Thursday, October 12, 2023

Trying times.

 Thomas Paine said it best: "These are the times that try men's souls" . What is happening now in the Middle East is a culmination of decades of hatred, fury, and a complicated geo-political tug of war that has no end in sight.  Hamas, with their brutal and savage attack on innocent Israelis citizens, have unleashed the anger of the world community, and endangered the lives of innocent Palestinians living in Gaza as well.

 Surely they had to have known that the Israeli government would retaliate. And now, because of the response from the state of Israel, the city of Gaza, and innocents living there, are going to be living in hell for the foreseeable future. Two million people living on  a strip of land of about 145 miles, and they have no way out.  

We have all seen the horrific images of the attacks of innocent Israeli citizens, and we are left to wonder, what could cause this type of hatred towards a fellow human being?  What level of religious zealotry would cause one to act with such depravity towards babies women and children? 

This is why I fear so much for this country. I see a lot of parallels between the hatred manifested by some in this country towards others. The same religious zealotry aimed at an easily persuaded population. The same fervor to coalesce around like-minded people who are consumed by their hatred towards others who don't share their values. 

Last night the leading presidential candidate from one of America's two major political parties, made fun of the middle name of a former president, in order to draw a racist response from his followers. A few days ago, right after the attacks in Israel, he danced off the stage after talking about those attacks. This man could very well be the next president of the United States.  Think about that for a minute..... 

We should all hope for peace in the Middle East, and we should be vigilant about what transpires in this country. I know it seems like we are a million miles away when we watch the horror of what is taking place from our television sets. But look around you. Pay attention to what you are seeing and hearing. If you do,  you are going to realize that it's all a lot closer than you think.  



  1. Republicans see the slow genocide of the Palestinian people as a model for what they would like to do here. Pen up "Democrat" Cities like Gaza and then exert pressure from military, paramilitary, and police forces.

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I don’t know how much to blame religious zealotry in this case. This was just revenge.

    There is no doubt that the residents in Gaza live in miserable, impoverished conditions imposed by Israel’s government. There is no doubt that this has produced a lot of anger. But that can’t justify hostage taking. It can’t justify the wholesale slaughter of civilians, beheading children, burning people in their homes.

    And now Israel’s military will take their revenge. They will claim that any lives taken will only be collateral damage resulting from them attacking Hamas. But they will not be. The IDF will collapse buildings on civilians, knowing full well that no terrorists live there. They will starve Gaza collectively, allowing no supplies to cross the border. There is no justification for this, either.

    And then the cycle of mindless revenge will repeat, endlessly. This is because the international community simultaneously cares so much about Palestinian Arabs that it will not allow Israel to “win” and drive them out of the Holy Land, but cares so little about Palestinian Arabs that it will not force Israel to grant them a state of their own.

    And so there’s no solution, and no end in sight to the murder.

  3. Israel always has targeted civilians and always will. That is a fact. Revenge is not the sole province of a bully Israel and Americans should be ashamed of our government bowing to Israel's will when it comes to blatant civil rights violations against civilians.

    Both sides need to be forced into a 2 state solution. Yasser Arafat was half way sensible for Israel to deal with, but Israel poisoned him, if memory serves.

    Amd lying drumpofuck the dumbfuck is as anti-semitic as they come, regardless if his daughter and SIL are Jewish.

  4. OT, but important, imho.

    1 pig guilty of a lesser offense.

  5. Gym "buggery? what buggery?"Jordan has been nominated for speaker, but is still about 60 votes short of the 217 he would need to be elected.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    It’s unclear whether there is anyone who commands the respect of the entire Republican conference in the House, and who could therefore manage to remain speaker for more than a few months (or weeks, or just days) before being pissing someone off and getting voted out.

    The only chance of having a stable, sustainable speaker that could last for the rest of this congressional term would be if a subset of blue-state Republicans were to band together with Democrats to elect a unity candidate for speaker, who wouldn’t be beholden to Matt Gaetz and his merry band of jackasses. Sadly, none of them are brave enough to do it.

  7. Jordan couldn't boss his dog around and magats are truly looking to destroy their party and America by allowing any of these worthless scumsuckers to have any power.

  8. Arafat was fading and being pushed out by Abbas who in turn was pushed out by Hamas. There can be no 2 state solution with Hamas. There is no negotiating with Hamas. Any additional territory they would be given in any so called 2 state solution would just give them more leverage to launch more attacks. Hamas uses civilians as human shields and always will. Hamas is telling civilians to stay put and be human shields. As such Hamas bears full responsibility if civilians are killed.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth12:00 AM

    I don't stand with Netanyahu or Hamas. Netanyahu is a snake in the grass that is not to be trusted. He throws a rock and hides his hand. Hamas is lower than feces for the crimes committed against women and children. I stand with the women and children and them only.

    As soon as all the layers are peeled back, the cause of this war will be men swinging their penis for power and money as usual.

