Friday, November 11, 2022

No "red wave", and MAGA is to blame.

 You voted, and the "red wave"  that all the pundits saw coming, turned out to be a little more than a puddle.  

Maybe some of you really do care about democracy.  And maybe, just maybe, you realize that paying a little more for gas --and the food you buy-- is not quite as serious as having your  freedom taken away. 

Now comes the fun part. The right-wingnuts will start to turn on each other, as we all know that the malevolent narcissist living in South Florida had his ego seriously bruised. He has started already. He is now threatening to take his cult and their red hats and totally abandon the republican party. 

I, for one, do not feel sorry for the republican establishment. This is what happens when you make a Faustian bargain; at some point you are sure to get burned. 

Anyway, I recently read an article by Mark Greene (an incredible writer whom I just discovered), and it summed up the age of MAGA, and the madness that surrounds it, perfectly. 

Here goes: 

"The MAGA movement, based on aging white boomer victimhood is a bell curve. That bell curve has peaked for the simple reason that boomers, of which I am one, are dying off. We are the MAGA movement. How we got here is a combination of our own disconnection and the vulnerability which that created to decades of carefully crafted manipulation.


  1. drumpfuckian voters lend all new meaning to term "simple majority." They be the dumbest wasicus around.

  2. iowa politics got much redder than before. Michigan turned blue.

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    All white boomers don’t vote for Trump. But for the ones that do, I really don’t think it’s because they are bored and unfulfilled.

    They vote for Trump because they grew up in the most prosperous economic era in American history; many of them did quite well out of it financially; and then they greedily pulled up the ladder after them by voting for tax/benefit cuts, union-busting laws, and mindless free trade policies.

    Now they are afraid that subsequent generations, deprived of the great opportunities they had, are now coming for their retirement savings at the ballot box. These boomers refuse to accept that they themselves wrecked the economy for subsequent generations with the hyper-capitalist policies they voted for. They prefer the soothing, alternative messages coming out of Fox “News” and other wingnut media outlets:

    Everything is bad because there are too many brown people now, so we need to “send them back” and then everything will be great again.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I am really curious as to how the “red wave” narrative got started.

    Admittedly, it is common for the party in power to lose seats in the midterms. Certainly there was indeed a red wave in 2010, when voters threw a temper tantrum and took it out on Democrats because Obama was not able to instantly fix all the economic damage from the global financial crisis.

    But in 2022, over the summer, the polling indicated that wasn’t happening. While voters were angry about inflation and crime, and some did unfairly blame the Democrats for those things, voters were also extremely appalled by Republican assaults on democracy and the overturning of Roe v Wade, and that had turned this into a tight race all over the country.

    So why, in the weeks just prior to the election, did pundits decide that “Oh no, voters are switching back to the Republicans! Red wave!”? When nothing like that was actually happening.

    Did they listen to a bunch of faked polls from GOP-linked pollsters? Are they just determined to believe that the Democrats are destined to always lose? Why did pundits ignore the reliable evidence that said there would be no red wave?

  5. I'm not a boomer, having lived through the second World War, so I don't relate to the characteristics described in the article. I have always voted for the Democratic Party after doing some research on which party was better for poor and middle class people.
    My parents taught me that I was responsible for my successes and failures in life, so as hard as I try, I cannot understand how anyone can become a maga with it's mantel of victim hood.

    1. Anonymous4:35 AM

      Your propaganda is showing comrade. It appears you are attributing a lot of Democrat characteristics to Republicans. However, I may be mistaken, as you use the term maga instead of Republican, which I assume as reference to Trump. All of that aside, party affiliation is just a means of dividing the citizenry. You parents were correct to teach you that you are responsible for your successes and failures in life, and Americans should focus on reversing the political trend toward "Globalism" (or should I say Communism).

  6. Anonymous said...

    "I am really curious as to how the “red wave” narrative got started."
    I think is may have been in response to a massive propaganda campaign brought to you by the Maga wing of the once great Republican Party. They thought it would discourage Democrats from voting.

  7. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Well, Fergus and his felons gleefully shat on political and governing norms ever since he rode the escalator of doom, and now one of the long accepted norms, that the party in power loses the mid terms badly, didn't come to pass.
    Sometimes it's wise to be careful what you break.
    I'm a boomer, but I never bought into the consumerism, and by my own doing, did face some genuinely hard times. Perhaps that might be responsible for which side I chose when I finally woke up politically, but mostly it was just the naked, destructive greed of the Republicans that drove me to be a Democrat.
    That and the endless lies.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "I think is may have been in response to a massive propaganda campaign brought to you by the Maga wing of the once great Republican Party. They thought it would discourage Democrats from voting."

    Previously, it would have constituted delusional conspiratorial thinking to suggest this could be taking place.

    But these days, it's all too plausible that Republican-affiliated polling outfits might have put out intentionally rigged polls suggesting that Republicans would win big, hoping that this would boost their actual results.

    The GOP is nothing but a big bag of dirty tricks these days.

  10. “So why, in the weeks just prior to the election, did pundits decide that “Oh no, voters are switching back to the Republicans!“

    It was a calculated ploy so if Republicans lost they can point to the polls to strengthen their claims of fraud. It’s fairly easy to rig polls by targeting a specific audience. For example, not many young people have landlines or will answer an unknown caller. Many elections are still being counted so it may work tangentially.🤷🏾‍♂️

  11. I really hope Kari Lake loses just to see her freak out.😂

  12. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "I really hope Kari Lake loses just to see her freak out."

    I think we can already predict her reaction:

    "Stop the steal! Voter fraud! I really won!"

  13. I'm still pissed that Tim Ryan didn't win. But fuck 'em. Michigan is now owned by Democrats. Proud of my state for passing the 2018 independent redistricting referendum.

  14. Anonymous10:19 PM

    "I'm still pissed that Tim Ryan didn't win."

    I'm pissed that that neckbearded little grifter and Peter Thiel henchman JD Vance is the one who beat Ryan.

