Tuesday, January 12, 2021

No remorse.

"We will never give up, we will never concede...."After this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women...."  ~Donald J. trump~

 As the traitors and insurrectionist from the attempted coup on January 6, 2021 continue to be rounded up and arrested, their ringleader and puppeteer- in- chief continues to be defiant. 

Make no mistake, Donald J. trump should be doing a perp -walk along with the rest of his minions, because he is just as culpable as the hooligans who smashed windows, urinated, and defecated in the capitol on that tragic day. Five people lost their lives because of Donald J. trump's ego and recklessness. And yet, from all accounts, all he really cared about was the optics of the riots and the fact that he was recently booted off of twitter. (He had to be begged before he ordered the flag flown at half-mast for that capitol police officer who was beaten to death by his supporters.) Republicans, to their everlasting shame, are just as culpable. They made a Faustian bargain with Donald trump four years ago, and they are now keeping their part of the deal. Rather than come out and condemn the president for his actions, people like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio have been looking everywhere for straw men to detract from the real issue at hand. They, like the rest of these republican politicians, have been using false equivalence to compare the black lives matter movement to the rioters and insurrectionist who tried and failed to overthrow the government.

As we get closer to inauguration day, the FBI is warning us of more possible danger from the trump loving domestic terrorists. Now, incredibly, they have their eyes set on various state capitols as well, and their goal appears to be to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power from their Dear Leader to Joe Biden. 

I wish I could say that they won't be successful, because, sadly, they have their tentacles in various law enforcement agencies across the country, and these individuals are just as committed as the rest of their MAGA cohorts. After the events of January 6th, a few of the capitol police were suspended because of their actions on that day. Apparently they were taking selfies with the rioters and opening doors for some of them to come in to the capitol and commit felonies. This is all way too scary. I hate to say it, but we are in a civil war right now. 

Today, for the first time since encouraging this supporters to riot in Washington, Mr. trump made some statements about the current state of affairs.

 “Free speech is under assault like never before.....The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration.....As the expression goes, be careful what you wish for.”   ~ Donald J. trump~

Right back at ya, big guy. 


  1. Thank you for continuing the fight for all these years. Love the blog!

  2. Fergus' world is crashing down around his chubby ankles. PGA has cut ties with him, leaving him "gutted" over losing the prestigious tournament at his failing property.
    Corporations are backing away from Republican politicians in horror and apprehension of public backlash over support of a band of seditious bastards who tried to overthrow the government in a violent insurrection.
    Deutsche Bank has cut ties with him, leaving him with few dim prospects for raising the money that is coming due in the near future, amid his failing businesses and crooked financial dealings under investigation by state and local law enforcement that he can't pardon his way out of.
    His failed presidency, now widely acknowledged to be the worst in US history is coming to an ignominious end amid his infantile cries of foul play that are obviously and adjudicatedly false, a pandemic so mismanaged that it is still spreading at an accelerating rate and killing over four thousand US citizens daily, ten million lost jobs and even more lost last month after the recovery stalled amid a growing uncontrolled pandemic, US standing in the world a shambles as we grow increasingly isolated from our allies and vulnerable to our enemies, a mountain of scandal and impropriety, and a resounding election loss making him the first president since Hoover to lose the white house and both chambers of congress in one term.
    He has been kicked off of Twitter and Facebook... Let that sink in for a moment, he was so goddamn awful that fucking Facebook won't have him despite whatever financial advantage his hordes of Pig People bring to the platform.
    Now he is like Steve Martin's character in "The Jerk":


    And to top it all off, Sheldon Adelson is dead.

    Fergus is not having a good week.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. And I didn't even mention that he will be impeached for the second time, a first in US history and hopefully the last, tomorrow.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. It was very easy to find information about Trump before he began to talk in earnest of running for president. His entire life has been one of failure, dishonesty, and disregard for others. His attack on Obama's birth and eligibility to be president should have been a red light for everyone. Now all of us are paying the price for the behavior of others who did not care enough about our country to stand up for it.

