Thursday, July 20, 2023

Jason's Lyrics.


I can take or leave country music. Some of  the music is decent, but I can do without some of it as well. My significant other, on the other hand, loves the stuff. She knows all the artists and lyrics, and we fight on long drives about me having to listen to one country and western station after another. 

I bring this up because of the latest controversy involving a country and western star who thought it was cool to write a song about small town "values" by taking on black folks and our struggle here in these divided states of America.

 I'm cool with artistic freedom, and controversial lyrics,  but I am not cool with hypocrisy. Jason Aldean and his people knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote and produced this song.  I could actually live with the song on its own, but when I saw the video that goes with it, I was like...whoa!  Live and in living color from the site of a horrific lynching back in the day, and the imagery of black folks in the most negative light you can imagine.  

My man is trying his best to bring back Sundown towns. And he is promoting violence and intolerance for good measure.    

Here is a take from Candace McDuffie, writing for  the Root: 

"Jason Aldean has done his best to defend the music video for his latest single, “Try That in a Small Town,” which has been the center of controversy for the last 48 hours. On Monday, the decision was made by Country Music Television (CMT) to pull it from the air.

 Many believe it’s because the conservative singer filmed the video in front of a Tennessee courthouse where a Black man was lynched (CMT hasn’t confirmed if this was the reasoning for its removal). More specifically, the setting was Maury County Courthouse in Columbia where in 1927, a white lynch mob hung a young Black man named Henry Choate from a second-story window.

In the “Try That in a Small Town” video, that same courthouse is draped in an American flag while Aldean sings painfully obtuse lyrics in front of it like:

“Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk/Carjack an old lady at a red light/ Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store/Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like/Cuss out a cop, spit in his face/Stomp on the flag and light it up/ Yeah, ya think you’re tough.”

Aldean didn’t stop there. The courthouse also has clips projected onto it showing numerous protests, including the 2020 Black Lives Matter demonstrations. They are in conjunction with stills and footage of the aforementioned liquor store robberies and carjackings. However, there is significantly more footage of the protests throughout the video. 

By lyrically and visually equating meaningful rallies condemning police brutality to violent crime, Aldean is shamelessly touting how much he—and this country, quite frankly—devalues Black life. However, he took to Twitter on Tuesday to insist that this isn’t the case:

“In the past 24 hours I have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song (a song that has been out since May) and was subject to the comparison that I (direct quote) was not too pleased with the nationwide BLM protests. These references are not only meritless, but dangerous. There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it- and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage -and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music- this one goes too far....Try That In A Small Town’ for me, refers to the feeling of a community that I had growing up, where we took care of our neighbors, regardless of differences of background or belief.”'

There may be no lyrical reference to race, but knowing that police brutality disproportionately affects Black and brown people and choosing to disparage those protests in the visuals for “Try That in a Small Town” completely contradicts Aldean’s defense." 

 This is the same guy who was playing on stage when a mad man slaughtered a bunch of people in Las Vegas, Nevada. You would think he would know better. 

But hey, these are the times we are living in . Folks on the right will now make him a hero, and he is going to make a lot of money playing to their inner demons. 

All this and the guy isn't even from a small town. He is from Macon, Georgia, and the last time I checked that ain't no small town. My aforementioned wife, on the other hand, is from a small town. Really small. Like one stoplight small, and the people in that little corner of Louisiana are honest and decent, and there are plenty black folks who live there. But this song by Aldean was not meant for them.  

So let's be honest with ourselves, it's not about the size of the town, but rather like minded people coming together to hate in unison. 


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Even if Aldean didn’t intend anything racist by this song (and I’m not convinced of that), it would still be disgusting.

    The history of lynching in this country isn’t exclusively racist. Most of us are well aware of the extensive use of lynching to maintain Jim Crow racial hierarchies, but there was also plenty of vigilantism in Ye Olden Days of the U.S. that wasn’t racially motivated; it was just extrajudicial violence against people of any race in order to enforce laws or just the vigilantes’ moral codes. And this was not okay! It is a good thing that this is not the norm anymore!

    Mouth off to a cop or exercise your right to protest, and get beat up by redneck thugs? Civil liberties are for city slickers? We’re celebrating that backwards-ass attitude? Anyone who really is from a small town should be ashamed to be associated with what Aldean claims are wholesome small-town values.

  2. Fuck you Elmo Mush. If there is any meaningful level-headed take on this, I would guess you could find it in Jason Isbell's Twitter feed, and I can't read that right now because Elmo is fucking around.
    Yeah, the subtext that all of the right wing scare tactics are manifesting themselves in places that aren't "small towns" and are just gearing up for an assault are some high-grade propaganda.
    I spent 35 years in the East Bay and I have never been car-jacked, nor do I know anyone who has. Crime? Seen it. A lot. But there's this: most of the people I actually know who have done prison time have been from small towns in Southern Humboldt and Trinity counties because of weed prohibition, and I only lived up there for 23 years, compared with the 35 I spent in cities.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. where we took care of our neighbors, regardless of differences of background or belief.”'

    I suspect taking care of neighbors had different ways and meas depending on skin color. Hisory has shown us how POC were taken care of by racial violence, murders and lynchings.

    I have always held Aldean in low regard. Now I see I overestimated him.

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    “I suspect taking care of neighbors had different ways and meas depending on skin color. Hisory has shown us how POC were taken care of by racial violence, murders and lynchings.”

    Aldean talks about “taking care of” his neighbors, but his song makes it obvious that he’s really more in favor of “taking care of” people he doesn’t like — and he means that in the Tony Soprano sense of the phrase.

  5. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Cuckservatives are always talking tough or just talking. Not a single brain cell between them. I preferred the old days when stupid people knew they were stupid and stayed in their lanes but now with the internet any fool can be an expert on any topic. Just ask Lauren Boebert.

