Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Liar in Chief.

"I don't know Prince Andrew" 

Says Donald trump.


Image result for Trump and Prince Andrew

This is typical of what happens these days here in America. The president tells a lie and the press ignores it. 

In a way, the press has contributed to the culture of lies and gaslighting that has surrounded this administration since day one. 

Check out this list of some of  Mr. trump's greatest hits. 




  1. https://www.theroot.com/trump-won-t-participate-in-this-week-s-house-judiciary-1840153392

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    According to Big Media tonight reacting to Kamala Harris dropping out, white Democrats are racist and black Democrats are too stupid to do anything but vote as the white liberal demands.

    Boy, they turned on Democratic voters, otherwise known as Americans, REAL QUICK.

    You're all racist now, too.


  3. The president lies and the media ignores it? Just like when a negro commits theft or murder or rape or whatever else you people do, and the media ignores it. You people can get away with a lot and libtards continue sucking your (allegedly big) dicks. I’m 23 and have gotten in more trouble over petty bullshit than your average black does when committing actual crimes.

  4. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Prince Andrew was just a coffee boy!

  5. I believe Trump will win again in 2020, largely because his opponents STILL haven't figured out WHY he won.

    They've had 3 whole years and haven't figured it out yet. They still think it's because half their nation is 'racist'. ��

    Astonishing lack of self-awareness and humility.

  6. Anonymous9:21 PM

    He's going to win by a mammoth landslide...and the only people the unaware will have to blame, is the media who have presented them with a fake reality.

  7. And because he hasn't destroyed the country/world, as predicted by the screeching Left. On the contrary, he's been doing rather well, on most things.

  8. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "He's going to win by a mammoth landslide."

    It depends upon how much the ballots are manipulated. I think the reason the leftists hate Trump is because they had “the fix” in for a certain amount of votes to beat him, but they underestimated the vote. Nothing infuriates a cheater more than cheating and still losing.

  9. Russia company just got caught tinkering with voting machines in Ohio. We know how Putin got drumopf appointed czar of Moscow west. They are still meddling in our elections while stoopid fucking wingnuts like anymoose cheer them on. Stoopid fucking deplorable wasicu wastey wingnuts are traitors to their nation and need to be disposed of pretty pronto.

    They'd look nice in cages built for kids with bare essentials to keep them alive until deportation back to Mother ship. Let the door hit you on the way out.

  10. Seth Rich9:47 PM

    Those Russians must be working for the DNC.

  11. Fergus is used to saying whatever he thinks will get him what he wants regardless of whether it bears any relationship to reality, and that might have been acceptable for a mobbed-up real estate guy or a reality TV guy, but it ain't OK for the president of the United States.

    All of that right wing media has been telling him that presidents pull this shit all of the time, so that's where his expectations about the office came from, and now, by acting on them, he has brought their bullshit assertions of presidential behavior to life in a blaze of felonious malfeasance.

    The way he sees it, if he doesn't grift and break the rules, he's a sucker who Roy Cohn would have laughed at, and he does NOT like being laughed at.

    So I say juke the silly old bastard. Mock him so relentlessly that his ugly orange head explodes. He's the one who wanted this, so I say give him the full complement of hectoring and mockery that any asshole who makes a high handed and thoroughly lame and incompetent mess out of something important deserves.

    Make him wish he never rode the escalator of doom and then stomp him into the dirt next November for maximum humiliation, and then when it's over, keep at him forever. Never let the rat bastard have one unmolested minute in public for the rest of his life.

    Until there are personal and professional consequences for that kind of action, it will continue. And that goes double for the goddamn both siderist poltroons in the media. As long as there are no bottom line consequences for hiring Chuck Todd, Matthew Dowd, or Ron Fournier or any of their lying brethren, they are who will be hired to frame the debate for all of those folks who aren't engaged with the details of US politics and just want someone to tell them who did what and why they should care.

    Fergus is a crime that we should not let them get away with again, and you know they'll try with someone even worse next time. It's now on us to lift us back out of the turd pile the goddamn Republicans have thrown us in, so we can't fuck up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Trump is a choir boy compared to Obama, who weaponized the IRS, spied on the opposition Presidential campaign, assassinated US citizens, bailed out Wall Street, and started illegal wars in Libya and Syria.

  13. Anonymous10:30 PM

    "Fergus is used to saying whatever he thinks will get him what he wants regardless of whether it bears any relationship to reality, and that might have been acceptable for a mobbed-up real estate guy or a reality TV guy, but it ain't OK for the president of the United States."

    His behavior shouldn't really be considered acceptable in business or entertainment, either, really.

    Trump's real estate company should have been shut down years ago -- for bribing governmental agencies, failing to pay his employees and contractors, shafting lenders, etc. And he should never have been allowed anywhere near a reality TV show. No, scratch that, there shouldn't even BE ANY reality TV shows -- they are exploitative, mind-numbing crap.

    His whole worthless, grifty, unethical career before he ever became president was already proof positive that America is broken.

  14. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Key witness in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and major Clinton donor George Nader charged with funneling $3.5 million in illegal foreign campaign contributions in 2016 U.S. elections


  15. Kamala Harris for AG.
    Trump 10 to life.
    And to Hell with alternative facts.

  16. Bloviating Ignoramus11:43 PM

    Don’t let all this distract you from the fact that Butt Trumpet has a microscopic dick. What a fucking retard.

  17. "Kamala Harris for AG."

    Now you're talking.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Anonymous12:49 AM

    “They've had 3 whole years and haven't figured it out yet. They still think it's because half their nation is 'racist'.”

