Wednesday, September 06, 2023

One of "us".


I just saw a report that most republicans believe that the January 6th insurrection was a democratic inside job to make their dear leader, Donald trump, look bad. I mean, seriously? How can we even have  a normal debate with these people?  What would make seemingly normal people show this type of cult like devotion to an obvious charlatan?

I have a theory, and you can stop reading now if the race card offends you. Yes, it's all about race. There is no other explanation for it. Donald trump has brilliantly built himself up as America's first white supremacist president in the modern era, and that is just fine with a certain segment of the white population who believes that their country is being taken away from them, and that those other people are turning it into their country. Donald trump doesn't have to say the quiet part out loud, because most white Americans who live with that fear see a sort of savior in trump. So what if he is a fascist? He is our fascist. He will protect our way of life. He will take us back to the days when our superiority wasn't questioned. In other words, he will make America great again.  

This is why, no matter what, Mr. trump will always have a large segment of the population in his corner. No matter how many crimes he is charged with, no matter how many women he rapes or brags about assaulting, it won't matter. It drives other Americans nuts. Those of us who consider ourselves normal and who want to see the better angels in others want to believe that the people who support him really  believe in their hearts that he is just a guy that means well and his policies will help them in the long run. That is not true. Go back to my second paragraph and read it again. It's an uncomfortable truth, and if we can't come to grips with it the cult of Donald trump will forever have us perplexed.

The British writer, Nate White, penned a brilliant essay about why the Brits don't like Mr. trump. It's worth a read. 

Another essay could be written about why so many Americans like Mr. trump. The answer would be simple: He is one of us.  


  1. The Republican voting base was used to having their racism doled out to them in measured doses that excited them enough to vote in the primary and then maintenance doses between elections to keep them from straying.
    Fergus' stroke of crude brilliance was seeing that and saying "Fuck that, here's a straight up geeze of the pure product. Your ignorance is noble and your bigotry is patriotic." And since then his base has been as loyal as any run of the mill junkie is to their main source. And all of those Republicans trying to out Fergus Fergus? Clueless idiots, trying to lure junkies away from their main source by noticing that the source wears a purple hat, and then wearing a bigger purple hat. The hat won't help them. Even more, and better junk won't help them, because Fergus has the junk they like, and they won't change their tastes capriciously.
    And no, they won't care if their source has committed other crimes, as long as the junk keeps coming.
    This phenomenon works in both directions, also, eliciting behavior just as erratic from Fergus, so much so that he's under sanction from multiple judges because it's more important to him to keep his customers satisfied than it is to avoid legal risks.
    I don't see any way to break his idiot hordes of their addiction, even if he loses and is imprisoned for his crimes, they will still remember what he did for them: fed their addiction and made them feel good about being junkies.
    Where else are they going to find that? They're in for the lesson that all junkies have to learn: you can never replicate that first great high, and everything after is a game of diminishing returns until you have nothing left but your addiction, and you can't live off of it, so you either come down or die.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      This is what passes as an analogy in Doug's world.

      Cool story though, even if it appears Doug is some sort of a junkie.

  2. Thanks for this, Field, and Doug too. As an 80-year-old with a quality education I've read all the theories and political analyses, only to agree that it may wear new clothes and language (POC are "othered" these days) but it's still the SAMO SAMO racism, our evergreen affliction, even though with new attachments (Mexicans, Muslims, etc). So old, so boring to social scientists looking for new slants, but rallying the poor and left-behind superior race, living out of trailer parks or not. (They may enjoy a Denzel Washington movie or an NFL or NBA game but that doesn't compute) So it's the same old rock to turn over, same old vermin, only now all the quiet parts can be screamed because you're the rival and the even-more-powerful ENEMY. God have mercy.


  3. History tends to repeat itself, fascist crop up almost every throughout world history. Trump is the Great White Avenging Angel for people of Europeans everywhere. I'm not surprise at all the country is in the shape, what's worse is that the black AMerican community never really prepared itself for this eventuality, no to mention all of Africa and the Caribbean.

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    At this point, I’m mostly concerned with what the MAGA cult will do when their conman leader gets convicted and sentenced for his many misdeeds. I suspect there will be an explosion of irrational violence.

    The media wingnut-o-sphere has convinced too many of their readers/viewers that we cannot all get along in this country, and have fostered an “us or them” mentality. Ridiculously, MAGA cult members do seem to believe that they are persecuted, or at any rate soon will be, and Trump is their only salvation. Some of them will probably freak completely out when he is removed from the political scene.

    And what will happen after that temper tantrum? Will the Republican Party then return to something approaching sanity? (Not that I respected them decades ago, but at least back then they weren’t mounting constant assaults on democracy.) Or are we in for something even worse?

  5. "Anonymous said...
    At this point, I’m mostly concerned with what the MAGA cult will do when their conman leader gets convicted and sentenced for his many misdeeds. I suspect there will be an explosion of irrational violence.

    The media wingnut-o-sphere has convinced too many of their readers/viewers that we cannot all get along in this country, and have fostered an “us or them” mentality. Ridiculously, MAGA cult members do seem to believe that they are persecuted, or at any rate soon will be, and Trump is their only salvation. Some of them will probably freak completely out when he is removed from the political scene."

    Well,most of them, I suspect are just blowhard cowards and chumps, the type who talks tough back scared to really do anything. There are a few who are really fanatical psycho types. It wouldn't surprise me if there is some violence here and there, but it will die down.

  6. Yawn.

    There’s a DA in Fulton County who don’t give af about President Trump nor the charlatans. I’m thinking that’s the way it’s supposed to be? Nothing President Trump says nor does affects your life in any way whatsoever, absolutely nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Why is this still news? I’d rather read your opinion on Charlamagne Da God’s double rape case: African American legal name Lenard Larry McKelvey took some underage crotch.

    Or, is reporting on rapists a race issue?

    A rape is a rape, is it not?

    1. Yes, a rape is a rape. And a Judge did accuse Mr. trump of just that. So.....

  7. drumpf cabinet member Navarro found guilty on both charges of contermpt of Congress today.