    It's depressing that Vance's "fuck the poor" novel Hillbilly Elegy was taken by liberal coastal journalists as some kind of insightful sociological treatise about the white working class, rather than a pile of made-up rubbish intended to serve as Vance's job application to be a Republican politician. The New Republic referred to him as "the liberal media's favorite white trash–splainer." Even Ron Howard got played, making a damn movie about Vance's lame redneck fairy tales.

    Vance tells Trump-level lies. He said Alex Jones was more reputable than Rachel Maddow, and that Biden was deliberately letting drug dealers across the border so that their fentanyl would kill MAGA voters.

    In a couple years, this guy will have morphed into a full-on Christian nationalist. Count on it. We're all gonna be very sorry he ended up in the Senate.

  15. I really enjoyed this analysis. For me the childish sense of entitlement is really the driver here of just about everything that went wrong. The author brings a sense that this has all come to an ignominious end. But, of course, there is still much pain to go through and a great deal to come. It may be closer to a natural death than it has ever been before. But sadly there are people as young as Kyle Rittenhouse who felt the need to patrol a used car lot against Black Lives Matter and related protest groups and then decided to go chase a couple of guys and even kill one guy with his long rifle. Nick Sandmann was a student who went to an all-boys Catholic high school and had nothing better to do than go to an anti-abortion protest with his school mates. Fortunately this appears to be a very small minority. But this movement is not going away fast enough for me.

    Back to the privileged victim class. We have all heard the heart-breaking cries of agony from the right with regards to gas prices and inflation. They seem to lose sight of the fact that they do live in single-family homes with happy kids and two beautiful late-model cars or more and may even have lawns and gardens to rival the royalty of old. These same overgrown babies are the ones supporting U.S. sanctions against some of the poorest populations in both hemispheres. While they put $7.00/gallon gas in their shiny, high-performance vehicles because they are too lazy to care enough to save a dime by paying in cash, the poor in Iran deal with crushing economic sanctions increasing their costs for food, fuel and shelter until it is out-of-reach. Beautiful Venezuelans, who once shared heating oil with our citizens every winter, have been languishing under sanctions for decades.

    And they are so dumb they blame a president who just took office last year. As if he killed the goose that laid the Golden Egg, (free trade with China). As if he personally snarled the supply chains between all of our economic partners. As if he caused inflation instantaneously simply by becoming president.

    It does hurt to see my personal standard of living cut down to size a little bit. But I'm not looking at losing my home like someone in Ukraine. I haven't been forced to flee my country. Praise be I still have my same job. I do wish to postpone retirement as long as possible. My status in the community will suffer. It's part of who I am.

    And boomers didn't wreck the economy for crying out loud. There will still be fortunes to be made. There will be ordinary people who succeed wildly. There will be working men and women who make an honest living and have good lives and raise their children. The economy is just fine. The problem has to do with wealth inequality. I guess that was inevitable with a system like ours. But there are ways of addressing this problem. There are also other parameters than simply trying and failing to have and get what you can plainly see that boomers have. There are other lifestyles other than the big car and house in the suburbs. It's not the only path.

  16. Gambler,

    We can't blame you. You are as old as my piano tuner. I'm sure glad that you are here. I enjoy reading what you have to say. It's an important connection to the past. Don't feel bad. I'm a relic of a bygone era myself.

  17. Dems keep Arizona sinate seat and Secretary of state goes to Den, not election denier Finchem. One more senate pickup and Dems keep control of the senate.

    As for Ryan, I read Dems did not back him financially. Wazzup with that?

  18. Fake Noize personalities all called the election a red wave, red hurricane and a red tsunami, before the beat down and then claimed they urged caution before hand.

    Still lying after all these years.

  19. Some of our best wins came in state legislative races. Indivisible targeted state legislative races in an effort to preempt any Republican election fuckery in case the supremes hand a bunch of power to state legislatures, and they were wildly successful, flipping chambers in swing states, handing the dems a trifecta in Michigan and Minnesota and denying Republicans veto proof supermajorities in places where election denial was a worry for 2024.
    We need to make this a permanent priority. Republicans have had far too much control over statehouses for far too long, and the goddamn wingnuts in SCOTUS are likely to hand more power to them that way.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Anonymous5:15 PM

    The Dems need to concentrate their state-level efforts on Wisconsin and Florida. The GOP have way too much control in those two states, relative to what their residents would actually prefer.

    Both ought to be purple states, but they are currently effectively red states because Republicans hijacked the electoral machinery and rigged it to their benefit while the Dems weren’t paying attention.

  21. We may need federal intervention to get those two back, but we're not likely to get it now since the house is iffy and Manchin and Sinema still exist.
    The failure of HR1 was the most consequential fuck up of the Fergus era, without it nothing else is secure.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Cortez-Masto wins in Nevada, we hold the senate, judicial confirmations will continue apace.

    Fake Eli Lilly Twitter account tweets "insulin is now free" and LLY stock tanks 4.5%. Perhaps Elon should stick to rockets.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "Cortez-Masto wins in Nevada, we hold the senate, judicial confirmations will continue apace."


    Insane antics will still ensue in the House after Republicans (probably) take control there, but at least some aspects of the federal government will continue to operate normally.

    "Fake Eli Lilly Twitter account tweets 'insulin is now free' and LLY stock tanks 4.5%. Perhaps Elon should stick to rockets."

    Won't the vast profits raised from Elon's $8 blue checks make up for all the businesses fleeing Twitter because the blue checks no longer protect them from defamation?

    No? That's not how it works?


    Monetizing blue checks was the most extreme example of a dumb, greedy business idea I've heard since Irish airline Ryanair suggested they were going to introduce pay toilets on their airplanes.

    This indicates Elon had zero plan for what he intended to do when he signed the contract to buy Twitter (and then tried to weasel out of it). He's completely winging it, and failing miserably. He's already told his staff Twitter might have to declare bankruptcy. It's hilarious, but also sad, that he is ruining an entire social media platform used by millions of people solely because of his ego and his weird, unworkable libertarian ideas about limitless free speech.

