Wednesday, January 26, 2022

? Of The Day.

 Who should Uncle Joe appoint to the Supremes? 

And how intense will the fight be to get his person on the bench? 



  1. Manifest Density12:35 AM

    I'd advise Uncle Joe to look at Justice Leondra Kruger. Confirmation will probably require Vice-President Harris to break the tie.

  2. Whoever it is, I just want a picture of McConnell's head when it explodes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. LeonT3:45 AM

    Hey, aren't YOU a lawyer Field?

    Got any career plans that are set in stone?

  4. I would be good with any of the sistas that have been mentioned. I just can’t wait to see Clarence Thomas’ head explode as she will get all kinds of adulation and praise while he will remain reviled by Blah people. He could either do things to become more popular amongst his own people or do what he always does bitch and complain. I’ll take bets on which route he’ll choose but it will be a beautiful site.

  5. The question is; Will Manchin and Sinema vote for Bidenn's nominee? Since they have shown themselves to be racist, right-wingers, the answer is in doubt.

  6. “The question is; Will Manchin and Sinema vote for Bidenn's nominee?”

    So far they’ve back his judicial nominees. You may even have a few Republicans voting for the nominee as to not appear racist.

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    If Biden nominates a black woman, I would not be surprised if some wingnut media figure (*cough* Tucker) digs into her background and finds some innocuous statement or action of hers, and then deliberately distorts it in order to argue that she is some kind of anti-white militant. CRT will find its way into the discussion somehow. After the feeding frenzy spills out into mainstream media, at least a few Democrats are now afraid to confirm her, and Biden is forced to withdraw her nomination.

    I’m not saying that’s definitely how things will play out. I just wouldn’t bet against it.

    1. Only reason I’d bet against that is because I know a few sistas who are on path to judgeships or are already judges and they know how to play the game. Some don’t join sororities so as to not appear too Black and many will not even be in the same room if drunken chicanery is afoot.😆 I dated a girl who was a federal prosecutor with sights on a federal judgeship and every action, word and picture she took was calculated. Needless to say I was a liability so she married a doctor.😂


  9. I don't have a preference among the well-qualified possible nominees mentioned other than a fervent wish that Biden picks the youngest one. Given a choice between someone who is 61 and someone who is 45, go for the latter.


  10. This will likely be a slam dunk - for a Black woman to be appointed to the SCOTUS. . .May even get a few GOP votes - since they will not be needed to confirm. . .Something like 95% of all SCOTUS appointees have been White Males - so this is hardly a shocking development. . .I cannot help but wonder IF Biden will run this past his Vice President - to see if she is interested in the position? . . .Assuming Biden will NOT run again in 2924 - and Ms.Harris may not wish to get in a brawl with Trump for POTUS ?

  11. You make me wanna puke1:44 PM

    This will likely be a slam dunk - for a Black woman to be appointed to the SCOTUS. .

    Because nothing says "America" like picking people for their skin color and genitalia rather than their qualifications and established record.


  12. Ketanji Brown Jackson is smarter, more experienced and immensely more open minded than any magat on any court with a lifetime nose bag connected to the treasury.

    Plus she is Black and a woman. And fairly young.

  13. “Because nothing says "America" like picking people for their skin color and genitalia rather than their qualifications and established record.“

    That went out with Reagan, he committed to choosing a woman and trump and Bush committed to choosing anyone to further their agenda no matter how unqualified. All the women Biden will choose from are highly qualified and are almost all already judges compare that to many of trump’s choices for lower courts. Some of trump’s choices had never even been in an actual court proceeding. Dems almost always pick qualified people for openings.🤷🏾‍♂️


  15. Anonymous2:51 PM

    A Culture of Corruption

    In Baltimore, crime-tolerant state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby seems willing to break the law herself.

  16. Anonymous3:09 PM

    “Because nothing says ‘America’ like picking people for their skin color and genitalia rather than their qualifications and established record.


    And we’re pretending the Republicans DON’T do this? Virtually all the justices they’ve picked have been white and male. It’s pretty clear that gender and skin color are being considered by Republican presidents — just in a different direction.

    And the one time they nominated a POC, it was the extremely unqualified Clarence Thomas. That dude had ONE year of experience as a judge, which is unheard of when nominating SCOTUS justices in the modern era. He was the ultimate affirmative action hire.

    The Dems feel compelled to make race- and gender-based selections in no small part to compensate for the overwhelmingly un-diverse nominations that Republicans generally make.

  17. 20 sets of remains from the 1860 "Indian Island Massacre", when white men canoed to the island at night and stabbed and hacked to death women, the elderly, and children, have been returned to the Wiyot people after having been dug up and housed in a UC Berkeley museum for decades.
    I grew up on the shores of Humboldt Bay and never learned about the massacre until years after I had moved away.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Black Congresswoman from Misery had her car shot full of holes. Other cars in the area were tampered with so it is not likely she, herself, was the target.

