Monday, September 07, 2020

Caption Monday.


I need a caption for this picture.


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Not seeing any picture.

    I am viewing on an iPhone.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:46 PM

    Trump's entire presidency.

  3. The klannish armada. (h/t: Deadstick at Comrade Misfit's place)

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Ship of fools?

    Yeah, I know, too obvious.

  5. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies7:51 PM

    The part of my dream where I wake up!

  6. No need to help, all boats matter!

  7. Poseidon is not pleased!

  8. Those damn antifa submarines again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. lilacpr9:44 PM

    Does anybody see the Statue of Liberty yet?

  10. akbright9:50 PM

    Abandon ship!

  11. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The Battle of Dumbkirk.

  12. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Trump crossing the Delaware. (Don't be silly. Of course he's not in the boat!)


  13. Media sure ran from the Kyle Rittenhouse story once they actually saw the videos.

  14. Wait a minute! Lemme finish my beer!

  15. Try to keep the sail full at all times. Sail on a close reach. Let the sail out as you surf down the trough. Tighten the sheet as you rise up on the crest. Don't tak in rough water!

    We don't have a sail!

  16. If watching a Midwestern city burn to the ground over a negro criminal who couldn't even be bothered to die isn't satisfying your wildest "decline and fall" fantasies, there's always the Republican Convention. We're all looking forward to the phony tough guy's amazing fiddle performance, but until then we'll just have to settle for sickening worship of our jewish enemy and the precious negro monster. It's really hard to believe how optimistic about Trump I once was. The transformation into a more vulgar version of Jeb Bush is complete; the big draw is now "At least I'm not voting for a senile Trojan Horse who will completely destroy the country my ancestors built."

    Republicans opened the second night of their 2020 convention with a message of prayer for Jacob Blake — the Wisconsin father of three shot seven times by a police officer on Sunday.On Monday, two prominent RNC speakers referenced George Floyd, the 46-year-old unarmed black man whose death at the hands of a police officer sparked months of protests and riots.

    We haven't given up on that kosher lie, don't worry. After resisting arrest it overdosed. This very basic fact has been completely ignored to promote the latest sickening round of jew-promoted afromania.

    “From a global pandemic, to the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, 2020 has tested our nation in ways we haven’t seen for decades,” Sen. Tim Scott said during his remarks.<

    We lost our mind, soul and testicles. A corrupt racial headcount is not going to fix anything.

    Donald Trump Jr., meanwhile, decried Floyd’s killing as “a disgrace.”

    He's definitely "our guy" and a secret Fascist. No, really.

    “All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That’s why we must put an end to racism, and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their power is held accountable.

  17. You know the thing. Can someone explain why any White person should support a party of debased negro appeasement and slavish devotion to Israel?

    “What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that, too,” the president’s eldest son said.
    This isn't true, of course, but I'm a cowardly opportunist, so I'll just agree with the communists because this is fourth dimensional chess and definitely not cowering before the jewish puppeteers so those delicious crumbs will keep falling off their plate to dogs like myself.

    However, he added, “We cannot lose sight of the fact that our police are American heroes. They deserve our deepest appreciation. Because no matter what the Democrats say, you and I both know when we dial 911, we don’t want it going to voicemail. So ‘defunding’ the police is not an option.”

    This gutless and schizophrenic policy is definitely going to prevent another Civil War.

    Full Story.

  18. Modern Heretic...cows may come and cows may go, but, your Bull goes on forever and ever.

  19. Anonymous9:41 AM

    “Media sure ran from the Kyle Rittenhouse story once they actually saw the videos.”

    Right now, there are more urgent news stories to report on. But don’t worry, they’ll be back when his trial happens. Rittenhouse’s behavior was terrible, even if he does manage to avoid being convicted of a double homicide (which is not a sure thing).

    Vigilantism is not acceptable. It’s idiotic that Rittenhouse thought he could go fight rioters to protect buildings from looting or arson. The last thing the country needs is a bunch of lawless, wannabe police roaming the streets.

    And that’s under the most charitable interpretation of his actions. Many people think he drove to Wisconsin so he could shoot BLM protesters, rather than defend private property. That would make him a terrorist, not a vigilante.

  20. Lynch the little fucking murderer. Then set him on fire as he slowly strangles and shoot him full of bullets, too.

    Nooooooo! That is so barbaric!

  21. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "The last thing the country needs is a bunch of lawless, wannabe police roaming the streets."

    That's what the country is going to get if the government won't put these communist rioters down.

