Monday, February 15, 2021

? Of The Day.

 Has Donald trump permanently destroyed the republican party?  


  1. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I don’t know if I’d put it that way. More that Trump is the proof that the Republican Party has destroyed itself.

    Trump is the culmination of Republicans’ win-at-any-cost strategy over a period of many years. If you decide that lying, cheating, and hatemongering is okay, if it leads to you winning elections, then Trump is where you end up.

  2. It's a zombie already. If people who vote really figured out whom it serves it would be gone, kaput, totally absent. Pols have figured out, though, that by standing for social conservatism (read: denial of rights of all kinds of minorities in favor of fantasies about "normal" and "enduring values." Also guns!) they can dupe a lot of people into thinking the GOP is the answer.
    What keeps it going is that it serves the rich and corporatism, and so long as their big bucks keep it afloat, the focus groups will find some way to keep it alive. Bring on the symbols! If they don't work, change them!

  3. Good question, Field. I've been pondering that myself for awhile. So far, the Republican Party has been like a Medusa head for at least fifty-five years, beginning with Nixon. After one head is lopped off another one arises. With each and every screw up I thought they might have gone too far, but they grow another head and keep fooling the uninformed voters.

    Maybe this time they will get their comeuppance?

  4. There's never a big enough disaster to change things, if disaster is what keeps things the way they are. No matter how many hailstones fall, and no matter how big those hailstones are, the people will stay huddled indoors. It's when the hail stops falling and sun starts shining that the people venture out of shelter.

    Blow off comeuppance. History is written by the winners, but it is read by the survivors.

  5. Nope. The evil that is the Republican party will endure. Where else are all of the bigots and imbeciles gonna get affirmation that their ignorance is noble and their bigotry is patriotic?
    Too much money in it for it to go away yet.
    So we should work on making it not pay like it does to change the incentive structure.
    Fergus is almost irrelevant.
    They are the addicts, he sold them stronger dope.
    There exists dope even stronger still, and we should start counteracting it now before the goddamn Cotton or Hawley administration starts geezing up the crazies with it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. Completely agree with Doug. What we have now is stupid people being told they’re the real geniuses and everyone else who trusts experts and science are sheep. These simpletons have been given a taste of power and by golly they liked it. Damn the environment, damn the economy and damn pretty much everyone making less than $100,000/yr. but as long as they feel better about themselves that’s all that matters. No more having to study for years in school just let mom and dad homeschool you and rely on good old Rush/Hannity/Tucker to make you smart. As a bonus you get to “own the libs” while destroying everything while keeping people as lazy and dumb as them rolling in the dough. So in essence the GOP will be just as loud, ignorant and crazy as ever and since they’ve rigged the game they’ll be in power for a long time. So once again, what country are you moving to?

  7. Anonymous1:43 AM

    What we have now is stupid people being told they’re the real geniuses and everyone else who trusts experts and science are sheep.

    What we have right now is sheeple being told they're educated and everyone else who trusts criminal justice statistics and centuries of bitter experience are idiots.

  8. Humor took a hit. How are we supposed to make fun of rednecks now?

    Nothing is more depressing than thinking about Trump supporters.

    Trump is like the most contagious pandemic ever. Infection rate among wingnuts is near 100%.

  9. Some of the very wealthy will continue to fund the Republican Party. . .(Uihlein - Bradley - Wynn - Mercer types) who yearn for a Fascist takeover. . .Politicians like Rubio & Hawley & Jordan will do their bidding and keep the white male working class enraged. . .But - if the suburban college educated whites continue to flee the GOP - it will be the "minority fringe party" it deserves to be. . .Biden must go all in right now - block the filibuster - pass every possible law and rule which help the bottom 95% of our people - don't even attempt to "work with Republicans" - they will just lie - delay - and vote "no" - as they did with Obama in 2009 & 2010. . .

  10. Last updated: February 16, 2021, 13:59 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Thanks to Uncle Joe body count deaths failed to reach 1000 yesterday. First time since the last time. 994 was all.

  11. Wisconsin Reader: "don't even attempt to "work with Republicans" - they will just lie - delay - and vote "no" - as they did with Obama in 2009 & 2010."

