Saturday, April 18, 2020

They want liberty from the virus, but there is no one to lead them.

It's not so hard to figure out why trump and his supporters are suddenly pushing to open up America. It just happens to coincide with all these new studies saying that blacks and other minorities are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus. 

Remember when that wasn't the case? We were quick to shut everything down, weren't we? Not any more. Now, trump supporters are taking to the streets and demanding that we open things up. Their "Dear Leader" is telling governors of states who care about the well being of their citizens to free them and let them go back to normal activities and infect themselves and the rest of us. (What's with all the  guns? Are they going to shoot the virus?) As Rick Wilson said, the man would literally start a civil war to cover up his immense failures when it comes to the handling of this epidemic. 

At a time when the country needs leadership, the president sits on twitter all day and attacks his political opponents and every perceived enemy both real and imagined. It's a rather sad and pathetic spectacle, and I suspect that it's having a very negative effect on the country's psyche.

When he (trump) is on television doing his nightly propaganda and campaign rally style briefings, he is blaming everyone but himself for this terrible state of affairs. It's the Chinese fault, it's Obama's fault, it's the W.H.O.'s fault, it's young people's fault, it's the governor's fault, it's the media's fault, and on and on it goes. It's everyone's fault but his own. This is not leadership.

Sarada Peri writing for The Atlantic sums things up perfectly:

"Between the 2016 campaign and now, Trump has gone from “I alone can fix it” to “I don’t take any responsibility at all.” Both those statements reveal Trump’s profound misapprehension of what the presidency is all about. It is not a dictatorship—however benevolent—that can single-handedly solve people’s problems in exchange for fealty. Nor is it a figurehead atop a loose coalition of competing states. It is a position that wields hard and soft power on behalf of the American people—and it must be held by someone who understands that in a global crisis, everyone, including markets and states and ordinary citizens, relies on the federal government to guide a response. If the conductor doesn’t raise her baton, the orchestra slides into chaos.

Laying out a strategy, using federal authority to align the private sector’s capability with the public’s needs, guiding state responses, publishing reliable data and information, setting a tone both measured and optimistic—that is the president’s job. Despite the purported breakdown of the liberal international order, the world still sheepishly glances in our direction, hoping that a steady hand might convene the alliances that exist precisely to grapple with, say, a global pandemic."

Trump is no conductor of an orchestra, he is more like the captain of the Titanic. His minions and the sycophants in his party are the orchestra, and they will just keep playing while the ship goes down.


  1. Yeah, I know a woman in Texas, a white conservative who is ready to get out there and help the "economy". She and her friends are ready to work she says and aren't afraid of a little virus. Now mind you this woman has kids but all that be damned. trump is just a reflection of the people because as we learn every day here on this very blog that there are a bunch of childish troll types who live to own the libs so why not elect that same guy to lead us? It's a sad state of affairs but that's really who we are. Rationally minded individuals who should know better support this fool and excuse his every misstep. Maybe we can right the ship come November and if the past few elections are any sign Smoking Joe should win in a landslide.

  2. See, it isn't the job of the president to know everything about everything. The job is to be smart enough to understand who the real experts are and take their guidance in your decision making.
    It will always take a certain overactive ego to even think you should be the president, but the sort of malignant narcissism that can't ever admit someone else knows better about what should be done needs to be a disqualification, full stop.
    The sooner we get Fergus away from any decision weightier than "do you want fries with that" the better off the country will be.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "It's not so hard to figure out why trump and his supporters are suddenly pushing to open up America. It just happens to coincide with all these new studies saying that blacks and other minorities are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus."

    I doubt it. The knuckledraggers don't read "studies." The knuckledraggers don't read, period.

    What has actually happened is that they are mad because the shutdown is hurting their finances (lots of people are mad about that!). And they're unhappy about being inconvenienced by not being able to go out and shop and socialize (again, lots of us feel the same!). However, they can also see that the mostly rural parts of the country where they live don't really have huge numbers of COVID-19 cases, so they wrongly feel they're basically safe and that all of these restrictions are much ado about nothing.

    They are too dumb to understand that COVID-19 isn't a disease that has hit major metro areas ONLY -- it is a disease that has hit major metro areas FIRST. If the numbers of infections are not brought down to safe levels before restrictions are loosened, there will be a horrendous explosion of cases that will reach redneck America eventually, and their elderly/infirm friends and relatives will start dying, just like those folks in New York City. Possibly worse, because the hospital situation in rural areas is a goddamn joke. One doctor to umpty ump people, barely any ICU beds, almost like a third-world country.

    I've been saying that there could be a second, "wingnut wave" of the epidemic in the red states, caused by rednecks refusing to cooperate with quarantine. The gun-toting jackasses you see at these protests (against "tyranny," lol) are really working hard to make this happen.

  4. "The gun-toting jackasses you see at these protests (against "tyranny," lol) are really working hard to make this happen."

    Well, that will mean fewer Republican voters. But I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

  5. drumpf body count of a Sunday....

    Last updated: April 19, 2020, 12:28 GMT
    April 14 - 15 Change in US Data
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Trump is the Nations leader!!