  22. BREAKING: Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump

    “Fuentes unequivocally denied The Atlantic’s report...Fuentes personally briefed Trump on the weather situation that led to the trip being canceled.”

    He specifically also stated that he believes The Atlantic’s sources “are unlikely first hand accounts.”

    “They are conflating those people from something the day after,” Fuentes said.

  23. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Chicago police release surveillance images of car suspected in Canaryville fatal shooting of black girl, 8

  24. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Bass Pro Shops Negro shooting suspect booked into Baldwin County Jail

  25. Dead Breitbart? PFFFFTTTTTT!

  26. drumpf lied even moar about girlyman excuse not to get his pelt bent out of shape.....

    Then he blamed Kelly and Fuentes for not warning him the shit show he would get for not going to cemetery like every other leader and dignitary managed to do in the same weather conditions.

  27. How Utah pigs de-escalate a call for a 13 year old child with Asperger's syndrome whose Mom alerted them the kid was not armed, just having severe separation anxiety attack.

    That's right, hose him down with lead.


  28. Utah pigs need to be defunded and some social workers need training to replace trigger happy pigs.

  29. Joyce3:31 PM

    Biden's got a lot of nerve going to Minnesota after what his voters did to Minneapolis.


  31. fake communists and gutter creatures4:09 PM

    BLM and Antifa are footstools of international finance and megacorporations They will soon be left behind by history. The future belongs to the men of America.

  32. The future belongs to the women of America.

  33. Anonymous5:01 PM

    America has a future?

    I guess if Trump doesn’t get re-elected ... maybe.

  34. drumpf has pussified wingnuts so much, when he says grab Wasicu wastey women by the pussies, people automatically grab their hubbies.

  35. Police chief and top assistant in Rochester resigned today.

    Progressive progress.

  36. Now the damn fool has imposed sanctions on prosecutors from the ICC.
    That's not fascist at all!

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  38. So Fergus' campaign had burned through $800 million, squandering the supposed cash advantage he was counting on from starting to raise 2020 money literally as soon as he was inaugurated.
    Fergus has been making noises about spending $100 million of his own money on the campaign, but I'll believe that when I see it.
    One can only speculate as to where most of that money went, but if I were betting I'd put my money on 1) Fergus owned businesses and 2) Facebook.
    And those annoying Fergus ads on YouTube? That was a $55 million ad buy, so the great satan of Alphabet got a slice of the corrupt Fergus pie, also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. As it turns out, dead Breitgart sources Fuentes and McCourt aren't the most reliable witnesses to come down the pike.

    dead breitbart is a joax from dead guy all the way to the bottom of the barrel.

  40. Anonymous5:48 PM

    “One can only speculate as to where most of that money went, but if I were betting I'd put my money on 1) Fergus owned businesses and 2) Facebook.”

    Or his campaign managers robbed him. There were some pretty insane stories of the luxury lifestyle of Brad Parscale on the Trump campaign dime.

    Nothing would be funnier than if the unethical sleaze who is our president got ripped off because no one but other unethical sleazes are willing to work for him.

  41. More Black people died in and around Black Lives Matter "protests" this year than were killed by cops in all of 2019!

    If this BLM bs was actually about Black lives (and not imposing Dem Marxism) it would be deemed a MASSIVE FAILURE and been shut down by now!

    But I'm a COON 4 calling BS!

  42. Me hinks Benji irby is fulleth of shitteth. 235 blacks were killed by cops in 2019.

  43. Anonymous7:28 PM

    DEVELOPING: Investigators have learned that Obama CIA Director John Brennan ran a secret task force out of Langley with its own separate budget to investigate Trump campaign and alleged ties to Russia. Task force set up before FBI officially launched its own probe on 07/31/16.

  44. The type of shit that never ends in wasicu wastey land....

  45. The science is clear: White Trump supporters can spread COVID, but black rioters can't, but also remember that COVID is a racist disease that affects blacks more than whites.

  46. Melanoma's recently renovated pukey rose garden was recently re-renovated because of drainage and other problems in the original renovation design. Sounds like everything a drumpf touches turns to shit.

  47. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Michelle Obama would have designed the drainage system properly.

  48. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Cardi B is the face of Black America.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:44 PM

    Another fake scandal put to rest said...

    BREAKING: Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump
    Not hardly, fake scandal. Was the top aide standing next to Trump the entire time? We all heard how Trump spoke about John McCain, and some of the generals, so it's very easy to believe the Atlantic article.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:47 PM

    Joyce said...