  19. Well, The Supremes are long gone, broke up decades ago. Two members are deceased and Diana Ross is way too old now to be interested in being teamed up with two 20-somethings in the name of resurrecting a musical act of a by-gone era.
    So President Biden shouldn't waste his time concerning himself with 60s music.

  20. “state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby seems willing to break the law herself.”

    Maybe she can share a cell with trump’s 40 year old “child” Ivanka🤷🏾‍♂️

  21. Anonymous5:26 PM

    “state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby seems willing to break the law herself.”

    Makes sense, since she’s been accused of some of the exact same offenses as the Trump family: lying to banks to obtain loans, and dodging taxes.

  22. Manhattan Institute is right biased and not particularly up to snuff on sources.

  23. Batshit crazy woman in Michigan says to school board some schools installed litter boxes in bathrooms for kids that identify as "furries" while another one in Texass claims lunch tables had been lowered so "furries' can eat.

    These people vote for magats.

  24. Us economy grew 5.1% last year under our last legally elected Potus since Obama the great.

  25. Here is hope magats will one day grow brains from drugs.

  26. Anonymous7:33 PM

    “Batshit crazy woman in Michigan says to school board some schools installed litter boxes in bathrooms for kids that identify as ‘furries’ while another one in Texass claims lunch tables had been lowered so ‘furries' can eat.”


    Somewhere, Alex Jones is kicking himself for not thinking up this wacky story himself.

  27. You make me wanna puke said...

    "This will likely be a slam dunk - for a Black woman to be appointed to the SCOTUS. .

    Because nothing says "America" like picking people for their skin color and genitalia rather than their qualifications and established record.


    1:44 PM
    Why not? We've been doing it for over two-hundred years in favor of white men. Yes, I know, the shoe pinches bad when it's on the other foot. LOL! LMAO at your ridiculous whine.

  28. trump himself said he would replace Justice Ginsberg with a woman. Looks like all Presidents of recent times chose a Justice based on gender. Reagan even said he would appoint the first Italian American Justice. At least we're being consistent.

  29. This might get sticky for Republicans. Over 60% say they will not vote for a candidate that admits Biden won the election. As Stevie Ray Vaughn said "walking that tightrope". Good luck electing any rational sane individual.

  30. Anonymous12:51 AM

    “Good luck electing any rational sane individual.”

    Yeah, they’re not planning on doing that anyway.

    The Republican voters of 2022 demand they be represented by IRrational INsane politicians. That’s their favorite kind.

  31. I'm okay with Anita HIll.

    For one thing, she already has a productive working relationship with Clarence Thomas. Maybe she can get through to the guy. He was always a little sweet on her.

  32. He was always a little sweet on her.

    That was likely the Coke with the pubic hair he licked off her, PilotX.


    Mere hours before Biden was to arrive and give talk on infrastructure.

    I can just see the entire drumpf family under that bridge with hacksaws trying to collapse bridge as Biden arrives.

    Hacksaws? WTF! Listen I never accused a drupf of being smart.


    Where was the Mothman?


    Florida magats won't seat lawfully elected Black congressman until the session is almost over because they can.

  36. Wesley R3:17 PM

    All of the sisters are well qualified so I would pick the youngest out of the bunch

  37. FJ: That is fucking hilarious.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. And that doesn't even count the hundreds of millions of dollars in loans he has coming due very shortly. Don't think the Saudis or the Russians will save him this time:

    Tristan Snell
    Donald Trump has only $93 million in cash left, according to Forbes. His properties are all indebted.

    The Trumps could potentially owe $100 to $300 million or more in back taxes, restitution, and penalties — and that’s just in the NY AG civil case alone.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. It was Fergus and Rudy:

    The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol has issued subpoenas to 14 of the so-called "alternate electors" who'd falsely claimed that then-President Donald Trump had won the election in their states, seeking to find out who was behind "the scheme." The panel subpoenaed the people listed as chairperson and secretary for the bogus slates of electors from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to find out more information about the plan to overturn the election results.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. DOJ is finally getting around to scooping up some of the meatheads who have been threatening and harassing election workers and officials.
    Only two so far, but they say that dozens more are under investigation.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Since it was Steve the fuck Schmidt, I first read this as "furries"...

    Steve Schmidt
    Jan 25
    Weakness, decay, corruption, division and delusion have a way of awakening the furies. Once awakened, history teaches us that their appetites are bottomless and it is very difficult to put them back to sleep

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Flying Junior: reporters have been asking Anita Hill that question for years. She has politely said she's not interested for years. Everybody who thinks of this possibility thinks he's the first.

