Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Authoritarians at the gate.

There have been three high profile cases of innocent people shot because of trigger-happy shooters over the past few days, and we can blame the likes of FOX NEWS and their never ending programming of scary and out of control criminals marauding in the streets for that.  This is the right-wing narrative that allows a culture of more guns and destruction to thrive. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

The right wants a sick dystopian world of fear and authoritarianism which makes it easier for them to take control and implement their vision of what America should look like. They are already hard at work in various red states throughout the country that have become laboratories for their autocratic rule.  

See Florida if you want a classic example of this trend. The governor of that state wants to be our president, and he is using Florida as a practice run for how he wants to run the country. He is taking on Disney, banning books and the teaching of subjects that he doesn't like in schools, banning what can be said in schools, and consolidating power around himself and his cronies. He is even recreating his own military force to battle...whatever it is he wants to battle.  ("Woke" Floridians better watch out.) 

I am not sure where this all is heading, and I wish I could tell folks that simply voting will be enough.  Sadly, I don't think it will be. It's looking more and more like getting more votes doesn't necessarily mean getting to govern in this country. The right-wing might be losing the population war as America becomes more brown and more young, but they have found a way around that by manipulating the courts to their benefit. This is where I would write an entire essay about Clarence Thomas, and the Federalist Judges that the former guy appointed, but that's for another time. I think you get the picture.

I will leave you with some quotes from a recent article in The Atlantic by Brian Klaas:

"When gerrymandering is extreme, most elections become foregone conclusions, extinguishing the foundational principle of democracy: competition. Five years ago, in Wisconsin, Republicans won just 44.7 percent of the vote in races for control of the state legislature. Yet Republicans won 64.6 percent of the seats. In North Carolina, state Republicans drew such skewed districts in the 2018 congressional elections that the GOP won 10 out of the state’s 13 districts, even though the party’s candidates earned just 50.3 percent of the statewide vote. In Georgia, a state that voted for Joe Biden and has two Democratic U.S. senators, the newly drawn district lines mean that 57 percent of State Senate and 52 percent of state House seats can be considered “safe Republican” seats. Barring a major political shift, Republicans will continue to easily control the legislature in a competitive state trending toward Democrats.

When such blatant electoral manipulation takes place in other countries, the U.S. State Department denounces it. Here, it’s just a legalized part of the American system." 

That said, I am still encouraging you all to vote. Your vote still matters. At least for now. 

*Image above from HuffPost




  1. The only freedom the right believes in is the right to do what they want. Texassistan is putting the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom. This is getting ridiculous.
    Also did you hear about the Oklahoma sheriffs who want to lynch Black people?

  2. One thing that might start to turn things around will be when the debt ceiling hits. The Nazi Party appears intent on destroying the economy and blaming it on Biden. Hopefully Biden won't cave in and revert to his Bipartisan Biden persona.

    Even more important it is imperative that Insane Clown pay for at least one of his crimes. In particular Georgia DA Fani Willis must get off her Fani already. The story now is that May is the soonest she can get a conventional grand jury to pick up where the special grand jury left off, and that once that happens it will be a matter of days and not another 9 months. That is assuming Georgia state legislature doesn't pass their pending legislation allowing them to control or remove her. And that Insane Clown's motion to throw out the special grand jury report doesn't tie things up while it slooooooowly makes its way up to the Supreme Court.

  3. Black man shoots 4 people, including 6 year old child, after bb rolls into his yard.

    Not in custody, yet, but, he has been charged with 4 counts of attempted first degree murder.

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Republicans spent the last two election cycles fearmongering about law and order.

    2020 was the “BLM rioters have burned all our major cities to the ground” election.

    2022 was the “Defunding of the police by Woke Democrats has caused a massive crime wave” election.

    The first was a wild exaggeration; the damage from looting/rioting during summer of 2020 was pretty limited and the percentage of people looting/rioting was small relative to those peacefully protesting. (Republicans sneered at anyone who pointed this out.)

    The second was partially true — there has been a large uptick in crime, nationwide — but as usual from Republicans, also a lie — there has been no meaningful defunding of the police. Defunding the police is a demand by far-left activists; it’s not an actual policy that has been put into effect by elected Democratic politicians.

    The crime wave we’ve seen everywhere, including in Republican-run areas of the country, has been driven by the social and economic costs of the COVID lockdowns. It’s not a result of Democrats being “soft on crime.” And as the economy improves and things get back to normal, crime rates also appear to be improving.

    All this irresponsible, politically opportunistic Republican rhetoric around crime may indeed have made everyday citizens more paranoid, resulting in them resorting to extreme violence to deter imaginary threats.