    Having Jim Jordan nominated for the Speaker's position is frightening since that's just two steps from being the POTUS if something happens to the POTUS and VP. The position requires intellectual skills that he lacks, so he is unfit for it. Besides this, Gym has no integrity and he wants to prevent or deter justice being served in Trump's cases.

    The words jerk and asshole were created with Gym in mind.

  10. Anonymous5:08 AM

    “There can be no 2 state solution with Hamas. There is no negotiating with Hamas”

    Well, that’s certainly the line that right-wingers have been flogging for years. But it ignores the fact there are other Palestinians to negotiate with than Hamas, who only control Gaza anyway, not the West Bank. If there were any reasonable prospect for a Palestinian state, for security and a decent standard of living for Palestinians, support for Hamas would wither.

    The truth is that Netanyahu and his associates don’t even believe this. In fact, up until now, they were big fans of Hamas. They LOVED Hamas, because the terrorist group gave them an excuse to not negotiate, and to let allow Jewish settlers to keep on gobbling up the West Bank. They could sell this to Israeli voters: “No point in negotiating because ‘there is no partner for peace.’ Instead, let’s disengage and live safely behind our peace walls, protected by our soldiers and sophisticated weapons systems, and life can continue as normal. Everything will be fine.”

    Did it work? Are Israelis safe? From what I’m seeing on the news, it looks like the answer is no.

  11. If true then that Israel was secretly propping up Hamas as a pretext for not negotiating then that is nothing short of madness. Nevertheless the fact remains that there is in fact no negotiating with Hamas. Negotiating with Abbas who is powerless and corrupt is pointless.

  12. As for targeting women and kids, Israel answers the call and isn't even bashful about it.

    Jackass running Israel is even more corrupt than any Palestinians, but he has immense power of WMDS all nearly all munitions the US can send them.

  13. Ok let's cut the bullshit. This is not about women and kids. Hamas has no qualms targeting women and kids. This is about Israel's right to exist. Some would say the foundation of Israel was largely by means of terrorism and as such should be given back to Palestinians. After 75 years and numerous failed attempts the world has largely come to terms with Israel's existence. Hamas will never come to such terms and has decided that now is the time for a showdown. It is all or nothing for Hamas. One way or the other that is what they will get.

  14. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Ron DeSantis, never missing an opportunity to be vile and bigoted, has announced that the US shouldn’t take any refugees from Gaza because “they’re all antisemitic.” Not that there was any actual proposal on the table to take refugees from Gaza, but DeSantis just felt it would be a good time to cover all bases and remind everyone that he’s a despicable piece of shit. In case they might have forgotten.

    Imagine the public reaction if a Democrat like, oh, I dunno, Ilhan Omar had made such a completely unfair generalization. “Hey, let’s not take any Jewish Israeli refugees. Cuz they’re all Islamophobes.”

    Judging by the extreme outrage and dishonest twisting of her words when, in the recent past, she made completely benign and factual statements about the government of Israel and its supporters, I can only imagine the epic head explosions if she said something as nakedly hateful as DeSantis just did.

  15. magats want to expel Omar from congress because of her words.

  16. DeSantis just kicked a 15 year old aspiring journalist out of one of his events for asking hard questions. If he can't handle the questions of a 15 year old, how are we to trust him with the questions of say, Putin, or Xi?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Now wingnut congressmen are trying to turn DeSantis’ hate speech into hate law, by introducing legislation that would officially block the US from taking any refugees from Gaza. Keeping it classy, they have named it the “Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission” (or “GAZA”) Act.

    Got that? If you live in Gaza, you are automatically an “aggressor” in Republicans’ minds.

    House Republicans introduce bill to block Palestinian refugees from US ‘to protect America’s national security’

  18. Both Hamas and the Israeli Right have got to go. Majority opinion in Israel is that Netanyahu must resign - but after the war. This gives him the perverse incentive to prolong it indefinitely, but that is not possible, politically or logistically.

    War is Hell, and that gives all warriors considerable moral license; for war does not have the same definitons of good and evil as does peace. So it is pointless to condemn Hamas or the IDF for killing the innocent, either by hand or at a distance; killing the innocent is not a sin, in war's infernal morality. But incompetence is a sin in military morality, a sin that both Netanyahu and Hamas are gravely guilty of.

    Netanyahu's incompetence, and the incompetence of the Israeli Right, is underestimating their foe. Also planning to ethnically cleanse Palestine, without knowing a place to ethnically cleanse them to.

    Hamas showed amazing tactical competence in its inciting attack. Smuggling in 2000 Iranian missiles was no small feat; their attack was coordinated and sophisticated. That attack covered an invasion, partly to take hostages. Hostage-taking is barbarous, and medieval, and a brilliant innovation. But despite their tactical competence and creatvity, they showed strategic incompetence. What was the attack for?

    Qui bono? As far as I can tell, mostly the Iranians, who have halted the normalization efforts lead by Israel and Iran's foremost rival, Saudi Arabia.

