Tuesday, September 29, 2020




Give me a caption for this picture. 


  1. Wesley R8:16 PM

    Can I get you anything massa?

  2. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies8:21 PM

    Cocoa puff for cuckoo

  3. A normal person8:33 PM

    Thank God all the big banks on Wall street have endorsed Biden.

  4. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Field Negro gets on the Trump Train

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    “Thank God all the big banks on Wall street have endorsed Biden.”

    They lost all respect for Trump when his tax returns revealed what a terrible businessman he is.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 AM

    Can you say cluster f**k?

    There is a simple solution. Next debate, the moderator has to turn off Trump's mike when he continues to interrupt.

    Trump didn't win any additional votes tonight: Instead, he may have lost some.

  7. Anonymous12:19 AM

    The house negro and his master.

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 AM

    Here's what Trump said after Wallace asked him to condemn the violent, white supremacist group, Proud Boys:

    "Stand back and stand by,” Trump said, before immediately pivoting, “But I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.” The Proud Boys quickly embraced the moment on Telegram, an encrypted messaging service popular among extremist groups, posting clips of the president’s comment and even circulating an image with Trump’s quote superimposed over their logo.

    No surprise here. We have known since 2008 that Trump was a racist.

  9. This cardboard cutout is the latest product available on my Trump Store. You too can purchase a Black person to boost your image.

  10. After a grand juror sued for their release, grand jury testimony will be released that the grand juror says will show that the AG's story doesn't hold water.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. What nobody wants, a remake of "Carbon Copy".

  12. A normal person7:29 AM

    Granny says...

    "Trump didn't win any additional votes tonight: Instead, he may have lost some."

    You are big on polls. Did you see the Telemundo poll?

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Can you say cluster f**k?"

    It certainly was. Both candidates spoke to their base and I don't think either convinced anyone in the middle. Trump couldn't shut the fuck up and Biden couldn't deviate from his script. Trump did get Biden to throw Bernie and AOC under the bus, and I'm seeing a lot of anger about it on Twitter. Biden's refusal to answer when asked whether he would support packing the Supreme Court will be used against him. And based on the media trying to spin a 5 second throwaway quote into some kind of conspiracy involving the Proud Boys, clearly they are kind of freaked out about how Biden did.

  14. @Gambler2 @ ASKA white woman:

    I foresaw that Biden should have asked for a mike turn-off privilege as a condition of debate. Whether he should have, or whether allowing the rabid dog to run amok has doomed the Republican ticket even more decisively, though, remains to be seen.

  15. drumpf to Black guy, "Tell me that part again abou using lard on your dick to grow it and them explain why my using Crisco does the opposite for my micro-dick."

  16. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Thanks mike.

  17. Howard9:36 AM

    Folks don't realize, because we don't teach history anymore, that debates of the past in the 1800's made last night look like a day care nap time event.

  18. I'm so sick of talking about race. I'd be ecstatic to never talk about race ever again. This religious, cultish obsession with "racial issues" and racial identity/victimhood inevitably drives racial hatred and hostility. It is quite literally making the world worse.

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    There was no reason for Trump to stick to norms when faced with such a biased and hostile moderator like Chris Wallace. Bring up the inaccurate NYT time tax story but not the recent revelations of payoffs to Biden's son. Not one question about immigration, "free trade", forever war, Corporate consolidation and continued Bailouts, Tech Oligarchy/censorship, BLM race grievance mobs attacking people and burning cities, but Charlottesville is apparently the most "consequential" event of the 21st century.

  20. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Contrary to the false impression in the New York Times story, Donald Trump did not avoid taxes. He prepaid them.
    In 2016 and 2017, he requested and got an extension to file his returns. As required, he made an estimated tax payment of $1 million in 2016 and $4.2 million in 2017.
    Then, it turned out that he did not owe that much in taxes, but rather than demand the money back, he let the IRS keep it and apply it to any future tax he owed.
    So when he only paid $750 in taxes for the first two years of his presidency, it was because he had already overpaid during the two previous years and just reduced his payment by that amount.
    Over the longer term, Trump overpaid his taxes by $72 million. Because some of that overpayment was more than two years earlier, he was not allowed to offset it against current taxes.
    But Obama changed the law to allow taxpayers to go further back and he offset his tax liability in future years by citing his overpayment.
    So Donald Trump did not avoid paying taxes; he prepaid them.
    So what is wrong with that?
    Many taxpayers overpay or have more withheld from their paychecks than they end up owing in taxes. They look forward to a deserved refund each year. Some even use the process as a way of saving money.
    All that Trump did differently was to leave the money at the IRS and take the refund over several years. A government strapped for cash should reward such conduct, not vilify it.
    And since no good deed goes unpunished in politics, he is also being skewered for taking a charitable tax deduction of $119 million for agreeing not to build homes on a 200-acre plot in Westchester, New York, and a similar one in Los Angeles.
    In each case, Trump bought the property planning to build a golf course and homes on them. Both times, the local zoning board refused to allow the development.
    So Trump donated the right to develop this land to charity and took a deduction of $119 million, called a charitable easement.
    So now the beautiful land in each location will be preserved forever wild as a place of refuge for people, birds and animals.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:05 AM

    Anonymous Tony said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Can you say cluster f**k?"

