Saturday, February 29, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for Blacks Hands on Trump 

I need a caption for this pic.

Image result for coronavirus trump images 

And this one. 


  1. Pic #1: Touching Patient Zero
    Pic #2: On the front line

  2. House negroes in the big house.

  3. 1. The pity party for the oh so oppressed white man.

    2. The results of electing imbeciles to office.

  4. Without the white man's medicine and food Africa would still be a barely populated jungle.

    European colonialism and slavery are the reasons 95% of today's African population exists.

    African Americans are the richest, most educated, and healthiest black population in the history of the planet.

    Bow down your heads and give thanks to the white man.

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    The White Man's Burden said...

    Without the white man's medicine and food Africa would still be a barely populated jungle.

    European colonialism and slavery are the reasons 95% of today's African population exists.

    African Americans are the richest, most educated, and healthiest black population in the history of the planet.

    Bow down your heads and give thanks to the white man.

    11:55 AM
    My, you have a stunning imagination. Why don't you do some research into the history of Africa. Try some sources that aren't contaminated by white supremacists' lies. I would provide you with reliable web sites, but I know you wouldn't go there and read the truth.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:30 PM

    From the front page of Alternet today:
    The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump’s conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:36 PM

    From Talking Points Memo today:

    President Donald Trump went full conspiracy theory over Democrats’ alarm over COVID-19, aka the deadly coronavirus, on Friday night during a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Talking Points Memo is a disinformation outlet.

  9. #1:

    #2: Here comes the American Carnage.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "President Donald Trump went full conspiracy theory over Democrats’ alarm over COVID-19, aka the deadly coronavirus"


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "I know you wouldn't go there and read the truth."

    If you posted it on stormfront he might read it. I'm kinda surprised somebody that dumb can read.😆

  13. Shitlibs: CONSERVATIVES run the press and use it for nefarious propaganda.

    Republitards: LIBERALS run the press and use it for nefarious propaganda.

    'Conspiracy Theorist': Jews run the press and...

    CONSERVATIVES and LIBERALS: Nazi! Yes, Jews run the press but only to make money and never to advance an agenda that divides the country! When Jews and only Jews have control of something they use it only for the most innocuous and/or noble purposes. Anyone else can have self-serving motives, but never Jews.

  14. Anonymous3:36 PM

    “'Conspiracy Theorist': Jews run the press and...”

    Jews don’t “run the press,” period. Your belief that they do IS the conspiracy theory.

  15. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "Trump back in the oval office in 2021"

    "infected illegal aliens waiting to illegally cross into USA"

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "President Donald Trump went full conspiracy theory over Democrats’ alarm over COVID-19, aka the deadly coronavirus"


    2:34 PM
    President Donald Trump went full conspiracy theory over Democrats’ alarm over COVID-19, aka the deadly coronavirus, on Friday night during a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.

    3:58 PM

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:08 PM

    Internet stunned by breathless and exhausted-looking Trump press briefing: ‘Has he been tested for Covid-19?’

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:11 PM

    In a rare press conference in the White House briefing room on Saturday, President Donald Trump acknowledged that there are likely to be more cases of coronavirus in the United States — just hours after he told a crowd of supporters in North Charleston, South Carolina that the virus was a “hoax” concocted by Democrats to destroy his presidency.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:21 PM

    NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump on Friday night tried to cast the global outbreak of the coronavirus as a liberal conspiracy intended to undermine his first term, lumping it alongside impeachment and the Mueller investigation.

    He blamed the press for acting hysterically about the virus, which has now spread to China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Italy and the U.S, and he downplayed its dangers, saying against expert opinion it was on par with the flu.
    You right-wing idiots need to stop calling me a liar.

  20. Anonymous5:09 PM

    "just hours after he told a crowd of supporters in North Charleston, South Carolina that the virus was a “hoax” concocted by Democrats to destroy his presidency."

    That is absolutely not what he said.

    You can't stop lying.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said......

    "just hours after he told a crowd of supporters in North Charleston, South Carolina that the virus was a “hoax” concocted by Democrats to destroy his presidency."

    That is absolutely not what he said.

    You can't stop lying.

    5:09 PM
    And you cannot stop looking foolish.

  22. While Fergus was up there lying his fool ass off about Afghanistan and the coronavirus, he sounded like he was sedated, or perhaps just coming down from the adderall long enough to get a clean blood test for the coronavirus.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Anonymous10:00 PM

    The concept of per capita is the eternal enemy of the black ethnonarcissist.

  24. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "The concept of per capita is the eternal enemy of the black ethnonarcissist."

    The concept of raw numbers is the eternal enemy of white dumbasses.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The concept of per capita is the eternal enemy of the black ethnonarcissist."

    10:00 PM
    No, the narcissist is in the White House. His name is Trump. Everybody knows this except you I guess.

