Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Black Klansman?


I have some thoughts about the Mark Robinson situation in North Carolina.

To get you up to date, Mr. Robinson called an emergency press conference to condemn a cartoon in a local paper that characterized him as a member of the Klan. And just so you know, Mark Robinson is a black man. 

“On the second day of Black History Month, the first Black lieutenant governor of North Carolina has been portrayed as [racist],......that you would portray a Black man, just because he’s in the GOP, as a Klansman ... the hypocrisy is mind-numbing, folks.” 

Ok, portraying Mr. Robinson as a Klansman might be a bridge too far, but let's consider the issue at hand and why Mr. Robinson was characterized as a Klansman in the cartoon. 

Mark Robinson and the rest of the republicans on the State Board of Education do not want teachers to speak about systemic racism in the United States. To them, there is no such thing as systemic racism. Mr. Robinson personally does not believe that there is such a thing as systemic racism in America. And, he believes that to teach it, would only make children skeptical about the greatness of "the greatest country in the world". 

Ok, so maybe not a Klansman, but certainly a house Negro. These types of Negroes always seem to rise in the republican party. Some call it self-hate, I call it doing what they can to get along and enrich themselves. I don't believe for a minute that they believe half of the stuff that they say. It's a hustle, plain and simple. They know that if they separate themselves from other Negroes, they will get a pat on the head and the "You are different from those other Negroes", speech. 

"And if I ran a statewide publication like WRAL, I would not post something like that. It’s all about where you stand at the moment when you speak,” the Republican officeholder said.

Robinson said during Tuesday's presser he does not believe systemic racism exists. " [Source]

Sure Mark. I mean if it existed, you would never have become Lieutenant Governor of the great state of North Carolina, right?  If only other Negroes could take a page out of your book. *Eye- roll* 


  1. The goddamn Republicans find any member of any minority group who will spout their vicious drivel the be very valuable. Until they don't.
    See also: Steele, Michael.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. "The greatest country in the world"? That's the sin of pride.

  3. For instance: Heinekin, Michelob, and Budweiser are definitely not the greatest beers in the world.

  4. Another point; Life expectancy in the United States scores at 46th out of 193 countries; Canada is 16th and the united Kingdom is 29th. Top four are Japan, Switzerland, Spain, and Singapore.

  5. Anonymous5:37 AM

    “‘The greatest country in the world’? That's the sin of pride.”

    Hyperpatriotism is, unfortunately, mandatory in American politics.

    Double mandatory if you’re a Republican. I am still trying to forget the imagery of Trump literally humping a flag.

  6. As for the topic at hand, I can see it from the perspective of a student of psychology. Research has shown that some oppressed people will cooperate with their oppressors in order to feel they themselves have some power. The theory is somewhat complex and may explain some behavior. Here's one situation that may be an example. Many white women in mostly red states have formed groups that raise money for the forces that stormed the capitol on January 6. This when the groups they support are misogynists.

  7. 3840 bodies collected Wednesday for drumpf/noem feastival.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Many white women in mostly red states have formed groups that raise money for the forces that stormed the capitol on January 6. This when the groups they support are misogynists."

    Maybe, but I'm not sure it's the same thing.

    In the case of black (or Muslim or gay) Republicans, I think it's a matter of putting individual, personal gain over the welfare of the group. Trashing your own ethnic group is a route to personal advancement within the GOP or wingnut media outlets.

    In the case of white women voting for right-wing politicians, it's not necessarily a case of putting individual gain ahead of the collective. It's also a case of which collective they're looking out for. Some of these white women see themselves not as hurting the welfare of women, but as advancing the welfare of whites or advancing the welfare of the rich, groups to which they also belong. Basically, they're voting out of race solidarity or class solidarity, not solidarity with their sex.

    On top of that, some of the "anti-women" policies the GOP promotes are more aptly described as "anti-poor-women," since they won't affect middle-class or wealthy women much at all. The attacks on abortion rights will mostly affect poor women; well-off women will always be able to get an abortion, no matter what, even if they have to travel to a blue state or Canada to do it. So female Republican politicians are not really sacrificing the rights of women like them, who are the only women they actually care about.