    Hear, hear.

  12. No. Trump said all the quiet parts out loud so a lot of people walked away including a few sponsors. The Republican coalition of white nationalists, corporate interests, and religionists, will reinvent itself with the assistance of the corporate media.

  13. Humor took a hit. How are we supposed to make fun of rednecks now?

    Wait a minute and the humor will write itself.

  14. Wasicu woman who falsely accused Black birdwatcher has charge dropped after completing some course or another.

  15. The Bewilderness: Yup. Here's Driftglass promoting a piece of fine journalism on that very subject: second chances in these here United States of America:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "Wasicu woman who falsely accused Black birdwatcher has charge dropped after completing some course or another."

    It feels like making deliberately false police reports (not just being wrong in your interpretation of the facts, but actually lying) should carry a fairly steep penalty, if not actually be a felony. That's true if you're Jussie Smollett or this obnoxious broad. At minimum, you could be wasting lots of scarce police resources that should go toward solving real crimes. At worst, you could severely mess up an innocent person's life or get them killed by the police. (The worst offenders are the ones engaging in "swatting.")

    I definitely don't agree that one ought to be able to take a remedial "how not to be a racist" class, and then walk away with no other consequences.

  17. Republicans demonstrating why no Republican should ever be allowed to hold any position of responsibility beyond "Do you want fries with that?":

    "We did not send him there to vote his conscience," Dave Ball, chairman of the Washington County GOP, told Pittsburgh station KDKA-TV. "We did not send him there to do 'the right thing' or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Anonymous4:41 PM

    The NAACP are suing Trump, Giuliani, and various and sundry Nazi/extremist groups over the storming of the Capitol.

    This raises some interesting legal questions, such as:

    1) While certainly morally reprehensible and something that should have resulted in him being banned from running from future electoral office, was Trump's incitement nonetheless protected First Amendment speech? Or not? How explicit and immediate does incitement of mob violence have to be before it is not protected? Is he legally liable for what happened? (Same for Giuliani.)

    2) The Trump trash who actually stormed the Capitol unquestionably did break laws, but who exactly has standing to sue them for this act? Do the NAACP?

  19. Anonymous8:39 PM

    N ational
    A ssociation of
    A lways
    C omplaining
    P eople

    N egroes
    A re
    A lways
    C ausing
    P roblems

  20. Oh dear god, someone said her name 5 times in the mirror. I guess the momma of crazy Republicans needed to stake her claim. I still have to blame McCain for this.

  21. Anonymous9:59 PM

    “I guess the momma of crazy Republicans needed to stake her claim.”

    Caribou Barbie saw a another Republican woman saying absolutely bonkers stuff and figured that if there’s room for Marjorie Space Laser Greene in the GOP, it might be time for her to make a comeback as well.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The NAACP may have standing to sue if only because the people to whom it was left to clean up the mess made there were predominantly Black.

    Here is the Playing for Change folks taking Peter Gabriel's "Biko" around the world. It's maybe the first time I've ever seen Yo-Yo Ma look like he was pissed:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Anonymous11:32 PM

    "Has Donald trump permanently destroyed the republican party?"

    No, not yet. But it's still early, give him time.

  25. So Nancy is forming a commission to investigate the insurrection.
    Let's hope that it is thorough, effective, damning, and lasts long enough to keep the insurrection front-and-center for the 2022 midterms.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. "I still have to blame McCain for this."

    And Bill Kristol.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous4:18 AM

    "Let's hope that it is thorough, effective, damning, and lasts long enough to keep the insurrection front-and-center for the 2022 midterms."

    It's hard to see how an investigation lasts until 2022. There really doesn't seem like there's much about the insurrection itself that was secret or complicated. Trump yammered about a stolen election for months, and his zombified, cultish followers predictably went on a rampage. What's left to explain about that?

    Really, the only major mystery is how the Capitol police were left outnumbered and outgunned against rampaging rednecks, when this mayhem was predicted far in advance by basically everybody. I do want answers as to who was responsible for there not being a whole freaking Army division in Washington waiting for these goons. They should not have been able to get anywhere near the Capitol building.

