Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Hoodlum in the hizzouse"?

Oh my! Fathers are killing family members in Maine! WTF is happening here in A-merry-ca? Maine?! We don't expect such things in that part of the republic. Murders and other heinous acts are reserved for those savages in our inner cities.
Hey, at least in Killadelphia we only cap strangers.

Anyway, on to my friends over at FOX. It seems that one of their hosts had to apologize for some racially insensitive things that he said recently.

"We got a little fast and loose with the language," Bolling said, "and we know it's being interpreted as disrespectful, and for that I'm sorry."

Mr. Bolling, if it's only "being interpreted as disrespectful" why are you apologizing? Don't cover up who you really are to be politically correct.
You work over at FOX, (*that is not a photo- shop with this post) you will be fine. There are no bigger race baiters in the news business than the folks over at FOX. There is good money in scaring those red state folks about the black "boogeyman" around every corner. That color arousal (thanks for the word Francis) will stir their passions every time.

So relax Mr. Bolling. In fact, don't let those sensitive black folks throw you off your game.

Finally, --and I have to be careful with this story-- here in Philly a judge ruled that the Philadelphia school district acted improperly for expelling a child in kindergarten for inappropriately touching his teacher's thigh.

Please read the story and tell me what you think. I am reserving my opinion on this one.

"A Philadelphia charter school abused its powers when it expelled a kindergartner for touching his teacher's thigh, a Common Pleas Court judge has ruled.
The unnamed 6-year-old touched the top of his teacher's thigh after she complained of leg pains, Judge Paul P. Panepinto wrote in his opinion.
While touching her legs, the child said "I want to make them feel better," testified Milissa Gillespie, the boy's teacher, who reported the incident.

The First Philadelphia Charter School for Literacy in Bridesburg argued that the court does not have the right to overturn the school's decision.
Citing past cases, Panepinto ruled that he can, in fact, step in when the school commits a gross abuse of discretion.

"While the Court is reluctant to disturb a decision concerning how a school enforces its policies, it is this Court's opinion that their action here was arbitrary, capricious and prejudicial to the public interest," Panepinto wrote.
The student was expelled because it was his fourth suspension - a trigger that requires the school's board of trustees to consider expulsion." [Story]


  1. Wow 6yrs old and he's already deemed a sexual predator eh. Will he have to register as a sex offender next or what?

  2. I'm wondering whether or not the teacher has been psych evaluated for getting wet in her naughty area after being touched by a 6yr; so much in fact she felt violated eh. Looks like the wrong person was charged here. This is a fucking joke. Pardon my back.

  3. GrannyStandingforTruth7:30 PM

    Smh! A six year old touched her tight and said he wanted to make her feel better, where is that school and woman's mind at? Lord Jesus help us all today! Homeschooling might not be such a bad idea and is beginning to sound like a very good idea.

    "The boy has transferred to a private school and has had no significant behavioral problems since, Lapp said." That right there tells me a whole lot about how the child was probably being mistreated at his prior school with that dirty-minded teacher and faculty. The judge ruled right. It is normal for a kid that age to touch. Jesus, I guess next they'll be hollering rape and stringing them up with a noose.

    Sounds more like the kid may have accidently rubbed up against the other child's buttocks while trying to get his crayons from under the table.

    America has descended to the dumps.

  4. GrannyStandingforTruth7:32 PM


    I'm still smh! Unbelievable.

  5. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Field, Was the child Black? if so, there is nothing more to discuss. Everyone knows that a black child who is 6 yrs old is actually 14yr old when it comes to things like that.

    Mr. Field, IMO, the husband who killed his family in Maine has been passing for White. Once they test his blood for race, it will be revealed that he is Black.

    I can sense those kind of things by the nature of the act.

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    A 6yr old child is running his hand up his teacher's dress and the court says it is ok. My God! what is this country coming to? I bet the child is Black.

  7. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Granny, "Smh! A six year old touched her tight and said he wanted to make her feel better, where is that school and woman's mind at?"

    You should be one to talk. Their minds are in the same place as yours and Desertflower's minds are about Rep Weiner's weiner!

  8. Anonymous said...
    You should be one to talk. Their minds are in the same place as yours and Desertflower's minds are about Rep Weiner's weiner!
    You are the one on the blog that obsesses over genitals. Try putting something in your mind other than racism and porn, Yokel.

  9. "Oh my! Fathers are killing family members in Maine! WTF is happening here in A-merry-ca?"


    And yet ironic how the jewish-nazi is still on the previous thread trying to taunt others over his pathetic findings of "black news".

    Btw, is it just me or does Michele Bachmann 'sorta kinda' speak like Sarah Palin.

  10. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
    Anonymous said...
    You should be one to talk. Their minds are in the same place as yours and Desertflower's minds are about Rep Weiner's weiner!
    You are the one on the blog that obsesses over genitals. Try putting something in your mind other than racism and porn, Yokel.

