Sunday, March 06, 2022

Another World War?


There is a war now raging in the Ukraine, as the word's most evil leader flexes his (what used to be) muscles at the Ukrainian people. War is ugly, and no one wants this, but here we are.

I know that people in places such as Africa and the Middle East have suffered a similar fate with less sympathy than the Ukrainians. And I understand the sentiment that says that we should be equally outraged when human's have their lives disrupted in this way no matter where they are. But if you don't understand that Russia, as a country with nuclear capabilities, has the ability to change our lives as we all know it, you have been living under a rock. 

These are dangerous and scary times, and they call for serious thinkers and leaders. Unfortunately, here in  America, we have had to deal with a right-wing that believes that this is a time to ramp up the culture wars, score cheap political points, and articulate Russian talking points. When we consider that most right-wingers view Putin more favorably that their own American president, it should give us all cause for pause. 

Of course we understand why they have taken this posture. For four years tfg  played best buds with  Putin, tried to weaken NATO, and pretended that Russia could become one of our closes allies. Now that we are seeing Mr. Putin's true colors, it's hard for them to let go of the narrative and face the reality of what we are dealing with.

It wasn't that long ago that the world was at war, and that war ended the way that we all wanted it to. Now, as history starts to repeat itself, we find ourselves wondering if this will be different, and if it isn't, what then? 

Our fellow right-wing citizens who have been acting as Putin cheerleaders better think long and hard about that. 


  1. Should make Willie Nelson special ambassador to Putin and get Putie turned on to MJ to mellow out.

    Pretty soon Putie would be so hungry for munchies he would swell up and have a massive coronary.

    Willie becomes the hero of the hour and magats pass pot laws so everyone gets high.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It's probably true that there is more sympathy among a segment of Americans for victims of war in Ukraine than in some other wars, either because Ukrainians are white or because Ukraine is a middle-income country and their lifestyles are probably more like ours than people living in, say, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    However, there are absolutely bigger reasons to be uniquely concerned about this war.

    Since the end of WWII, there has been a consensus that the age of empire and colonialism was over. Most of the wars that have followed WWII have been, in one way or another, the result of former European colonies struggling through the difficulties of becoming independent nations. Also, throughout the Cold War, the U.S. and Soviet Union intervened in these post-colonial conflicts, trying to influence the direction of the governments of these new nations toward either capitalism or communism. The post-9/11 conflicts were much the same -- caused by American involvement in Middle Eastern post-colonial struggles, which was done with the intention of stabilizing oil markets or protecting Israel from its neighbors.

    But what we haven't seen for nearly 80 years is traditional imperialist warfare. I know there are lefties who toss around the term "imperialism" like it's nothing, perverting it to describe any efforts to manipulate or alter the political destiny of another country.

    What Putin's doing now, though, is ACTUAL imperialism: conquering another country and permanently seizing their land. Putin is saying to Ukrainians that there is no such thing as Ukraine; Ukraine is not a country; you losers are part of Mother Russia now, just like the good old days. A world in which that is allowed to happen, to any country, is a world that will inevitably have a LOT more violence and warfare.

    Russia has a GDP roughly equivalent to the combined GDP of Belgium and the Netherlands despite having a population five times larger than the combined populations of Belgium and the Netherlands. It's not exactly an economic powerhouse, and not a sophisticated modern economy either -- most of its exports are fossil fuels. And yet, it has an oversized army and nuclear weapons left over from the Soviet days. Unfortunately, Putin has calculated that it is better to convert his country into a thug nation, looting Russia's neighbors, rather than to develop Russia's economy and people.

    What it comes down to is that we cannot give the world over to thuggery. We cannot let thug nations take whatever they want by violence. This is an ugly, bloody, medieval world we all thought we left behind in the bad old days, and we will all suffer if it returns.

  3. So I wonder whether Putin is thinking "How do you like me now?" to his sycophants in the Republican party left scrambling to explain why they back a brutal dictator overrunning his sovereign neighbor?
    Oh, and Lindsey? Remember Gerald Ford? He did this little EO 11905 thingie that said assassinating heads of state was prohibited. It was 1976, and we had some 'splainin to do about our own overseas activity.

    So was Chekhov right about nuclear weapons as well? I grew up in their long shadow with the knowledge that no arsenal had ever been amassed and not used in mankind's history.
    It felt for a while as if we had perhaps weaseled out of the inevitability of worldwide destruction at our own hands, but lately we have been acting kinda blase about hellscapes in our future, so perhaps not?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous6:10 PM

    “Remember Gerald Ford? He did this little EO 11905 thingie that said assassinating heads of state was prohibited. It was 1976, and we had some 'splainin to do about our own overseas activity.”

    Presidential executive orders can’t really bind a president. If Biden wanted to, he could just rescind the ban and then immediately order an assassination attempt on Putin. I think the EOs were always more of a symbolic statement of intent than anything else.

    Also, Lindsey was calling on Russians to whack Putin, not demanding American military or intelligence services do it.

    Still, Biden was obviously not happy about a senator making public statements like this. We don’t know exactly how unstable Putin is. It might cause him to move his finger closer to the red button if we even start hinting that we might drone him.

  5. Biden is doing exactly what he should be doing under the circumstances: setting foreign policy exactly as if the 2003 invasion of Iraq never happened.
    Which, of course sets up Russia to act similarly the next time the shoe is on the other foot.
    Sort of demonstrates the downside of invading sovereign countries in fairly stark terms.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Donald R. Koelper
    Mar 4
    Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Rand Paul (R-KY) both advocated for Putin crony Oleg Deripaska's exemption from sanctions and further, got the Kentucky Teacher’s Retirement System to invest $13M in Sberbank. They've done more for the Russians than for their own constituents.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous8:10 PM

    “Biden is doing exactly what he should be doing under the circumstances: setting foreign policy exactly as if the 2003 invasion of Iraq never happened.”