  9. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "Many white women in mostly red states have formed groups that raise money for the forces that stormed the capitol on January 6. This when the groups they support are misogynists."

    I want to add that I'm not totally invalidating your point, Gambler2. There definitely are some women who are so subservient to men that they look after the interests of men to such an extent that they ignore the interests of women.

    But what I'm just saying is that's not the only, or even the main, thing that's going on. Most of the white women in the GOP aren't doing it for a pat on the head or a paycheck. They are true believers in some part of conservative ideology, though probably not so much the misogynistic part.

  10. Well, at least now he can go cry on Hannity and Tucker’s shows and get his 15 minutes of hate. He can ironically go on a show with a white supremacist and paint the other side as the real racists while either or both hosts get outraged! Outraged I say!

  11. Fox being sued. Who’s fake news now?????πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I can see it from the perspective of a student of psychology.

    No wonder you're so fucked up in the head.

    "A report by the Open Science Collaboration in August 2015 that was coordinated by Brian Nosek estimated the reproducibility of 100 studies in psychological science from three high-ranking psychology journals.[45] Overall, 36% of the replications yielded significant findings (p value below 0.05) compared to 97% of the original studies that had significant effects. The mean effect size in the replications was approximately half the magnitude of the effects reported in the original studies."

    Research has shown that some oppressed people will cooperate with their oppressors in order to feel they themselves have some power.

    The research is garbage.  Blacks have been the beneficiaries of discrimination for over half a century, and it hasn't improved them one bit.  The experiment has been done, the results are in:  Africans are a different, incompatible species and should be in their OWN countries on their OWN continent and leave White people alone.

  13. Anon@ 1:28:
    I remember Melissa Harris Perry saying in late 2016 that she wasn't surprised at all when Fergus won the election, because, as she put it: White women vote their race, not their gender, and so far they always have.
    Something else I remember from that video she made (it was after they had cancelled her show) was that she was pissed at Biden for failing to run in 2016.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Gambler2:
    At 3:03 we see a prime example of projection: "f****d up in the head". What do you, as a student of psychology, make of this?

    The foul-mouthed bigot does have a point, and not just on the tip of its head: psychology does have problems with reproducibility. I suppose that this is because it is difficult for human beings to be sufficiently objective about human beings. Case in point: the foul-mouthed bigot.

    I will leave aside the FMB's refuted biology and whinging victimology. I need only note that it personally exemplifies the perverse cooperation of class victims, such as the FMB, with its overclass oppressors.

    I theorize that the mechanism of such moral perversion is an attempt to change the battle lines, by self-delusion. In the FMB's case, change the all-too-real oppression by class to imaginary reverse-oppression by skin-tint.

  15. 2:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    > "A report by the Open Science Collaboration in August 2015 that was coordinated by Brian Nosek estimated the reproducibility of 100 studies in psychological science from three high-ranking psychology journals.[45] Overall, 36% of the replications yielded significant findings (p value below 0.05) compared to 97% of the original studies that had significant effects. The mean effect size in the replications was approximately half the magnitude of the effects reported in the original studies." <

    > <

    There is, of course, more to this cited Wikipedia entry, which I recommend for further reading. Psychology and social science are, indeed, fields of study where research results encounter replication problems. This doesn't mean, however, that all studies conducted in these fields are garbage. That is a false conclusion.

    >> Research has shown that some oppressed people will cooperate with their oppressors in order to feel they themselves have some power. <<

    >The research is garbage. Blacks have been the beneficiaries of discrimination for over half a century, and it hasn't improved them one bit. The experiment has been done, the results are in: Africans are a different, incompatible species and should be in their OWN countries on their OWN continent and leave White people alone. <

    How does one benefit from discrimination? Oh wait, I forgot, I'm probably talking to a troll...

    Speaking of going back to one's one country, indigenous people wish people like YOU would go back to YOUR own country and leave them alone.

  16. "Africans are a different, incompatible species and should be in their OWN countries on their OWN continent and leave White people alone."

    You mean like minding our own damned business without racist assholes barging in and adding their two cents worth of opinions every day? You're free to rid yourself of my presence. You don't see us invading white websites demeaning you geniuses. Irony is lost on stupid people.

  17. "Blacks have been the beneficiaries of discrimination for over half a century, and it hasn't improved them one bit."

