Monday, June 27, 2011

Here comes another one!

I see that Michele Bachmann has officially declared that she is running to become president of these divided  states.(Just look at that picture. If that isn't "Americana" I don't know what is.) Unfortunately for her, there were some issues. Michele, you can't confuse an A-merry-can icon with a serial killer. You just can't. And I am not sure  that I would have launched my presidential campaign from a place called Waterloo. But that's just me. Still, I hope the cynics will believe me when I say good luck to Ms. Bachmann. This is what a democracy is all about; different people with different points of views being able to run for the highest office in the land.

Michele has some strong opinions about government and the role that government should play in our lives. She believes that it should be limited, and she does not believe that people should depend on the government for handouts...........Wait, somebody get out the Windex. I think we might have a lot of glass to start cleaning around Michele's house.

"Rep. Michele Bachmann has been propelled into the 2012 presidential contest in part by her insistent calls to reduce federal spending, a pitch in tune with the big-government antipathy gripping many conservatives.

But theMinnesota Republican and her family have benefited personally from government aid, an examination of her record and finances shows. A counseling clinic run by her husband has received nearly $30,000 from the state ofMinnesota in the last five years, money that in part came from the federal government. A family farm in Wisconsin, in which the congresswoman is a partner, received nearly $260,000 in federal farm subsidies." [More]

Oh My! I wish the main stream media would leave Ms. Bachmann alone. They won't stop until the drive away all the good people running for public office. Oh well, take heart Michele, there is always FOX NEWS.  



  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Hahaha! They're bent on rewriting the history books LOL! All the while doing exactly the opposite of what they preach.

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, as a brotha to another brotha I want to ask you for a favor. Please leave Michele Bachmann too, Desertflower.

    Here's the thing: I believe in Michele. Not only that, I love her. She is lovely and she is smart and she believes in equality for ALL, regardless of color, race or religion. OK, she might have a small problem with Muslims but like Obama, she is "evolving".

    So please. Give her a little slack. She will make a fine beautiful President who is wise and honest.

    Yours truly,
    Brotha F. Anon

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

    One other thing: Bachmann is a very sincere person. she is dead serious about becoming the next President of USA. There is no need for POCs to be concerned when she takes office.

    As a brotha to another brotha, I assure you that the lives of Blacks will be better too, Desertflower... And you can take that to the bank.

  4. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Field, " Michele, you can't confuse an A-merry-can icon with a serial killer. You just can't."

    What about Obama and his 57 states? that's a much bigger mistake. Besides, as a responsible Conservative Republican, I am suspect of the reporting of the media. Personally, I think the media made it up.

  5. Is this what Obama meant by "fundamental change?

    Where will all this Black violence lead?

  6. Everyone deserves a fair shot at office eh. How much worse can things get.

  7. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What about Obama and his 57 states?
    and what about Palin and her "warning the British" blunder? Obama's was just a slip of the tongue,he knows better.

  8. Chicago, Columbia, Peoria,and now right here in Philly! They broke my damn leg! What the hell is wrong with you negros?

  9. Anonymous said...
    Dear Mr. Field, as a brotha to another brotha I want to ask you for a favor. Please leave Michele Bachmann too, Desertflower

    Oh no Field and Desertflower! Kick her crazy ass.

  10. Way smarter than you Asian12:32 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    What about Obama and his 57 states?
    and what about Palin and her "warning the British" blunder? Obama's was just a slip of the tongue,he knows better.

    Idiots like you deserve an idiot like Obama as President. Some notable Barry O quotes:

    "One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman" (the "ps" is silent) during a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2010 (The Corpsman's name is also Christopher, not Christian)

    "The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

    "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009

    "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009

    "It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

    "No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009 (Obama later called the head of the Special Olympics to apologize)

    "What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..." --in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified.

    "Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008

    "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

    "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

  11. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Desertflower, "and what about Palin and her "warning the British" blunder? Obama's was just a slip of the tongue,he knows better."

    now, now, need to get all worked up over this. I find it amazing how some of you Fn folks makes allowances for Obama's "slip of the tongue" but you are unwilling to give Palin a break.

    I would advise you to leave ms. Sarah alone. If she decides to run she will be your next President. And believe me, the GOP and the Tea Party has FN blog and Mr. Field's followers on their radar. Don't even try to run, we will find every last one of you.

  12. mellaneous12:39 AM

    Field, Michelle Bachman is kind of an example of how foolish US politics have become. It really doesn't matter who is at the helm of the US government, whoever it is will do the bidding of the capitalist (the big banks, corporations,etc.)

    It is more apparent than ever that neither party offers anything substantial for us little folks.

    Michelle is an obvious demagogue and a hypocrite, but so are most of US elected officials. Their primary hypocrisy is the idea that they actually represent working people.

    Actually as silly as Bachman is it actually exposes how silly and easily led the US public hss become. Bachman has been the recipient of government handouts in the form of farm subsidy and a grant. So why would anyone support her in her idea of less government when the government has benefited her?

    The real question isn't why is Bachman so dumb,ahistorical and misinformed?, the question is why are folks actually supporting her?

  13. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Please take a moment to hear what Mr Glen Beck has to say about mass murder/genocide. On his radion show he spoke up for Blacks. I hope this puts to rest that Beck is NOT a racist:

  14. mellaneous said...
    "the question is why are folks actually supporting her?"

    Becauce she not Obama, the guy who has bankrupted the country.

  15. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Way smarter than you Asian said...
    12:32 AM

    Yeah, yeah, so what? Slips of the tongue. and anyway he's too cute.

    I'm going to research/Google all the "other side's" quotes too. Tomorrow Off to bed now.
    Goodnight everyone. Sweet dreams!:D

  16. Anonymous12:44 AM

    mell, "Michelle is an obvious demagogue and a hypocrite, but so are most of US elected officials. Their primary hypocrisy is the idea that they actually represent working people."

    Mell, you are very misinformed about Michele. She is very much for the working people. Surely you must know that?

    btw, please listen to the link provided regarding Beck. I would like to know if you agree with Mr. Beck?

  17. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Anonymous said...
    And believe me, the GOP and the Tea Party has FN blog and Mr. Field's followers on their radar. Don't even try to run, we will find every last one of you.
    LOLOL! Well I hope they don't get lost in the Bermuda Triangle too!

    Okay okay now I'm really going to bed(just couldn't resist that one:P)

  18. Montana Floss12:50 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Yeah, yeah, so what? Slips of the tongue. and anyway he's too cute.

    Exhibit #1 of the typical democrat voter and why this country is going down the shithole.

  19. Anonymous12:56 AM

    "Michele, you can't confuse an A-merry-can icon with a serial killer."

    now you know michele wasn't talking about Gacy. you lefties just want to make something out of nothing because you know Michele can beat Obama in 2012!

  20. Anonymous1:12 AM

    KID, uts and mack lyons-- I ask that you show respect to Michele Bachmann. Deal?

  21. Anonymous1:32 AM

    They can't be bothered talking about Michelle Bachman right now. kid is busy blowing himself through a piece of garden hose, uts is downloading asian porn, and mack's mom is giving him a bath.

  22. mellaneous2:19 AM

    Anon surely you jest! Michelle Bachman is not working class nor does she advocate for policies that would actually help working class people.

    She is part of that crowd that encourages workers to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps while making it hard for workers to even own boots, while at the same time getting as much help as she can from the government in personal life to aide in pulling up her bootstraps.

    She is a hypocrite and she isn't even smart enough to think to check facts out before she opens her mouth.

    I live in MN and Bachman has never advocated for anything working class, in fact most see her here as an embarrassment. Few besides the right wing crowd that support her take her seriously here.

  23. Gatson2:30 AM

    mellaneous said..."Few besides the right wing crowd that support her take her seriously here."

    But they will vote for her if the choice is between her and Obama. This adminstration is destroying the hopes and dreams of all working people. The country would not survive four more years of Obama, and the American people realize that.

