Thursday, April 01, 2021


These last few days have been certainly very interesting in terms of news.

First, I will start with the trial of Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin. 

I honestly can't write too much about this, because I have to say that whenever I see those images and videos being played out of that horrific day,  I get angry and sad all over again. I spend a lot of time in courtrooms, and I am always curios to see how other trial lawyers operate, but not this time. It's very hard to just step back and view this case objectively, and so I won't even try. 

I will say this, though, if someone says that they know how this verdict will come down they are lying to you and to themselves. As is always the case with these types of high profile jury cases, we just don't know. 

Second, there is the Matt Gaetz federal investigation. (That's Matt in the picture. You can't miss him.) It seems that Matt has gotten himself in some trouble, and now he might have to face the music. If what is alleged is true, a lot of people will say that they are not surprised. Matt has quite a spotty record when it comes to these types of activities, and the friends he keeps (including the former president) doesn't help his credibility when it comes to this issue. 

And If Matt actually has a lawyer, this might be a good time to remind his client that he has a 5th Amendment right to keep his mouth shut. Matt has been doing a lot of talking since this all came down, and needless to say he is not helping his case. 

  "Gaetz has denied any allegations of wrongdoing and claimed that he was the target of an extortion attempt folllowing a Tuesday New York Times report that said Gaetz is currently the subject of a federal sex trafficking investigation involving a then-17-year-old girl.  

Gaetz told Fox News' Tucker Carlson that his family had notified the FBI about the alleged extortion, naming McGee as being behind it. Gaetz said his father had worn a wire during a meeting as part of an investigation of the extortion claim, and that he believes the Times story had been leaked in order to thwart that investigation"

What a mess. 

Finally, there is the story of Major and Champ. These poor guys have been under scrutiny since they left their cozy home in Delaware for the craziness and fishbowl that is Washington. 

"President Biden's dogs Major and Champ are back in the news. And the coverage of the presidential pooches is generating some strong reactions -- with some people arguing that the canine behavior isn't newsworthy at all.

To be sure, Biden's infrastructure plans are certainly the more important story emanating from the White House this week. But the Biden's-best-friend news is revealing in its own way. First there were those biting incidents. Then on Wednesday there was an instance of "dog poo on the floor," which was dutifully (doo-doo-tifully?) reported by the White House press pool.

Reactions to the doggie coverage have run the gamut, showcasing the many feelings and gripes and questions people have about the American news media."

This is crazy! They are dogs! What do people expect?  

I know one thing, they better not even think about putting them down. I know how Americans feel about their pets (especially their dogs), and if the president were to make such a mistake he would have a hard time getting back to 50% approval ratings. 

The former guy didn't even have a dog, and the American press should have made that a much bigger issue than the way they are scrutinizing the behavior of Major and Champ. 

But hey, I guess when you have a boring president who does every thing in a normal way, you have to find something to write about.  


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    “I will say this, though, if someone says that they know how this verdict will come down they are lying to you and to themselves. As is always the case with these types of high profile jury cases, we just don't know.”

    I agree. If I were putting money on it, I would bet on Chauvin getting convicted, because that is the most likely outcome. But it is not a certain outcome. If the defense can convince the jury that Floyd’s medical conditions and intoxication were the primary cause of his death, and not the knee compressing his neck, that could result in mistrial or even acquittal.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    “President Biden's dogs Major and Champ are back in the news. And the coverage of the presidential pooches is generating some strong reactions -- with some people arguing that the canine behavior isn't newsworthy at all.”

    No kidding. I may have to eat my earlier words about the MSM having learned useful lessons during the Trump administration and abandoned “bothsidesism.”

    They seemed to have done so. It took a while, but eventually, they managed to gather up enough courage to call Trump’s lies, lies. But now they are backsliding and once again treating transparently bogus wingnut narratives as serious stories they must investigate in order to prove they are free of left-wing bias.

