Saturday, December 24, 2022

The naughty and the nice.

 Tis the season of holiday cheer,  and your friendly neighborhood field negro is checking his list to find out who has been naughty and who has been nice. 

Let's start with the nice.  I have a few candidates who should be on Santa's good side. 

1. Anthony Fauci: This poor guy has been branded as a pariah by the anti-science right-wingnuts from day one of the COVID-19 pandemic. And, to his credit, he did not let it deter him from fighting the good fight against the misinformation and ignorance that came from the right during what was a terrible time in our country.  Thousands of dead Americans and the poor man still had to defend himself against the onslaught of negativity and disinformation on a daily basis. 

2. Wes Moore: Becoming the first black governor of the state of Maryland was a historic achievement. Having yawdie roots and showing that he has the political chops to take his political career even further puts him in Santa's nice bag.   

3. Bennie Thompson: His job was to oversee the January 6th Commission, and he and his committee delivered the goods. Some folks will  cry that it (the committee) was too partisan, but the right had their chance to have folks added to the committee and they played games. Thompson's committee was thorough and effective. Their criminal referrals to the DOJ now puts the ball in Merrick Garland's court.  

4. The voters of Georgia: I know it was too close for comfort, but stopping Herschel Walker from becoming a United States Senator was nice.  

5. Jalen Hurts: Showing the NFL world that hard work pays off, and doing it while you are the quarterback of my birds, gets you on Santa's good side for sure. 

6. Volodymyr Zelenski: The American right hates this guy more than they do Putin. Why? Because he is everything that their de facto leader, donald trump, is not. Brave, courageous, and willing to fight side by side with his fellow countrymen.  One of their biggest beefs with him is that he wore a military sweater to address congress.  Does this faux outrage seem familiar? Think Obama's tan suit. 

7. LeBron James: Glad you didn't just "shut up and dribble" bro. 

8. The ten CNN heroes of 2022: No explanation needed. Just go to the link.   

9. Cassidy Hutchinson: Having the courage to stare down evil and corruption is nice. Being brave enough to speak to the country about it puts you in Santa's good graces.  

10. The Capitol police: These men and women defended the Capitol against that marauding group of insurrectionist on January 6th. The MAGA lunatics literally tried to seize power from the government after a legitimate and fair election. The scary thing is that they almost succeeded.   

And now the naughty. No toys for you.

1. Tucker Carlson: Night after night he spews nothing but hateful and vile rhetoric meant to divide and drive up the ratings on his popular television show. The fact that he is on a major television network tells you all you need to know about where we are as a country. 

2. Marjorie Taylor Greene: This racist and anti- Semite has been sent back to Washington by her constituents. She is now more powerful than ever, due to the right's slim majority in congress. That should scare every American with a brain. The phrase you are a product of your environment certainly holds true when it comes to Marjorie.    

3. Kari Lake:  She just lost a free and fair election, and yet she continues to push the lie that it was stolen from her. Sound familiar ?    

4. Jerry Jones: Maybe he was only fifteen when he was seen in a photo that put him on the wrong side of an ugly chapter in America's history, but he has done nothing over the years to show us that he did not co-sign with the behavior of his peers back then.   

5. Candace Owens/Kanye West: These two go together like eggnog and Christmas for their coonery and ignorance. 

6.  Matt Gaetz: This Florida man has managed to stay one step ahead of being charged as a pedophile, and yet he still maintains a high profile while doing one obnoxious and borderline treasonous thing after another.  He has definitely been naughty.  

7.  Van Jones: Van has to realize by now that the bothsideism game is getting old.     

8. Urban Terrorists: These clueless wannabe gangsters who contribute to the destruction of their communities have all been naughty this year.  Five hundred murders in my city of Philadelphia this year is not cool.  

9. Elon Musk: Long ago, before I realized what kind of man Musk is, I considered purchasing a Tesla. I wouldn't take one now if you gave it to me.  

10. Kyrsten Sinema: She went to Washington for one purpose: To make money. Sadly, it has been working for her. She switched parties not long ago because she knew she would not make it out of a democratic primary. Hopefully the people of Arizona will wise up and end her craven selfish reign as a politician.   