    It certainly was. Both candidates spoke to their base and I don't think either convinced anyone in the middle. Trump couldn't shut the fuck up and Biden couldn't deviate from his script. Trump did get Biden to throw Bernie and AOC under the bus, and I'm seeing a lot of anger about it on Twitter. Biden's refusal to answer when asked whether he would support packing the Supreme Court will be used against him. And based on the media trying to spin a 5 second throwaway quote into some kind of conspiracy involving the Proud Boys, clearly they are kind of freaked out about how Biden did.

    7:41 AM
    I have to disagree with you statement that both men spoke to their base. Biden repeatedly appealed to all voters regarding his platform on health care, jobs, and the environment.

    For the next debate, they need an off switch for Trump's microphone and then we will all be able to hear clearly what Biden has to say.

  22. "How WE doing today massa?"

  23. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Negroe Pair charged with attempted murder of Jacksonville SWAT officer


  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM


    10:51 AM
    Where did you cut and paste this from? Source please?

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Leonydus Johnson said...

    I'm so sick of talking about race. I'd be ecstatic to never talk about race ever again.

    9:42 AM
    If what you say is true, then why are you posting on this blog? Surely you know that race is frequently discussed here.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:32 PM

    Once again El Trumpo from the banana republic in our worst night mares is caught in a lie/!

    Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese of Portland, OR. quickly shut down President Donald Trump's claim that he endorsed him for the upcoming presidential election.

    During the first presidential debate on Tuesday night, Reese took to Twitter with his reaction to Trump's remarks as he confirmed he has never supported Trump. In addition, he also made it clear he has no intent on supporting the president going forward.

  27. If what you say is true, then why are you posting on this blog? Surely you know that race is frequently discussed here.“

    See Gambler, there you go using logic again.

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    10:51 AM
    Where did you cut and paste this from? Source please?


  29. I have a modest proposal. Here it is: that when Trump loses, he turns himself in, and Biden gives him protective custody. Trump will need protective custody from his creditors. He owes hundreds of millions of dollars to the sort of people that you do not want to owe a cent to. People like "Polonium" Putin, "Human Harvest" Xi, Mister Bone Saw; and worse yet, their shadowy cronies.

    Trump obviously seeks to hide from the law in the White House. That might work - but not if the Senate turns blue - but where can he hide from the lawless? From thugs richer than he is, because he's broke?

    I grant that prison might not be safe enough to protect Trump. After all, Epstein "committed suicide". But I think he'd be safer on Rikers Island than in the White House, which has a spotty record.

    I suppose that this Modest Proposal won't be made in public, but in private. As a British noblewoman once said, "Don't do it in the road and frighten the horses." So Biden won't frighten the horses; but he really ought to make this offer. It's an offer that Trump can't refuse.

  30. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Chris Wallace’s father is on the Epstein flight logs.

  31. drumpf body count so far today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    and rising, Mama.

  32. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "Chris Wallace’s father is on the Epstein flight logs."

    Good to know. Lots of rich people knew Epstein.

    Most of them haven't been sued for committing a rape against one of Epstein's slave girls. But Trump has!

  33. Pathological liar drumpf now claims he does not know who the prowd boys are after telling to stand down and stand by.


    The worst fucking liar ever to disgrace the White house. That shithole needs to be torn down and rebuilt and drumpfuck and putin can pay for it.

  34. Whoever gets to "moderate" the next "debate" needs to have the mute switch to both microphones and the voltage pot to the shock collars.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous5:28 PM

    “The worst fucking liar ever to disgrace the White house. That shithole needs to be torn down and rebuilt and drumpfuck and putin can pay for it.”

    Better get Trump to pay for it now. His tax returns suggest that the banks are going to seize all his assets within a couple years of leaving office.

  36. German media, which generally dislikes Trump, is denouncing Chris Wallace as incompetent and biased. When you lose the people who liked Obama more than American Democrats...

  37. Wesley R8:43 PM

    Mo Tea Sur? From Posse Movie

  38. Brad Parscale says he is "stepping away" from president shoutycrackers' reelection campaign to spend more time with his attorneys...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Isn't the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, a half black, half Cuban guy? Yet Joe Biden and the media call them a "white supremacist" group!

  40. Perhaps "incel supremacist" would be more accurate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. B&B at 1:23 a.m. is the winner!
    Trump's tax returns...@ 8:21 p.m. is a close second.

  42. Anonymous9:45 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:45 AM

    Good luck with that. LOL!