    So it seems we’re back to treating illegal immigrants arriving at the border as a “crisis,” rather than the expensive nuisance they actually are. (And even as we are still going through a genuine crisis in this country, with half a million dead and huge numbers of people pushed into poverty by COVID-19!) Or parroting all the “Biden is senile” sneers as if this was a real thing. Or asking all of the idiotic “why aren’t you being more bipartisan?” questions Jen Psaki has to field every day, ignoring that the GOP, as currently composed, will never, ever, under any circumstances, vote for any Democrat-authored laws. It takes two to tango.

    And now the nonsense with the Bidens’ dog.

    To any MSM reporters out there: Come on, guys. We know you know better. Stop it. Get your shit together.

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I feel like the Gaetz story is the tip of an iceberg. The feds are probably not eager to go after a sitting congressman for sex with a girl one year under the federal age of consent. And it was Trump’s DOJ, not Biden’s, keep in mind, that started the ball rolling, so this is clearly not some kind of political hatchet job.

    Then there’s all the dubious history surrounding Gaetz and his non-son, Nestor, who I believe started living w/Gaetz as a teenager.

    Maybe it will all turn out to be nothing — and I’ll confess that I’m not remotely objective because I hate Gaetz’s guts — but I’m expecting the other shoe to drop. There’s likely some even worse sleaze the feds are sitting on.

  4. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Texan Republicans got jealous of Georgia’s clever schemes to keep the non-Caucasians from voting, so they are hard at work on their own.

    Texas Senate Joins GOP Voter Suppression Push, Passes Restrictive SB 7 Bill

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

  6. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Pastor Warns of ‘False Gospel’ of Wokeness

  7. Anonymous7:35 PM

    There are only TWO genders.

  8. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Asian woman, 65, knocked down, repeatedly by large negro, kicked as witnesses appear to watch
    The New York police Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating Monday's attack outside a luxury apartment building.

  9. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Convicted Negro Mom Murderer Arrested in Brutal NYC Beating of 65-Year-Old Asian Woman
    The black suspect, 38-year-old Brandon Elliot, was convicted of murdering his own mother back in 2002, according to a police spokesperson.

  10. You know there's more sleaze in the Gaetz bucket:

    · 1h
    Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz allegedly showed nude photos and videos of women he said he’d slept with to other lawmakers, including while on the House floor, sources tell CNN

    They need to confiscate his phone and determine the ages of those women. Matt is basing his defense behavior on his hero, Fergus, but Ferg has been losing in court a lot lately.

    They're trying their hardest to put George Floyd on trial instead of Derek Chauvin. Shouldn't matter. Even if he was ODing like the wingnuts are saying, then Chauvin was responsible for getting him help as soon as he deprived him of the ability to get it for himself.
    The pigs aren't an occupying army and we have to stop letting them act like they are one.

    Perhaps we could get Major to bite Mitch McConnell. Video of that on pay-per-view would pay for the whole infrastructure bill. Depending on how you do the accounting, the goddamn F-35 would pay for 85% of it.

    Of course I'm not really suggesting that Major should bite McConnell, as that would be extremely cruel and unfair to the dog.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Anonymous9:24 PM

    “Even if he was ODing like the wingnuts are saying, then Chauvin was responsible for getting him help as soon as he deprived him of the ability to get it for himself.”

    The claim won’t be that Floyd ODed.

    The defense argument will be that applying force to a suspect’s neck is, in fact, an acceptable technique to effect an arrest, as long as it is done responsibly and skillfully. (It’s not acceptable, but they’ll try to persuade a jury otherwise.)

    Then they’ll say Chauvin’s use of force was responsible and within normal, safe parameters, and the knee to Floyd’s neck only killed him because he was in such terrible health, and because he had gotten high before the altercation with the police. These factors were outside Chauvin’s control, and mean that Floyd’s death, while regrettable, was not really Chauvin’s fault. Plus Floyd shouldn’t have resisted the police in the first place; if only he’d been smart enough to cooperate, etcetera and so on.

    The goal of the defense will be to sell the idea that George Floyd was a dumbfuck who lived an unhealthy lifestyle, in addition to passing fake currency in a shop, and this was the proximate cause of his early demise, and not a sadistic cop.