    Ha! My lot in life is much better than 95% of white people in this country so IMO things seem to be working just fine. I'll compare W2's with you and your family any day of the week. LOL!

  18. So last I checked, with four votes remaining to be cast, 11 Republicans had voted with the sane people to strip quseless of her committee assignments.
    That, of course, leaves right around two hundred goddamn Republicans who voted that having a retarded cunt who denied school shootings were real on the fucking education committee was just ducky.
    Now to tie those votes around their necks and beat them with them in 2022.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. An apology for the ages:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Tevya the Milkman vaporized Marjorie Taylor Greene's committee assignments... with a space laser.

  21. Her lame denial of all of the things we have video of her saying and doing reminded me of my friend Saul when he lived on 34th st in Oakland.
    One day his room mate got really drunk and lost his shit over a car that someone they knew had left parked on their front lawn for a year, and he went outside and beat the shit out of said car with an axe.
    That evening when the cops showed up at their door and asked him about a report they had received of someone beating the shit out of a car with an axe, he said, and I quote: "Oh that? I was through with that hours ago."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. "Now to tie those votes around their necks and beat them with them in 2022."

    That's gonna be tough because of good old GOP voter suppression and the fact 70,000,000 people love this. We are not a smart country, hell we have trolls here still trying to deport Blah people back to Africa. LOL!


  24. Last updated: February 05, 2021, 14:20 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    5116 bodies ready for magat ovens Friday. Must be close to a record daily high number of preventable deaths had America had competent leadership the past several years.


    This wasicu wastey is the polar opposite of a black klansman, in color, at least.

  26. The author of this letter sounds like some of this site's most racist trolls.

  27. New conspiracy theory rumours Biden dropped age of consent to 5 years old. You know the Q-Anon phuckers will believe this immediately because everyone knows Biden is a pedo, without any evidence.

  28. Please don't use the phrase "conspiracy theory". Theories require evidence, testability, coherence, and logic. Instead let's call them "conspiracy fantasies".

  29. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Woo-hoo, Senate passed the COVID aid package! Suck it, McConnell!

    I am already enjoying the powerlessness of these douchebags to continue wrecking our country with the grownups back in charge.

  30. "Please don't use the phrase "conspiracy theory". Theories require evidence, testability, coherence, and logic. Instead let's call them "conspiracy fantasies"."

    I believe the generic term for them is "lies".

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous5:15 PM

    “I am already enjoying the powerlessness of these douchebags to continue wrecking our country with the grownups back in charge.”

    I am also enjoying the Dems’ smackdown of Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

    No more committee seats for the representative from Space Laser Land. You’ve yee’d your last haw, you hillbilly nutjob.

  32. How patriotic fucking magats treat newborn US citizens...

  33. Fergus is lame:

    Trump’s Tariffs Failed to Curb Trade Deficits

    February 5, 2021 at 2:30 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 89 Comments

    “The U.S. trade deficit over the four years of President Donald Trump’s presidency soared to its highest level since 2008, despite his tough tariff tactics intended to bring it down, a new Commerce Department report showed on Friday,” Politico reports.

    “The combined U.S. goods and services trade deficit increased to $679 billion in 2020, compared to $481 billion in 2016, the year before Trump took office. The trade deficit in goods alone hit $916 billion, a record high and an increase of about 21 percent from 2016.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can see it from the perspective of a student of psychology.

    No wonder you're so fucked up in the head.

    "A report by the Open Science Collaboration in August 2015 that was coordinated by Brian Nosek estimated the reproducibility of 100 studies in psychological science from three high-ranking psychology journals.[45] Overall, 36% of the replications yielded significant findings (p value below 0.05) compared to 97% of the original studies that had significant effects. The mean effect size in the s was approximately half the magnitude of the effects reported in the original studies."

    Research has shown that some oppressed people will cooperate with their oppressors in order to feel they themselves have some power.

    The research is garbage. Blacks have been the beneficiaries of discrimination for over half a century, and it hasn't improved them one bit. The experiment has been done, the results are in: Africans are a different, incompatible species and should be in their OWN countries on their OWN continent and leave White people alone.