  24. mellaneous2:38 AM

    Anon 12:44

    Every once in a while Beck says something that I agree with. Oddly because he wants to be a bit counter cultural in a strange way Beck could one day find himself opposing the free market system and advocating for some kind of system that puts human beings first. But that possibility if it ever occurs is a long way off.

    In that video Beck continues to talk about progressivism leading to fascism. I don't know what he means by the term. But I can say that it is not progressive ideas that lead to gas chambers, but rather regressive and reactionary ideas that lead to genocide.

    I don't know if Beck is racist. He has made some mystifying statements on race and about certain black folks. These actions didn't help his case as an anti-racist crusader.

    His denouncing the remarks of some guy talking about slope headed folks doesn't prove anything. I think this was a reference to white Midwesterners. So I don't get the connection. He wasn't defending any people of color in this statement.

    Beck is simply another demagogue and obfuscater among a whole barrel full of demagogues and obfuscators and liars who pass information on to the working class that keeps them trapped in their belief that this system will somehow,one day, miraculously solve their problems.

    Beck and his right wing talking head cronies are as bad as televangelists if not worse. They both make money off folks while pretending to deliver some pie in the sky solutions to their very real problems. But they make folks feel good.

  25. What's wrong with Michele Bachmann? Well she tried to get the POTUS killed with that dog whistle of hers. I always donate to local campaigns, but this was a first. Elwyn Tinkleburg got some money off of me. When I saw her horrible "performance" on Chris Matthews show and he had her repeat the hate speech, I jumped up and send her opponent money. No Chris Matthews nor Rachel Maddow "made" me. She is eveil and a racist bigot. She attended a racist school that teaches racism. I think she attended Liberty University. When she said that the "Lord" told her and her friend to get married , I wonder if the "Lord" told her to committ fraud with that money from the farm she got. SHE IS A THUG AND A HOOD.

  26. mellaneous2:53 AM

    Gatson this is why change doesn't occur in this country because we continue to believe the same lies.

    If Mickey Mouse becomes president the ruling class, the rich the big banks, the corporations will do just fine.

    Obama did what McCain would have done and that is bail out the banks and let them continue to make life hard on those struggling to readjust mortgages. He too would have been silent while corporations pay little to no taxes and take jobs overseas. McCain would still have the US govt in Iraq and Afghanistan and he would be bombing Pakistan and Libya as well.

    The dictates of US imperialism determine what happens. The head of state has influence as long as he stays within the goals there is room for tactical disagreement. But capital must be advanced at all costs, primarily on the backs of unsuspecting workers like yourself.

    Its the system!

    Michelle Bachman would do what every other president has done over the last 100 years with the exception of FDR who had to save capitalism, because working folks were finally fed up with what they knew was a society rigged for the rich.

    And that is she would do the bidding of the power structure, only she would accelerate our pain because the right wing agenda is a little more harsh.

    Short of a restructring of our society nothing will change significantly no matter who is in the White House. The right wing would just bring a little more pain by likely increasing rich folks tax cuts and cutting out more of the safety net for the really poor. And they would make it more difficult for workers to fight for better pay and working conditions.

    And I am sure this is fine with you unless you become one of the unfortunate who is laid off, or loses your house or is bankrupted by a medical or any other unforseen circumstance that put our much hated neighbors in the position to need help.

  27. @Gaston

    No that's not the POTUS that's not hiring people and making record profits. Who was it that printed the Hitler signs and don't give me that bull that it was Lyndon Larouche a Democrat. Democrats don't try to ratfuck people. Who had the Citizens United case ruled in their favor, poor people? Who told peole to bring their guns to his Health Care rallies? Now Conservative radio hosts are telling their people to go out and kill Black people.

    If Bachmann is so loving why in the fuck don't she comment on the Voter Suppression her party is donig on Black people and minorities? Do any Republicans care about us?

  28. "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."

    Michelle Bachmann - 2009.

    This is the woman you want to run America??

  29. mellaneous3:15 AM

    Kid I feel your passion about conservative unconcern about black folks and minorities. Of course they don't really care about working white folks either.

    But if you can hear me out on this one and just examine it for yourself, the Democrats don't care either, their trick is they say they do.

    And if you notice they don't lift one finger to alleviate the suffering folks are experiencing. In fact they line up with the other folks to extend pain to folks overseas who have not attacked the United States.

    What have the Dems said about the mass incarceration of black folks, about all the wealth that was lost as a result of the trickery by the banks and their cronies in their adjustable rate mortgage scheme that hurt black homeowners worse than others?

    When was the last time they denounced police brutality, gentrification, or job discrimination? They have no answers to the high black unemployment and the list goes on.

    But they continue to trap folks with the idea that there is no real alternative to them. Its kind of insane when you really think about it. They do little to help us but we are afraid of the other guys. If both guys fail to help you it would seem that common sense would say lets find somebody else, something else. After all the worse we can do is to continue to get our butts kicked, but at least we have the satisfaction of knowing that we tried to fight back intelligently.

    At some point you should be able to "peep game."

  30. "She attended a racist school that teaches racism. I think she attended Liberty University."

    Actually, she received her J.D. from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Of course they have a religious bent, but a respectable school nonetheless. Certainly a cut or two, maybe 3 above Liberty.

  31. mellaneous3:29 AM

    @the Purple Cows

    Purple don't pick on us we already look foolish enough. Michelle Bachman is proof of the absolute foolishness of our system. It wasn't bad enough that us working folks would in the past rush to kiss the butt of some bourgeosie politician who could care less about us, but now we are so blind we can't even see that some of these folks are just plain stupid.

    This election and last election --to a certain extent with empty headed Sarah Palin-- is adding insult to injury.

    Its possible that the US working class in this first half of the twenty first century may go down as the silliest in the history of the world.

    In the old days of class society the serfs got suckered real good too, but at least they had the excuse of being illiterate. And they were held in check at the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun.

    We have folks who can read and write freely walking around in the US pretending that folks who do absolutely nothing to solve our problems-- over and over and over and over and over and over again-- somehow are going to solve them this time.

    They even consider voting for folks who are ahistorical, and semi-illiterate to represent them.

  32. mellaneous said...

    But if you can hear me out on this one and just examine it for yourself, the Democrats don't care either, their trick is they say they do.

    Well Jesse Jackson NEVER said that he was going to shoot me in the head like Glenn Beck told his audience. People in Ohio tried to steal my vote before in 2004. Now my Republican Governor is trying to nullify my vote. Black peole all over the U.S. are getting their lives threatened by the right.

    You should stop trying to "mitigate the damages", both sides don't do it and you know it. I won't let the Koch brother's "get their country back". You should be ashamed of discouraging people to vote. Black people DIED to have the right to vote. This isn't no game.

  33. Dear Mr. President,what that anonymous @ 11:32 PM is doing to me is just cruel.

  34. mellaneous writes:

    Obama did what McCain would have done and that is bail out the banks and let them continue to make life hard on those struggling to readjust mortgages.

    What an idiot you are. When GM entered its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, did everyone owing money to GMAC wake up and find their car loans had been discharged? No.

    A borrower's debts do not disappear because the lender's business collapses.

  35. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Oral U is not a respectable skool. It was only granted a waiver by st reagan. Not the same as earning respect.
    Matt Taibbi did a piece about Michelle Bachmann in Rolling Stone. Worth a read.
    The Goobers TELLING me about 'Democrat Plantations', how eveel the Mooslim/Soshlust/Kenyan is, and how their ideers are besser...contrast with the Fact-based sales tactics of the Left. One is essentially pretending that they can order my choices for me (it's annoying when he knows what I like) while the other attempts to use Reason, Logic and Argument to have me decide for myself.
    Umm...other than wite dudes writing under sockpuppets...who agrees with Goobers? Bachmann is photogenic, at ease with the attention paid to her, and can easily be accepted by the racist TeaBagger primary voters.
    PA residents picked Steve Friend (the man was one reason I obtained a carry permit), Rick Santorum (Google him..NSFW), Pat Toomey...and other local losers.
    Conservative is not horrible, but the disconnect from Reality that those not healthy. Ricky thougherate he could be a flaming jerkQueen and not suffer any consequences. Friend was completely a washed homeless ranter from the mean streets of Barkeyville. Toomey the Allentown area. Like Sarey, the locals have much to say. Very little is positive.