  12. I tried to watch some of the trial, but I got too angry and sad. I was crying repeatedly over the way the cops treated Floyd. I just couldn't handle it.

  13. Gotta say that it's encouraging to watch Biden take a meat-axe to what's left of the Reagan revolution while super majorities of the country approve of it.
    Whether it will last is another question, but shit needs doing now, and it looks like we can fix stuff now, which is an improvement on "government can never do anything right" which itself was code for "we can never do anything for ourselves that might help the brown people."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Anonymous12:57 AM


    Not sure that’s a “quiet part.” This is pretty openly a goal of having a vaccine passporting program. The point of such a program is:

    1) To prevent the spread of infection by allowing large gatherings of vaccinated people only.
    2) To punish the fuck out of vaccine-refusing fools to FORCE THEM TO GET THE VACCINE.

    It’s all well and good to appeal to people’s altruism and community spirit to do what’s right for themselves and for greater society. But ultimately, some people have neither common sense nor social consciences, so the only thing that will motivate them is to administer a spanking. Don’t want to get a vaccine? Fine. Just be aware that you’ll never be able to get on a plane, go to a restaurant or bar, or attend a concert until you do. In fact, you might not even be able to enter your place of work. But hey, you do you, bro.

  15. Last night on a downtown thoroughfare in Manhattan, maybe 50 young people staged a demonstration at an intersection near me. A large banner said BLACK LIVES MATTER. There were maybe 50 bicycles with the group, so I assume it was a mobile demonstration of the type we saw here last summer. There were drums and flags--one was the Porto Rican flag. Trucks passing by honked in support. Sometimes I'm proud to be a New Yorker.

    What we're seeing in the Chavin trial is some of the most moving, damning testimony imaginable. Hard to watch. Wait till the defense starts talking "police procedure," though. If they crow about Chauvin's "years on the force" I hope the prosecution is allowed to bring in evidence of the COMPLAINTS lodged against him during those years. Wake me when it's over and tell me the verdict--what else needs saying?

  16. Is everyone aware that Matt Gaetz went to Wyoming to harass Liz Cheney about her impeachment vote? With a rally mocking her, a la Trump?

    Guy is such a colossal dick. Happily he'a also an idiot who doesn't know when to shut up.

    This is really comic relief.

  17. Shit fer brains magat Gaetz paid for prostitutes with appliance and there be records.

    Gaetz claims underage girl doesn't exist. Fake Noize acts like Gaetz doesn't exist.

    Tucker the fucker Carlson claims AOC is low IQ race baiter. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  18. Anonymous9:49 AM

    “Is everyone aware that Matt Gaetz went to Wyoming to harass Liz Cheney about her impeachment vote? With a rally mocking her, a la Trump?”

    Remember when he wore a gas mask to work, to mock people treating COVID like the major crisis that it was?

    So much d-bag behavior from this guy in the relatively short time since he was elected. He is a terrible person who is very proud of his terribleness.

  19. AOC's perfect size 6 shoes are double the size of Carlson's pee pee tail and IQ combined. Plus, she has a perfect ass, while Carlson is a perfect ass.

    Don't eat any Swanson's food. Likely saturated with right wing poisonous kewl-aide.

  20. Anonymous2:28 PM

    “Don't eat any Swanson's food. Likely saturated with right wing poisonous kewl-aide.”

    I’m not sure it’s the TV dinner company’s fault that the heiress to the company fortune married Fucker’s dad.

  21. So John Boehner says that the Tea Party wave of 2010 was full of morons who had no interest in governing and made his life a living hell.
    Hate to break it to you, John, but so was the 1994 wave, and since you were there for it, you ought to know that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Anonymous4:12 PM

    “Hate to break it to you, John, but so was the 1994 wave, and since you were there for it, you ought to know that.”

    Each wave seems to be dumber than the last, though. Trump mobilized some blue-collar white folks who hadn’t bothered voting in a while because they had felt politicians weren’t racist enough for their liking. He excited and inspired people in all the wrong ways.

  23. Frozen tv dinners are every bit as nutritious and worth the money as the bullshit Tucker fucker slings every night. Might be where the slop in the box comes from, now that I think back on it.