    Also the Kamala suggestion is a non-starter. She has the kinda-sorta important job of breaking Senate ties.

  43. Another one bites the dust:

    philip lewis
    Robert LaMay, the ex-Washington state trooper who said the governor could “kiss his ass” over the state’s vaccine mandate, has died

    He was reportedly battling COVID and unvaccinated

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. I am so heartbroken, Doug. He could have had the decency to suffer much more, but he was a magat coward and died a coward's death.

  45. Is this thing working? One of my comments didn't load, twice.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  46. Publish your comment button doesn't always work. Sometimes I have to push it three or four times to get published.

  47. drumpf is inciting mob violence if he is indicted and prosecuted. Blame magats for not taking their constitutional impeachment duties seriously. Vote them all out.

  48. Russia has decided to move their live-fire naval exercises away from where some Irish fishermen are fishing for prawns and refusing to get out of the Russians' way.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. That area just happens to be where some undersea internet cables are that Russia has threatened to sabotage to disrupt communications among NATO countries.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. trumper may get 8 years for threatening an election worker. Should be more.

  51. Anonymous9:09 AM

    “trumper may get 8 years for threatening an election worker. Should be more.”

    Should get eight years just for being a Trumper. ;-D

  52. Good one, Anon @ 9:09 AM.

    Process of eliminating Scotus appointee, do not appoint me. I am not Black, not female and not educated in any discipline excepting hating magats.


    Federal hate crime trial plea bargain for McCMichaels was approved by feds and if court allows it the father and son could end up in cushy federal lockup.

  54. Found on Susie Madrak's blog:

    Jeras Ikehorn
    BREAKING: Trump calls for 'the biggest protest we have ever had' in DC and other cities if prosecutors investigating him 'do anything illegal'…

    Someone’s getting very nervous.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. A handy piece of truth c/o Reddit:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Steve Benen on Fergus' written statement about the proposed ECA update:

    As is too often the case, Trump is nevertheless badly confused about the basics. He thinks the legislative discussions offer proof that Pence could've "overturned" the election results on Jan. 6, and the former president remains outraged that this did not happen. In reality, (a) vice presidents can't overturn election results; (b) Electoral Count Act talks do not prove otherwise; and (c) if Trump were right, Vice President Kamala Harris would get to decide the winner of the 2024 race, which is a dynamic Republicans should probably want to avoid.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. Once again, good read, Doug. Keep it up, you, Gambler, PilotX, Flying Junior, the good Anon and Mr Fields himself. If i missed some good guys, that was not my intent. Pat yourselves on the back for me.

  58. Judge rejects plea deal in Arbery hate crime case:

    Perhaps they won't be able to weasel out of state prison.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Anonymous6:40 PM

    FDA has now granted full approval for the Moderna COVID vaccine. Pfizer had received full FDA approval for their vaccine a few months back.

    Yet another anti-vaxxer argument against taking them — that the vaccines only had provisional, “emergency use authorization” approval, and that meant they were unsafe — bites the dust.

  60. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Six HBCUs received bomb threats today. This is the second time thus month. Evidently, some racists out there think this shit is funny.

    How long until they progress from threats to actual bombs?

  61. Unqualified drumpf appointee to the 9th circuit has shown his worthlessness and pissed off most of the other judges. The ABA rated this guy unqualified and magats ignored all the warning signals because he is a young ideologue. Maybe his contemporaries on the bench will lynch his pastey white ass.

    There are likely dozens more like this on our courts with lifetime appointments.

  62. Anonymous9:02 PM

    “There are likely dozens more like this on our courts with lifetime appointments.”

    Indeed there are. Thoroughly fucking up the courts by appointing loads of looney tunes judges to the federal bench will be Trump’s lasting legacy as president.

    Along with accelerating climate change, damaging democracy, fueling racism, and helping the COVID virus kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.

  63. drumpf's list of appointees to replace Scalia were all wasicus and not a single magat complained because there was no racial diversity in his picks.

    Now Fake Noize acts incredulous that Biden has no diversity in his pick.

    I know the majority of Americans want the pick to be the best one available, but magats never worry about public opinion as they attempt to white out America.

  64. Anonymous9:55 PM

    “I know the majority of Americans want the pick to be the best one available, but magats never worry about public opinion as they attempt to white out America.”

    Arguably, it’s not always even a matter of them picking white nominees.

    It’s that, should they ever want to name a person of color who is both a highly qualified jurist AND also believes in the ideology of the Republican Party, the pickings get extremely slim. As in, you can’t find anyone, and so you’re stuck either nominating a total boob with minimal qualifications (hello Clarence Thomas!), or just give up on diversity and go with a white person.