11. The Supreme Court majority: No explanation needed. 

That's it folks. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Oh, and your gifts as well, because all of you FN readers have been nice. :) 


  1. I'd put Marc Elias on the nice list also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. That’s a damn good list. Great minds……

  3. Wow, are you right ON, Field, in the naughty and niceness lists, and I learned a new word, yawdie (or yardie). Have been noticing how many high achievers have come from that little island. Is it the rum? Feistiness of character? Do a column sometime with a first or second-generation list of the celebrities, from Colin Powell to Maurice Ashley to Dennard Dayle.

  4. drumpfuck rates a permanent spot on the naughty list. I hope this is the last we have to hear about Cari Flake and stolen elections.

  5. One could also add Abraham Hamadeh, Mark Finchem, and Lauren Boebert to the naughty list.

  6. Add the Field Negro to that nice list! For always being fair and just to his commentors! Merry and healthy Christmas to all!

  7. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Doug likes guitar jam bands. You'll like Sturgill Simpson. Probably Tyler childers too. Even though they aren't Jam bands. Don't get any air play. Good Stuff though.. Merry Christmas

  8. May as well add all magat pols to the naughty list, with a select handful who broke ranks and worked with Dems, getting added to the nice list.

  9. Ever wonder why magats shut the fuck up about CRT? Hint, it did them little good as an election talking point against Libs.

  10. Anonymous7:09 PM

    "Ever wonder why magats shut the fuck up about CRT? Hint, it did them little good as an election talking point against Libs."

    CRT and anti-LGBT "child groomer" freakouts haven't gone away. They're just on the back burner at the moment.

    Having captured the House of Representatives, Republicans will for now focus their energies on turning that part of our nation's legislature into a circus. So there'll be vengeful attempts to put Hunter Biden, and maybe Anthony Fauci (!), on trial for made-up crimes; there'll be endless nonsense bills about "securing the border," which falsely imply that President Biden is inviting all of Latin America to move here; and there'll be insane attempts to take the economy hostage and force the Democrats to cut federal spending, or else they'll refuse to hike the debt limit and thereby cause the government to default on its debts.

    But don't worry, by next election cycle, Republicans will resume their library-book-banning demands and their dire warnings about how your woke, pedo local elementary school teacher is teaching anti-white lessons and trying to make your kid have a sex change.

  11. "But don't worry, by next election cycle, Republicans will resume their library-book-banning demands and their dire warnings about how your woke, pedo local elementary school teacher is teaching anti-white lessons and trying to make your kid have a sex change."

    You've got to choose a screen name. You are hilarious!

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Howdy negroes! What did you steal today? Who did you kill today? Who's yo daddy?

  13. kujichagulia

  14. Arkansass magat sinaturd Cotton may not reside in Arkansass. For 8 years his wife has had absentee ballot mailed to residence in McLean Va. Cotton's neighbors in Arkansass claim they almost never see him and one thinks his hovel is a BNB.

    New magat New york congressweasel admitted he lied about his background, work and finances. Plans to serve anyway. Jail time hopefully.

  15. Mastermind of Whitmer kidnap attempt gets 16 years in prison.

  16. Russian sausage magnate dies from fall out of hotel window in India. Must be in their DNA.

  17. "Mastermind of Whitmer kidnap attempt gets 16 years in prison."

    Plenty of time to reflect on just how dumb his idea was.

  18. Anonymous4:02 PM

    “Russian sausage magnate dies from fall out of hotel window in India. Must be in their DNA.”

    It just so happens that Russians who criticize the war, or Putin, suddenly become very clumsy. It is wise for them to stay away from open windows. And maybe don’t even go upstairs — just stay on the ground floor.

  19. Anonymous4:15 PM

    “Mastermind of Whitmer kidnap attempt gets 16 years in prison.”

    “Hey, man, what are you in for?”

    “I didn’t like the COVID lockdowns, so I tried to overthrow the government.”

    “Wow. And I thought I’d made some bad choices ...”

  20. So Lavrov says that if Ukraine doesn't accept Russia's surrender terms, the Russian army will decide the matter.
    Does that mean Putin will have his ass kicked in Red Square by a random Ukrainian army private? Because that's what is happening to the Russian army.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Kari Fake escaped sanctions but must pay attorney fees for her failed, false, flops of lawsuits. Then she needs to be sold into prostitution in a shithole country run by rabid right wing nutjobs.