  5. Pennsylvania Democratic guv unloads on authoratarian magats and sys what needs to be said/repeated daily.

  6. Guns do a sort of self-selection process for retardedly aggressive behavior. A gun in your pocket is the free ticket to winning any argument, and by extension, failing to learn any needed social skills that might head off retardedly aggressive behavior. It's little wonder that those folks are shooting now and only finding out about the asking of questions part after the damage has been done.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Prosecutors have dropped the charges against Alec Baldwin in the shooting death of his movie’s cinematographer.

    It was always an absurd idea to hold an actor on set responsible for accidentally firing a prop gun he hadn’t loaded, and which contained real ammunition instead of dummy rounds, which he didn’t know about.

    It’s unclear, however, why they also dropped the charges against the prop woman who had loaded the gun. It was her job to ensure the gun was safe.

  8. Anonymous2:22 AM

    “It’s unclear, however, why they also dropped the charges against the prop woman who had loaded the gun. It was her job to ensure the gun was safe.”

    Update: The report I read earlier suggested the charges against her had been dropped, but just now a different report said that was not the case and she may still be on the hook for involuntary manslaughter.

  9. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Oops! While attempting to attack Ukraine, Russia mistakenly dropped a bomb on one of their own cities.

  10. Maybe that slip up was a warning to Putin that accidents happen. One can always hope.

  11. Anonymous11:13 AM

    “Maybe that slip up was a warning to Putin that accidents happen. One can always hope.”

    I think it is a warning to Putin that Russia’s military just sucks. His national security advisors may have hidden it from him, but Russia’s military is in a seriously shambolic state and Putin should never have sent them into Ukraine.

  12. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Like many of Trump’s flunkies, MyPillow clown Mike Lindell has self-owned himself again. He’s ultimately going to wind up bankrupt as a consequence of his idiotic loyalty to a sociopathic con man who wouldn’t piss on Lindell if he were on fire.

    My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell ordered to follow through with $5 million payment to expert who debunked his false election data

  13. Mikey says he won't pay and will take the matter to court, but he has some serious affairs before the court coming up already...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. ♪♫... Tears On My Pillow ... ♪♫

  15. Manifest Density7:45 PM

    "The right wants a sick dystopian world of fear and authoritarianism which makes it easier for them to take control and implement their vision of what America should look like. "

    In other words they are turning this country into the ghetto. And it only took them 250 years to get there. I believe in the concept of the "Great Experiment," but surely any fool can see that it ain't working and like the Corona 19 virus before it, Neuropeonosis is shutting down America.

    Sound the alarm. Be on alert. Anti -Woke is comatose. Donnie Favors, Marjorie Taylor McCarthy, Lower'n Boar Butt, " Meatball" and the gang over at Fox have got a plan.

    Wake up!

    We can do better.

  16. Anonymous7:48 PM

    “Mikey says he won't pay and will take the matter to court, but he has some serious affairs before the court coming up already...”

    2023 is turning out to be the year of schadenfreude. I am thoroughly enjoying the dismay of all of these despicable wingnut bastards coming to the same realization: “Wait, there are consequences for telling socially destructive lies all the time?!”

    Their misery is completely deserved and satisfying.

  17. Scotus rules in favor of abortion pill access while case goes through lower magat courts.

  18. "Scotus rules in favor of abortion pill access while case goes through lower magat courts."

    ...with Thomas and Alito dissenting.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Thomas is bought and paid for.

  20. Manifest Density11:06 AM

    "The right-wing might be losing the population war as America becomes more brown and more young, but they have found a way around that by manipulating the courts to their benefit. "

    Unfortunately for those who do benefit by manipulating the courts, there will be retribution for they have surely guaranteed themselves at best a short term lead in a long term race.

  21. Anonymous2:45 PM

    RE: Word On The Street Regarding The Abortion Ban

    This is what white men discuss behind closed doors.
    Wake up everybody. It's real. Wake up and smell the coffee.
    Duuh..use your critical thinking skills. Anyone with a brain has already figured it out. It's a lot more than just trying to control white women's bodies.

  22. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Re:Abortion Ban In The United States

    1)The abortion ban is not about preserving black life. Let's face it statistics and actions still show that the "folks in power" are no closer to giving a rat's ass about black lives. Hell they've even brainwashed 5 Black cops to beat the shit out of an unarmed black man that they dragged out of a vehicle.

    2)Also as history shows, the American abortion ban is not about preserving black, brown or beige babies. There is no fertility "problem" in minority women. Black women for example are quite fertile and often choose to keep their offspring (even if their babies have multiple different daddies and no support from any of them).

    3)The "folks in power" can't advance their "agenda" and pull people over to their side when childless married "melanin deprived" couples are going over to black and brown countries to adopt and "love" children of other races.

    So....if America does the "reverse" of the China 20 year "1 child rule" and does the "opposite" by banning abortion in America for uhhhh let's say 20 years....oh, well you do the math. They're expecting that America will be surrounding by a "sea of whiteness" in no time.