    For all that most of the world objected to the invasion of Iraq, I think most people can distinguish between degrees of badness.

    The U.S. knocked off Iraq’s leadership, at the cost of many, many deaths, but Iraq today is once again an independent nation. We didn’t invade it to take ownership of it, build a bunch of McDonald’s and Starbucks, and pump out all its oil.

    Nobody can have that confidence with Putin’s invasion. If he gets away with it, Ukraine is over as a country. It will simply be absorbed into Russia.

  8. U N declared dumbass dubya's Iraq invasion illegal. Just one reason why magats have tried over and over to defund the U N.

  9. Putin, the hero of white supremacists everywhere, is now bombing a country full of white people. How odd. My explanation is that white supremacism is a form of utopian politics, and utopian politics always fail, always do damage, and are always incoherent.

  10. Anonymous12:03 PM

    “Putin, the hero of white supremacists everywhere, is now bombing a country full of white people.”

    Also, having invaded Ukraine and brought down a host of Western sanctions on himself, now his only hope of saving his country from economic ruin is to beg China for help.

    So their mighty savior of the white race will now answer to an Asian leader. Vlad will be Xi Jinping‘s bitch. When Xi says “jump,” Vlad will ask “how high?”

    That’s gotta hurt.

  11. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Ukraine Invasion: Women take up arms in Kyiv

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Team Shit the Bed (biden/harris) driving nations fuels prices through the roof.
    These idiot children are still using our Strategic reserves to try and bring the price down a few pennies. idiots.

  13. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Thanks, biden/harris for getting us involved with your Russian friends..........

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Ivermectin, more evidence:

  15. When I first learned that Putin became the Russian leader, I thought, "Who's this guy?" After I did some internet digging, I thought, "ooohh, that's not good." When he was "re-elected" the first time, I thought, "that guy shoulda been shot when he first took office." Then I realized that he never would have "won" that election if he didn't have enough of the "right" support.

    Like the mythological Hydra, until the power players in the current Russian government are sufficiently decimated (by whatever means necessary) to render them powerless, Putin and his cronies will continue to make Russia a thorn in the world's side. I truly believe nothing short of another Russian revolution will change the current situation, and I find this sad and unsettling.

  16. Btw, Field, I'm very glad that you' re still here and running this blog. I find it a comfort, even with the wingnuts and trolls running batshit all over it. There are enough of Folk I Thinks Like (intended spelling) here to overcome the former's nonsense. Thanks to them, too. Howdy, y'all!

  17. drumpf was way more than willing to use strategic reserves to prop economy.

    drumpf was also given Saudi designed knee pads for when he bowed and kissed Saudi Royal prince's ass after he murdered American journalist.

  18. MGT bought Lockheed Martin stock just days before Ukrainian invasion.

  19. Anonymous2:20 PM

    “Team Shit the Bed (biden/harris) driving nations fuels prices through the roof.
    These idiot children are still using our Strategic reserves to try and bring the price down a few pennies. idiots.”

    Why wouldn’t he use the Strategic Oil Reserve for that? It’s not like Russia can cut off all our oil if they wanted to. Russia’s oil makes up 8 percent of the global oil market and only 3 percent of our oil imports. If people stop buying oil from Russia, undoubtedly other producers will eventually step up production to offset it somewhat.

    In the meantime, using the Strategic Reserve to lower prices will reduce people’s pain at the pump.

    The idiotic Republican alternatives are “drill, baby, drill” and “derp, what about the Keystone Pipeline?” “Drill, baby, drill” — aka new oil field development — would take many years to have any impact on oil supplies or gas prices, and restarting the Keystone Pipeline would lower gas prices on the 5th of NEVER.

    As usual, Republicans don’t have anything real to offer, just trickery and dishonest slogans aimed at ignorant voters too dim to see through them.

  20. Anonymous2:24 PM

    “MGT bought Lockheed Martin stock just days before Ukrainian invasion.”

    MTG attended the white nationalist conference where they were chanting “Putin, Putin, Putin!”

    We should exile her to Moscow to be with her homie, Vlad.

  21. I'd chip in a nickel to send all magats to Siberia, dead or alive.

    If Biden does use the SPR to help at the pump, he knows full well that it will help all Americans but fully half will blast him for doing so.

    It is a no win conumdrum for Biden and every other Dem Potus.

  22. Here is something you don't see every day, a 5 year old schoolgirl severely beat an elementary teacher and caused the victim to be taken to the hospital.

  23. If China bails Russia out, it will come with a high cost. It would be some irony if Putin's self gratifying aggression led to Russia becoming a vassal state of China.
    The US is basically energy independent as it is. The price shocks are from oil on the world market and oil companies profiteering off of any social disturbance they can.
    Until we free ourselves from our addiction to fossil fuels, the oil companies will always get their pound of flesh from us.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "Here is something you don't see every day, a 5 year old schoolgirl severely beat an elementary teacher and caused the victim to be taken to the hospital."

    "Severely beat" is an exaggeration. The kid knocked the teacher off balance, causing her to fall over, hit her head, and get a concussion.

  25. “Until we free ourselves from our addiction to fossil fuels, the oil companies will always get their pound of flesh from us.“

    It’s funny to see all my FB friends bitching about gas prices when they should have seen the writing on the wall. If this doesn’t put people on the right path I don’t know what will.

  26. 'Bout time:

    Anti-Lynching Bill Headed for Biden’s Desk

    March 7, 2022 at 8:20 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 92 Comments

    “The Senate voted by unanimous consent on Monday to pass anti-lynching legislation that would designate lynching as a federal hate crime for the first time in U.S. history,” Axios reports.