    I will hire an ORU a fruit picker, dishwasher, or maid. PennState grads I can hire pretty much out of JoePA U...but religioskools are horrible.


  36. the cow moos about Bachmann:

    "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."

    How long would life on Earth continue without carbon dioxide?

    The amusing part of cow's delusion about carbon dioxide will appear when the public in leading nations settles on the idea of growing trees as the best strategy for balancing the carbon dioxide and oxygen content of the atmosphere.

    At that point, carbon dioxide will become the "good gas" because it causes trees and plants to grow.

    Meanwhile, maybe someday, functioning governments will appear in Africa. Maybe they will take steps to get Africans away from cutting down every tree and deforesting the continent for cooking fuel by switching them to burning gas in their stoves.

    Perhaps at that point we might see a re-greening of Africa, which would become even more likely if sensible water management were put into action.

  37. Michele Bachmann is NOT heading for the Republican nomination. She's making her run, but she's clearly not presidential timber. However, feel free to fire away at her.

    In the 2012 election, the most frightening opponent facing Obama is Obama himself. Everyone, including his most loyal, cultist believers, has been disappointed by staggering ineptness at everything.

    His total inability to stimulate the economy is all the proof voters need to vote for someone else.

    Unemployment is 9.1% and there are no signs it will go down in the next year. Obama has taken out so much cash with National Equity Loans that America is on the brink of default.

    He borrowed money without having any ideas what should be done with it. Instead, he could have eliminated restrictions on those who do know how to put money to work, and he could have let them do it.

    There's still time.

    Anyway, at this point the most likely Republican nominee is Mitt Romney.

  38. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."

    Michelle Bachmann - 2009.

    This is the woman you want to run America??

    3:11 AM

    Hell YEAH, she doesnt pander to delusional crazies. There is not one CREDIBLE accurate study as all studies predictions have proven FALSE, many with fudged data. Follow the money.

  39. Kid

    "You should stop trying to "mitigate the damages", both sides don't do it and you know it. I won't let the Koch brother's "get their country back". You should be ashamed of discouraging people to vote. Black people DIED to have the right to vote. This isn't no game."

    Thank you kid.

    I really don't know what these superlefties expect to accomplish by bowing out of the electoral process.

    The two parties are NOT the same.

    There is a reason why the GOP is 95% and white supremacists are welcome at their rallies.

    The fuckin US debt is $14 TRILLION and counting yet mellaneous is demanding more government programs when

    a) that ain't gonna happen
    b) If Obama pushed for it it would almost guarantee a Romney/Bachmann Presidency in 2013.

    What we need is a recovering economy which will translate into more jobs wich which will translate into less poverty and misery.

    The Repubs got us into the recession, made debt spending and artform and have offered no proposals for new jobs.

    And leftist radicals say that black folks should sit out the election so these toadies for the superich can get back in office?

  40. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19829:23 AM

    Matt Taibbi did a piece about Michelle Bachmann in Rolling Stone. Worth a read.


    Reading a Taibbi piece is like reading a mold post.

    Both are lazy and nonsensical.Once you get past their blah,blah,you find they are lacking in fact and intelligence.

    Both have no choice but to lie and insult.Its the only real skills these simpletons have.

  41. simpleton steve writes:

    There is a reason why the GOP is 95% and white supremacists are welcome at their rallies.

    Is there a black government anywhere on the planet that has led a prospering black nation?


    Thus, you should wonder about black voters and what they support in America. Seems the knack for backing economic failure is well developed among blacks.

  42. Question for "Liberal Tormenter"

    Why did Michelle Bachmann call the Pigford settlement "welfare" while her own family collected $260,000 in farm subisidies themselves?

  43. simpleton steve suggests:

    What we need is a recovering economy which will translate into more jobs wich which will translate into less poverty and misery.

    What is a "recovering economy"?

    What is your prescription for job creation?

    I'm sure you won't answer with anything more than an idea that boils down to the government handing out more money for no reason.

  44. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The left is completely packed with Useful Idiots -Useful for a short time.

    Bachmann thinks “every part of government” needs to “be on the table right now,” which is a fantastically dangerous idea to people who need large chunks of government to be accepted without question as permanent, semi-divine institutions. Since the agenda of Big Government is demonstrably disastrous, with the aid of a simple spreadsheet, its acolytes need to take out their worst enemies with pre-emptive strikes. Bachmann faces the same kind of incoming artillery as Rep. Paul Ryan did, and will soon be likewise accused of murderous intent toward women and old folks.

  45. "Is there a black government anywhere on the planet that has led a prospering black nation?"

    There were plenty before white colonialism.

    Whites invaded the lands of the darker people of the planet, not the other way around.

  46. simpleton steve claims:

    There were plenty before white colonialism.

    Oh. You mean there were organzied nations in Africa that produced goods and offered services that were traded for other goods and services obtained from other nations in the world?

    Were there people who could read and write in these nations? Or was reading and writing something that arrived with the colonialists?

  47. simpleton steve writes:

    Whites invaded the lands of the darker people of the planet, not the other way around.

    Oh. In other words, you admit that when it comes to invading, plundering, raping, mudering and pillaging, blacks just go next door to the neighboring black village.

    Or black leaders order attacks on the blacks unlucky enough to live in African nations.

  48. "Oh. You mean there were organzied nations in Africa that produced goods and offered services that were traded for other goods and services obtained from other nations in the world?"

    Many of the goods and services offered by the West were provided by the work and land of black people.

    Much of the West's prosperity was on the backs of people of color.

    Hence the need to explore and conquer other areas of the globe.

    Whereas people of color had self-sufficient agrarain societies, Europe and eventually America were predatory.

  49. African Bling10:24 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Is there a black government anywhere on the planet that has led a prospering black nation?"

    There were plenty before white colonialism.

    Whites invaded the lands of the darker people of the planet, not the other way around.

    9:47 AM"

    FIRST of all, THAT should tell you something. Blacks did plenty of "invading", and looting, but they could barely get to the next village before they were all played-out.

    Did they build navies, and invade those "cave people" to the north? Hell no. Best they could come up with was a canoe, and and become steaming piles of crocodile turds.

    They probably did run a mean bananna Cartel, though.

    Africa is the rectum of the Earth. Sub-Saharan Africa, specifically.

  50. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "Africa is the rectum of the Earth. Sub-Saharan Africa, specifically."

    Ouch! are there ANY decent cities or towns on that continent?

    no_slappz consistently claimed that Africans are violent and lack mental skills. In other words, he says, "African nations are lagging behind ALL other countries on earth. that's not good.

  51. Does saying "Africa is the rectum of the earth" change your personal situation at all?

    Does it make you any less a loser?


  52. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Does saying "Africa is the rectum of the earth" change your personal situation at all?

    Does it make you any less a loser?


    Does defending the indefensible make you less of a loser? Or someone to be avoided. Someone who lies to themselves would surely not even hesitate to lie to others.

  53. My Grandaddy Beat Your Grandaddy Up11:06 AM

    " uptownsteve said...
    Does saying "Africa is the rectum of the earth" change your personal situation at all?"

    Nope. It just defines yours.

    UTS, you also said"Many of the goods and services offered by the West were provided by the work and land of black people.

    Much of the West's prosperity was on the backs of people of color.

    Hence the need to explore and conquer other areas of the globe.

    Whereas people of color had self-sufficient agrarain societies, Europe and eventually America were predatory."

    Hell, you didn't have to be all that predatory....just park your ship off the West African coast, and wait for one tribe of blacks to bring your "cargo" down to the beach. Throw them a few glass beads, and pull up anchor.

    Besides....given the choice, I'm much happier being the intelligent savage, that the ignorant savage. You freakin' crybaby.