  8. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Hey Field, thanks for years of speaking truth. This post is no exception.

    X has seen to it that I can't use your tweets for leads on issues to look into. Please let us know if you start posting somewhere more open. Blogger still works at least.

    1. Thanks for being a loyal reader all these years. Nothing but love and respect for u and others who continue to support me. As for X....I will be polite: Screw that South African.🙂

  9. Anonymous6:53 PM

    “Nothing President Trump says nor does affects your life in any way whatsoever, absolutely nothing.”

    Not true. Trump going to prison might cause Republicans to finally get a fucking clue and get off the insane, country-destroying path they’re currently on.

    That would affect everyone’s life for the better. In the U.S. and the rest of the world.

    “I’d rather read your opinion on Charlamagne Da God’s double rape case: African American legal name Lenard Larry McKelvey took some underage crotch.”

    Prosecutors dropped that case. Several years ago.

    Legally speaking, this is in the “stuff that didn’t happen” category. Unless that changes, what’s to report on?

  10. Hey Don,

    "Nothing President Trump says nor does affects your life in any way whatsoever, absolutely nothing."
    "A rape is a rape, is it not?"

    O.K. buddy, lets talk about your rapist president. Guess what?

    " Four months ago, a jury found that Trump sexually abused Carroll in the 1990s and that he defamed her in 2022 when he called her account a “hoax.” The jury ordered Trump to pay Carroll $5 million."

  11. Caroll's second defanation case against drumpf was decided by a judge in her favor and the only trial is to decide damage award.

    Vat majority of Americans are not pathological liars like drumpf and magats.


    Judge said first defamation trial proved actual malice, second one woud be for damages only.

    drumpf can't keep his fucking trap shut. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  13. I wonder if Obama took a shower right after meeting trump in the Oval Office in November 2016. We all knew trump had a racist stench after all the birther bullshit and the Mexican hate speech he made after decending the escalator in 2015. It's pretty unsettling to know that there are 74 million bigots and fools in this country. The struggle continues ....

  14. Write a post about Charlamagne’s rape. You replied to my comment as if I’m a President Trump apologist or something. I don’t know him.

  15. The results of Fani Willis' special grand jury have been made public, and it seems that they recommended that Miss Lindsey be indicted...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Alleged rape from 22 years ago?

  17. If Trump is pure dope, it's kinda too bad we can't flood the MAGATs with some cheap fentanyl.

  18. Seriously Field this is the first time you came across that? That inside job shit has been their story all along. I always respond was Ashes To Ashes Blabbit Antifa do they think? That always shuts them up.

    As for Insane Clown it's classic idol worship where they paradoxically created him and worship him. They could take him down too if they wanted. But Insane Clown classic con artist that he is has them conditioned like Pavlov's dogs, learning his lessons well from years of associating with Vince McMahon and pro wrestling. After the 2022 election where all his handpicked candidates got their asses kicked I thought for sure they would dump him for DeSatan who in many ways is a bigger prick than Trump. Don't Say Gay, Don't Say Don't Say Gay, taxpayer funded militia, legalized vehicular homicide, quack Surgeon General, Trump is an Insane Clown, DeSatan is just Insane. But for all his prickness DeSatan just doesn't have the talent for pushing peoples' buttons that Insane Clown has.

  19. is your store down? it couldn't find any of your stuff....
    Unfortunately, inmate #P01135809 perfectly fits the victim/hero delusion yet maga rats believe in a version of him that doesn't exist. The orange-tinted toddler is a manure saleman with a mouthful of samples and the maga rats eat it gladly. If you believe inmate #P01135809 is, or ever was, fit to be President, believing that the earth is flat isn't much of a stretch for you. What will it take to make the rubes wake up and realize that they've been had, been took, been hoodwinked, been bamboozled by their savior? And, Vets? Remember that you're just suckers and losers. Women? Just Know your place (and protect your nether regions too).

  20. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Black Woman Delivers Powerful Speech In Support Of Donald Trump

  21. Anonymous4:05 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!


      You must be posting this for free or on the cheap because that numbnut loser never pays any of his bills. You WILL be left holding the bag. And as usual he has his black person posse he pulls out for show -- normally consisting of exactly 2 people. "Yawn" he is sooo boring and he never ever changes his schtick.

  22. Anonymous5:33 PM

    This blog and its readers aren’t what they used to be

  23. Anonymous5:36 PM

    For someone who claim he doesn’t like Trump, you’re locked onto his nuts like a Pit Bull. When Trump tries to remove his testicles from your mouth, do you growl?

  24. They are actually quite small, so I don't even notice when they are in there. 😏

  25. Driftglass has featured this post in "Mike's Blog Round Up" at Crooks and Liars.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. There is no legitimate or legal defense of the dumbfuck known as drumpfuck. None whatsoever!

  27. Anonymous11:48 AM

  28. US may have just discoverwed world's largesatcache of lithium, the metal needed to make electreic vehicle batteries.

  29. "Cool story though, even if it appears Doug is some sort of a junkie."

    No, I did my share of drugs in my youth, but heroin never seemed like anything I wanted to do, for those reasons I outlined above. Seems kinda dumb, actually.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous12:40 PM

    How to deal with gangs:

  31. Anonymous1:02 PM

    “How to deal with gangs:”

    Put them on trial at the Fulton County courthouse.

  32. He'll do his worst, let's do our best
    And we, not he, shall pass the test
    For we are right, and he's a jerk
    No plan of his will ever work
    His cronies reek of sleaze and booze
    His fans go bats, his lawyers lose

  33. My recollection of 9-11 was flying into Newark the night before and it was a perfect day. I was on top of the world, a young 737 co-pilot flying with a cool captain. As we drove to the Newark airport Hilton we joked about New Yorkers, as I sometimes do. After arriving we got our keys and stepped onto the elevator to go to our rooms. A crew of flight attendants also got on the elevator with us. I struck up a converstaion with one of the crew an attractive young lady, just small talk, where are you based and when are you leaving ect. We were both leaving the next day. We all know what happened the next day. One of the planes originated in Newark and since we only had a few flight out of there I just knew she was on that flight. I was just torn up that someone I just met and was full of life was no longer with us. Well after a day of feeling confused, depressed and paranoid I left my room to maybe find something to eat. When the elevator doors opened up I looked across the room and I saw her. OH MY GOD! SHE'S ALIVE! She saw me and must have thought the same thing as we ran and just hugged each other. After all that was wrong with that day I at least had this little victory and for those few minutes the world was ok. Neither of us said a word and walked away. I never knew her name and I wouldn't recognize her today if she punched me in the nose but I want to thank her for giving me a sliver of good that day.