    3:03 PM
    Dear Anonymous,

    I understand that you take a very narrow view of the word research. You apparently think it means only when people assign subjects, test them, and then try to apply the results. I also aware that a large percentage of these types of studies cannot be replicated. However in my post discussing Stockholm Syndrome, I was referring a different type of research, one that examines and analyzes the results of specific types of events that have occurred.

    Since ethics prevents experimental researchers from randomly assigning subjects to be kidnapped or abused in other various ways, we must study the Stockholm Syndrome after it occurs. There is quite a large volume of literature one this topic. Here's a place for you to get started learn about a topic of which you have little knowledge.

    If you would like to learn more, I recommend that you Google "basic meanings of research."

  35. I got really annoyed when Marjorie Taylor Greene talked about the space lasers. She wasn't supposed to. So last night I dreamed that I called up Kal-El. The Kryptonian flew right up to me and asked, "What's wrong, citizen?" I said, "Marjorie Taylor Greene blabbed about the space lasers." Kal-El said, "I'll handle this."

    He flew away, and not long after he flew back to me. He told me that he found the space lasers, and he tracked them back to the Elders of Zion. Kal-El gave the Elders of Zion a good talking-to. He warned them that they had better use their space lasers only for good. He'll be watching!

    Tevya the Milkman asked Kal-El if he may curdle Marjorie Taylor Greene's committee appointments, with a space laser. Kal-El smiled and said yes.

    So Kal-El reported to me, and then I woke up.

    And if you don't believe this story, then consider this: the space lasers are guided by a quantum-mechanical computer, and therefore you cannot prove that they ever fire, or even exist.

  36. Paradoctor at 5:02 yesterday said...

    At 3:03 we see a prime example of projection: "f****d up in the head". What do you, as a student of psychology, make of this?
    Sorry to be so long answering your question. Yesterday was hectic and I was very busy.

    In answer to your question, I think that the Anonymous person suffers from hasty generalizations, incorrect assumptions, and too little knowledge of the different types of research. He/she was not aware that the research on the Stockholm Syndrome relied on case studies, not random assignment to groups. Imagine, assigning subjects to be kidnapped. That wouldn't go over well.

    I think, based on the rude, aggressive reply that he/she wrote to me, Anonymous is likely a Trump supporter and therefore doesn't believe in science.

  37. So a highly rated show on Fox has been taken off of the air after Fox was sued for lying.
    If that's a thing, how will there be any content on Fox ever?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. God damn it, it's good not to have a deranged moron running the country any more. And that goes doubly for all of the bigots and imbeciles who were hired to "deconstruct the administrative state", read that bugger the government until it stopped governing.
    There's four feet of snow on the ground and the power has gone off two out of the past five weeks, but we'll be OK, that's just nature and PG&E, and we've been dealing with them our whole lives.
    Plus, Luna's tamales were back at the shopping center today, so life is good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous1:07 AM

    "So a highly rated show on Fox has been taken off of the air after Fox was sued for lying.
    If that's a thing, how will there be any content on Fox ever?"

    In this case, a Fox personality (actually, several) screwed up by lying in ways that may be slanderous, even taking into account our weak defamation laws.

    Usually, they know what kind of lies will not cross the line and lead to them being successfully sued. They will probably keep getting away with the bullshit, unless left-wingers can find ways of disrupting their ad revenue stream and put them out of business. Regrettably, the court system won't get the job done.

  40. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Robinson said during Tuesday's presser he does not believe systemic racism exists.

    Where are the "Robinson" people of Africa?

  41. Screwdy Rudy got slapped with a third lawsuit. Lincoln Project sued him for his unsubstantiated claims the Lincoln Project led the capitol insurrection. Rudy's only defense is to claim he is insane.

  42. Anonymous12:10 PM

    How does one benefit from discrimination?

    When you get:
          * Affirmative Action
          * Business set-asides
          * Diversity mandates
          * Preferential scholarship access
          * Etc, etc. ad nauseam.

  43. 3570 moar bodies for the pandemic feast yesterday, Friday February 5th.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    How does one benefit from discrimination?

    12:10 PM
    Here are a few benefits from discrimination that Whites receive.

    When you get lower interest rates than POC do.

    When you have no problem trying to buy a house in an upper-class, white neighborhood.