    However, Republicans ought to sit down and have a think about why people of color with actual brains in their heads mostly hate their party. (Spoiler: It’s the racism.) Of course, they will never do that. They’ll just keep reciting offensive nonsense about “minorities trapped on the Democrat plantation,” and keep recruiting clowns like Candace Owens to pretend to support the party in return for stacks of cash.

  65. Angela Davis would be perfect. I just worry about her age.

  66. Angela Davis is hella cool. I delivered a refrigerator to her apartment in Oakland in the late nineties. But yeah, she wouldn't be up there long at her age.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Anonymous12:40 PM

    A 76% supermajority of Americans polled OPPOSE Chou Bai-den's plan to nominate only black women for the upcoming SCOTUS vacancy.

  68. Covered that yesterday, anymmoose. Do try to keep up.

  69. Politico was sold to a right wing German outfit which recently bought Business Insider and turned it into pay to view.

  70. Goddamn Republicans are tripping over their own dicks talking about rape again. From Steve Benen:

    When Garrett Soldano was asked on a right-wing podcast how he would "ensure the sanctity of life" in Michigan, the Republican candidate for governor said he would stop at nothing to protect a fetus. Even in cases where victims of rape become pregnant, Soldano said, "we're always going to fight for life."

    The Republican went on to argue, "How about we start inspiring women in the culture to let them understand and know how heroic they are and how unbelievable they are that God put them in this moment."

    So now the Republican god is having women raped to get them pregnant? This batch of fascists and imbeciles is going to make Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell look like schoolgirls. The Republican primaries are gonna be LIT.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. Remember when Fergus said that Nancy Pelosi had committed a crime when she tore her copy of his bullshit speech in half?

    Solomon Lartey spent the first five months of the Trump administration working in the Old Executive Office Building, standing over a desk with scraps of paper spread out in front of him. Lartey, who earned an annual salary of $65,969 as a records management analyst, was a career government official with close to 30 years under his belt. But he had never seen anything like this in any previous administration he had worked for. He had never had to tape the president's papers back together again. Armed with rolls of clear Scotch tape, Lartey and his colleagues would sift through large piles of shredded paper and put them back together, he said, "like a jigsaw puzzle." Sometimes the papers would just be split down the middle, but other times they would be torn into pieces so small they looked like confetti.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. My wish is Michelle Obama, while my hope is Sherrilyn Ifill.

  73. Anonymous6:58 PM

    “My wish is Michelle Obama, while my hope is Sherrilyn Ifill.”

    Michelle Obama doesn’t want the job. Or any government job, really. She’s enjoying her life being (mostly) out of the limelight.

    Biden won’t nominate Sherrilyn Ifill. He’s already going to have a big enough headache getting ANY black woman confirmed. He won’t want to add to the level of difficulty by naming someone that Republicans can caricature as a “leftist, anti-white race warrior.”

    It’s safe to assume it’ll be someone with extensive experience as a state or federal judge.

  74. Every WH is ordered to preserve, for posterity, every communication, email, tweet, every letter and any record produced.

  75. "A 76% supermajority of Americans polled OPPOSE Chou Bai-den's plan to nominate only black women for the upcoming SCOTUS vacancy."

    Still waiting on the day when America supports Black anything.

  76. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Another round of bomb threats got called in to HBCUs today. Police have no suspect in custody.


  78. “Another round of bomb threats got called in to HBCUs today“

    And why not, it is Blah history month.🤷🏾‍♂️

  79. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Still waiting on the day when America supports Black anything.

    America has been (involuntarily) supporting Black dysfunction and misbehavior ever since "civil rights" enabled it.

    It is time for a divorce.  Blacks and their libtard keepers need to go one way, Americans another.

  80. “Blacks and their libtard keepers need to go one way, Americans another.“

    Good, don’t let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out.


  82. Moar banking while black stories...

    A Black lady doctor gets profiled at another Chase bank.

  83. Good luck against Costa Rica tonite! ⚽️

  84. Gavin Reptile has stepped on his own dick again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    After looking at most of drumpf's appointees for lifetime judgeships and finding most are incompetent, magats have no standing to criticize a single pick of Biden's.

  86. Got his damn picture taken at the NFL playoff without a mask on, and now little shitheads are refusing to wear their masks at school and saying "Well, if the governor thinks it's safe not to wear one, then so do I."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. “Got his damn picture taken at the NFL playoff without a mask on“

    Oh, the pic with Magic. Hell, I’d take my mask off for a selfie with Magic.🤷🏾‍♂️ As far as Karen’s kids they were gonna find an excuse to unmask anyway. Like all the Karens and their brood that took over a St. Charles, IL library without masks. These kooks need something to feel oppressed about because their lives are so damned boring home schooling future nazis and all.


  89. Quaker in a Basement10:15 PM

    Do you mean to tell me that all this time Mitch McConnell has been blocking a replacement for Mary Wilson?

    I'll find my own way out, thanks.