  5. Anonymous6:07 PM

    The Lord is my light and my salvation/whom shall I fear?/The Lord is the stronghold of my life/of whom shall I be afraid?

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    ‘You’re a Socialist! I Loathe You!’ – Heckler Disrupts Chuck Schumer’s Presser in NYC (VIDEO)


  7. Anonymous6:20 PM

    With all the drama in our nation's capital, it's easy to forget all the Republican scumbags running various state governments.

    However, today, the law finally caught up with Governor Rick Snyder. His refusal to bail out impoverished Flint, Michigan, without assigning a penny-pinching manager to seize control of the city's finances and operations, including its municipal water supply, ultimately resulted in Flint's residents drinking lots of lead.

    Ex-Mich. governor Rick Snyder to face criminal charges in Flint water crisis: Report

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I should have said EX-Governor Rick Snyder.

    His successor, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, is on the receiving end of violent insurrections by the Trump trash, paralleling the attack on Congress, including plots to kidnap her.

  9. All fifty state capitols are on high alert for armed wasicu wastey wombats on or before Inauguration Day.

    Truth is some of these domestic terrorists are going to get their hides nailed to the barn door before they realize they can't fight and win against the US government and military.

    Can't wait for the killing of these white scum to begin.

  10. What did we think was going to happen after all the smart people started dying off and the ill-educated rubes started vying for power? It was inevitable. The only question now is what country are you moving to?

  11. LeonT7:50 PM

    Trial. Conviction. Then march his fat ass up to Boston and hang this traitorous piece of shit from the highest yardarm of the USS Constitution.

  12. Anonymous said...

    ‘You’re a Socialist! I Loathe You!’ – Heckler Disrupts Chuck Schumer’s Presser in NYC (VIDEO)


    6:14 PM
    I'm quite sure this idiot does not know what socialism is. He probably doesn't know that the military, public schools, roads and highways, courts, police, fire fighters, all governments federal, state, and city are all socialist institutions.

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:51 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "Ex-Mich. governor Rick Snyder to face criminal charges in Flint water crisis:" Report

    6:20 PM

  14. LeonT said...

    Trial. Conviction. Then march his fat ass up to Boston and hang this traitorous piece of shit from the highest yardarm of the USS Constitution.

    7:50 PM
    I like the way you think, Leon.

  15. https://politicalwire.com/2021/01/12/justice-department-probes-sedition-charges/#disqus_thread

    The Justice Department and FBI have created a sedition and
    conspiracy task force to pursue charges against participants in the storming of the U.S. Capitol and are investigating any links to domestic or foreign instigators,” the Washington Post reports.

    “The investigation, one of the largest ever undertaken by the department, includes counterterrorism and counterterrorism facets and has charged 70 individuals and identified 170 suspects to date.”

    Said U.S. attorney Michael Sherwin, citing video footage not yet public: “The gamut of cases is mind-blowing… People are going to be shocked with egregious activity in the Capitol.”

  16. Mitch the fuck McConnell has come out as publicly in favor of Fergus' impeachment and removal, meaning that when the time comes, there will be the Republican votes to disqualify Fergus from ever holding office again.
    Whether the evil turtle will allow the senate to come back into session in time to actually cut his term short is more doubtful, as McConnell is fucking Biden over by not allowing any of his cabinet to be confirmed by inauguration day, breaking with tradition since the cold war of making sure incoming presidents have their national security apparatus in place.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. It does look grim for prospects as civil war looms in our future. I have to hope that you are mistaken, Field. But fear that you are spot-on.

    The information about State Capitols is frightening. I hope for the sake of the insurrectionists that they think twice before making such a desperate strategy.

    One of the next things that we should expect or at the least be very wary of are four methods of laying siege to the, "Blue Cities." Just how many democratically-leaning cities that entails is unknown. The agitators tell the followers that the blue cities are the terrorist hubs.