  54. uptownsteve said...
    "Is there a black government anywhere on the planet that has led a prospering black nation?"

    There were plenty before white colonialism.

    Name ONE.

  55. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "Beck and his right wing talking head cronies are as bad as televangelists if not worse. They both make money off folks while pretending to deliver some pie in the sky solutions to their very real problems. But they make folks feel good."

    From a theological point of view about sinful humans Beck makes a good point when he mentioned that humans have NEVER turned out to do the right thing, or to do what's good. That reminds me of what St. Augustine once said:

    1. Humans are created good, but sin because they like to do bad/evil things.

    2. Humans consistently look for happiness and pleasure in the wrong place(concupiscence).

    3. Even when humans find the right path to happiness and freedom, their will is too weak to follow it.

    Beck is right on this matter, regardless how people classify him as.

  56. Jean LeGrene11:16 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Oh. You mean there were organzied nations in Africa that produced goods and offered services that were traded for other goods and services obtained from other nations in the world?"

    Many of the goods and services offered by the West were provided by the work and land of black people.

    Much of the West's prosperity was on the backs of people of color.

    Those are laughably ridiculous assertions.

    If they were true, then the areas of the South with the most slaves would have been richest parts of America. Instead they were the poorest, and is was the wealth of the free states that won the Civil War.

    And the wealth of Africa was only realized after colonization by Europeans. Of what use are oil deposits or cobalt ore to a people living in a pre-technological society?

  57. Anonymous11:20 AM

    And the wealth of Africa was only realized after colonization by Europeans. Of what use are oil deposits or cobalt ore to a people living in a pre-technological society?

    A phrase you will inevitably hear in any conversation with a black - "you just sayin that cause I'm Black" ummm no, maybe because it is either what I believe or it is true and your skin color has nothing to do with it.

  58. Anonymous11:22 AM

    uts, "Does saying "Africa is the rectum of the earth" change your personal situation at all?

    Does it make you any less a loser?


    No, it doesn't. But it doesn't change Africa's position either.

    Once again, you miss the point.

    But keep laughing at the truth, like you usually do. What else can a person like you do when all is hopeless?

  59. "And the wealth of Africa was only realized after colonization by Europeans. Of what use are oil deposits or cobalt ore to a people living in a pre-technological society?"

    Doesn't change the point.

    The wealth of the West was built upon the labor of people of color and the minerals stolen from their lands.

    And all your internet yahooing isn't going to change that fact.

  60. mellaneous12:47 PM

    @Kid and Steve please note

    I did not nor do I suggest that folks don't vote. I'm not sure how you both assumed that since I pointed out the hustle that the Dems and Repubs have going that there are no other options.

    And Kid is a game. If you have time or care to explore the system you live under I suggest a book called "Democracy for the Few" by Micheal Parenti.

    And for the record I never try to tell folks what to think but encourage them to think for themselves and to look at things as they are not as we hope them to be, because then real change can be made.

    There have almost always been third parties in the US, in fact in the beginning of the last century people didn't find it odd that there were socialist party candidates on the ticket. There are third parties today.

    What I was alluding to is the need for a real people's party that represented the interest of all people. Kind of like the Panthers did when they and other revolutionary minded activists started the Peace and Freedom party in the 70's.

    Malcolm X said long ago that both parties had sold us out. Look it up! It is still true to this day. And it is obvious.

    And Steve and Kid you are right the conservatives are worse but both parties continue to support the rich over the poor, which is why they are referred to as the party's of capital/money/big business/big banks.

    What I said earlier is absolutely true.

    My point is that when you go shopping you don't buy powdered milk when you really want regular milk. If the store around the corner doesn't have it you go somewhere else until you find what you want. You don't just settle for powdered milk because thats all thats available.

    And politics is similar you vote for what you want not the lesser than, not "lesser evil." Why vote for any evil? Why not organize your own?

    Thats all I am saying I did not suggest folks not vote.

  61. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Doesn't change the point.

    The wealth of the West was built upon the labor of people of color and the minerals stolen from their lands.

    And all your internet yahooing isn't going to change that fact

    Nothing was stolen. Things were sold by the leaders. That is a fact. Even slaves were SOLD by African tribesman, they captured them and brought them to the forts and ships and SOLD them. Horrible thing that people were enslaved, just as horrible if not worse to sell your own people for profit specifically for slavery.

    Nothing will change facts.

  62. mellaneous12:56 PM

    Anon said:

    "And the wealth of Africa was only realized after colonization by Europeans."

    Anon are you implying that the killing and torturing and pillage and rape of Africa was a good thing? Because that at bottom was what colonialization was all about.

    Because if you are it is a cold and heartless argument. And it doesn't do for you what you think it does. Because it portrays Europeans and European cuture as a murderous, predatory and theiving culture.

    And of course to be accurate we are talking about the European ruling class, its petite bourgeosie and its lackeys.

  63. mellaneous1:03 PM

    Anon you are right nothing will change the facts.

    I don't understand what you are getting at. If Africans sold their kinsman into slavery it still does not absolve the folks who bought them from their guilt and culpability in this crime.

    The "fact" is that the Africans were carrying out a caste relationship so when selling fellow Africans they saw them as human beings who were enslaved.

    Another fact:It was Europeans in the US that declared that they were not human and the masters and profiteers did everything in their power to institutionalize this obvious lie. They even put it in their constitution, yet another fact.

  64. mellaneous1:12 PM

    Steve said:
    "The fuckin US debt is $14 TRILLION and counting yet mellaneous is demanding more government programs"

    Steve why are you putting words in mouth and why are you pissed at me?

    What you should be angry about is how the government got in deep debt and it wasn't from bailing out poor folks either. I will let you marinate on that one.

    And the biggest recipient of "government programs" are the rich and their corporations and banks. You can look it up!
    But honestly Steve you should aim your fire at the folks who have continued to make war and borrow to finance. The amount borrowed that we can account for to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are in the trillions.

    Don't get mad at me I don't let the corporations run around waving the American flag while banking their dough and refusing to hire new folks and making the present labor force work twice as hard, or wave the flag while taking jobs overseas.

    I didn't bail out the big banks or cause some mothers child to blow his brains out cause he can't live with the awful things he was forced to do to folks who hadn't attacked him, folks who were struggling just to make a living just like he and his family.

    I'm not the enemy my brother!

  65. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Anon you are right nothing will change the facts.

    I don't understand what you are getting at. If Africans sold their kinsman into slavery it still does not absolve the folks who bought them from their guilt and culpability in this crime.

    The "fact" is that the Africans were carrying out a caste relationship so when selling fellow Africans they saw them as human beings who were enslaved.

    Another fact:It was Europeans in the US that declared that they were not human and the masters and profiteers did everything in their power to institutionalize this obvious lie. They even put it in their constitution, yet another fact

    I guess that is the point. No one is innocent when they partake in particapate in or promote evil. Evil is evil. Your attempt at splitting hairs is ridiculous. It was ok to sell fellow Africans or better, because they saw a caste relationship as opposed to Europeans saying they were not human? This caste system was what they believed in so it was ok? Because Europeans believed they were not full humans, this made what they did worse?

    Evil is evil, what I cannot stand is people making excuses or attempting to justify evil. Caste system indeed. Was it the caste system that justified Africans hunting down and capturing fellow africans while slaughtering the old and useless, raping the women and then selling the ones worth something? Was forced induction into this "caste" system justification that they were now slaves and coudl be sold by brother africans because they were less then free men, they were already slaves? Ridiculous justification.

    If I am of your people and I hunt you down and sell you to someone you know is going to torture you treat you like an animal. This is not a "Caste" system. Who is worse? The evil man that will you treat you like an animal or the one who makes a profit by also treating you like an animal and delivering you to that evil man? Both are evil with one being traitorous.

  66. mellaneous1:31 PM

    Anon you are right evil is evil. So there is no need to try to apply any kind of justification for the rape of Africa.