    Who loses? Mostly the Gazans. Iran is not a real friend of theirs, nor is Hamas.

  19. The people who claim to be patriots cheered as the orange menace disrespected a POW that actually served in the military and cheered as he mocked a disabled person. These are the so-called Chriatians who endorse a man who cheated on his pregnant wife. This is who we are. You really think these folks are gonna resort to violence?

  20. I'm not here to defend Hamas or the slaughter of innocents. But the truth is Netanyahu has gone way too far. And he's been doing it for the better part of twenty-five years. A moderate Israeli leader never would have set the stage for this slaughter. He bears great responsibility.

  21. Anonymous5:14 AM

    “Both Hamas and the Israeli Right have got to go. Majority opinion in Israel is that Netanyahu must resign - but after the war.”

    It would be nice if Hamas and the Israeli Right would go, and then peace negotiations would restart, and everyone would live happily ever after. But I don’t think that will happen.

    Hamas will probably not go. Unless Israel just ethnically cleanses Gaza, expelling all the residents into Egypt. Which I will admit is remotely possible.

    The Israeli Right will unfortunately probably not go, either. If anything, Jewish Israeli voters will be pushed even further rightward, thirsting for revenge.

    Netanyahu will go, but not because his refusal to negotiate for peace and his willingness to continue the settlement expansions helped to fuel Palestinian rage and led to increased support for Hamas, and ultimately the massacre. Sadly, Israelis won’t reflect and realize that Netanyahu was wrong to take an entirely militaristic approach to Israel’s security; they’ll only fire him because they’ll conclude that he didn’t execute it properly.

    So Netanyahu will get fired, but the dude who follows him will be even worse, and the misery and violence will continue to spiral. Nobody will learn any lessons.

    I don’t see any solution that comes from Israelis and Palestinians. They are stuck. Other countries will have to give them a push, and force them to reconcile. Starting with Israel being forced to remove its settlers from the West Bank. Until this happens, nothing will get better.

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Great. Just great.

    The violence is spreading to morons here in the US. In the southwest suburbs of Chicago, one such moron got upset at Hamas after watching the news … and then responded by murdering a 6-year-old Muslim boy.

    Muslim boy killed and woman wounded in Illinois hate crime motivated by Israeli-Hamas war

  23. Anonymous6:12 PM

    As the effects of the pandemic and lockdowns recede, and inflation falls, crime rates are falling, too.

    But not hate crimes. Those continue to rise. I blame the usual suspects in wingnut media and politics, who incite division because they have nothing useful to offer to voters.

  24. Driftglass featured this post in Mikes Blog Roundup on Crooks and Liars.

    Fergus gets a limited gag order. The only gag order that would actually work on Fergus is a golf ball and a roll of duct tape.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Hey, remember that QAnonish “Sound of Freedom” movie that wingnuts got all excited about and wasted their hard-earned cash on, with the valiant crusaders who save children from pedos, Dirty Harry-style? All “based on a true story”?

    Except, actually, not so true. Predictably, it turns out that the organization’s accomplishments in rescuing children are wildly exaggerated, and the founder is a sexual predator himself. You knew this was coming, right? Wingnuts’ so-called “heroes” usually turn out to be dickheads.

    The Damning Details of the Lawsuit Against Sound of Freedom’s Hero

  26. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Quote for the day:

    “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

    — Benjamin Netanyahu

  27. Bibi and Beezlebub Shmotrich are fucking idiots. Bibi hooked up with Shmotrich to keep his ass from being locked up. Hamas needs to be crushed and Bibi needs to be locked up in a mental institution.

  28. So Jordan's "I'm an asshole, elect me speaker" strategy hasn't worked, so far.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Anonymous11:46 AM

    “So Jordan's ‘I'm an asshole, elect me speaker’ strategy hasn't worked, so far.”

    The problem is that anyone who’s enough of an asshole for Matt Gaetz and his gang of attention-seeking troglodytes will be too much of an asshole for the rest of the Republican caucus. There’s no candidate capable of keeping them all happy for more than five minutes. Speaker of the House is the worst job in the federal government, right about now.

  30. Jordan loses again, by more than he did yesterday. Fucking Republicans can't and won't govern.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Ain't it grand? So far the republicans have basically squandered their tenure as the majority party without actually governing really at all.

  32. He said/she said the other side bombed hospital and killed 500 civilians. Israel shot two unarmed Palestinian teens (15 and 17) for allegedly trying to burn tires.

    Israel bombed road out of Gaza that civilians were supposed to use to evacuate.

  33. Great nuanced comments above on this complicated and intense subject. As I knew it would be.

  34. Kraken, Sidney Powell takes plea deal in Georgia election scandal to avoid jail time. Dhe must testify and serve 6 years probation as well as fines.