  24. So if we win Georgia, we can outvote an attack by Manchin or Sinema, but still not both at the same time.

    I'll take it!

  25. Blogger Flying Junior said...


    We can't blame you. You are as old as my piano tuner. I'm sure glad that you are here. I enjoy reading what you have to say. It's an important connection to the past. Don't feel bad. I'm a relic of a bygone era myself.

    1:46 AM
    Thanks, Flying Junior. It's very nice to have friends on this blog. The main reason I came here in the beginning was to be in contact with the larger Black community. After my dear husband died five years ago, it became even more important to me. He was very tuned into all of the current issues Black people were facing, and he kept me informed.

    I love all the regulars here both black and white.
    And thank God there was no red wave!

  26. “Some of our best wins came in state legislative races.“

    Best news I’ve heard in a while.

  27. “Insane antics will still ensue in the House after Republicans (probably) take control there“

    Which may work for ‘24 because people will see how insane they are but judges will still be confirmed. Let the kids run the house and let the adults do the serious work and let’s make sure theGOP never wins the house again.

  28. Anonymous2:29 PM

    “Which may work for ‘24 because people will see how insane they are but judges will still be confirmed. Let the kids run the house and let the adults do the serious work and let’s make sure theGOP never wins the house again.”

    We have to hope the “kids” don’t do too much damage in the meantime, though. (These are very bad “kids.” They need to be sent to juvie.)

    One particularly worrying possibility is that House Republicans will threaten to force the federal government to default on its debts unless the Democrats into pass budget cuts or other wingnut priorities. Our economic recovery won’t be helped by a debt default.

    The Democrats could head this type of extortion off at the pass by eliminating the debt limit during the lame duck session of Congress, but they probably won’t have the guts to do this.

    Maybe Biden will finally be forced to mint the trillion-dollar coin? It’s a wacky idea, but these are wacky times.

  29. The Democrats could head this type of extortion off at the pass by eliminating the debt limit during the lame duck session of Congress, but they probably won’t have the guts to do this.

    Didn't we pass a new debt ceiling in 2021 just using the reconciliation process?

    We should be able to swing a simple majority in the Senate even if good times party boy, Herschel Walker wins his runoff in December.

    I know I must be making some mistakes in counting. What do we have, two independent Senators now? But it is starting to look simpler. Right now we have 48 democratic senators and two independents, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine that caucus with the blue team. So that's just 49 repubs. If Walker wins, it will be 50-50

  30. Anonymous4:08 PM

    “Didn't we pass a new debt ceiling in 2021 just using the reconciliation process?”

    My understanding is that reconciliation will only help overcome a Republican filibuster in the Senate. It can’t overcome Republican control of the House.

    So unless Democrats eliminate the debt ceiling, or raise it to some preposterously high number, by the end of this year, we may be back to ridiculous debt ceiling standoffs again once Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker of the House.

    And that will suck. The Dems should take this weapon away from the Republicans. Don’t let the terrorists win.

  31. Veep breaks any 50/50 ties in the Senate, but keeping Georgia's seat will help if you can't control 2 wildcards, Sinema and what's his face from WV who has openly explored jumping parties.

  32. The lame duck is gonna be LIT.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. I don't know whether it's really his last, but one can hope:

    Quote of the Day

    November 12, 2022 at 11:26 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 464 Comments

    “Ironic isn’t it? Mitch McConnell stealing a Supreme Court seat cost him his last chance at being Leader McConnell.”

    — Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo), on Twitter.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "I don't know whether it's really his last, but one can hope"

    Well, the 2024 elections will probably be more favorable for the Dems winning the Senate, and then McConnell will be 84 years old and not likely to run again in 2026, so she might be right.

    I'll be happy when Mitch retires. He's been not far behind Trump in his contributions to the ugly divisiveness of American politics.

  35. “One particularly worrying possibility is that House Republicans will threaten to force the federal government to default on its debts unless the Democrats into pass budget cuts or other wingnut priorities.“

    Thing is with such a narrow majority some of the GOP members won purple areas and are not inclined to act like their fellow poop tossing comrades. They can if they want but they won’t be re-elected. We’ve seen this scene before and unfortunately we’ll see it again.🤷🏾‍♂️

  36. iowa's chuck Grassley just won another term and he turned 89 on September 7th.
    He be older than most dinosaur fossils. And likely as intelligent.

  37. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "Thing is with such a narrow majority some of the GOP members won purple areas and are not inclined to act like their fellow poop tossing comrades. They can if they want but they won’t be re-elected. We’ve seen this scene before and unfortunately we’ll see it again."

    Maybe, but ... remember that the original debt ceiling standoff in 2011 started with ALL 236 House Republicans refusing to raise the debt ceiling. That includes the ones from blue states.

    A compromise was eventually reached and the debt ceiling was raised before the government defaulted, but not before Standard & Poor's got sick of the Republicans' shit and downgraded the nation's credit rating anyway. That means the interest rate at which the U.S. borrows money went up, and in turn, everyone will now owe more money and have to pay more in taxes than otherwise would have happened. Or the government can spend less on useful things because we're spending more on servicing debt. Take your pick.

    This was all the result of an irresponsible game of chicken that House Republicans played to try to get their way. (Not that they actually care about the debt, at all, or else they wouldn't have voted to increase the debt by cutting taxes under Trump. This stunt was just an attempt to cut spending and shaft poor people, which is what Republicans always want.)

    Next time, they may not stop the car in time to avoid going off the cliff. And so they could accidentally cause the federal government to actually default, which will quite possibly induce a recession, which would be the dumbest thing ever.

    I don't like any plan that involves counting on any Republicans to act sane. Based on past performance, I trust don't trust any of them that much.

