Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Caption Tuesday.

Image result for trump two hands water images

I need a caption for this picture.

Image from You Tube/ World News.  


  1. His drinking problem is the least of his worries.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl4plPGRG8o

  3. Some people say BLM, which is run by gays and is now becoming all about trans stuff, is secretly a plot to turn black men queer. But the truth is most brothas are already on the downlow. Tariq Nasheed might actually be the only truly hetero black man left. And that's beautiful

  4. Bubba Smollet11:43 PM

    Wait. Does this mean I won’t get a second parade?

  5. Hang em' high11:48 PM

    Jusse Wallace doubling down on the noose hoax to Don Lemonsqueazer.


  6. Oregon county issues face mask order that exempts non-white people


  7. Anonymous12:01 AM

    58% of Americans would like confederate statues to remain in place

    71% would like authorities to block attempts to destroy confederate statues

    Source: Harris Jun 17-18


  8. Between 2015-2018 there were 6 incidents involving hate crimes involving nooses. All 6 of them were proven to be hoaxes. And that's not even including Jussie Smollett. Once again, if America is so racist, why the need to stage such hoaxes?

  9. "58% of Americans would like confederate statues to remain in place"

    And watching those tears will be awesome as they come down. LOL

  10. Black Fragility12:13 AM

    Black guy gets a parade and an entire FBI investigative team when he was frightened by a piece of string.

  11. Calhoun is coming down in Charleston.

    How dumb are the goddamn Pig People?

    The Pig People are so damn dumb that they cheered and cheered when Fergus TOOK A DRINK OF WATER without spilling it.
    Even dumber, we don't really know if Fergus could actually drink the water successfully without spilling it because HE THREW THE GLASS OF WATER AWAY before he finished it.

    How many of them caught the plague and will die for their chance to witness this momentous event remains to be seen.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. CEO of Racism12:26 AM

    I’m calling for a complete and total shutdown of believing anything that frizzy-haired mulattos say, until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

  13. Anonymous12:30 AM

    They sent almost as many FBI agents to Talladega as they did to Roger Stone's house.

  14. Eventually after long, bitter, and painful experience everyone comes around to the fact that we racists are the only ones that know what the hell we're talking about.

  15. "How many of them caught the plague and will die for their chance to witness this momentous event remains to be seen."

    There was a pregnant woman at the rally without a mask. Oy vey.

  16. https://www.wral.com/75-foot-tall-confederate-soldier-statue-removed-from-downtown-raleigh/19154246/


  17. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "Can't be too careful, with all these COVID-infected hillbillies sitting in the audience. I'll just finish this bleach cocktail to keep safe, and then it's time to kick off this MAGA rally with my racist 'Kung-Flu' joke, the one that killed with all my Nazi bros on Gab."

  18. NooseCar Racin'1:06 AM

    Believe All Hallucinated Nooses.

  19. Anonymous1:07 AM

    POTUS: "And I Shall Lead Them To Their Deaths, Like Cows Being Led To The Slaughterhouse."

    Jim Jones convinced all of his cult followers to commit mass suicide by drinking poison koolaid.

    The newest cult leader has his followers drinking bleach.

    The heart and the brain...2 very easy organs to manipulate. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

  20. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Confederate statues of traitors and slave owners should stay proudly on display?
    Well then if you're that much in love with slavery then make slaves out of your mommas, daughters, and wives.

  21. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Where's The Omelet? Black Lives Matter Chicago Answers George Orwell's Question


  22. College graduate10:38 AM

    Once all the statues are down and reparations are paid blacks will study algebra and quit stealing.

  23. Anonymous10:41 AM

    "I'm thirsty"

  24. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Bubba Wallace = Fake News

  25. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Wuhan Flu!!!

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:08 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Confederate statues of traitors and slave owners should stay proudly on display?
    Well then if you're that much in love with slavery then make slaves out of your mommas, daughters, and wives.

    1:12 AM
    Amen, Brother. And children, how would slave advocates like to have their children sold to somewhere far away?

  27. Jusse Wallace said...
    "Between 2015-2018 there were 6 incidents involving hate crimes involving nooses. All 6 of them were proven to be hoaxes. And that's not even including Jussie Smollett. Once again, if America is so racist, why the need to stage such hoaxes?"

    The years of antiwhite hate hysteria over nooses supposedly being planted by white racists to terrorize blacks will eventually induce some white guy to actually do it.

    NASCAR is basically an ethnic pride parade for the people who aren’t allowed to hold ethnic pride parades, and the 21st century has been a bad one for the white working class. Now they just lost NASCAR too.

    Bubba Wallace was the star of NASCAR’s Drive for Diversity program. The widespread hope has been that Wallace will be the American Lewis Hamilton, the half-black English driver who is a six-time Formula One world champion. He now drives the most legendary number in stock cars, Richard Petty Motorsports’ No. 43.

    Unfortunately, Wallace hasn’t yet proven more than mediocre at the highest level, finishing 28th among drivers in each of the past two seasons.

    This year, Wallace jumped on the Black Lives Matter bandwagon, which is, perhaps not coincidentally, much beloved by corporate America’s deep-pocketed sponsors, with the support of NASCAR. He had his car painted with the BLM slogan for the Talladega race.

    Then, over the weekend, one of his crew supposedly found a “noose” in his car’s garage stall. Bypassing Wallace, the worker went straight to NASCAR higher-ups, led by Steve Phelps, and they organized the usual corporate freak-out, demanding the FBI and Department of Justice investigate and threatening to ban for life the unknown malefactor.

    But alas, this wasn’t a noose at all, it was merely a loop tied at the end of a cord hanging down from each garage door for ease in pulling the door down. They came up with a photograph of that stall’s garage door pull rope last November, showing what an excitable person who never made it to Tenderfoot in the Boy Scouts might think was a terrifying lynching noose, but is really just a loop to put your hand in when tugging on the door.