    Biden's got a lot of nerve going to Minnesota after what his voters did to Minneapolis.

    3:31 PM
    Those weren't Biden voters, Joyce, they were alt-right worshipers of Trump.

  51. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "Those weren't Biden voters, Joyce, they were alt-right worshipers of Trump."

    BLM and antifa are alt-right worshipers of Trump?

  52. Reuben the Cuban10:54 PM

    Clinton w/ Florida Latinos in 2016 (per exit polls)

    Clinton: 62%
    Trump: 35%

    Biden w/ Florida Latinos in 2020, per latest NBC/Marist poll

    Trump: 50%
    Biden: 46%

    Hispanics getting sick of TNB.

  53. Rachel Mason10:57 PM

    "BLM and antifa are alt-right worshipers of Trump?"

    BLM was created by Trump campaign to get black voters to vote Republican. Antifa was created by the Koch brothers.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 PM

    Benji Irby said...

    More Black people died in and around Black Lives Matter "protests" this year than were killed by cops in all of 2019!


    Bull shit ?

  55. Vote for Joe11:01 PM

    The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 PM

    Me hinks Benji irby is fulleth of shitteth. 235 blacks were killed by cops in 2019.


    Me thinks so too, Mike!

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Those weren't Biden voters, Joyce, they were alt-right worshipers of Trump."

    BLM and antifa are alt-right worshipers of Trump?

    10:50 PM
    The alt-right worshipers of Trump did the rioting. The peaceful protesters were BLM. It's all over the news, how right-wing extremists were the violent ones. Some have even been arrested for their crimes.

  58. Rachel Mason11:18 PM

    "The alt-right worshipers of Trump did the rioting. The peaceful protesters were BLM. It's all over the news"

    Yes, the black rioters and looters were paid by Trump. The white Antifa rioters are on the payroll of the Koch brothers. Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has all the evidence.

  59. Rachel Mason11:22 PM

    It makes me really angry that black people let themselves be fooled into thinking BLM isn't a Trump trick designed to make them think the Democratic Party is anti-police.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 PM

    References for trolls who say the BLM is responsible for the violence.

  61. Anonymous11:44 PM

    "References for trolls who say the BLM is responsible for the violence."

    All of the burning, looting, and murdering that we thought was because of George Floyd was actually Trump supporters. Wow.

    Thanks for the links.

  62. Rachel Mason12:01 AM

    "All of the burning, looting, and murdering that we thought was because of George Floyd was actually Trump supporters. Wow."

    Yes!!! Why can't black people see this???

  63. Anonymous12:11 AM

    "Yes!!! Why can't black people see this???"

    Waiting for white people to see it too.

  64. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "Cardi B is the face of Black America."

    Only an ignorant white person would think this.


    Great doc on HBC's.

  66. Anonymous12:24 AM

    “Cardi B is the face of Black America.”

    Cardi B is the vagina of Black America.

  67. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Cardi B is voting for Biden - she's black.

    You ain't.

  68. Anonymous12:51 AM

    "Only an ignorant white person would think this"

    So why did Joe Biden give his only interview to Cardi B? She represents black America more than a coon like you.

  69. So the goddamn DOJ is trying to take over the defense of Fergus in the defamation lawsuit.
    That's not fascistic at all!

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous1:04 AM

    @dinthebeast: Why don't you think that fascistic?

  71. Claire1:14 AM

    BREAKING: U.S. to block import of ENTIRE Xinjiang supply chains involving cotton, yarn, textile, tomato products etc. over forced labor allegations.

    President Donald Trump’s administration is ratcheting up pressure on China over its treatment of Xinjiang’s Uighur Muslims. The United Nations has said it has credible reports that 1 million Muslims have been detained in camps in the region, where they are put to work.

    This is crazy! We need to get Biden in there to smooth things over with China.

  72. I have a colleague who was born in Zimbabwe but grew up in the US.

    Early on, he told me that he was a straight-up Marxist. The other day, he said his long-term goal was to work for Bain Capital.

    What communists and vulture capitalists have in common is that they want your shit.

  73. Rachel Mason said...
    "The alt-right worshipers of Trump did the rioting. The peaceful protesters were BLM. It's all over the news"

    Yes, the black rioters and looters were paid by Trump. The white Antifa rioters are on the payroll of the Koch brothers. Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has all the evidence.

    Just found the dumbest comment of the day. BLM is not a right-wing PsyOp, you kook. It's a way to funnel donations to the DNC and rile up the Dem base.