  26. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Barnard College negress charged with stabbing HER OWN MOTHER to death:

    "Colorado dad" (worthless N-word) sentenced to 72 years for encasing his dead son in concrete and hiding the body in a storage unit (not charged with murder because the body was too damaged to determine a cause of death, though it was emaciated):

    Shades of Mitchelle Blair's murder of 2 of her own 4 children.  Blacks do this at a rate way out of proportion to their numbers.  Blacks are demons.

    1. Anonymous12:49 AM

      GTFOHWTB! You white boys love to kill babies. Sandy Hook? I don't see too many brothas shooting up classrooms and churches asshole. I bet you're planning some kind of mass shooting or bombing right now.

  27. "The concept of raw numbers is the eternal enemy of white dumbasses."

    Dumbasses of all colors are their own eternal enemies.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Anonymous4:04 AM

    The South Carolina vote wasn't fair, Bernie only lost because Black People hate Jews.

  29. "Black People hate Jews."

    No, white racist nazis hate (((Teh Jews)))

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:07 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Shades of Mitchelle Blair's murder of 2 of her own 4 children. Blacks do this at a rate way out of proportion to their numbers. Blacks are demons.

    11:39 PM
    Offer some evidence to support you ridiculous claims. There are plenty of white people killing their children. How about some real data from a reliable source to support your version of reality?

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    PilotX said....

    "Black People hate Jews."

    No, white racist nazis hate (((Teh Jews)))

    10:28 AM
    Yes, white, racist Nazis hate everyone who is not a white, racist Nazi!

  32. Congratulations to President Trump, who just completed the longest Black History Month ever.

    Great job, Mr. President!

  33. "How about some real data from a reliable source to support your version of reality?"

    Good luck with that.

  34. Anonymous7:03 PM

    BootyJudge dropped out.

    That’s probably good news for Biden.

  35. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Democrats too homophobic to support Buttigieg.


  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Second confirmed stateside fatality from COVID-19 was a man in his seventies in Washington state.
    Fergus, being in his seventies, ought to be careful at his MAGA rallies full of Pig People who he's already told the virus is a hoax and may not be taking proper precautions.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous1:14 AM

    mass immigration harms blacks more than anyone else in america yet black politicians are some of the strongest supporters of it, presumably because donors give them giant bags of money with cartoon dollar signs on them to fuck over their own constituents. sad, but also kinda hilarious

  39. "mass immigration harms blacks more than anyone else in america"

    Immigration is a net plus for the nation and we need immigrants because white births are down.


  40. "black politicians are some of the strongest supporters of it"

    So looks like Blah politicians are ahead of the curve as usual.😆


  42. Wanna stay poor? Vote Republican.

  43. Oh, those silly blax!7:52 AM

    The demand for white racist attacks on blax exceeds the supply, so a black entrepreneur stepped in to fill that gap.

    "Mississippi man claimed racists vandalized car. Police charged him with fraud.

    "A black Mississippi man who reported racist graffiti had been painted on his vehicles was arrested Friday and charged with insurance fraud.

    "Although police haven’t released details, the arrest seems to indicate the man may have either been involved in the graffiti himself or was trying to use it to defraud his car insurance company."

    (article continues)

    Blax are only victims of their own stupidity.


    He is even moar crooked than decent people (anyone except stoopid fucking wingnuts) feared.

  45. Arby's manager fatally shoots customer who spit on her, police say

    A fast-food restaurant manager was charged with murder after she allegedly tracked down a customer who spit on her and shot him in his vehicle, police said.

    Deionna Young, a manager at an Arby's restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was charged in the death of 25-year-old Desean Tallent, who she said spat in her face and threatened to hurt her after an argument at the restaurant, the Tulsa Police Department said Tuesday.

    Officers were responding to a traffic accident at a Walmart around 8 p.m. Monday when they found Tallent in his SUV with a single gunshot wound in the upper torso, police said.

    Investigators were probing the death as an apparent drive-by shooting until they came across a police report that linked the victim to Young, the department said in a statement. Young had reported an assault earlier in the day and named Tallent as the suspect.

    "It turned out that Desean Tallent had been involved in an altercation at the Arby's that ended with him making threats to the manager and spitting in her face," the statement said. "He promised to come back and hurt her and about an hour later, came back."

    Police said Tallent returned to the restaurant about an hour later and "circled the lot." That's when Young ran outside, got into her car and followed him out of the parking lot, according to the statement.

    "She followed him down Garnett and both vehicles braking and playing cat and mouse," the statement said. "She shot at Tallent and then drove back to work."

    Blacks preach fear and hatred of whites and the police, but the primary danger to blacks is... blacks.

  46. Anonymous Oh, those silly blax! said...ejaculates wasicu wasteys never commit insurance fraud and if they do their white privilege protects them from being prosecuted.