  34. "it's still the SAMO SAMO racism, our evergreen affliction, even though with new attachments (Mexicans, Muslims, etc)"

    America has always been a big, dumb and racist country.

  35. "Nothing President Trump says nor does affects your life in any way whatsoever, absolutely nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Why is this still news?"

    You mean FORMER president. Being honest using your own logic nothing Charlamagne Da God says nor does affects your life in any way so why do you GAF? Try to stay consistent Don.

  36. My recollection of 9-11, other than Condomeater Rice holding a PDB saying Muslims were gonna hijack planes and fly them into buildings in America, was sitting on the bank of my Little Sioux River atdusk with an older farmer friend fishing for catfish and seeing the evening sky devoid of contrails for the only time in my 70 years.

  37. This infomercial explains why drumpf is so popular with dumbfuck magats of all stripes....

    Seriously must see entertainment.

  38. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "Mice die in mouse traps because
    they do not understand why the cheese is free.
    The same thing happens with Socialism."

    - Unknown

  39. And, of course, everyday nillions of Americans owe their survival to socialist programs like SS, Medicare/Medicaid, police and fire protection, etc. And, of courser, every day hundreds of thousands of retirees join the SS and Medicare crowds at the federal trough.

  40. May, 1991. The World’s Most Dangerous Rap Group N.W.A. released the track “Niggaz 4 Life” where Dr. Dre rapped, "But what about the fake niggas, the house niggas. To get paid quick, they gotta suck a fat dick.”

    Remove “paid quick” and insert “blog clicks.”

  41. Here comes the shutdown:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. “And, of course, everyday nillions of Americans owe their survival to socialist programs like SS, Medicare/Medicaid, police and fire protection, etc.“

    Mike, don’t waste your time trying to educate the willingly stupid. Stupidity is a badge of honor for these clowns.

  43. My recollection of 9/11 is taking the Long Island Railroad to Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn where I would change to the subway to the World Financial Center which is across the street from the World Trade Center. That changeover involves walking a gauntlet of Bible thumpers. On this particular day they were much more animated than usual and even screaming back and forth at each other which they never do. It was as if they knew something was about to happen.

  44. Anonymous3:52 AM

    “That changeover involves walking a gauntlet of Bible thumpers. On this particular day they were much more animated than usual and even screaming back and forth at each other which they never do. It was as if they knew something was about to happen.”

    Aha! I knew it!


    See what I did there? Just created a brand new conspiracy theory. I’m pretty proud of myself.

  45. Colorado congressbitch Boobalert amd her beau were kicked out of a stage play for loud singing. vaping and causing a disturbance.

    She wanted people to know she was carrying partially concealed boobs with her as well.

  46. Anonymous2:49 PM

    “Colorado congressbitch Boobalert amd her beau were kicked out of a stage play for loud singing. vaping and causing a disturbance.”

    Seriously? Boebert went to a play? That is the shocking part, not that she got thrown out of one.

    Maybe there is a stage version of Paw Patrol. Or Peppa Pig.

  47. It was Beetlejuice, make of that what you will.
    Willard is throwing in the towel.
    My recollection of 9-11 is mostly the BART ride from 24th and Mission in SF to MacArthur station in Oakland. There had been some concern over the safety of the San Francisco City Hall, and the train didn't stop at Civic Center Station, but blew through it at 60+ MPH... and stopped in the dark several times, once in the tube beneath the bay.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. Anonymous4:44 PM

    “Willard is throwing in the towel.”

    Romney says it’s because he’s too old and it’s time for some new blood in Washington. Personally, I think it’s because his party has been taken over by Trump trash, and so it’s 24/7 gun nuttery, bigotry, and conspiracy theories now. There’s no room for country club Republicans like him anymore. (Those guys still provide the funding for the party, of course, but they aren’t allowed to put their hands on the steering wheel, now that the fascists are in charge.)

  49. You got that right. Now the goddamn lunatics running the state parties don't have any interests in funding them and they are going broke. They make content that is very interesting to other lunatics, though, and some of them are well off enough locally from that to win gerrymandered seats in congress or state legislatures, but run a healthy political party? They haven't got a clue, or any interest.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  51. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Tell it like it is:

  52. Hunter Biden three felonies on one charge? Dormer judges and prosecutors claim no one they know ever charged under this statute.

  53. I wonder what the goddamn NRA has to say about Hunter's indictment?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  54. Anonymous2:39 AM

    “I wonder what the goddamn NRA has to say about Hunter's indictment?”

    They’re keeping awfully quiet. Particularly given that they KNOW a whole bunch of their gun-owning members are partial to smokin’ a little doob or poppin’ a few OxyContins, not giving up their guns, and thereby committing the same federal offenses as Hunter.

  55. Anonymous3:31 AM

    The Supreme Court's ruling in the Bruen case established a new (and admittedly insane) standard for gun restrictions: They are automatically unconstitutional unless they have “historical analogues” from 1791, when the 2nd Amendment was ratified.

    Since I highly doubt that there were any bans on drug users owning guns back in 1791, Hunter could probably take his case all the way to the Supreme Court and wingnut his way into having the law he's been charged with struck down.

  56. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The first of Trump’s co-conspirators is hopping off the Trump Train. Apparently, she has at least some common sense and has realized that it would be idiotic to go to jail for this sleazebag. She can be expected to testify against him as part of a plea deal.

    'Malignant' Trump Torched By His Former Attorney Who Is Predicted To Flip

  57. Blast from the not to distant past....

    This is the bitch who appeared on tv with Mike Huscksterbee and her hubby in hickory striped overalls.