    For the last few weeks since Christmas, they are advocating cutting off water supplies to these cities. They are calling to disrupt electricity production or foul transmissions lines to cripple the cities. They are planning to run blockades in and out of the blue cities to cut off transportation. And they call on their foot soldiers to sabotage communications.

    Some cities to be targeted could include San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland OR, Atlanta and Chicago. I hope they don't set their sights on Austin and Nashville. I don't expect very much success as their militias do not appear to be well-organized. But I am expecting scattered, bumbling attempts at each strategy which could be dangerous.

    It does bear a resemblance to the Civil War in that their only enemy is the United States of America.

  18. I hope there will be video if they try that shit on Oakland...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Unity after strife implies forgiveness, and forgiveness requires repentance and fucking atonement:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Hogan Gidley describes Trump as "the most masculine person, I think, to ever hold the White House."

    Gee, I wonder whether Fergus ever rode a moose across a river or swam three miles with a lifejacket in his teeth to save an injured sailor?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Stumbled on to a military veterans website and they were urging their readers not to support violence in the State Capitols. (For the wrong reasons, (gun confiscation fear,) but still a laudable call for sanity.

    So I went to my favorite mad conspiracy website to read the latest "Situation Update" that I have been following since December 23rd, only to see that the last one was published January 4th. Silence after that.

    So I went to the source and checked oathkeepers.org. The website is off-line. I can only assume that they have gone underground unless they have lost their platform. So whatever plotting is continuing into January no longer appears to be public information.

  22. Found on Paul Krugman's Twitter feed, with no author to credit:

    A mob of the MAGA persuasion
    Conducted a Capitol invasion
    Though many were armed
    They departed unharmed
    And that's how you know they're Caucasian

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. 4406 bodies lost to drumpf/noem's diseased body count yesterday.

  24. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Only one more week of Trump!

  25. drumpf and the activist, magat scotus just turned the dogs loose on constitutional abortion rights.


  26. “Only one more week of Trump!“

    Maybe less.🤷🏾‍♂️

  27. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The TrumpTards have seriously dived off the deep end, jumped the shark, gone off the rails, fallen off their rocker ... Fill-in-the-Blank with your metaphor of choice.

    They are increasingly desperate to spindoctor their attempt to bumrush the US Capitol as a peaceful protest that was secretly infiltrated by ... wait for it ... Black Lives Matter/ANTIFA agitators to make these MAGA morons look bad.

    Everything bad that the TrumpTards do--it's actually just BLM/ANTIFA infiltrators!

    By this logic, the Kenosha killer, Kyle Rittenhouse, was a secret BLM/ANTIFA supporter.

    And even Donald Trump is actually a BLM/ANTIFA agent!

  28. Trump's Tax Returns , impeachment, payoffs, pardons, pandemic and lies2:34 PM

    Do the republicans miss the irony of calling for unity behind the most divisive character in this country's history?

  29. Anonymous2:38 PM

    “Only one more week of Trump!”

    We’ll see. Unless Gavin Newsom immediately appoints a replacement for Kamala Harris in the Senate, the Republicans still have more members and McConnell is still in charge of the chamber.

    And despite all the stories about how in favor of impeachment Mitch secretly is, I don’t believe he wants to increase dissension within the Republican caucus. So I think he’ll take the pressure and media focus off of the way GOP senators choose to vote, by slow-walking Trump’s Senate impeachment trial until after Trump is already out of office.

  30. Hark, the herald angels shout
    One more week 'til Trump is out!
    One more week of misery
    In this penitentiary!
    No more Sharpies, no more crooks
    No more Donald's dirty looks!
    Hark, the herald angels shout
    One more week 'til Trump is out!

  31. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Yup, I was right. Trump probably won’t be removed before Inauguration Day. Mitch says he won’t start the Senate session until the 19th.

    Trump impeachment trial likely during Biden presidency as McConnell refuses to reconvene Senate early

  32. drumpf has, of today, been officially impeached twice. 10 wingnuts voted to impeach. Others claimed death threats made them afraid to vot to impeach.

    drumpf's approval rating is 38% or less.