    But there are degrees of evil like anything else. You started this backward conversation and now you want to take the moral high ground.

    I agree selling folks into slavery is not something to brag about. But you put it out there as an excuse for European wrong doing or at least to make it seem not so bad.

    But the truth is that it is a degree worse to call and treat human beings as animals.

    I think if you are being moral and honest you will have to admit this. Its not splitting hairs its looking at the reality of the situation.

    That being said you again are right evil is evil and lets call it that. The slave trade was evil and so was colonialism.So lets move on and call evil out when and wherever we see it even if its in our own back yard.

  67. mellaneous1:31 PM

    I'm out will take up arguments later got work to do!

    Have a good day all!

  68. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You might want to delve into the History available from Egypt, Greece, and other neighbours of Africa. Or, you can pretend to have expertise in the subject. Worship of Confederate generals may pass for history in your church...but not elsewhere.
    UTS is correct, the British and the 'Mericans went there seeking they wrote in their correspondence.
    As far as the South being a massive suck...Duh. It was the usual problem of an oligarchy. And, like the similarly inclined Spartans...had to maintain an armed camp to prevent humans from seeking redress. The Founding Fathers recognized the dangers in letting bush and Quayles keep all the Goodies.
    Matt Taibbi wrote about Bachmann for Rolling Stone...which has Fact-checkers (unlike FOX, Brietbart, Beck or other wingnut operatives). Must be the poster was upset that Truth was shown. Bachmann is indeed a religio-crazy. One that used the foster system to prosetylize captive children. She took money from the Eveeel Gubmint. A 60% FAIL rate on the more than that predicted by chance. Either the students are below standard...the skool teaches ignorance...most likely BOTH.

    Umm..just because some loser wite man TELLS us stuff...does not mean he has even the slightest idea...or that we will ever listen to such an idiot.


  69. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You might want to delve into the History available from Egypt, Greece, and other neighbours of Africa. Or, you can pretend to have expertise in the subject. Worship of Confederate generals may pass for history in your church...but not elsewhere.
    UTS is correct, the British and the 'Mericans went there seeking they wrote in their correspondence.
    As far as the South being a massive suck...Duh. It was the usual problem of an oligarchy. And, like the similarly inclined Spartans...had to maintain an armed camp to prevent humans from seeking redress. The Founding Fathers recognized the dangers in letting bush and Quayles keep all the Goodies.
    Matt Taibbi wrote about Bachmann for Rolling Stone...which has Fact-checkers (unlike FOX, Brietbart, Beck or other wingnut operatives). Must be the poster was upset that Truth was shown. Bachmann is indeed a religio-crazy. One that used the foster system to prosetylize captive children. She took money from the Eveeel Gubmint. A 60% FAIL rate on the more than that predicted by chance. Either the students are below standard...the skool teaches ignorance...most likely BOTH.

    Umm..just because some loser wite man TELLS us stuff...does not mean he has even the slightest idea...or that we will ever listen to such an idiot.


  70. LovelyPoet3:00 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  71. LovelyPoet3:00 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  72. LovelyPoet3:01 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  73. Stephanopoulos: But that’s not what you said. You said that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery.

    Bachmann: Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, that’s absolutely true. He was a very young boy when he was with his father serving essentially as his father’s secretary. He tirelessly worked throughout his life to make sure that we did in fact one day eradicate slavery….

    Stephanopoulos: He wasn’t one of the Founding Fathers – he was a president, he was a Secretary of State, he was a member of Congress, you’re right he did work to end slavery decades later. But so you are standing by this comment that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery?

    Bachmann: Well, John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy but he was actively involved.

  74. Stephanopoulos: Let me try one more time, so you are saying that the minimum wage is one of those regulations you’d take a look at, you’d try to eliminate it?

    Bachmann: Well what I’m saying is that I think we need to look at all regulations, whatever--whatever ones are inhibiting job growth that’s what we need to --

    Stephanopoulos: And the minimum wage is one of them?

    Bachmann: All regulations George. I think every department. We have just too much expansion of government and so what we need to do is tamp that down so that the American people can keep more of what they make.

  75. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Umm..just because some loser wite man TELLS us stuff...does not mean he has even the slightest idea...or that we will ever listen to such an idiot.


    You have just got to stop talking to your self Mr Loser White man. People will start saying you are crazier then they already know you are..Mr white man (young boy)

    Dweeble..Dwobble..Gobbledee Gook, why is Mold such a fucking kook?

  76. Stephanopoulos:JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!

    Bachmann: FUCK YOU!!

    This is how it should have went down.

  77. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Stephanopoulos: But that’s not what you said. You said that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery.

    Bachmann: Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, that’s absolutely true. He was a very young boy when he was with his father serving essentially as his father’s secretary. He tirelessly worked throughout his life to make sure that we did in fact one day eradicate slavery….

    Stephanopoulos: He wasn’t one of the Founding Fathers – he was a president, he was a Secretary of State, he was a member of Congress, you’re right he did work to end slavery decades later. But so you are standing by this comment that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery?

    Bachmann: Well, John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy but he was actively involved.

    3:03 PM

    Dis shit be funny, sum dum kneegrow who didn't even finish HS, can barely write is actually comin on here and tellin us someone else isn't as smart as.....who YOU? We get it, she white, uptight, pretty, has money and you are Jealous cause you know you aint ever gonna get sometin like dat.

  78. Anonymous3:23 PM

    You might want to delve into the History available from Egypt, Greece, and other neighbours of Africa. Or, you can pretend to have expertise in the subject. Worship of Confederate generals may pass for history in your church...but not elsewhere.
    UTS is correct, the British and the 'Mericans went there seeking they wrote in their correspondence.
    As far as the South being a massive suck...Duh. It was the usual problem of an oligarchy. And, like the similarly inclined Spartans...had to maintain an armed camp to prevent humans from seeking redress. The Founding Fathers recognized the dangers in letting bush and Quayles keep all the Goodies.
    Matt Taibbi wrote about Bachmann for Rolling Stone...which has Fact-checkers (unlike FOX, Brietbart, Beck or other wingnut operatives). Must be the poster was upset that Truth was shown. Bachmann is indeed a religio-crazy. One that used the foster system to prosetylize captive children. She took money from the Eveeel Gubmint. A 60% FAIL rate on the more than that predicted by chance. Either the students are below standard...the skool teaches ignorance...most likely BOTH.

    Umm..just because some loser wite man TELLS us stuff...does not mean he has even the slightest idea...or that we will ever listen to such an idiot.


  79. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Just because a wite man TELLS you something...doesn't mean he is in any way correct, knowledgeable or honest. There is no 'pass'.
    No matter how many times you are still wrong.

    Oh, when you Goober sockpuppets wail about the US might want to consider how crushing the debt loads are for companies your Masters 'bought' with st reagan 'munny'. The not subtle hint is that the US government can meet taxing rich people...they pay the lowest tax in the livable world. The business have to borrow to pay their CEOs...not quite the same.
    Eventually, the note becomes due...but IBG/YBG is the hallmark of bush and Con business practices.


  80. Anonymous3:34 PM

    You might want to delve into the History available from Egypt, Greece, and other neighbours of Africa. Or, you can pretend to have expertise in the subject. Worship of Confederate generals may pass for history in your church...but not elsewhere.
    UTS is correct, the British and the 'Mericans went there seeking they wrote in their correspondence.
    As far as the South being a massive suck...Duh. It was the usual problem of an oligarchy. And, like the similarly inclined Spartans...had to maintain an armed camp to prevent humans from seeking redress. The Founding Fathers recognized the dangers in letting bush and Quayles keep all the Goodies.
    Matt Taibbi wrote about Bachmann for Rolling Stone...which has Fact-checkers (unlike FOX, Brietbart, Beck or other wingnut operatives). Must be the poster was upset that Truth was shown. Bachmann is indeed a religio-crazy. One that used the foster system to prosetylize captive children. She took money from the Eveeel Gubmint. A 60% FAIL rate on the more than that predicted by chance. Either the students are below standard...the skool teaches ignorance...most likely BOTH.