  6. This seems like a relevant moment to mention that cussing out cops is protected by California v. Cohen (1971) and flag burning is free speech, Texas v. Johnson (1989).

  7. Whatever became of James Bold? Or Josh?

  8. Texass guv A-Butt has placed floats with razor wire in Rio Grande river to stop people from crossing into Texass. Apparently Texass agents are told to push kids back into the river and deny them fresh drinking water.

    Sounds like a peculiar brand of phony kristianity to Moi. magat Aldean would likely be a prowd boy.

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    “Whatever became of James Bold? Or Josh”

    Arrested after January 6th?

  10. Chokelahoma mother of 3, an infant, 6 and 11 year old kids, exercised her right to post partum abortion and 2nd amendment rights to shoot her kids and herself.

    Another wasted wasicu slaughtering innocent kids with a gun.

  11. drumpf apparently loves Aldean's latest song and will likely use it without permission for his campaign against indictments.

  12. Sue Bud Light? Every Floridian should sue DeSatan for bearing full responsibility that Florida's COVID death rate rose to 3X the national average after the emergence of the Delta variant.

  13. Anonymous11:02 PM

    “Sue Bud Light? Every Floridian should sue DeSatan for bearing full responsibility that Florida's COVID death rate rose to 3X the national average after the emergence of the Delta variant.”

    Yet another wingnut lawyer who should be sanctioned for making a mockery of our court system with another preposterous, frivolous, time-wasting lawsuit.

    It is very hard to believe that DeSantis himself genuinely believes that shareholders in a corporation have a right to sue it simply because its execs have made business decisions that they, personally, would not have made. (In this case, he thinks Budweiser should be more bigoted. Er, excuse me, I mean to say, less “woke.”) We’re not actually talking about executive malfeasance here, like embezzling or lying to their shareholders, just taking the business in a direction some of them might not like. The correct remedy for management doing something you don’t like is to sell your shares, not to sue.

    If individual shareholders could backseat-drive corporations like this, all corporations would become totally unmanageable, bogged down in conflicting lawsuits from different shareholders who all want the business to go in different directions. The execs couldn’t do their jobs.

    DeSantis has to know his lawsuit is crap and will go nowhere, and so this is just another political stunt meant to reel in cretinous wingnut voters so he can beat Trump to the GOP nomination.

  14. Politics Girl's message to white women:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Anonymous12:41 PM

    An update on the dysfunction over at Twitter:

    If you don’t log in to Twitter, I discovered that you can now see the profiles of Twitter users.


    1) You can’t go to them directly. If you type the address of a Twitter user into your browser, you will see the usual message telling you that you must log in. So, instead, you must search for a tweet by the user, open it, and then click on their Twitter handle. This will take you to their profile.

    2) But when you get to their profile, their tweets will all be scrambled — listed in completely random order, not chronological. And no replies or interactions with other Twitter users will be shown. So viewing their profile is essentially pointless.

    This tells me that the wheels are falling off over at Twitter. Elon fired too many of the people who could fix technical problems (or caused them to quit), so when something breaks, it stays broke.

  16. Yes, we are learning that Elon is not as brilliant as we thought he was. In retrospect, was it not for the Obama administration's help in bailing it out, his auto company,Tesla, would more than likely not be in existence today.

  17. Interesting exchange. Very informative.

  18. Politics Girl had a mouithful to say.

  19. Anonymous3:40 PM

    “Yes, we are learning that Elon is not as brilliant as we thought he was. In retrospect, was it not for the Obama administration's help in bailing it out, his auto company,Tesla, would more than likely not be in existence today.”

    He has made some smart moves over the years, in the sectors and companies he’s invested in. But he’s also clearly got some giant intellectual blind spots, and frankly some serious personality flaws. I’ve met guys like him over the years who are good at one particular thing, but bad at everything else without realizing it.

    I can’t imagine how unpleasant it must be to work for such a chaotic boss. My heart goes out to his employees.

  20. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Back when Dr. Ben Carson’s presidential campaign was a thing, people were stunned by the rather foolish stuff he said on the campaign trial. I heard people say things like: “That is the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.” I mean, you have to be pretty bright to be a neurosurgeon, and yet …

    Musk falls into much the same category as Carson.

  21. Thomas the dumbass is at it again. Apparently a former aid received cash from up to 7 of Thomas' former law clerks working with group trying to moverturn affirmative action

  22. Thank you anon@12:41PM, that got me where I wanted to go. Also, if you Google someone and go the the search results for their Twitter feed, you can get onto Twitter by clicking one of the previews, which is what I did to get to the following:

    See new Tweets
    Jason Isbell
    Dare Aldean to write his next single himself. That’s what we try in my small town

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Anonymous10:11 AM

    “There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it- and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage -and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music- this one goes too far....Try That In A Small Town’ for me, refers to the feeling of a community that I had growing up, where we took care of our neighbors,“

    So are there lyrics about bringing food to your laid off neighbour or helping the elderly widow get to her doctor’s appointment? Is that what “try that in a small town” means?

    Seems more about vigilantism than caring for one another.

  24. Anonymous11:07 AM

    And Twitter is now “X,” for no apparent reason.

  25. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Police: Six slain, 27 wounded by gunfire over a violent weekend in Chicago

  26. Wasicu shoots and kills three Hispanic neighbors and wounds three more over a parking space. Waste of white has had incidents with Black neighbors as well.

  27. Lady Tik Tokker debunks Alden's claims all footage in his latest video were actual news stories. At least 2 are stock footage.

  28. Anonymous8:18 PM

    “Lady Tik Tokker debunks Alden's claims all footage in his latest video were actual news stories. At least 2 are stock footage.”

    That’s actually not much of a debunking. One of the two stock footage clips is of a real event (albeit it was from Germany, not the USA), even if it’s not from an official news bulletin. So there’s a grand total of one snippet of a dude throwing a molatov cocktail, which was fake and staged.