    “Congress had previously failed to pass anti-lynching legislation despite over 200 attempts since 1918.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Mike,

    There was a tactical weapon developed by the Koala Bear students at UC San Diego in the early 1980s for use against the campus police when they got a little bit overzealous. It did not resemble any other weapon, because it had fairly large combustion chambers which concentrated the potent marijuana smoke which was directed at the hapless officers.

    Each half of the weapon was loaded with two full Thai sticks. A specially designed ignitor instantly incinerated all four Thai sticks when the trigger was pulled. The thick smoke left the barrels of the weapon under pressure. It was designed to incapacitate two humans at a range of approximately two meters. It was very effective.

    The kindly Koala Bears wished no harm to come to their well-liked opponents, but rather would offer them words of comfort as they gently guided the officers back to their patrol cars. We usually sent them to a small donut shop located about three miles away.

    If we can unleash one of these puppies, (several legacy weapons remain), on an unsuspecting Putin we may very well alter the course of history.

  28. Hey Mystere, good to see you.

    Looks like our old buddy, the Field, has authored an original post this time around. Even when the Field is a little bit checked out, I like coming by here to hear from his regulars. More than once they have helped me to conserve my humanity and my sanity.

  29. Thanks for that history lesson, Flying Junior. +1

  30. You monkey boys go ahead and have your silly wars. When the stars are right, I'm going to devour all of you that remain anyway.

  31. Mystere said...

    Btw, Field, I'm very glad that you' re still here and running this blog. I find it a comfort, even with the wingnuts and trolls running batshit all over it. There are enough of Folk I Thinks Like (intended spelling) here to overcome the former's nonsense. Thanks to them, too. Howdy, y'all!

    1:52 PM
    Howdy back at'cha, Mystere. Glad to have reinforcements at any time. Please stay with us.

  32. 1st Jan 6th rioter on trial found guilty of all 5 counts.

  33. Local 10 reports the attack, which occurred last Wednesday, occurred after the 5-year-old and another 4-year-old student began throwing things and flipping over chairs in a classroom. The 5-year-old was removed from the classroom and was taken to an empty “cooldown” room, NBC News reports.

    It was there the student then attacked the teacher, hitting her with hands, fists and feet, NBC Miami reports. The teacher managed to get on a radio and call for help. The student reportedly continued to attack the teacher after she was on the floor and unresponsive.

    Sounds like way more than a shove, imho.

  34. FJ: Damn, I haven't thought about Thai sticks for years. We didn't import a lot of weed to Humboldt County, for obvious reasons, but we got plenty of Thai sticks, especially in the off season.

    Reffitt guilty on all counts.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. That would be Henry "Enrique" Tarrio:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was arrested Tuesday on a conspiracy charge for his suspected role in a coordinated attack on the U.S. Capitol to stop Congress from certifying Democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth1:04 AM

    WWIII is right around the corner, yes.

    "Leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates declined requests to speak to President Biden during the Ukraine crisis, officials say. They both took calls from Putin." ~WSJ~

    This indicates that Putin has some help. China will be showing its hand soon. America's other enemies may also join Vladimir Putin's side.

    This war isn't going to end anytime soon. The conflict will last several years. Vladimir Putin has a card up his sleeve. The more sanctions America imposes on him, the more determined he will be to carry out his plan. And by design, America will be dragged into it.

    There is no question in my mind that Trump gave Putin and the Saudis classified information he shouldn't have.

    Trump placed Kash Patel and Chris Miller in the Department of Defense. Were they in on January 6, 2020, plot to overthrow the government?

    The comments section concerning Brittney Griner is disgusting. The commenters believe the Star Spangle Banner is more precious and more valuable than that young lady's life. On display is idolatry and the worship of idols.

    The LOVE of money is the root of ALL EVIL! Greed blinds people. There are a lot of greedy Congressmen on Putin's payroll. As the O'Jays sang in their song, people will kill their own mother for that mean green, but those greedy Congressmen will kill their own country for money. The first impeachment of Trump gave them a chance to nip it in the bud, but their greed prevented them from doing so.

    Field, let me ask you a question. Wouldn't accepting money to influence one's vote be considered taking bribes? Manchin and Sinema come to mind.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth1:38 AM

    Today I saw a picture of a dead Ukrainian child. It disturbed me. I'm still struggling to erase that picture from my mind and regain my focus. She was the same age as one of my great-grandchildren. What a tragedy.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth2:07 AM

    I just finished watching this video. Putin explains why he is upset.

    Putin: How Would America React If Russian Missiles Were Placed At The Border With Canada & Mexico!?

  40. Anonymous2:23 AM

    “I just finished watching this video. Putin explains why he is upset.”

    Aka Putin lies and pretends he’s a victim, rather than an aggressor.

    For other equally plausible excuses for invading his neighbors, see: “The Ukrainian government are Nazis and they’re plotting genocide against Russian-speakers, so we must save them” and the ever-popular “Ukraine isn’t a real country, anyway.”

    I’m tired of some of the media commentators who have accepted his B.S. at face value. They seem to have battered-wife syndrome, wringing their hands and practically apologizing for making Putin mad. So sorry my face keeps hitting your fist, big daddy Vlad.

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth2:31 AM

    Btw, I forgot to add that the video was from one of those right-wing so-called Christian sites. It lets you know what they're being told.

    You guys have to excuse me today. I'm still a little shaken by the picture of that dead Ukrainian child.

  42. Anonymous6:23 AM

    You guys have to excuse me today. I'm still a little shaken by the picture of that dead Ukrainian child.

    This is why you shouldn't have any say over foreign policy, or the officials who have power over it.  You are too easily swayed by propaganda images.

    Islam is right about women.

  43. Anonymous6:31 AM

    N-word is (at LAST!) indicted for hate crime for sexual assault on a White child.