    Umm..just because some loser wite man TELLS us stuff...does not mean he has even the slightest idea...or that we will ever listen to such an idiot.


  81. rottnkid writes:

    This is how it should have went down.

    Have went? Aks.

    The determination of blacks to violate even the basic rules of verb forms and pronunciation is a constant reminder of their inability to work within other systems of rules as well.

  82. Dis shit be funny, sum dum kneegrow who didn't even finish HS, can barely write is actually comin on here and tellin us someone else isn't as smart as.....who YOU? We get it, she white, uptight, pretty, has money and you are Jealous cause you know you aint ever gonna get sometin like dat.

    3:07 PM

    It's the script from the show Dumbass. Now go back to eating dicks. That is all.

  83. no_slappz said...

    rottnkid writes:

    This is how it should have went down.

    Have went? Aks.

    The determination of blacks to violate even the basic rules of verb forms and pronunciation is a constant reminder of their inability to work within other systems of rules as well.

    3:38 PM


    Thanks for the lesson. Not. Unlike you, I have to get back to my day job. You know the one that pays.

  84. "Dis shit be funny, sum dum kneegrow who didn't even finish HS, can barely write is actually comin on here.."

    You have got to be kidding..And slapped silly is worried about my sentence structure and pronunciation?

  85. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "Dis shit be funny, sum dum kneegrow who didn't even finish HS, can barely write is actually comin on here.."

    You have got to be kidding..And slapped silly is worried about my sentence structure and pronunciation?


    Youse cant pronunciate when you writin shit down dumbass - who you be conversatin wit?

  86. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Didn't Sarey and Bristol assault Standard English in their Tweets, blog entries, and verbal spouting of Gooberish?
    How about the bush errors? He went to parties at Ivy League colleges.
    The poorly written SCOTUS paid outcomes of the Con court seat warmers?
    Oh...ebonics is a wite theme. Makes poor wites feel superior to AfAms. Goober may be the low-paid tool gofer at Steal Motors...but at leasts he aints no 'migger'.
    Remember Anita Hill? How about Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Or the tones of Powell, before he was Tom for the bushWar.
    Note how pretty much the only folks using 'ebonics' are wites...and the entertainers who have to work the venues where it is expected.

    I would assume that at least one wite poster is a paid hijacker. As the Wingnut Welfare was hiring for these positions not too long ago. And their marching orders did mention that being PITAs to AfAMs was one of the major goals. Just like school, if the slowtard keeps everyone else from learning...he done what he set out to accomplish.


  87. dimwit steve writes:

    The wealth of the West was built upon the labor of people of color and the minerals stolen from their lands.

    Yeah, GM, Ford and Chrysler produce cars with slave labor. US Steel depends on slaves to make steel.

    Microsoft has been flogging its slaves for the last 25 years, forcing them to pump out more and more copies of Word and Excel every day.

    Actually, it was the black slaves at Microsoft who created Power Point. The name was a natural, they way they felt the power and point where it hit him.

    Boeing, one of the biggest slave-owners in America, would never get a single plane in the air without the whips crackin' on the backs of those forced laborers it depends on. Just like building the Pyramids, thousands of slaves get under a wing and carry it to the fuselage. Then they bring over the other wing. And when they're done building it they carry it on their backs to the runway, which is miles from the factory.

  88. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Rottnkid said...

    Thanks for the lesson. Not. Unlike you, I have to get back to my day It's the script from the show Dumbass. Now go back to eating dicks. That is all.

    I heard of jackass, never heard of dumbass are you the star? Eating dicks?

    Script from the show dumbass? By any chance do you mean the "transcript" from the show? Script is something that is written that actors memorize and follow. Transcript is the written recording of what took place, what was said etc.

    Phew....someone like you actually having the balls to try and marginalize a woman like that is affirmative action for ya.

  89. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Didn't Sarey and Bristol assault Standard English in their Tweets, blog entries, and verbal spouting of Gooberish?
    How about the bush errors? He went to parties at Ivy League colleges.
    The poorly written SCOTUS paid outcomes of the Con court seat warmers?
    Oh...ebonics is a wite theme. Makes poor wites feel superior to AfAms. Goober may be the low-paid tool gofer at Steal Motors...but at leasts he aints no 'migger'.
    Remember Anita Hill? How about Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Or the tones of Powell, before he was Tom for the bushWar.
    Note how pretty much the only folks using 'ebonics' are wites...and the entertainers who have to work the venues where it is expected.

    I would assume that at least one wite poster is a paid hijacker. As the Wingnut Welfare was hiring for these positions not too long ago. And their marching orders did mention that being PITAs to AfAMs was one of the major goals. Just like school, if the slowtard keeps everyone else from learning...he done what he set out to accomplish.


    You? YOU of all people are going to talk about reading and writing coherently? YOU really? What might we learn from you if we all spoke whitenutjob-ease? What might we learn if we could ever understanding a loose disconnected thought that you have?

    Dweeble..Dwobble..Gobbledee rags, why does a white guy like Mold suck it till he gags?

  90. Anonymous5:01 PM

    slappz, "The determination of blacks to violate even the basic rules of verb forms and pronunciation is a constant reminder of their inability to work within other systems of rules as well."

    You are right. When it comes to using correct English, esp. the tense verbs, Blacks are the worse...I am Black and I cringe when someone like Rottenkid uses the tense verb. But it is very common in the black community. For some reason, most Blacks just don't get proper English.

    Let's hope Rottenkid is NOT an English teacher! They DO have teachers like him teaching kids in school. It is a fact!

    Latinos who can hardly speak English speak better English than

  91. Anonymous5:21 PM

    FN people, FYI, an excerpt:

    "The report underscores how little progress Australia has made – despite more than 40 years of targeted federal policies – in lifting up a section of its population that is beset by crime, poor health, domestic violence and alcoholism while living on the fringes of society.

    At the time of white settlement in 1788, the Aborigine population was estimated to be as high as 1 million. Their numbers crashed dramatically because of new diseases, brutal treatment from colonists, the loss of traditional lands as well as social and cultural disintegration.

    Aborigines now number 517,000, or 2.3 percent of the country's 22.6 million people. Yet, about 25 percent of Australia's adult prison population is Aboriginal, according to the report."

    Does this remind you of other groups who have been colonized for their own good, as no_slappz consistently implies?

    Why are POC destroyed and killed and pillage where ever Europeans go? Why must they destroy other cultures?

    Here's the link:

  92. Ahh.. so we do know how to spell. Very good. So to let you know, you won't rope me in, I'm not AB. She gets off on that shit, I don't. Now back to Michelle and in Anons case, his/her/it's bag of dicks.

  93. Anonymous5:36 PM


    Rottnkid said...
    Ahh.. so we do know how to spell. Very good. So to let you know, you won't rope me in, I'm not AB. She gets off on that shit, I don't. Now back to Michelle and in Anons case, his/her/it's bag of dicks

    Who is we? How many other fileclerk HS dropouts are there at your keyboard with you, or is it just "people" you hear in your head? Maybe you shouldn't talk with your mouth full, it might just be a dictation echo.

  94. Said Bachmann: "The very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States."

    "Yes yes, our founding fathers fought a vigorous fight against slavery. But just to be sure, let me just crunch some numbers here. By the time slavery was abolished, known slave-owner/founding father Thomas Jefferson had been dead for 39 years and known slave-owner/founding father George Washington had been dead for 66. That can't be right. Oh wait, the founding father she specified was John Quincy Adams. That's fair. He was in fact nine years old when the Declaration of Independence was signed and was clearly a major player. Silly me."