    As you have likely noticed in your experience with hate hoaxes going back to Tawana Brawley’s in 1987, the most gullible suckers tend to be the national media, followed by the Fortune 500, and then the local press.

    The current theory that whites tie nooses to terrorize blacks was more or less invented in 2007 by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to get six star black Jena High School football players out of jail for stomping a white boy unconscious.

    To whites, like the Coen brothers in 2018’s The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, nooses have to do with cowboys and outlaws, not blacks. The notion that a noose is a well-known symbol of white supremacy is just a recent concoction, appealing to people like Jussie Smollett, as is so much else in The News these days.

    As the demand for white racism is so much higher than the supply, there is a huge incentive for people to create fake racism to satisfy the market. Ask yourself why that might be and you'll start to understand what's been going on.

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 AM

    Things just keep getting clearer said...

    Oregon county issues face mask order that exempts non-white people


    12:00 AM
    Very deceptive post. The rule applies in Lincoln County, Oregon, and was enacted ti offer black citizens the option of wearing a mask or not if they feel wearing one will cause them to be harassed.

  29. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Bubba Smollett Brawley, the son of Jewcy and Tawana was found guilty of a continued pattern of racial hoaxes and low IQ Hysteria that plagues Negros and Communists in America.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:32 AM

    Steve said...

    As the demand for white racism is so much higher than the supply, there is a huge incentive for people to create fake racism to satisfy the market. Ask yourself why that might be and you'll start to understand what's been going on.

    11:10 AM
    Do us all a favor and do some research before posting nonsense. Thanks.



  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:34 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Bubba Smollett Brawley, the son of Jewcy and Tawana was found guilty of a continued pattern of racial hoaxes and low IQ Hysteria that plagues Negros and Communists in America.
    There are communists in America? Yeah, well maybe at least two or three of them. LOL!

  32. "There are communists in America?"

    Following the exact same script as the 60's. What's old is new again.😆

  33. "Once all the statues are down and reparations are paid blacks will study algebra and quit stealing."

    Algebra.😂 Yeah, I'm sure you think HS math is hard.

  34. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Black Lives Matter leader Shaun King calls for Jesus Christ statues to be torn down—only the white ones


  35. Stay classy superior race.


  36. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Progressive Center Left = Godless Communist

  37. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Black Lives Matter Leaders Are Trained Marxists – Behind the Removal of Statues Across the US:


  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Progressive Center Left = Godless Communist

    11:50 AM
    Reactionary white nationalists = Spawn of the devil

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:40 PM


    11:49 AM
    Well, Jesus wasn't white, so maybe Shaun has a point. LOL!

  40. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Granny Commie wants churches defaced.

  41. PilotX said...
    "There are communists in America?"

    Yes, and they are burning down our cities:


    Get with the program old man.

  42. "Yes, and they are burning down our cities"

    They're under your bed!!!!!!!!!! Run!!!! 😬

  43. 1950: I bet in 70 years we'll all have flying cars.

    2020: This syrup is racist.

    2050: I miss airplanes.

  44. "Granny Commie wants churches defaced."

    Geez, our trolls are stupid.

  45. The former president and vice president of the United States were just implicated in a plot to sabotage and overthrow their successors.

    Seems newsworthy.


  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny Commie wants churches defaced.

    12:45 PM
    Give it up, son. You can't put words in my mouth nor attribute outlandish ideas to me. Have a nice day!

  47. Justice!1:13 PM

    Mostly Peaceful Protestors in Madison Wisconsin last night knocked over the statue of an abolitionist immigrant who died fighting for the union, a statue commemorating women's suffrage, and beat up a 60 year old state senator and left him lying on the ground.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:22 PM

    The former president and vice president of the United States were just implicated in a plot to sabotage and overthrow their successors.

    Seems newsworthy.


    1:02 PM

    Liz Harrington, is the Republican National Committee's national spokesperson. Just more bull shit from the trumpy repubs. LOL

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:27 PM

    PilotX said....

    Geez, our trolls are stupid.

    12:54 PM
    Yes they are. You can tell by the quality of their posts. Most of them have never had a thought. It's all regurgitated talking points that someone else gives them.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:29 PM

    Justice! said...

    Mostly Peaceful Protestors in Madison Wisconsin last night knocked over the statue of an abolitionist immigrant who died fighting for the union, a statue commemorating women's suffrage, and beat up a 60 year old state senator and left him lying on the ground.

    1:13 PM
    Source, please.

  51. Anonymous1:47 PM

    "Very deceptive post. The rule applies in Lincoln County, Oregon, and was enacted ti offer black citizens the option of wearing a mask or not if they feel wearing one will cause them to be harassed."

    Still a really dumb idea, though.

    Exempting black people (or POCs, according to this rule, but let's be honest, this is aimed at black people) from wearing masks foolishly trades off the small chance they'll die in an interaction with police against the much larger chance they'll die of COVID-19. Those are some extremely fucked-up priorities. There've been maybe 1,000 unarmed black men shot and killed by the cops over the last 10 years (and that's probably an overestimate). But there've been ~30,000 black people killed by COVID in the last 3 months.

    This move also unintentionally reinforces the terrible wingnut idea that wearing a mask -- or by extension abiding by other public health restrictions -- is a matter of personal choice. That's really not okay. Saying "I fear being shot by the police, so it's just too bad a bunch of elderly and infirm members of my community have to die of infection" is only marginally better than "I'm not wearing a mask because Donald Trump says wearing a mask is for libtard pussies."

    Either way, you have made a life-or-death decision for yourself AND other people who did not agree to you putting them at risk.

    In the end, it's irresponsible to prioritize people's subjective feelings over evidence when making public health decisions. That's still true when those feelings are ones that left-wingers are sympathetic to, as well as when they aren't. So, however much as black men may fear the police, they still need to suck it up and wear masks. An exception here isn't warranted.

  52. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "There've been maybe 1,000 unarmed black men shot and killed by the cops over the last 10 years (and that's probably an overestimate)."