  58. Anonymous7:10 PM

    “This is the bitch who appeared on tv with Mike Huscksterbee and her hubby in hickory striped overalls.”

    Some gay-hating Christian fundie group will probably raise the cash to pay her lawsuit damages for her. Unfortunately.

  59. South Duhkota gum fervent drumpf ass kisser and phonym kristian was outed by the Daily Mail as having a years long affair with former drumpf aid Corey Lewdandlusty (Lewandowski) which neither denied.

    Story has been verified by various sources. Noem was with drumpf in Raped City, South Dyhkota last wweek asshe is eyeing veep seat. Two pathological lying cheating, phony kristians together. What could go wrong?

  60. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Boebert is now apologizing for being caught fondling her boyfriend’s crotch, and letting him fondle her breasts, in that video from the play she got thrown out of. This is after she swore she was not vaping in the theater, before realizing there was video that proved she was.

    As scandals go, this is completely trivial, yet also an example of such hilariously predictable Boebert behavior.

  61. Texass AG Paxton acquitted of all corruption charges in his impeachment trial with a jury of majority plus magats as judges.

  62. Rumour has it Kari Flake failed failure of Arizoa ratted out S D's guv Noem's affair likely because they are both being considered as veep candidates for drumpf.

  63. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "Texass AG Paxton acquitted of all corruption charges in his impeachment trial with a jury of majority plus magats as judges."

    Never count on Republicans to do the right thing. You'll only be disappointed.

  64. Yesterday news out of Texass was prosecutor who rested case against Paxton erred vy not allowing defense to cross examine witnessesm and Paxton's butt buddy, Lt guv Patrick said he might call a foul and stop the trial in Paxton's favor. Had Paxton been convicted he likely would have been given a get out of jail free card on appeal.

    But then magats make up the rules.

  65. Anonymous2:30 PM

    All the lying finally caught up with you guys, gals and its

  66. “boebert-booted-from-beetlejuice-boot-came-after-she-refused-to-quit-vaping-near-a-pregnant-woman“

    Because nothing says classy like Republicans.🤷🏾‍♂️

  67. Donald Trump's crimes notwithstanding Democrats prosecution of Donald Trump is nothing more than a political witch hunt. Paxton's crimes notwithstanding Republicans impeaching Paxton is similarly nothing more than a RINO witch hunt. So there we have it. Trump and his Nazi cult followers are above the law.

  68. Is Cindy Lee Berryhill clairvoyant!!? How the fuck did she know this in 1989 for Christ sake?!!

  69. Texass magat sinators were warned efore impeachment trial they would be prinaried if they voted for conviction of most magatty of all, Paxton.
    Sounds like jury tamperiong, but magats don't follow rules of decorum or civility or the rules of law.

  70. Lauren Boebert is a hot date!

  71. It's a damn shame that Molly Ivins isn't around to write about the Paxton debacle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. So can someone please explain to me how it is that you lose an F-35?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. Anonymous7:33 PM

    “So can someone please explain to me how it is that you lose an F-35?”

    1) Pilot ejects (apparently s/he may have panicked and ejected needlessly, though I haven’t seen an explanation of why).
    2) Plane was set on autopilot, so it could have kept flying by itself for a while.
    3) Transponder wasn’t working, making it harder to track exactly where the plane went.

    Presumably it crashed into the ocean? Because if it crashed on land, I’d think someone would’ve noticed.

  74. Now they are saying they have found some of the chunks. On land.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. dOUG, IF THE ENTIRE MAGAT PARTY fell off the flat eArth, never to be seen again, I would srill miss Molly Ivins more than magats.

  76. Bitch in her Boobalert claims her grope mate owns a LGBTQ bar with drag shows and he is a registered Democrat sao she dumped him.

  77. Anonymous10:00 PM

    “Now they are saying they have found some of the chunks. On land.”

    Huh. It must be a fairly low-population area. Otherwise, wouldn’t there have been loads of people calling the emergency services, saying, “Hey, something went BOOM! And now there’s a big fire nearby”?

  78. drumpfuck the dumbfuck needs no help looking bad. He has that one in the bag.

  79. Magat drumpf had the third largest rise in National debt, relative to the size of the economy, in history. The top 2 are magats as well. Lincoln and dumbass dubya, according to Pro publica.

  80. I've always thought that Jann Wenner was a prick. Seems like I was correct in my assumption.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. So Tuberville is trying to go around his own blockade to vote to confirm a Marine Corp Commandant. Which exposes his real agenda: use a bullshit issue to stop the mass confirmation of military promotions so as to eat up senate floor time and reduce the number of judicial confirmations.
    Perhaps if he stuck a football up his butt, there wouldn't be enough room for his head and he would have to pull that puppy out of there.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Safety-averse businessman Elon Musk is about to insert his technology into people’s brains. What could possibly go wrong?

    Musk's Neuralink to start human trial of brain implant for paralysis patients

  83. Boobalert's grope buddy's restaurant has been receiving scathing reviews because many people blame him for Boobalert's actions in the theater. She is not, has never been the victim. She is a Lyeeeeeer!

  84. Tubby once skipped out of a Senate session to go to Insane Clown's Bedminster NJ golf club and suck Insane Clown's little mushroom cock. Did Senate Democrats capitalize on that opportunity? Noooooooooo. Dickless Durbin invoked one of those hallowed ancient Senate "traditions" that you don't take advantage of a member being absent. Typical Democrat will to lose.

  85. Fuck Eric Clapton. That prick hasn't played anything worth listening to since he quit heroin, and now he's raising money for RFK Jr.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Clapton and Van Morrison both came out as anti-vaxxers to the disdain of plenty of fans or ex-fans as the case was.

  87. Fuck Roger Waters too. They're all wasted.

  88. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Cassidy Hutchinson now says Rudy Giuliani grabbed her cooch on the day of the Jan 6th riots.

    Hey, it was an wild time! His boss and his followers were attempting a coup! Rudy got carried away in all the excitement.