    ...Hmmm this will be interesting. Only time will tell.

  23. Today is Earth Day 2023, meaning that it is fifteen years to the day since the morning I woke up in the stroke ward at Summit Hospital in Oakland.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Anonymous5:19 PM

    "'This is what white men discuss behind closed doors.
    Wake up everybody. It's real. Wake up and smell the coffee.
    Duuh..use your critical thinking skills. Anyone with a brain has already figured it out. It's a lot more than just trying to control white women's bodies.

    I doubt this is the master plan of MOST racists, because it obviously wouldn't work. Banning abortion will make America less white, not more white. Racists are dumb, but most of them aren't THAT dumb.

    From the fivethirtyeight article you cited:

    "Even on its own terms, though, the logic of tying the anti-abortion movement to the racist great replacement theory is deeply convoluted — and downright inaccurate. For instance, fewer women are seeking abortions, and women of color — particularly those who are Black — are more likely than white women to seek an abortion."

    Not mentioned in the article is the fact that white women will also find it easier to evade abortion restrictions, because white women are, as a group, wealthier than women of color.

    So if you want to make America browner, and do it as quickly as possible, banning abortion is an excellent way to do it. Somehow, I don't think that's what the racists want.

  25. Louisville pig fired for killing Breonna Taylor now works for Carroll Co Sheriff's sounder of pigs.

  26. Canned Ass Owens shows kid schlock video of him shooting Bud Light cans with an automatics weapon. The background is a lake/pond which means this idiot should never have a gun. Anyway, the hapless war hero wannabe apparently needed off camera help slaying stationary cans as you can see three large streaks of flame coming into the view from the tight. Fucking hillary-ous.

    56 seconds of your life you can't get back.

  27. Tucker the Fucker is out at Fake Noize after Dominion lawsuit.

  28. “Tucker the Fucker is out at Fake Noize after Dominion lawsuit.“

    Whaaaaaa? Mrs. X says Don Lemon got fired too. Maybe they can do a show together.😆

  29. I like Lemon. Always have.

  30. Hopefully Lemon will land someplace less vanilla than CNN. I think Fox will hire Candace Owens so they can go full racist. Mrs. X thinks I’m crazy but would be perfect, she is like Hannity in that she’ll do anything for a paycheck. Ron Burgundy.

  31. Anonymous7:43 AM

    “I like Lemon. Always have.”

    I dislike Lemon. Always have.

    He was always saying dumb things like the clueless “Nikki Haley is past her prime” stuff that got him fired. He didn’t seem to exhibit any judgment about whether the things coming out of his mouth might possibly offend viewers.

    Maybe he can go work at Fox. They’ll let you be as offensive as you like. And lie constantly, too. Just don’t document the fact you KNOW you’re lying, like Tucker did.

  32. Anon @ 7:43 AM, tastes have a right to differ.

    Harry Belafonte, 96, has left the building. Actor, singer, political activist and had a pretty darn nice looking daughter...Shari. (saw her in a leading men's magazine)

  33. Anonymous11:50 PM

    To be clear, I don’t think that Don Lemon has been malicious when he has made some atrocious comments in the past. I believe that sometimes he says things that just come out wrong. I can even kinda see the point he was trying to make recently, regarding Nikki Haley, but the words he chose really came off as sexist and unnecessary.

    Anyway, it’s not been only once or twice. He’s repeatedly made wacky statements for which he later had to apologize, and while I feel a bit bad for him, it was part of his job description to express himself clearly and he was getting paid a big news anchor salary to do it.

  34. Three cheers for the Tennessee Three! Speak truth to power!

  35. Gorsuch failed to disclose the buyer, who has business before the high court all the damn time, in a shady looking real estate deal right after his nomination to SCOTUS.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Anonymous2:15 PM

  37. The ratings at Newsmax went up after the announcement of Tucker's firing.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. My experiences with Don Lemon come via You Tube vids. I have no telly programming of any type and don't want any. I am aware of some cringe worthy utterances he has uttered, but he seems to be more honest than Blacks on Fake Noize.

  39. drumpf appointed judge shoots down another Devin Numbnuts libel suit. Numbnut's track record is nearly as bad as drumpf's.

  40. Anonymous11:57 PM

    “drumpf appointed judge shoots down another Devin Numbnuts libel suit. Numbnut's track record is nearly as bad as drumpf's.”

    Devin Nunes is a disturbed individual. He’s bizarrely obsessed with punishing anyone who doesn’t like him, even though there are lots of good reasons to not like him. He files endless defamation lawsuits, which he always loses. He should be named a vexatious litigant, so he is forced to stop wasting everyone’s time in court.

    Can you believe this dumbass was actually allowed to be a congressman? America is a weird country.

  41. One of the mild shocks that came with moving from the East Bay to Republican rural California was seeing a jacked up pickup in the parking lot up the road from here with a Devin Nunes sticker on it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Emmet Till's accuser has left the bldg.