  7. Anonymous9:34 AM

    From @soapachu on Twitter:

    "The curve is flattening; we can end lockdown now"


    "This parachute has slowed my rate of descent; I can take it off now"

  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Patriots in Michigan are getting pissed off at Democratic totalitarian rule, this would happen Nationwide if the Democrat's seized power, which they are drunk for.

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    “Trump is the Nations leader!!”

    Trump is the angry rednecks’ leader.

  10. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Trump is the angry rednecks’ leader.

    9:36 AM

    racist statement

  11. "Patriots in Michigan are getting pissed off at Democratic totalitarian rule, this would happen Nationwide if the Democrat's seized power, which they are drunk for."

    They should be respectful of the need to protect themselves and others during a global pandemic not walking around with guns for no apparent reason.


    blue wave coming!!!!!!

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump is the Nations leader!!

    9:32 AM
    Yes, unfortunately Trump is the nation's leader, but he doesn't lead. He sits around tweeting insults toward anyone who dares to criticize his non leadership behavior. Thousands of Americans have died because of Trump's failure to make preparations for the current pandemic, even though he was warned repeatedly that it was coming.
    Trump is the nation's leader, but he doesn't lead.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:54 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Patriots in Michigan are getting pissed off at Democratic totalitarian rule, this would happen Nationwide if the Democrat's seized power, which they are drunk for.

    9:35 AM
    The people who demonstrated in Michigan are not patriots. They are people willing to sacrifice lives, their own and others for the all mighty buck. Thank God they weren't around during WW II.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 AM

    PilotX said......

    blue wave coming!!!!!!

    10:39 AM
    PilotX, can you say Blue Tsunami?

  16. "Thank God they weren't around during WW II."

    Yeah, we would have definitely lost because jackasses now think asking people to stay at home to save their fellow Americans lives is a threat to their liberty. What a bunch of shelfish assclowns. This country has survived a civil war, a depression and two world wars. You'd think a few weeks in the house should be a walk in the park.

  17. The latest Associated Press analysis of available state and local data shows that nearly one-third of those who have died are African American, with black people representing about 14% of the population in the areas covered in the analysis.

    Phuck! Every wasicu wastey knows blahs commit 99% of the pandemics. Its an ingrained blah thing, right?


  18. So, these folks want to increase the burden on the country's already beleagued and besieged healthcare workers, first responders and mortuaries, among many others, which could very well lead to even more businesses to close and more people to become unemployed and have no healhcare coverage -- why? And their cheer-leader-in-chief Kim jong trump is exhorting them to bring guns? And their are rumblings that home-grown militias might join the rallies? To what end? Are they planning a government takeover? Against the National Guard, which will certainly be activated? Again, to what end? In whose best interest is that? Who stands to gain/profit? Oh, Kjt would then suspend the Nov. election and the U.S. Constitution and declare himself, with the aid of his Senate enablers, president for life? If not that, then what?

  19. If I may play devil's advocate here...

    The lockdown is not indefinitely sustainable; people can't afford it. The red regions can afford it least of all; they have been in a silent economic depression for decades now. In fact it was partly due to ignoring their problems that lost the D's the White House. (It was also partly due to false R promises of addressing those problems; mostly by promising to make the Others suffer more. Also Russian interference, etc.)

    The red-hats act out (carrying pointless guns) partly because of Fox mind-programming, partly because of Koch astroturf funding, and also partly because they really are going broke. Their underpaid un-unionized jobs are already hazardous, so the virus is just another risk. So it's not entirely irrational for them to march for the freedom to be enslaved. But that very relative-rationality is proof of the depth of their enslavement.

    I recommend, to stabilize politics, the economy, and the medical struggle, these measures:

    UBI for the duration.
    Freeze all rent payments for the duration
    Freeze all mortgage payments for the duration
    Freeze all interest payments for the duration.

    "For the duration" = until the entire country is vaccinated. These measures would solve the problem relatively cheaply, but of course violate the dogmas of the oligarchy.

  20. Regarding guns at the pro-plague rallies:

    They can't shoot the virus, and no-one worth shooting is in range, so all that their guns prove is that all they have are guns.

    In theory that's a threat of insurrection; but the trouble with insurrection during a plague is that you can't riot without a mob, and a mob can't do physical distancing, and a sick mob can't riot.

  21. Anonymous2:13 PM

    “The lockdown is not indefinitely sustainable; people can't afford it.”

    I agree that it isn’t indefinitely sustainable, but it should be sustainable for another month.

    I also agree that much more should be done by the government to carry the average person through this lockdown. The UK — hardly a bastion of socialism — is paying 80% of most workers salaries, so that businesses don’t have to lay them off. Many European countries are doing something similar. The stingy US approach of letting so many people get fired is something we will live to regret.

    However, my sympathy for the gun-toting hillbilly assholes is extremely limited because these people voted for the stinginess of Trump and the Republicans. They voted for the buffoon in the Oval Office who will not lift a finger while they go broke. It’s overwhelmingly the wingnuts who oppose more aggressive measures to avoid the economic burden for the COVID-19 response landing on regular working- and middle-class people.

    So when I see these guys out marching and violating quarantine measures, I don’t think: Gosh, we should listen to their demands, even if they’re putting everyone else at risk of death, because some of them are experiencing financial hardship.

    Nope. I think: Jail. Send them directly to jail.