    The correct response to Aldean saying everything in his music video is from news footage is: “So what? That doesn’t prove that the message conveyed by the video isn’t false and racist.” Just because you claim you’ve included a bunch of real news clips, that doesn’t mean you haven’t lied. During the pandemic and the George Floyd protests, wingnut news outlets cobbled together completely real video footage of scenes of urban unrest, in order to make the completely bullshit point that black people had all turned into violent savages (when only a small percentage of the black community were involved in riots) and that major American cities had basically been destroyed (when the actual damage from riots didn’t come anywhere close to this).

    Lying doesn’t always involve citing false facts. Sometimes lying takes the form of employing an invalid analysis of true facts mislead people to a patently false conclusion.

    I’m sure that if I wanted, I could edit together a bunch of individual clips of fat, toothless, cognitively impaired white dudes embarrassing themselves in various ways, in order to make the point that small-town culture is pathetic and degenerate and needs to be stomped out by us virtuous urbanites. Just nothing but scenes of drunken hillbillies handling snakes or stupidly driving their ATVs off bridges. I imagine Aldean wouldn’t be very happy with it and wouldn’t accept my response that since all the clips are from real life, it must be fine, even though I deliberately selected them to make rural white people look bad.

  29. Here's Jason Isbell making basically the same point in an interview:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Aldean is a dick, period. what kind of person dresses their 6-8 yr old children in F**k Joe Biden t-shirts? Yup, he did, and his wife went along with it.

  31. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Democrat decay

  32. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Chicago shooting: 10-year-old fires gun at officers in Beverly

  33. Anonymous10:53 AM

    There is nothing like the racist hate of a liberal.

  34. Anonymous said...

    There is nothing like the racist hate of a liberal.

    10:53 AM
    I read lots of comments every day, and this is the dumbest comment I have seen in months.

  35. Anonymous11:03 AM

    “There is nothing like the racist hate of a liberal.“

    There is nothing like the clueless and non-introspective stupidity of a cuckservative.

  36. Anonymous11:06 AM

    “Whatever became of James Bold? Or Josh?“

    They got tired of having their ignorance exposed and slithered away with their tails between their legs or just post as anon. They were prime examples of why dummies are afraid of choosing a name.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Democrat decay

    Right wing blogger who blabs about America from Malaysia. No guarantee that film was American. But I am certain anymoose can tie Hunter Biden to this. That's what magats do. Make shit up.

  38. Anonymous11:46 AM

    “I certainly hope that decent people will stop buying Aldean's music.”

    Unfortunately, lots of indecent people will continue buying it. There’s money to be made catering to the angry, clueless Fox News demographic.

  39. DOJ sues Texass guv A-Butt over floating barrels wrapped with razor wire as deterrent to immigrants.

  40. Anonymous4:25 PM

    “DOJ sues Texass guv A-Butt over floating barrels wrapped with razor wire as deterrent to immigrants.”

    ‘Bout time Biden started fighting back. Borders and immigration are federal responsibilities. These showboating Southern state governors can’t usurp federal authority just because they don’t like the way Biden does his job.

    And they definitely aren’t allowed to injure or kill migrants in order to deter them from coming here. I mean, seriously, what’s next? Fill the Rio Grande with crocodiles? Lay down land mines at the border?

  41. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Never liked Jason Aldean, but with all the hullabaloo I just watched it.


    It's due to crappy music not so much the imaging.
    Hey Doug, Jason Isbell is correct and humorous with his assessment.

  42. MTG hed a congressional committee hearing where she showed uncensored Hunter Biden dic pics and then she sent them in a non-age restricted newsletter to constituents, This means underage kiddies get to see them. Is this trafficking porn to kids and isn't that illegal? If so, how many crimes does the Georgia swine get to commit before she is booted out of congress and criminally charged.

  43. Ammon "Ammosexual" Bundy ordered to pay 50 million bucks in hospital defamation case. What do you want to bet he defies the court and holes up with an armed group of followers daring the police and feds to root him out?

  44. Anonymous6:26 PM

    “MTG hed a congressional committee hearing where she showed uncensored Hunter Biden dic pics and then she sent them in a non-age restricted newsletter to constituents.”

    They weren’t uncensored. Hunter’s genitalia were blacked out, as were the faces of his sexual partners in the picture. And it is pretty unlikely that there are very many kids subscribed to a political email newsletter.

    That doesn’t change the fact that this was a disgusting thing to do. There is no justification for showing this in a public hearing; it was solely intended to humiliate Hunter Biden. These photos do not pertain to any crime for which Hunter Biden could be prosecuted, and even if they had been, it would be still be unacceptable to show them outside a courtroom.

    Just pure nastiness, no different than if the Dems decided to present a slide show of home porn that MTG happened to make with her husband, stolen from her computer by a hacker, just because they thought it would be super funny.

    Republicans are bottom-feeders.

  45. No offense, Anon, but I have yet to see any outlet that claims the photos were censored excpt for blacking out the heads of the women involved. I could be wrong. Happens alot.

  46. Paul Krugman
    By now many people have noticed that Jason “try that in a small town” Aldean grew up in a city with 150k people. What you may not know: last year Macon had 70 homicides. NYC, with 8.4 million people, had 438.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. "slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be
    applied for their personal benefit."

    Only by virtue of being enslaved could those slaves have developed those skills.

    Hence slaves benefitted from being enslaved.

    Class dismissed.

  48. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Oh the song, the song, the song.

    DUUUh...Come on folks. So now folks are to believe that the individual(s) and everyone involved did not know the implications of the words and optics contained therein.

    How many racists do you know that are willing to openly admit that they are? Furthermore, they have now been given a "wink and a nod" to use the new tactic of "Deny, Deny, Deny."