  47. Trump's Tax Returns10:24 AM

    photo 1

    Crossword Clue: 1 across "It says Meow."

    C'mon Donnie ...C?????...Aaaa!!!! can do it!!! C'mon Donnie ...C?????...Aaaa!!!!... here kitty!!!!

    photo 2

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males are hazardous to your health.

  48. Anonymous11:13 AM

    "Black folks ask President Trump to help them rid their communities of niggers"

    "illegal aliens resting before their next big push to illegally enter the USA"

  49. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Pilot X: "Immigration is a net plus for the nation and we need immigrants because white births are down."

    Mass immigration may be a net plus for GDP in the short term, but its a net negative for the nation.

    Immigrants today get more in benefits than they pay in taxes. Their benefits to the economy go to a very small share of the nation.

    Immigrants drive down wages for American workers, directly impacting the economic prospects for nearly everyone, perhaps particularly blacks.

    As blacks decrease as a total share of the population, and the majority no longer owes them any special considerations for past grievances, black political power will wane too.

    Big business and the rich love mass immigration, because it makes them much richer. Mass immigration (along with offshoring) has been the primary driver of the increase in wealth inequality over the past 50 years.

    People shouldn't serve the economy, the economy should serve the people. Our government should be pursuing policies that benefit the interests of the people, not the maximization of GDP when almost all of that growth goes to the top 1%.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Immigrants today get more in benefits than they pay in taxes. Their benefits to the economy go to a very small share of the nation.

    11:42 AM

    Anon., You are misguided and have been lied to so many times you believe the lies. Here are three sources to refute the lies that you are repeating. There are many more reliable sources available to you. All you have to do is Google the topic.

    Trump retweeted a false claim about government benefits › politics › 2018/11/28 › trump-retweeted-fal...
    Nov 28, 2018 - Illegals can get up to $3,874 a month under Federal Assistance program ... illegally get more in government benefits than U.S. citizens and that ... What's more, many immigrants in the country illegally pay taxes on their wages.

    Immigrants and Retirement Resources - Social › ... › Social Security Bulletin › Vol. 74, No. 1
    Those gaps in wages imply that immigrants may enter retirement at a ... Most research on the wealth of immigrants nearing retirement ages does not ... who have immigrated to the United States are likely to receive lower benefits than natives.

    4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy | PBS › newshour › economy › making-sense › 4-myths-abou...
    Nov 2, 2018 - Myth #1: Immigrants take more from the U.S. government than they contribute ... they are, on average, younger and do not qualify for public benefits. ... Undocumented immigrants pay an estimated $11.6 billion a year in taxes, ...


    Scum on, stoopid fucking wingnuts, and tell me how it is wingnuts aren't suppressing legal voters, you lying mother fuckers!


    Remember when that lying POS in the kremlin annex bragged how he had stopped North korea's nukular threat? Well, ou got lied to again. Feels good, donut losers?

  53. Wages growing at their fastest rate? Not so much.....

    another drumpfuck lie.


    Blacks aren't afraid to take on their own in civil disobedience, unlike stoopid fucking wingnuts who stand around with shit eating grins on their pastey white faces all the while drumpf is destroying their country.

    Bad, wasicus, bad!

  55. "Blacks preach fear and hatred of whites and the police, but the primary danger to blacks is... blacks."

    Um, you got a mirror in your house? That's what we've been telling you for years, the vast majority of crimes are INTRARACIAL. Duh. Welcome to the real world. Took you long enough to get here.


  57. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "the vast majority of crimes are INTRARACIAL"

    And addressing black crime, whose victims are mostly black, is RACIST.

  58. Anonymous1:19 PM

    @Granny the Oligarch defender:

    Illegal immigrant households receive an average of $5,692 in federal welfare benefits every year, far more than the average "native" American household, at $4,431.

    All immigrant-headed households — legal and illegal — receive an average of $6,241 in welfare, 41 percent more than native households. As with Americans receiving benefits such as food stamps and cash, much of the welfare to immigrants supplements their low wage jobs.

    So, not only do immigrants drive down the wages of American citizens, but those citizens actually subsidize this process through their taxes.

    Businesses can pay immigrants less than subsistence wages because the government makes up the difference.

    As of 2016, the total annual cost was over $103 billion in welfare benefits to households headed by immigrants. A majority, 51 percent, of immigrant households receive some type of welfare compared to 30 percent of native households.

  59. Voting is for white people1:35 PM

    An update on the GOP’s latest efforts to dismantle democracy:

    Texas closes hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote

  60. There's your trouble anyfuckingmoosepussy....

    low fact, extreme right wing bias . Total bullshit site. Won't do. Bad, anymoose, bad.

    Don't waste your time checking out the moose's link.

