -Doug in Oakland

  104. "Please provide examples."

    China, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia.

    -Doug in Oakland

  105. Anonymous4:16 PM

    "China, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia."

    How have any of those countries "eaten his lunch"?

  106. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Bodymorgue, Murderland breaks its all-time homicide rate record, records more murders than NYC has despite 1/13 the population:

    This is what happens when Africans are allowed to try running a government.


  107. Never happen. Everyone knows blacks are afraid of nature. National park tourists are either white or foreign. The government keeps trying to attract blacks to the parks, and blacks keep staying away. Not enough trash to make them feel at home, maybe?

    Amd you are a fucking liar, drumpfuck junior.

  108. China ate drumpf's lunch in trade negotiations because they have not had to change their currency manipulation policies, they have drumpf believing they are paying the billions of tariffs in America (they aren't), they have drumpf crowing about signing an agreement not as good as the one he tore up.

    Russia has drumpf believing they didn't hack our election. They have drumpf convinced Ukraine did. Putin gets drumpf to remove sanctions against him arbitrarily.
    Russia and China both know drumpfuck is so stoopid and divisive he could never get a coalition lof European nations to side him against Russia, nor could he get a coalition of Asian countries to side him against China.

    Turkey got drumpf to pull most forces out of Syria so Turkey could commit genocide on Kurds there. Plus Erdogan has drumpf by the balls by threatening to take possession of drumpf properties in Turkey if he doesn't do what Erdogan tells him.

    Vietnam is home to many of drumpfuck'shitty clothing lines and Ivanna Junior's shit, too.They could easily be booted out of sweat shop labor country if Vietnam so chooses.

  109. Here's the breakdown of the 95 million Americans who weren't working, according to the latest figures from the Atlanta Federal Reserve, which conducted a review based on figures through September:

    -- 94.6 million people above the age of 16 were out of the workforce.

    Of those:

    -- 44.5 million were retired.

    -- 14.5 million were in school or job training.

    -- 12.8 million were taking care of a loved one.

    -- 15.3 million weren't working because of an illness or disability.

    In all, of the 94.6 million not working, 87.1 million were retired, in school, taking care of a loved one or physically unable to work.

    That leaves 7.5 million people. What about them?

    Context is everything.


    Drunken New York wasicu wastey cop in Nashville, breaks into Black women's house and threatens to kill her whole family and calls them fucking N*****s and only spends 2 weeks in jail and still has cop job. White privilege, to be sure.

  111. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Not enough trash to make them feel at home, maybe?
    Too many white people so yeah, too much trash.

  112. Joe Friday6:00 PM

    "Drunken New York wasicu wastey cop in Nashville, breaks into Black women's house and threatens to kill her whole family and calls them fucking N*****s and only spends 2 weeks in jail and still has cop job. "

    Case has been filed under "Things That Never Happened".

  113. I'm guessing it did happen.

    Take yer pick, Joe Lieday.

  114. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Fifth Straight Year of Massive Murders in Baltimore Since 4/2015 Black Lives Matter Riot

    “BALTIMORE — Baltimore broke its annual per capita homicide record after reaching 342 killings Friday.

    With just over 600,000 residents, the city hit a historically high homicide rate of about 57 per 100,000 people after recent relentless gunfire saw eight people shot — three fatally — in one day and nine others — one fatally — another day.

    The new rate eclipses that of 1993, when the city had a record 353 killings but was much more populous before years of population exodus. …”

    Why did it suddenly spike?

    Baltimore had 211 homicides in 2014, but since Black Lives Matter’s huge political triumph with the Freddie Gray Riots in April 2015, Baltimore has had about 500 incremental murders above the baseline in the early 2010s. Heckuva job, Obama, Soros, and the prestige press!

    That Baltimore’s murder surge started with Black Lives Matter in April 2015 is one of the clearest effects in all the social sciences:


    great going phony kristian wingnuts.


    This should frighten anyone with a conscience And a brain. Sadly, 99.99% of wasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts lack both.

  117. drumpfuck may be acquitted by a sinate averse to the rules of law, but he will never be exonerated unless witnesses are allowed to testify.

    Those drumpf refuses to allow to testify obviously have nothing to say in his favor or he'd force them to spill at gunpoint.


  118. 50 Historic Black Women Guitarists and Bassists You Need To Know

    -Doug in Oakland

  119. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Microsoft is no where near valued
    at 1 trillion $ don't believe the hype. news outlets online
    an in the real world don't know what their talking about
    market cap doesn't reflect how much a companies really
    worth other wise they would've called it company cap. total
    assets shows how much their really worth and you'll be surprise
    that their only worth in the 200 hundred billion $ range.

  120. Anonymous10:41 PM

    60-year-old New York City black man dies after vicious $1 robbery on Christmas Eve by niggers:

  121. Homosexuality is African.

    It was okay to be gay and lesbian and it was practiced until the white man came and convinced ya'll otherwise.

    Yall don't know your true history and it shows. Decolonise yourselves and welcome your gay relatives home.


  122. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Everyone relax, Doug from Oakland has eleven guns and he knows how to use them. He's been "shooting" since he was five or six years of age.

    Bless his heart!

  123. I was nine when I got my first gun (other than a BB gun) for Christmas. It was a single-shot 410 shotgun. The next Christmas I got a 20 gauge. I did have a Daisy BB gun when I was six, but we lived on enough land that shooting was no big deal.
    We had a 100 yard shooting range right outside the kitchen door, and the gun cabinet was in the dining room.
    That was before I moved to Oakland, where guns are a very different thing than they are out in the country, where they are more like a power tool than a power symbol.

    -Doug in Oakland

  124. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Sounds great Doug, but can you shoot all eleven at the same time?




  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Sounds great Doug, but can you shoot all eleven at the same time?

    1:45 AM
    He probably can't, but he can pass the rest of his guns to ten friends.

  128. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Amd you are a fucking liar, drumpfuck junior.

    SJWs Always Lie.  SJWs Always Project.

    Funny that Psycho takes the hard-left NYT as gospel... until someone refutes him with it.

  129. "He probably can't, but he can pass the rest of his guns to ten friends."

    Yes, I could, but all of my friends (with the exception of ex-felons who can't legally own them) already have their own.

    -Doug in Oakland

  130. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:30 AM

    "He probably can't, but he can pass the rest of his guns to ten friends."

    Yes, I could, but all of my friends (with the exception of ex-felons who can't legally own them) already have their own.

    -Doug in Oakland

    2:57 PM
    Mine too, Doug, but they might have friends who would need one in the event of a insurrection perpetrated by racists.

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