    When you apply for a job and your application is considered instead of thrown in the waste paper basket.

    When you go shopping, and no one follows you around to make sure you don't steal anything.

    When a cop stops you for a traffic ticket and he/she doesn't shoot you.

  45. Anonymous2:48 PM


    Trump-appointed Judge Trevor McFadden has now granted Capitol rioter Jenny Cudd’s bonkers request to vacation in Mexico while out on bail.

    I have a feeling this will be just one of many sources of outrage in the coming years as we learn how badly Trump has screwed up the federal judiciary.

  46. Anonymous2:52 PM

    When you get lower interest rates than POC do.

    That happens when you pay your bills on time.  POC are notably worse at that.  It also helps to save money so you can weather little setbacks.  This means not acting "nigga rich".

    When you have no problem trying to buy a house in an upper-class, white neighborhood.

    As if!  Realtors who turn POC away lose their licenses.

    When you apply for a job and your application is considered instead of thrown in the waste paper basket.

    Maybe POC could try being better employees.

    When you go shopping, and no one follows you around to make sure you don't steal anything.

    Maybe if POC would stop stealing, stores wouldn't have to hire loss-prevention officers.  It's the rampant theft which causes "food deserts".

    When a cop stops you for a traffic ticket and he/she doesn't shoot you.

    Not chimping out when pulled over would help.

  47. Anonymous2:53 PM

    99.33% of racial discrimination claims at Michigan State University are bogus:

  48. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Part of the problem is that Ms. Cudd has only been charged with two misdemeanors, “violent entry or disorderly conduct and entering a restricted building.” Surely prosecutors could have found something more significant to hit her with? Those are some awfully wimpy charges for attempting to overthrow the government, wouldn’t you say?

  49. Dobbs was a birther back in the day, so it's not like nobody knew he was spewing vicious lies on the teevee machine, but this time someone with the wherewithal to respond actually did.
    After the past four years worth of lies being elevated into the national discourse, I could imagine this becoming a trend.
    Those particular lies are bad for everyone's business except for the liars themselves, so if we can target those particular businesses, perhaps we can get fewer lies.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. Anonymous3:37 PM

    “Dobbs was a birther back in the day, so it's not like nobody knew he was spewing vicious lies on the teevee machine, but this time someone with the wherewithal to respond actually did.”

    Under American defamation law, Barack Obama, a public figure, faces very high barriers to suing people who falsely claim he’s secretly not an American. So Dobbs was free to lie his ass off.

    And of course, Dobbs has demented ideas about trade economics and immigration, but those lies aren’t legally defamatory, so nobody could sue to shut him up in that case, either.

    The difference this time is that Dobbs, and several other of Fox’s talking heads, have now lied in a way that is probably actionable and will cost Fox a lot of money. This time, there are consequences.

  51. The GOP needs to hire some better scriptwriters:

    Annie Grayer
    GOP Reps. Andrew Clyde of Georgia and Louie Gohmert of Texas have both been fined $5,000 for how they went through the metal detectors a senior Democratic aide confirmed to CNN. These fines are part of a new rule established this week.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Biden says that Fergus won't get intelligence briefings. Not possessing any intelligence of his own, the need for Fergus to receive intelligence from someone else seems doubtful at best, and dangerous at worst.
    As my brother used to say "Buy them books and what do they do? Eat the pages."
    Or in Fergus' case, sell them to the Russians for more favorable treatment on the massive debt he has coming due.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Pale Males and Pall Mall's4:06 PM

    @12:10 PM Anonymous said...

    How does one benefit from discrimination?

    If you're alive in 2050 you'll thank us for the very programs you rail about now.

  54. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I really don't understand why Mark Robinson has his panties in a wad.

    He should be flattered.

    For much of White America, being called a member of the Ku Klux Klan is NOT an insult but an implicit compliment.

    In fact, listing yourself as a Klansman on your resume would probably be considered a very fine career accomplishment and make you a very attractive job candidate to become a US Congressperson or even President of the USA.

    Hell, Mark Robinson should have picture of himself wearing a Klan-style bed sheet on his LinkedIn profile.

  55. Anonymous said...


    2:48 PM
    Why did you bother to reply? You know your racist bull shit doesn't fly here.