  28. magats have been begging to see this so here it is (and fuck you and your phony numbers, anymoose)

    Last updated: February 17, 2021, 13:49 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    1707 bodies collected yesterday.

  29. Springsteen gets a DWI with a BAC of .002? Nice.

  30. Pale Males and Pall Malls10:29 AM

  31. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Black Former Detroit TV news director and anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels dies just a day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, aged 68:

  32. Anonymous10:51 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    magats have been begging to see this so here it is (and fuck you and your phony numbers, anymoose)

    Last updated: February 17, 2021, 13:49 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    1707 bodies collected yesterday.

    8:57 AM

    Reduce those numbers by 99% and you get the real number.



    Its a fraud just like the election.

  33. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Vaccine = RAPE


  35. Wonder who is going to take his place in the media empire. Who has the chops? Most conservative media personalities have annoying voices. Can you imagine listening to the Levin guy for 3 hours everyday? Dear god, then again it would reduce the stupid population because of the increased suicides.

  36. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Wonder who is going to take his place in the media empire. Who has the chops? Most conservative media personalities have annoying voices. Can you imagine listening to the Levin guy for 3 hours everyday? Dear god, then again it would reduce the stupid population because of the increased suicides.

    1:05 PM

    here is the "tolerant" left rearing their violent blood lust again.

    If you don't like Levin or anyone else don't listen......

  37. Hurray! Limbaugh is dead. Too bad it didn't happen seventy years ago.
    Meanwhile millions of Texans are suffering because of a scam perpetuated by their addiction to the Republicans and their lies about socialism and low taxes. We in blue states are going to have to bale them our again. President Biden has already ordered aid for them. Quite different from Trump's response to disaster in Puerto Rico. But then Trump has no soul.

  38. Anonymous said...

    "here is the "tolerant" left rearing their violent blood lust again.

    If you don't like Levin or anyone else don't listen......"

    1:29 MP
    By the same token, if you don't like PilotX's posts, don't read them.

    And don't talk to us about "blood Lust" on the left after what you side did to the Capitol. It just makes you look foolish.

  39. Anonymous1:54 PM

    “Meanwhile millions of Texans are suffering because of a scam perpetuated by their addiction to the Republicans and their lies about socialism and low taxes.”

    Revolting that wingnut politicians down there are already covering their asses with lies about Texas’ electrical and gas infrastructure failing because “the libs” made them go green. But Texas’ infrastructure isn’t particularly green and it’s mostly fossil fuel plants and power lines that have failed.

    The fault lies with Texas wingnut politicians refusing to impose regulations that would’ve forced utilities to winterize their equipment. Those regulations don’t exist, so utilities didn’t bother winterizing because, hey, it doesn’t get cold in Texas very often, and it’s cheaper not to.

    As Texans sit shivering in the dark, eating canned beans, they can thank the wondrous efficiency of free-market capitalism.

  40. “If you don't like Levin or anyone else don't listen......“

    Here is the asshole anonymous right chiming in unnecessarily. If you don’t like my witty and astute analysis keep scrolling.🤔

  41. “And don't talk to us about "blood Lust" on the left after what you side did to the Capitol. It just makes you look foolish.“

    They gave up caring about looking foolish eons ago.🤷🏾‍♂️

  42. Anonymous3:15 PM

    The anons note something about the Presidential plane:  it gets the designation "AF1" only when Trump is on it, and Chou Bidet isn't allowed to use it.

    The military knows what's what, and the anons know it too.

  43. Anonymous3:59 PM

    “The anons note something about the Presidential plane: it gets the designation ‘AF1’ only when Trump is on it, and Chou Bidet isn't allowed to use it.”

    LMAO, seriously, this is your new conspiracy theory? Some weird, made-up story that Biden’s plane isn’t called Air Force 1 (clearly nonsense), so this proves he’s not really president?

    What is wrong with you? This is right up there with obsessing over Obama’s cream-colored suit, and what it “means.” (It means that Obama likes cream-colored suits.)