  33. Did ya'll see all the national guard soldiers sleeping on the floors of the capitol? I mean, couldn't the richest most powerful nation on earth at least make a tent with cots or something for them? Gee whiz and golly willikers...poor guys...

  34. Pelosi might hold back on sending the impeachment to the Senate until after Biden's first 100 days. First landmark legislation; then dessert.

  35. Sure do like your poem, Paradoctor!

  36. It was quite interesting watching Republicans lie their asses of during the Impeachment Proceedings today. To bad the House has so many Republicans members who don't believe in democracy or the rule of law.

  37. According to NY Post, cop killed by drumpf supporters was a drumpf supporter himself.

  38. One of the things that he projects is his self-destructiveness.

  39. "We’ll see. Unless Gavin Newsom immediately appoints a replacement for Kamala Harris in the Senate, the Republicans still have more members and McConnell is still in charge of the chamber."

    Alex Padilla, the current SOS of the state is the appointee, who I assume will be sworn in as soon as she resigns.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. "Did ya'll see all the national guard soldiers sleeping on the floors of the capitol? I mean, couldn't the richest most powerful nation on earth at least make a tent with cots or something for them? Gee whiz and golly willikers...poor guys..."

    I guess that America is great again?

  41. Honor to Officer Eugene Goodman!


  42. Anonymous12:54 AM

    “Alex Padilla, the current SOS of the state is the appointee, who I assume will be sworn in as soon as she resigns.”

    That’s good. Although, who knows, maybe that won’t change anything as far as Trump’s impeachment is concerned? I don’t know exactly how the rules work.

    If Padilla can’t be sworn in until the next Senate session opens, and McConnell is the one currently in charge of deciding whether to start the session early, then it’s all moot, because he’s already said he won’t.

  43. One of my Black friends sent me the following information and asked me to post it: The NAACP has received credible information that some white supremacist groups have initiations happening this weekend. As part of the initiation, it is said that they will be looking to snatch black men and boys to do them great harm.

    So to all my black brothers and sisters out there, please be very, very careful. This is a very dangerous time for all of us, but especially for you.

  44. Yeah, Mitch isn't gonna let Fergus get removed before his term ends, which is good in one sense, because you know that if Pence gets to be president for a micro-second he's gonna pardon the fuck out of Fergus.
    McConnell is PISSED at Fergus because he believes Fergus is the reason he lost his majority, so he'll stick it to him however he can so long as doing so doesn't interfere with his plans to get his power back, which do include the Pig People who still worship Fergus, making revenge a little tricky.
    Say what you like about Mitch McConnell, but I wouldn't want him mad at me.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I hope Doug post someone else's twitter feed today.

  46. Hark, the herald angels shout
    Six more days 'til Trump is out!
    Six more days of misery
    In this penitentiary!
    No more Sharpies, no more crooks
    No more Donald's dirty looks!
    Hark, the herald angels shout
    Six more days 'til Trump is out!

  47. Anonymous12:48 PM

    The January 6th Insurrection likely had aid and support from Republican Party members of the House, who provided reconnaissance tours for an unusually high number of "tourist groups" on the day before, despite the fact that public access to the Capitol complex has been limited because of the pandemic lockdowns.

    This insurrection/coup attempt was an Inside Job.

    Rep. Mikie Sherrill Leads Demand for Probe of GOP Colleagues Who Gave 'Reconnaissance' Tours to Capitol Invaders

  48. Anonymous 12:48
    Why not? The JFK assassination was a Republican inside job: so was 9/11: so why not 1/6 as well? They've been the treason party for decades.

  49. Quack's Anon magat elect from Georgia claims she will impeach Biden within 24 hours of his inauguration, for abuse of power.


  50. How many red lines did drumpf draw with North Korea that Jong Un crossed with n o consequences from drumpf? How much more dangerous in NK's nuclear arsenal than before drumpf fucked around with Kim?