    So says the DWL Slut

  11. Anonymous8:27 PM

    AB is this true? Is Every Lesbian Blogger a middled aged man? Are you packing a meat missile you been hidin from Mold?


  12. "My God! what is this country coming to? I bet the child is Black."

    Why does the race of the child matter? Man you A-merry-cans are so color aroused.

  13. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I beleive the word compassion on the youngsters part and lunacy on the frakking school administrators. Good grief. America get a grip.

  14. I suspect that the six year old kid is black and that Milissa Gillespie is white.

    The kid's mindset was probably in a nurturing state as evident by him stating that he wanted to make her leg feel better after she complained about it.

    He probably learned this behavior from his mother in that mothers will often soothe a child's body that is ailing him/her by rubbing it. Every mom has rubbed a aching tummy.

    We know where the teacher's mindset was at. Pervert!

  15. field negro said...

    Why does the race of the child matter? Man you A-merry-cans are so color aroused.

    Many, including myself, are wondering because of the harshness of the punishment.

  16. After thinking about it. Maybe I spoke too soon. It is also a possibility that the teacher was taking preemptive action.

    Can you imagine the fallout had the teacher not reported this and the kid went home and told his parents that his teacher allowed him rub her leg?

    We all know how kids can inadvertently omit details.

  17. Ok I'm back...

    "My God! what is this country coming to? I bet the child is Black."

    Most likely based on their irrational reaction.

    It doesn't appear that the child had ill intentions, therefore the child meant no harm. While the child was indeed inappropriate, we need to keep in mind a child this age is eager to please, and may lack such discretion.

    This was the opportunity to let the child know what is appropriate vs. an inappropriate touch. These people are supposed to be trained "educators", as well as counselors and advisers to children outside their home environment.

  18. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Yess but be VERY VERY Careful, the first time daddy diddled me this is exactly how it happened. I fell down and my hiney really hurt daddy rubbed it and made it all better then he stuck me with something hard that really hurt and made my poopey hole big!!

    Now I need to wear diapers all the time!!!


  19. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Before assuming all sorts of silly...one might ask if the child has other issues. I recall a pale wite lad who was the purest of wite manhood who shot up the house of a teacher...with people inside it...and escaped discipline as he was the fairest lad of all.
    Shame the local constabulary pounced on his lily wite self when he became an 'adult'.
    As far as homeskooling...speak with your local CPS personnel about how many gawd-fearin' christians keep their kids away from those Soshlust Comnist gubmint workers...as those folks will remove children from abusive environments...and Daddums will have to walk at least a block to find willing adults.
    Yes, I know about the Con desires for homeskooled children..as did my Welfare Dept drinking pals. We did our best to prevent Cons from abusing kids.
    Blame the teacher? Why? Where were the gawd-fearin' 'rents?


  20. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Goobers will thinkarate being diddled by my daddy wrong or sick.Well you fox nation goobers listen up.

    Being diddled is a rite of passage for black women.I wouldn't have made it though Harvard Law without being diddled.

    This little o'l lady fights racist goobers everyday.

    I love you dad.


  21. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Goobers will thinkarate being diddled by my daddy wrong or sick.Well you fox nation goobers listen up.

    Being diddled is a rite of passage for black women.I wouldn't have made it though Harvard Law without being diddled.

    This little o'l lady fights racist goobers everyday.

    I love you dad.


    But don't forget I am a white young boy playin at being a black old feeble minded woman. Don't you forgetarate that!!


  22. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Field, "Why does the race of the child matter? Man you A-merry-cans are so color aroused."

    Come on, field. you know it makes a big difference in America. Black children younger than 6 yrs bring guns to school. They are watching porn at 5&6yrs at home. They are having children at 12yrs and are getting younger. White children would do nothing of the sort that you call "innocent".

    I know, I know. give the kid a break. Nevertheless, if the teacher is White and the child is Black and they are of the opposite gender, that is not a good sign. But I understand the majority of Blacks on FN will always come to the defense of the black kid because they carry a grudge against Whites, esp WW.

    I hope that answers your question?

  23. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Yes, I know about the Con desires for homeskooled children..as did my Welfare Dept drinking pals.

    Ahh, now Mold is in the welfare dept. What happened? Yesterday you were a Harvard law graduate?

  24. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Laa--"This was the opportunity to let the child know what is appropriate vs. an inappropriate touch. These people are supposed to be trained "educators", as well as counselors and advisers to children outside their home environment."

    I remember when I was six and had a crush on my first grade teacher. And yes, I would have toasted her if I could have aroused her.

    Rubbing her thighs would have been the first place I would have gone for.

    That's the karma of having a penis. Regardless of age, if it wears a dress and it moves, a hard on usually follows. Just ask Weiner.