    And Finally:
    There are the ones that "rally around and defend the offenders" with the cliche that goes like this:

    "I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt...I don't think they meant to be racist."

    Point To Ponder:
    History just keeps on repeating itself doesn't it.

  49. Anonymous5:12 AM

    So.. We are to believe Africans came to America without skills and that the "Great White Father Taught Them Everything."

    The secrets that they are afraid will get out is that...

    Africans came to America with AN ABUNDANCE OF SKILLS:
    Science, Math, Woodworking, Farming, Hunting, Building, Surgical Skills, Medical Skills, Homebuilding (PEOPLE OF COLOR knew how to build shelter rather than living in caves), Carpentry, Cooking (with fire rather than eating raw food), Basketweaving, Agility (The art of women balancing baskets on their heads in order to carry large loads)How To Fertilize Soil For Crops To Grow, Sewing, Food Preservation, Musicians, Dancing, Raising Livestock...and the list goes on.

    Africans and Native Americans taught the colonists EVERYTHING and the colonists used it against them.



    The only things Africans learned from the slave master was how to be "subservient" or be "killed."

  50. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Sen. Dick Durbin tests positive for COVID

    Why take a vaccine (that isn't) that does not prevent covid or stop the spread and causes health problems like heart attacks (Bronny James)?????

  51. Anonymous8:59 AM

    The Most Alarming and Provocative Political Ad of the Year Has Just Been Released


    Get caught lying, cover yer ass.

  53. No doubt Biden slipped those stock clips into the video.

  54. Anonymous1:34 PM

    My hometown, Jasper, is small too. It also has a historic courthouse lynching of a Black man. And it is James Byrd’s hometown. My grandfather was almost lynched while on his way home one night. A white relative and sheet-clad miscreant hollered to his fellow sheeted cowards, “Hey! You can’t lynch him. That’s Vox!”

    I think it would be hard to find a small southern town that does not have at least one story of a Black being lynched. And on the courthouse square. Back then, such an even was considered entertainment. Apparently folks such as Aldean still believes.

    Clever title.

    a native daughter of Jasper

  55. James Byrd, the Texas Black victim of a hate crime that Texass guv dumbass dubya refused to label a hate crime.

  56. Anonymous said ....
    Why take a vaccine (that isn't) that does not prevent Covid or stop the spread and causes health problems like heart attacks (Bronny James)?????

    8:52 AM
    You take a vaccine to keep from dying. Very few vaccinated people actually died. Most who were vaccinated got mild cases. The unvaccinated died by the hundreds of thousands. Florida and DeSantis earned the title of having the most deaths. Remember his crusade against masks and vaccinations?

    BTW, All of the people in my extended family and I got vaccinated. Several got light cases of Covid but nobody died. Take a look at the statistics that compare Covid deaths by political party. Many thousands more Republicans died than Democrats. I think we all know why, but in case you don't, it was because most Democrats disregarded the lies told by DeSantis/Trump and got vaccinated.

  57. Hunter Biden's plea deal with guv falls apart at last minute. Biden pleads not guilty to tax evasion.

  58. Jim Davis said....
    Aldean is a dick, period. what kind of person dresses their 6-8 yr old children in F**k Joe Biden t-shirts? Yup, he did, and his wife went along with it.

    2:06 AM
    I agree with your analysis. My adult daughter was at the Aldean concert in Vegas. She says that when the shooting started, Aldean immediately ran off the stage without saying a word to his fans. Apparently he had no desire to be any kind of hero.

  59. McCTurtlefuckface deer in the headlight moment.

    Immediately behind fuckface is a piece of human excrement, none other than South Duhkota senior sinator, Marlboro Barbie, the sinates #2.


    Plaintiff in 303 conservative case had designed a website before her lawyers claimed she did not. Another lie about the made up case.

  61. Anonymous5:19 PM

    This Mom Debunks “Gender Theory” in 3 Minutes

  62. Anonymous6:41 PM


    ‘Let’s Do It!’: Armed Suspect Charges Cop After Threatening to Blow Up House

  63. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Play stupid games.... win stupid prizes.

    Police bodycam footage shows officers shooting man wielding a machete

  64. Anonymous8:05 PM

    "Plaintiff in 303 conservative case had designed a website before her lawyers claimed she did not. Another lie about the made up case."

    This isn't very consequential, though.

    The SCOTUS wingnuts decided that even the theoretical possibility that this woman could maybe, potentially, someday be fined or sued for turning a gay couple was enough of a harm to her to establish her standing to sue the government and try to invalidate Colorado's anti-discrimination law. So the particulars of whether she did or didn't ever design a straight wedding website before, or whether she was or wasn't asked to design a gay wedding website before, were largely irrelevant.

    In short, SCOTUS was going to hear this case, no matter what.

  65. Anonymous8:06 PM

    *turning AWAY a gay couple


    Federal judge overturns Bowe Bergdah;'s courtmarshall because judge that sat on case was being comnsidered by drumpf for an immigration judgeship and might have been inclined to find Bergdahl guilty as drumpf wanted him to be.

  67. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Oops, the DeSantis campaign shared a Nazi meme on Twitter.

    In fairness to Mr. DeSantis, this is an easy mistake to make … when you believe the same stuff as Nazis.

  68. From Taegan Goddard:

    Quote of the Day

    July 26, 2023 at 10:07 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 131 Comments

    “So far Ron DeSantis has run a failing campaign. But here’s the good news: DeSantis has developed skills which, in some instances, can be applied for his personal benefit.”

    — Larry Sabato, on Twitter or X or whatever it’s called now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Rudy Giuliani admits he lied about Georgia campaign workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss when he accused them of rigging the 2020 election against Donald Trump, thereby causing them to be bombarded with copious hate mail and death threats from the Trump Trash.

