Sunday, February 21, 2021

Caption Sunday.


Give me a caption for this picture in six words or less. 


  1. I’m a-leaving on a jet plane...

  2. But you're a legend in your own time
    A hero in the footlights
    Playin' tunes to fit your rhyme
    But a legend's only a lonely boy
    When he goes home alone

    Thanks to Carly Simon.

  3. Yep!
    Ted Cruz walk of shame.

  4. akbright12:07 PM

    No place to hide.

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Cruz flies coop for coup cruise

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    No sunny beaches for Fat Dracula.

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    From Houston public media two years ago:

    “Senator Ted Cruz is running for re-election on a platform that includes advocating for energy deregulation, increased surveillance on the Southern border and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare.”

  8. Immigrant taking his children across the border for better living conditions.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Karma caught up with another Trump clone.

  10. Rat fleeing a sinking ship

  11. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Some merry prankster decided to taunt Ted Cruz by sending a mariachi band to play on his front lawn.

  12. "Love many. Trust few. Adieu Cruz."

  13. "Where in the world is Cancun Cruz?"

  14. Interesting job description, Faith and Fairness. I only hope you make magats comply with a rather large, imported KLUB!

    Humble apologies for getting so far off topic. :)

  15. Scotus just handed drumpf's tax returns to Manhattan's DA and Grand Jury. drumpf's orange fat ass is getting toasted.

    Field, do you have a contact line for story tips? Some blogs do, some don't.

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    “Scotus just handed drumpf's tax returns to Manhattan's DA and Grand Jury. drumpf's orange fat ass is getting toasted.”

    Trump must be going mental. He can’t even vent his rage on Twitter anymore since they banned him. Somewhere in Florida, he is yelling “witch hunt!” at a wall.

  17. See ya in 6 years suckas!

  18. My Pillow guy got sued for 1.3 billion by Dominion for some reason or another. Wonder how many pillow cases stuffed with hundred dollar bills it takes to satisfy court judgmment on the off chance his lying ass loses?

  19. Pigs in Colorado had no right to arrest/restrain Elijah McClain.

  20. US coviid deaths pass the half million mark. More than US deaths in WW1, WW2, and the Vietnam war combined.
    Guess it didn't just go away like a miracle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Texass criminal AG left the state last week for Utah.

  22. Anonymous8:42 PM

    "Texass criminal AG left the state last week for Utah."

    So many lowlifes in Texas politics ...

  23. Paxton was indicted on three federal felony securities fraud charges and state charges stemming from using his office to aid friends. Paxton is on the lowest rung of lowlifes.

  24. Scotus injustice Uncle Tom Thommas says even the hint of fraud justifies voter suppression. This phucker and his wife are dangerous to America.

  25. Mexico? - Forget you are Cuban American ?

  26. Anonymous11:29 AM

    “Paxton was indicted on three federal felony securities fraud charges and state charges stemming from using his office to aid friends. Paxton is on the lowest rung of lowlifes.”

    Yeah, no kidding. He is beyond sleazy. That’s why he launched that ridiculous “stop the steal” lawsuit trying to intervene in the election practices of other states. Which SCOTUS immediately laughed off because Texans don’t have standing to object to election laws in, say, Michigan.

    He was kissing Trump’s anus in an attempt to win a pardon so he could stay out of jail.

  27. He's just following in Tom DeLay's corrupt footsteps. Something something "trying to criminalize politics" and "I was only convicted in the most liberal part of the state" if memory serves...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Not to hijack the comment section, but the circuit judges (2 of the three that cleared Delay) wrote in her decision reasons corporation might have thought the contributions were legal.. Sounds like she bent conjecture to save Delay's crooked ass..

    The 5th circuit court of appeals is the most magatty of them all and have certainly strained credulity in their opinions.

  29. Pigs escape justice in killing of another Brother, again.

  30. Tiger Woods golfing career over and done with?

  31. Senate hearings got underway today about the capitol insurrection.
    Ron Johnson wanted to know whether it was a put on by Fergus' detractors.
    Next up are pentagon officials being questioned about why it took them so long ton get the national guard there.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "Next up are pentagon officials being questioned about why it took them so long ton get the national guard there."

    Former head of the Capitol police already claimed there was no way that he could have known that there would be violence from Trump supporters. Hmmm ... how did the rest of us know, then?

    Somehow, I don't think we're going to get straight answers from the people responsible for this security debacle. Whistleblowers will have to rat them out.

  33. A coup on the capitol and some folks think this is normal.

  34. Anonymous3:13 PM

    “A coup on the capitol and some folks think this is normal.”

    A coup on the Capitol and some people (Ron Johnson) think Antifa did it.

  35. A forensic audit of Arizona elections and equipment found them to be functional and accurate:

    "Maricopa County on Tuesday released the results of election audits from two independent auditors it hired to verify that voting machines were not hacked, were not connected to the internet and counted votes properly during the 2020 general election. The auditors found that the county used certified equipment and software, no malicious hardware was found on voting machines, the machines were not connected to the internet, and the machines were programmed to tabulate ballots accurately, according to a letter from county election directors to the supervisors."

    But the goddamn Republicans are so fucking crazy and infantile that we'll have to keep investigating the lies they make up about the election, and everywhere they have the ability to they will enact more restrictions on voting to try and keep the public from registering their choices for who should govern them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Like in Virginia where the goddamn Republicans have done away with voting altogether in their primary, and instead delegates will choose who the statewide candidates will be by driving through an event at fucking Liberty University.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. So will Fergus sell his DC hotel for $170 million to cover the mortgage that is coming due? It's losing money by the metric ton and nobody wants it at the asking price of $500 million.
    And the GSA who actually owns it is no longer in his thrall, so reality may intrude.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. Al Franken thinks Ron Johnson is antifa in the flesh.

  39. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Negro Suspect Cooked Victim’s Heart and Served It With Potatoes: Cops

  40. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo Accused of Sexual Harassment by Former Aide
    In a blog post, Lindsey Boylan described a culture of ‘inappropriate behavior toward women’ and ‘bullying':

  41. "Negro Suspect Cooked Victim’s Heart and Served It With Potatoes: Cops"

    At least you know that they seasoned that motherfucker.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