  25. field writes:

    Mr. Bolling, if it's only "being interpreted as disrespectful" why are you apologizing? Don't cover up who you really are to be politically correct.

    Oh yeah. Let's go after the messenger. Apparently no one noticed that Obama's yukking it up with Ali Bongo, one of Africa's brutal leaders.

    This first-class thug and his father have been stealing virtually ALL the money from oil sales made by the nation of Gabon for the last 40 or 50 years. They sell the oil as if it's theirs.

    Gabon is truly one of the saddest stories in a sad continent. The population is about 1.5 million, and most of them are living in mud huts while Ali Bongo and his wife live the ultra-rich life.

    Among the many nations of the world where a revolution is the right step, Gabon is surely one.

    Bottom line, Bolling's crack may have been on the cheap side, but it was accurate nonetheless.

    Obama is aiding and abetting the thug while doing nothing for his abused victims.

  26. GrannyStandingforTruth10:28 PM

    Anonymous, sorry but Wiener is not my type. I like them tall, big, black, handsome, and financially stable. Besides which, a man right now, at my age, is the last thing I have on my mind. I'm trying to see Jesus. *wink*

    And I'm sure Mr. and Mrs Field will vouch for me and tell you that they know I was giving them both a compliment in a playful manner. Mrs. Field was probably cracking up laughing while telling Mr. Field, "That granny is a mess. What we gone do with her, Field." Ain't that right, Field? :)

    Some of these men folks blogging on here sure do cross the line calling these women on here sluts, the "B" word, and other little disrespectful terms. If I had been your mother or grandmother, you would still be washing the lye soap out your mouth. I'm just saying. Smh!

  27. Does anyone like Obama?

    Puerto Rican Independentistas Burn US Flag in San Juan During Obama Visit


    Let's face it, we all know the muslims of the world hate America, and nothing Obama has done has changed anything. They hate America because America is not Islamic. Unless Obama is going to out himself as America's first Islamic president -- which he's able to claim -- the Islamic world will continue to hate America, no matter what Obama would like voters to believe.

    But it's really saying something when Americans burn the American flag when the president drops in.

  28. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Calling all Anonymous-es: You are hilarious tonight and as always completely irreverent! But I love it.

    I think you're highly misunderstood, But you know I get you! LOLOLOLOL!

  29. Anonymous10:50 PM

    And what the hell is a teacher doing telling her kindergarden students that her thigh hurts???

    That's just about the only reaction I would expect! For the children to come up and lovingly want to help! they're babies, for Gods sake. What's going on in America's schools???

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth10:56 PM

    Bush Thugs Steal Trillions From American People To Purposely Bring Down Economy

    Wanta $4.5 Tillion at the crux of trillions stolen by last three presidential administrations. Media and Congress complicit in treason for trillion dollar heist and should be ousted, according to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the Wanta group trying to repatriate trillions back to American people.

    5 Dec 2006

    By Greg Szymanski

    The common thieves in the White House and its illegal occupant, George W. Bush, are engaged in treasonous acts on a daily basis, according to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of an American corporation trying to repatriate $4.5 trillion in off shore money.

    Cottrell is helping former U.S. Treasury agent and Ambassador Leo Wanta recover the stolen trillions earmarked for the American economy but hijacked by the black squad of Vatican-led Bush Illuminati thugs firmly in control of the fascist U.S. government.

    Wanta has been trying to repatriate the money for years, while alerting Americans how three presidential administrations have stolen more than $70 trillion dollars of off shore and off-the-books money used for covert operations.

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth10:57 PM

    For his efforts, Wanta has been threatened, tortured and jailed simply for not giving into George H. Bush who has personally led a campaign to steal trillions from the American people for his New World Order agenda.

    Recently, Wanta entered into an agreement with New World Order minions to get back only a portion ($4.5 trillion) of the estimated $27.5 trillion under his financial control according to the Reagan protocols.

    However, the Bush administration under recently appointed U.S. Treasury Secretary, Henry M. Paulson, have stolen the Wanta money that Cottrell traced to being illegally transferred for New World profits in several large U.S. and German banks.

    Once the money is released, if ever, approximately $1.5 trillion is earmarked for the U.S. Treasury for taxes and the remainder to be reinvested to jump start the American economy. But as the months pass Wanta and Cottrell have been unable to penetrate a media and Congressional black out on the massive theft by three presidential administrations, indicating both entities remain firmly in the pocket of the Vatican-led New World Order.

    "Paulson and Bush have proved to be nothing more than thieves guilty of treason for purposely bringing down the American economy," said Cottrell in an extended conversation Monday from his East Coast home. "The dollar is tanking and it is directly related to the thievery of trillions of this off shore money.

    "The country is about to experience the worst financial nightmare since the 1920s. The economy is tanking because of the idiocy of Bush and Paulson. By Jan. 1 2007, you will see heavy mortgage defaults as prices skyrocket since the dollar has no value.