  70. Florida would be better off with the crackhead as governor.

  71. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This Mom Debunks “Gender Theory” in 3 Minutes

    Hi, so I've just wasted three minutes of my life watching this fucking clueless woman ranting, and I can't seem to find the bit where she 'debunks gender theory'. Did I miss something? All she achieved was to demonstrate that she doesn't understand the difference between biological sex and gender identity.

  72. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Homeless convicted sex offender terrorizes women in the East Village: ‘Ticking time bomb’

  73. Anonymous12:34 PM


  74. Don't waste a precious micro-second looking up John Carleton maagat screed.

  75. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Sound of Freedom

  76. Anonymous5:01 PM

    ‘Sound of Freedom’ is a box office hit. It has an unusual ticket strategy

  77. Justice dwpartment opens civil rights investigation into Memphis pigs.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      What did the swine do? Can I still eat bacon?

  78. DeSantis would consider appointing RFK Jr. to head the FDA or CDC.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Seems reasonable.

  79. Anonymous1:37 AM

    "DeSantis would consider appointing RFK Jr. to head the FDA or CDC."

    Great. That will amount to dismantling those agencies, since they're science-based agencies and RFK, Jr, is a science-hating loon.

    The official policy of the US when it comes to disease will be: "Lie down and let it happen."

  80. Anonymous4:01 PM

    CHICAGO July 1st-28th 2023
    Shot & Killed: 43
    Shot & Wounded: 250
    Total Shot: 292
    Total Homicides: 50

  81. Look for 2024 to be McCTurtlefuckface's last hurrah in Senatem Wants to ma,e it until election that year. Wouldn't hurt my eelings if he doesn't.

  82. Kaontucky guv plans to ignore law saying he can't replace McCTurtlefuckface with a Democrat if the magat resigns in bad health.


  83. Anonymous said...
    Rudy Giuliani admits he lied about Georgia campaign workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss when he accused them of rigging the 2020 election against Donald Trump, thereby causing them to be bombarded with copious hate mail and death threats from the Trump Trash.

    9:16 PM
    I hope Ross and Freeman sue both Trump and Giuliani for the loss of income and the pain and suffering they caused.

  84. Anonymous (With his CAPS lock stuck on)said....

    Yes, I have noticed how may prominent Republican politicians and church leaders have been arrested and charged with pedophillia lately. Democrats not so much.

  85. DeSantis would consider appointing RFK Jr. to head the FDA or CDC.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    5:56 PM
    Neither of these two men is fit for any public office.

  86. Anonymous said...

    What did the swine do? Can I still eat bacon?

    6:19 PM
    Very clever comment, but I'm not sure that people who aren't familiar with the New Testament will get the joke.

  87. That's a really heavy constitutional challenge, Mike. Thanks for bringing that topic to the table. Fuckin' heavy shit. I wonder what that Libertarian in name only (the other Kentucky Senator) thinks of that one.

  88. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Haha, a judge tossed out Trump’s lawsuit against CNN, in which he claimed the news network had defamed him by using the term “big lie” to describe Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was rigged against him, thereby unfairly comparing him to Hitler. (For reference, Hitler’s “big lie” was an assertion that Jews were collectively responsible for conspiring to cause Germany to lose World War I):

    “In a ruling late on Friday night, US judge Raag Singhal, who was nominated by Trump in 2019, said CNN’s words were opinion, not fact, and therefore could not be the subject of a defamation claim.”

    If the judge hadn’t been put on the bench by Trump himself, I bet he’d have gone further, and dismissed the lawsuit on the basis that Trump actually is a lot like Hitler and so CNN’s reporting was completely accurate.


  89. “Hi, so I've just wasted three minutes of my life watching this fucking clueless woman ranting“

    Dude, that was kind of on you.😆

  90. “Great. That will amount to dismantling those agencies“

    As Al Franken would say, Republicans claim government doesn’t work and they’re here to make sure it doesn’t.

  91. “Kaontucky guv plans to ignore law saying he can't replace McCTurtlefuckface with a Democrat if the magat resigns in bad health.”

    Why not? Republicans ignore rules so why not?

  92. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Mounting a giant, obnoxious flashing “X” atop Twitter HQ isn’t going to save the company from financial collapse, Elon.

    It will only make its remaining users fire off mocking “xeets” about what a clownish Trumpian moron you are, before departing for whichever lucky social network ends up becoming the successor to Twitter.

  93. Damn, if Kentucky doesn't have to appoint a goddamn Republican to replace missing senators, then add Mitch and Rand Paul to the list:


    There may be others, but those are the ones I can think of off of the top of my head.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. Sound of Freedom

    Basically The Equalizer with a white guy instead of Denzel.

  95. Anonymous1:05 AM

    “Basically The Equalizer with a white guy instead of Denzel.”

    Basically The Equalizer, but with an audience of QAnoner conspiracy freaks instead of normal people.

  96. Anonymous2:57 AM

    “Basically The Equalizer, but with an audience of QAnoner conspiracy freaks instead of normal people.”

    There were probably a whole bunch of mopey wingnuts leaving the theater in a state of disappointment, having been led to believe there would be a scene where the pedo-hunters capture Nancy Pelosi and put her on trial.

  97. The equalizer was originally a white guy with an British accent. I believe Edward Woodward was the actor and I watched it on telly back in the 70s, if memory serves.