  95. Michele Bachmann is, as the AP amusingly puts it, "one to watch—for inaccuracies." Her gaffes have landed her a pretty awful score on PolitiFact, and have recently prompted her to fight back: She explained her John Wayne mix-up today on CNN and insisted she has "a strong academic scholarly background." A few of her mistakes, courtesy of the AP and the Washington Post:

    "My husband and I have never gotten a penny of money from" a family farm: Really? Her personal financial disclosure reports show that she holds an interest in the farm, that the farm received $259,332 in federal payments between 1995 and 2010, and that she earned income between $32,500 and $105,000 from said farm between 2006 and 2009.
    "The president released all of the oil from the strategic oil reserve": No he didn't; he approved the release of about 4%.
    "One. That's the number of new drilling permits under the Obama administration": Actually, the number is somewhere north of 269.
    "Five decades ago in America, we had less debt than we have today. We had $300 billion or less in debt. A gallon of gasoline was 31 cents": When you adjust for inflation, that 31 cents turns into about $2.25. And that $300 billion in national debt was 55% of the 1961 GDP. Today's $14 trillion in debt is 96% of the GDP. So she has a point, but the difference is not nearly as dramatic as she's implying.
    Her claim that President Obama stated stimulus legislation would prevent unemployment from rising above 8%: Long story short, he never said that. She's referring to a projection, which was not even an official government assessment, issued by two aides before Obama took office. And she got the stimulus amount wrong, to boot, referring to it as $1 trillion when it was actually $800 billion.

  96. Whoooo..I'm out. The Anon accomplished his job. Wait, my bad - Warcraft Frozen Footies Custom Heroes 3.8 is calling me. You can catch up with me in the Azeroth Portal, Battlenet. Screen Name: Street_Pirate (Thanks CF). Win rate: 426-94. Abilities: WinWalk, Acid Bomb, Flying Bats, Towering Inferno. No snacks allowed, so no you can't bring your bag of..

    #W00T #Dueces.V

  97. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19826:17 PM

    Mold sounds so confused and ill-educated.Who spends so much time posting such lunacy?

  98. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "A counseling clinic run by her husband has received nearly $30,000 from the state ofMinnesota in the last five years, money that in part came from the federal government."

    And you wouldn't believe the type of "counseling" her husband specializes in.

  99. Quote:Emily Guendelsberger "Name One"


  100. Disappointed..Lost that match. Must of have let Anon get to me. Oh wait - Pokers calling me. Wow, I didn't realize I had a life outside of FN's blog getting insulted by Anons. Meet me at Gus's on Broad St. Not sure what table I'll be on but I won't be hard to spot, I'll have all the chips. #Winning.

  101. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19826:49 PM


    The stimulus,add interest,and other cost has gone over a trillion.

  102. So has Bushes Wars - after being placed on the books for ALL to see. So what's your point?

  103. Anonymous7:11 PM


    Rottnkid said...
    Whoooo..I'm out. The Anon accomplished his job. Wait, my bad - Warcraft Frozen Footies Custom Heroes 3.8 is calling me. You can catch up with me in the Azeroth Portal, Battlenet. Screen Name: Street_Pirate (Thanks CF). Win rate: 426-94. Abilities: WinWalk, Acid Bomb, Flying Bats, Towering Inferno. No snacks allowed, so no you can't bring your bag of..

    #W00T #Dueces.V

    Try reading a book instead of playing a game you might be able to get your Equivalancy diploma....dumbass although I doubt it you sound retarded beyond redemption.

  104. To the Anon: #winning. Why? Because you on #myjock.

  105. "Quote:Emily Guendelsberger "Name One"


    PC, don't stop there. Aruba, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos, Barbuda and Antigua, BVI.... and I could go on and on. See a pattern? All these Islands depend on tourism, which, unlike African countries -who depend on natural resources- are not slaves to weather conditions, the IMF, and unfair import export partners.

    "Have went? Aks.

    The determination of blacks to violate even the basic rules of verb forms and pronunciation is a constant reminder of their inability to work within other systems of rules as well."

    This is from someone who supposedly has an engineering degree but can't pass the pe exam. Hmmmm. I know quite a few black folks with their pe certificate. I wonder how they made it? :)

  106. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Field, "This is from someone who supposedly has an engineering degree but can't pass the pe exam. Hmmmm. I know quite a few black folks with their pe certificate. I wonder how they made it? :)"

    With all due respect, Mr. Field, I doubt if you know 'quite a few' black folks with PEs. There just aren't that many engineers with a PE license, mainly because it is not that easy to pass the test. Secondly, most engineers working for corporations or a lot of companies don't need it unless their position requires them to supervise other engineers at that corporation.

    You see, it's common to graduate with a B.S. in Engineering but quite another to get a PE license. Only the best do that. In any case, there is usually a shortage of engineers, regardless of race or color.

    But I suspect no_slappz NEVER graduated with an engineering degree. To end up on Wall Street is a LONG WAY from engineering. It would be interesting to hear HOW THAT HAPPENED!

  107. Summertime in Chicago:

    A Chicago woman who played witness to a beach melee on Memorial Day weekend wants Chicago police and officials to come clean about what happened along the lakefront in May.

    On May 30, city officials closed North Avenue Beach because of excessive heat, but Amy Schwartz says no one is talking about the excessive violence that prompted her to call 911 that day.

    "There's a fight breaking out on the beach because there's nothing but animals covering this beach today," Schwarz phoned into the police. "What the hell is going on.

    Schwartz said she was walking from Oak Street Beach toward North Avenue Beach on Memorial Day when she witnessed a woman being beaten by a gang of people on the beach.

    "They were being rude and abusive and throwing trash around and defecating," Schwartz said. "The crowd became very animated. They were cheering on the beating and more people joined in, so I kept walking forward. I was afraid I could be next."

  108. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Didn't Sarey and Bristol assault Standard English in their Tweets, blog entries, and verbal spouting of Gooberish?
    How about the bush errors? He went to parties at Ivy League colleges.
    The poorly written SCOTUS paid outcomes of the Con court seat warmers?
    Oh...ebonics is a wite theme. Makes poor wites feel superior to AfAms. Goober may be the low-paid tool gofer at Steal Motors...but at leasts he aints no 'migger'.
    Remember Anita Hill? How about Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Or the tones of Powell, before he was Tom for the bushWar.
    Note how pretty much the only folks using 'ebonics' are wites...and the entertainers who have to work the venues where it is expected.

    I would assume that at least one wite poster is a paid hijacker. As the Wingnut Welfare was hiring for these positions not too long ago. And their marching orders did mention that being PITAs to AfAMs was one of the major goals. Just like school, if the slowtard keeps everyone else from learning...he done what he set out to accomplish.


  109. Anonymous8:49 PM

    no_slappz, those were Whites who were being animals. Blacks rarely go downtown to Oak Street Beach. Blacks generally go to the beaches on the South Side around Hyde Park where the brain trusts of Chicago live. It's usually peaceful and safe there. But the way things are in America, there probably is no 'safe place'.

  110. the cow moos:


    Yeah. A country of 200,000 people that was part of the United Kingdom until rather recently.

    You ought to ask yourself why one tiny island that derives most of its economy from tourism manages to prosper while a country like Nigeria, with its extraordinary oil wealth is a sewer.

    As for the other islands mentioned by field, well, once again, they are what they are because a white power structure controlled them for a couple of hundred years before giving the locals independence.

    Here's some news. When Fidel Castro dies, his brother Raul will probably change course enough to persuade the US to end its embargo of Cuba.

    When Americans can travel freely to Cuba, the other islands in the Caribbean are going to take a big hit. It is because of the embargo of Cuba that they have had it pretty good for the last 50 years.

  111. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Wow, personally know of no Engineers...or any AfAm they don't exist.
    That pass for proof in your neck of Podunkia?
    Like you 'know' that there are absolutely zero gays in your town?
    Even in PA, there are many PE certified Engineers who are AfAm. Granted, most live in the areas where employment is more P-burgh and Philly. But I can point out that it would not be the only places. State College, H-burg, Erie, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre....
    Oh...writing from the pretense, as you are, is not the best idea...unless you are telling your tales in church.


  112. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "When Americans can travel freely to Cuba, the other islands in the Caribbean are going to take a big hit. It is because of the embargo of Cuba that they have had it pretty good for the last 50 years."