    Probably not half the nation, but enough racists to give Trump a big assist. Sadly, these racist people have had 3 whole years and still haven’t figured out that racism is actually bad.

  19. Anonymous1:25 AM

    I think it's time to remind everyone that it's not just Prince Andrew who's been accused of non-consensual sex connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Trump has personally been accused of raping a 13-year-old at an Epstein party. Here is the court filing, suing him for raping her.

    The court case was dropped, allegedly because Trump thugs threatened her with violence if she did not drop it.

    Knowing Prince Andrew is the least of Trump's problems.

  20. "Knowing Prince Andrew is the least of Trump's problems."

    Just so. Women are sick of his bullshit and attacks on their children and bodily autonomy and his rapeyness is just more motivation to vote against him, after which he can be indicted for his crimes.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. We're at a weird time. Who woulda thunk America's mayor would become a trump toadie. Too bad John McCain died, we could use somebody like him right now.

  22. Anonymous4:54 AM

    "We're at a weird time. Who woulda thunk America's mayor would become a trump toadie. Too bad John McCain died, we could use somebody like him right now."

    Ezra Klein interviewed Preet Bharara, former US attorney in NY, on his podcast, about WTF happened to Giuliani. Basically, how did Giuliani go from standard issue "tough guy" law-and-order Republican to cuckoo-bananas insane person serving Trump?

    Was Rudy Giuliani always like this?

  23. Anonymous6:15 AM

    We know how Putin got drumopf appointed czar of Moscow west.

    Which is why Trump is promoting fracking, which has done and is doing major damage to Russia's oil and gas exports.  Oh, wait....

    It's you Dimocraps who want to ban fracking and hand a huge windfall to Russia.  If you fuckers were any dumber, you wouldn't know how to breathe.

  24. One thing I’ve noticed about blacks is your total lack of self-awareness and love of deflecting your own problems onto other people.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Key witness in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and major Clinton donor George Nader charged with funneling $3.5 million in illegal foreign campaign contributions in 2016 U.S. elections


    Article headline: "Key Mueller witness, major Clinton and Trump donor charged with funneling $3.5 million in illegal contributions." Within article link - ..."major-clinton-and-trump-donor."

    They are gaming you --- in your face. And you still refuse to see.

    Wow, this is just sad.

  26. "Which is why Trump is promoting fracking, which has done and is doing major damage to Russia's oil and gas exports"

    Actually it's American sanctions that are hurting Russia. You know, the thing trump and associates want to remove? And why won't trump admit Russia meddled in our election? This fracking nonsense is just a distraction and it also harms the environment. Nice try at misdirection.

    1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2019/9/30/20892090/trump-sanctions-russia-pompeo-mnuchin

  27. Anonymous10:07 AM

    You people can get away with a lot and libtards continue sucking your (allegedly big) dicks.
    Well, just ask your mom. I would say girlfriend but incels don't have those.

  28. Watching the judiciary hearings. This is gonna be fun!!!!!!!😄

  29. Also, happy founders day to my fellow Ice Cold Brothers! 06!

  30. "According to Big Media tonight reacting to Kamala Harris dropping out, white Democrats are racist and black Democrats are too stupid to do anything but vote as the white liberal demands."

    😂😂Boy, these guys are pushing the whole Democrats are racist memes hard but funny that the Dems have more people of color on the judiciary committee than the Republicans in their entire congressional body.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump is a choir boy compared to Obama, who weaponized the IRS, spied on the opposition Presidential campaign, assassinated US citizens, bailed out Wall Street, and started illegal wars in Libya and Syria.

    10:16 PM
    Always deflect with lies!

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 AM

    thuuuuney said...

    One thing I’ve noticed about blacks is your total lack of self-awareness and love of deflecting your own problems onto other people.

    6:41 AM
    No it's not Blacks who are deflecting; it's you and the rest of the racists who want to bring our nation down. You are masters of deception and deflection.

  33. Anonymous10:53 AM

    "allegedly because Trump thugs threatened her with violence"

    Allegedly, but not really.

    It's amazing you people can't notice the pattern of the Left accusing their opponents of the very crimes they themselves are guilty of.

    Bill Clinton was one of Epstein's best celebrity buds, and made many trips to Epstein's pedo enclaves. When Trump got wind of Epstein's sleaziness, he banned him from his golf club and had nothing to do with him. Epstein had been protected by people in power for decades, and when he finally was arrested he was murdered in a New York State jail before he could talk. But instead of accepting the reality of the situation, you try to somehow tie him to Trump.

    Hillary colluded with Russia by paying for Russian disinformation on Trump. She approved a deal to sell Putin 20% of US uranium reserves in return for $180 million in donations to her slush fund foundation. But it was Trump who was accused of Russia collusion, and had to endure a two-year investigation by his enemies that found nothing.

    The Obama administration overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine, and afterwards a lot of Democrat operatives moved in to make money looting the country. The Dems used their influence to get the Ukrainians to give up information on Manafort in order to influence the 2016 election. Biden got a prosecutor fired who was poking around his son's corrupt dealings. When Trump suggested looking into this corruption, it was he who was accused of election interference.

    Dems used to be about opposing the government spying on citizens, but now you're all for Deep State meddling in the electoral process. Obama pushed a "reset" with Russian relations, but now you are obsessed with weird paranoid fantasies about Russians hiding behind every corner. You used to be anti-war, but now you attack the President for resisting the illegal and immoral war machine.