  38. "Maybe, but ... remember that the original debt ceiling standoff in 2011 started with ALL 236 House Republicans refusing to raise the debt ceiling. That includes the ones from blue states."

    Two things, the Tea Partiers are different from MAGA's and 236 is a whole lot different than 219ish. Blue states have red districts but these elections going down to the wire are truly purple. If they go full MAGA they will hurt themselves in 2024 which is a good thing so if they want to make Gym Jordan speaker and act as the insane asylum they are free to do so. Look at the way even Candace Owens is turning on trump so anyone still on that train may do themselves' harm.

  39. Being fair complexioned myself, I monitor white people (or wipipo, thank you Michael Harriot) with an especially critical eye. I was pleased to see that our 18-24 voters went for the D column, not the racist one. There IS hope, America, in the nation's yout', as Joe Pesci called them.

  40. Another South Duhkota magat pol arrested for rape after the election.

    I heard Dems were the child molesters.

  41. Roberta flack announces retirement from singing. She has ALS. Man that woman could sing!

  42. Well, it certainly didn't help them:

    Covid Deaths Probably Cost Republicans the Midterms

    November 14, 2022 at 12:51 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 158 Comments

    Jonathan Last: “So again, lots of factors were at play. Including one that doesn’t get talked about much: excess Covid deaths. There’s been an ongoing study of the Republican resistance to the Covid vaccines and the preliminary findings suggest that post-vaccine, Republicans accounted for about 80 percent more of the excess deaths than Democrats. Part of this is because of vaccine hesitancy; part of it is because of the age profile of voters.”

    “I’m not going to burden you with the math here, but if you want to read up on it, the data is quite striking, all the way to the county level.”

    “To take just one example: between January 2021 and this month, 9,400 people in Nevada died of Covid. The data suggests that the majority of these people would have been Republican voters. Keep that number in mind.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.


  44. "I heard Dems were the child molesters."

    Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers (h/t Ten Bears):

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Can't wait to see Kari Lake interviewed. I hope the journalists are as petty as I would be. "So, how does it feel to lose Kari". LOL!

  46. I was wondering about attrition rates of the brave anti-vaxxers. I guess they never knew what hit them until it was too late. So sad.

  47. Anonymous1:47 AM

    “To take just one example: between January 2021 and this month, 9,400 people in Nevada died of Covid. The data suggests that the majority of these people would have been Republican voters.”

    It would be hard to find a more perfect illustration of America’s current political dysfunction than one of our two major parties having adopted policies in 2020/2021 that were guaranteed to kill their own voters.

  48. Anonymous2:21 AM

    I wonder if someone is keeping score of all the candidates Trump endorsed, and how they fared in the election. It sure does seem like almost all of them flamed out .

    Add Kari Lake to the loser list.

  49. Cruz's endorsees and tucky fucky Carlson's endorsees fared worse than drumpf's.

  50. So time for article 5?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "So time for article 5?"

    If you're talking about Russia (probably accidentally) launching a missile into Poland today and killing two people, that is a fucking scary event.

    This is what everyone is afraid of: Because Russia's army sucks and can't defeat Ukraine, and it's now evident that he made a big mistake, a desperate Putin will start making more and more reckless moves and eventually bumble himself, and the rest of us, straight into World War Three.

  52. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Who didn't see this coming? This chick always had messed-up views and was a lousy fit for the Democratic Party from the outset.

    Tulsi Gabbard inks contributor deal with Fox News

  53. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I heard that Trump was going to make some kind of big announcement today. I wonder what that could be.

    I'm thinking he's going to inform everyone that he is trans and henceforth wants to be referred to as "Donna" Trump.

    Yeah, I bet it's that.

  54. Found on Twitter:

    Paul Krugman
    Happy William Tecumseh Sherman Day! The march to the sea began 158 years ago today.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. CNN fact checked drumpf's big announcement and virtually every claim drumpf made was false, some sounded like Pants On Fire lies.

  56. Manifest Density10:23 AM

    Trump is a virus.
    Infecting our Republic.
    We need a vaccine.

  57. Vietnam had a dramatic effect on our generation, as did the civil rights movement and growing up with the daily fear of nuclear destruction. Perhaps he has forgotten or is too young to remember it as sharply as I do.
    I wish it were just old white male boomers, but I fear they passed on their world view to their sons, just as they will pass it on to theirs.
    Those young men raging and screaming at women to shut up at the Let Women Speak rally in NY a couple days ago were not boomers.

  58. Yes, the eighteen years olds killing people in schools, grocery stores, and churches are definitely not boomers.

  59. Anonymous1:46 PM

    “Trump is a virus.
    Infecting our Republic.
    We need a vaccine.”

    There is a vaccine. Send Trump to prison. That will prevent a recurrence of the disease known as Trumpism.

  60. Artemis is up.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. The Respect for Marriage Act just overcame a Republican filibuster and is on its way to becoming law. Clarence Thomas probably just made a poopy in his shorts.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. The red wave turned out to be a giant, malodorous, silent fart.

  63. How do you know it is bedtime at magat headquarters? When the big hand is on the little hand.

    Why do conservatives salivate so when the mail comes? New JC Penny catalog says boys clothes half off.

    (I usurped these jokes from unknown source)

  64. Manifest Density12:40 PM

    My favorite Nancy Pelosi quote.

    "I've been waiting for this. For trespassing on the Capitol grounds, I'm going to punch him out. And I'm going to go to jail, and I'm going to be happy."

    Thank you Nancy Pelosi!

  65. Ms Pelosi announces retirement as SOH. Look for moar Benghazi type investigations under magat control of house.

  66. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Kari Lake refuses to admit she lost and is going the Trump route of claiming the vote count was tampered with by nefarious Democrats.

    Not exactly a shockerooni coming from her. She’s a froot loop.