    There's a boatload of rat-fuck filling thrown at the wall every night. Must be some profit when the filler is free. I stood up for Carlson and the whole Fake Noize network one evening. A friend of mine said they all ate shit sandwiches and I politely pointed out none of those magats liked bread.

  24. It would please me greatly to see Gaetz get his comeuppance. He's one of the biggest asses in congress. As for the dog, Chanp, he needs a handler to be with him until he becomes accustomed to living in the White House. He sure is a beautiful dog.

  25. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Capitol attack suspect(Islamist) was apparent Farrakhan follower:

  26. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Why African Americans should strictly oppose the war on guns

  27. Anonymous12:00 AM

    More out of control negro violence. Radical Islamic negro attacks and kills Capitol police officer wounds second officer:

  28. Wasicu wastey insurrectiionists are white scumacysts, magats. Radical and dangerous to the world.

  29. Here's a fucking suprise, drumpf's attempt to reach out to slain capitol officer turns into a pity party of drumpf whines about stolen election and not even thoughts and prayers for anyone but drumpf fuck the dumbfuck.

  30. Anonymous5:14 PM

    History Repeats Itself

  31. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Biden's opening of the boarder and telling ICE and Boarder Patrol to cease and desist has caused a Covid-19 Super Spreader event and crime has also increased.

  32. Stand by to repel boarders! Not.

    From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Neil deGrasse Tyson
    The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. American Airlines and Dell step up to the plate to oppose jimmy crow’s voter bill.

  34. Speaking of stepping up to the plate, kudos to MLB for moving the all-star game out of GA. Maybe the GOP will learn not to disenfranchise voters.


  36. Kemp decried being silenced at a fucking news conference.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous said...

    Biden's opening of the boarder and telling ICE and Boarder Patrol to cease and desist has caused a Covid-19 Super Spreader event and crime has also increased.

    5:16 PM
    Oh sure, blame it one immigrants! LOL! The behavior of most Republican men who refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated had nothing to do with the new surge. And governors who opened up early and didn't allow local mask mandates had nothing to do with the growing number of cases.

    Please continue living in your alternate reality, but don't try to peddle it here.

  38. “Kemp decried being silenced at a fucking news conference.“

    Conservatives aren’t too bright.

  39. “More out of control negro violence. Radical Islamic negro attacks and kills Capitol police officer wounds second officer”

    Man attacks armed police officers. I guess your type prefers “men” who shoot unarmed babies in classrooms, elderly people in churches or women in massage parlors.🤷🏾‍♂️

    1. And he didn’t even need 10,000 of his friends to have the balls to do it.

  40. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "Oh sure, blame it one immigrants"

    They are Illegal Aliens not immigrants.....

  41. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Joe and the Ho really fucked up the border situation. Packing illegals into rooms and pens like sardines. Lack of food water and supervision. 10% positivity for Covid-19 and the democrat's allowing them to enter the US and spread crime and disease.

    Everything democrats touch turns to SHIT.......

  42. Anonymous2:13 PM

    “Packing illegals into rooms and pens like sardines. Lack of food water and supervision. 10% positivity for Covid-19 and the democrat's allowing them to enter the US and spread crime and disease.”

    The Biden administration is working hard to ensure there is humane housing for asylum seekers until their cases have been heard before an immigration court. Which is better than Trump forcing them to live in filthy refugee camps across the border.

    And nobody is being released from any detention facility without a negative COVID test.

    I regret to inform you that you have fallen victim to wingnut propaganda.

  43. Fergus dismantled the whole asylum processing system and it's taking a little while to reassemble it from the chunks of it Fergus left in a smoldering pile.
    But don't worry, once it's back up and running again there will be more immigrants and asylum seekers coming into the US in dignified comfort than even your propaganda could imagine.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Anonymous12:43 PM

    There are only TWO genders.

    Nonsense.  In English, there are three:  masculine, feminine, and neuter.  This is why we have three third-person singular pronouns:  "he", "she", and "it".

    There are only two sexes.

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