  90. trump now attacking Lindsey Grahm. Is this the end of the Republican Party?😃

  91. Sorry bout that L Field.

  92. Speculation was that if Miss Lindsey was breaking up with Fergus, there must be unseen evil afoot, but I'll believe that when I see it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Maybe there will actually be charges filed against the orange menace.

  93. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Former lecturer accused of shutting down UCLA with 800-page manifesto and video threatening mass shooting"

    She's black.

    Explain to me how "White supremacy" is responsible for her behavior.  The epistemological contortions required to hold that BS position have gotta be epic.

  94. Not so fast, anymoose, @ 9:33 AM.

    Your articles methodology raises many questions.

  95. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Whoopi Goldberg is an antisemitic racist....


  97. “Americans will keep America, muffin.”

    Seeing that I’m an American just wondering where you can go off to. Yawn. Send me a postcard.

  98. drumpf has rehired Corey Lewd and Lusty to take out CT guv Say No No. Guys misogynist record rivals drumpf's.

  99. So which of you brain-wizards are saying that you'd rather take a goddamn ivermectin pill every day than get three or four shots over a period of a year?
    And does your study compare the protection afforded by an anti-parasite medicine to that afforded by a specifically developed vaccine for the particular virus?
    And could you just get sick and die already if you can't manage to shut up about your goddamn ignorant bullshit?
    Carry on.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Anonymous6:41 PM

    So which of you brain-wizards are saying that you'd rather take a goddamn ivermectin pill every day than get three or four shots over a period of a year?

    We know that ivermectin is a very, very safe drug because people have been taking it daily for decades with no ill effects.

    Contrast this to FIFA players dropping dead on the field and 10 aircraft emergencies per day when 1-2 a month was the old normal.  These things never used to happen, now they're happening all the time.  What's different?  The so-called "vaccine".

    And does your study compare the protection afforded by an anti-parasite medicine to that afforded by a specifically developed vaccine for the particular virus?

    You're assuming that the "vaccine" was actually designed to protect you from the virus.  But the spike protein itself is toxic and damages blood vessels; how can an mRNA injection to get your body to generate the spike protein in large quantity possibly protect you?

    And could you just get sick and die already if you can't manage to shut up about your goddamn ignorant bullshit?

    I'm taking vitamins C and D, both known to be protective in general.  You can take the clot shot if you are dumb enough.

  101. Black Tennessee woman gets 6.5 years in prison for alleged illegal voting mistakes the state made.

    What a clusterfuck! Thank magats.

  102. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "Black Tennessee woman gets 6.5 years in prison for alleged illegal voting mistakes the state made."

    The specific details that caused this woman to be jailed may be mistakes, but the overall policy of jailing black people for breaking voting laws isn't.

    Wingnuts need to invent bad guys so that they can then pretend there is some massive epidemic of voter fraud, which is their justification for rigging the voting system in Republican politicians' favor.

  103. Me and hundreds of millions of sane people have been vaccinated with no ill effects. Your propaganda doesn't have your best interests in mind.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. “The specific details that caused this woman to be jailed may be mistakes, but the overall policy of jailing black people for breaking voting laws isn't.“

    Exactly. The men who voted for trump fraudulently only got probation but sista girl who only tried to register to vote get thrown in the pokie for years. Damn shame. Maybe trump will promise her a pardon.

  105. "Explain to me how "White supremacy" is responsible for her behavior."

    1. That is stupid.
    2. You have the internet, you research it and then explain it to the rest of us.

  106. Facebook lost $230 billion today, and Zuckerberg himself lost nearly $30 billion. Couldn't happen to a nicer robot.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. Someone explain why it's taking 2 years to bring an indictment against Drumpf in Georgia. The most damning evidence was the phone call, caught on tape. Now they say to check back this summer!

  108. "Someone explain why it's taking 2 years to bring an indictment against Drumpf in Georgia. The most damning evidence was the phone call, caught on tape. Now they say to check back this summer!"

    Took a while to get Nixon too but it happened. It's gonna be rocky but it will happen. Hopefully there will be a Dem in the WH so he won't get pardoned.

  109. At least one magat in Mississippi had her eyes and mind opened when she CRT in law school at U of Miss.

    It didn't take her long to see magats had no clew what they were talking about while trying to ban CRT in schools and unis.

  110. "It didn't take her long to see magats had no clew what they were talking about while trying to ban CRT in schools and unis."

    There's a reason trump loves the uneducated.

  111. Another Brother slaughtered by pigs by mistake in Minneapolis. Cops entered apartment with a key and woke up Black man with legal weapon and shot him dead before he was wide awake. Turns out, ne was not listed on original warrant.

    Here we go again. Likely to be protests and riots and wasicus will blame it all on Blacks because of dog whistle brain washing by fake noize.