  43. “drumpf appointed judge shoots down another Devin Numbnuts libel suit.”

    was this the one with the cow?😆

  44. NewsMax sends out smokeso9gnals in Tucker the Fucker's direction he can run their whole network. They just can't tamper with him yet.

  45. Anonymous11:48 AM

    “NewsMax sends out smokeso9gnals in Tucker the Fucker's direction he can run their whole network. They just can't tamper with him yet.”

    Great. Tucker News Network — “all Tucker, all the time.” Just what our country needs: more crank conspiracy theories and hate. Because we don’t have enough of those.

    Maybe they can change their logo to s burning cross.

  46. “Maybe they can change their logo to s burning cross.”


  47. magats in South Carolina and Nebraska blocked total bans on abortions in both magat controlled legislatures.

    Apparently magats have noticed the majority of citizens want abortion kept safe, legal and rare.


    goes with above post

  49. drumpf's "only the best hires" defense attorney screwed up cross examining lady accusing drumpf of rape. Even the judge had a heated moment or two with the attorney.

  50. Fake Noize tries to replace Tuck the Fuck with milquetoast Brian kilmeade and viewers weren't gonna buy it.

  51. Anonymous9:57 PM


  52. Anonymous9:58 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  53. Floriduh magats changed the rules so DeSatanist can remain guv as he runs for potus.

    South Duhkota magats refused to change the rules for Dem Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle in 2004, I believe. Daschle wanted to take a shot at potus, but magats said he had to resign his Senate leadership to do so, and he would have been replaced by an undeserving magat.

  54. Down Texass way, neighbor with an AR managed to kill five people, including 8 year old child and 3 other kids were apparently injured. Of course the AR is beyond criticism because ammosexual magats claim guns are more holy than their phony kristian god.

    The victims should have known they'd be killed and taken appropriate action to arm themselves to the teeth. They'd likely still ended up hosed down but wouldn't look so foolish dead.

  55. Meanwhile a judge in Southern Illinois has put their assault weapons ban on hold because "the actions of a few criminals shouldn't infringe the rights of law abiding citizens" to slaughter their neighbors or some such horse shit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Anonymous @9:57=dumbass

  57. Anonymous10:48 PM

    trump 20-25

  58. President Biden missed out on an opportunity last night when making fun of his age: at the same time, Willie Nelson was performing with a host of luminaries at the Hollywood Bowl for the first night of his two night celebration of his 90th birthday.
    Besides the fact that these shows are as wholesome and American as anything ever, they do demonstrate that some folks can still perform world class even when they're hella old and stoned on god only knows how much weed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Hollywood Bowl? How very appropriate for the old stoner!

  60. This asshole needs to be made UN ambassador in the next magat administration.
    His heart, along with his brain is shoved up his ass.....

    Gov Greg Abbott slammed for calling Texas mass shooting victims ‘illegal immigrants’
    Texas Governor Greg Abbott has sparked outrage by referring to the five victims of a deadly mass shooting as “illegal immigrants”.

    For nearly two days, Mr Abbott failed to address the act of senseless violence that shook residents of Cleveland, Texas, on Friday (28 April).

    Finally, on Sunday, Mr Abbott’s office released a statement announcing a $50,000 reward for the suspected gunman Francisco Oropresa. In the first line, the suspect was called a “top 10 fugitive who is in the country illegally and killed five illegal immigrants in a shooting”.

  61. Citizen's United decision might finally yield fruit favorable to Dems. Disney is suing DeSatanist using Citizen's United claiming Floriduh is stifling corporate speech on LGBTQ issues.


  63. R.I.P. Gordon Lightfoot.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. GrannyStandingforTruth1:57 AM

    Hello, Granny waving at all of you.

    Currently, no comment. As a result of three recent heart attacks, I am keeping still, relaxing, and taking things easy at the moment. None of the issues have received serious attention from me. Right now, it's me first. Nonetheless, I still keep everything lifted up in prayer.

  65. Take care of yourself, Granny. Sending oodles of healing waves your way.

  66. Former Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao has been found guilty of aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter for his role in keeping bystanders back as former officer Derek Chauvin restrained George Floyd by using his knee in his neck, CNN reported.

  67. PornHub has blocked all access to its site from IP adresses inside of Utah in response to a law they passed there requiring age verification of all users of such sites. The backlash is said to be furious...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Not the Field, not Mike but Gran-ny;
    Standin' in the need of prayer.
    Not Doug or MD, but Gran-ny;
    Standin' in the need of prayer!

    I'll say a prayer for you, Granny. You still have a lot of work to do right here on Earth before you go. Blessings heading your way.

  69. Anonymous3:21 PM


  70. Wow Granny 3! Please take care, take it easy and praying for your speedy recovery

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