  32. GrannyStandingforTruth10:58 PM

    "These criminals in power are stealing the cash and without the war in Iraq they have no way to mask their thievery. All I can say is we are doing everything in our power to secure the $4.5 trillion for the betterment of the American people before it's too late. These traitorous acts by Bush, Paulson and others deserve strong and decisive action and this is exactly what we are trying to do."

    Asked what was the real importance of the Wanta story, he said it clearly showed how the Bush administration has violated the rule of law by not honoring its financial commitments, demonstrating the administration was more concerned with lining the pockets of global banksters and "privateers" with trillions of dollars instead of doing the right thing by enforcing offshore tax payments and stabilizing the American economy.

    Cottrell added that since President Reagan passed Executive Order 12333, the last three presidential administrations have illegally used offshore money for their own nefarious purposes without paying U.S. taxes to the tune of more than $100 trillion dollars.

    He also said the thievery continues on a large scale, including the illegal use of the $4.5 trillion earmarked for Wanta.

    "Instead of the U.S. officials honoring the Wanta agreement and the rule of law entered into last May, we have caught them using the money illegally and filling financial holes to cover their tracks," said Cottrell.

    As background, Wanta has been at odds with the powers that be ever since he was declared legal trustor of more than $27.5 trillion accumulated as a result of his financial efforts on behalf of President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Russian currency at the end of the Cold War.

    Furthermore, Wanta was jailed for the better part of a decade for trying to return trillions to the American people, as Reagan had dictated, but later was backstabbed by the following three presidential administrations who instead wanted to illegally pocket the money for their own personal use, according to Wanta.

    Previously, Wanta came forward with these allegations, presenting documentation of more $745 billion in misdirected and stolen money, attributing the thievery to those occupying the White House after Reagan left office.

  33. Anonymous11:00 PM

    no_slappz said...

    Puerto Rican Independentistas Burn US Flag in San Juan During Obama Visit


    But it's really saying something when Americans burn the American flag when the president drops in.
    These Independentistas are a big bunch of hypocrites! These are the descendants of wealthy, elite, ex ruling class that were originally all for the US to take over as they assumed that their riches and power would increase. So when things didn't work out their way they formed that party. I have news for you, the majority of them live off disability checks and a whole lot of other Federal monies which they greedily accept, and then they do this BS. A bunch of hypocrites. But it's a free country so they get to do this. They're just a bunch of blah,blah,blah! They're the first ones in line for American money, They love it! Believe me!

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth11:03 PM

    Sometimes some of these conspiracy theories make you wonder if they are making it up or if it is true, especially since the economy did go bad starting with Reagan.

  35. Anonymous11:15 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Sometimes some of these conspiracy theories make you wonder if they are making it up or if it is true, especially since the economy did go bad starting with Reagan.

    LOL@ Starting with Reagan.

    Jimmy Carter's economy was just so wonderful!!!!!!

  36. Anonymous11:39 PM


    Another Weiner item.....

    Minor League Baseball Team Takes Advantage Of Weinergate With Special Boxers Giveaway

    UPDATE: We should add this promotion will take place July 23, ostensibly in honor of National Hot Dog Day. The press release never mentions Anthony Weiner by name, but also doesn’t exactly hide that he inspired this giveaway.

    The original post is below.

    Yesterday we called minor league baseball “the domain of outlandish manager behavior,” but it’s also the province of crazy team promotions. From a random guy named Kevin Bacon throwing out the first pitch to whoopee cushions symbolizing the Metrodome’s collapse, minor league teams will do just about anything to put fans in the seats…including brilliantly spoofing the political scandal of the moment.

    The scandal: “Weinergate,” in which (married) Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) sent inappropriate pictures of himself to, and engaged in inappropriate conversations with, women online. You’ve clearly heard about this already, though. What you probably haven’t heard: the St. Paul Saints, the independent minor league baseball team behind the whoopee cushion promotion we linked to before, is giving Weinergate its own spin.


  37. Nubby Kinderwiener12:37 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    This was the opportunity to let the child know what is appropriate vs. an inappropriate touch

    LAA just wishes somebody, anybody, would touch her thigh.

  38. Welcome Back Carter12:40 AM

    GrannyStampingonTruth said...
    "Sometimes some of these conspiracy theories make you wonder if they are making it up or if it is true, especially since the economy did go bad starting with Reagan."

    Actually Granny, the economy actually got good starting with Reagan.

  39. Anonymous2:08 AM

    laa "This was the opportunity to let the child know what is appropriate vs. an inappropriate touch."

    Black children need special ed in social skills because 90% of the time, they aren't getting it at home from their parents. In fact, their parents are social retards who exhibit inappropriate touch all the time.

    Those poor black kids from Black Communities like the ones AB and UTS are from have parents who are very poor models.