  51. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/house/534178-marjorie-taylor-greene-says-she-will-introduce-impeachment-articles-against%3famp

    A lot of stupid in this country and in congress.😖

  52. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are off to good starts in their run for the title of Worst Congressperson.

    Look out, Matt Gaetz and Louie Gohmert!

    (Fortunately, Steve King is now gone. He had that contest in the bag while he was in the House.)

  53. Mike from Iowa said...

    Quack's Anon magat elect from Georgia claims she will impeach Biden within 24 hours of his inauguration, for abuse of power.


    1:44 PM
    I wonder how she plans to do that. Is she planning to become Speaker of the House? Doesn't she know the House has to vote to bring impeachment charges? LOL! DUH!

  54. “He had that contest in the bag while he was in the House.“

    I think she wants to chair the stupid committee that Gohmert runs.😆

  55. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I can’t wait until this awful crew of bunglers and crooks are gone.

    From @goldengateblond on Twitter:

    “Princess Ivanka and Prince Jared won’t let their protective detail use any of the SIX BATHROOMS in their house, so taxpayers have spent $100k renting a studio for the agents across the street.”

  56. Anonymous3:55 PM

    “I wonder how she plans to do that. Is she planning to become Speaker of the House?”

    It’s just a stunt. That’s all Republicans do these days. They aren’t really into governing anymore.

    Arguably, the entire Trump presidency was nothing but a stunt — a four-year-long, hugely destructive “fuck you” message from redneck America to everyone else.

  57. Y'all sure went from "Fuck your feelings" to "we must have unity" with a quickness.
    How about we move toward unity just as soon as y'all (meaning ALL Republican officeholders) announce on the media that Biden won the election fair and square and all claims of widespread election fraud are lies cooked up by Republicans to fleece the Pig People.
    Until that happens, unity is not possible.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Something was going on in the capitol building when magats were able to march directly to James Clyburn's office which is unmarked. Clyburn, himself wondered about this.

  59. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    At some point in the next week, before Inauguration Day, we will likely surpass 405,399 COVID deaths.

    Why is that number important?

    That is the number of US deaths in WW2.

    Trump’s ineptitude has literally killed more Americans than the Nazis

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  60. Just how "inside" was the inside job?


  61. More news about the inside job.

    A Republican congresswoman who supports QAnon had her account locked by Twitter this week after she live-tweeted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's location during last week's deadly Capitol Hill insurrection.


  62. Anonymous9:18 PM

    It has been reported that Trump and Rudy had a fight, and now Trump refuses to pay Rudy’s legal fees.

    Nothing could be less surprising, however. Trump does this all the time. He routinely shafts people who work for him.

    And in this particular case, I can’t work up much sympathy for the victim. It would be ridiculously generous to describe any of Rudy’s activities as “practicing law.”

  63. We will surpass 400k deaths Friday January 15th, 2021.

  64. Here is a really great article on AlterNet that is a must read for all of us. It's a little long, but it's well written and interesting.

    A psychopathic president's last act


  65. I'm not sure who brought it up. But you make an interesting point. It really doesn't matter if Kamala Harris votes one last time as a Senator or if she is replaced by Alex Padilla. The Vice President only has a vote if the chamber is equally divided. So this will not come into play when the goal is to reach a two thirds majority.

    Good call.

  66. Jared and Ivanka made the goddamn Secret Service agents protecting them rent a nearby basement to use the fucking toilet.
    For 100 grand.
    I'm a little surprised that they didn't figure out how to make them pay a Fergus business for toilet privileges.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. The Rude Pundit points out that we tried to deal with this bullshit back in 2009, but Republicans threw a fit about it and made sure nothing was ever done. Not only do they own it now, they've owned it for more than a decade.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous1:50 AM

    “The Vice President only has a vote if the chamber is equally divided. So this will not come into play when the goal is to reach a two thirds majority.”

    No, but it would have come into play this week, in the sense that if Padilla were sworn in, that would flip control of the chamber to Chuck Schumer, who could then call the Senate into session immediately to hear Trump’s impeachment trial.