  98. magat congressioinal hearings to date:

    Benghai- wolf, wolf, wolf repeat ad infinitum
    HRC- wolf,wolf, wolf ditto
    Biden- wolf, wolf, wolf
    Hunter B- wolf, wolf, wolf
    stolen election- wolf, wolf, wolf


  99. GrannyStandingforTruth3:19 PM

    In my opinion, the media likes to make Trump out to be some powerful politician who is beloved by the people, when the reality is quite different. His media-driven power has misled the GOP and uniformed people alike, giving him more power than he actually has. Actually, Trump should have been behind bars a couple of years ago. He is definitely not their “Great White Hope” and is an extremely long way from being one. Trump was their hope in outdoing the crowd sizes that President Obama attracted. A black man is not supposed to be able to draw crowds bigger than any white man. The first clue to it was about crowd sizes is the extent to which Trump and his people's attempted to magnify the size of his crowd. Btw, they’re still trying to magnify the crowd sizes by showing old pictures and claiming them to be current.

    When all of the media B.S. is peeled away, Trump is still a rapist, a con man, a pervert, a liar, and a traitor. No matter how hard the media tries it cannot transform dung into sugar.

    I’m so sick of the negative B.S. we’re bombarded with on a daily basis. Therefore, let me share some good news. I’m healing and doing better. My great-great-nephew won three medals this past week at the track Jr. Olympics. He’s the gold medalist in the 200m and 400m, he’s also the silver medalist in the 100m. His name is Prince.

  100. "I watched it on telly back in the 70s, if memory serves."

    Early-mid 80's. Now starring Queen Latifah.

  101. "My great-great-nephew won three medals this past week at the track Jr. Olympics."


  102. Fani Willis says her investigation of drumpf is complete. What's next?

  103. “Fani Willis says her investigation of drumpf is complete. What's next?“

    Lock him up?😆

  104. Congrats to your great grand nephew and here's to better health for you, Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth.

  105. Pee Wee "Tallywhacker" Herman is chaifing his yard in a new venue- heaven or hell. Left the building at age 70, same as me.

  106. Fergus indicted again:

    "Trump has been charged with four counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States "by using dishonesty, fraud and deceit to obstruct the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election"; conspiracy to impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding; a conspiracy against the right to vote and to have that vote counted; and obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct and impede, the certification of the electoral vote."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. "Fergus indicted again"

    and yet no one who watches Fox knows this. They're too busy working themselves into a lather about Hunter Biden. How do you not let your audience about a HUGE breaking story? They really want to be the network that missed the modern equivalent of Watergate?

  108. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Next year’s presidential election campaign is going to be absolutely surreal. Are the Republicans really going to nominate a candidate who is probably going to prison? This is not lefty wishful thinking anymore. It’s gonna happen.


  110. Lumping Pee Wee with Hunter Biden would be a better use of Fake Noize's news disseminating prowess. I'm sure no one at Fake Noize will ever admit to knowing drumpf personally or professionally.

  111. drumpf the most decorated potus ever. The most impeached, the most indicted, the biggest liar and biggest con man/criminal.

  112. “Are the Republicans really going to nominate a candidate who is probably going to prison?“

    I mean this is the only logical step for them other than nominating Putin🤷🏾‍♂️

  113. Anonymous2:13 PM

    From @itsJeffTiedrich on Twitter (or, as Elon wants us to say, “X”):

    “congratulations to Donald J. Trump, three-time graduate of the University of Fuck Around and Find Out”


    Man taunts drumpf at arraignment. Calls him Loser.

  115. Both Black expelled Tennessee lawmakers win back their seats in special elections.

  116. McCTurtlefuckface apparently has polio and the pain leaves him fully paralyzed at times. Couldn't happen to a scummier slimeball.

  117. Anonymous2:16 PM

    “McCTurtlefuckface apparently has polio and the pain leaves him fully paralyzed at times. Couldn't happen to a scummier slimeball.”

    Sounds more like a made-up defense from a McConnell ally than anything else.

    If McConnell has occasional pain from his childhood polio experience, that might elicit sympathy from the public. Or at least among members of the public who do not realize he is the Prince of Darkness.

    But if McConnell is severely cognitively impaired, as many suspect, and that’s why he had a “glitchy robot” moment at at a press conference, there will ultimately be calls for him to resign.

    Of course, it’s unfair to judge the condition of a person’s health and their ability to work from just one awkward public appearance. Time will tell whether he’s basically fine, or whether he needs to pack it in and go home to Kentucky.

  118. So does that make the real question "Is he mentally healthy enough to steal another supreme court seat?" Because Kentucky isn't far enough for him to retire to while he still draws breath.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Marcy Wheeler on why the investigation wasn't actually slow:

    This alleged conspiracy was conducted BY LAWYERS using ENCRYPTED APPs.

    If you read something about how long this investigation took that doesn't address those two facts, you can use it as kitty litter.

    When a conspiracy is conducted BY LAWYERS on ENCRYPTED APPS, it means you have to go phone by phone (bc that's how you get the encrypted apps), and for each one conduct a privilege review.

    We know the phones used in this conspiracy were seized on the following dates:

    Rudy: April 28, 2021
    John Eastman: June 2022
    Jeffrey Clark: June 2022
    Boris Epshteyn: September 2022
    Mike Roman: September 2022

    Each phone of a lawyer will take AT LEAST 6 months to review.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Anonymous6:07 PM

    “So does that make the real question ‘Is he mentally healthy enough to steal another supreme court seat?’ Because Kentucky isn't far enough for him to retire to while he still draws breath.”

    I’m sure that’s exactly how Republicans view it.

    “Is good ol’ Machiavellian Mitch still fit enough to pull sneaky shit, or do we need to replace him with another sneaky-shit-puller?”

  121. e judge blocks drumpf from running for potus in 2024 because he threatened Fani Willis life via emails.

  122. Texas judge stays abortion legislation before trial and declared the law that allows any citizen to collect a bounty for turning in people who had abortions as unconstitutional.

  123. Anonymous2:13 PM

    “judge blocks drumpf from running for potus in 2024 because he threatened Fani Willis life via emails”

    Er, what? Link, please.