    You are puppets on strings for the Leftist propaganda masters, living in a fake reality, dancing your sad lives away in service to a ruthless globalist elite that despises you.

  34. Anonymous11:02 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Boy, these guys are pushing the whole Democrats are racist memes hard"

    No, it is your media who is pushing it. Did you watch MSNBC or CNN yesterday?

    Harris herself suggested that when she said her failure to gain support was because Americans weren't ready to elect a black(ish) woman president.

    The Americans she was talking about were Democrat voters.

    Dems aren't 'racist' as you define it, but they are so trapped in their intellectual prison of resorting to charges of racism to explain everything that prevents them from getting what they want that now they are calling themselves racist.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:03 AM

    Anonymous said...

    According to Big Media tonight reacting to Kamala Harris dropping out, white Democrats are racist and black Democrats are too stupid to do anything but vote as the white liberal demands.

    Boy, they turned on Democratic voters, otherwise known as Americans, REAL QUICK.
    9:04 PM

    Obviously, you know nothing about blacks or Democrats. Politics are much too complicated for your tiny brain to grasp. I could school you on this one, but I have better things to do with my time. have a nice day.

  36. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "Harris herself suggested that when she said her failure to gain support was because Americans weren't ready to elect a black(ish) woman president."

    Really? I heard her announcement last night and I didn't hear that. Gotta link or something to that?


  37. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "Dems aren't 'racist' as you define it, but they are so trapped in their intellectual prison of resorting to charges of racism to explain everything that prevents them from getting what they want that now they are calling themselves racist."

    One, I go by the Websters 6th Collegiate Dictionary for most of my definitions so there is no "racist" as I define it. It is already defined. Two, Democrats do not use racism to explain anything. Racism exists and needs to be eliminated and unfortunately the opposition party welcomes and encourages it. I mean somebody has to oppose racism.


  38. Anonymous11:12 AM

    "He's going to win by a mammoth landslide...and the only people the unaware will have to blame, is the media who have presented them with a fake reality."

    That's fine, as long as the Dems win the senate and keep the house.


  39. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "he's been doing rather well, on most things."

    Nah, he's the worst president in our lifetimes. We have to rebuild relationships with allies, fix organizations, depoliticize government structures and reestablish faith in government. He may be removed soon.


  40. Anonymous11:22 AM


    In this article there are links to Senator Harris' twitter and actual concession and I didn't see any mention of racism. Maybe I missed this or people just made this up?


  41. Anonymous11:51 AM

    PX: "In this article there are links to Senator Harris' twitter and actual concession and I didn't see any mention of racism. Maybe I missed this or people just made this up?"

    Discussing her campaign with “Axios on HBO”, Kamala Harris says electability is the “elephant in the room”, questioning whether America is ready for a woman — and a woman of color — to be president.


  42. Anonymous12:42 PM

    “Discussing her campaign with ‘Axios on HBO’, Kamala Harris says electability is the ‘elephant in the room’, questioning whether America is ready for a woman — and a woman of color — to be president.”

    This was from a month ago, and she wasn’t specifically suggesting Democratic primary voters were the ones who wouldn’t vote for her based on race or gender. I would infer that she was thinking of Midwestern white folks in the general election.

    She didn’t make it that far, for multiple reasons.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "He's going to win by a mammoth landslide.
    How's he going to do that? His approval ratings are low - Many farmers have turned against him - he has lost the support of some white women without college degrees - he no longer holds the suburbs, and he's lost at least half or the independent voters. How's he going to win? - by cheating and changing votes like last time?

  44. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "She didn’t make it that far, for multiple reasons."

    Harris was a terrible candidate. She's a narcissist who came off as completely fake.

    Tulsi Gabbard finished her off with one punch during the debates, when she noted how Harris had, when AG of California, prevented prisoners on death row from presenting exculpatory evidence, leaving them to rot in prison for her own political purposes. She also sent over 1,500 people to prison on marijuana charges, and then laughed about her smoking pot in college (while lying about the music she was listening to while doing so).

    Her smarmy, grating phoniness turned off democratic primary voters, whom she then implied were too racist and sexist to vote for her.

    She's an absolutely awful human being. Good riddance.

  45. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Anon @10:53 AM nailed it.

  46. "Kamala Harris says electability is the “elephant in the room”, questioning whether America is ready for a woman — and a woman of color — to be president."

    Note,America not theDemocratic Party. It is a valid question.

  47. "How's he going to win?"

    You have to give it to conservatives, they are eternally optimistic. Reminds me of the Black Knight in the Holy Grail movie.😂

  48. trump throws a temper tantrum and leaves NATO summit.😂 President toddler strikes again.


  49. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Competing with Donald Trump for 2019’s Shittiest Human Award, George Zimmerman has decided to sue the family of his victim, because reasons.

    George Zimmerman sues family of Trayvon Martin, publisher, prosecutors for $100 million

  50. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "Kamala Harris says electability is the “elephant in the room”, questioning whether America is ready for a woman — and a woman of color — to be president."

    Yeah, not because the Harris campaign was a disorganized shitshow from Day One. Not because she's a miserable POS who treated her staff like dirt. Not because Tulsi Gabbard basically DESTROYED her in one of the early debates. Or, it couldn't have been because she was just a crappy candidate? No, it's because evil racists refused to vote for the black lady.

  51. Primary Colors2:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Note, America not the Democratic Party. It is a valid question."

    No sir, the "America" that failed to vote for Kamala Harris as their nominee was exclusively the Democratic Party.

  52. "No sir, the "America" that failed to vote for Kamala Harris as their nominee was exclusively the Democratic Party."