  22. Liberalism kills2:27 PM

    Nancy Pelosi is a crazy bitch:

    The fear that someone might "stigmatize" Asian Americans outweighed the need to slow the spread of a deadly pandemic by limiting mass gatherings.

  23. WAPO reports Americans working at WHO last year warned drumpf crime family about covid 19 late last year....

    U.S. physicians, researchers and public health experts⁠—many connected to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention⁠—were working at WHO’s Geneva headquarters as part of a years-long rotation, the Post reported, and they provided information about the coronavirus to the White House as it emerged late last year.

    CDC officials were consulting with their WHO counterparts since the outbreak began, with sensitive information being shared with U.S. officials (including Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar) in a CDC secure facility, the Post reported.

    The WHO often told CDC about its plans or announcements days in advance, the Post reported, citing an unnamed CDC official.

    Trump earlier blamed WHO for delays in response to the virus as well as a lack of transparency, but an April 11 New York Times report said warnings issued to the administration by different parts of the federal government in January and February were ignored.

  24. Maybe it is damaging to finances and social lives to stay home for extended periods, but you know what else is damaging to finances and social lives? Long illness and hideous death.
    As a long time risk taker myself (raced motorcycles for fifteen years) I would support their right to congregate if the contagion were confined to the groups they congregated in, but it is not.
    Would they trade their stay at home orders for isolation camps? I kinda doubt it.
    That's the thing about freedom and society: my freedom to swing my machete ends at your throat, and vice the fuck versa.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "The fear that someone might 'stigmatize' Asian Americans outweighed the need to slow the spread of a deadly pandemic by limiting mass gatherings."

    You're operating off of some extremely faulty premises here. Discouraging people from going to Chinatown was never an effective disease-reduction measure.

    It assumes that disease was running rampant through Chinatown, though there was no evidence of that. Most people living in Chinatown haven't recently been to China. And it assumes that disease didn't exist outside of Chinatown, which was definitely not true. Countless business travelers and tourists, Asian and non-Asian, some of them infected, returned from China to their homes in neighborhoods outside Chinatown in the early part of this year. So how would walling off Chinatown have helped?

    Pelosi's anti-racism didn't prevent her from taking useful protective actions. Your racism causes you to demand idiotic, useless actions.

  26. Some things are more impotent than citizens dying right and left. Take fer instance, iowa's wasicu scumacyst and Racist, Steve King's holy crusade against Land "O" Lakes decision to remove native american maiden from butter box.

    So many drumpfuckers will die if the terrorists are allowed to remove racism from packaging.

    drumpf lied, like usual. He claims he shut down the border to China when all he had done was limit some traveling from one part of China. He also lied and said she had wanted a parade in Chinatown that had happened two weeks before she was even there.

    Nothin g to see here but moar lies and obfuscation of the truth by drumpf's batshit crazy followers.

  28. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Not to mention that the disease transmission route wasn't just China to US. It was everywhere to the US. Other parts of Asia had infections. Europe had infections. Travelers from those regions, and others, brought the virus in, not just guys getting off a plane from Wuhan.

    Which is one of the many reasons why it was so woefully inadequate for Trump to announce "I stopped the planes from China!" and call it a day.

  29. "Against the National Guard, which will certainly be activated?"

    Nah JRH, would never happen. They don't even deploy police officers when it's right wing groups. Remember the Bundy people who actually pointed weapons at federal law enforcement officers? What happened then?Yup, nothing. These types are IN the national guard. Didn't Rage tell you "those that join forces are the same that burn crosses, those that burn crosses are they same that join forces".

  30. "He claims he shut down the border to China when all he had done was limit some traveling from one part of China."

    That's true because we still had flights to and from China. I remember specifically in a union meeting one of our pilots asked if he should do a China trip and out local leader said point blank "no". There was no travel ban.

  31. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "Nah JRH, would never happen. They don't even deploy police officers when it's right wing groups. Remember the Bundy people who actually pointed weapons at federal law enforcement officers? What happened then?Yup, nothing."

    What happened then is that the Bundy clan all got charged with fairly serious crimes and arrested. But the prosecutors stupidly engaged in legal misconduct and the judge declared a mistrial and dismissed the charges. In the end, Cliven and his kids and various other thuggish associates avoided punishment because they got off on a technicality, not so much because the government went easy on them.

    Of course, when they took over that park with force of arms, I'd say the government would have been justified in immediately shooting them all to end the standoff, and not waiting around for days to arrest them, but that's just me.

  32. "What happened then is that the Bundy clan all got charged with fairly serious crimes and arrested."

    I don't believe anyone in the armed standoff with the BLM was arrested. Am I wrong?

  33. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "but that's just me."

    Little od murderous bolshevist you.

  34. Anonymous5:28 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    WAPO reports Americans working at WHO last year warned drumpf crime family about covid 19 late last year....

    What did they warn us about? They were saying the virus couldn't be transmitted human to human in January.

    It was probably along the lines that there was a viral outbreak in China, but it's likely no big deal.

  35. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I don't believe anyone in the armed standoff with the BLM was arrested. Am I wrong?

    Not then, but they did shoot and kill LaVoy Finicum who was involved in the 2014 standoff, in January of 2016.