    Field is an excellent model but I bet he doesn't live in a black community and he probably doesn't want any kids because he thinks they are a pain in the ass. and he be right!

    I bet that teacher is sexy, and has beautiful thighs. How I wish to be in that child's place.

    Desertflower, eat your heart out cause bm can play this sex game too! Are you jealous yet?

  40. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Desertflower, "I think you're highly misunderstood, But you know I get you! LOLOLOLOL!"

    Thank God somebody understands. Thank you Desertflower. I want to become a comedian but I think I will hold on to my day job as a male prostitute before I try comedy full time.

    I want to leave prostitution because I am sick and tired of women like Granny who are always looking for a fucking discount. The woman is screwing up my fucking livelihood. She seems to think because I am a Brutha from Oakland I should discount myself to her. That woman has a lot of nerve!

    dear Granny, when are you going to leave Earth for good?

  41. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Granny said on the previous thread:

    "Ann G. Myma:

    Don't worry, I am not gonna stay at home and not vote and never would I do that. Too much black blood was spilled in order for me to have a right to vote. I take voting serious come rain or shine. In addition, I will be doing what I do every year and that is passing out voter registration applications to make sure others get out and vote too,"

    First of all, there wasn't one drop of black blood spilled so that we could vote. Where did you get such a hair brained idea? You know fully well it was Whites fighting for us to vote that made it possible.

    Granny, you have GOT to stop fantasizing and tell the truth. Otherwise, you won't be seeing heaven.

  42. "I know, I know. give the kid a break. Nevertheless, if the teacher is White and the child is Black and they are of the opposite gender, that is not a good sign. But I understand the majority of Blacks on FN will always come to the defense of the black kid because they carry a grudge against Whites, esp WW.

    I hope that answers your question?"

    No it doesn't. Well, actually, it answers the question about you. Again, how do you know that the child was black?

    If you were to find out that the little rugrat was white would it make a difference how you perceived the situation?

    Just asking, cause you never know with these things.

    "And I'm sure Mr. and Mrs Field will vouch for me and tell you that they know I was giving them both a compliment in a playful manner. Mrs. Field was probably cracking up laughing while telling Mr. Field, "That granny is a mess. What we gone do with her, Field." Ain't that right, Field? :)"

    Yes it is Granny. We cool like that. :)

  43. In my opinion, the school was wrong for expelling the 6-yr old child for touching his teacher's thigh. If it could have been a greater offense then most probably they can expel the child. Did they think it was a malicious touch even if we might say the child is naughty and mischievous? It wasn't a sound decision. Have we become too sensitive with sexual issues that we do not exempt a child?

  44. Anonymous8:01 AM

    It was a Charter Skool. All that matters is getting the money and not spending any on the kids. PA history, folks. Charter and Cyber scams have been doing this in PA for years.
    Call me cynical, but when you hand over cash to Cons for zero services...are you not a fool? At least in the public schools there are mechanisms for increasing the education of your child (until Corbett finishes ruining the public system for the Gooberment)

    I do have a question. Why do so many brave heroic wite dudes shoot unarmed children when Daddums needs to start with himself? Is it his heroic bravery in blasting away at a 12 yo child with a shotgun that makes him so manly?
    I do believe my definition of 'Man' differs greatly from his.


  45. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I do have a question. Why do so many brave heroic wite dudes shoot unarmed children when Daddums needs to start with himself? Is it his heroic bravery in blasting away at a 12 yo child with a shotgun that makes him so manly?
    I do believe my definition of 'Man' differs greatly from his.


    Mold, I thought you were older than 12? Did you get seriously hurt when you got shot? Or wait, are you using code words again? Daddy calls his thang his shotgun and he "blasts away" at you does he?

    No doubt, I agree your definition of man surely differs greatly from just about most people on the planet. Do you really believe taking "daddy's shotgun and getting blasted" is a real man?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Anonymous said...
    dear Granny, when are you going to leave Earth for good?

    Idiots who make statements like these directed at good people tend to leave earth MUCH sooner than folks like Granny.

    So maybe you should go pick out your shoe box now to get a jump start on things.

  48. Philly Waste Disposal9:02 AM

    Must be all those bodies laying around:


    BTW, Granny....you seem to be having problems with your head shaking. They have medications that can help folks your age with that.

  49. Re Eric Bolling and Fox (We're not Racist, but . . .) News. I won't repeat the rant I posted on my site yesterday but I will cut to the chase. I'm convinced that it's basically policy over there, to push the limits of how outrageously racist they can get and get away with, over there. And the sad part is they have been making steady progress with that, over the years.

  50. Brotha Field, as the only sista in Maine just wanted to let you know actually domestic violence is a big issue in Maine. I moved here 9 yrs from Chicago and was stunned to learn that, only thing is now its moving up the socio-economic ladder in Maine.