    I don't recall voting for a nominee. Your assessment is incorrect.

    1. Add in the fact that she qualified for the next debate so she wasn't dismissed by the party at large.

  53. "No, it's because evil racists refused to vote for the black lady."

    Republicans, who actually have real racists in their ranks, look for ANY sliver of a notion the Dems are as racist as they. Futile search but Hannity and Tucker will make their best uneducated case and the unwitting trolls will parrot their misinformation. Just surprised they did it so early.

  54. "If you fuckers were any dumber, you wouldn't know how to breathe."

    If we keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we're burning them, nobody will be able to breathe. The rise in air pollution levels is already killing thousands more people each year than it was before 2016.

    "No sir, the "America" that failed to vote for Kamala Harris as their nominee was exclusively the Democratic Party."

    No votes have been cast in the 2020 Democratic primary. Ask Terence Hallinan if Kamala Harris has any problems beating white, male, establishment candidates in an election. She dropped out for financial reasons, and high on the list of Democratic priorities is campaign finance reform to address the wildly destructive requirement that candidates for the presidency come up with a billion dollars to be competitive.

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. Are we still waiting for the Qanon indictments or is that not a thing anymore? I bet Guliani gets indicted before the baby eating Dems. 😂 Is James still around to make a bet?

  56. Doug! How dare you use logic and reason! You're confusing our guests.😂

  57. Why is this potted plant still being watered?


    This case is likely to be tossed on zipperfuckerman's fat ass. Ammo for scummy phucking ammosexuals must be expensive.

  58. Anonymous3:50 PM

    PilotObtuse said...
    "Republicans, who actually have real racists in their ranks, look for ANY sliver of a notion the Dems are as racist as they"

    Republicans aren't calling Democrats racist and sexist for rejecting Kamala Harris, Democrats and their media are.

    Leftism is a mental disorder.

  59. Anonymous3:51 PM

    “Add in the fact that she qualified for the next debate so she wasn't dismissed by the party at large.”

    At one point, Kamala was polling at around 15% of primary voters — roughly about the same as Sanders and Warren are now.

    She had faded after that. I’d say she made some wrong moves in positioning herself, and didn’t always distinguish herself from the pack in the debates, didn’t have a distinctive platform, and was dogged by questions of whether a former prosecutor is the right person to nominate if you want justice system reform.

    But also, there are suggestions that she hired people to run her campaign that didn’t know what they were doing, and so she was done in by shambolic organization. She just ran out of money and was forced to quit.

    The idea that the Dems wouldn’t nominate her because she is black and a woman isn’t too plausible. Their last two nominees were, respectively, a black person and a woman.

  60. Anonymous3:52 PM

    "If we keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we're burning them, nobody will be able to breathe. The rise in air pollution levels is already killing thousands more people each year than it was before 2016."

    Utter nonsense. The air we breathe today is cleaner than at any time in our lifetimes.

  61. Anonymous4:26 PM

    “Republicans aren't calling Democrats racist and sexist for rejecting Kamala Harris, Democrats and their media are.”

    Nonsense. There is no significant number of MSM or left media blaming Kamala Harris’ loss on bigoted Democrats. This is some weird wingnut narrative.


  62. Utter nonsense. The air we breathe today is cleaner than at any time in our lifetimes.

    Bald faced lie straight out of drumpf's polluted ass. It was much cleaner before drumopf removed regulations.


  63. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "Some weird wingnut narrative"


    Joy Reid, host of "AM Joy": The narrative around the Democratic primary seems to be very bullish toward white male candidates and lukewarm on women and minorities.

    Michele Bernard, CEO of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy: For some reason, the media seems fixated on issues about her campaign and her electability that we don't see with other men. And there's no other reason that you can explain it, I believe, other than sexism.

    Dana Milbank, Washington Post columnist: I think this is sort of silly journalism. But underlying that is this deep level of sexism that's out there, more of it on the Republican side.

    Bernard: There's a very serious problem, and I believe that it has everything to do with the fact that she is a woman and she is a black woman and she's a black woman of mixed heritage, being Indian as well. It just seems so difficult for people to get past the fact that she is not a white male.


    Jeff Zeleny, CNN senior White House correspondent: We're going to be ending the year with a lot of older candidates, several white candidates. So, this is something that certainly-- the field is not ending in as much of a diverse fashion as it started in.

    Brianna Keilar, CNN senior political correspondent: I thought that was a really interesting point there at the end Jeff made. This becomes an older and whiter field for the top tier candidates.

    Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst: It certainly does. The field is looking a lot whiter and a lot older.

  64. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Liberal activists sickened by racism of electability:

    Jim Kessler

    At this point, we have 7 Democrats qualified for the December debate stage and they are all white. This is sickening.

    12:28 PM - Dec 3, 2019

    Leah Greenberg

    No matter your candidate, you have to recognize that going from the most diverse field ever in January to a potentially all-white debate stage in December is catastrophic.

    The implicit racism and sexism of "electability" is deeply damaging to democracy.

    12:42 PM - Dec 3, 2019

    Charlotte Clymer��️‍��

    If Kamala Harris is dropping out today, as is being reported, that means--among other things--that no candidates of color are yet slated for the December debate. Six white candidates have qualified. Folks, that's a huge red flag, and we need to talk about it

  65. Zipperfuckerman's lawsuit will be laughed out of court. Apparently the only lawyer slimy enough to sidle up to the Zipperfuckerman is Larry Klayman and he has been barred from more courts than Carter's has liver pills.