    Back to sleep, child.

  74. Anonymous1:26 AM

    "So why did Joe Biden give his only interview to Cardi B?"

    Only interview huh? Sure, I guess that guy all over my tv isn't really Joe Biden huh. You know he also did one with Barack Obama who probably represents Black America more so than Cardi B. But you knew that already right?

  75. Anonymous1:27 AM

    "She represents black America more than a coon like you."

    Do you represent white America?

  76. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "But you knew that already right?"

    I know that was two months ago and wasn't even an interview. What's wrong with Cardi B? Stop cooning. I'm done with you.

  77. Anonymous1:53 AM

    "I'm done with you."

    Aw, that hurts.


    NRA's former Number 2 official calls for gun control.


    So the DOJ is his personal attorney? And people want 4 more years of this fuckery?

  80. Anonymous11:47 AM

    “So why did Joe Biden give his only interview to Cardi B?”

    It isn’t his only interview, dumbass. And he obviously spoke with her in order to win the votes of “da youf.”

    Trump, on the other hand, isn’t even bothering to try to persuade young people. There’s no point, because environmental destruction and fascism will never be hip or cool.

  81. Anonymous11:53 AM

    “So the DOJ is his personal attorney? And people want 4 more years of this fuckery?”

    There’s gotta be some law or other he’s breaking here, once again abusing the powers of his office.

  82. Anonymous3:02 PM

    LOL, someone actually did a scientific analysis of why the Klannish Armada sank.

    Those boats in Texas paraded at the wrong speed

    Now we just need a scientific analysis of why so many white folks in red-state America are dumb and racist.

  83. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Just a reminder to everyone that COVID-19 is not the flu. Though young and healthy people are at far less risk than the old or infirm, they can still be killed.

    This college football player in Pennsylvania was 20 years old.

  84. With drumpf and assorted wingnuts, it would be far easier to discover which actual laws they follow, which ain't many.

  85. "There’s gotta be some law or other he’s breaking here, once again abusing the powers of his office."

    Doesn't matter. Who's gonna hold him to that law, Barr? We could re-impeach him, and he'd just get acquitted again by the goddamn Republicans in the senate.

    There are only two ways to get rid of him, and the best of those two is coming a few weeks from now.

    And even if we succeed then, the lame duck is gonna be a wild ride.

    And Republicans? About all of those guardrails Fergus has plowed through while you cheered him on? Some of them may not come back when we get the presidency back, and we may discover that stomping y'all into the political dirt is the most effective way of serving the interests of the citizens of this country.

    See also: New Jersey governor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:50 PM

    Rachel Mason said...

    "All of the burning, looting, and murdering that we thought was because of George Floyd was actually Trump supporters. Wow."
    What murders? I recall seeing about two or three during the demonstrations in addition to the two committed by Trump's little teenager. Most of the killing I've heard about has been done by white nationalists or the police.

  87. "You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed," Trump said in a Feb. 7 call, a recording of which is now publicly available. "And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.... This is deadly stuff."

    This admission makes Fergus' pandemic response mass murder.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:46 PM

    Trump Knew Virus Was Deadly as He Misled Americans

    September 9, 2020 at 12:03 pm EDT By Taegan
    Goddard 718 Comments

    "In a recorded call, President Trump called Bob Woodward on February 7 and revealed that he thought the coronavirus pandemic was far more dire than what he had been saying publicly, the Washington Post reports.

    Said Trump: “You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu. This is deadly stuff.”

    At that time, Trump was telling the nation that the virus was no worse than a seasonal flu, predicting it would soon disappear, and insisting that the U.S. government had it totally under control. It would be several weeks before he would publicly acknowledge that the virus was no ordinary flu and that it could be transmitted through the air.”

    The interview was recorded and is detailed in Woodward’s new book, Rage.

    Hey, trolls, it's on tape and will be aired on Sixty-Minutes. So let's hear you deny that Trump is the worst scum to ever darken the country.

  89. "We're going to be appointing very pro-crime judges."

    Uh, Fergus? You already have been appointing very pro-crime judges, just pro rich people crime and not so much poor people crime.

    And now he's got a new lie about Mexico paying for the fence, and like all of his other lies, it doesn't work.

    Just as tariffs aren't paid by the countries he imposes them on, "toll booths" at the border won't collect money only from Mexicans.