  35. Gym Jordan bows out of speaker's race until Jan 2024 and will back interim speaker Ronald McDonald or whoever it is.

  36. Jordan has reversed his reversal and is calling for another vote, which he is likely to lose by even more than the previous votes because other gop congresscritters were staggering their opposition to make it seem as if his support was dwindling. Which, if true, is the most competent and strategic behavior to come out of the conference this session.
    You'd think that after Hastert, the gop would try to avoid wrestling-related sexual abuse, but you'd be wrong.
    Sydney Powell may have stories to tell, but who will believe them? The deal for misdemeanor convictions means she won't automatically lose her law license.
    She may end up losing it, but a felony conviction takes it away automatically.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous5:58 PM

    “Sydney Powell may have stories to tell, but who will believe them?”

    If ALL of Trump’s co-conspirators rat on him, though, I feel like only a jury packed with diehard Trump trash will fail to convict.

    And I also feel like none of his co-conspirators are going to stay loyal to him. They are at least slightly more intelligent, and have more to lose, than the standard MAGA-hat redneck fool. These folks thought their coup would succeed, Trump would become dictator-for-life, and there’d be nobody to punish them. Since things didn’t work out that way, I figure they’ll try and save their own necks by turning on Trump.

  38. Israel ordered Palestinians out of Northern Gaza to Southern, alleged safe zones, which Israel has repeatedly bombed.


    White judge in NY was finally removed from bench years after pointing loaded semi-auto pistol at a black man in court. Judge was removed for bias.

    Black man was 6 feet tall and around 165 pounds. Judge told friends and family he was 6'9" and built like a football player and judge feared for his life.


    Judge orders Alex Jones to pay a billion in Sandy Hook verdict despite his filing bankruptcy.

  41. Anonymous4:11 PM

  42. Jordan's bid bites the big one. Looks like they got the shutdown they wanted, just from a different angle (way to go applying your strongest points to your objective) making the other shutdown much more likely.
    Fuck these creeps, they are being paid perfectly good green American money to do the job they keep avoiding.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Cheeesebro pleads guilty. Three down, sixteen to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Told by whom, exactly? And can we field test that theory?

    Matt Gaetz Shows Self-Awareness

    October 20, 2023 at 6:57 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 92 Comments

    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on Twitter: “I’m told I have a punchable face.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Anonymous9:55 PM

    “Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on Twitter: ‘I’m told I have a punchable face.’”


    He looks like a non-animated version of Butthead, of “Beavis and Butthead” fame. And has a personality to match.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Jailbait Gaetz is no doubt speaking from experience. That glass jaw resembles a punching bag.

  48. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Donald Trump:

    Who is this Sidney Powell you speak of? I don’t know her. She was just a coffee boy!

  49. America, like mikey, is in the third trimester of existence.

    Try weekly
    Try weakley.

  50. Whatever happened to that great uprising or whatever the trolls called it? Still waiting on the Marines to frog-march all the Dems out of congress and institute martial law. Seems more likely trump is gonna be frog-marched to jail and the Repubs in congress will be fighting each other while Dems laugh at all of this. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  51. Anonymous3:20 PM

    “Whatever happened to that great uprising or whatever the trolls called it? Still waiting on the Marines to frog-march all the Dems out of congress and institute martial law.”

    Strangely, they were unable to find any of the members of the massive pedo ring that they claimed was operating inside the Democratic Party. Absolutely no sign of the pedoes. Weird, right?

    So now they’ve moved on to hunting the pedoes in school textbooks and libraries and women’s bathrooms.

    Thank goodness these valiant heroes are working feverishly, day and night to unearth the details of the dastardly pedo conspiracy. Surely they must find them. Eventually. Any day now.

  52. They could find them if they wanted to, all they need is a goddamn mirror...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. A few short months ago, drag shows were the worst calamity happening in America. Where did they go? No wonder magats can't govern, their attention spans are shorter than drumpf's fingers.


    Byron Donalds one of only 2 Black people in the entire GOP congress just dropped out of running to be the Speaker. Why Donnie? You didn't want to expose how racist the GOP is when your goofy ass only would get two votes? LOL! I mean you just don't want to wait a year when the Dems elect the first Black Speaker. So sad.

  55. Former drumpf lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia election case. Another one bites the dust.

  56. Emmer flames out and Ellis pleads guilty, so more of the same?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. Meadows gets immunity. Fergus is toast.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Flip, flip, flip. Former Trump associates are flipping, one after the other.

    Trump and his attorneys are not having a very good week, I’d imagine. There will be a lot of food thrown at the wall.

  59. RIP one of the coolest of the cool.

    The movie was perfectly formatted for "Passion Pit" screen at Corral Drive In
    Theater a mile North of Cherokee, iowa on US Hiway 59. Add in the theme song by Isaac Hayes jr and all the times the song got radio airplay. Fantastic.