  66. "Republicans aren't calling Democrats racist and sexist for rejecting Kamala Harris, Democrats and their media are."

    Um no, an anon here was. That's with whom I was discussing this topic. Try to keep up.

  67. "Liberal activists sickened by racism of electability"

    Uh ok. They're barking up the wrong tree but it's a free country.

  68. And now back to the impeachment of the President.

  69. National Association for the Advancement of White Hispanic People5:14 PM

    Why shouldn't Zimmerman sue? He was a hero who had his life ruined by a corrupt media. I bet he wins.

  70. Maybe tRump's lies aren't newsworthy any longer. It is just assumed that if he says something it is likely to be a lie.

  71. "Why shouldn't Zimmerman sue? He was a hero who had his life ruined by a corrupt media. I bet he wins."

    Sure, and his dumb ass will blow all the money and end up in jail again.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:36 PM

    Primary Colors said.....
    No sir, the "America" that failed to vote for Kamala Harris as their nominee was exclusively the Democratic Party.

    2:36 PM
    What are you talking about, Sir? No Democrats have voted for Harris because there have been no primaries yet. No Democrats, Republicans, or independents have voted for any candidate. The voting doesn't start until next year.

  73. So Gym Jordan on Judiciary also? Man, that's a whole lot of stupid on one committee. Collins, Ghomert and Jordan. Are we just trying to show the world how incredibly moronic this country is? 😳

  74. https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/04/uk/sadiq-khan-donald-trump-nato-gbr-intl-ge19/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0fV3ZDJpob8OspB2LStklDb4jpn11DOWqQpUQQnTeixGP1tJ8_Ph8cTYg

  75. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Jim Jordan showing how moronic the Democrats are.

    This is turning out to be the biggest disaster for the Dems since the Civil War.

  76. GloboHomo Uber Alles!6:03 PM

    Nutty Professor Karlan went full neocon today and said we need to arm Ukraine to fight the Russians there so we don’t have to fight them here. Yes, really.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Jim Jordan showing how moronic the Democrats are.

    This is turning out to be the biggest disaster for the Dems since the Civil War.

    5:55 PM
    First, Jordan only showed what a partisan hack he is.
    Second, Today's Republicans were the Democrats of Civil War times. The Republicans during Civil War were the liberals, while the Democrats were the conservatives. Please read some history of the United States.

  78. Baron Von Trump6:43 PM

    Man, that was brutal.

    Two weeks ago impeachment got wheeled out on a stretcher.

    Today it was screaming obscenities at the nurses from it’s hospital bed.

    Hopefully by next week we will attend a wake.

  79. Anonymous6:47 PM

    @anon 4:49

    I said “no significant number of MSM or left media blaming Kamala Harris’ loss on bigoted Democrats.”

    You came back with a handful of crank activists crying racism/sexism. But so what? This is in no way in conflict with what I said. You can always find a handful of people with nutty views, but this is not representative of most people’s views on the left.

    You also came back with a bunch of pundits saying it’s sad that there will be nothing but white candidates by the time the primaries start. However, that is NOT the same thing as them saying the reason for this is that Democrats are bigots. An alternative explanation is that 2020’s crop of minority candidates just happen to kind of suck, and voters are right to reject them. (FYI, a lot of the many white candidates also suck, but they have failed to face reality and drop out. Or they are arrogant billionaires who can self-fund their campaigns forever, even if nobody will vote for them.)

  80. This is who you are6:49 PM

    Hillary on Howard Stern today said the Russians were working to elect Bernie in 2016.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:54 PM

    GloboHomo Uber Alles! said...

    " Nutty Professor Karlan went full neocon today and said we need to arm Ukraine to fight the Russians there so we don’t have to fight them here. Yes, really."
    Not so nutty, Globo, Putin's aim is to reinstate the old Soviet Union with himself as the ruler. He plans to acquire European countries one at a time just as he is trying to take Ukraine by invasion. He is also trying to gain a foothold in the Middle East. Putin is a clear threat to America. Do some research on the topic or remain ignorant. The choice is yours.

  82. Anonymous6:54 PM

    By the way, you will also find Booker and Castro crying racism over Kamala Harris’ exit from the race. I don’t for a millisecond believe this is sincerely held view for either of them; these are crocodile tears they are shedding. They are pandering to Harris’ frustrated supporters, viewing her exit as a golden opportunity to snatch them up as Booker or Castro supporters.

    Both of them are gross, and will not be missed when they bomb out of the primaries.

  83. Anonymous7:02 PM

    “Hillary on Howard Stern today said the Russians were working to elect Bernie in 2016.”

    If that was her actual opinion (no idea, coming from you liars, and I can’t be bothered to chase this down), then she’s wrong. Vlad wouldn’t have wanted President Bernie any more than President Hillary.

    His hacks and selective release of DNC/HRC campaign emails were, however, meant to outrage embittered Bernie supporters after HRC had won the Dem nomination, so that they would sit out the general election and vote for no one out of Hillary-hatred.

    So the Russian skullduggery was aimed at Bernie voters.

  84. "Jim Jordan showing how moronic the Democrats are."

    Gym Jordan couldn't figure his way out of a paper bag. He shows the lack of seriousness in the GOP.

  85. Anonymous9:01 PM

    "Competing with Donald Trump for 2019’s Shittiest Human Award, George Zimmerman has decided to sue the family of his victim, because reasons."