  67. Nancy Pelosi is stepping down from leadership in the Democratic party at the end of this congress. She is the most accomplished and capable speaker of the house in US history, and I regret that the year I lived in San Francisco was an off election year (2001) and thus I never had the chance to vote for her.
    In her floor speech announcing her move, she said she would remain in congress representing San Francisco. From Steve Benen:
    During her floor remarks today, Pelosi said she’s “enjoyed working with three presidents” as speaker, before referencing accomplishments from the Bush, Obama and Biden eras.

    Left unsaid was the fact that Pelosi served as speaker under four presidents, not three.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. NY Post brutally trolls drumpf...,w_1280,c_fill

  69. watch wasicu pigs bust Black pizza delivery guy, handcuff him and proceed to snoop for the drugs they are sure he is delivering. he gets quite a talking to because they are sure the pkg they found under the pizza is drugs. pigs with egg on face are aghast he didn't tell them the pkg wasn't drugs. Like they would've believed him.


    Video in previous post is wrong one.

  71. Maybe it is right video.

  72. Virginia U shooter was able to buy 2 guns last year after failing background check. Let's lay the blame at magat's feet where it belongs.

  73. Indiana pig goes to school to teach kids how to be good pigs and accidentally shoots one student.

    I guess we can expect a rash of new school shootings by pigs.

  74. Anonymous12:22 AM

    "Indiana pig goes to school to teach kids how to be good pigs and accidentally shoots one student.”

    Was it this guy again?:

    DEA Police Officer Shoots Himself While in a Classroom Filled With Children

    “Okay, kids, now that we have covered the ‘don’ts’ of proper gun handling …”

  75. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Aaaaand yet another unsurprising Trump-related scandal.

    GOP operative convicted in scheme to funnel Russian money into Trump campaign

  76. While magat congresspukes and magat justices block Biden's debt relief for students, magats in South Duhkota have no qualms about slapping doctors who have repaid their loans in the face by offering debt relief and bonusses to other medical students in state.

    Remember, South Duhkota is a total red run state with barely any representation by Dems. All state offices are run by magats.

  77. Anonymous2:42 PM

    “While magat congresspukes and magat justices block Biden's debt relief for students, magats in South Duhkota have no qualms about slapping doctors who have repaid their loans in the face by offering debt relief and bonusses to other medical students in state.”

    No, silly, those are the “deserving” kinds of students:

    Doctors. And, probably, if they’re willing to practice medicine in South Dakota, white doctors.

    Also, attracting doctors to South Dakota, where many of them would not otherwise choose to live, guarantees medical care to the wingnutty residents of that state, who are, likewise, “deserving.”

    See, rank and file Republican voters aren’t actually categorically against the government helping people, only against the government helping “
    certain people, whom they look down on and despise.

  78. Anonymous2:51 PM

    It is now being recommended to archive your Twitter feed if you want to keep any posts, because Twitter may be facing imminent collapse, caused by Elon’s idiocy.

  79. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The DOJ has appointed a special counsel to investigate Trump for stealing federal documents and for attempting to overthrow democracy after the 2020 election.

  80. "Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced today the appointment of former career Justice Department prosecutor and former chief prosecutor for the special court in the Hague, Jack Smith, to serve as special counsel to oversee two ongoing criminal investigations," the department said in a statement.


    I figured Ronna Romney McDaniel was a big girl, but not 1/6th the size of Earth. Who knew?

  82. Manifest Density4:43 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if the newly appointed special counsel links Dishonest Don aka Dumbitri Trumpsky aka the Manhattan Muscovite to the war in Ukraine.

  83. Putin was pleased when Musk "bought" Twitter and started barking Russian propaganda there, perhaps lees so now that he's killing it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Kari Fake just admitted magats have been disenfranchising blacks all along...

  85. Mrs. Junior was on Yahoo News reading the day's latest fuckery from Musk. In response to his "step up to the plate" email sent to his remaining 38 hundred employees yesterday, another 1,200 called his bluff and resigned. This is, of course, coming on the heels of Musk firing three times that number earlier this week. Someone in the comments predicted that he would simply declare bankruptcy and use the huge losses to offset some of his taxes on his profitable companies.

    I had to point out that that will not work so well considering that Twitter is now a privately held company. He won't declare bankruptcy because he would not in truth be going through a bankruptcy. He may still be one of the two or three richest men in the world. He has plenty of assets that could be impounded to satisfy creditors. He would end up taking a bubble bath in an Olympic size swimming pool.

  86. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "I had to point out that that will not work so well considering that Twitter is now a privately held company. He won't declare bankruptcy because he would not in truth be going through a bankruptcy. He may still be one of the two or three richest men in the world. He has plenty of assets that could be impounded to satisfy creditors. He would end up taking a bubble bath in an Olympic size swimming pool."

    I don't think being privately held implies that Twitter isn't legally structured as a corporation. I doubt that Twitter's creditors can come after Elon's personal assets in the event of a bankruptcy.

    A better question is whether Elon's co-investors (he didn't front all of the $44 billion purchase price of Twitter himself) can force him out as CEO of the company before he destroys the company and incinerates any hope of getting any of their money back.

  87. Don['t new owners saddle acquisitions with massive debt before they clean all assets and leave stripped company in bankruptcy, like vulture capitalist Mittens Romney?

  88. Anonymous8:41 PM

    “Don['t new owners saddle acquisitions with massive debt before they clean all assets and leave stripped company in bankruptcy, like vulture capitalist Mittens Romney?”

    Well, that’s how it works if you’re a corporate raider.

    Elon isn’t. He’s not actively trying to asset-strip the company and kill it. He’s trying to make Twitter work, but he just has no idea how, so he’s killing it with incompetence.

    Apparently, he didn’t spend even five minutes figuring out what he wanted to do with Twitter before he bought it, beyond wanting to fire all the moderators and usher in a glorious new era of free (hate) speech.

  89. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Elon now appears to be deciding whether to reinstate Trump’s Twitter account … by putting the question to a Twitter poll.

    Yes, I’m serious.

  90. "The Enlightenment Age" happened in 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. Magats just now have come to the conclusion the 2020 election was not stolen and drumpf is a total fraud.