    Granted I have seen women here in broad day light who looked pretty well off sporting black eyes!

    So really this stuff happens all the time but its now reaching the point its making national news.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. fn:

    as i said yesterday, u r right about fox

    but why drag all of the red state dwellers into it.

    if that blackISH boogey man in dc was doing his job...the one he promised...and the red states' folks had jobs/homes/food/gas that was 2.00/gallon

    there would be no issue with hobama!!!

    hobama gave 23 trillion green dollars to banksters gone wild...they went wilder...and the rest of us are dying due to it.

    add to that his EXTRA wars that bilk BILLIONS more from those of us who are dying.

    add to that the ruthless hobama care's gutting of ALL health care to poor people...none of us will gain but they will lose MORE svcs

    i live in 2 states
    one red
    one blue

    and ALL of the people in each state are SUFFERING!!!

    fox news has nothing to do with that

    hobama is half white

    and MILLIONS of whites in ALL states voted for him

    u cannot blame his blackish skin over his evil green deeds

    it is dishonest and lame...

    but most of all it is just WAY TOO late in 2011!

    no prez gets a 4 yr pass!!!

    hobama has been in charge for 3 yrs now!!!

  54. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Brother Field,

    I live up here in Maine. Ain't many of us up here.

    Crazy stuff happens up here...all the time.

    If it wasn't for the clean air and ocean....I might be out.

    I miss my people

  55. there are 3 sides to every story

    pookie parents do not close doors during actual sex/screen tv sex

    even oj went off on nicole for sex in the LR

    this philly case may be an over exaggeration indeed


    i knew a 4 yr old who was taken from his home for daily verbal explicit ongoing XXX expertly detailed sexual harassment of his teacher that would have made a 40 yr old drunken sailor blush...

    clearly the child was being sexually abused/watching/practicing



  56. Anonymous10:09 AM

    preach on blackgirlinmaine

  57. ie

    wonder how that roasted weiner treated his pre-k teacher?

    he is a pookie politico


    he has now been busted as a veteran super freak


  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. bm:

    u have just proven that teachers are indeed STUPIDLY scapegoated for everything...


    he sounds like a baby rapist in training

    we teachers see them in all races and classes daily

  60. Queen Laa:

    thank u for letting me know that i am not the only one enraged by the kosher kkk needs slaps and his kapo antics with his one sided crime stat bs!!!!

    i hate that racist mf more than anyone else on this blog...even the vdlr!!!

  61. more proof that pookies rule the world:

    the vdlr is running a daycare??????


    Brooklyn day care owner who admitted stashing weed in her preschool still wants to care for kids.

    Donna Rogers, who received a no-jail sentence Tuesday for felony marijuana possession, asked the judge to sign a certificate that would allow her suspended day care license to get reinstated.

    "She just wants the opportunity in the future to work in a day care," said her lawyer Donald Yannella.


  62. Anonymous10:36 AM

    The Daily Mail reported:

    Opening the handwritten letter from President Obama brought a glimmer of hope to her life as he promised her that things would get better for her and her family.

    And despite the fact Destiny Mathis, from Hobart, Indiana, treasured the letter, more than two years later she has no choice but to sell it as she and her three children face eviction from their home.

    The 26-year-old was an avid campaigner for Mr Obama in 2008, getting T-shirts made and encouraging people in her neighbourhood to vote.

    Back then her life was tough but she had hope for her own future and the future of America.

    She graduated top of her class in 2005 and was working as a surgical technician while also helping her mother, who was battling cancer at the time.


    Thanks for the moving letter, and the support. You have such a positive spirit – please know that things will get better for you and your family. You inspire me and I’m rooting for you!

    God Bless,

    Barack Obama

    She said: ‘I campaigned for him hard. I got the shirts made, the Barack the Vote shirts made. We’ve done a lot.’

    It was about half way into the President’s term that things took a downward spiral for her.

    Her third baby was born prematurely with health problems and with limited daycare options she could no longer work.

    Her partner also left around this time.

    With nowhere else to turn, she decided to write the President a letter.

    She told the Huffington Post: ‘I wrote him just expressing my concern about what’s going to happen in the next two years. I know he’s under a lot of stress, but I need to see more results.’

    She told him she was optimistic for change when she campaigned for him and that now she feels her future is bleak and unpromising. Despite this she also praised the President and his efforts.

    She finishes by saying: ‘May God Bless you Mister President and your beautiful family. I also ask that GOD continues to bless your presidency and administration.’

    To Ms Mathis’ surprise, she received a handwritten response from the President shortly after.

    He told her that she had a ‘positive spirit’, that she inspired him and promised her that things would get better for her and her family.

    It looks like Destiny got duped.

    Hows dat hope and change workin' fo ya?

  63. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Pictures of Weiner cross dressing and covered in baby oil??

    You Democrats are some kinky mofos.