    Because Zimmerman spotted Martin way off any direct route from the "candy store" (where he also bought watermelon-flavored Arizona iced tea, two of the ingredients of "lean") looking into other people's houses, and phoned the police.  Because Zimmerman had obvious injuries to his head and face.  Because witnesses placed Trayvon Martin on top of Zimmerman, pounding Zimmerman's head into a concrete sidewalk.  And I hope the Miami Herald is now added to this lawsuit, because lying by blatant omission of salient and documented facts is most certainly defamation.

  86. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Gym Jordan couldn't figure his way out of a paper bag.

    Ahem.  Hank "Guam tip over" Johnson, anyone?

    Black people put literal morons in office because they HATE anyone smarter than themselves.

  87. "Black people put literal morons in office because they HATE anyone smarter than themselves."

    And what's your excuse for Louie Ghomert? Hank Johnson is a genius compared to that imbecile. Let's not mention the stable genius in the WH. Barack Obama's big toe is smarter that the entire trump family. I won't even mention Virginia Foxx. She's so dumb I lost IQ points writing her name.😂

  88. https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/texas-rep-louie-gohmert-storms-the-scif-11791119

  89. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/27/1807744/-Crazy-Stupid-Republican-of-the-Day-Virginia-Foxx-2018-Update

  90. Lt. Commander Johnson10:05 PM

    I've had my picture taken with plenty of people who I never "knew'.

    This latest stunt by the Dems will come back to haunt them. "Professional Legal Scholars".All obviously, Pro-Democrat. Of which, field wouldn't know a damn thing about. He supports killers being allowed to walk the skreets of Philly.

    You Negros are so lost, you can't even find yourselves.

  91. "You Negros are so lost, you can't even find yourselves."

    Nope. just don't support unqualified criminal Presidents.

  92. Turley? Pro-Democrat? What kind of shit are you smoking?
    Don't forget that the goddamn Republicans held the same kind of hearing when they impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a consensual blowjob.

    -Doug in Oakland

  93. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy12:20 AM

    Of course a no-serving pussy would support another no-serving bitch.

  94. The Dems are the only hope of saving us from the commie loving Republicans lead by Moscow Mitch and dolt 45.

  95. 71 Republicans voted to allow Russia back into the G7. Guess they love commies.

  96. It's not so much that they love commies as that they've convinced themselves that the Russians must be good because they are white.

    -Doug in Oakland

  97. Anonymous1:23 AM

    "It's not so much that they love commies as that they've convinced themselves that the Russians must be good because they are white."

    And they don't want to run afoul of trump who must be in debt to Russians.


  98. From the Hill to all you stoopid fucking rabid drumpfuck lovers out there...

    In its recent World Economic Outlook Report, the IMF took stock of the damage to the global economy wrought by the trade war. It noted that primary as a result of that war, the world economy has moved from a situation in 2018 in which 75 percent of the world’s economies were experiencing economic upswings to one today in which 90 percent of the world’s economies are experiencing economic slowdowns.

  99. Catch the entirely phony outrage from Melanoma and wingnuts over Barron's name being mentioned? Wah fucking wah.

  100. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Hey, I'm a 'pervert'; let's get the party stated. Low class, retarded, dumb fu$k. Amerika you deserve this $hit face; he looks just like the rest of you! Need a tan, loose weight, and stop crying about people that don't look like you; we are the world; you're the left over $hit that was thrown out! Bye, bye, bye, bye.

  101. GloboHomo Uber Alles!11:59 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    GloboHomo Uber Alles! said...

    " Nutty Professor Karlan went full neocon today and said we need to arm Ukraine to fight the Russians there so we don’t have to fight them here. Yes, really."
    Not so nutty, Globo, Putin's aim is to reinstate the old Soviet Union with himself as the ruler. He plans to acquire European countries one at a time just as he is trying to take Ukraine by invasion.

    Russia is a barely functioning country that poses no threat to Europe.

    You believe this because the bloodthirsty Jews who control US media, academia, and foreign policy want to destroy Russia and they will shed all the American blood necessary to do so.

  102. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "the IMF took stock of the damage to the global economy wrought by the trade war"

    Yes, trade wars reduce trade.

    But what about the damage to American workers resulting from the loss of millions of jobs to China? At what point do you stop supporting the interests of the super rich and mega corporations at the expense of working people?

    GDP has grown strongly in the Free Trade era, but almost all of the benefit has gone to the top of American society. We don't exist to serve the maximization of GDP; GDP exists to serve us.

    Trump is the first President in 50 years to do anything for American workers. Even if you hate him, this is one effort where we need to stick together and ride this out until we get a better deal for all Americans.

  103. GloboHomo Uber Alles!12:38 PM

    "It's not so much that they love commies as that they've convinced themselves that the Russians must be good because they are white."

    And you don't hate them because they are white?

    If Russians were still commies, the Jews who give you your opinions would be telling you to love Russia.

    But Russia is a nationalist country that resists bending to the global financial order. They don't push homosexuality in their schools, and they don't have Drag Queen Story Hours for toddlers. They don't practice holocaustianity and persist in believing they have a right to exist. Therefore, they must be broken.

    Trump's desire to deescalate tensions with Russia was seen as an existential threat to the Jewish World Order. Thus the ridiculous demonization of all things Russia and the attempt to portray Trump as a Russian agent.

    If Russia and America could establish real cooperation, the endless wars in the Middle East would end. The stream of refugees would ebb. The grip of international finance on the economies of countries under the yoke of American empire would ease, and nations would be freer to pursue policies that benefit their own citizens. Preventing any of this from happening is why you have been taught to hate Russia.