  36. Essence Festival will be virtual this year. Good times for all celebrating the great city of New Orleans.

  37. "Not then, but they did shoot and kill LaVoy Finicum who was involved in the 2014 standoff, in January of 2016."

    Saw a movie about that but my point stands, federal agents had weapons trained at them and nothing happened. It never does.

  38. Life boats. Burn them.

    Trump Tries to Gin Up a New Tea Party

    April 19, 2020 at 4:37 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 110 Comments

    Will Bunch: “A decade ago I was so fascinated by a right-wing protest movement with similar, sometimes irrational demands and similar nebulous origins — the Tea Party —that I wrote an entire book about it, The Backlash. But what I learned back then is why I’m troubled by the way the Times, cable TV and other outlets are covering 2020′s ‘spontaneous’-not-really-right-wing rallies, because the real story is who stands behind them, and why…”

    “But the endgame and the shared interests are very much the same. Distraction, and a diversion of anger in the Heartland — an anger with legitimate and understandable roots — away from them, and hopefully onto the political enemies who threaten their power. If it all sounds painfully familiar, it should. This is the Tea Party Redux, except this time with the added thrill of a seeming death wish among the participants. Maybe we should call this one the Ventilator Party, or maybe the Branch COVID-ians.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous6:32 PM

    ""What happened then is that the Bundy clan all got charged with fairly serious crimes and arrested."

    I don't believe anyone in the armed standoff with the BLM was arrested. Am I wrong?"

    Yes. They were later rounded up and arrested.

    However, the results were: mistrial in the earlier standoff at the Bundy ranch, and a mixture of small-time convictions and acquittals in the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

    Prosecutors failed pretty badly. Nobody got punished the way they deserved. It was a pretty disgusting outcome, actually, for what were really minor acts of terrorism.

  40. drumpfuck the mass murderer hits new and well deserved milestone in his personal body count...

    Last updated: April 19, 2020, 22:51 GMT
    April 14 - 15 Change in US Data
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  41. Ammon Bundy is trying to get similarly delusional morons to come to big rallies, to, I don't know, demonstrate community transmission and die?
    No word as to whether cows or sheep can be infected, but if they can, they no doubt will.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Dog in Wuhan had it and a tiger in NYC zoo had it. In Montana the sheep should be the ones demanding Bundy's get prescreened for C-19.

  43. Amother wasicu wastey ammosexual decides to up the body count, this time in Canada.
    13 dead.

  44. Enough is enough with this stupid quarantine! Everybody over her is eating from restaurants, the fast foods are open, as long as you use a mask, sanitize, hand wash, and observe basic hygiene we should be okay! I'm fed up with this %#/+

  45. And you wonder why they call this 'the Isle of Macondo' You gotta laugh not to cry, the department of health was counting every test as a new case, for example if a patient was given the molecular test at the emergency room, then another test while in hospital they would be counted as two different cases of Covid! So we had double and triple erroneos statistics!!! Can you believe it??? Yeezuz Crize send the fire Lord, send the fire!!!

  46. More US citizens have died from COVID-19 in the last two days than were killed fighting in the Iraq war.
    And that's after the extensive lockdowns that have been in place.
    Want to kill a couple hundred thousand?
    Relax those lockdowns before we have a handle on the spread of the virus.
    Pull a shift as a janitor in a Brooklyn hospital, and then we can talk about whether it's time to "open up the country", OK?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Fraud Negro is dropping a deuce in his pants at the sight of pissed off white folks in the streets. Wait......


  49. "Fraud Negro is dropping a deuce in his pants at the sight of pissed off white folks in the streets. Wait......"

    😂😂Like those cowardly punks would set foot in Philly.😆😆


  51. trump: this is the greatest economy in the history of the world

    God: hold my beer

  52. "Williams served with the United States Army during World War II in an all-African-American unit under General George S. Patton, Jr. and advanced to the rank of Staff Sergeant. He was the only survivor of a Nazi bombing, which left him in a hospital in Europe for more than a year and earned him a Purple Heart. Upon his return home from the war, Williams was savagely beaten by a group of angry whites at a bus station for drinking from a water fountain marked "Whites Only". He was beaten so badly that the attackers thought he was dead. They called a black funeral home in the area to pick up the body. En route to the funeral home, the hearse driver noticed Williams had a faint pulse and was barely breathing, but was still alive. There were no hospitals in the area that would serve blacks, even in the case of a medical emergency; the trip to the nearest veterans' hospital was well over a hundred miles. Williams spent more than a month hospitalized recuperating from injuries sustained in the attack."

    Just pathetic. This is how America treated war vets.


    Even Republican governors think trump is playing with fire. I know I know, they're RINOs because real Republicans show complete loyalty to dear leader.

  54. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Stewardess X Delusional on all counts as usual.

  55. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Honkies don't have to step into Shithole Philly, Idiot Negroes will all kill each other over tennis shoes let alone food and water. If SHTF it ain't 80 IQ Negroes who will survive.

  56. A new week to amass moar body count of orange ass and phuck stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Last updated: April 20, 2020, 12:18 GMT
    April 14 - 15 Change in US Data
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  57. Just pathetic. This is how America treated war vets. It ain't over, yet, PilotX. Anyfuckingmoose @ 8:25 AM is keeping the home fires of racism lit.