    I’m sure GOP senators would prefer not to do that, because this is already a no-win situation for them. Acquit Trump, and they’re taking the side of the violent insurrectionists who invaded Congress; humiliate Trump by removing from office, and they’ll enrage Trump’s crazy followers.

    It’s easier for them if the whole thing gets pushed off until Biden is president and the stakes are a bit lower, the public has already mentally started to move on from the Trump administration and tune politics out ...

  69. Before the inauguration of Biden, a fifty fifty tie would be broken by Pence.

  70. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

    Winston Churchill

  71. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The left fears free speech and debate.....

  72. Anonymous10:35 AM

    “The left fears free speech and debate.....”

    The right don’t want to debate, only to lie.

  73. Anonymous said...

    The left fears free speech and debate.....

    10:10 AM
    A violent insurrection is not an expression of free speech; it is lawless behavior with serious penalties.

    Read the First Amendment.

  74. Hark, the herald angels shout
    Five more days 'til Trump is out!
    Five more days of misery
    In this penitentiary!
    No more Sharpies, no more crooks
    No more Donald's dirty looks!
    Hark, the herald angels shout
    Five more days 'til Trump is out!

  75. Sicknick, the officer who was killed by a Trumpist mob, was himself a Trumpist. This does not surprise me; Trumpism is all about self-harm. For instance, Trump put out a hit on his vice-president; yet now they are together again! What a lovely couple. They remind me of domestic abuse.

    It's bad to be on the same planet as Trump; worse to be in the same country; worse still to be in the same party; and even worse to be in his inner party. He will turn on you. Worst of all is to be Trump himself.

  76. I have heard that Pelosi might send the impeachment managers to the Senate after Biden's first 100 days, to give Biden time to push legislation through House and Senate. First landmark legislation, then dessert.

  77. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Somebody (cough, Trump Regime stooges/assets) removed Ayanna Pressley's panic buttons in her office before the US Capitol Siege, so that she and her staff conveniently could not call for help during the Capitol Storming.

    Ayanna Pressley’s staff sounds alarm about removal of panic buttons before U.S. Capitol siege
    Reps say there was ‘suspicious behavior’ the day before the attacks

  78. 400k drumpf/noem bodies coming at you before your next coffee break...

    Last updated: January 15, 2021, 19:16 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Just after 1 P.M. Central blizzard time.

  79. “The left fears free speech and debate.....“

    No, most lefties understand terms of service and follow the rules. Righties violate the rules then cry about being censored. They act just like their childish leader.

  80. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Most lefties have their own alternative to reality.  Features of this un-reality include belief that:

    - Trayvon Martin was murdered, not stopped in the act of attempted murder.

    - George Floyd died from anything other than fentanyl overdose.

    - Blacks in America are "oppressed" by anything other than their own bad behavior.

    If they were amenable to considering actual evidence, they wouldn't be lefties.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:38 PM

    I think that maybe the insurrectionist did us a favor by waking up white America to the dangers posed by the radical right in our country. The Southern Poverty Law Center has been warning us of the threat from the right for at least forty years. Not enough people paid attention as militias, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and other groups grew in size and visibility. Eric Rudolf and Timothy McVeigh were the most famous members of their early hit teams.

    Bill Clinton tried to reign them in during the 1990s with the creation of a special office to track extreme right wing groups. But Republican politicians both in and outside of congress made such a fuss, the special office was abandoned. So now twenty-five years later with four years of the fascist in chief, we are all paying for our inattention.

    Now, maybe some white people will wake up and realize, we are in a lot more danger from white people than we are or ever will be from POC or immigrants.

  82. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Most lefties have their own alternative to reality.  Features of this un-reality include belief that:

    - Anything other than segregation keeps blacks from being far more dangerous to them than other whites.  This is proven by the grossly excess numbers of black-on-white compared to white-on-black crimes.

    If they were amenable to considering actual evidence, they wouldn't be lefties.