  22. Anonymous12:56 PM

    “Russian sausage magnate dies from fall out of hotel window in India. Must be in their DNA.”

    From @GaryDelaney on Twitter:

    “I bought a Russian advent calendar. Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out.”

  23. That was hillaryrious, Anon.


    Effing caps lock

  24. Anonymous3:44 PM


    That nonsense is still ongoing. Indiana’s despicable AG, Todd Rokita, is trying to get the medical board to sanction Dr. Caitlin Bernard based on bad-faith complaints about Bernard publicizing the child’s medical information without permission or failing to report her rape to police, neither of which appears to be true.

    All of this is just revenge for Bernard revealing the cruelty of Indiana’s anti-abortion laws forcing child rape victims to give birth to their rapists’ babies.

  25. Anonymous3:51 PM

    “All of this is just revenge for Bernard revealing the cruelty of Indiana’s anti-abortion laws …”

    Sorry, that should read “Ohio’s anti-abortion laws.” The girl traveled to Indiana to get an abortion because she couldn’t get one in Ohio.

    It won’t be long before Indiana has an abortion ban in place as well, however, which will no doubt please Todd Rokita.

  26. Dem Jamie Raskin announces he has lymphoma, but it is treatale.

  27. Anonymous9:13 AM


  28. This scumacyst magat bitch, with zero judicial experience, just got appointed as a judge in Nevada.

    She's worse than a rabid fruitcake.

  29. Another magat charged with voter fraud.


    RIP Pele


    It figures.

  32. Biden belongs on Nice list for his judicial appointments....

  33. Blue lives didn't matter to wasicu woman veterinarian in Mississippi. OTOH, her life didn't matter tp cops.

  34. Suspect in Moscow, Idaho Uni murders arrested in Scranton, Pa. today.

  35. Would you believe, suspect in Uni slayings is a wasicu wastey?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Seen Fergus' tax returns and wondered how anyone could lose that much money?
    Well, due to the collapse in value of Tesla's still overvalued stock, Elon Musk has lost over $200 billion from November of '21 to this month. That's billion with a b. Meaning that gigantic loser could still buy Fergus at twice his market value with the change under his couch cushions.
    And neither of them could be trusted to go to the corner store with five bucks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. SCOTUS to take up case of judges adding extra penalties to defendants for crimes they have been acquitted of. This could be interesting if magats decide to twist logic like pretzels.

  39. Journalist/talking head Barbra Walters has left the ABC building age 93.

  40. Ratzinger bit the big one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Happiest New Years to all except anymoose.

  42. Happy New Year!

  43. Happiest of New Years everyone! May y'all have a happy, healthy and prosperous year!

  44. It is 2023 and I woke up alive, I believe. What else can go wrong?

  45. 19 year old wasicu wastey from Maine attacked 3 policemen in NY with a machete. Why was he not salted down with lead?

  46. Anonymous5:56 PM

    “19 year old wasicu wastey from Maine attacked 3 policemen in NY with a machete. Why was he not salted down with lead?”

    He was. One of the officers shot him, ending the attack.

    If he is still around to face trial, that’s a function of the officer having bad aim.

  47. I totally missed the part where machete man got shot, my humbuckingnest apology. mfi

  48. Newly elected NY congressmagat had a teenage boyfriend who broke up with congressman for telling him same lies he spews today.


    These guys made some good music back in the day.

  50. So how much shit will Kevin have to eat with a shovel to get that gavel in his hands, only to demonstrate how feckless and weak he will be even on his best days in comparison to his predecessor?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Anonymous3:18 AM

    You forgot about the sociopath that lied about just about everything on his resume and got elected

  52. Anonymous1:44 PM

    “So how much shit will Kevin have to eat with a shovel to get that gavel in his hands, only to demonstrate how feckless and weak he will be even on his best days in comparison to his predecessor?”

    He will need to make insane promises in order to become speaker. He’ll end up having to agree to House inquiries into “why global warming isn’t real” and “whether George Soros is funding the space lasers.”