  124. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Now you can’t take AP psychology in Florida schools anymore because psychology is allegedly too woke. (Specifically, because the psychologist profession does not equate all non-normative sexual behavior to being a perverted pedo/“groomer”/whatever.)

    DeSantis really just needs to get it over with and just ban school. And change Florida’s license plate slogan from the “Sunshine State” to the “Stupid State.”

  125. Anon @ 2:13 PM

    I have not chec ked the authenticity of this vid, yet. I hve neither seenit corroborated or debunked.

  126. Psych to be available to all in Floriduh's school according to NPR report.

  127. The judge gave Fergus' lawyers until Monday afternoon to respond to DOJ's request for a protective order, and they are whining about how unfair that is.
    They are lawyers, have they never met a judge?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. Anonymous10:10 PM

    "I have not chec ked the authenticity of this vid, yet. I hve neither seenit corroborated or debunked."

    Does not look like a real news site.

    I don't think there's really any way a judge CAN ban Trump from running. It's insane, but it's possibly legal that he could even run from his future prison cell. The question is whether the GOP is truly scummy enough to let this happen.

    The Founding Fathers clearly did not anticipate a psycho like Trump running for president someday. The Constitution is missing some pretty important features.

  129. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Best-case scenario would be if Trump is convicted of trying to subvert the 2020 election, and then SCOTUS decides that this counts as "insurrection" against the U.S. government and he's then disqualified to hold office under the 14th Amendment provision that was designed to punish the former Confederates after the Civil War.

    This feels like a real long shot, though. Particularly given who's sitting on the Supreme Court, currently.

  130. Best case scenario Fergus drowns in a bucket of weasel piss tomorrow, something his insane followers can't blame on the Democrats or the "deep state", although they would try.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. What Is the Disqualification Clause?
    Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:​

    "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

    Frequently Asked Questions
    What does the Constitution say about insurrection?

    Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits anyone who has previously taken an oath of office (Senators, Representatives, and other public officials) from holding public office if they have "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. This means, at least theoretically, that politicians who participate in or encourage a rebellion against the government can not only be removed from office but prevented from holding state and federal offices in the future. However, how disqualification works under the 14th Amendment has never been clear.

    Could the disqualification clause prevent Donald Trump from running for president in 2024?

    Theoretically, yes. Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives Congress the power to disqualify someone who has already held a public office from holding "any office" if they participate in an "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States.

    But since this mechanism has never been used against a president, there are still questions to resolve. The disqualification clause applies to current and former federal officials, state officials, and military officials. However, legal scholars are split on whether the disqualification clause applies to the presidency. It's likely the 14th Amendment will continue to come up in conversations approaching the 2024 presidential election.

  132. Ken Paxton has gotten his long overdue securities fraud trial postponed until after his impeachment trial.

    His charges stem from 2015.Whatever happened to a fair and speedy trial?

  133. Anonymous2:00 PM

    10 things black students don't need:

  134. The # 1 thing black students don't need is advice from racist magats.

  135. Rhomas got 300-500 grand from a rich Dem (as a possible loan) andbought a luxury motor home for over 250k. The guy behind it said he is satisfied with the outcome, not that he was paid back. Now he quit talking about it so no one knows if it was a loan that was supposed tobe reported.

  136. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Trump wants the judge in his trial for attempting to cheat his way back into the White House replaced, on the grounds she is too black and too female.

    Sorry, just kidding. He had some equally dumb argument for why it would be totally unfair and ruin his day if he didn’t get a new judge.

  137. (from AP):
    "Tou Thao, the last former Minneapolis police officer convicted in state court for his role in the killing of George Floyd, did not show any repentance or admit any wrongdoing as he was sentenced Monday to 4 years and 9 months."

    He also spouted bible verses and compared himself yo Job and Jesus.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. dumbfuck drumpf appointed dumbfuck unqualified justice for a lidetime job, she went after special counsel for having another secret grand jury om another district and violated the law by revealinbg secret jury's existence.

    Exoerts say this gived the DOJ perfect reason to rfeplace her in drumpf's upcoming trial.

  139. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Our dumbest president ever, a walking punchline, Donald J Trump, went on social media and — apparently completely seriously — suggested the US women’s team’s elimination from the World Cup was somehow the fault of “Crooked Joe Biden.”

    Lol, what? In what universe does this make sense, even to idiot Trump followers? Reading this garbage should make your brain hurt, if you think about it for even a millisecond.

  140. Anonymous2:09 PM

    And here’s yet another update from the Stupid State, where apparently the goal is for students to know LESS by the end of each school day than they did at the beginning:

    DeSantis’s Florida Approves Climate-Denial Videos in Schools

  141. Anonymous4:28 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  142. drumpf 2024 to life w/o possibility of parole for each count of every idictment.

  143. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Following in Trump’s lead, Megyn Kelly cheers the US women’s World Cup soccer team losing, because … woke.

    How patriotic. Republicans are the biggest flag-humpers ever — right up until someone offends their delicate sensibilities, and then it’s “hooray, America lost!”

  144. Anonymous9:27 PM

    “It’s hard to overstate how big a victory this is for Democrats.”

    It’s also hard to overstate how blatantly anti-democratic Republicans have gotten.

    “Please vote to remove your right to vote, in order to prevent yourselves from repealing an anti-abortion law you don’t want. Thanks in advance, guys. Sincerely, the fascist dictator party.”

  145. “10 things black students don't need“
    1. Republican administrations that hate education
    2. Racist Republicans that want to rewrite history
    3. Goofy ass Republican governors who want to destroy education
    4. Goofy ass Black Republicans who co-sign rewriting history
    5. Fake ass “universities” that spew conservative BS
    6. Goofy ass supreme court justices that are guided by “god”
    7. Republicans who want to continue to spend godawful amounts of money on the military and not education
    8. Dumb ass Republicans who want a war on “woke”
    9. New history standards that make slavery out to be a jobs program
    10. Anything that has to do with goofy ass mothers for liberty

  146. Anonymous3:44 AM

    “4. Goofy ass Black Republicans who co-sign rewriting history”

    Alternatively, RENTED Black Republicans who co-sign rewriting history.