  89. Merrick Garland sets congress straight on who and what he and the DOJ are:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Another televangelist and wife arrested and charged with multiple cases of child rape and assaults. B et they're magats, too.

  91. "Bet they're magats, too."

    Nah, they were good Christian folks til they were indoctrinated by woke ideology. Probably at a drag show.

  92. "Fuck Eric Clapton."

    Yup,, racist asshole.

  93. Hubby of iowa's female guv has lung cancer. His Mrs must be caustic.

  94. Anonymous5:17 PM

    “Fuck Eric Clapton. That prick hasn't played anything worth listening to since he quit heroin, and now he's raising money for RFK Jr.”

    As long as RFK runs as a Democrat, I don’t care. He’s got no chance of beating Biden in the primaries. All the money Clapton raises will get flushed down the toilet anyway.

    If RFK decides to skip the primaries and run as a third-party candidate in the general election, then I’ll get worried. In our dumb, poorly conceived electoral system, that could split the Democrat vote and result in the re-election of President Jailbird, and send the country into meltdown.

  95. According to Pro Publica, Clarence Dumbass was a long time koch bros beneficient.

  96. New Jersey US Sinator Menendez (D) and his wife indicted on bribery charge according to DOJ. Menendez is a Democrat and magats have yet to condemn DOJ for politicizing the DOJ as they do when magats like drumpf get indicted.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      “New Jersey US Sinator Menendez (D) and his wife indicted on bribery charge according to DOJ.”

      Rumors of corruption have swirled around Menendez for years. He was tried unsuccessfully for corruption in 2015, but apparently learned nothing from the experience and didn’t clean up his act, as the feds found half a million in cash lying around his house.

      When he inevitably steps down, I hope the Dems are able to hold onto his Senate seat. They should have tried to oust this guy earlier. He was way past his sell-by date.

  97. Remember what happened with Al Franken after he was charged with whatever he was charged with and left the senate. He should have staYED and fought the charges but certain Dems were eager to appease magats and toss Franken under the bus, something magats never will consider when they are ethically/morally challenged.

  98. Nut job, drumpf judicial appointee is making law from his bench.

  99. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "Remember what happened with Al Franken after he was charged with whatever he was charged with and left the senate. He should have staYED and fought the charges but certain Dems were eager to appease magats and toss Franken under the bus, something magats never will consider when they are ethically/morally challenged."

    Yeah, that was garbage. Senate Dem leaders were so eager to look tough on sexual harassment that they didn't allow for any kind of investigation or due process before insisting Franken should go. And also Congresswoman Katie Hill, who was basically forced out for having a kinky (but consensual) sex life, and not because she abused her power to coerce sex out of anyone.

    It's not like these cases were going to "set an example" for Republicans on sexual harassment anyway. They don't give a shit, and will shamelessly keep right on harassing. Hell, Trump is probably a rapist, in addition to all of his other misdeeds, and it doesn't matter to Republican voters at all.

    Menendez, on the other hand, almost certainly isn't being unfairly maligned. There's not a lot of doubt about his guilt here. He's crooked.

  100. Amarillo would be a nice place where Insane Clown could get a fair trial.

  101. To whom it may concern, 2024 SS cola is expected to be 3.4 %, slightly higher than average 2.6 % raise. Last year was a fluke, nerly 9 % raise.

  102. Anonymous6:33 PM

    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) made headlines for warning immigrants once they get into the U.S. not to come to the state.

    “Go somewhere else,” Hochul said in an interview Wednesday on CNN.

  103. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Starting soon, New York will end its sheltering of single adults after they’ve been in the city’s care for two months. Evictions will begin on Saturday. One unnamed source close to City Hall told Politico that the decision was in relation to the belief the shelters were attracting migrants to the city.

  104. Anonymous6:34 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  105. "If RFK decides to skip the primaries and run as a third-party candidate in the general election, then I’ll get worried. In our dumb, poorly conceived electoral system, that could split the Democrat vote and result in the re-election of President Jailbird, and send the country into meltdown."

    Right on time, he's considering running for the Libertarian Party, which has a record of gaining access to the ballot in all 50 states. Maybe he's forgotten what happened to his father and uncle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous7:10 PM

    “Right on time, he's considering running for the Libertarian Party, which has a record of gaining access to the ballot in all 50 states. Maybe he's forgotten what happened to his father and uncle.”

    Great. Proof that God hates us.

    Only possible upside of that is that if RFK joins the Libertarian Party, maybe it’ll make him look more like a specifically right-wing crank, rather than just a ideologically nonspecific, science-hating, conspiracy-pushing idiot, and he’ll end up stealing more votes from Trump than Biden?

    We can only hope.

  107. Corey Lewdandlusty, former drumpof sexual predator aid and 2x former sexual predator aid of South Duhkota's chippoy bitch guv Noem, found a new home as advisor to Loosseranna guv candidate. Problems immediately surfaced when candidate's top donor outed Lewdandlusty as creep trying to seduce his wife in Las Vegas awhile back and demanded his donations back and is telling voters not to vote for candidate.

  108. Writers strike apparently resolved. The writers seem enthusiastic about it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  109. So Fergus apparently said he wanted to buy a "Trump Edition" Glock at a gun store he visited with MTG. He is under felony indictment, and if he did purchase the gun, he violated the same statute as Hunter Biden by falsely answering the question about being under felony indictment on the ATF form.
    He is apparently trying to weasel out of it by saying that he was lying when he said he was buying it. God is it ever ugly (the Glock, that is).

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Anonymous7:21 PM

    “God is it ever ugly (the Glock, that is).”

    Oh boy. I looked it up and you weren’t kidding. I can’t believe it’s not a joke.

    This is a self-negating gun: You won’t need to use it in self-defense; nobody would even bother attacking you because they know you’re already gonna die of embarrassment.

  111. So Jeff Bezos has hired former Amazon hardware boss Dave Limp as the new CEO of his penis-rocket company.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  112. Magats new object of hate none other than Taylor Swift...

  113. Anonymous11:36 AM

  114. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Trump is great!!