  56. Media Bias Fact Check....

    In review, the majority of articles are negative toward liberal activists on college campuses. There is the use of some loaded words that typically favor the right such as this Conservatives claim victory after U Florida settles First Amendment case. Campus Reform typically sources their information, however, they have been flagged for making an unproven claim. In reviewing the journalists involved in this project many have worked for the conservative and mixed factual Daily Caller, which has failed numerous fact checks as well as CNS News and The Blaze.

    Editorially, all stories favor the right with many reporting favorably on President Donald Trump. When it comes to science, Campus Reform does not outright deny that Global Warming is related to fossil fuels, however, they frequently report negatively on Climate Change Activists.

    Overall, we rate Campus Reform Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that routinely favor the Right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to an unproven claim as well as affiliation with sources that have failed many fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 8/23/2017) Updated (9/16/2019)

  57. As if! Realtors who turn POC away lose their licenses

    See Fredfuck and Donaldfuck drumpf, circa 1960s/70s.

  58. "When you get:
    * Affirmative Action
    * Business set-asides
    * Diversity mandates
    * Preferential scholarship access
    * Etc, etc. ad nauseam."

    Yeah but it comes with a side order of police brutality, redlining, inferior schools, racist asshats that invade every space you have ect. ad nauseam. No thanks.

  59. Another wasicu wastey child molester, white, female and likely a magat as well.

  60. Bilbarr Buggins can't pervert the DOJ for Fergus any more, and the tamale ladies were back in the shopping center parking lot... Life is good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. Anonymous6:22 AM

    it comes with a side order of police brutality

    Because that's the only language you understand.


    Because your atrocious behavior is intolerable to everyone else.

    inferior schools

    Those schools were often SUPERIOR... until you invaded them.  See the examples of Detroit (particularly Cass Tech) and Shaker Heights, OH.  The students make the schools, and YOU make the students.  It's YOUR FAULT.

    racist asshats that invade every space you have ect. ad nauseam.

    Reality bats last.  We're only bringing you the bad news, not creating it.

  62. "It's YOUR FAULT."

    That's interesting, I never went to school in Detroit or Shaker Heights. I know my scores were higher than almost all the white kids in my school and I'm doing pretty well soooooooooo it couldn't have been me.

    "We're only bringing you the bad news, not creating it."

    Sure kid. Nothing new to me, racist assholes have always tried to pretend they're somehow superior. Somehow the ones, like yourself, who push this message always seem to be lacking and end up proving the opposite point. You aren't even creative or brave enough to come up with a screen name. Oh yeah that's right, you're worried I'll somehow figure out your identity and ruin your life. LOL! Or maybe if you keep a screen name you'll be called out on your bullshit and the world will see you're actually inferior to a negro. Either way you're probably better off being anonymous because if I were you I wouldn't want to try to match my me either.

  63. Another magat pedo gets caught, but its the Dems that are pedos.

    Besides everyone, who knew this would happen??


    Magat hits just keep coming.

  65. New arrest warrant for Kenosha Killer Kyle and a 200k increase in his bail.

  66. Keith says you're wrong:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Thanks for the link, Doug.

  68. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I never went to school in Detroit or Shaker Heights. I know my scores were higher than almost all the white kids in my school and I'm doing pretty well soooooooooo it couldn't have been me.

    Funny how you collectively blame wipeepo for all the ills caused by "racism", but you refuse to take other than individual responsibility for e.g. the hell you've collectively created in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, KCMO... the list goes on and on.

    Blacks are the reason half of Chicago's schools fail to meet even minimal standards, and the city sets record after record for murders.

    You aren't even creative or brave enough to come up with a screen name.

    I'm creative enough to have been able to retire 2 weeks after my 53rd birthday.  I don't care what you think of my anonymity.

  69. “Funny how you collectively blame wipeepo for all the ills caused by "racism",

    I don’t collectively blame white people, I blame the individuals guilty of perpetuating racism.

    “I'm creative enough to have been able to retire 2 weeks after my 53rd birthday.“

    But still not smart enough to come up with a name. “Retire” huh? So you’re on welfare.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  70. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I don’t collectively blame white people, I blame the individuals guilty of perpetuating racism.