  44. Anonymous9:03 AM


  45. finally a post from Field. the internet says "tfg" means "the former guy"--I liked my first guess, "that fucking goniff."
    Yes, if you mention "Yemen" to most Americans you'll be met with a blank stare. If you wanted to see photos of literally starving babies, though, there were plenty of photos out there... and we might have done something to pressure the Saudis about their own atrocity, if we cared enough. Of course the party that freely abandoned the Child Tax Credit, throwing millions of kids back INTO poverty in our county, wouldn't have cared, would they?

  46. Anonymous said....
    Islam is right about women.

    6:23 AM
    No Anonymous, Islam is not right about women among other things it's not right about. Your accusations regarding GrannyStandingforTruth and women in general are built on a false stereotype. I will pit my intellect and ability to evaluate international affairs against yours anay day of the week.

  47. Anonymous said...


    9:03 AM
    At what?
    Betraying his supporters?
    Pardoning criminals?
    Selling national secrets?

  48. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The Russian lies about Ukraine are getting ever more fanciful and absurd. The latest is that the U.S. is running some kind of bioweapons program and is preparing to unleash some ultimate, genetically engineered killer plague into Russia.

    I guess they’ll make up any story to justify why they are “forced” to bomb children’s hospitals.

  49. drumpf appointed judge basically bends over backwards to protect insurrectionist from Jan 6 charges. He ignores rulings of 7 other judges to throw a huge wrench in future prosecutions.

  50. So the senate just passed the bill to partially fix the damage to the USPS that the goddamn Republicans did in 2006:

    Now it's time to get rid of DeJoy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. This is what passes for stable genius in Quack Anon/drumpf land.

    drumpf signed Declaration at Mt Rushmore on July 3 or 4. Huh?

  52. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Funny how when POTUS was hanging out with OLIGARCH him and all of his minions treated the OLIGARCH like he was the "second coming of Christ."

    Now, since the invasion, they're all changing their tune...but it's too late for that now.

    Dumb de Dumb Dumb Dumb

  53. Anonymous7:41 PM

    LMAO...If anyone is foolish enough to even think that OLIGARCH feared the previous POTUS then you probably believe in the tooth fairy too.

    Why would you fear someone that you've got dirt and evidence on?


  54. Anonymous7:43 PM

    LMAO...If anyone is foolish enough to even think that OLIGARCH feared the previous POTUS then you probably believe in the tooth fairy too.

    Why would you fear someone that you've got dirt and evidence on?



    Add one more to the ..."dirt and evidence" add ASSETS to the list.


    Retarded book banners out in force over nothing.

  56. We know whom the election cheaters are and here are more....

    magats plotted to infiltrate Dem party and steal election funds and got caught.

  57. Cawthorn charged for second time driving on revoked license also caught on audio saying Zelensky is a thug and Ukraine is corrupt.

    Seriously, magats think laws don't apply to them.

  58. Methinks magats at the scotus are coaching up lawsuits with no victims for future use to discriminate against LGBT defendants.

  59. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "His comment is not on isolated incident, as there were many comments from American and other Western TV journalists clutching their pearls about the horror of seeing 'civilized' people like ourselves being killed or turned into refugees."

    There is some of that. But there is also plenty of virtue-signalling nonsense with extremely dubious assumptions of racist intent in the comments of politicians and journalists who are merely reacting the same way most people are -- with shock that this kind of warfare is happening in Europe, because it mostly HASN'T happened in the lifetimes of most of those alive today.

    After WWII, European leaders have enjoyed great success in negotiating a social order that has pretty successfully avoided war within their continent. There's really only been one major exception to that: the collapse of the former Yugoslavia. War had really become something that happened only in poorer, browner places.

    It's human nature, unfortunately, to become complacent, to assume that if things are good, they are guaranteed to stay that way. Clearly, not enough attention was paid to the sinister nature of Vladimir Putin. Or similar authoritarian types in Poland or Hungary, for that matter. But taking things for granted is not the same thing as racism. Expressing shock that Europe, peaceful for most of our lifetimes, is now threatening to become extremely violent, is not the same thing as suggesting that people in other parts of the world deserve to be at war, or that they are naturally violent.

    A lot of folks need to chill out and find better hobbies than spending all their time on Twitter, organizing witch hunts against so-called racists.

  60. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "Meanwhile, African (and other non-White people) trying to flee the Ukraine are met with racism and hostility from Ukrainian officials."

    I think this is mainly the fault of the Polish government. They're far-right dirtbags who have effectively dismantled democracy in their country, and enacted Trumpian policies to immigration.

    Only now that their neighbors have been attacked, and it has occurred to the Polish government that "Gosh, it might be us that Vlad attacks next," have they suddenly become all warm and welcoming to asylum-seekers. And even then, only to Ukrainians, not, say, Nigerians fleeing Ukraine.

    When it comes to racism accusations, these ones are deserved. The Polish government are genuine, for-real a-holes.

  61. Cops hose down black man in emergency room who was basically begging for his life. The pigs were all white and shot him 20 times in the head, chest and abdomen.

    Meanwhile, two separate cases where the perp was an armed wasicu, one who had killed a firefighter and walked out of house and stabbed a pig six times, the police shot to wound whitey. The other was9cu was physically restrained without a shot being fired.

  62. Remember when it looked like Fergus and his felons were bollixing the census? Fergus and his felons were indeed bollixing the census:

    Latest Census Missed 19 Million Americans

    March 10, 2022 at 12:57 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 115 Comments

    “The 2020 census undercounted the country’s population by 18.8 million people, the Census Bureau said, acknowledging that the count had underrepresented Black, Latino and Indigenous residents,” the New York Times reports.

    “At the same time, the census overcounted the number of white and Asian residents.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. GrannyStandingforTruth9:00 PM

    He used his own bank card, typed in his own PIN, provided his ID, and wrote a note asking for $12k in cash from his account. What makes BofA think he tried to rob them?