    Mccarthy fails first speaker vote miserably.

  55. On the other hand, Fetterman was sworn in...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Fergus is attacking Ruby Freeman again. Maybe she can sue him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. Kevin loses third speaker vote. Hakeem Jeffries has gotten 212 votes on all three whereas Kevin is stuck at 202. It takes 218, and Kevin's support seems to be eroding, not building. The goddamn Republican political incompetence could leave us with speaker Scalise, or worse, speaker Jordan before it's over.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "Kevin loses third speaker vote. Hakeem Jeffries has gotten 212 votes on all three whereas Kevin is stuck at 202. It takes 218, and Kevin's support seems to be eroding, not building. The goddamn Republican political incompetence could leave us with speaker Scalise, or worse, speaker Jordan before it's over."

    Hey, maybe Republicans won't get to have any of their revenge investigations of Hunter Biden, etc. Or pass any pointless, showboaty legislation intended to abolish the IRS or the Department of Education, or outlaw trans people going to the bathroom, or whatever, before it quietly dies in the Senate.

    Instead, maybe they'll just fuck around having speaker votes nonstop for the next two years and then get voted out of office. Don't put it past them! I think they can summon the spite and incompetence to pull this off!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Uptownsteve1:22 PM

    What's up Field? I see you are still holding it down. Happy New Year Brother


  61. Mccarthy lost 4th vote for speaker amnd Gym Jordan is likely next in line for speakershit.

  62. Kevin has lost a fifth vote and appears to be well on the way to losing a sixth, with 12 votes for a GOP rival already cast.

    How many choads must Kevin choke down
    To get that gavel in his hand?
    The answer my friend
    Is blowing like the wind
    The answer is blowing like the wind.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. Various Dem lawmakers are bringing popcorn to the house floor and MTG is SO MAD at all of the meanies voting against Kevin giving her her committee assignments back.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Kevin loses sixth vote, is down to 201 supporters.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. AOC has told magats some Dems will vote for an alternative speaker candidate if Dems get to control some committees and get some agendas passed.

  66. Anonymous4:59 PM

    “AOC has told magats some Dems will vote for an alternative speaker candidate if Dems get to control some committees and get some agendas passed.”

    I suspect McCarthy would instantly turn into Public Enemy Number One for the MAGA morons if he became speaker by cutting a deal with Democrats in return for their help.

  67. Anonymous5:01 PM

    “I suspect McCarthy would instantly turn into Public Enemy Number One for the MAGA morons if he became speaker by cutting a deal with Democrats in return for their help.”

    Ditto for any other Republican speaker candidate.

  68. Any speaker will be Public Enemy Number One with those clowns. That's what they're about. The problem is that now that the goddamn Republicans have the majority, they might actually have some say in what happens.
    On the lighter side, George Santos said that he was sworn in yesterday. No-one was sworn in yesterday. Perhaps he meant "sworn at"...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. They're just fucking with him at this point. When the house reconvened, he wanted to adjourn until tomorrow because nothing has changed and further votes are just further humiliations, and Gaetz and his little crew even voted against adjourning.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. "Fergus is attacking Ruby Freeman again. Maybe she can sue him."

    She has, also the Gateway Pundit and others. Maybe this will actually work in her favor. He should have been impeached immediately when he endangered her life. I'll never forgive that son-of-a-bitch for that.

  71. Michigan Dem Senator Stabenow says she will not seek re-election in 2024.

  72. Mccarthy now has 8 strikes and is still swinging.

  73. 8 members of a south Utah family, including 5 children, were found shot to death. No further details available.

  74. "Maybe this will actually work in her favor."
    It might, because all of the other shit he said about her was while he was still president. This time he's not.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. As of a minute ago. Kevin had lost nineteen GOP votes in the ninth ballot when he can only lose four and get to 218. So strike nine, the side is retired? No, this isn't baseball so it's not that simple.
    But consider for a moment what happens if Kevin finally does go down in flames.
    Specifically, why Fergus has not thrown him under the bus for the sin of losing over and over and over.
    Kevin knows things about the January 6 insurrection that he hasn't been forthcoming about to the DOJ.
    They will eventually get around to asking him.
    So for the time being, Fergus is stuck with this loser.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. San Jose is now requiring gun owners to carry insurance.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. Manifest Density7:07 PM

    In the matter of the vote on House Speaker, the quote of the day goes to MSNBC's Joy Reid.