    I said "shot and killed," but I really meant "killed by any police action." And again, 1,000 is probably a significant overestimate.

  53. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "Well, Jesus wasn't white, so maybe Shaun has a point. LOL!"

    Only if you've decided that Jews aren't white. Which has a fairly unsavory history, I might point out.

  54. Just had a six point earthquake a couple of mountains over. Whee!

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous2:06 PM

    "'Mostly Peaceful Protestors in Madison Wisconsin last night knocked over the statue of an abolitionist immigrant who died fighting for the union, a statue commemorating women's suffrage, and beat up a 60 year old state senator and left him lying on the ground.'

    1:13 PM
    Source, please."

    Madison protesters tear down Capitol statues, attack state Senator from Milwaukee as fury erupts again

    I have to admit, some of these protesters are utter morons. It's not clear whether these people identify as being part of BLM or not. Regardless, they are not helping the cause they claim to support.

  56. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Plenty of Godless communits types on this blog that would take away Black Chtistians right to worship.

  57. Anonymous2:10 PM



  58. drumpf appointed. ideological wingnuts justices just ordered Judge Sullivan to drop Flynn case. This is why these unqualified scumbags were given lifetime appointments. To protect drumpf's criminal ass. It is starting to pay dividends.

    drumpf asnd McCTurtlefuckface need to be gotten rid of immediately, along with the worst, most criminal AG ever.

  59. "Plenty of Godless communits types on this blog that would take away Black Chtistians right to worship"

    Worthless comment. None of us has the power to do such and secondly no e of us would do it anyway. If the racist fascist trolls are examples of good Christians ya'll have bigger problems that the persecution complex you seem to have.


    😂😂😂 there, fixed it.

    1. Diamond and Silk!!!!!😂😂😂😂

      Stacy Dash!😂😂😂

      Pastor Darryl "top gang thugs" Scott!😂😂😂😂😆

      Holy jeezus please tell me this is a joke!!😂😂

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Plenty of Godless communits types on this blog that would take away Black Chtistians right to worship.

    2:09 PM
    Plenty of alt-right trolls on this blog posting lies. Too bad they don't leave. They're just wasting their time here.

    BTW, check your spelling, anon. Your post looks like Trump wrote it.

  62. "The former president and vice president of the United States were just implicated in a plot to sabotage and overthrow their successors."

    Um, so are they finally going to be frogmarched by Marines along with the rest of the baby eating Dems or are you just posting more stupid right-wing hyperbole? Let's give it a week and revisit this.

  63. drumpf body count gonna soon hit another milestone and drumpfuck ain't gonna be happy with them sick and dying suckers. They do it just to make him look bad.


  64. MSDNC3:37 PM

    "Most of them have never had a thought. It's all regurgitated talking points that someone else gives them."

    Self-awareness is not Granny NPC's strong point.

  65. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Handwritten notes from corrupt FBI official Peter Strzok on January 4, 2017, indicate "VP" Joe Biden raised the issue of targeting General Michael Flynn with the "Logan Act."

    Using the Logan Act against Flynn was the focus of a felony leak to the media on January 12.

  66. Black Lies Matter3:57 PM

    CEO of Racism said...
    "I’m calling for a complete and total shutdown of believing anything that frizzy-haired mulattos say, until we can figure out what the hell is going on."

    This Bubba Wallace thing reminds me a lot of the Kaepernick situation. Having realized their lack of talent and ability to win, another angle needed to be played as an excuse for their failures as athletes.

  67. Anonymous4:04 PM

    JUST IN: Philadelphia Mayor Orders Christopher Columbus Statue Removed Due To "Public Safety"

    Finally, black people can put down their guns and start studying math.

  68. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial5:47 PM

    Doesn't the ventriloquist usually drink the water during this trick?

  69. "Self-awareness is not Granny NPC's strong point."

    Much moreso than the coward ass anonymice.

  70. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Cities Protecting Statues By Disguising Them As Karl Marx:


  71. Where's my sippy cup when I really need it?....

  72. Anonymous6:23 PM

    To vote Democratic today is to vote communist. Black Baptists & Christians they WILL take your church away.

  73. Anonymous6:28 PM

    “Doesn't the ventriloquist usually drink the water during this trick?”

    Vlad is Russian, so he doesn’t understand all the conventions of Vaudevillian entertainments.

    However, he must have really long arms if they can extend all the way across the Atlantic and up Trump’s butt.

  74. Anonymous6:33 PM

    “To vote Democratic today is to vote communist. Black Baptists & Christians they WILL take your church away.”

    It’s weird how wingnuts have been making these sorts of very scary Reds Under The Bed threats for about a century now. And yet, no commie takeover has occurred.

    But hey, any day now ...

  75. drumpf body count new milestone passed today.....


    News reports about Biden and Flynn is another go no where story trying to distract people from drumpf's shithole performances lately.

    Pay no attention as there is no substance to it. There never is.

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:10 PM

    MSDNC said...

    "Most of them have never had a thought. It's all regurgitated talking points that someone else gives them."

    Self-awareness is not Granny NPC's strong point.

    3:37 PM
    Not really the right insult, son. Unlike you, I don't post talking points handed to me on a piece of paper or via e-mail. I make up my own points based on what my eyes and ears tell me. This isn't my first rodeo. I've been around a long time and I'm a student of history.

    Time to give up the "self awareness" stuff and develop some new insults to send me. Better yet, you could always resort to countering me with whatever facts you may have, if you have any.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny Commie wants churches defaced.

    12:45 PM
    LOL!!! Who is saying this? I sure didn't. If you are going to accuse me of wanting churches defaced, you should at least have the balls to use a screen name. What are you? A little girl?

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Well, Jesus wasn't white, so maybe Shaun has a point. LOL!"

    Only if you've decided that Jews aren't white. Which has a fairly unsavory history, I might point out.