    I pray that he withdraws every single penny of his money from BofA and do his banking business elsewhere. Also, sue.

    A picture of his note was shown in a video and clearly states," I would like to withdraw $12,000 cash from my checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else I'd like to be discreet."

    How in the world does someone come to conclusion it's a bank robbery? The note states,"my account." I swear you put some people's brains in a bird and it'll fly upside down backwards.

    I understand why he wanted to remain discreet. As a celebrity, he would likely become the focus of attention. That's a substantial amount of money. Our greedy world is riddled with people who resort to all kinds of scams, robbery, and theft to make money.

  64. Anonymous9:15 PM

    “I understand why he wanted to remain discreet. As a celebrity, he would likely become the focus of attention.”

    Yeah, he definitely would. Twelve grand — in cash? Unless you’re running a retail business, that kind of withdrawal is going to look a bit shady. Tabloids would be all over that. I guarantee there’s a juicy story there as to why he needed to make that particular transaction.

    None of that justifies the bank’s behavior, of course. It might justify a double-check on his ID documents, to make sure there isn’t some kind of identity theft going on, but it shouldn’t result in the cops being called.

  65. GrannyStandingforTruth9:24 PM

    Stephen Miller mooching off his parents.

  66. GrannyStandingforTruth9:32 PM

    It is his prerogative to withdraw the amount he wanted from his money. Is there a law that states how much money people can withdraw from their own bank account?

  67. GrannyStandingforTruth9:40 PM

    Madison Cawthorn referred to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as a 'thug.' That's rich considering the GOP are thugs for life.

  68. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Kate Smith
    · 6h

    A bill in Missouri makes illegal to get an abortion if the patient has an ectopic pregnancy.

    Facts about ectopic pregnancies:
    - They’re are not viable. Full stop.
    - They’re the 1 cause of death for 1st trimester patients.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous10:01 PM

    “It is his prerogative to withdraw the amount he wanted from his money. Is there a law that states how much money people can withdraw from their own bank account?”

    Yes, it is.

    It is reasonable and responsible for banks to look out for unusual transactions and treat them with extra scrutiny, because sometimes there might be something amiss. I wouldn’t fault the bank for having done that.

    But if Mr. Coogler presented appropriate ID and they were able to verify he was who he said he was, they should have processed the withdrawal and sent him on his way.

    Not gonna lie, though. I am pretty curious what all the cash was for.


  70. GrannyStandingforTruth10:07 PM

    Bishop Talbert Swan had some thoughts on Ukraine that are pissing some white folks off.

    There is an old saying that all is fair in love and war. In this case, Bishop is standing on God's word, "Love thy neighbor as thyself. Mark 12:31 KJV.

  71. Fucking banks are like that. I had a boss who could never get the damn teller to speak more softly when he counted out the payroll he was withdrawing. Sure it's a bank, but nobody needed to know that he had fifteen thousand dollars in cash on him.
    On the other hand, a check cashing place on San Pablo Avenue I did business with for fifteen years had a small locked booth they took you in for privacy if they were giving you a grand or more.
    They were looking out for the interests of there non-rich clientele, whereas the fucking bank doesn't want to deal with you if you don't have a lot of money.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. GrannyStandingforTruth10:37 PM

    Anonymous 10:01 PM,
    Me, myself, and I don't care what the cash was for, he isn't giving me a penny of it. LOL. Lord knows I could use it right now. LOL.

    I've known his family and him since he was a little boy. He grew up in my city. His father and one of my children are friends. Ryan's brother and one of my grandsons played on the same little league baseball team.

    He comes from a pretty good family. I don't now how he is now, but I know a whole of money can change some people and hope and pray that's not the case with him.

  73. Anonymous11:00 PM

    “They were looking out for the interests of there non-rich clientele, whereas the fucking bank doesn't want to deal with you if you don't have a lot of money.”

    Hmmm. I don’t know about “looking out for the interests of.” Not when most of those checking cashing places take a fee out of every transaction.

    As far as I’m concerned, check-cashing joints vs banks is just another example of it costing more to be poor. A manifestation of the dark side of capitalism.

  74. Hey Granny. Been a while. Hope you’ve been ok.👋🏾

  75. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Jussie Smollett got 150 days in the pokey.

    It’s sad that he’s still got his family thinking he really was a victim of a hate crime. You can tell they’re sincere about this. I saw them interviewed on the news, and they were OUTRAGED. I wonder if Jussie will ever come clean, or if he’s gonna carry this dumb lie to the grave.

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth11:51 PM

    dinthebeast 10:20 PM,

    My son gave me a check for my birthday one year. He had an account at that 1st Northern Credit Union in the back of the library on 25th and Nevin in Richmond. Since you mentioned the check cashing in San Pablo, I figure you might know the credit union I'm talking about. It was one of their checks so I went there to cash it. That day I was painting in my house and took a break to go cash the check. I had on some jeans, a shirt, and a scarf on my head. They refused to cash the check and implied that I had forged the check.

    This is the information I gave the manager of the bank:

    My son’s birth date
    Where he was born
    What hospital he was born in
    Where he worked
    His work number
    Showed my ID, with the last name as his.
    My Social Security card
    His home address
    My maiden name
    I even wrote his name on a piece of paper so they could compare his signature

    They still refused to cash the check. He had way more than enough in the bank to cover the check. My son is a save-a-holic and is in an upper-middle-class bracket. The killing part was the check wasn’t over $200.

    As a result, I took the check and left. As I walked out, the manager locked the door behind me. It was closing time. Immediately, I called my son to tell him what had happened. He called the bank, called me back, and told me to go back. I told him the bank was closed. He repeated, “Go back, they’re gonna cash the check.” I don't know what he told them, but they reopened the bank for me. As she was cashing the check, she apologized profusely. I didn’t say a word. Not even thank you. The next day, my son took all of his money out of that bank and opened an account at another.