    Do you really not see why liberals laugh at you and call you morons?

  44. Rush the fuck Limbaugh, the perverted, drug-addicted "majority maker" to whom all Republican politicians must prostrate themselves or suffer the wrath of his "dittoheads" idiot horde, (gee, why does that sound familiar?) is dead.
    It is a good day, and the world is a measurably better place without him.
    The entire "hate radio" ecosphere, the place where crazy Uncle Liberty gets his daily lie download, owes its existence to Rush the fuck Limbaugh and the death of the fairness doctrine at the filthy hands of Ronald the fuck Reagan, who thankfully also remains dead.
    So as Roger the fuck Ailes also remains dead, we have a sort of trifecta of evil media figures who no longer draw the breath of life and trouble the society with their disgusting shenanigans.
    Remember that last year Driftglass noted that for historical purposes, we weren't so much in the fourth year of the Fergus administration as we were in the fortieth year of the Reagan revolution.
    But there I go again remembering stuff.
    Spare a thought for all of the Rush-clones who still do trouble the planet with their cardio-pulmonary activity, and try to chart a course toward a better time that includes having them in the rarified real estate in media and government they tend to occupy, and don't forget to never let them forget what they've done in their quests for polite society acceptance.
    In other words, keep burning the goddamn lifeboats.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. I admit that I have mixed feelings about Limbaugh. On the one hand, as a doctor's son (and brother, and cousin) I was raised to consider cancer to be an Enemy. On the other hand Limbaugh was a gaslighting disinformer. So I was raised to worship the sanctity of human life, but also the holiness of truth. Therefore my mixed feelings. To quote Piet Hein:

    I see, and I hear, and I speak no evil;
    I carry no malice within my breast;
    Yet quite without wishing a man to the Devil
    One may be permitted to hope for the best.

  46. Anonymous5:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    “And don't talk to us about "blood Lust" on the left after what you side did to the Capitol. It just makes you look foolish.“

    They gave up caring about looking foolish eons ago.🤷🏾‍♂️

    2:36 PM

    That was ANTIFA and BLM at the Capital and the higher ups on the left planned it. It was a classic False Flag Operation.

  47. Anonymous5:14 PM

    7 shot in Philadelphia, 1 person in custody: Police

  48. PilotX: I agree, our pet trolls long ago gave up on basic dignity. So now up is down, day is night, antifa is profa, and offenders are victims.

    DARVO = Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender. It’s a domestic abuser’s instinctive defense, and also profa’s default setting.

  49. Anonymous6:05 PM

    “That was ANTIFA and BLM at the Capital and the higher ups on the left planned it. It was a classic False Flag Operation.”

    And that’s an alternative facts bingo! Hooray!

    So we have our own Marjorie Taylor Greene here. Do tell, what are your thoughts on Area 51, or the Illuminati? Are the commies sapping and impurifying our precious bodily fluids?

  50. So Trump Plaza in Atlantic City was imploded. The city sold tickets to watch it fall in person for $10 a pop.
    Someone should have sold tickets to the implosion of his presidency, that would have raised some serious jack.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Remember when Rush Limbaugh thought that women had to take a birth control pill every time they have sex?
    Guess you don't need birth control with little Dominican boys...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The Party of Hate has turned on itself. Inevitable, really. Now it will gnaw itself into its own grave.

  53. How about we ask George Soros to warm up Texas with a space laser?

  54. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "How about we ask George Soros to warm up Texas with a space laser?"

    That's okay, Texans are all "self-sufficient rugged individualists" who don't need to ask for help, unlike those soft, weakling liberals. They can burn their "stop the steal" and "Trump 2020" flags for heat!


  55. "That was ANTIFA and BLM at the Capital and the higher ups on the left planned it. It was a classic False Flag Operation."

    Please choose a screen name so we can dive into this just a bit deeper. LOL!!!!!!!

  56. Whenever I hear the phrase "rugged individualists", I wonder, what kind of rug? Wool? Silk? Cotton? Persian? Throw? Are there carpeted individualists? Are there wall-to-wall carpeted individualists?

    And why refer to individualists the same way all the time? Isn't it self-contradictory to make individuality an ism?