    1:58 PM
    Well didn't the Queen of Sheba go to visit the biblical King Solomon to swap spit with him? And wasn't she dark? And weren't the early Egyptians a little bit dark?

    So maybe it's a bit of a stretch to think that Jesus was a Nordic white guy with blond hair and blue eyes. What does it matter anyway? Today's Jews are two thousand years after Jesus, and they are lovely people.

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:46 PM

    Anonymous said....

    It’s weird how wingnuts have been making these sorts of very scary Reds Under The Bed threats for about a century now. And yet, no commie takeover has occurred.

    But hey, any day now ...

    6:33 PM
    True, I recall the hysteria of the late forty's and early fifties. The Bircher's accused Eisenhower of being a communist. Joe McCarthy had his famous list of "communist traitors" in the government. It reminds me of the "deep state" conspiracy theories that abound today. Whenever I hear a conspiracy theory, I ask myself, "who will gain what", if people believe this crap?

  80. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Cool story granny mudshark.

  81. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Why decent people do not want negroes around:


  82. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "It’s weird how wingnuts have been making these sorts of very scary Reds Under The Bed threats for about a century now"

    Says someone who thinks the Klan is hiding behind the wood pile and Fascists run the government.


  83. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Granny NPC said..
    "I don't post talking points handed to me on a piece of paper or via e-mail."

    You mean you came up such gems as Trumps is a Russian agent, white supremacists are the ones rioting and looting, and Affirmative Action does not give preferences to blacks all on your own?

  84. McCarthy was right9:28 PM

    "Joe McCarthy had his famous list of "communist traitors" in the government."

    There actually were a bunch of "communist traitors" in the government.

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:35 PM

    McCarthy was right said...

    "Joe McCarthy had his famous list of "communist traitors" in the government."

    There actually were a bunch of "communist traitors" in the government.

    9:28 PM
    Can you name one or two?

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny NPC said..
    "I don't post talking points handed to me on a piece of paper or via e-mail."

    You mean you came up such gems as Trumps is a Russian agent, white supremacists are the ones rioting and looting, and Affirmative Action does not give preferences to blacks all on your own?

    9:26 PM

    All three are true; I came to my conclusions using empirical evidence and my superior powers of deduction. Follow the trails and follow the money, Honey.

  87. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Will black lives matter tear down the pyramids? After all, they were built by slaves. More importantly, how will negroes fly around in demolished pyramids?

  88. Anonymous9:44 PM

    That's not deduction granny, that's delusion. Adjust the meds. Ask the doctor if there's something he can add to your regime. Maybe Adderall?

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:51 PM

    Just up on Raw Story.......

    ‘I can’t wait’ to ‘go out and start slaughtering’ Black people: Three North Carolina cops fired after racist rant


    On Wednesday, the Port City Daily reported that three police officers in Wilmington, North Carolina, have been fired after dash-cam footage recorded a profane and racist rant in which they fantasized about “slaughtering” Black people and used the N-word.

  90. Kyle Cheney
    JUST IN: SULLIVAN delays all proceedings in the Flynn case. Could be awaiting appeal or a move to hear decision en banc.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. The Bureau of Anti-Nonsense10:21 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said..
    "You mean you came up such gems as Trumps is a Russian agent, white supremacists are the ones rioting and looting, and Affirmative Action does not give preferences to blacks all on your own?"

    9:26 PM

    All three are true; I came to my conclusions using empirical evidence and my superior powers of deduction

    To anyone frequenting this blog: You can discount anything and everything this woman says.

    That is all.

  92. President Criminal10:51 PM

    Obamagate is the # 1 trend on Twitter.

  93. Anonymous11:08 PM


  94. "Obamagate is the # 1 trend on Twitter."

    Well I guess that means any second now he'll be led away in cuffs huh? LOL

  95. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-06-23/trump-obamagate-birtherism-false-allegations

    Any second now huh?

  96. Anonymous11:23 PM

    “Says someone who thinks the Klan is hiding behind the wood pile and Fascists run the government.”

    They do since the beginning of 2017.

  97. "They do since the beginning of 2017."

    Aaaaaaaaaand we didn't see that one coming. LOL

  98. Can we at least elect adults?


  99. What? Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert wasn't acting in a measured and appropriate manner for a hearing in the house? Perish the thought.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article243751367.html

    A new history can begin without confederate monuments.

  101. "What? Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert wasn't acting in a measured and appropriate manner for a hearing in the house?"

    Do you mean appropriate for a normal human or a Republican?

  102. I'd settle for a vertebrate at this point.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. Check out this impressive young man. Doctor and attorney.


  104. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Finally, some good news. Carry on Philly.


  105. Pigs bag another one.....


  106. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/06/michigan-man-wrongly-arrested-because-face-recognition-cant-tell-black-people-apart/

    You could easily swap out face recognition with stoopid fucking wingnuts and you would lose none of the meaning.

  107. kike from iowa9:59 AM

    They all look alike.

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:23 AM

    Here is a piece of History for people who think that oppression against Blacks ended with the Civil War.


  109. Anonymous10:28 AM

    G. Edward Griffin 1969


  110. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Are You BUYING The Bubba Wallace NASCAR Story?


  111. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Black Woman Destroys White Privilege Myth


  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    That's not deduction granny, that's delusion. Adjust the meds. Ask the doctor if there's something he can add to your regime. Maybe Adderall?

    9:44 PM
    Thanks for your concern for my health. You and the other trolls who come here (unless of course you are all the same person) love to insult me. LOL! But you can't really insult me because I don't care what you think of me. Truth is truth regardless of how many tines people such as you deny it.

    Oh, and by the way, personal insults do not win arguments or debates. You have not stated a single fact to contradict my opinions or the facts I post. You get exactly zero debating points for insults, so I'm way ahead of you. LOL!

    Have a nice day.

  113. Anonymous11:08 AM

    "Now watch me spit it back out..."

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 AM

    Here's another history lesson for all you wingnuts that think I'm in need of medication - LOL!