    People sometimes have a tendency to judge a book by the cover. But, sometimes it takes the end of that book to know. That woman knew I was telling the truth. I could see it in her eyes. It was a humiliation game with her. Humiliation definitely wasn’t what I was feeling.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth12:31 AM

    Hi Pilot, all is well. Good to see your fonts. How are you doing?

    Every once in a while, I visit Field's blog and read the comments section. However, I am mostly active on Twitter nowadays. Many of the people that used to post on here follow me on Twitter. I post a variety of things on Twitter and have over 8,000 followers. The great thing about Twitter is that I can mute or block users if I don't want to read their BS and racist rants. It helps to maintain my peace of mind.

    I enjoy reading yours, Gambler2, and others who didn’t leave posts. Because I’ve asked him several questions and gotten no response, Field must be ignoring me. I happened to run across a video of him leaning against a pool table. He looked nice in his professional attire. If the COVID pandemic hadn’t made everything come to a standstill, I’d have given him a serious ass-whooping in a game a pool. LOL. That was a game I loved playing. I was supposed to make a trip that way to visit a couple of my relatives in Lincoln, Mass, and Washington D.C. COVID put a halt to my plans.

    Nevertheless, I had been praying that most of the people who used to post on Field's blog would return.

  78. Yeah, I agree, most check cashing places are just a tax on the poor. But the one I was talking about, No Hassle on San Pablo Ave in Berkeley was run by a guy who used to be a high powered corporate lawyer in New York who bailed on his firm and came to the East Bay to start a business. They charged 2% to cash a check, and it was worth that much to be treated like a human being. I first went there when I got paid on a Friday and went to the bank (Wells Fargo) the check was drawn off of to cash it, only to be told that if I didn't have an account there, they required two forms of picture ID to cash a check.
    My helper Bryn said "Come with me" and we got back in the delivery truck and drove to No Hassle, where a woman named Molly that Bryn knew worked. She became a good friend of mine and introduced me to Frank, who ran the place. I was so torqued with Wells Fargo that I used No Hassle for my banking services for fifteen years, and they actually did some things for me that no bank would ever do: When I was in the hospital after my stroke, they cashed my last paycheck from my job so I could pay my rent without me having to be there. I had a human relationship with them, and that was valuable to me.
    On the other hand, I went to cash a check at the check cashing place on High Street and International Blvd. and had to flee the parking lot when a quadruple murder went down...
    And I did live on Amador St. in Richmond for three years, so I think I know where you are talking about.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. I could spend $12,000 in about three weeks if I was on vacation somewhere. (And I could afford it)

    Cash is King

  80. Doug,

    I always assumed that the best weed from Humboldt and Oregon was originally grown from mostly Thai seeds. I mean, the timing is right. Sin Semilla (Indica) started showing up in La Jolla about 1975. By 1977 we were already importing it from Oregon. It makes sense that they would have used the best seeds that they could get. I remember in 1976, my barber smoked a joint with me that he grew from Thai seeds. We used to get seeds on maybe one out of five Thai sticks. At one point in about 1982 I had sixty Thai seeds saved up -- and no place to grow them. :(

  81. Anonymous2:34 AM

    “I could spend $12,000 in about three weeks if I was on vacation somewhere. (And I could afford it)”

    No doubt. But why would you walk around carrying $12K in cash on your vacation? You could get robbed. And credit cards and ATMs exist.

    The main reason someone takes out that much cash to carry out personal business is because they don’t want a paper trail on where the money went. Which is … interesting.

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth3:09 AM

    dinthebeast said... 1:46 AM

    That check cashing place near International Boulevard and High Street seems dangerous. The area around International Blvd has changed considerably over the past few decades. Now it looks rundown and neglected.

    International Boulevard is always the scene of shootings from what I’ve heard.

    Wow, I didn't know you had a stroke. I had a mini-stroke December 2021. However, I was blessed that it didn't result in any paralysis or other damage.


    Laundering money pays well. Smh.

    Why should Ketanji Brown Jackson make promise to recluse herself in issues that are of interest to her when none of the rest of the SCOTUS did? America's racist double standard is sickening.

  83. “I guarantee there’s a juicy story there as to why he needed to make that particular transaction.”

    Dude is rich, that’s strip club money for him.

  84. Anonymous11:24 AM


    Laundering money pays well. Smh.“

    I suspect that it won’t be long before Deutsche Bank is forced, by either the German or American government, to drop their customers in Russia. This decision will be taken out of their hands.

    ”Why should Ketanji Brown Jackson make promise to recluse herself in issues that are of interest to her when none of the rest of the SCOTUS did? America's racist double standard is sickening.”

    It’s not the case that other SCOTUS members never recuse themselves from hearing cases where they have some sort of conflict of interest. It’s not clear that Ms. Jackson does have a conflict of interest in this case, however. It’s a complicated question.

    What this question suggests, along with all the right-wing commentary on her appointment, is that Republicans have decided to make her confirmation hearings entirely about race. We can expect her to be asked a bunch of crazy-pants questions about Critical Race Theory in kindergartens, and similar nonsense. It’s an election year, so this will be all about generating spicy soundbites for their political campaigns.

  85. Uncle Thom on the Scotus not only is married to a right wing magat hustler, they collude together on cases she gets in front of the court. Uncle Thom needs impeached immediately.

  86. GrannyStandingforTruth1:36 PM

  87. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Trump loses again. Judge will not allow him to countersue E Jean Carroll, in response to her lawsuit related to accusations that Trump raped her, back in the ‘90s.

  88. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Juicy Smollett CONVICTED!!!!!!