    What are the odds that dude was paid to show up at public meetings and recite from a script of silly right-wing talking points, just so it could be filmed and posted on social media by the usual suspects? I’d say they’re pretty good.

    There are a lot of Candace Owens-type grifters out there, and a lot of astroturfing out there. Do a little journalistic digging and it often turns out those so-called “regular guy, local fixture of the community” people showing up to town halls to express their alleged regular-guy opinions, aren’t. They’re professional operatives, who don’t live in the community.

    The Moms For Liberty ranting away at school board meetings about perversion in library books and anti-white classroom teaching? They’re literal Nazis whose kids don’t go to the school.

  147. After a week at the top of Bilboard chart, Alden's racist (imho) song dropped 20 places.

  148. “What are the odds that dude was paid to show up at public meetings and recite from a script of silly right-wing talking points, just so it could be filmed and posted on social media by the usual suspects?“

    C’mon. How would it not?

  149. “After a week at the top of Bilboard chart, Alden's racist (imho) song dropped 20 places.”

    Welp, folks saw what happens when some try to actually live that life. It didn’t end well😆

  150. A voting glitch at a single election site has caused magat fever dreams of voter fraud in Ohio.

  151. Anonymous2:53 PM

    In yet another presidential campaign stunt, DeSantis has suspended the duly elected Democratic Orlando-area prosecutor, Monique Worrell, from office for refusing to enforce his awful policies.

    This is the second time he has pulled this crap. A year ago, he suspended Tampa-area prosecutor Andrew Warren, also a Democrat, for similar reasons.

    It is increasingly doubtful as to whether Florida will actually survive the insanity that is Ron DeSantis’ ultra-stunty presidential campaign. By 2025, the state may be reduced to a smoking crater.

  152. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Yet another Trump supporter turns out to be exactly the sort of classy person you’d expect:

    GOP Operative Who Sexually Abused Teen Girls Gets 21 Years

    I’m not sure how it is that the QAnoners manage to maintain their delusion that the DEMOCRATS are the dangerous sexual predators in American society, when most of the evidence seems to be pointing in a rather different direction.


    Robbie Robertson, singer and guitar player for "The Band" has left the building after a long illness.

  154. Damn, I came here to post about fucked up things in Florida's schools (it is apparently OK there to teach bullshit climate denial but not full Shakespeare plays) but fuck that, Robbie Robertson was a goddamn giant.

    Robbie's son Sebastian is involved with the Playing for Change folks and is in many of their videos. Robbie himself was in their video of his song "The Weight", along with Ringo Starr and other luminaries and just plain good musicians. It celebrated the 50th year since the song's release:

    His late eighties "solo" album that featured the likes of U2 and the BoDeans and Peter Gabriel is a goddamn masterpiece.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    38 luxury vacations for Uncle Clarence.

  156. Anonymous5:50 PM

    “38 luxury vacations for Uncle Clarence.”

    Is there an award given out to celebrate achievements in the field of monetizing one’s Supreme Court seat? Clarence Thomas would win it hands down. He is the king of cashing in.

  157. SCOTUS: Not so fast, Sacklers, we might not be done with you yet.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  158. drumpf appointed worthless federal judge Eilean Cannon, is in danger of having another verdict overturned because she did not offer jury a chance to vote not guilty.

    She is in charge of big drumpf federal criminal case and has already made missteps.

  159. Anonymous2:00 PM

    “drumpf appointed worthless federal judge Eilean Cannon, is in danger of having another verdict overturned”

    even though they play of the same Federalist Society team most judges will still resent trump’s affirmative action judge appointees because they feel they went through the normal process of becoming a federal judge and these fools were given a shortcut. Never underestimate pettiness and vanity.

  160. Anonymous3:23 PM

    “drumpf appointed worthless federal judge Eilean Cannon, is in danger of having another verdict overturned”

    I really want to know how it is that she got assigned to handle Trump’s case, after having earlier made numerous terrible rulings impeding the federal investigation of the classified documents, which were then immediately overturned and harshly rebuked by an appellate court.

    How are judges assigned to cases in Florida? How does it come to pass that a judge screws up egregiously in a particular case, and then it is somehow decided that she ought to continue handling that case so she can screw up some more?

  161. Anonymous3:54 PM

    “How are judges assigned to cases in Florida?”

    To be clear, she is a federal judge, so there should be some federal process that determines this.

  162. Under Section 2.01. 01 (a) of Internal Operating Procedures of the Florida court, criminal cases are supposed to be assigned by the clerk on a “blind random basis.” So he rolled the dice on Florida, calculating his one in 26 odds of drawing the dreaded Judge Cannon were pretty good.Jun 16, 2023

  163. Alabama senator Dummy Tubesnakerville is a Floriduh resident and does not own a home in Alabama.

    Moar magat family values shining through.

  164. Judge to Fergus: The more you run your mouth, the faster this trial will happen.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    In another vein, Merrick Garland appointed a magat as special prosecutor of Hunter Biden, the same one who as US Atorney in Delawate did not find suddicient evidence to blast Biden with. Like I always say, Fems always appoint repubs as special counsels to satisfy insatisfiablke magat pols andmagats alwats appoint extreme right wing magats as special counsels and get nothing.

  166. Texas magat fetal rights, a mile wide and an inch deep...

  167. Recovering TrumpTard9:55 AM

    News flash!

    Country music superstar Jason Aldean has just released a new song honoring the great Montgomery Riverboat Brawl!

    It's called "Try That in a Black Town"....

    Tried that in a small town and found out