  104. MSNBC, if they cover one of Trump's remarks, will mention whether it's true or not. As for the rest of the press, if they called out every one of Trump's lies, there would be no time or space for anything else. As far as normalizing, repeating the phrase "President Trump" instead of preceding that with "would-be" or "putative"or is bad enough.

  105. "And you don't hate them because they are white?"

    Oh fuck you in your neck. I'm white, and no, I don't hate myself for it. Your little screed would be looked upon favorably by Putin's security services who are paid to produce similar toxic rubbish all the time, when they aren't busy murdering journalists, jailing opposing political candidates, torturing people, and trying to destabilize countries that they want to rule again like when they were the USSR.
    Oh, and destroying the west, mostly meaning us.
    And from the sound of you, they are doing a bang-up job with the diminishing resources they have.

    -Doug in Oakland


  106. NPR


    New: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced the House will proceed with drafting articles of impeachment against President Trump — saying he leaves Congress “no choice."

    -Doug in Oakland


  107. Trump is the first President in 50 years to do anything for American workers. Even if you hate him, this is one effort where we need to stick together and ride this out until we get a better deal for all Americans

    Total fucking bushwah.

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:56 PM

    GloboHomo Uber Alles! said...

    Not so nutty, Globo, Putin's aim is to reinstate the old Soviet Union with himself as the ruler. He plans to acquire European countries one at a time just as he is trying to take Ukraine by invasion.

    Russia is a barely functioning country that poses no threat to Europe.
    Believe what you want to, but the real threat is coming from Russia. If you are a Trumpie, you're not going to believe anything negative about Russia.

  109. Ha! I grew up in the 70's and 80's and we were brainwashed into opposing Russia (then the USSR). That's all we did in the 80's.

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:07 PM

    GloboHomo Uber Alles! said...

    If Russia and America could establish real cooperation, the endless wars in the Middle East would end. The stream of refugees would ebb. The grip of international finance on the economies of countries under the yoke of American empire would ease, and nations would be freer to pursue policies that benefit their own citizens. Preventing any of this from happening is why you have been taught to hate Russia.

    12:38 PM
    You are dreaming. Don't you know that Putin has his opponents killed not matter in what country they are living? Don't you see how Putin has snared Trump into betraying our country? You are a lost cause, son.

  111. While the House Judiciary committee was doing impeachment hearings, disgraced Screwdy Rudy is back in Ukraine meeting with disgraced sources looking for non-existent dirt on Bidens.

    Former Playboy model and centerfold Karen MacDougasl is suing the fuck out of dumber than dirt Tucker Buzzard Carlson for defamation of character and accusing her of extorting drumpfuck. Hope she gets billions. He has the money.

  112. So Fergus has so thoroughly bollixed his stupid, stupid trade war with China, he has done what he always does when his lies begin to crash all around him: told Jared to handle it.

    Mr Kushner will presumably negotiate a trade deal with the Chinese in between overseeing the construction of Fergus' border fence, negotiating a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, solving the opioid crisis, reimagining the workings of the VA, and the rest of his portfolio.

    No word as to whether his wife's Chinese trademarks will be an issue in the negotiations.

    -Doug in Oakland

  113. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/12/contracts-show-how-giuliani-backed-lawyers-planned-to-help-fired-ukraine-prosecutor-get-revenge-on-biden/

    Leads right to Fake Noize front door.

  114. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/12/investigation-uncovers-israel-based-group-behind-bigoted-facebook-smear-campaign-aimed-at-us-muslim-congresswomen/

    I thought them Jewes was giving Dems talking points. Someone been lying to me.

  115. Filed under "D" for duh:

    Ex-Infowars Staffer Admits Making Up Stories

    December 5, 2019 at 12:53 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 92 Comments

    Josh Owens, a former staff member at Alex Jones’s far-right conspiracy site Infowars, admits in the New York Times to making up stories for the site about the threat of Shariah law within the United States.

    Writes Owens: “The information did not meet our expectations, so we made it up, preying on the vulnerable and feeding the prejudices and fears of Jones’s audience. We ignored certain facts, fabricated others and took situations out of context to fit our narrative.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  116. Anonymous6:49 PM

    doug, mike and granny are the three most clueless crackers on the internet

  117. and we live in anymoosie's head for free.

  118. GloboHomo Uber Alles!7:35 PM

    Oh fuck you in your neck. I'm white, and no, I don't hate myself for it.

    You hate yourself for some reason.

    Your little screed would be looked upon favorably by Putin's security services who are paid to produce similar toxic rubbish all the time,

    Again, with the Russia nonsense.

    when they aren't busy murdering journalists, jailing opposing political candidates, torturing people, and trying to destabilize countries that they want to rule again like when they were the USSR.

    Obama wiretapped journalists, weaponized governmental institutions, spied on and set up political opponents with made up crimes, jailed a filmmaker to provide cover for his lies about Benghazi, overthrew governments in Ukraine, Libya, and Egypt, and assassinated US citizens. The only difference between Obama and Putin is that Obama was much more effective at being a murderous despot.

  119. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!


  120. Obama wiretapped journalists, weaponized governmental institutions, spied on and set up political opponents with made up crimes, jailed a filmmaker to provide cover for his lies about Benghazi, overthrew governments in Ukraine, Libya, and Egypt, and assassinated US citizens. The only difference between Obama and Putin is that Obama was much more effective at being a murderous despot.

    total unsubstantiated Fake Noize talking points bullshit on a silver platter.

  121. Black impulsivity is an ugly and embarrassing phenomenon to witness. Why is it held in such high regard with you people?