  115. During a campaign stop in South Carolina, Trump reminisced about defeating Jeb Bush for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

    “When I came here, everyone thought Bush was going to win,” he said. “They thought Bush because Bush supposedly was a military person. Great. You know what he was a mili- ... he got us into the, uh, he got us into the Middle East. How did that work out, right?”

    Trump, who once boasted of having the “world’s greatest memory,” forgot that Jeb Bush never served as president, was not a “military person” and was not involved in conflicts in the Middle East.

  116. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "Magats new object of hate none other than Taylor Swift..."

    They've got no one to blame but themselves. Taylor had a very Republican-y childhood (rich, Christian), and her early singing career was in country music. I've no doubt that Republicans considered her to be one of their own.

    But nope. She's a Democrat. Team MAGA managed to drive her away by being such consistently repellent, awful, evil assholes. Congrats.

  117. 76K views 3 hours ago #Alabama #SupremeCourt #Politics
    The Supreme Court has rejected Alabama Republicans' proposed congressional map that contains only one majority-Black district. NBC News' Lawrence Hurley reports on the details on the decision and how it ties into a previous ruling involving the Voting Rights Act earlier this year. …

  118. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Well, well, well. It seems that the “finding out” phase of Trump’s life has arrived, after many decades of relentless “fucking around.”

    Donald Trump committed fraud as he built his real estate empire, New York judge rules

  119. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Trump should never have let his ego drive him to run for president. He could’ve gotten away with it all. He could’ve lived out the rest of his days in Florida as just an obnoxious, tacky rich dude with a fake tan and a combover. Instead, he’s brought tons of unwelcome law enforcement attention to all his sleazy dealings.

    What a dumbass.

  120. magat Floriduh congresswoman and alleged air force vet, Luna, used pictures of Russian jets to celebrate US air force. Luna must be short for lunatic.

  121. The supremes have rejected Alabama's attempt to flout their order and draw maps with only one Black-majority district when 27% of Alabamans are Black.
    Sorry, Kevin.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. “Trump should never have let his ego drive him to run for president.“

    He also never thought he would win😆

  123. NY judge may force drumpf to give up titles to all NY real estate assets. drumpf and hisa dumbfuck male offspring are all liable for real estate fraud and cheating banks.

  124. Tuberville says the the US military "is not an equal opportunity employer."
    Tuberville is a goddamn moron. Harry Truman desegregated the military in 1948.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    drumpf corporate death penalty and drumpf can no longer do business in NY.


    But Biden is old, HRC had emails, Obama is a Kenyan, etc ad infinitum.

  127. Anonymous7:51 PM

    BLUE CITY BLUES: Philadelphia erupts into total chaos… watch the video of the latest:

  128. Anonymous7:53 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  129. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Sep 26, 2023 - Politics & Policy
    Scoop: Biden team's don't-let-him-trip mission
    Alex Thompson

  130. Who’s taking one for the team and watching the Clown Show er I mean the GOP debate?

  131. Anonymous9:12 PM

    “TRUMP 2024!!“

    Because it only makes sense for people who flap their gums about the Constitution so much would vote for the one guy who says he’ll violate it day one😖

  132. No tv programming, PX. I'll sort through some of the same old same old trash today.

  133. guns don't save lives in the same manner guns don't kill, tool.

  134. drumpf 2024 years served before even considered for parole. That is 22.24 years per felony in 4 indictments.

  135. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Everybody ready for a shutdown? Why do we only have shutdowns when Republicans are in charge of the congress?

  136. Anonymous1:19 PM

    “Everybody ready for a shutdown? Why do we only have shutdowns when Republicans are in charge of the congress?”

    That would be because the Republican Party aren’t a meaningful political party anymore, just one giant scam or grift.

    They don’t have any practical ideas for governing, only attention-grabbing stunts.

  137. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Remember how many times Republicans pointlessly voted to repeal Obamacare, despite the fact their alternative healthcare plan was … nothing?

  138. Saw a rumour the Clinton foundation investigation is still ongoing and promises bad news for HRC. I trust this another magat faux scandal, but who knows.

    Experts at start of impeachment hearings tell magats nothing Biden is accused of reaches the threshhold for any articles of impeachment.

  139. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Slow clap for Tim Scott, who suggested during last night’s pointless GOP debate that the creation of welfare was worse for black people than slavery.

    While this is an insane take, on its face, it also repeats a dumb, unkillable zombie idea that endlessly circulates around the black community. And that is that the primary cause of instability in black romantic relationships is black women wanting to dump their boyfriends so they can become eligible for welfare.

    While poverty does indeed destroy lots of relationships, it is patently ridiculous to focus on and criticize the nitty gritty details of welfare requirements and NOT blame racism and elitist economic/justice system policies that made black people need welfare in the first place. It is Republican policies that create the poverty that Democrats end up trying to alleviate with welfare social safety nets.

  140. Possible good news in Georgia for Fani Willis, the magat senatorwanting to defund her investigation and remove her has been kicked out of magat caucus by other Georgia magbats. Looks like they want her investighation and prosecution of drumpf and others to continue.

  141. So Fergus has given up on moving his Georgia trial to federal court, and the announcement sounded downright civil... I wonder what they told him?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  142. Senator Feinstein passed away. Might be good news if California can get a much younger, more active replacement and hang on to her seat.

    1. I wouldn’t mind seeing Barbara Lee, always liked her moxie.



  145. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The EEOC is suing Tesla for allowing discrimination against its black employees to fester. It appears Elon Musk’s attitude toward absolute free speech on Twitter carries over into the workplace he runs, resulting in many complaints of employees having to put up with nooses and swastikas and other kinds of racist graffiti.

    And while allowing that sort of nonsense might be merely ill-advised when it happens on a social media network, allowing it in the workplace is actually illegal. (For now, at least. In the wake of 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, I wouldn’t count on SCOTUS not to rule that First Amendment free speech rights have been violated if one can’t call one’s co-worker a monkey and tell him to go back to Africa.)