  58. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial8:48 AM

    One thing I like about Lumpy is he's single handedly disproved the validity of "the pale male has an higher IQ and is therefore smarter" argument. I don't doubt DJT has an high IQ, and consensus is that he's repeatedly proven to be little more than an incompetent moron. So, can we agree that being white doesn't automatically mean you are better or smarter than others?

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males are hazardous to your health and may cause cancer, diabetes, hypertension, asthma and the spread of the corona virus.

  59. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Unfortunately for Trump supporters who are endangering their lives and the lives of their family and community by protesting of all things the right to endanger their lives and the lives of their family and community a perfect storm is brewing one that has been seen before where thousands may be infected even wiped out due to their foolish actions during a pandemic.Tribes have been completely wiped off the earth before in history not to war but to foolish decisions surrounding stupid acts.........good luck with that, really.

  60. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Congressman Dan Crenshaw sets the record straight:

  61. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I love how the libtards do not question why the virus spreads so rapidly in black communities. They try and act like its some unknown physiological thing when its a behavioral thing......

  62. WTIC oil hits $11 bucks a barrel. 22 million lose jobs in March undoing 11 years of jobs gain in just a few months. drumpf did brag he was turning Obama's economy around. It is totally worse than the clusterfuck Obama inherited.


    Blacks are dying, like always, because of racial disparity, which has held true since slavery.

  64. Can we get anymore racist than stoopid fucking moron wasicu wastey wingnuts?

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    Lipacpr said...

    Enough is enough with this stupid quarantine! Everybody over her is eating from restaurants, the fast foods are open, as long as you use a mask, sanitize, hand wash, and observe basic hygiene we should be okay! I'm fed up with this %#/+

    11:15 PM
    Source? Or do you have a degree in infectious diseases? It's a good thing you weren't around during the Second World War; you wouldn't have survived. Sugar, shoes, gasoline and tires were rationed. Travel was limited, blackout were mandatory. Women had to to work in the factories to replace the men who were fighting. Oh the horror of it! How did we millions make it through? It lasted for four years.

    Compared to that, two or three months of lock down is a walk in the park. I respectfully suggest that you stop whining.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    Source? Or do you have a degree in infectious diseases

    I know a little something, something about the subject matter. Excuse me for not being clear, I was actually referring to the island where I live, where things are different from your country. But then again I forgot that you know everything, you are a 'know it all' xD as for my whining, well that's just about all you read on here these days, whine, whine, whine, sob, rant, rave...xD

  67. Like the bloody Red Baron, drumpfuck keeps running up the body count score.

    Last updated: April 20, 2020, 16:17 GMT
    April 14 - 15 Change in US Data
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Its enough to make a decent person. It should have been enough tio get the oran ge piece of shit removed from office.

  68. Once again, Michelle Obama reminds America what a true First Lady is capable of doing for others.

  69. "If SHTF it ain't 80 IQ Negroes who will survive."

    It won't be the trash geniuses carrying guns to state capitols to protest the loss of their freedumbs. There's enough stoopid in this country to go around.

  70. "Idiot Negroes will all kill each other over tennis shoes let alone food and water."

    I play tennis so does Field and neither of us has ever been accosted for our footwear. You should really broaden your media intake. Watching only conservative news will make you kinda dumb.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:09 PM

    PilotX, "Watching only conservative news will make you kinda dumb."

    1:34 PM

    Kinda dumb? That's the greatest understatement I have ever heard. LOL!

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:21 PM

    Lilacor said.....

    "But then again I forgot that you know everything, you are a 'know it all'"

    No, I don't pretend to know it all, but most of the time,I back my opinions with reliable sources and personal observations. In my long life, I have lived through many things and have been involved in grass-roots, political activism. I have gone from riding in a buckboard to school to flying on a jet to Hawaii. So I am happy to self-quarantine. No damn COV19 is going to get me.

  73. This will brighten your day.

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:24 PM

    From today's Crooks and Liars:

    Man Who Called Ohio's Lockdown Order 'Bullshit' Has Succumbed To COVID-19
    John McDaniel railed on social media against Ohio's Gov. Mike DeWine's lockdown order . Weeks later he contracted the virus. A few days ago he died.

  75. "Oh the horror of it! How did we millions make it through? It lasted for four years."

    Well there are some Americans who will sacrifice their lives and their family's lives to own the libs. This is a direct consequence for electing an internet troll president.

  76. "Man Who Called Ohio's Lockdown Order 'Bullshit' Has Succumbed To COVID-19"

    Just wait until this starts ravaging the homes and communities of the "patriots" that are protesting. All this to make dear leader feel good and protect his "economy". A purge of stupid.

  77. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Ted Cruz Reveals HUGE Coronavirus Bombshell...

  78. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial3:21 PM

    "When he (trump) is on television doing his nightly propaganda and campaign rally style briefings..."

    One thing I like about Lumpy is he's single handedly disproved the validity of "the pale male has an higher IQ and is therefore smarter" argument. I don't doubt whether or not his IQ is high, but I saw one of those briefings and it was painful to listen to. Lumpy has got to be the worst communicator since we started electing presidents.