    That's very true, and not too far away from happening.

  113. field writes:

    This is from someone who supposedly has an engineering degree but can't pass the pe exam.

    I've never taken the PE exam.

    Hmmmm. I know quite a few black folks with their pe certificate.

    You may know one or two blacks with various engineering certificates, but I doubt you know any who have passed the Professional Engineering Exam.

  114. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Field is correct, Slappy. Which you would know...if you were actually an Engineer with an actual, earned degree from an accredited college. Your mathematical illiteracy marks you. Engineers can be confused in many ways...but NEVER in math.
    You are working class...and wisherate to have the status, income and benefits of a more elevated socioeconomic niche. Problem is, you are lacking far too much of the behaviours and norms.
    Math is but one. Field is letting you know the 'Syrian Lesbian' shtick is over...and he is being nice about it.
    You can bluster all you want...I have been in PA and toiling amongst the PE tribe. There are many such persons with melanin-rich skin. An Engineer past their junior year in college would know this Fact. A floor-level wage drone...would have no clew.


  115. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Mold, "Wow, personally know of no Engineers...or any AfAm they don't exist.
    That pass for proof in your neck of Podunkia?
    Like you 'know' that there are absolutely zero gays in your town?
    Even in PA, there are many PE certified Engineers who are AfAm. Granted, most live in the areas where employment is more P-burgh and Philly. But I can point out that it would not be the only places. State College, H-burg, Erie, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre....
    Oh...writing from the pretense, as you are, is not the best idea...unless you are telling your tales in church."


    I am an engineer and know engineers with PEs. But few have PEs compared to the numbers who graduate with engineering degrees.

    Fyi. Employment for Engineers is not only in cities like Philly or Pittsburgh, engineering jobs are EVERYWHERE there are industries, plants, farmland, new communities springing up, water purification, etc. The jobs for engineers are everywhere.

    MOST don't require PEs, whether they are Black or White. I applaud engineers who have studied and passed the PE exams...both Blacks and Whites. Still the numbers aren't nearly as great as those w/o PEs. That's a fact.

    Furthermore, today there are very few Blacks in engineering or the sciences...PERIOD. So, Mr. Mold, save your fantasy BULLSHIT for some other AA who prefers to live in denial rather that face reality.

  116. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "A floor-level wage drone...would have no clew."


    no_slappz may not have an engineering degree, but neither do you. It is clear you know nothing and a 'floor-level wage drone' yourself. Furthermore, stop speaking for Field. He has proven he is quite capable of speaking for himself. But you lack such qualities. Most of the time no one can make out what you are saying, which is a clue that you are semi-autistic and lack education.

  117. LovelyPoet9:18 PM

    LovelyPoet said...
    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  118. anonymous 8:17 writes:

    But I suspect no_slappz NEVER graduated with an engineering degree.

    Inasmuch as this is the Internet and I can make any claim I want and you can't verify them, you'll have to take it on faith -- or reject it -- that I have an degree in mechanical engineering.

    To end up on Wall Street is a LONG WAY from engineering. It would be interesting to hear HOW THAT HAPPENED!

    Your statement shows how little you know of Wall Street and the qualifications of people who work there.

    The principles of finance and economics are far simpler than engineering principles, which means that becoming a stock analyst was easy.

    Among my colleagues were people with Phds in music, philosophy, and English. Several others had been lawyers before becoming analysts. Along the way I met a few analysts who were MDs before they were analysts. They focused on heathcare stocks.

    Meanwhile, several of my colleagues also had engineering degrees. The technical background led to some obvious choices among companies to follow. But mostly analysts follow companies and industries that interest them.

    And one thing leads to another. I've worked in a number of capacities on Wall Street, including portfolio manager and investment banker.

  119. Anonymous9:30 PM

    "Quote:Emily Guendelsberger "Name One"


    PC, don't stop there. Aruba, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos, Barbuda and Antigua, BVI.... and I could go on and on. See a pattern? All these Islands depend on tourism, which, unlike African countries -who depend on natural resources- are not slaves to weather conditions, the IMF, and unfair import export partners.

    Field, If I didn't think you truly believed this I would call you a lying liberal. You are out of your mind though, Each and every single Island is totally run by White British and subsidized by the same and or Americans. The Island cultures of the majority you list here don't even trust someone who is not white looking to provide services to them when it comes to corporations. Additionally, you paint several as being black Islands when that is furthest from the truth. The British Virgin Islands, Antigua, Barbuda, even bermuda have you ever been to any of these Islands? Sure there is a black local population but who owns the businesses and runs things?

    On these islands outside of the tourist areas they make downtown kingston - shit even new kingston now, look like paradise and we both know what a shithole that is. You are way, way off. Cayman Islands? C'mon man, it's run by white british bankers and every local knows it. Additionally they have strict, strict, labor laws. No illegal aliens going into these islands to work, nationals have first choice, work permits are very tough to get if at all and impossible for someone to enter the Island and just go to work. This in direct opposition of your open borders US conquest themes.

  120. Barbados...

    It's 80% Christian, and still subject to white rule. Queen Elizabeth is nominally the head of state.

    Interestingly and significantly, the median age on Barbados is 36, abut the same as the US.

    In every black African nation the median age is 18 or less. Thus, in Barbados there are a sufficient number of adults to run the place.

    Everyone seems to graduate from high school and the birth rate is low. Low. Low.

    But Bardados proves that a black society living by the standards espoused by middle class whites is a true anomaly.

    Barbados is confirmation that when blacks emulate whites they fare as well as whites.

    Thus, it's a mistake for blacks to hold up Barbados as an example of black success if there is no will among blacks to duplicate the experience elsewhere.

  121. Anonymous9:49 PM

    anon9:30p, you are correct and most of the world knows this. The 'real' question is, why would Field lie? is he that ignorant of what's happening on the islands? I think the answer is "yes". Sometimes his emotional defensiveness as a bm gets the better of him.

    As I have mentioned several times on past threads- Blacks don't usually think rationally, they think "emotionally" and then look for some facts to use to support their emotions. A lot of times it just becomes obvious that it doesn't match with actuality.

  122. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Sure you do, Slappy. Try it on someone who didn't teach Engineers at the college level. You lack the basic math skills. Essentially, you evidence the wanna-be of a floor-level wage drone. You thinkerate that you can 'pass for' an Engineer. Or that claims of Wall Street are tenable. In your church, maybe.
    Silly high school educated wite man, not only have I taught Engineers...I toiled alongside them. In a multitude of specialties. Your playing 'dress up' is funny to me. I would let you keep going with the fakery...but I am too obsessed with Truth.
    Oh..Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil, Fluid, Transportation, Computer...and more. christians in your church may not know the a functional illiterate an Engineer and a high school grad are 'exactly the same'...but we do. ;)


  123. Anon 8:17 PM, you sound like someone who knows what you are talking about, but believe me, I do not a few Af. American folks with their pe cert.*I really do*

    Maybe it's because I live in Philly, along with my association with the folks over at Drexel that my perception of how many Af. Americans in the engineering field is what it is.

    "Each and every single Island is totally run by White British and subsidized by the same and or Americans."

    That is a lie and you know it. Or, maybe you don't. Yes,they were mostly British colonies. Still being run by Brits? Not!

    They all depend heavily on banking and tourism, but the natives, for the most part, are running the show.

  124. "When Americans can travel freely to Cuba, the other islands in the Caribbean are going to take a big hit. It is because of the embargo of Cuba that they have had it pretty good for the last 50 years."

    That might be the dumbest thing that has ever been written on this blog. And that takes some doing.

  125. I'm Home!!!! You miss me Anon?

  126. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Bachmann has such a history of misstatements & confusion of facts as well as generally strange behavior I think the woman should be scanned for signs of a schizophrenic brain disorder. With all the self-deluded & liars to cope with these days, we don't need someone who's truly mentally ill as well.

  127. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Go Michelle. Lets hope you do more than O.