  60. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Well, Republicans have elected Louisiana congressman Mike Johnson as House speaker. He should probably not bother having any new business cards made, however. With his speakership dependent on the approval of Matt Gaetz and his fellow trolls, Johnson’s speakership will survive about as long as a fart in a stiff wind.

  61. So they elected the worst wingnut ever as squeaker of the mouse, is anyone surprised?
    The judge made Fergus sit in the chair and lie, and charged him ten large for it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous5:30 PM

    “So they elected the worst wingnut ever as squeaker of the mouse, is anyone surprised?”

    Yeah, he’s a lunatic, alright. A theocrat who’d prefer to dismantle democracy and be ruled by a bunch of Christian Taliban in the Republic of Jesustan.

    He still won’t be able to govern, no matter how wingnutty he may be, because the Republican caucus is a circus.

  63. Anonymous5:56 PM

    “The judge made Fergus sit in the chair and lie, and charged him ten large for it.”

    Is there a limit to the penalties the judge can assess? Every time Trump violates the gag order, he should add a zero to the end of the fine.

  64. Well, he doubled it since the last one...

    Nazi mayoral candidate gets her ass kicked at the ballot box:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  65. Terrorism Trilemmas

    A definition defines terrorism;
    The definition does not describe the routine behavior of all Great Powers;
    The definition is not hypocritical;
    Choose at most two.

    On the other hand:

    Only terrorists kill noncombatants;
    Some of the fighters kill noncombatants;
    None of the fighters are terrorists;
    Choose at most two.

  66. mean Byron Donalds won't be the first Blah Speaker?????? I'm shocked!

  67. Nope, that's gonna be Hakeem Jeffries...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Thank God that's over with. Now they can get back to their regularly scheduled programming. Gym Rat Jordan can get back to getting even for Insane Clown's impeachments. Mean Margie Green and Honey Boo-Boo Boobert can get back to banging pussies in the ladies room.

  69. Title of this post is prophetic, at least for drumpf and assorted magat co-conspirators.

  70. Oops, whitey did it again. Another multiple mass slaughter with assault weapon.

  71. Rumour has it Ivanka receives RICO charges in Georgia lection case.

  72. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Mike Johnson, new speaker of the House:

    “Someone asked me today in the media, ‘People are curious, what does Mike Johnson think about any issue?’ I said, ‘Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.”

    All of it? Every Bible passage? Okay, then. So I take it you’re in favor of having children who mock baldness ripped apart by bears. Because that’s in there.

    Also, I’m not sure how the Bible helps us understand your views on environmental regulations, or capital gains tax, or immigration. I don’t think these issues really came up in either the Old or New Testaments. Just saying.

  73. Remember that statue of Bobby Lee and his horse that caused all of the uproar in Charlottesville when they decided to take it down? They're melting it down and making something less retarded out of the bronze.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. Anonymous4:48 AM

    “Remember that statue of Bobby Lee and his horse that caused all of the uproar in Charlottesville when they decided to take it down? They're melting it down and making something less retarded out of the bronze.”

    Elon says this statue-melting business proves that “they” want white people’s extinction. He was not specific about who “they” are, but I can venture a guess.

  75. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Larry Elder has apparently ended his campaign for president and endorsed Trump.

    Wait … he was running? Who knew?

  76. So the new speaker of the house, in his acceptance speech, said the following:
    "I believe that scripture, the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us, and I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment in this time."

    OK, Mikey Poo, so that obviously means your invisible sky wizard was behind Biden's victory also, no? And Janet Protasiewicz? And the failure in Kansas to ban abortion? And in Kentucky?

    Your sky wizard sure does move in mysterious ways, Mikey Poo, and it would seem that he (always a goddamned he) is sending hella mixed messages.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. Under the heading no one nowhere ever cared, Pence drops out of race to be the next loser for potus in 2024.

    According to Bill Maher Johnson said life begins at insurrection. Same as the bible I guess.

  78. ps NW by gawd ioway has 2-3 inches of white stuff on the ground today.


    Graphic pro-Israel ads showing up in children's electronic games.

  80. Politics Girl on what the new speaker really means for us:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Anonymous11:10 PM

    For a comprehensive summing-up of the many-faceted, batshit awfulness of the deceptively normal-seeming Speaker Mike Johnson, check out this article by Dahlia Lithwick.

  82. Anonymous11:25 PM

    My personal favorite of Johnson’s extensive list of wackaloon, bananas beliefs is that teaching evolution in schools is the cause of school shootings.

    This is right up there with the Christian fundies who think tornadoes are caused by God being mad at the gays for having all that religiously unsanctioned butt sex.

  83. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Ken Paxton is finally going to be tried on security fraud charges next spring. Only EIGHT YEARS (WTF?) after being indicted.

  84. Happy Halloween, folks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. Life just keeps getting better. Bob (don't call me Bobby) Knight exited Indiana's Assembly Hall for the last time. Thank you FSM!