    So, can we agree that being white and having a triple digit IQ doesn't automatically mean you are better or smarter than others?

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:23 PM

    Anon. 3:12

    I'll wait until I hear from the experts before I jump to any conclusions. I trust them a lot more than I trust Ted Cruz.

  80. Here comes the wingnut funded astroturf rebranding "Tea Party 2.0" lifeboat construction project.
    Only this time their guy is in the white house and they are attempting to infect children with the plague right out in public.
    Perhaps they are trying to destroy the single remaining hope of overcoming their toxic idiocy: that a common enemy of humanity could unite us against it.
    As long as they remain that actively retarded, it would appear that they are succeeding.
    Fuck that. Burn those motherfuckers as fast as they can build them.
    We're not going down without a fight, and if we have to fight covidiots along with COVID-19, then that's what we'll do.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. A child shall lead them, this child being the 70+ spoiled 2 year old, temper tantrum throwing, POS with orange complexion and zero brains or IQ, pretending to know all and lies every time it opens its piehole.

    Updated drumpf body count....

    Last updated: April 20, 2020, 20:09 GMT
    April 14 - 15 Change in US Data
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Another 500 corpses since last update.

  82. Oil drops to below zero dollars for the first time ever. Thank drumpf. It is his wrecked economy.

  83. Prepare for trillions in socialist oil giveaways.

  84. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "Well there are some Americans who will sacrifice their lives and their family's lives to own the libs. This is a direct consequence for electing an internet troll president."

    In this case, it isn't about "owning the libs" so much as listening to wingnut professional liars who blame the libs.

    Trump said COVID-19 was a "Democrat hoax" and these fools believe it. Well, maybe they don't believe the virus is completely imaginary, but they certainly think the epidemic is overhyped and not all that serious, and they won't accept it as a real threat until they see friends and relatives dying right in front of them. That's how brainwashed they are.

    And this wrong-headed view has been helped along by the fact they mostly live in the rural parts of the country that haven't been hit as hard by infection. Yet. But if they get their stupid way and the lockdown ends prematurely, COVID-19 will eventually spread to their neck of the woods. And by then, it'll be too late to do anything about it.


  85. See what Pilot said above. 😀
    Pilot, I have never been robbed on the tennis court.

  86. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I've never had COVID-19.

    What's your point? Just because you haven't personally experienced something means it doesn't exist?

  87. Annoying White Woman who asks for sources for common or personal knowledge observations as a distraction6:11 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    No, I don't pretend to know it all, but most of the time,I back my opinions with reliable sources and personal observations. In my long life, I have lived through many things and have been involved in grass-roots, political activism.

    Source? Or do you have a degree in platitudes?

  88. Only racist whites for $1,000 Alex.

    Who can get expelled from school while not attending school?

    There is some monumental stupid out there.

  89. Anonymous7:06 PM

    "Trump said COVID-19 was a "Democrat hoax"

    No he didn't, and you know it.

    Stop lying.

  90. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    No, I don't pretend to know it all, but most of the time,I back my opinions with reliable sources and personal observations. In my long life, I have lived through many things and have been involved in grass-roots, political activism. I have gone from riding in a buckboard to school to flying on a jet to Hawaii. So I am happy to self-quarantine. No damn COV19 is going to get me.

    2:21 PM

    when you flew to Hawaii, were you with the Obama camp is that what you're trying to say?

  91. It was just 4:20 on 4/20 and I'm still not smoking any weed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:49 PM

    Lilacpr said...

    "when you flew to Hawaii, were you with the Obama camp is that what you're trying to say?"

    7:13 PM
    No, I went in 2018 to visit my late husband's sister. She and I are close. When my husband was dying, she coerced the ambulance driver into transporting my husband from the hospital to our home to die there. He wanted to die at home.

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    No, I went in 2018 to visit my late husband's sister. She and I are close. When my husband was dying, she coerced the ambulance driver into transporting my husband from the hospital to our home to die there. He wanted to die at home.

    7:49 PM

    So sorry for your loss. But I'm glad you were able to get him home to what he wanted.

  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Trump said COVID-19 was a "Democrat hoax"

    No he didn't, and you know it.

    Stop lying.

    7:06 PM
    Speaking at a rally in South Carolina, Trump said the following:
    "They tried anything, they tried it over and over … It’s all turning, they lost. It’s all turning, think of it, think of it. And this is their new hoax."

    Now you can split hairs over semantics, but the gist of this statement is that the virus scare is a Democratic hoax. Furthermore, he made statements at different times indicating that this virus was comparable to the flu.

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:00 PM

    Lilacpr said.....

    So sorry for your loss. But I'm glad you were able to get him home to what he wanted.

    8:00 PM
    Thank you for your kind words. He was the love of my life and I miss him every minute of every day.

  96. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Pelosi on blast:

  97. "Pelosi on blast"

    Oh fuck you. Without her, you wouldn't be getting your $1,200. She can eat all of the ice cream she wants while she tries to take care of the ordinary citizens the goddamn Republicans want to leave to die.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. Anonymous10:15 PM

    "Without her, you wouldn't be getting your $1,200."

    You mean Trump bucks, don't you?