  112. There is no serious reason for magats to oppose any nominee of Biden's as this one does nothing to change balance in court Magats likely challenge on pure racist reflexes.

  113. Magats change Dem voter registrations to magats in Floriduh.

    More voter fraud magat style.

  114. Anonymous2:15 PM


    From the story:

    “The subsequent national outrage over the killings of Floyd and Breonna Taylor -- who was shot by police in Kentucky as they performed a no-knock warrant entry -- led to sustained protests and calls for policing reform.”

    Argh. This is lazy journalism, repeating a zombie lie. The death of Breonna Taylor did not follow a no-knock entry. Breonna’s boyfriend conceded that the cops knocked, and he and Breonna refused to answer the door. At which point, the cops then kicked it down and Breonna’s boyfriend started shooting at them, apparently not understanding that they were cops.

    This is similar to the zombie lie about George Zimmerman beating the rap for killing Trayvon Martin by asserting Stand Your Ground law privileges. He did not. Stand Your Ground never came up in the trial. Zimmerman was acquitted purely based on a bullshit story about an unprovoked attack on him by Trayvon Martin, which was believed by the racist idiots on the jury.

    If you want to argue against no-knock warrants or Stand Your Ground laws, that’s fine, but it’s not okay to lie and say that Breonna Taylor’s and Trayvon Martin’s deaths support your arguments when they don’t.

  115. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The person who defaced Washington DC’s Union Station with swastikas is an illegal migrant from Mexico with a lengthy criminal history. But even so, and despite being repeatedly apprehended by authorities, the suspected vandal doesn’t meet the Biden administration’s standards for deportation.

  116. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Whoopie Goldberg the racist will soon be out of a job....................

  117. "the suspected vandal doesn’t meet the Biden administration’s standards for deportation."

    Can we deport the fools that stormed the Capitol instead?

  118. Anonymous2:49 PM

    For the first time, the Tennessee Senate on Wednesday voted to expel a senator, stripping Sen. Katrina Robinson of her elected position following her federal conviction on federal wire fraud charges.
    Robinson, D-Memphis, had decried the Senate's move as racist and misogynistic and called the expulsion a "procedural lynching" Wednesday. The senator grew emotional on the Senate floor before her colleagues voted to expel her, calling the decision a foregone conclusion and the Senate's debate "a show."

  119. So perhaps it works on Pig People?

    Global news agency Reuters published an article that said a Japanese company found ivermectin to be effective against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in human trials. The article was corrected to say that trials were non-clinical, meaning they did not test on people, but social media posts are still spreading the article's original incorrect assertion that the drug was proven effective against Covid-19 in human test subjects.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Anonymous4:40 PM

    "Whoopie Goldberg the racist will soon be out of a job"

    Not likely. Most grown-ups can tell the difference between a statement that was phrased poorly and actual racist intent.

    You're in for a disappointment if you're hoping for her to disappear from TV. Not that I imagine you watch her show anyway.

  121. Mike Pence has said that Fergus was wrong about the VP having the authority to overturn the election. Cue the flying monkey attack in ...3...2...1...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. “The epistemological contortions required to hold that BS position have gotta be epic.“

    Nah, as soon as anon sees anything done by a Blah person it just posts it. Racist Tourettes I guess.

  123. “Mike Pence has said that Fergus was wrong about the VP having the authority to overturn the election.“

    Who woulda thunk a reality tv show host doesn’t know how government works. Maybe we can try a youtube star and get better results?🤷🏾‍♂️

  124. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "Global news agency Reuters published an article that said a Japanese company found ivermectin to be effective against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in human trials. The article was corrected to say that trials were non-clinical, meaning they did not test on people, but social media posts are still spreading the article's original incorrect assertion that the drug was proven effective against Covid-19 in human test subjects."

    Doesn't work on anyone/anything. There've already been enough legitimate trials to conclusively prove that.

    And a highly effective medication to treat COVID does now exist: Pfizer's paxlovid. If the Trump cultists are still obsessing over horse dewormer even AFTER paxlovid becomes widely available at pharmacies, I think I'm going to lose my mind with frustration.

    Because that will mean these morons aren't just opposed to vaccines, but are opposed to ever being treated with anything that is backed up by medical evidence, just on general anti-science principle.

  125. Anonymous8:32 AM

    "Explain to me how "White supremacy" is responsible for her behavior."

    1. That is stupid.

    Agreed.  The idea that something as ineffable as people holding ideas of "White supremacy" can make a black academic spout about murder should be taken exactly as seriously as charges of witchcraft.  Only the stupid could believe it.

    Oh, you meant the queston!  Never mind.

    2. You have the internet, you research it and then explain it to the rest of us.

    Indeed, I have the Internet, and on it one can find things like Lothrop Stoddard explaining everything in crystal-clear terms in his book "The Revolt Against Civilization".