  57. I feel for them, actually.
    Last month PG&E cut the power in advance of a windstorm in order to avoid wildfires, and the windstorm damaged their service lines enough that instead of forty hours, the power was out for six days.
    Then, three days later, the snow started.
    Four feet of it.
    That one knocked the power out for three days, which was a little scary since we were snowed in. Everyone around here is used to it (except us, we moved here in December of 2019) and had generators for the duration. We have one, but it's not ours, and the woman who owns it (and the house) is out of town getting her truck repaired, so we didn't use it.
    She did text us instructions, so if the power goes out again before she gets back, we'll hook it up and get the damn heater going.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Anonymous12:41 AM

    "dinthebeast said...

    I feel for them, actually."

    I feel for some of them. The ones who didn't vote for do-nothing government, but got it anyway. They didn't deserve to have their electricity and gas to go out.

    But the majority of the citizens of Texas, who keep voting for capitalism on steroids and never seem to learn any lessons when this repeatedly results in disaster, I can't muster up much empathy for them. I'm more inclined to laugh and point at their misfortune.

  59. Last updated: February 18, 2021, 13:59 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    2471 bodies yesterday. The drumpf hoax that never ends.

  60. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Time to impeach Biden. Seriously.

  61. Anonymous12:12 PM

    New Green Deal is another of the lefts fantasies and delusions.

  62. anymoose 2 12:09 PM

    The sky is falling! Wolf wolf wolf!

  63. Anonymous said...

    Time to impeach Biden. Seriously.

    12:09 PM
    LOL! Good luck trying to get a majority in the House to file impeachment against Biden! And even more good luck get 67 senators to convict.

    This post made me chuckle.

  64. Anonymous said....

    "Really, the only major mystery is how the Capitol police were left outnumbered and outgunned against rampaging rednecks, when this mayhem was predicted far in advance by basically everybody. I do want answers as to who was responsible for there not being a whole freaking Army division in Washington waiting for these goons. They should not have been able to get anywhere near the Capitol building."

    4:18 AM
    Allow me to add a couple of questions.
    Who planned, coordinated, and financed the attack?

    How involved was Trump in directing the actions described above?

  65. Anonymous said...

    "That was ANTIFA and BLM at the Capital and the higher ups on the left planned it. It was a classic False Flag Operation."

    5:05 PM
    LOL, LOL, LOL!
    This post is not only foolish; it's moronic. We all saw it with our own eyes on live TV in real time. Shall we believe our lying eyes or you moronic post?

  66. Pale Males and Pall Malls3:59 PM

    "Has Donald trump permanently destroyed the republican party?"

    No. The democratic and republican parties are two aspects of the same thing. Contemporary Europeon imperialism. Think, friend or foe, us or them, mine and not yours.

    Didn't Shakespeare say something about shit stinking no matter what you call it?

  67. Spotus is sitting on drumpf's tax cases that were filed as emergency appeals and won't say why. Pretty obvious they are running out the clock so drumpf gets away scot free..

  68. So we've landed on Mars again. I wonder what we'll find there this time?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. So Fergus said he's worried that he'll be sued and prosecuted for the rest of his life, and with the cases heating up in Georgia and New York, there is some substance to that.

    First, it warms my heart that he feels that way. If he were more aware, self or otherwise, it might occur to him that millions of regular folks in these here United States feel that way pretty much all the damn time because of assholes like him. But he's not, so it won't.

    Second, I can't imagine that the rest of his life will be that long, considering that he's a slug-like life form who believes exercise is bad for you and exists on a diet of fast food because he's paranoid about being poisoned.

    Still, the longer he lives in fear and anxiety, the better I'll like it. There exists no circumstance that could be called justice for the individual harms he's done to individual human beings, so whatever bit of justice he can manage to live long enough to endure will have to do.

    Mainly, I just never want to have to think about him again. And come to think about it, that's one of the worst things that could happen to a malignant narcissist like Fergus.

    Like they said in that old Who song "Let's forget you, better still."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
    Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
    Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
    Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]
    an future black washings in the years to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.