    Read the entire article. Knowing your history is good for you!

    It might not be surprising that a white supremacist group as well-known as the Ku Klux Klan has a pretty messed-up history. Their white robes and ghost-like masks carried an air of ominous terror in the South for many years. Even silly names like "grand wizard" lost all of their silliness amid the murder, terror, and destruction this group has caused. Today, the Klan promotes itself as a white purity political group of sorts, but that shouldn't fool anyone. Time has shown what lengths this white supremacist organization will go to in an attempt to keep that "supremacy."

    Read More at: https://www.grunge.com/218574/the-messed-up-history-of-the-kkk/

  115. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Marxist negroes and communist Antifa are burning down America, and Granny wants us to be scared of the KKK which hasn't existed for 80 years.

  116. Anonymous said...
    Are You BUYING The Bubba Wallace NASCAR Story?

    Seems to me your twitter tool said Wallace himself made that noose and placed it in his stall, which he would have had to do last year to make the FBI story true.

    Yer full of shit. As you are @ 11:48 AM. The klan still exists and antifa is not communist.

  117. Anonymous said...
    "Now watch me spit it back out..."

    11:08 AM

    Good. That big black cock didn't belong to you anyway.

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Marxist negroes and communist Antifa are burning down America, and Granny wants us to be scared of the KKK which hasn't existed for 80 years.

    11:48 AM
    The Clan is alive an well right now, Honey. Wake up to reality. Remember the famous line form Shakespeare, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
    So the clan members just go by another name and they smell just as bad.

  119. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The City of Baltimore is 64% black with a black Mayor, black police Chief, majority black police force, black congressman, majority black City Council, black Attorney General.

    Baltimore also has one of the highest murder rates in the US and is ranked 11th worldwide.

    Exactly how does institutional racism work?

  120. Which of yer fake noize talking points told you every city had institutional racism? And, of course, you swallowed it hook line and sinker.

  121. Racist scumbag deluxe Curt Schilling got his twitter shitter shut down and is runnin g for the shelter of right wing social media so he can keep on racisming his racist way through life.


  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:02 PM

    From Alternet Today

    To all trolls who talk about Blacks' special advantages, take a look at this article. I wonder if you think being a victim of redlining is an advantage?


    Racist redlining practices still exacerbate inequality across the United States, costing homeowners in affected areas hundreds of thousands in home equity, according to a study by the real estate firm Redfin.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:07 PM

    Anonymous said....

    In the end, it's irresponsible to prioritize people's subjective feelings over evidence when making public health decisions. That's still true when those feelings are ones that left-wingers are sympathetic to, as well as when they aren't. So, however much as black men may fear the police, they still need to suck it up and wear masks. An exception here isn't warranted.

    1:47 PM
    Tell that to the people governing Lincoln County, Oregon.

  124. Dixie Chicks are no more. They dropped the Dixie part of then name like a moist turd and are now known as the Chicks.

    Good for them.

  125. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Dixie Chicks lol

  126. Fake Noose2:38 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Racist scumbag deluxe Curt Schilling got his twitter shitter shut down "

    What did he do? Laugh at the idea that black people are terrified of string?

  127. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Racism is learned:


  128. Anonymous3:07 PM

    19 year old white student at Berkeley murdered by blacks, and this is what the Chancellor has to say about it:

    We realize this is a difficult time for those of you who knew Seth. It is important to know that individuals may express their grief differently and we need to respect the different ways people react and support each other in the days and weeks ahead. Many of you may have had a close relationship with Seth and are feeling a sense of loss and disbelief. Others, like many of us, are experiencing stress, grief and anxiety related to the coronavirus pandemic and the recent murders of George Floyd, Riah Milton, and other Black Americans.

    Liberalism is a deep sickness.


  129. LeBrown3:13 PM

    America is obsessed with racial inequality because literally everything we do to end it has backfired and people are starting to notice more and more that our system is unable to deal with reality.

    The system can't accept that it is based on fundamentally flawed premises so it must scapegoat white people for its failures.

  130. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Curt Schilling is an idiot. He doesn't even know how to buy a pair of shoes that fit.

  131. https://www.theroot.com/3-nc-police-officers-fired-after-accidental-recording-1844162601

    Some more bad apples fantasizing about killing Blah people. Yeah, glad they were cops for so long.

  132. I can't trust police anymore. Here's another cop who wants to go out and start killing niggers.


  133. Anonymous5:46 PM

    America is obsessed with racial inequality because literally everything we do to end it has been blocked by racists who don't want it to end, and so it never does.

    Fixed it for you.

  134. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/25/us-trump-administration-stimulus-payments-dead-people

    drumpf personally sent 1.4 billion stimulus bucks to dead people to buy their silence forever.

  135. Anonymous6:28 PM

    It appears California's growing COVID-19 epidemic is mainly being driven by infections in 4 counties: Ventura, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside.

    That 3 of those 4 are uncharacteristically right-wing (for California) and full of science-denying MAGA sheeple has absolutely no relevance, I'm sure ...

  136. If it looks like a noose and it walks like a noose and it quacks like a noose it is a piece of string or a fucking serpentine belt to racist wasicu wasteys.


  137. I don’t understand why this is still happening after Aunt Jemima changed its syrup logo.


  138. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "If it looks like a noose and it walks like a noose and it quacks like a noose it is a piece of string or a fucking serpentine belt to racist wasicu wasteys."

    It clearly was a noose. It just wasn't put there to intimidate Bubba Wallace. The FBI determined it had been there long before Wallace ever used the garage, and apparently only got noticed after he'd started using it.

    With a better understanding of the context, this was probably the product of a slightly warped sense of humor by a member of a previous driver's team, not intended to be racist or any kind of threat.

  139. Couldn't happen to a nicer despicable fuck:

    Jack Abramoff Headed Back to Prison

    June 25, 2020 at 4:05 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 21 Comments

    “Jack Abramoff, the onetime Washington insider who went to prison in a lobbying scandal, was charged with a criminal conspiracy related to crypto currency and lobbying disclosure,” Bloomberg reports.