  91. Former anti-abortion zealot wro0te Chief justice Roberts there was a decision leaked in 2014 in Hobby Lobby case which allowed right wing religious magats to mount a PR campaign against abortion.

  92. It was Alito.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. 2 leaks from the Scotus to right wing terrorist organizations would sound like Alito or Uncle Tom Clarence's handiwork, for sure.

  94. According to NYT, former anti abortion activist had emails and stuff that convinced their writers Alito may be the leaker in the 2014 case. No surprise that.

  95. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Trump’s account is back and he is free to spew his bile on Twitter.

    For however long Twitter lasts, anyway.

  96. He says he's not coming back but when his campaign gets going he may change his mind.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. The very next time drumpf tells the truth will be the very first time he has ever told the truth.


    4 Idaho students stabbed while they slept.

    3 athletes shot by another in Virginia.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  99. There is most definitely a red wave and it is magat mass murderers slaughtering innocents with higher magat approval.

  100. Florida law passed in 2019 to shore up prosecution of sex trafficking crimes so far has resulted in no prosecutions in over 14k cases. None of the victims have been helped. No perps prosecuted.

  101. Recovering TrumpTard11:53 AM

    The Red State wave is a wave of blood.

    The latest "collateral damage" is the Colorado Springs gay nightclub shooting.

    The White terrorist responsible for this crime, Anderson Lee Aldrich, comes from a big MAGA supporting family.

    Aldrich's granddaddy, Randy Voepel, is an outgoing California lawmaker and former mayor, who has run on the MAGA platform.

  102. The magas like to kill the people who don't agree with their political philosophy.

  103. Thank someone Dems kept control because if magats got control they would investigate Biden's laptop to the exclusion of anything else.

  104. Anonymous3:44 PM


    “Sorry, I’ve no time to stay for breakfast, babe. I’ve just seen the MAGA bat signal summoning me to STORM THE CAPITOL!”

    Delaware man sentenced for joining US Capitol riots while on Tinder date

  105. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Twitter Employee Undergoes Therapy Over Elon Musk Takeover

  106. Anonymous4:04 PM

    “Thank someone Dems kept control because if magats got control they would investigate Biden's laptop to the exclusion of anything else.”

    They’re not going to reveal their brilliant plans for instantly fixing inflation and crime? But I was told by a million Republican campaign ads that they had those, and the Democrats didn’t.

    Oh well, I guess the revelation of the secret inflation & crime-fighting formula will have to take a back seat while they address the crucial matter of harassing Hunter Biden, a private citizen, because they don’t like his dad.

    Hooray! The nation is saved!

  107. The folks at that gay nightclub in Colorado could teach the pigs in Texas a thing or two about disarming shooters before they finish their slaughter.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. Anonymous4:23 PM

    “Twitter Employee Undergoes Therapy Over Elon Musk Takeover”

    Hey, you know who else will need therapy? The investors who helped fund Elon’s takeover of the company.

    I imagine they’re going to be fairly upset after Twitter folds and they lose every last dime of their investment, due to Elon’s stupidity.

  109. Chokelahoma magat guv's 20 y/o son got busted for drunk driving and a carload of guns, 5 days before the election. News is just now coming out about.

    Car had so many guns including one registered to the guv hizzownself.

  110. About time:

    Oregon Governor Issues Blanket Pardon for Marijuana

    November 21, 2022 at 4:52 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 193 Comments

    Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) “announced Monday that she is issuing a pardon for Oregonians who have been convicted of simple possession of marijuana,” the Oregonian reports.

    “The pardon is for people convicted of possessing one ounce or less of marijuana, in pre-2016 cases, in which the person was 21 years or older. Brown’s pardon applies in cases where possession was the only charge, and there were no victims.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. America, I love ya'! Third year in a row where mass killings exceed 600. Only in an alleged civil, polite society can this happen and be tolerated. Where (hint...think magats) does all the hate come from?

  112. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Trump loses again. His tax returns are headed to Congress, according to SCOTUS.

    I expect this will be another rage-filled, throwing-food-at-the-wall day at Mar A Lago.

  113. Ways and means now has six weeks. I say print them up and put them on public display at the library of congress.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. 80 acres of Sioux County, iowa cropland brought 30k per acre. Speculators, most likely.

  115. drumpf is about to lose another case in front if 3 magat appointed judges in 11th circuit court of appeals.

    This case is likely to end drumpf appointed unqualified judge Cannons control of Mara Lago case special prosecutor.

  116. Miss Lindsey testified before the grand jury for a couple of hours today.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  117. Where's Qanon when you need them:

    Peter Thiel Is Interested in Young People’s Blood

    November 22, 2022 at 10:06 am EST By Taegan Goddard 394 Comments

    GOP megadonor Peter Thiel told Inc. Magazine that he’s interested in parabiosis, which includes the practice of getting transfusions of blood from a younger person, as a means of improving health and potentially reversing aging.

    Said Thiel: “I’m looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. Anonymous8:52 PM

    “Peter Thiel Is Interested in Young People’s Blood”

    I don’t know how seriously to take this news.

    But I’ll just say that anything sounds sinister when it’s connected with Thiel. He’s like a cartoon caricature of an evil billionaire character from a comic book or something. The Lex Luthor of Silicon Valley.

    If you told me he was building a factory to manufacture military rape-robots, I’d think:

    Yeah, that sounds about right.

  119. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Howdy, negroes! How many of you are dead this week at the hands of your own?

  120. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Miss Lindsey testified before the grand jury for a couple of hours today.

    Always good to see the negroes hate the faggots. Not that it's a surprise.

  121. Maybe the red wave was magat heads exploding, including anymoosie's head.

  122. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Maybe the red wave was magat heads exploding, including anymoosie's head.

    The average negro I.Q. is 85, equivalent to a beast in the field.

  123. Tomorrow's mass shooting headlines will be wasicu magat family argues over which poor magat has to eat the dark meat of the turkey. Entire family, including babies and toddlers, shoot each other. No survivors.