  86. Gym Jordan is involving congress into another AG's investigation of Leonard Leo.

  87. Black Mississippi man was struck and killed by off duty cop, was buries in Potter's Field and family found out nearly 6 months later what happened.,left%20home%20following%20an%20argument.


    Snakes turning on each other. Whoda thunk electing a flooseball coach to the US Senate was a bad idea. Then again we can always depend on the great state of Alabama for entertainment.

  89. Anonymous9:30 PM

    “Snakes turning on each other. Whoda thunk electing a flooseball coach to the US Senate was a bad idea. Then again we can always depend on the great state of Alabama for entertainment.”

    There is a resolution to change the Senate rules to tell Tuberville to shove it and prevent him from delaying all the military appointments.

    Hopefully, the rest of the his party’s senators have had enough of his antics and will let the resolution pass. Tuberville is hardly the only Republican who enjoys showboating on opposing abortion, but it’s frankly pretty weird to hold hostage a typically Republican-y priority like military readiness in order to try to make it happen. What’s next, “no tax cuts until I get my abortion ban”?

  90. Fergus had another real bad day in court. Here's to many, many more.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. Anonymous1:04 AM

    The judge in Trump’s New York civil fraud trial has extended the gag order to cover not only Trump himself, but also his legal team, Christopher Kise, Clifford Robert, and Alina Habba, because apparently they’ve been getting pretty mouthy as well.

  92. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Lol, Mark Meadows is being sued by his book publisher. (Yes, Mark Meadows wrote a book. I’ve no idea what kind of imbecile would ever want to read such garbage, but that’s neither here nor there.)

    In the book, he said Trump had won the 2020 election but been cheated out of his rightful victory, and his contract with the publisher required he not make false statements in the book. Now, Meadows’ trial testimony against Trump has prove that, well, in fact, Meadows did lie. He knew damn well that Trump lost.

    The publisher is now suing to get their $350K book advance returned, plus a big pile of damages.

  93. Aggressor Israel expects war with Hamas to cost American taxpayers at least 50 billion bucks.

  94. To all of those Muslim voters who are threatening to withhold their support from Biden over the war in Gaza:

    Fergus has promised to bring back his Muslim ban even bigger than before should he win the white house, and various goddamn Republicans are promoting the expulsion of Palestinian people from their states and the country.

    Biden is literally your only hope.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Obama the Great took the stage today and reminded the world there is plenty of blame to go around in the Middle East. Everyone's hands are bloody including drumpfuck the dumbfuck by basically giving Jerusalem to Israel.

  96. Because the invisible sky wizard gets SO MAD when you masturbate:

    Mike Johnson Admits His Son Monitors His Porn Viewing

    November 5, 2023 at 5:37 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 274 Comments

    Speaker Mike Johnson “admitted that he and his son monitored each other’s porn intake in a resurfaced clip from 2022,” Rolling Stone reports.

    Johnson talked in a video about how he installed “accountability software” on his devices in order to abstain from internet porn.

    Said Johnson: “It scans all the activity on your phone, or your devices, your laptop, what have you; we do all of it.”

    He added: “It sends a report to your accountability partner. My accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. He’s 17. So he and I get a report about all the things that are on our phones, all of our devices, once a week. If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice. I’m proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. GrannyStandingforTruth8:02 PM

    Woe (judgment is coming) to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

  98. GrannyStandingforTruth8:12 PM

    The polls are lying. Biden needs to reverse his stand with Netanyahu and look for a peaceable solution that will not harm the Palestinians. Bibi isn't right. He's a manipulating

  99. Anonymous9:33 PM

    “Mike Johnson Admits His Son Monitors His Porn Viewing”

    These fundies are so sexually repressed and weird.

    First there was Mike Pence, who calls his wife “Mother” and can’t be alone in a room with another woman, ever.

    And now this freakshow.

  100. Anonymous3:54 AM

    “To all of those Muslim voters who are threatening to withhold their support from Biden over the war in Gaza:

    Fergus has promised to bring back his Muslim ban even bigger than before should he win the white house, and various goddamn Republicans are promoting the expulsion of Palestinian people from their states and the country.

    Biden is literally your only hope.”

    Florida Republican congressman Brian Mast apparently thinks it’s fine to kill ALL the Palestinians, not just Hamas.

    From the NY Post:

    “I would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of ‘innocent Palestinian civilians’ as is frequently said,” the Florida Republican said on the House floor. “I don’t think we would so lightly throw around the term ‘innocent Nazi civilians’ during World War II.”

    Biden will at least encourage Israel to allow humanitarian aid through the blockade, so everyone in Gaza doesn’t starve to death.

    Pretty much any Republican candidate will just urge the IDF to kill the Gazan population even faster.

    If you’re a Muslim voter, maybe those are disappointing choices. But those are the choices, like it or not.

  101. Israel bombed refugee camp again, hospitals, schools and an ambulance train.

  102. "But those are the choices, like it or not."