    “Abramoff has agreed to plead guilty and faces as long as five years in prison.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Bubba Smollett7:55 PM

    "With a better understanding of the context, this was probably the product of a slightly warped sense of humor by a member of a previous driver's team"

    All the garage bays had loops tied on the end of the ropes to pull the door down with.

    This ridiculous episode was the product of a massively hysterical sense of persecution by an Affirmative Action driver

  141. Yeah, they fired three NC pigs for advocating genocide. The media is calling it "inappropriate comments" in a demonstration of the danger of both sides "journalism"...
    I guess they're right about the comments being inappropriate, in the same way as saying cannibalism is unappetizing, missing the larger point.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  142. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:03 PM

    All the garage bays had loops tied on the end of the ropes to pull the door down with.

    This ridiculous episode was the product of a massively hysterical sense of persecution by an Affirmative Action driver

    7:55 PM
    I don't know. I grew up on a farm and saw lots of different ropes tied in different knots for different purposes, but I never saw one that look like a hangman's noose.

  143. Progress9:25 PM

    The California legislature has voted 30-10 to strike these words from the state constitution:

    “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.”

  144. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "The California legislature has voted 30-10 to strike these words from the state constitution:"

    Not quite correct. The legislature created a referendum that would repeal California's Prop 209, but it's up to voters to decide whether to vote for that at the next election.

  145. 13 do 5010:00 PM

    The Seattle City Council unanimously voted to repeal the city’s drug traffic and prostitution loitering laws on Monday, sending the bill to Mayor Jenny Durkan for signing. “The prostitution loitering ordinance has a discriminatory legacy that impacted primarily people of color, women and our LGBTQ community."

    So, if a law is broken at a higher rate by privileged groups than by whites, it's invalid and must be abolished.

    I can't wait until they get to murder.

  146. The Blackest story of the day:

    A 13-year-old girl was killed over the weekend in Chicago while showing her mom a new dance move in their own home, per police.

    Amaria Jones was fatally shot by a stray bullet from outside her apartment that went through her television and struck her in the neck.

    "She was showing me this dance called TikTok," Amaria’s mother, Lawanda Jones, told CBS Chicago

    Per the outlet, the bullet that killed Amaria also pierced a "Chicago Lives Matter" sign hanging outside her apartment.


  147. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "So, if a law is broken at a higher rate by privileged groups than by whites, it's invalid and must be abolished.

    I can't wait until they get to murder."

    LOL, they're not going to get to murder.

    And trying to ban "vice" has always been a stupid idea on its face, before you even consider any racial disparities in enforcement. Better to regulate drugs and prostitution to mitigate any harms that may come from these activities, than to lock people up because they had sex or smoked a doob.

  148. I think we should go our separate ways.


  149. Barr is turning out to be the most lawless AG ever, which is saying something when you think of the AG's Bush employed.
    When he finally gets run out of the government on a rail, the dynamic will reverse and the incoming DOJ will be up against the utter corruption of the judiciary that is Fergus' worst accomplishment.
    I'm kinda hoping that Kamala will lead the DOJ in the epic clean up that will be required.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  150. Anonymous12:02 AM

    NASCAR knew noose story was fake before they released it:


    The whole story was a media op set up by RPMotorsports new owner Andrew Murstein.

  151. Anonymous12:25 AM






  152. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Trump rented to me, and I'm black. What are you talking about?

  153. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I was in a small seminar with about ten students. All but one, a black guy, were white.

    The professor asked for our opinions about a recent move by a large public school system to accept “non-standard English” in written and spoken graded assignments. By non-standard English, he of course meant black ghetto English.

    The only white student who ventured a comment predictably said something like, “I think it's great. No form of English is any better than any other.”

    The rest of us — myself included — said nothing. I suspect those of us who didn't speak thought the idea was ridiculous.

    The elephant in the room, of course, was the single black person who, after an awkward silence, almost through clenched teeth, finally spoke.

    “Why the hell would I want one of my kids to be encouraged to speak like an illiterate Mississippi sharecropper?”

    The intensity of his reaction surprised all of us, especially the professor, who was briefly at a loss for words.

    Now ask yourself: How would such an unlikely outburst be treated today? Would the black student be able to escape the withering scorn of the white woke scolds in the room, who would lecture him about internalizing whiteness or some other claptrap?

    One more thing. It's the thing that stuck with me all these years: His barely-contained anger. You could tell he was *incensed.*

    I doubt many such young black people still exist today, but if they do, I suspect they would not speak up. Why would they risk it?

  154. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Ever notice how difficult it is for one white person to call another white person a racist?

    The reason why they don't is because if they do, then they know that they will be subjected to having their own "skeletons in the closet" rattle the bones right back at them.

    Basic psychology.

  155. drumpf body count took a mighty leap forward, you know, red state rallies and open for business bullshit....


    Good job, drumpf.

  156. By non-standard English, he of course meant black ghetto English.

    Ever listen, or try to listen to southerner's drawl or New Yawkers speak? How about New England English? Or Cockney English?

  157. https://madison.com/ct/news/local/govt-and-politics/they-targeted-her-for-the-color-of-her-skin-madison-woman-suffers-burns-in-attack/article_fc55957d-7fe4-5e13-89a8-e18942e3e1e4.html

    But its antifa who are the violent ones. Wah!

  158. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "Ever notice how difficult it is for one white person to call another white person a racist?"

    What are you talking about? Half of white people call the other half racist all the time.

  159. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Biden thinks ‘we have over 120 million dead from COVID’


  160. Anonymous10:24 AM

    A "Biden" presidency would be like the "Mueller" investigation. A senile white male figurehead with lunatic leftists running the show.