    Fergus is a damn fool, and his supporters are even stupider for buying the bullshit he's selling.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "Hey, trolls, it's on tape and will be aired on Sixty-Minutes"

    Meh. I heard the tape, the context is clearly that he doesn't want a panic. Most everyone downplayed it at first including Fauci. The NYT published an article around the same time that said Corona won’t be worse than the flu.

    The President didn't want to add to the hysteria that was already being generated. He had already shut the border and his critics were calling him xenophobic for doing so. His public comments were reasonable and in line with facilitating a national response that didn't send people screaming into the streets.

    His main mistake was giving 18 hours of interview to a snake like Bob Woodward, who then coordinates with his opponents to once again try to smear him. Another "bombshell" that fizzles into nothing.

    Keep em' coming.

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Hey, trolls, it's on tape and will be aired on Sixty-Minutes"

    Meh. I heard the tape, the context is clearly that he doesn't want a panic. Most everyone downplayed it at first including Fauci. The NYT published an article around the same time that said Corona won’t be worse than the flu.

    You can try to justify the behavior of your dear leader, but it doesn't wash. Trump's number one responsibility as the president of the United States is to keep the American people safe and secure. In this he failed. He was more concerned about getting reelected than about protecting the people.

    And by the way, Dr. Fauci is an important man, but he's not the president. Furthermore, I never heard him downplay anything. Trump should have taken a leadership role and dealt with the pandemic instead of ignoring it and lying about it.

  92. Anonymous8:08 PM

    "Trump's number one responsibility as the president of the United States is to keep the American people safe and secure. In this he failed. He was more concerned about getting reelected than about protecting the people."

    He has kept us safe and secure. He's the first President in 39 years not to start a military conflict. And he can't keep fixing the country unless he gets re-elected.

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Trump's number one responsibility as the president of the United States is to keep the American people safe and secure. In this he failed. He was more concerned about getting reelected than about protecting the people."

    He has kept us safe and secure. He's the first President in 39 years not to start a military conflict. And he can't keep fixing the country unless he gets re-elected.

    8:08 PM
    One-hundred and ninety thousand Americans are dead many because of Trump's failure to lead. Maybe Trump didn't start a new war, but he enabled the slaughter of the Kurdish allies. In addition he has sold us out to Russia, and disrespected our generals and our troops. Recently he has been urging his followers to attack peaceful demonstrators and praised a child who murdered two of them.

    Why does Trump hate America?

  94. Anonymous3:08 AM

    How Utah pigs de-escalate a call for a 13 year old child with Asperger's syndrome whose Mom alerted them the kid was not armed, just having severe separation anxiety attack.

    That's right, hose him down with lead.

    He is white; his life doesn't matter.

  95. Anonymous3:14 AM

    "King Baeksu said...

    I have a colleague who was born in Zimbabwe but grew up in the US."

    WAIT!  WTF is ANYONE born in Zimbabwe doing in the USA?!

    The ONLY people who deserve asylum from Zimbabwe are White.  Genetically, ethnically and culturally.  Everyone else deserves to suffer the consequences there.

  96. WASHINGTON — President Trump said in a taped interview that he deliberately downplayed the danger of the coronavirus in public early this year even though he knew it posed a deadly threat to Americans, a revelation that sent shock waves Wednesday through a presidential campaign entering the homestretch.

    It is on tape, lars and fools that wasicu wingnuts be.

  97. Anonymous2:56 PM

    One-hundred and ninety thousand Americans are dead many because of Trump's failure to lead.

    He tried to ban travel from China, the source of the virus.  And when he did, you demon-craps called him racist.

    Why does Trump hate America?

    He doesn't.  YOU do.

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:15 PM

    He tried to ban travel from China, the source of the virus. And when he did, you demon-craps called him racist.

    Why does Trump hate America?

    He doesn't. YOU do.

    2:56 PM
    Poor little Donald, some Democrats called him a racist for the China travel ban. And that justifies his total disregard for the health and safety of the American people? He couldn't stop crying long enough to appoint a competent person to correlate a Corona Virus response team? None of your or anyone else's excuses can justify Trump's total dereliction of duty. We need to fire him in November.

  99. Anonymous7:07 PM


  100. Anonymous8:49 AM

    How Utah pigs de-escalate a call for a 13 year old child with Asperger's syndrome whose Mom alerted them the kid was not armed, just having severe separation anxiety attack.

    That's right, hose him down with lead.

    Funny, Psycho from Iowa doesn't care about White kids like Autumn Pasquale and Tessa Majors when they're killed by niggers.  His concern is very selective.

  101. Anonymous10:17 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:11 PM

    BIDEN/HARRIS 2020!

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