    The Dems holding stimulus money hostage to try to force on America pet causes like voter fraud, energy insecurity and money for illegals is going to cost them dearly in November.

  99. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Fox News is airing the Coronavirus Task Force press briefing live

    MSNBC is airing it on delay so they can see what Trump says before they air it and can censor out things that harm their left-wing agenda

    CNN is refusing to air it because they don’t want their viewers informed


    As a buddy of mine said you're probably on the wrong side of history if medical professional have to come out and stop you from doing stupid.

  101. "CNN is refusing to air it because they don’t want their viewers informed"

    Ah, you mean the daily old man yelling at reporters show? I heard the ratings are dropping.

  102. "The Dems holding stimulus money hostage to try to force on America pet causes like voter fraud, energy insecurity and money for illegals is going to cost them dearly in November."

    Keep telling yourself that. 😆

  103. "It was just 4:20 on 4/20 and I'm still not smoking any weed."

    And Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson are very upset with you.

  104. Anonymous10:44 PM

    People will remember who had their back and who tried to exploit a crisis.

    Dems are fucked.

  105. "People will remember who had their back and who tried to exploit a crisis."

    Dear god I hope so! Republican governors opening gyms, beauty salons and bowling alleys during a global pandemic.

  106. I can only hope that Willie and Snoop will forgive me in light of my long years of service on the front lines of the pot wars back when they were real wars and Humboldt county weed was the gold standard, domestically speaking.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:40 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "You mean Trump bucks, don't you?

    The Dems holding stimulus money hostage to try to force on America pet causes like voter fraud, energy insecurity and money for illegals is going to cost them dearly in November.>

    10:15 PM
    It's not Dems that are holding stimulus money hostage, it's Trump's order that his name must be on all the checks. Moreover it's the Dems who are holding out for more money for loans to small businesses and more money for the average American workers. Supporting the poor and the middle class are two of the things that Democrats do. The Republicans serve the wealthy.

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "People will remember who had their back and who tried to exploit a crisis"
    Yes, that would be Trump that is trying to exploit the crisis he created. He failed miserably to make any preparations for this pandemic. And he sure isn't doing anything to contain it. Instead he is inciting insurrection.

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  110. drumpf's escalating body count rises just like drumpf's hot air.....

    Last updated: April 21, 2020, 12:30 GMT
    April 14 - 15 Change in US Data
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  111. Anonymous8:47 AM

    6 negroes dead, 7 negroes injured in shootings over the weekend in St. Louis

  112. Anonymous8:49 AM

    3 black men killed in separate shootings across St. Louis

  113. Anonymous8:51 AM

    17-year-old black girl killed during police pursuit of suspected stolen car

  114. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    drumpf's escalating body count rises just like drumpf's hot air.....

    How is it President Trumps fault?? explain in detail please.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:59 AM

    Anonymous said......
    How is it President Trumps fault?? explain in detail please.

    8:56 AM
    Here are the details, anonymous. Read it and weep!

    ‘Unprecedented death and economic destruction’: Conservative activist lays out the damning timeline of Trump’s botched coronavirus response

  116. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Granny Mudpole wrong on the facts as usual. Go to your nearest Chinatown with Pelosi your evil twin, and order some bat soup.

  117. Anymoose won't admit he uis wrong and this is all drumpf's fault. Anymoose falls back on the claim drumpf shut down the border from China which is a blatant lie.

    Drumpf have commercial airlines fly home sick Americans with regular passengers.

    drumpf denied there was a pandemic or that it would affect America because drumpf knows more than all the experts.

    drumpf and fake noise wasted weeks claiming the pandemic was a Democratic hoax designed to cost drumpf the election.

    And this is the last time I point out the facts to a totally screwed up right wing nut job, drumpf ass kissig moron divorced from reality.

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:41 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny Mudpole wrong on the facts as usual. Go to your nearest Chinatown with Pelosi your evil twin, and order some bat soup.

    11:11 AM
    As usual, some anonymous person insults Granny Mudpole with childish nonsense. I think anonymous must be a child, since his/her posts are so juvenile. BTW, I am pleased to be mentioned in the same sentence with Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the free world.
    ROTF LMAO!!!

  119. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "this is all drumpf's fault"

    The colossal retardation of the lying simp from iowa, emblematic of the degenerate Left's inability to conceive of any issue or event except in terms of narrow politcal partisanship.


  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "this is all drumpf's fault"

    "The colossal retardation of the lying simp from iowa, emblematic of the degenerate Left's inability to conceive of any issue or event except in terms of narrow politcal partisanship.


    12:24 PM
    Nah, you are pathetic, naively swallowing Trumps lies. It's totally obvious that Trump failed you and every other American, but you refuse to admit it.

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:36 PM

    ‘Unprecedented death and economic destruction’: Conservative activist lays out the damning timeline of Trump’s botched coronavirus response

  122. Generic old white person comment on Field Negro blog1:43 PM

    Orange man bad!

    Approve of me please.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:05 PM

    Internal government documents obtained by the Center for Public Integrity show that officials are projecting that hundreds of thousands of Americans will die if state governments across the United States lift pandemic lockdown restrictions.
    Read this terrifying article at:

    Here;s more from the article:
    The internal documents suggest Florida has the most to lose by ending its lockdown early, as it’s projected to see an additional 23,000 deaths if social distancing restrictions are rescinded.