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. Anonymous1:31 PM

    You'll recall the "trans" shooter in Tennessee who slaughtered innocent children wrote a "manifesto" about his reasons for shooting up a Christian school. Upon discovery, it was supposed to be released by Nashville authorities until the Feebs stole it and declared:

    U.S. Code exempts from disclosure “records or information compiled for law enforcement records or information… could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings…”
    Of course, this is a typical FBI lie since the offender is dead and there will be no legal proceedings. The feebs had to keep it secret so that the "Department of Justice Propaganda" could leak their "interpretation" of events:

    this was a white supremacist shooting
    this was an angry trans "person" furious about a law passed by the Tennessee legislature
    this was due to lax gun laws
    Look it up - these reasons and more have "leaked out" without anything to counter it. There was no intention to ever release this document because it might go against the narrative that the leftists were pushing. (another example - the Las Vegas shooter....he was extremely vocal about his think he didn't leave a manifesto behind?)

    Well, someone got three pages to the "Louder with Crowder" website/podcast and he posted them. Social media companies reacted immediately and viciously, cancelling his accounts, de-monetizing his shows and banning anyone who posted the pictures (AI in action).

    But we downloaded them. And here's a link to all three of them. You'll see immediately that those talking points up above? All bullshit. The entire suppression was an op and the authorities in Memphis have opened investigations....not into the feebs suppressing info for a non-existent criminal proceeding, but into who may have leaked this info. Surprise!

    We hope they fail, because whoever got these three pages has the rest, and they're going to slow-drip it out over the next few weeks, further destroying the reputations of the already damaged leftist government officials and the leftist media who does their bidding.

    UPDATE: We had forgotten, but some background reading reminded us and others - this attack came just a few days after the usual suspects were calling for a "Trans Day of Vengeance" over the just-passed Tennessee Law. The authorities directed the feebs to confiscate and memory-hole the manifesto because it could be interpreted by intelligent people to have been the trigger for the attack....and we can't have anyone claiming that mentally ill people actually have mental illnesses. That's racist or something.

  104. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Elderly Jewish man killed by leftists:

  105. Anonymous2:31 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  106. Anonymous2:33 PM

    A lot of extreme antisemitism coming from the marxist-democrat cabal.

  107. Fergus' attempt at goading the judge into saying something that would support his case on appeal failed miserably, as the judge just let Fergus keep ranting and undermining his own defense. Trump Inc is toast.

    -Doug in Sugar Pin e

  108. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "Fergus' attempt at goading the judge into saying something that would support his case on appeal failed miserably, as the judge just let Fergus keep ranting and undermining his own defense. Trump Inc is toast."

    It seems like Trump has given up on trying to defend himself in court. He's gone all-in on winning next year's election, declaring himself dictator-for-life, and then ordering all his convictions be expunged.

    There's no other good explanation for why you would taunt a judge into rendering a judgment for maximum damages. "Deep State! Deep State! I am being politically persecuted by Democrats!" is not a legal defense.

  109. drumpf 20 indictments 2024 felonies. Life in prison plus 2024 extra years.

    Israel responnds to civilian deaths by saying America does it, too.

  110. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Basically all of Trump's court appearances are now just Jack Nicholson yelling "You can't handle the truth!" at prosecutors and judges.

  111. Ted Crooze says he is going to run for potus. Nobody cared.

  112. Andy Beshear has won re-election.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  113. The NYT has called the race in Ohio (issue 1, enshrining abortion rights in the state constitution) as having passed. Issue 2, legalizing recreational Marijuana is currently leading 55-44 with 41% of the vote counted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Anonymous10:37 PM

    “Ted Crooze says he is going to run for potus. Nobody cared.”

    Ol’ Punchable Face Ted really won’t take a hint. He’s not even that popular in Texas. He barely managed to keep Beto from snatching his Senate seat the last time he had to run for re-election. So there’s absolutely no way the country likes him enough to make him president.

  115. GOP not doing too well tonite.


    Looks like Virginia went blue. Will Younkin still run for president?

  117. "Will Younkin still run for president?'

    Maybe not this time, but he will. It's been said that the only cure for presidential ambitions is embalming fluid.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. Anonymous8:10 AM

    ‘Concerning': Man arrested near Capitol with weapon was released after previous gun charge

  119. Anonymous8:15 AM

    A lot of jew haters here.

  120. Abortion rights was a big winner last evening. Let's hear it for wives, Moms and daughters everywhere.

  121. “Let's hear it for wives, Moms and daughters everywhere.“

    Maybe there are burning embers of reasonableness in America. That explains why Biden beat trump by 7,000,000 votes in the popular.


    One Czech billionaire is buying largest US ammo manufacturer which owns nearly all popular brands of US ammo. Remington, Winchester, Speer, CCI and who knows what else.

  123. Anonymous2:47 PM

    "One Czech billionaire is buying largest US ammo manufacturer which owns nearly all popular brands of US ammo. Remington, Winchester, Speer, CCI and who knows what else."