  124. Chesapeake Walmart shooter was store manager, of all people.

  125. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Yep, not only the manager, but one more crazy negro who doesn't think black lives matter.

  126. Anonymous6:32 PM

    This guy …

    Just when you think Kanye can’t do anything dumber to get himself in trouble. Surely he’s hit bottom, right?


    Kanye West showed Yeezy staff an explicit video of Kim Kardashian and played his own sex tapes for them: Rolling Stone

  127. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I see that the young negroes of Overbrook High School in Philadelphia don't think black lives matter either.

  128. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Democrat Mary Peltola, who became the first Alaska native to win a seat in Congress in a special election a few months ago, has now secured a full term in the House.

    And she crushed Sarah “Caribou Barbie” Palin. Again.

  129. Lots of bad news. A good deal of great news to cheer us. It's a tough world we are living in.

    As it has been said in the past, times be illin'.

    In the United States we should be the happiest and freest society on the planet, yet we are plagued by division, crime, political gridlock which enables mass murders... Oppression, exploitation, human trafficking, deadly narcotic abuse, food insecurity, homelessness and so much more. What can we be thankful for?

    I'm happy that I can still be mice elf on the venerable Field Negro blog.

    I was going to try to pen a hipster beatitudes, but it was just too important to get it wrong. Maybe next year.

    I hope that all of the regulars here have plenty of resources and time and friends and family with which to celebrate the wonderful things that still exist about living in the U.S.A. God bless the Field and all of his friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

  130. Kanye spotted at Mara Lago with Charlottesville wasicu scumacyst. He seemed nice.


    Rumour has it, Jones was less than honest in dealing with people over mineral rights in Arkansas. That is where much of his fortune was obtained.


    Walker got tax break last year meant for permanent Texas residents which me3ans he could be in trouble with Texas for tax fraud and Georgia for election crimes.

  133. Happy Thanksgiving †o Field and all my friends here, and may you and those you love be safe.

  134. All told, we still have much to be thankful for, so happy thanksgiving, and remember the holiday's civil war heritage rather than its colonial lie heritage.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  135. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Elon is restoring all the banned Twitter accounts. Let your hate flag fly!

    Bye-bye to all the advertisers, I guess. If the goal was to make Twitter go bankrupt faster, mission accomplished.

  136. "Kanye spotted at Mara Lago with Charlottesville wasicu scumacyst. He seemed nice."

    Anytime nazis agree with you you might want to reconsider your message.

  137. Sarah Palin lost her race. First Lake and now Palin, can it get any better? Conservatives love them some stupid but maybe not everyone else.

  138. Anonymous1:19 AM

    “Sarah Palin lost her race. First Lake and now Palin, can it get any better?”

    Lauren Boebert could lose her seat? That would make this election even better.

    Bobo is ahead by a tiny number of votes, but there’s a slim possibility that the gun-toting airhead will lose in a recount. As long as there’s still a chance, I’ll be praying for her political humiliation.

  139. "Lauren Boebert could lose her seat? That would make this election even better."

    Nah, we need her around to point to the fact the GOP loves its stupid. The high school dropout who just got her GED is the poster child for their vapid tendencies.

  140. Musk laid off dozens of employees Thanksgiving Eve after saying he was done with layoffs. Happy Thanksgiving the billionaire way.

  141. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Kanye for president!

    No, I’m not kidding. He says he is running again. Every day, some new nonsense from this dude.

  142. Manifest Density11:45 AM

    Rest in peace The Honorable Mayor Harold Washington.

  143. Kanye announces run for 2024 potus and asks drumpf to be his veep. drumpf's head explodes.

  144. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Som field negro, how many negroes killed negroes in Philadelphia this week?

  145. I don't know. How many white people killed white people in Texas this week?

  146. Irene Cara, age 63, has left the building.

  147. drumpf invites white scumacyst/Holocaust denier to Mara Lago for formal dinner and then claims afterward he didn't know Nick Fuentes. World's greatest memory can't remember shit.

  148. “Irene Cara, age 63, has left the building.“

    Oh no! Had a thing for her as a kid.😔

  149. Go anti-woke, go broke9:32 PM

    How are things going over at Twitter today? Let’s check in.

    Hmmm. Elon is insanely ranting about how, if the Twitter app is removed from the Apple App Store and Google Play because the social media platform is now full of racists, then he will start a company to manufacture an Elon phone. This really does seem to be the hill he is willing to die on. I’m not sure why other investors should be in a hurry to flush their money down the toilet to assist in this silly crusade, but whatever.

    Meanwhile …

    Less than a month after Musk takeover, half of Twitter’s top advertisers have halted activity: report

    Last one to leave Twitter, please turn off the lights.

  150. Musk says he will support DeSantis' run for the presidency because he thinks he is a sensible centrist. Probably should have stuck with rockets.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  151. “then he will start a company to manufacture an Elon phone“

    When you have more money than god you can do silly shit. I know I would. The Xphone would have a nice ring to it.😆

  152. So did I. PX, except I was an alleged adult.

  153. The best and most frequent way to take down a bad guy with a gun is for a good guy sans gun to do it.

    An armed society doesn't give a fuck if they are polite or not. Belligerent is much more likely.

  154. Anonymous4:31 PM

  155. Another cop exposed a white supremacist. Nope, no more racism.🙄

  156. Moar evidence wasicu lives don't matter to wasicus...

  157. Musk joins a long list of magats with punchable mugs. Gawd they be uhglee!

  158. Buffalo shooter pleads guilty.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  159. Anonymous10:15 PM

    "Buffalo shooter pleads guilty."

    Buffalo shooter pleads race war.

    Obviously, he had to plead guilty. He wrote a "white genocide" manifesto. He livestreamed the shootings on social media. It'd be pretty hard for any jury to find reasonable doubt after all that.