    Read more about the documents at this link.

  124. Racial Guilt Project Update2:12 PM

    BREAKING: White Democrats are the most anti-white Democrats:

    In a new Pew poll, 41% of Democrats say it bothers them that their nominee will be a white male and 59% say it doesn't. By race:

    Bothers 49%
    Doesn't bother 51%

    Bothers 28%
    Doesn't bother 72%

    Bothers 30%
    Doesn't bother 70%

  125. Outsideness2:18 PM

    White leftists are the worst people in the world.

  126. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:21 PM

    “A Who’s Who of the American Right is behind all of this,” online extremism expert Melissa Ryan writes. “The protest in Michigan, which I believe is the largest we’ve seen to date, was organized by a right-wing group funded by the DeVos family. Three of the largest Facebook groups are run by the “Dorr Brothers, The Convention of States is hosting an interactive map called Open the States, tracking which states are planning protests and are linking to those groups’ Facebook pages. The organization’s head is Tea Party co-founder Mark Meckler.”

    So big surprise! The protests aren't spontaneous out pourings of frustration by average Americans. Instead, they are carefully organized demonstration brought to us by the lovely tea party in behalf of Trump' agenda! Wow! who'd guessed it?

  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:39 PM

    Racial Guilt Project Update said...

    BREAKING: White Democrats are the most anti-white Democrats:
    Link or web address please?
    Maybe the results of this study indicate how many white people appreciate Obama and do not like Trump rather than racial prejudice against whites. Methodology is everything when evaluating the results of any poll. So how about a reference to the specific poll you are quoting?

  128. Jesse3:17 PM

    Joe Biden is never gonna debate Donald Trump in person. His campaign knows his brain is hummus and Trump would destroy him. They’ll claim Joe is vulnerable to coronavirus and agree to only one debate that Joe can do from home so he can read note cards from his staff.

  129. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:55 PM

    Jesse said...

    Joe Biden is never gonna debate Donald Trump in person. His campaign knows his brain is hummus and Trump would destroy him. They’ll claim Joe is vulnerable to coronavirus and agree to only one debate that Joe can do from home so he can read note cards from his staff.

    3:17 PM
    Jesse, I'm gonna save your post above, so when Joe debates Donnie, I'll remind you that you were wrong on April 21. LOL!

  130. Aurelthine4:17 PM

    Biden is not going to be on the ballot in November. A week after his VP is picked for him he will have an "unforeseen medical event" and step down and the VP pick will take his place. No way are they going to let this go on much longer.

  131. The colossal retardation of the lying simp from iowa, emblematic of the degenerate Left's inability to conceive of any issue or event except in terms of narrow politcal partisanship.

    You are the stoopid fucking wingnut that insists everything drumpf says is true and everything drumpf does is legal. To engage you, we have to get in the slime because that is your environment, where you breed and thrive,

  132. Very Stable Genius5:07 PM

    "You are the stoopid fucking wingnut that insists everything drumpf says is true and everything drumpf does is legal."

    President Trump is prone to hyperbole and exaggeration, and he often makes statements of intent that he doesn't follow through on, but he doesn't tell outright lies like "You can keep your doctor" or "It was a spontaneous demonstration over a YouTube video" or "I was arrested while in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela".

    And I can't think of anything illegal he has done as President, or prior to being President. He didn't have a crooked Chicago fundraiser buy his house for him. He didn't destroy evidence on a subpoenaed server. He didn't withhold aide to an ally in order to protect his son's dirty dealings from being prosecuted.

    Is he the most honest and truthful person in the world? No, but he is a hell of a lot more honest than any Democrat President or presidential nominee in living memory.

  133. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Aurelthine said...

    Biden is not going to be on the ballot in November. A week after his VP is picked for him he will have an "unforeseen medical event" and step down and the VP pick will take his place. No way are they going to let this go on much longer.

    4:17 PM
    Maybe. I'll save this post too to check later.

  134. I kept my doctor, and would still have him had I not moved out of the county.
    Fergus lies about every damn thing he can.
    When you deny that, you are lying also.
    Carry on.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:31 PM

    Very Stable Genius said...

    And I can't think of anything illegal he has done as President, or prior to being President. He didn't have a crooked Chicago fundraiser buy his house for him. He didn't destroy evidence on a subpoenaed server. He didn't withhold aide to an ally in order to protect his son's dirty dealings from being prosecuted.

    Obama didn't do any of the things you mention here. I don't think it would convince you if I listed some of Trump's illegal activities. You are too besotted with him.


  136. Is he the most honest and truthful person in the world? No, but he is a hell of a lot more honest than any Democrat President or presidential nominee in living memory.

    Said a member of the living dead with short memories and shorter attention spans

  137. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Patriots in Michigan are getting pissed off at Democratic totalitarian rule, this would happen Nationwide if the Democrat's seized power, which they are drunk for.

    9:35 AM
    When the Democrats take power it will be by the will of the voters. Democrats do not "seize power". Didn't you have a class in civics when you went to school? Did you go to school? And Democrats usually get drunk on beer or whisky, not power. Duh

  138. Anonymous2:37 PM

    It is coming.....