    Philly is the second dirtiest city in the country? Thats what Liberalism gets ya.

  64. desertflower writes:

    These Independentistas are a big bunch of hypocrites! These are the descendants of wealthy, elite, ex ruling class that were originally all for the US to take over as they assumed that their riches and power would increase.

    Their origins and attitudes are not the point. The fact is this: They are American Citizens.

    All presidents face protests and disapproval. However, presidents facing flag burning protests in other countries by people who are not Americans is one thing.

    But Americans burning American flags when a president visits their locale is, well, not common. This is a different thing.

    In other words, the good will, favor and confidence Americans once offered Obama is now gone.

  65. hobama channels oj

    as he proves yet again that he has 2012 in the bag


  66. Anonymous11:10 AM

    no_slappz said...

    In other words, the good will, favor and confidence Americans once offered Obama is now gone.

    This is true.With the Obama Regime expanding the power of the FBI,CIA,and the military–industrial complex things are not looking good for American.

    This is a time were 3rd world dicks become dangerous.

    This is when the Obama Regime will be at its most dangerous.

    We all ready have blacks rioting and killing and raping whites at high rates.We have union thugs rioting.

    Soon Obama will send the military out in the streets to kill tea party protesters.

    Will there be a election in 2012?

    I just hope America can survive the Obama Regime.

  67. slapnuts and destiny:

    It was about half way into the President’s term that things took a downward spiral for her.

    Her third baby was born prematurely

    Born prematurely? Yeah, before she got married.

    ...with health problems and with limited daycare options she could no longer work.

    Her partner also left around this time.

    What a shock. The dark-American father ran out.

    With nowhere else to turn, she decided to write the President a letter.

    She told him... I also ask that GOD continues to bless your presidency and administration.’

    To Ms Mathis’ surprise, she received a handwritten response from the President shortly after.

    Hey. Is everyone asleep? The president engaged in his own form gift-giving.

    Any letter from a president to a private citizen is valuable. Translation -- it can be sold for cash.

    Obama knew this when he wrote to her. He knwe the personal letter he was sending was better than a check. After all, it cost him nothing while giving her the gift of something she could sell for a lot of cash.

    Hmmm. Will the IRS swing by and check on things? A lot of athletes have gotten into IRS trouble after neglecting to declare income from selling autographs.

  68. hey lack!!!:

    file this under

    180 degrees of hobama nazi irony....shame!!!!!!!

    Opening the handwritten letter from President Obama brought a glimmer of hope to her life as he promised her that things would get better for her and her family.

    And despite the fact Destiny Mathis, from Hobart, Indiana, treasured the letter, more than two years later she has no choice but to sell it as she and her three children face eviction from their home.

    The 26-year-old was an avid campaigner for Mr Obama in 2008, getting T-shirts made and encouraging people in her neighbourhood to vote.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003688/Mother-3-Destiny-Mathis-sells-Obamas-handwritten-letter-avoid-eviction.html#ixzz1PMGIe4Nk

  69. Homeless Rover11:22 AM

    At this point in time, I wouldn't think you could get enough cash for an Obama letter to keep up the rent/payments on a dog house for more than a month.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. s:

    i just read your post...


  72. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    file this under

    sore wm losers who clown like kapos


    A game of Ding-Dong-Ditch nearly cost a boy his life after a middle-aged man blasted him in the back with a shotgun, police said.

    The incident occurred about 10 p.m. Monday while a group of kids played the game, where someone rings a person's doorbell and then runs away, on the suspect's street.

    Witnesses told police that Michael Bishop, 56, came out to his front porch armed with a shotgun, then fired it at the youths.

    The victim, 12-year-old Jason Eberle, was struck in the back and shoulder. He was in stable condition at Kosair Children's Hospital with collapsed lungs, according to WLKY 32 News.

    Bishop was charged with attempted murder.

    It was unclear if the boys had rung Bishop's doorbell before the shooting, but neighbors said the group had played the prank in the area the previous evening.

    "There were some complaints about some kids knocking on doors, ringing doorbells," police spokesman Dwight Mitchell told WAVE 3 News.

    Local residents were stunned by the shooting.

    "I'm shocked," Ida Buffat, who lives down the street from Bishop, told the Courier-Journal. "You don't do that kind of stuff in the country."

    Another neighbor, Doug Dorsey, brushed the doorbell game off as just "kids being kids."


  73. Obama's letter to Destiny ought be the start of something.

    First, I wonder how much she got for the letter?

    Second, because there's a market for Hallmark quality letters from presidents, it's obvious Obama can do something for impoverished blacks who ask him for help.

    If he were to write notes to every financially pressed black who sought help, the recipients would see that his written word has both meaning and value.

    The recipients of these letters could hold them up and say "See, the president believes in me," and then sell the letters to the highest bidder. They would be rare and valuable.