  83. Trayvon Martin was the victim of a stalker, posing as a Neighborhoodlum Watch carrying an illegal weapon which he used to murder a black kid 10 or more years his junior.

    Martin was in that gated community legally and Zipperfuckermurderman was told not to follow or engage the kid.

    Blacks have every right to hate whitey and have had reasons for decades to get back some of their own blood from wasicu wasteys. Stoopid fucking wasicu scumacysts keep beating hornet's nests and wonder why they keep getting stung.

  84. Anonymous5:52 PM

    The NRA has filed for bankruptcy.

  85. The NRA filing for chapter eleven means that while we don't know yet whether Tish James has closed them down, she has definitely run them out of her state.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Last updated: January 16, 2021, 00:23 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  87. Your whole empire of lies is falling before your eyes7:40 PM

    Turns out that the "Trump" protester who forced entry into the Capitol building is BLM.



    BREAKING: The FBI has arrested #BlackLivesMatter
    self-described anti-fascist John Sullivan for leading the charge during the insurrection at the Capitol. Sullivan goaded the first casualty of the event to climb through a window just before she was killed.

    2/ The FBI alleged that moments before breaching the Capitol's security John Sullivan told a crowd of disguised counter-protesters, "we about to burn this shit down, we got to rip Trump out of office, fucking pull him out of that shit, we ain't waiting until the next election...

    3/ "...we about to go get that mother fucker, it is time for a revolution."

    Shortly afterward Sullivan could be heard goading Ashli Babbitt to jump through a window as he filmed her being shot and killed by law enforcement.

    4/ According to the FBI Sullivan was charged with rioting and criminal mischief during a BLM riot in July in which another civilian was shot and injured. The case is still pending.

    5/ Despite Sullivan's claims to the contrary the video footage he provided to the FBI showed that he was clearly inciting the protesters exclaiming, "Let's go! This shit is ours! Fuck yeah! We accomplished this shit! We did this together! Fuck yeah! Let's burn this shit down!

    6/ According to the FBI the video also shows Sullivan helping protesters

  88. Your whole empire of lies is falling before your eyes said...

    Turns out that the "Trump" protester who forced entry into the Capitol building is BLM.

    Sorry but the story is much more complicated than you think.
    Read the entire article. Seems John Sullivan is much more complicated than you are reporting.

    "Don’t Think She Deserved to Die’: Black Activist Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Shooting Speaks Out"
    "Activist and video journalist John Sullivan describes how he captured raw, comprehensive footage of the chaos and violence at the storming of the U.S. Capitol"


    Facebook posts wrongly claim left-wing activist, antifa ‘incited’ US Capitol mob

  89. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Most lefties have their own alternative to reality. Features of this un-reality include belief that:

    - Anything other than segregation keeps blacks from being far more dangerous to them than other whites. This is proven by the grossly excess numbers of black-on-white compared to white-on-black crimes.

    If they were amenable to considering actual evidence, they wouldn't be lefties.

    4:44 PM
    I have sympathy for you because you have been so brain washed by right-wing propaganda that you can't see truth. Trump has lied to you from day one, and on January 6, he told the biggest lie of all. He said, "I will be with you" to the rioters he had just directed to go assault the Capital. Then instead of going with them, the flaming coward went to the White House and watched the insurrection on TV.

  90. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Trump is now apparently taking advice from the My Pillow guy that he should declare martial law and rule as a dictator.

    The My Pillow guy.

    Every day, there is yet another comedic, yet horrible, revelation.

  91. Now the desperate QAnincompoops believe that Fergus was signalling them in Morse code with his hands in his hostage video.
    These people need their mommies to hide all of the sharp objects and take the knobs off of the stove.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. The times they are a-changing.


  93. “This is proven by the grossly excess numbers of black-on-white compared to white-on-black crimes.“

    If we looked at the rate of white-on-white crime you would move to a Blah neighborhood.