  161. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:25 AM

    Dear Anons at 10:07 and 10:24,

    You are obviously very young or you have come from another planet. All adults in the US here on planet earth know that Joe Biden is the king of gaffs. He's been that way for at least 30 years.

    So let's not get hysterical when Joe says 120 million when he means 120 thousand. The least you can say for Joe is that when he talks most of what he says makes sense. - Not everyone can be a articulate as President Obama.

    When it comes to Trump and his "word salad" ramblings, nothing makes sense. It's all gibberish. He talks and talks and says nothing coherent. So give it up, guys - this dog won't hunt!

  162. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I was in a small seminar with about ten students. All but one, a black guy, were white.

    “Why the hell would I want one of my kids to be encouraged to speak like an illiterate Mississippi sharecropper?”

    The intensity of his reaction surprised all of us, especially the professor, who was briefly at a loss for words.

    12:59 AM
    I think you have illustrated the main point I try to convey in many of my posts. That is, we should not prejudge or expect individuals to act a certain way based on group classification. Seems like a simple concept, but apparently bigots are not capable of it. At least most of the ones who come to this blog to insult and intimidate aren't.

  163. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "I think you have illustrated the main point I try to convey in many of my posts. That is, we should not prejudge or expect individuals to act a certain way based on group classification."

    Then you must oppose BLM and this hyper-identitarianism that has seized the culture.

    Working for "equality" or a color blind society is now racist. Universalist statements such "All Lives Matter" are now racist. You must be actively "antiracist" which mandates individuals act a certain way based on group classification, and basically blames white people for everything.

  164. https://verysmartbrothas.theroot.com/so-nascars-official-response-to-bubba-wallace-was-we-ju-1844167786?_ga=2.247530191.934615374.1593189770-amp-EZ-_uYvZ1rOXdfDgttlwkWTEPuNjRr9q51lc-_6EpLBuP8R0Jly5cO4WWL59yelk

  165. https://www.theroot.com/call-sen-tom-cotton-white-butter-because-hes-on-a-raci-1844175739

  166. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/06/bill-give-washington-dc-statehood-historic-vote-200625233351551.html

  167. https://www.theroot.com/6-months-after-kneeling-on-a-black-woman-s-neck-and-tas-1844176555

  168. https://www.wonkette.com/florida-men-sad-racist-monument-was-moved-court-tells-them-to-suck-it

  169. Sure is nice to have the power to crush other people's heritage, huh PilotX?

    It's great that it's being exercised in such a magnanimous spirit of mutual respect.

    I'm sure this will work out great in the end, and everyone will live happily ever after.

  170. The Blackest story of the day:

    A North Carolina man was arrested for allegedly fatally shooting a 7-year-old girl on Tuesday three hours after he was released from jail.

    Shaquille Marshon Francis, 26, is accused of firing the shot that struck Aaliyah Norris in the head as the little girl was inside a car in Forest City, police said.


  171. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Texas and Florida are closing bars in a tacit admission that they fucked up their COVID-19 responses. My guess is that this won’t be enough and they’re going to have to go back into full lockdown.

    So it won’t be long before we see lots of new insane protests with Cletus and Skeeter brandishing AR-15s and demanding their right to kill others with a lung infection. Freedumb!

  172. The situation we face now is an oligarch and security state cabal of great wealth that is able to mobilize fanatical mobs and militias to terrorize their political and economic competitors and try to steal 2020 election. A purge will follow if they win.

    What you're seeing now in the astroturf DNC-Biden 2020 riots is a watered-down version of something they've been planning under a Hillary (or whoever) admin, but repurposed for election year disruption. Reminder it started at end of Obama years, not with Trump.

    It's part of long-term plan to "fundamentally transform" America, destroy all traces of its past, federalize police/deputize militias, ending in the mass physical dispossession of the white middle class. What's happening now is not in response to Trump. If Trump loses in the fall there will be mass reprisals and a Red Terror, not a loosening of their energies.

    Rather Trump has delayed and put (inadequate) brakes on the plans the Cartel already had, and which they would have done already with Hillary under cover of war with Russia or fake "right wing terrorism" rather than the Wuhan flu and George Floyd.

    The first thing they'll do after jailing the opposition is bust open America's borders and flood it with 100 million+ within a few years, which is what Hillary (and Jeb) said she was planning to do, and what they will 100% do if Biden wins.

    The second disaster will be resumption of wars: Trump is the only president since when not to start new war? But Hillary or Biden would start a war, at the very least over Syria, but probably with Russia.

    We'll get a new race-based Constitution, one that assures those in power will never have to worry about elections again.

    The analogous situation is Russia in 1917. America could be looking at 70 years of Bolshevik tyranny.

  173. https://www.theroot.com/whiteness-will-never-be-canceled-1844167619

  174. "A purge will follow if they win."

    Paranoia much?😆

  175. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:59 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "I think you have illustrated the main point I try to convey in many of my posts. That is, we should not prejudge or expect individuals to act a certain way based on group classification."

    Then you must oppose BLM and this hyper-identitarianism that has seized the culture.

    Working for "equality" or a color blind society is now racist. Universalist statements such "All Lives Matter" are now racist. You must be actively "antiracist" which mandates individuals act a certain way based on group classification, and basically blames white people for everything.

    12:12 PM
    No, not so, my dear lost one. Your magical thinking has missed the point as usual. All I wish for is that people put aside their preconceived notions, stereotypes, and bigoted ideas and treat all other people with respect. Stop trying to put words in my mouth and/or tying to attribute beliefs to me that I don't hold.

  176. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:04 PM

    Martin Luther Ming the Merciless said...

    Sure is nice to have the power to crush other people's heritage, huh PilotX?

    It's great that it's being exercised in such a magnanimous spirit of mutual respect.

    I'm sure this will work out great in the end, and everyone will live happily ever after.

    1:39 PM
    If your heritage includes worshiping traitors who took up arms against the United States of America you should be prepared for blow back from today's population. You don't see statues of Adolph Hitler in modern Germany do you?