  89. Anonymous3:16 PM

    What did Team Shit the Bed fuck up today??? How bad will inflation get with sleep joe and the ho?? Depression....Grapes of Wrath?

  90. GrannyStandingforTruth3:38 PM

    “I guarantee there’s a juicy story there as to why he needed to make that particular transaction.”

    I don't. His age is a factor as well; he is not used to having that amount of money. It's common for young people his age to become flashy once they have access to that kind of money, lending money, giving parties, going out to eat, drinking, and smoking marijuana with their friends and newfound acquaintances. Shopping and taking their friends on shopping sprees. Until someone whispers some wisdom in their ear, they spend their money foolishly. Let's hope they don't go bankrupt before they have access to that wisdom.

    Ryan came from an upper-middle-class family. It’s a vast difference in lifestyles as far as income. Upper-middle-class families might live comfortably, but they’re subject to ups and downs too, especially in this day and age of greed.

  91. FJ: My grower friends back in Humboldt tended to their seed lineages like racehorse breeders, but yeah, the only time I tried growing when I lived up there was from three seeds I got out of a Thai stick.
    We grew them outdoors and they were eaten by deer...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. trumpist election clerk indicted for election fraud.

  93. Anonymous4:44 PM

    “trumpist election clerk indicted for election fraud.”

    So when does Trump get indicted for election fraud? I’m tired of watching the little fish get snagged in the net. It’s time to harpoon the whale.

    Prosecutors seem to be endlessly pursuing Moby Dickhead but never catching him.

  94. GrannyStandingforTruth4:57 PM

    Anonymous said... 3:16 PM

    "How bad will inflation get with sleep joe and the ho??"

    Biden didn't cause inflation, greedy corporations did. The GOP refusal to vote on a bill that would help plays a part in it.

    You must be referring to Melania, the real ho. The porn queen that supposedly came here on an Einstein visa which was more likely an Epstein visa. The whole world knows what she looks like under her clothes.

    Melania is the definition of a real ho. Despite her attempts to seduce Trudeau, she was unable to contain her sexually promiscuous ways in that picture she took standing next to him.

    Macron’s wife wasn’t having it. She kept a close eye on Melania and she wasn’t smiling. Most women know what that meant. You best believe all of the world leader's wives kept a close on her. They saw her naked behind before she was introduced to them personally. That's a red flag.

    Melania was supposed to be able to speak fluently Italian, French, and German, along with her native Slovene and her obviously acquired proficiency (unproven) in English. She doesn’t even speak English fluently, “Be Best.”

    When the Trumps visited Pope Francis in Rome in May 2017, the pontiff jokingly asked her (in Italian) what she feeds her husband. Melania failed to comprehend the question until a translator repeated it in English.

    What about that college degree that doesn’t exist? She’s a fake, fraud, and phony. The worst Flotus ever in life and the most embarrassing, plagiarist one at that.

    Btw, Willie Brown wasn’t with his wife when he and Kamala had a relationship. His own wife will tell you that. Willie and his wife had been separated for decades before his and Kamala’s relationship. That was not the case with Melania and employee Hank Siemers.

  95. There they go:

    Deutsche Bank Reverses Course and Will Exit Russia

    March 11, 2022 at 11:07 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 108 Comments

    Deutsche Bank said Friday that it was winding down its operations in Russia, one day after its chief financial officer said it wasn’t “practical” to shutter the unit, CNBC reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. This ought to be helpful..

    Woodbury Co, iowa (think Sioux City) Sheriff has a nut job douche bag woman from Florida training his deputies that they can over ride the Guv and keep federal mandates from being enforced.

    She compares Capitol Police to Nazis and is just a general all around nuisance who should be institutionalized for everyone's safety.

  97. "So when does Trump get indicted for election fraud?"

    You must not be American. When do the rich and powerful ever get punished for their misdeeds? Even if he does he'll just win the next election and pardon himself. C'est la vie. Madison Cathorn will also not be prosecuted or spend one day in jail for his motor vehicle violations while you or I would.

  98. Ha! Love your take on things Granny. Glad to have you back.

  99. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Dave Chappelle on the Jussie Smollett Incident

  100. GrannyStandingforTruth7:00 PM

  101. GrannyStandingforTruth7:20 PM

  102. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Republicans are dim bulbs, and they make a practice of reflexively believing the opposite of whatever liberals do, even when that makes absolutely no sense.

    Therefore, it is inevitable that …

    Republicans Will, Eventually, Pivot to the Position That Zelensky Is a Secret Sex Criminal Who Invented COVID

  103. From today's Alternet...

    Prominent QAnon anti-vaxxer who called for Anthony Fauci’s execution dies of COVID-19
    Sad - one more needless death.

  104. Gambler, don't feel sorry for the dumb SOB. Feel for the innocent children who get hurt by decisions their ignorant parents make. That is child abuse.

  105. President Obama the Magnificent tests positive for Covid 19.

  106. “Gambler, don't feel sorry for the dumb SOB.“

    Maybe, just maybe reality will start to sink into their hard heads. Doubtful but reality has a strong way of making itself known.🤷🏾‍♂️

  107. A few interesting statements from Philadelphia Inquirer about courts and politics....

    Pennsylvania’s high court isn’t the only one caught in the political crosshairs.

    Research shows partisan affiliation can have an effect on judicial decisions — consciously or not. An analysis of all 407 election cases in state supreme courts between 2005 and 2015 found that Republican judges issued decisions favoring their party at a 38% higher rate than Democratic judges. The trend, detailed in a Stanford Law Review article, held regardless of whether the judges were elected or appointed.

    Approval of the U.S. Supreme Court has sunk to its lowest rating — 40% — since Gallup began tracking public opinion on it in 2000. Some on the left see Trump’s first appointee, Neil Gorsuch, as illegitimate, after Republicans blocked Obama’s nominee in the final year of his term.