  94. “Turns out that the "Trump" protester who forced entry into the Capitol building is BLM.“

    So there was only one protester that forced his way into the Capitol?😆😂 Also I’ll bet he was popular yelling anti-trump sentiments.🙄

  95. “Sorry but the story is much more complicated than you think.“

    Wait, you think these trump dimwits can figure out something complicated? Good luck with that.😆

  96. Trump's Tax Returns , impeachments, payoffs, pardons, pandemic and lies11:06 PM

    Happy birthday remembrance. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. born on this day April 15, 1929.

  97. PilotX said...

    “Sorry but the story is much more complicated than you think.“

    Wait, you think these trump dimwits can figure out something complicated? Good luck with that.😆

    10:56 PM
    Sorry, Pilot, I guess I just had a moment of insanity there. LOL

  98. Meanwhile back in the land of the living, there are two women calling themselves "Luna's Tamales" set up in the parking lot of the shopping center in Oakhurst on Fridays, and damn those tamales are good.
    Just the sort of thing we've been missing since moving away from the East Bay.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Quack-Anon Shaman claims he can bring the dead back to life so I guess that explains all drumpf's dead voter votes.

  100. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I have sympathy for you because you have been so brain washed by right-wing propaganda that you can't see truth.

    The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (http://ucr.fbi.gov/) are right-wing propaganda?

    It was Obama's people who removed the racial statistics from the UCR, because they showed just how much of total crime was committed by blacks.  That act turned them into left-wing propaganda, by omission of narrative-destroying facts.

    Trump has lied to you from day one

    These statistics have been the same from LONG before Trump entered politics.  You suffer from TDS.  I have NO sympathy for you; you are not a victim, you are the pathology.

  101. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Rothschilds are dropping dead.  It's an omen, a foretaste of things to come.


  102. Anonymous at 10:35 AM

    Your link is insufficient. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (http://ucr.fbi.gov/) is a maze and impossible to follow without expending a great deal of energy. If you can provide a true link to a table of convictions, not just arrests, I will seriously discuss the topic with you. However I did find this, "Both violent crime and property crime declined between 2018 and 2019, according to the Crime in the United States report."

    Have a nice day.

  103. Actuallky, Anymoose, the guilty parties appear to be drumpf and Sessions, according to fivethirtyeight


    Of course, not the first time you have been horribly misguided.

  104. Very interesting, Thanks, Mike.


  105. Good morning, Paradoctor. We are missing your poem with the countdown on the days left in the demon from hell's night mare term.

  106. Doug, we will surpass WW 2 death total today....

    Last updated: January 16, 2021, 20:45 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    A thousand bodies to go and four hours to get there.

  107. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Some 700,000 fatalities from AIDS in the USA.


    We could have prevented most of them by cracking down on faggots.

  108. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/16/politics/trump-approval-analysis/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0laiJXSDHwv7GBLThGKGkcAenxl0-6lb2QDgfniO9S9AaT6b33BVG_tLw

  109. We could have prevented most of them by cracking down on faggots.“

    Don’t be so hard on yourself pal. Self hatred is never pretty.

  110. “It was Obama's people who removed the racial statistics from the UCR, because they showed just how much of total crime was committed by blacks.”

    And how much total crime was committed by whites.

  111. Anonymous12:57 PM


  112. Anonymous2:02 PM

    “It was Obama's people who removed the racial statistics from the UCR"

    Because Obama believes we're all just Americans. Isn't that what conservatives keep telling us?

  113. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "Because Obama believes we're all just Americans."

    Which is why his platform called for disbanding the Congressional Black and Hispanic caucuses, and he was 100% behind the uniting slogan of "All Lives Matter".

    Oh, wait...

  114. “Which is why his platform called for disbanding the Congressional Black and Hispanic caucuses, and he was 100% behind the uniting slogan of "All Lives Matter".

    I think his “no red states,no blue states” was pretty unifying wouldn’t you agree?


  115. “It was Obama's people who removed the racial statistics from the UCR"

    But seriously, isn’t it conservatives who keep telling everybody we need to lose all identities racial and so forth and just be Americans?

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