  177. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Confederates were not traitors. They fought for their sovereign states who democratically voted to secede from the Union they voluntarily joined 70 years earlier.

  178. Anonymous3:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Paranoia much?"

    Says the guy who echoes "burn the lifeboats".

  179. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:11 PM

    We'll get a new race-based Constitution, one that assures those in power will never have to worry about elections again.

    The analogous situation is Russia in 1917. America could be looking at 70 years of Bolshevik tyranny.

    2:35 PM
    Do you really expect anyone on this blog to take you seriously? We aren't FOX News watchers, we know Alex Jones is insane, and we are on to Breitbart and James O'Keefe. Either you have gone totally of the rails from incorrect meds. or you have bought one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories of recent times. Which is it?

  180. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "All I wish for is that people put aside their preconceived notions, stereotypes, and bigoted ideas and treat all other people with respect."

    Then you must reject BLM, an organization based on preconceived notions, stereotypes, and bigoted ideas that explicitly does not respect the rights of all other people.

  181. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    "you have bought one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories of recent times"

    A "conspiracy theory" straight from the mouths of the people leading an insurrection in my country, something I am supposed to ignore because CNN tells me these are Peaceful Protests for Justice.

    It is impossible to exaggerate how totally owned the left-liberal consciousness is by the media and other controllers of abstract representation. There are tens of millions of people with no conscious existence beyond these representations.

    You're one of them.

  182. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Confederates were not traitors. They fought for their sovereign states who democratically voted to secede from the Union they voluntarily joined 70 years earlier.

    3:09 PM
    Bull shit!


    United States presidential election of 1860, American presidential election held on November 6, 1860, in which Republican Abraham Lincoln defeated Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, and Constitutional Union candidate John Bell. The electoral split between Northern and Southern Democrats was emblematic of the severe sectional split, particularly over slavery, and in the months following Lincoln’s election (and before his inauguration in March 1861) seven Southern states, led by South Carolina on December 20, 1860, seceded, setting the stage for the American Civil War (1861–65).

    There's not one word about the people of United States voting on succession in 1860. The state legislators decided without polling the population on the issue. No referendums!

    Was there a clause in the US Constitution that provided for any state out opt out later by vote?

  183. Republican sunbelt governors: Holy shit, this thing is real after all!

    Citizens in sunbelt states: Croak!

    Fergus: It's going away!

    Voters: Fergus sucks like a black hole on acid.

    Fergus: Polls are fake, like reality.

    Reality: ...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  184. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "All I wish for is that people put aside their preconceived notions, stereotypes, and bigoted ideas and treat all other people with respect."

    Then you must reject BLM, an organization based on preconceived notions, stereotypes, and bigoted ideas that explicitly does not respect the rights of all other people.

    3:13 PM
    Why? BLM is based on racial equality. This is the ideal that I embrace. Obviously you don't understand Black Lives Matter.

  185. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Obviously you don't understand Black Lives Matter. BLM explicitly rejects equality as racist.

  186. body count climbing bigly again.....


    Another milestone reached with out drumpf raising a sweat or a concern.

  187. a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.

    Trump's approval rating sits at just 40% overall, while a record 58% disapprove.

    What's more, a whopping 49% of voters "strongly disapprove" of the job Trump is doing. That kind of intensity of disapproval is a record never before seen for this president or any past one.

    One term as appointed czarina, one term of life w/o parole.

  188. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Obviously you don't understand Black Lives Matter. BLM explicitly rejects equality as racist.

    3:33 PM
    Would you please give me a reliable source for this conclusion?

  189. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:53 PM

    Anon. at 3:46 PM

    Here's a statement from their website. Please go there and read the entire page. I see nothing there that "rejects equality as racist."


    #BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.

  190. Would someone please tell traitor Tom Cotton that Jacksonville already has statehood. It's called Florida.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  191. Anonymous4:54 PM

    “Would someone please tell traitor Tom Cotton that Jacksonville already has statehood. It's called Florida.”

    Would someone please tell Tom Cotton that the residents of DC are decent people and real Americans? He does not seem to believe this. He says that it’s justifiable for tiny Wyoming to have statehood because it’s a “well-rounded working-class” state, whereas, apparently, DC should not because its residents do not have those characteristics.

    Hmmm. I wonder what could be different between those two populations that might inspire Cotton’s views.

  192. Anonymous5:01 PM

    The US has just had the largest daily number of new, confirmed COVID-19 cases ever.

    Congrats, stupid Trump-fellating wingnuts.

  193. Slow Joe Biden5:03 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    body count climbing bigly again.....

    Over 120 million dead from the Kung Flu!

  194. Anonymous5:05 PM

    DC is federal territory. It's not supposed to a state, or part of any one state.

    If a DC resident wants a senator, they can move a couple of miles into Maryland or Virginia.

  195. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Granny NPC said..
    "By combating and countering acts of violence"

    Black Lives Matter leader states if US 'doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system'

    "I said," Newsome told the host, "if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking ... figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.


    He uses the lie that America is targeting blacks for state violence to legitimize BLM's use of violence to get their way.

  196. Anonymous5:20 PM

    House Democrats vote unanimously against resolution that condemns violence and rioting.

    The resolution spoke out against police violence, in addition to violence aimed at police.

    Not a single Democrat voted for it.

  197. Not a single Democrat voted for it.

    What context are you leaving out?

  198. Anonymous5:26 PM

    “House Democrats vote unanimously against resolution that condemns violence and rioting.”

    What good is a resolution “condemning” rioting? Do you believe rioters give a shit what Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell think? If you do believe this, you are deeply delusional.

  199. Remember when Obama was our last legally elected Potus, wingnuts said the circuit court vacancies did not need to be filled as the caseload was too light. So they blocked a significunt number of Obama's appointees.

    Yesterday, wingnuts filled the very last circuit court vacancy with another unqualified right wing ideologue who could be sucking the gubmint's tit for several decades and legislating from the bench.