  160. Kismet is a bitch. Renegade magat counties in Arizona who refuse to certify the election by December 5th, will have ALL THE VOTES DISCARDED AND MAY COST MAGATS A CONGRESSIONAL SEAT OR TWO. (fucking caps lock, the bane of my life)

  161. Anonymous10:39 AM

  162. I wonder of this is anymoose?

    Wasicu wastey from Indiana murdered three black men last year and a judge let him out of jail in September. Immediately, the white guy who thinks Black lives don't matter, was seen dealing drugs and possessing firearms he was ordered not to have.


    Didn't see that coming. No pun intended. LOL!

  164. Fani gets another one:

    * Mark Meadows’ latest defeat: “South Carolina’s Supreme Court has ordered former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to testify to an Atlanta-area grand jury investigating Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the election in Georgia. ‘We have reviewed the arguments raised by Appellant and find them to be manifestly without merit,’ South Carolina’s Supreme Court justices wrote.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. The senate just passed the respect for marriage act and now it goes back to the house for a final vote before going to Biden's desk to become law.
    Savor that feeling one last time: full confidence that the house is in good enough working order that you don't have to even wonder whether it can do its job in time to get a law made. They may have a few more in the lame duck, but after January 3rd, all bets are off for at least two years, and there will never be another speaker as good at the job as Nancy Pelosi.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  166. Here's a frightening article about what can happen when authorities do not take threats seriously enough.

    Oct. 5 Murad Dervish, a graduate student at the University of Arizona, walked into a professor’s office and shot to death the professor after making numerous antisemitic threats against his life. The threats were previously known and reported, but not enough was done to avoid yet another deadly campus shooting.

  167. More white crime:
    Police in Covington, Louisiana, say one of two burned corpses found near the St. Peter Catholic Church is that of 70-year-old Father Otis Young, Jr., a retired priest who was reported missing Sunday along with his 71-year-old caretaker and parish assistant, Ruth Prats.

    The second body will need DNA verification for a positive identity.

    Miami Killer Targeted the ‘Soul’ of Ex’s New Man, Cops Say:

  168. Dems elect Hakeem Jefferies as their new leader in the House.

  169. Fleetwood Mac's singer/songwriter Christine McVie has left the building at age 79. RIP

  170. Ways and means has Fergus' tax returns. Finally.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  171. Maybe Dems can finish the neverending audits for drumpf before they send him to his new home on Federal Way, Somewhere.

  172. Anonymous6:01 PM

    “Maybe Dems can finish the neverending audits for drumpf before they send him to his new home on Federal Way, Somewhere.”

    At this point, there is probably not enough time left for the Jan 6th Committee to analyze Trump’s tax returns. He has successfully run the clock out on that option.

    However, they can certainly publish the entire pile of tax returns on a public website for journalists to rake through for evidence of wrongdoing. It won’t be as good as a congressional committee, because journalists can’t issue subpoenas, but it’s still useful. And maybe some state or federal prosecutors will also find them interesting.

  173. When the lovin' starts and the lights go down;
    There's not another living soul around.
    Woo me until the sun comes up
    And you say that you love;
    Say that you love me...

  174. Anonymous6:22 PM

    “At this point, there is probably not enough time left for the Jan 6th Committee …”

    Sorry, Ways and Means Committee. Same thing, though. Not enough time for an investigation, only publication.

  175. They better have quotas as well as time limits:

    Right-Wing Activists Sentenced for Phony Robocalls

    November 30, 2022 at 6:32 am EST By Taegan Goddard 31 Comments

    “A judge on Tuesday ordered Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, two right-wing conspiracy theorists behind robocalls that sought to intimidate Black voters here out of casting mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election, to spend 500 hours registering voters in low-income neighborhoods in the Washington, D.C., area,” the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  176. Anonymous8:45 PM

    “Hi, I’m Jacob Wohl. I dislike black people and try to prevent them from voting. Please give me your personal information. Don’t worry, I would never do anything bad with it …”

  177. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Twitter Deathwatch Update:

    EU officials say that unless Twitter agrees to provide content moderation and boot out the bigots and liars, the social network will be completely blocked in Europe.

    Hey, no big deal if you have zero users on an entire continent, and incidentally one of the wealthiest. That won’t hurt Twitter’s profitability at all, right, Elon?

  178. For all the white nationalist trolls who come to this blog...
    Here's another example of how "superior" whites are not. Read the article. Eight premeditated murders in cold blood. His family members participated too.

    Ohio Man Guilty of Planning 8 Gruesome Murders With Family

  179. 5 Connecticut pigs charged with misdemeanors after arrested Black man in paddy wagon got his neck broke when driver, who was speeding braked to avoid an accident. The unrestrained man slammed into wall of van and was paralyzed from chest down. Be sure to watch the full video which includes being mocked and made fun of and roughly mistreated before he was ever taken to hospital.

    Pigs claimed paddy wagon had no seat belts, but the video sure shows restraints all along bench where prisoner was seated.


    11 years and he cooperated? Hope they can nail Gaetz with a dozen life terms and one minute off for good behaviour.

  181. It's raining and it's supposed to snow later. I hope the power stays on.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  182. How cold does it get around there, Doug? Any chance your water pipes freeze without adequate snbow cover? Ignorant iowan is curiouser than all get out.


    Political stunt should get AG disbarred permanently.

    In other magat news, disgraced South Duhkota pol has been working with gubmint officials on a plea bargain that includes no jail time and n o sex offender registry. He had been molesting adopted Native American daughter for years, even after she left for college. Party of family values alright.


    drumpf loses in court again. This time it was a three republican judge panel of the 11th circuit court who disbanded special master appointed by drumpf appointee judge Cannon.

  185. Once when she was down in Oakland for a while, Zsuzs had us run water in the upstairs just to make sure, but the pipes haven't frozen since we got here in 2019. Hopefully we can dig the car out of the snow bank the plow made so we can get to the grocery store tomorrow.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  186. Thanks, Doug, as always.

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