    ...Someone even nominated Donald Trump, and as usual he lost!

  78. George Santos claimed that he voted no on the omnibus bill. He hasn't even been sworn in yet, but he lied about that also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. Rebels without a cause or a clue fucking with other rebels without a cause or a clue. Insane Clown is laughing his ass off. Putin has run out of asses to laugh off. Thanks (again) for nothing Hillary.

  80. Pigs killed more people in 2022 than ever before...

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Kevin, having eaten a mountain of shit with numerous shovels, sucked repeatedly on the fringiest of wingnut schlongs, and agreed to bollix the workings of the people's house for the pleasure of the worst people on the planet, has been elected speaker of the house.
    Now let's see what abominations are bundled together and called the "rules package" after the swearing in of the members.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  83. Anonymous1:31 AM

    "Kevin, having eaten a mountain of shit with numerous shovels, sucked repeatedly on the fringiest of wingnut schlongs, and agreed to bollix the workings of the people's house for the pleasure of the worst people on the planet, has been elected speaker of the house."

    Even then, six of the dimwit caucus refused to vote for McCarthy. They voted "present," thereby lowering the win threshold so that he could win without their votes.

    Trolls to the end.

    I've no sympathy for McCarthy. That spineless jellyfish has enabled all of the horrible behavior of Trump and his disciples, so McCarthy's humiliation is richly deserved. He is going to keep getting tortured by them from now until whenever he can't take it anymore and decides to quit.

    But unfortunately, these brainless bomb-throwers aren't just a harmless sideshow. Having one house of our legislature be rendered completely dysfunctional by political arsonists is bad for the country. And I'm still so angry that the Democrats failed to raise the debt ceiling. This was like giving gasoline and matches to the arsonists, and it's shocking to me that even the unprincipled Sinema and Manchin couldn't be made to see that.


    Is this what the NRA is teaching kids?

  85. Anonymous11:21 AM


    The only thing that can stop a bad six-year-old with a gun is a good six-year-old with a gun.

    Tragically, his classmates were not armed.

  86. So while the wingnuts were cheerfully buggering Kevin over and over, Katie Porter was reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k" while wearing bright orange that matched the book's cover. Let's hope that she replaces DiFi in the senate, as I don't trust her district to keep electing her.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. So the very hopeful are positing the idea that Kevin is so angered by the repeated buggerings that he will shiv the Insane Clown Caucus repeatedly when the debt ceiling, farm bill and government funding legislation comes to the floor.
    That's all they really need to do unless an emergency happens, and emergencies just never happen any more...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. 5th circuit court of appeals, stacked with drumpf appointees and other magat potii, removed the b an on bump stocks so more people can be murdered quic klier and faster.

  89. Anonymous5:29 PM

    “So the very hopeful are positing the idea that Kevin is so angered by the repeated buggerings that he will shiv the Insane Clown Caucus repeatedly when the debt ceiling, farm bill and government funding legislation comes to the floor.”

    How? The rule changes he agreed to mean they have him on the very shortest of leashes. If he shivs them once, the clowns can fire him and demand a new speaker.

    Effectively, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert are running the House. Things are about to get stupid.

  90. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Okay, sorry, I’ve looked it up, and it’s not as bad as I’d thought. Even if the clowns call a vote to remove the speaker, it doesn’t mean he would get fired. The Democrats could hold their noses and vote to keep him, along with the Republicans who are loyal to McCarthy.

    I’m guessing this will happen multiple times over the next two years.

  91. Anonymous12:37 AM

    6 year old negro gets gun from negromomma's negro gang banger boyfriend. Shoots teacher. Don't worry. It's what you do.

  92. Anonymous1:17 AM

    "6 year old negro gets gun from negromomma's negro gang banger boyfriend."

    The race of the kid has not been released by the police or news media. So you know this how?

    Oh yeah, because ... racist.

  93. Anonymous5:42 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  94. I can feel the hate from some of these people thru my monitor. Wow. Some just can't handle the truth!


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