    And so a new gun-nut conspiracy theory will be born. Prepare yourself for copious rantings about "woke, globalist ammo."

    There will probably also be another round of dummies panic-buying ammo. "Stockpile it now, before the dirty European libs take it away from you," et cetera.

  124. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Demand surges for unvaccinated sperm

  125. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Maybe there are burning embers of reasonableness in America. That explains why Biden beat trump by 7,000,000 votes in the popular.

    1:14 PM

    Other way around. Remember bidet and the dems cheated. bidet was "appointed" by the Electoral College; Trump actually won the popular vote.

  126. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Chicago Jan-Nov 8th 2023
    Shot & Killed: 502
    Shot & Wounded: 2220
    Total Shot: 2722
    Total Homicides: 559

    2023 Race of Victim/Assailant
    Race Victim Assailant
    Black 443 45
    Hispanic 75 15
    White/Other 24 4
    As of 10/31/23

  127. The only 2 times drumpf's lower score would win is in either golf or cross country running and we know drumpf is a terrible cheater at golf and couldn't pretend to run cross country.


    All white 5th circuit court of magaT protectors decided in secret to ignore prisoner appeals of wrongful convictions because most of the appellants are Black.

    John Roberts declared racism dead, at lkeast in civil rights violatiolns.

  129. From the Rude Pundit this morning:

    And in New York, Yusef Salaam, one of the Central Park Five who was imprisoned for a horrendous crime he did not commit, on whom Donald Trump once took out a full-page ad calling for his execution, who was exonerated 2002 after 13 years in confinement, won a seat on the New York City Council. Yeah, that's right. Soon, Salaam will be an elected official and Donald Trump might die behind bars. That's karma in a perfect form.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. Anonymous8:15 PM

    When is the DNC going to throw bidet under the bus??? Will they wait until the convention in Chiarq 2024.

  131. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "Looks like Virginia went blue. Will Younkin still run for president?"

    Youngkin may well still run, but it's unclear how long his strategy -- pretend to be a Mitt Romney moderate to one group of voters, while peddling loony-toons alt-right bigoted nonsense to another -- can work. AKA political fraud. Khaki pants and Patagonia vests don't possess magical mind-control properties that can blind voters from seeing who you really are. Sooner or later, people are going to cotton on to the fact he's actually a raving nutjob.

    Much as Speaker of the House Mike Johnson won't be able to get by forever on his fake "normal guy" act. "Style points" will only take you so far, and then everyone will eventually figure out you're a theocratic Christian ayatollah-type, a cartoon villain straight out of the Handmaid's Tale, who wants to mandate that all women be full-time babymakers and ship the gays to re-education camps.

  132. Anonymous8:16 PM

  133. What anymoose offers us is a he said/he said smoking gun of a nothing burger.

  134. Comer wants to subpoena James Biden over 2 paid back loans from Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Comer himself loaned his brother 200k and should subpoena his ownself.

  135. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The New York Times came out with a poll this weekend, and it scared the crap out of the national democratic party. Biden loses to Trump in five of the six "battleground" states and loses the Electoral College 300-plus to 230-ish.

  136. If the election was today I'd be concerned.

  137. Anonymous4:57 PM

    While Biden does have lower than desired approval ratings (and I want a more in-depth investigation as to why, exactly), I am really skeptical of this NY Times poll. It feels like the pollster may have fucked up.

    Why do I say that? Because the poll shows Trump gaining mainly through people of color flipping to support him. Black men suddenly love Trump? Not super plausible.

    One result from the poll has 53% of Americans wanting Trump's border wall to be built. Sorry, I am not buying this. Only the most dimwitted of racists want a border wall, since such a wall wouldn't even do much to reduce immigration. Building a border wall is a policy that is entirely for show, regardless of your feelings on immigration.

    It's unwise to put too much stock in any one poll; better to look at the aggregate of polling results. This one seems like it might be an outlier, like the ones that said Republicans were going to win HUGE, right before the 2022 elections ... and then they didn't.

  138. Manchin is retiring, which changes nothing (unless he tries to run on the goddamn "No Labels" ticket) as he was already losing badly in the polls.
    Either way I won't miss him or Sinema, for that matter.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Anonymous6:14 PM

    “Either way I won't miss him or Sinema, for that matter.”

    No one will miss Manchin himself, but Democrats may miss holding his seat, which will now defintely go to a Republican in the very red state of West Virginia. Manchin was good for a few votes for Democrat policies. Infuriatingly few, but still … a few. And holding his seat helped the Democrats retain control of the Senate, which is not nothing.

    As for Sinema, I still feel like some wealthy Democrat donor should offer her a high-paying, do-nothing executive job at their company, so she’ll retire from politics as well. I think she only cares about money and prestige anyway, and the Dems stand a decent chance of holding her seat if she’s not in the race as a spoiler.

  140. Anonymous5:35 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!