    But you'd never read anything by a "racist".  I was hoping that you might, in the effort to make sense of bullshit, realize that it is bullshit.  I obviously thought too much of both your ability and your honesty.

  126. Anonymous8:54 AM

    This is similar to the zombie lie about George Zimmerman beating the rap for killing Trayvon Martin by asserting Stand Your Ground law privileges. He did not. Stand Your Ground never came up in the trial.

    True so far as it goes.  But here comes the big lie:

    Zimmerman was acquitted purely based on a bullshit story about an unprovoked attack on him by Trayvon Martin, which was believed by the racist idiots on the jury.

    The "bullshit" story was corroborated by (a) the recording of Zimmerman's phone call to the police, (b) eyewitness accounts, and (c) the documented injuries to Zimmerman's head and face.  The real bullshit is the claims that Zimmerman was not acting in self-defense and Trayvon Martin got any worse than he deserved.

  127. If you provoke the assault you cannot claim self defense. Common sense or you'd get away with murder. Oh wait, that is exactly what Zipperfuckerman got away with.

  128. Swastika gu was not deported because of Dept of Homeland Security rule change where they assess risk of violent crimes.

    Meanwhile, hundreds of thugs who violently assaulted the US Capitol and congressmen and women with the intent of overturning a legal election get to sit on their asses and not worry about deportation.

  129. "The idea that something as ineffable as people holding ideas of "White supremacy" can make a black academic spout about murder should be taken exactly as seriously as charges of witchcraft."

    Did that happen in this instance?

    "But you'd never read anything by a "racist". I was hoping that you might, in the effort to make sense of bullshit, realize that it is bullshit. I obviously thought too much of both your ability and your honesty."

    Ah, a 100 year old diatribe by a white supremacist. Sorry to disappoint but you're right, never read it. If that brings to question my honesty or abilities that's a pretty lame way of judging those attributes. I question YOUR abilities and honesty. Have you ever read bell hook's "Killing Rage:Ending Racism"? If not you may want to take a gander. Did you read Stoddard's book in a college course? LOL!!!!!!!!
    Pick a name or does YOUR honesty need to be questioned?

  130. "Meanwhile, hundreds of thugs who violently assaulted the US Capitol and congressmen and women with the intent of overturning a legal election get to sit on their asses and not worry about deportation."

    But that was a false flag by BLM, ANTIFA and Demoncrats. LOL! Oh wait, we moved on from that talking point right? My bad.


    Drunk driver kills kkk leader in Kentucky. Well..........


  133. Anonymous11:58 AM

    “But that was a false flag by BLM, ANTIFA and Demoncrats. LOL! Oh wait, we moved on from that talking point right? My bad.”


    First it was: “Antifa did it in a false flag attack,” and then: “Okay, it was Trump-supporting rednecks, but they were just tourists who wanted to see the Capitol building.”

    And now, finally, the RNC is calling Jan. 6th “legitimate political discourse.”

    Got that? Now the GOP is owning what happened — but, horrifyingly, arguing that it was justified. If wingnuts don’t like the outcome of free and fair elections, they have the God-given right to express their dismay by violently overthrowing the government. “Don’t take away our free speech with your ‘cancel culture,’ you dirty libtards. We have a right to pepper spray and beat up cops until we get what we want! Beatings are speech!”

  134. Magats are scrambling to clarify statement about capitol rioters and political discourse. Blaming Romney's daughter for including rioters or some such shit.

  135. OTOH magats want an investigation into who shut down Go Fund Me payments to Canada truckers protesting masks. Pretty damn sure there is plenty of domestic problems needing be solved.

  136. Anonymous8:07 PM

    “OTOH magats want an investigation into who shut down Go Fund Me payments to Canada truckers protesting masks”

    Because it’s not a protest. It’s civil disobedience at this point. Truckers are obstructing traffic and shutting down the entire city of Ottawa.

    You know, the same behavior that makes conservatives turn red-faced with fury when BLM activists do it.

    On top of which, some of them have made death threats to the prime minister, forcing him and his family to move out of their house to a secure location.

    And all of this lawbreaking is because these monumental assholes don’t want to be inconvenienced by having to wear masks indoors in public areas so more vulnerable peopke don’t die.

  137. Million miles off topic, but I just realized the Righteous Brothers rendition of "Unchained Melody" is 57 years old, older than many people who contribute here, I'm guessing.


    Guess he has some time to hang out with his white supremacist friends.

  139. Curious to get Field's assessment of Larry Krasner, Philly D.A. I know Field has moved, but surely he has an opinion about someone who was so prominent in his former home town. Krasner provided a breath of reason on MSNBC this a.m. (why isn't he a talking head more often?) re: the so-called upsurge in urban crime (it's nationwide, even worse in rural areas, acc. Krasner) and our NYC mayor Adams' "Republican Lite" proposals for the police. Prevention in forms that would create a less desperate lower class, drug prevention programs, etc. would help, he said. Sounded pretty enlightened to me.