  146. DiFi should have resigned a couple years ago, but that doesn't take anything away from the good things she did, like the assault weapons ban and the investigation of W's torture regime.
    Gavin Reptile is in a no-win spot right now; he has promised to appoint a Black woman to the seat, but doesn't want to appear calling favorites in a hotly contested election by making Barbara Lee that Black woman.
    I had intended on voting for Katie Porter in that election, because as much as I love Barbara Lee, I think she and Adam Schiff would have no problem winning their old seats back, and Katie I'm not so sure about.
    I guess what I'm saying is that we have an embarrassment of riches in our senate race and that I would be thrilled with any of the three of them as my senator.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  147. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Scott Hall, one of Trump's 18 co-conspirators in the Georgia election-rigging case, has flipped on him. He is the first to officially take a plea deal from prosecutors.

    As mentioned a few days ago, former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis is also expected to, given she has already been trash-talking Trump in the media as a "bully" and an "idiot," which is not exactly the behavior of a low-level soldier who is going to keep omerta and dutifully go to jail for her mafia boss.

  148. Recovering TrumpTard1:41 AM

    Have you been watching the Republican Party Nuremberg rallies ... sorry, I mean.. presidential debates?

    The majority of these Republican presidential candidates, who are running against Trump, are attacking him for being ... too Liberal.

    In the near future, the Republican Party will consider Donald Trump to be a card-carrying ALCU member who should join Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez on The Squad.

    And David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, will be considered a political moderate.

    Welcome to the RepubliKlan Party.

  149. Inciting a coup is TREASON
    Insane Clown is a TRAITOR
    The punishment for TREASON is DEATH
    Let's all drink to the DEATH OF A CLOWN !!!

  150. McCTurtlefuckface has made it clear he will not allow Dems to replace Feinstein on Judicial Committee thereby he hopes to prevent Biden from seating any more of the worst judges in McCTurtlefuckface's view. As it stands now magats outnumber Dems in Senate and were it not for three Ind caucusing with Dems, magats could habve taken control.

  151. Anonymous12:13 PM

    “McCTurtlefuckface has made it clear he will not allow Dems to replace Feinstein on Judicial Committee thereby he hopes to prevent Biden from seating any more of the worst judges in McCTurtlefuckface's view.”

    He insisted on blocking any temporary substitute for Feinstein on the Judiciary Committee while she was sick. I hadn’t heard him announce he would prevent her replacement on the committee now that she has actually died.

    If he does that, it will effectively be a declaration of war in the Senate.

  152. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Trump told a conference of California deplorables that shoplifters should be shot on sight.

    Kinda weird, a criminal loudly arguing that criminals don’t deserve due process rights.

  153. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Apparently, Melania has renegotiated her prenup with Trump. Again.

    It is obvious that their marriage is purely transactional, and Melania has realized that right now would be an extra-bad moment for her to divorce him, what with him being buried under an avalanche of civil lawsuits and criminal prosecutions and in the midst of a presidential campaign, so she decided to maximize her leverage and wring some additional cash out of him.

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, lol.

  154. So the worst of the worst in the GOP senate have said they won't try to block Feinstein's replacement including Hawley and Cruz. Rand Paul said he hasn't thought about it, but then he doesn't think about much.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  155. magats on impeachment committee declared themselves essential workers in case gubmint shut down. Essential total fuckups and fuckoffs is more applicable.

  156. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Things are getting heated on Capitol Hill.

    It seems that Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm to delay a budget vote in the House, allegedly because Republicans had not given Democrats any time to read it. If this is true, I mean ... what the fuck, Jamaal?

    In response, predictably, Republicans have gone into Maximum Outrage mode, comparing Bowman to the January 6th insurrections. Which is just preposterous on every level. Democracy was not threatened, nor was violence employed here, unlike on Jan 6th. This was just a big, irritating inconvenience for everyone.

    But that will not stop Republicans from working themselves into a towering fury, and declaring that the sky has officially fallen and Jamaal Bowman should be drawn and quartered, or maybe burned at the stake.

  157. Speaking of good comedy and the energetic men and women who write it so well...

    All new Late Show with Stephen Colbert Monday.

  158. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Trump has now weighed in on the very, very important issue of Fire Alarm Gate, demanding Jamaal Bowman be jailed.

    It’s great how Trump is now the moral authority on how everyone ELSE has done bad things and deserves severe punishment (shoplifters must die!), but HE is squeaky clean, and please, nobody must take notice of the dozens of criminal indictments and civil lawsuits currently in process against him.

    What a wacky country we are living in.

  159. One west Texass county's supervisors have passed a law that makes it illegal to use county roads to transport women to New Mexico for abortions.

    I don't see how this law would pass 4th amendment muster for illegal searches and seizures and pigs violating the 4th lose qualified immunity and therefore, can be held liable.

  160. GrannyStandingforTruth3:20 PM

    I don't care what none of Trump's false prophets and other pseudo-Christians say. You reap what you sow. That's the truth! It's also a fact of life.

    Isa 3:11
    Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him,
    For what he deserves will be done to him.

    Psa 91:8
    You will only look on with your eyes
    And see the recompense of the wicked.

  161. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Woke Dem CAUGHT Red Handed in INSURRECTION Attempt!!!

  162. Anonymous4:00 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  163. So Newsom kept his word and appointed a Black woman to fill Feinstein's seat, for now. Could this be a way to make himself look good while hoping the seat is won by someone else in the Dem party? This appointee does not appear to have much legislative experience.

  164. Anonymous5:39 PM

    “So Newsom kept his word and appointed a Black woman to fill Feinstein's seat, for now. Could this be a way to make himself look good while hoping the seat is won by someone else in the Dem party? This appointee does not appear to have much legislative experience.”

    Yeah, that was my take. Newsom probably came to regret pledging to appoint a black woman, and thereby pissing off any other potential aspirants for the job who aren’t from that demographic.

    To avoid reneging on his pledge, he found a black woman who is most likely just a temporary seat-filler (because she has never held an elected position and has minimal name recognition) and so won’t pose much of a threat to any established Democrat candidates vying for the job in the spring primaries.