  61. There's moar..... A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    Overall, we rate CIS a questionable source based on publishing misleading information (propaganda) regarding immigration, as well as ties either directly or indirectly to the John Tanton Network, who is a known White Nationalist

  62. "Don't waste your time checking out the moose's link."

    Ignore all facts that don't come from Narrative approved sources.

    Remember, what's good for our ruling class is good for you.

  63. Obey admits to being a fucking mow ron. Go ahead and believe made up shit, stoopid. Yer brain will be worth more than the rest of your organs since it has never been used.

  64. Anonymous2:33 PM

    “Ignore all facts that don't come from Narrative approved sources.”

    Listen to the Nazis instead? Thanks, no.

    Nazis are liars.

  65. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Everyone who doesn't believe what I'm told to believe is a Nazi.

    Nazis are bad. I am good.

  66. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Go ahead and believe made up shit"

    Government statistics are "made up shit"?

    That's Nazi talk!

  67. Three more deaths in Washington state.
    Iran is suffering from a similar mistrust of government information and the virus appears to be hitting them hard.
    When accurate information about effective precautions against a deadly disease gets harder to come by, more people die.
    You can apparently still get real info on the CDC website, but do any Republicans trust such deep state actors as CDC scientists?
    While a self-selection scenario may be a mildly amusing thought, it's not really the way an epidemic behaves, so I guess wash your hands a lot?

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:28 PM

    To Anon at 1:19 PM

    Nice try but no cigar. Sorry dude, the references you cited were provided by a hate group as classified by the SPLC. The Center for Immigration Studies is a far-right group, not a reliable source.

    You got anything else to peddle instead?

    Heidi Beirich, director of SPLC’s Intelligence Project, summarized why CIS landed on the list in the America’s Voice blog:

    "CIS has a long history of bigotry, starting with its founder, white nationalist John Tanton, but in 2016, the group hit a new low. CIS commissioned Jason Richwine, a man who’s Ph.D. dissertation endorses the idea of IQ differences between the races, to write multiple reports and blog pieces for the organization. The group also continued to circulate racist and anti-Semitic authors to its supporters, and finally, staffer John Miano attended the white nationalist group VDARE’s Christmas party in December."

    Overall, we rate CIS a questionable source based on publishing misleading information (propaganda) regarding immigration, as well as ties either directly or indirectly to the John Tanton Network, who is a known White Nationalist.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:31 PM

    Mike from Iowa said...

    Obey admits to being a fucking mow ron. Go ahead and believe made up shit, stoopid. Yer brain will be worth more than the rest of your organs since it has never been used.

    2:27 PM
    Mike, I'm falling of my chair laughing at this one. Can I have your permission to use that line sometimes?

  70. CV deaths at 6 in the states. drumpfuck the dumbfuck tells dumbass lemmings it is okay to attend his rally. All they will contract there is hAte.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    Anonymous at 3:04 PM said...

    "Nazis are bad."

    3:04 PM
    You got one thing right here.

  72. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Moron from Iowa stole that line from an ancient Polish joke.


    Moar proof drumpfuck the killer and wingnuts hate fetusses.

    You got my permission, Gambler, for what it is worth.


    Straight from the horse's gaping -Hole.


  75. drumpfuck and stoopid fucking wingnuts..... ENEMY OF ALL AMERICANS!

  76. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "a hate group as classified by the SPLC"

    Granny NPC is beyond parody.

  77. Anonymous5:17 PM

    “Everyone who doesn't believe what I'm told to believe is a Nazi.”

    No, just the people who believe non-whites are subhuman and want to get rid of them.

  78. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Klobuchar dropped out as well. Joe Biden is having a good day.


    Aw, poor little racist. Didn't think jail would be hard. Why do believers in white supremacy exude the opposite?😆

  80. Anonymous7:44 PM

    No, just the people who believe non-whites are subhuman and want to get rid of them."

    The number of people who believe that is statistically close to zero.

    But it's very useful to pretend that any white person who isn't 100% on board with their own dehumanization is a cartoon version of white supremacist/Nazi.

  81. Tweety bites the dust.

    -Doug in Oakland

  82. Two Squeegee Airman8:54 PM

    Trump names black guy to become first ever African American chief of the air force:

    This is crazy. Everyone knows black guys make terrible pilots.

  83. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Doug does not know how to check his blood pressure. Would any reasonable person believe anything he says about healthcare? How about the corona virus?

  84. "Would any reasonable person believe anything he says about healthcare?"

    We'll just listen to trump and Pence.😂😂

  85. "This is crazy. Everyone knows black guys make terrible pilots."

    😂😂 Let me know when you want to have a spot landing contest.🛬

  86. GrannyStandingforTruth2:29 AM

    # 1 Sharing Demons.
    # 2 Survivors

  87. GrannyStandingforTruth2:20 AM

    Hey PilotX!