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    doug, mike and granny are the three most clueless crackers on the internet

    6:49 PM
    Thank you, Anon. You have placed me in great company and honored me with a brilliant insult!

    Now, do you have anything to debate with besides ad hominem attacks? LOL!

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:47 PM

    thuuuuney said...

    Black impulsivity is an ugly and embarrassing phenomenon to witness. Why is it held in such high regard with you people?

    8:06 PM
    Who do you beat more often, you wife or your dog? LOL! This question is not any more stupid than your question above.

  124. Donald J. Trump10:22 PM

    White stupidity is an ugly and embarrassing phenomenon to witness. Why is it held in such high regard with you people?

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    doug, mike and granny are the three most clueless crackers on the internet

    6:49 PM

    At least we know how to punctuate when we write - Both Doug and Mike are proper nouns and should begin with a capital letter.

  126. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:34 PM

    Zuby said...

    I believe Trump will win again in 2020, largely because his opponents STILL haven't figured out WHY he won.

    They've had 3 whole years and haven't figured it out yet. They still think it's because half their nation is 'racist'. ��

    Astonishing lack of self-awareness and humility.

    9:18 PM
    We know how Trump won: He won by cheating, and he will do it again if we let him.

  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:34 PM

    Hundreds of Louisiana cases possibly sullied by ex-sheriff's alleged 'n----r knockin' norm


    Republican Tommy Romero was elected earlier this month to replace Ackal. During the former sheriff’s 10-year tenure, lawsuit settlements against his office cost the agency about $6 million.

    Ackal was indicted in March 2016 on federal civil rights charges related to the beatings of five detainees in April 2011. In November 2016, he was acquitted on all counts in his case. Witnesses in Ackal’s 2016 trial detailed multiple beatings allegedly targeting black men. They happened so frequently that former Deputy Wade Bergeron testified at trial that when he reported beating two black men to Ackal, Ackal responded that “‘it sounds like a case of n----r knockin.”

  128. Anonymous3:52 PM

    A good whack upside the head works on people too stupid to understand anything else.

  129. Anonymous5:40 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  130. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    5:40 PM
    Give it up, son. No matter how many times you say it, that won't make it true. Trump has lost some support from several groups who supported him in 2016. Trump will lose in 2020 and soon thereafter he may be going to prison.

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    A good whack upside the head works on people too stupid to understand anything else.

    3:52 PM
    Yes, we can use that on Trump supporters. It's what they need.

  132. Anonymous9:52 PM

    we can use that on Trump supporters. It's what they need.

    Yes, you stupid cow.  We have black girls turning classrooms into chaos by chanting and dancing on their own (and other people's) desks, but you think Trump supporters are the ones who need to be whacked upside their heads.

    It is such a pity that you didn't wind up like this Minneapolis coal-burner because neither you nor your family would be supporting the black plague afflicting the USA any more.

    Know why your white husbands treated you like crap?  Because you ARE crap.

  133. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:47 PM

    Anonymous said......

    Know why your white husbands treated you like crap? Because you ARE crap.

    9:52 PM
    Wow, maybe you need a touch of anger management. You don't know anything about how my white husbands may have treated me. LOL!

  134. Anonymous12:48 AM

    You don't know anything about how my white husbands may have treated me.

    I know that you hated them and loved your African-who-plowed-your-furrow (blessedly infertily) until a few years ago.  I know this because you said so.  Yet all your children are the result of unions with men you declare that you hated.  By all rights, those children should hate, despise and shun you.

    Fuck off, you god-damned evil mudshark.  When your children Wake Up, they will damn you too.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:40 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You don't know anything about how my white husbands may have treated me.

    I know that you hated them and loved your African-who-plowed-your-furrow (blessedly infertily) until a few years ago. I know this because you said so. Yet all your children are the result of unions with men you declare that you hated. By all rights, those children should hate, despise and shun you.

    Fuck off, you god-damned evil mudshark. When your children Wake Up, they will damn you too.

    12:48 AM
    Man, you are one stupid motherfucker! You don't know even half of what you think you know. I never declared that I hated any of my former husbands. I don't hate anyone, even you, who are loud-mouthed lout with too much time on your hands.

    I know you are jealous and unhappy in your empty life of hate. The way to a happy life is paved with love for others not with hate. I pity you.

  136. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Give it up, son. No matter how many times you say it, that won't make it true. Trump has lost some support from several groups who supported him in 2016. Trump will lose in 2020 and soon thereafter he may be going to prison.
    7:07 PM

    DELUSION!! Just stating it because it true and you know it down deep, you lost last time because you cannot read a score card. Then we will have 8 years of Pence!!

  137. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:11 PM

    Anonymous said.......

    DELUSION!! Just stating it because it true and you know it down deep, you lost last time because you cannot read a score card. Then we will have 8 years of Pence!!

    3:29 PM
    LOL! Do you really think Mike Pence can get elected? You are a lot more delusional than I am. That will only happen if the Russians hack all the voting machines and change the votes.

  138. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:21 PM

    Anonymous said.......

    you lost last time because you cannot read a score card.
    WTF??? Hillary lost for a couple of reasons. First, she ran a lousy campaign. Second Trump with Russian help cheated. He was never the choice of the majority of Americans. As you may recall, Hillary received about three million more votes than Trump.

    So tell me how Trump will win tin 2020. Pennsylvania and Michigan won't be going for him again, and even Ohio is in doubt. Where are you getting enough electoral votes to elect Trump? Let's see your score card.

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