    Tell me, are the people who close stores in areas with high "inventory shrinkage" racists?

    Are the people who put black "beauty products" under lock and key because they're stolen so frequently racists?

    Are the radar guns which peg black drivers as speeders disproportionately often "racists"?

    Are the security cameras which identify black armed robbers way out of proportion to their population "racists"?

    But still not smart enough to come up with a name.

    Smart enough not to.

    “Retire” huh? So you’re on welfare.

    Haven't taken a dime of government money since my last unemployment comp check in 2010, and I earned that by working.  Haven't seen any stimulus money either.


    Schools are unequally funded and because they rely on property taxes poorer students have schools with fewer resources. This has been the case for decades. Most industrialized nations centrally fund their schools so all students have equal access to education. Chicago schools do not have the same resources as some suburban so it is evident what’s going on.

  72. “Tell me, are the people who close stores in areas with high "inventory shrinkage" racists?”

    How could I possibly know the answer to that question? I would have to know the individual people and even then it may be impossible to know.

    “Are the people who put black "beauty products" under lock and key because they're stolen so frequently racists?“

    Dunno, but many items are locked in many places. I’ve gone to stores all over this great country of ours and seen many items under lock and key.

    “Are the radar guns which peg black drivers as speeders disproportionately often "racists"?

    I wasn’t aware Black people disproportionately speed. That is a silly question.

    “Are the security cameras which identify black armed robbers way out of proportion to their population "racists"?“

    How can a camera be a racist. You’re kind of silly. I wouldn’t make up a name and keep it if I were you either.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  73. You know who are racist? Racists. Duh.

  74. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Schools are unequally funded and because they rely on property taxes poorer students have schools with fewer resources. This has been the case for decades. Most industrialized nations centrally fund their schools so all students have equal access to education. Chicago schools do not have the same resources as some suburban so it is evident what’s going on.

    And what happens when those "resources" are "equalized"?  Blacks continue to perform dismally.

    Shaker Heights had no loss of "resources" when black academics started moving in; they were just as well compensated and property values and taxes did not suffer.  But the black children of those academics seriously underperformed their White classmates despite enjoying the same level of spending and even the same teachers and classrooms.  The "resources" missing were not systemic, but individual; the black academics' children averaged an IQ of only 99, from regression to the (black) mean.

    Kansas City MO is another example of the futility of trying to educate the ineducable.  Judge Russell Clark ordered the KCMO schools completely re-done in 1985, doubling property taxes and seizing state money as well.  The results were dismal:

    "But despite spending $1.6 billion in 10 years, the Kansas City Municipal School District has a greater percentage of minority students (77%) than before the plan started; the black-white test score gap hasn’t changed at all and dropout rates are more than 55% and rising. “They had as much money as any school district will ever get,” says Harvard sociologist Gary Orfield, who directed a study of the district. “It didn’t do very much."

    It's almost like... we should stop trying to educate the failures and sterilize them instead, so they can't breed more failures.  Given the realities of genetics, a much higher fraction of those failures are going to be black.

  75. Anonymous9:22 PM

    How could I possibly know the answer to that question?

    How could you not?  "Anti-racists" take it as axiomatic that "food deserts" are caused by racism.

    Dunno, but many items are locked in many places.

    But why would only black "beauty" products be under lock and key, when others aren't?

    Of course, the next thing to do after you stop locking them up is to stop carrying them, because rampant theft makes them unprofitable.  It would create "beauty product deserts".

    I wasn’t aware Black people disproportionately speed. That is a silly question.

    Because you're an ignoramus.

    And of course, blacks whine over being treated as they deserve:

    Here's one whining over a ticket for driving nearly TWICE the posted limit:

    Blacks are ticketed more and for higher fines because they speed more and exceed limits more:

    And also

    "The racial gap was far wider than officials had expected and, in the politically charged controversies over profiling, the data could be used by defenders of the state police to argue that one reason black drivers are stopped more often than whites is that they are more likely to speed."

    This has only been known for ~20 years now, so it's anything BUT a silly question.

    How can a camera be a racist.

    Because the camera disparately impacts blacks, by showing they are more criminal.