  165. It may elevate Laphonza Butler in Democratic politics for future offices, though, and therefore might not be just a cynical ploy.
    So Jack Smith wants a limited gag order to keep Fergus from running his mouth in ways detrimental to the ongoing prosecution, using his "Milley should be executed" bullshit as an example of his inability to STFU when he really needs to STFU.
    I don't think it will work for exactly that reason. The only gag order that would work on Fergus is a golf ball and a roll of duct tape...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  166. Maybe the pressure is starting to work:

    “Conservative Justice Clarence Thomas for the first time recused himself from a case involving the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by then-President Donald Trump’s supporters as the Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal brought by former Trump legal adviser John Eastman.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  167. Two justices from the 5th circuit magat pig stye in Nawlins interceded in a case that was assigned to a different 3 judge panel of the 5th circuit and blocked a severely gerrymandered magat map from being redrawn to favor a Democratic black district. Unheard of in the judicial world.

  168. Anonymous7:59 PM

    “It may elevate Laphonza Butler in Democratic politics for future offices, though, and therefore might not be just a cynical ploy.”

    Yeah, I guess that’s true. Being the acting US senator for California is something she can put on her resume if she wants to run for a lower elected office later on. But I’m just thinking California voters aren’t likely to let a political unknown waltz right into a US Senate seat.

    Although that did work for Donald Trump and the presidency, but probably only because the Republican Party has gone stark raving mad, and now apparently considers having no qualifications (along with shamelessly spewing hate speech) to be a plus.

  169. Fergus has already lost the judgement about whether he committed fraud. He did commit fraud. The rest of the proceeding is to decide how much he should pay for having committed fraud. So what does the brain-wizard do right out of the gate?
    Start bragging about how much richer he is than what the documents in evidence at trial said he was.
    That won't make the judge want to order a lesser disgorgement, that will make him more likely to order up the entire $250 mil.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  170. House Squeaker Cave-In McCarthy did this to himself. Now at the mercy of Jailbait Gaetz Cave-In comes crawling for Democrats to let him continue banging the gavel like a 3 year old. The price for that should be funding for Ukraine and the spending levels agreed to in the debt ceiling deal. Otherwise leave him to the tender mercies of Jailgaitz and the Putin Caucus.

  171. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Trump is Great!!

  172. Buh bye Kevin. 208 Dems voted to kick his lame ass out after he shit on them repeatedly and lacked enough support from his own batshit crazy conference to save him.
    Randy Rainbow was right "If he lasts a year I'll eat my MAGA hat."
    Now what fresh hell awaits us?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  173. Fergus gets partial gag order. So... masking tape and a marble?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  174. So let me get this straight: Matt Gaetz just kicked Kevin McCarthy out of the speakership because Kevin passed a CR using Democratic votes... using Democratic votes? Shouldn't he spontaneously kick himself out or something?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  175. Anonymous6:34 PM

    “Buh bye Kevin. 208 Dems voted to kick his lame ass out after he shit on them repeatedly and lacked enough support from his own batshit crazy conference to save him.
    Randy Rainbow was right ‘If he lasts a year I'll eat my MAGA hat.’
    Now what fresh hell awaits us?”

    I hope Democrats don’t regret not saving McCarthy, since whoever follows him will probably be worse than him. Then again, maybe McCarthy wasn’t willing to offer anything at all in return for being saved.

    On the plus side, if Republicans now render the House ungovernable and cause an extended federal shutdown, that will comprehensively fuck them in next year’s elections.

    Inexplicably, Trump also seems convinced a Republican-caused shutdown will somehow help keep him out of jail. It won’t.

  176. There is nothing worse than Cave-in. The Putin Caucus did its job. Ukraine can kiss their ass goodby. Putin is laughing his ass off.

  177. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Quip of the day on Twitter (not X; screw you, Elon), by @leedrutman:

    “GOP learns the hard way: Turning the base up too high blows out your Speaker”

  178. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Former Trump chief of staff John Kelly admits Trump is a dirtbag who despises veterans, and everything General Mark Milley said about him is true.

    File under: Stuff That Would Have Been Helpful If You’d Said It Much Earlier.

    Yes, Trump Made All Those Awful Remarks About Veterans, John Kelly Says

  179. Anonymous11:27 AM

    So, guys, I hear the frontrunners at this point to replace Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House are Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan.

    [vomit emoji]

  180. Gym Jordan as SOH is a bigger joke that Mccarthy and Gaetz combined. Jordan can't even run a credible committee hearing without fucking it up.

  181. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Chicago devolving into third-world cesspool… including ‘black’ vs. ‘brown’ racial tensions

  182. Jordan, Scalise and maybe Hern are vying for the job of wiping the turds off of the bottoms of the majority conference in the house.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  183. Likely wasicu whitey is stirring up racial tensions in Chicago to force a race war as proof immigrants need to be kicked out/kept out of white utopia.

  184. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Biden administration failing miserably. Reverses position on border wall and uses Trumps ideas because he doesn't have any.

    Democrats will steal Trumps ideas and polices and present them as their own because they (dems) are failures.

  185. No, you miserable pine cone, the Biden administration is spending the money appropriated for the goddamn stupid fence on the goddamn stupid fence because that's what it was appropriated for and the goddamn Republicans are too retarded to allocate it somewhere else where it might actually do something real.
    In other words, they're following the fucking law.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  186. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Yes Field you "hit the nail on the head!

  187. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Yes Field, you are 100% correct.
    As anyone can see, racism "Trumps" democracy in America.

    So, Yes... they are willing to abandon democracy and be led into "dictatorship" like cows being blindly led to the slaughterhouse.

    Think about it...
    It's the same mentality that has them believing that illegal aliens are taking "their" jobs. As if any of them ever wanted to take slave labor jobs like: picking crops in 100 degree heat, cleaning hotels, landscaping, changing bedpans in nursing homes, landscaping in 1000 degree temps, food delivery, shoveling excrement, working in kitchens, putting up with nanny abuse,...and the list goes on.

    Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

    "...And Lead Them Not Into Trumptation...But Deliver Them From Evil..."

  188. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Well, at the very least, you chose your name correctly.