  140. @PilotX:
    "Someone explain why it's taking 2 years to bring an indictment against Drumpf in Georgia. The most damning evidence was the phone call, caught on tape. Now they say to check back this summer!"

    Took a while to get Nixon too but it happened. It's gonna be rocky but it will happen. Hopefully there will be a Dem in the WH so he won't get pardoned.

    Acc. Beau of the Fifth Column (YouTube) there will very likely be no indictment. Maybe the Grand Jury isn't even empowered to indict, maybe only the prosecutor can do that in Georgia. If so it'll be subject to the Ole Boys' Club, i.e. we never indict our own.


    Georgia district attorney permitted to seat grand jury in

    The special grand jury will be impaneled on May 2 and can remain seated for up to a year.

    “The special purpose grand jury shall be authorized to investigate any and all facts and circumstances relating directly or indirectly to alleged violations of the laws of the State of Georgia,” Brasher wrote in an order on Monday.

    Special grand juries have the power to subpoena witnesses and gather documents, though they cannot return indictments. In her letter to Brasher last week, Willis noted that some witnesses have so far refused to comply with her investigation without a subpoena.

  142. “Acc. Beau of the Fifth Column (YouTube) there will very likely be no indictment.“

    Saw that one but it could work as Beau says that they are also hyper-religious and thus under oath to god they act like Wonder Woman has the magic lasso around them and will sing like Aretha Franklin.


    Hope they enforce subpoenas with a vengeance.

  144. "...Wonder Woman has the magic lasso around them and will sing like Aretha Franklin."

    I was once looking through a stack of LPs my friend Jack had collected from yard sales and Urban Ore, and found a Lynda Carter album. "Hey Jack, why is the shrink wrap still on your Lynda Carter album?"
    "Now why would I play that record and ruin the perfectly good false image I have in my head of that woman?"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  145. Anonymous4:04 PM

    If that brings to question my honesty or abilities that's a pretty lame way of judging those attributes.

    What brings them to question is your uncritical backing of the radical equalitarian dogma despite the utter failure of every charity and policy effort built on its assumptions.  You'd think that after 70 years of being proven wrong time and time again, honest people would take a look at WHAT is wrong... and throw out those assumptions.  You are not honest enough.

    Ah, a 100 year old diatribe by a white supremacist. Sorry to disappoint but you're right, never read it.

    Then you'll never understand why Stoddard's assumptions predicted the outcome of "civil rights" laws decades before they were enacted.  But to do that, you first have to acknowledge that equalitarianist dogma has proven wrong every single time.  It may be pretty, but it no more describes racial reality than The Wizard of Oz describes physical reality.

  146. Anonymous4:05 PM

    You know, the same behavior that makes conservatives turn red-faced with fury when BLM activists do it.

    If you're going to be allowed to get away with it, your opposition is going to adopt the same tactics.  Either crack down on Antifa and BLM or shut your trap.

  147. Bloviating Ignoramus2:59 PM

    Vaginny Thomas. She is black by injection (don't tell Clarence).

  148. Anonymous9:48 AM

    If and or when things don't go or have
    need, want things their way they pull the race card or every other card
    that's known an unknown to man.

    if and or when they misconstrued a circumstance they pull the race card
    or every other card that's known an unknown to man.

    when they do something that's not correct they pull the race card
    or every other card that's known an unknown to man.

    when they don't like some one and or a particular race
    they pull the race card or every other card that's known
    an unknown to man.

    black people always create a scenario where they always
    win at the same time make a situation where white people
    always lose.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. Black people created the scenario of slavery, reconstruction, resurrection, Jim Crow, Red Lining, Gentrification you think?

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  152. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I don't care
    if this Kaffir is against CRT
    an liberalism it doesn't take away
    the fact he is still one of them meaning
    black people. you white people don't seem
    to realize these cretins will always side with
    their own kind at the end of the day and you
    should to as well. I'm talking about of course
    be with your own people meaning other whites
    not to mention the only reason this abeed is being
    and or going against political correctness is because
    he's just trying to butter you up an trying to be in good
    graces to white people considering he is nothing more
    than a uncle tom, magical, mystical, token negro acting
    white and or white washed. also he knows who's race
    is paying the bills an taking care of his family and his
    race never trust any of them they'll always pull the race
    card or any, every other card that's known & unknown
    to man sooner or later

    when they don't like some one and or a particular race
    they pull the race card or every other card that's known
    an unknown to man

    black people always create a scenario where they always
    win at the same time make a situation where white people
    always lose.

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