    How can the SAT be racist?  It's a paper test scored on a scantron sheet; it can't tell the race of the taker.  Yet it "disparately impacts" blacks.  Acccording to "anti-racists", that makes it structurally, implicitly, or some-otherly racist.  So HOW?

    The idea that "racism" is responsible for black failure is bullshit.

  76. Dude, you’re a common troll who brings up the same tired subjects as all the other anonymous trolls. You’re not here for discussion only to demean Blah people. Since you choose to post as anonymous I can’t take you seriously. Just know that this negro is doing just fine especially compared to many of your “superior” brothers. Good luck with that retirement thing and hopefully you can find better things to do with your time than anonymously troll blogs.πŸ˜†

  77. "How could you not? "Anti-racists" take it as axiomatic that "food deserts" are caused by racism."

    Bullshit. I'm about as anti racist as they come and most of the food deserts I have lived in (defined as more than one bus to get to the grocery store) were like they were because of housing policy, which can indeed be racist, but not a simple and stupid reduction of the flaws in our economic structure like you are accusing us of.
    The fact that you can't absorb an argument longer than half a paragraph isn't our doing, it's yours.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. “The fact that you can't absorb an argument longer than half a paragraph isn't our doing, it's yours.“

    You picked up on that too huh? No way this is an adult. πŸ˜†

  79. Anonymous11:12 AM

    you’re a common troll who brings up the same tired subjects as all the other anonymous trolls.

    Your "tired subject" is my "suppressed truth", and it IS truth.

    You’re not here for discussion only to demean Blah people.

    If it's true and you find it demeaning, it's YOUR FAULT.

    Since you choose to post as anonymous I can’t take you seriously.

    Tough shit.

  80. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I'm about as anti racist as they come and most of the food deserts I have lived in (defined as more than one bus to get to the grocery store) were like they were because of housing policy, which can indeed be racist, but not a simple and stupid reduction of the flaws in our economic structure like you are accusing us of.

    Since when is rampant theft a "flaw in our economic structure"?

    The very weasel language you use shows your mental illness.  The truth is anathema to you.

  81. Suppressed truth is magat-speak for made up shit.

  82. What rampant theft are you yawping about? And how long did it take you to come up with a four syllable word to misuse?
    On second thought, never mind, I have shit to get done and you remain the same dead loss to society you always have been and always will be.
    Nothing I say or do will change that. It wasn't for you that I wrote the comment in the first place. Carry on.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  83. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Suppressed truth is magat-speak for made up shit.

    Look at the AP News style guide and tell me there aren't truths that are deliberately suppressed, like the race of criminals.

    What rampant theft are you yawping about?

    The rampant theft which drives grocery stores out of business and creates "food deserts".  If it takes 2 bus rides to get to the nearest supermarket, it's because nobody can AFFORD you as clientele.

    And how long did it take you to come up with a four syllable word to misuse?

    About 30 milliseconds.  I used "excoriate" in a conversation last night, totally off the cuff.

    On second thought, never mind, I have shit to get done and you remain the same dead loss to society you always have been and always will be.

    I've contributed more to society and improved more lives than you ever have.  As in, hundreds of thousands.

    You are a so-so artist who hasn't even made it as a side man in the studio.

  84. There’s a reason they post as anon Doug, they then can’t be held responsible for their incorrect and incoherent posts. Someone dedicated to accuracy and truth can withstand scrutiny.

  85. Funny, but I don't seem to remember ever trying for or wanting any studio or sideman gigs.

    -Doug in Sugar Pinew

  86. “Funny, but I don't seem to remember ever trying for or wanting any studio or sideman gigs.“

    Wow, this guy kind of has an inflated ego. πŸ˜†

  87. An unabashed racist bragging about how he has helped thousands of people.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Helped them do what, be better racists? An anonymous troll that “helps people”.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸΎThat sounds interesting.

  88. They all lie constantly, so I guess they figure why not tell self aggrandizing lies, they're not any harder to tell than the other ones.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. “They all lie constantly, so I guess they figure why not tell self aggrandizing lies”

    I mean you and me have been here around 10 years and stand by what we say while the super-genius trolls can’t even man up enough to stand by what they say for 5 minutes. Kinda sad.

  90. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
    Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
    Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
    Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]

    an future black washings in the years to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.