    Some Democrats want to increase the number of justices, though the prospects for such a change seem dim. And the specter of the court reversing Roe v. Wade and its protection of abortion rights damages the court’s legitimacy in the eyes of many liberals.

    “The public’s views of the courts have become much more negative,” said Chris Borick, a pollster at Muhlenberg College in Allentown. “As trust in many government institutions has fallen, so has the trust in the courts. And the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is certainly not immune to that.”

  108. magats pushed Biden to stop imports of Russian oil and immediately turned around and blamed Biden for high gas prices as a result of ban.

    Forgwet Keystone XL pipeline. That project was killed by parent company last year and they are now trying to get 16 million buck road bond back from embarassingly red South Duhkota.

  109. GrannyStandingforTruth3:51 PM

    Candance Owens' tweets today caught my attention. Russia is mistreated and discriminated against by America and other countries, according to Candance. She went so far as to compare it to Black Lives Matter. My memory does not recall Black Lives Matter committing genocide or invading another country to kill children. That girl is completely out of her mind. Her reasoning is absurd.

    Methinks Candance and her husband want some of that Russian money or have already been given some. Those sanctions aren’t only affecting Russia. You best believe that it’s hurting some of our treasonous folks’ wallets here in America.

    Candance reminds me of Rufus Scott’s sister Ida Scott in James Baldwin’s novel “Another Country.” Ida was having a romantic affair with a white man named Ellis. In exchange for romance, Ellis promises to promote Ida’s singing career.

    What stuck out to me in the story is that every time Ida and Ellis were having a conversation, Ida was in the kitchen washing dishes, suggesting a servile position. That’s the part that reminds me of Candance. Candance constantly serves on a platform her white supremacist husband’s racist, B.S. rhetoric.

    Evidently, she has forgotten that she is also black. There were Black people like Candance, Clarence Thomas, and Tim Scott who betrayed their own people during the Civil Rights Movement and slavery. For a few crumbs off the master’s table, they’d betray their own mother. White supremacists love them as long as they're spewing out racist talking points. However, the nanosecond they go against one of those talking points and disagree, those same white folks will flip on them like flipping a pancake. She will be discarded like a piece of used toilet tissue. An individual who stands up for his people is respected even by the most racist white. No matter how much they hate you, they will respect you.

    Candance will never ever be welcome to the cookouts. Nope.

  110. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. Don't just confiscate their shit, give it to the people they are trying to slaughter:

    Jerry Hicks
    Direct action! #Putin #Russia #Refugees

    French activist Pierre Afner entered the villa of Putin's daughter Alta Mira in Biarritz changed the locks & declared it was ready to accept #Ukrainian refugees.

    The villa has eight bedrooms & three bathrooms

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  112. Anonymous5:38 PM

    There's been yet another homicide by a toddler gunslinger with an unsecured pistol.

    Boy, three, accidentally shoots mother dead in Chicago suburb car park

  113. Candace Owens blasted by internet for calling BLM a terrorist organization and sucking Putns Dick while drumpf is inhaling it.

  114. “That girl is completely out of her mind. Her reasoning is absurd.”

    Which is why the want her to run for president. Sorry state of affairs. One would think access to so much information would make us so much smarter as a nation.🤷🏾‍♂️

  115. “Candace Owens blasted by internet for calling BLM a terrorist organization“

    You mean the same person who began her career by claiming the NRA started as a civil rights organization to defend Blah people against the klan? 😆😂

  116. Anonymous9:14 PM

    “Candance Owens' tweets today caught my attention. Russia is mistreated and discriminated against by America and other countries, according to Candance. She went so far as to compare it to Black Lives Matter.”

    Technically, she’s not comparing Russia to BLM. She’s comparing Russia to Black people. She’s suggesting that Russia is, I dunno, the victim of racism? Or something?

    She’s saying that if the United States objects to Russia invading and mercilessly bombing their neighbor for no other reason than that Vlad thinks Russia should own Ukraine, that’s EXACTLY THE SAME as when a cop beats the crap out of a Black motorist because he was driving with a busted taillight.

    See, America is the out-of-control cop, and Russia is the abused motorist in her mind, apparently.

    This is some busted logic.

    Candace Owens likes to troll, but she’s really outdone herself this time.

  117. Betty Bowers strikes again:

  118. Anonymous5:12 PM

    CHICAGO Year 2022 To Date 02/15/22
    Shot & Killed: 100
    Shot & Wounded: 387
    Total Shot: 487
    Total Homicides: 108

    Chicago is more hazardous than Ukraine

  119. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "Chicago is more hazardous than Ukraine"

    No. It isn't. Admit it, you failed out of grade-school math.

    100 deaths in 3 months < thousands of deaths in three weeks


    This pro dfrumpfuck pastor lied about his military service, lied about his graduation from college and lied about actually being a minister.


    Now it is running for congress from South Carolie?nah.


    Senate is passing bills while split 50-50. Dems get real stuff done.

  123. But her emails:

    Bonus Quote of the Day

    March 15, 2022 at 2:04 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 121 Comments

    “I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award.”

    — Hillary Clinton, on Twitter, responding to sanctions placed on her by Russia.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Miss Trump yet???????????????

  125. Five Rules For Nuclear Superpowers

    1. Thou Shalt Not Directly Smite Another Nuclear Superpower.
    2. It is permissible to bleed another nuclear superpower by funding and arming insurgents.
    3. Nukes beat armies, armies beat insurgents, and insurgents beat nukes.
    4. Never be the battleground. Let's you and them fight.
    5. Power corrupts, and superpower supercorrupts.

  126. Anonymous 5:08

    Trump's appeasement of Putin brought us peace in his time. Now it's over.

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