    Obama could rightfully say, with some degree of astonishment, that he himself was a shovel-ready project. And then he could start writing letters to blacks all over America, realizing that each one would put money in the pocket of the recipient.

    What would it cost? Almost nothing. A sheet of White House stationery, an envelope, and a stamp. In other words, the government would lay out about a buck (excluding the loss incurred by the Post Office, which loses money on every letter) and the person receiving the letter would sell it for its market value.

    What would be the price? Well, the Obama economic team would probably estimate the value around the price of a Chevy Volt -- $41,000.

    Inasmuch as the Obama economic team has concluded that Chevy Volts will become massive sellers, it's obvious the team can apply the same analysis to determining the value of an Obama anti-poverty letter.

    If he were to write enough of them, he would create enough money to repay the $5 Trillion his adminstration has borrowed.

    Obama Bucks. The money you can count on.

  74. Fry Cook12:05 PM

    Hey, if anybody has an Obama letter they want to sell, I'd be willing to give a Quarter Pounder (no cheese) for it.

    Just email me at:


  75. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc this to a white/jew blog NOW!!!!!!!

    file this under toxic rich white pookie celeb parents...shame!!!!!!!

    After she became the youngest Oscar winner in history at age 10, taking home the hardware for her role in Paper Moon—opposite her father, Ryan O’Neal (Love Story)—Tatum’s life quickly spiraled out of control. Motivated in part by alleged physical and emotional abuse by her father, she began smoking marijuana at 12, and soon got into Quaaludes and cocaine. That same year, Tatum alleged her then 18-year-old pal, actress Melanie Griffith, dragged her into an opium-fueled orgy. At 15, she was left abandoned when her father ran away with the former pinup goddess Farrah Fawcett, and before she reached the age of 16, Tatum had been molested by two men and two women (one of the men was her father’s longtime friend). When she was 18, she started using cocaine to lose weight, and in 1995, following the end of her tumultuous eight-year marriage to tennis star John McEnroe—and three children together—she got hooked on heroin.
    All of this was chronicled in her 2004 bestselling memoir, A Paper Life, of which her reportedly furious father told the New York Daily News, "It is a sad day when malicious lies are told in order to become a 'bestseller.’” Love truly is a battlefield.

    Tatum has been sober for the past seven years, but made front-page headlines in 2008, when she was arrested purchasing crack cocaine near her apartment in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The actress opens up about her journey toward recovery and reconnecting with her father in her recent memoir, Found: A Daughter’s Journey Home, and the reality docuseries Ryan and Tatum: The O’Neals, which premieres June 19 on the Oprah Winfrey Network. In a wide-ranging interview with The Daily Beast, she discusses her relationship with her father, the 2008 drug arrest, “dating” Michael Jackson, the tough road for child stars like Lindsay Lohan, and much more.


  76. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc this to a white/jew blog NOW!!!

    wf party pookie baby killer who SHOULD be fried asap


    Cindy explained why the mitochondrial-matched 9-inch-long hair found decomposing in Casey's car trunk couldn't have been anyone else in the family's except little Caylee. She testified that the child's Winnie-the-Pooh blanket had mysteriously disappeared from the home along with black plastic trash bags and a canvas laundry bag that had been stored in the garage—all items found with the 2-year-old’s remains.

    And then, having bolstered the prosecution, Cindy mouthed the words, "I love you," to her incarcerated daughter as she left the stand.

    It would have been a dramatic ending, but the last prosecution witness was actually tattoo artist Bobby Williams who etched a swooping "Bella Vita" tat into Casey's upper back during the time she should have been mourning her baby's death. The jury got to see a photo of Casey, in a white sports bra, displaying the "Beautiful Life" tattoo.

    Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick and her team, Jeff Ashton and Frank George, have methodically walked the panel through testimony from some five dozen witnesses. Jurors have seen and heard things most of us will never have to ponder. Tiny skeleton bones, expert opinions on the smell of human decomposition and insects that feast upon dead flesh, and the possibility that a baby's mother committed deliberate murder so she could be free to go out dancing and drinking with her latest boyfriend.


  77. kosher klkk needs slaps:

    file this under another viagara swilling old wm pookie whore fool pimp gets played by another wf gold digging trick young enough to be his great granddaughter


    Hugh Hefner's wedding to Crystal Harris was called off after she secretly planned to ditch the Playboy mogul at the altar in return for a $500,000 media deal, Page Six has exclusively learned.

    Harris, 25, was shopping for a big-bucks deal to tell all after she ditched hapless Hef, 85, in front of 300 guests at their wedding at the Playboy Mansion on Saturday, to be filmed for a Lifetime TV special.

    Yesterday it emerged that the pair had called off the wedding following an argument on Sunday, and the blond bride-no-longer-to-be immediately moved out of the mansion.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/hef_honey_plotted_altar_dump_cO7aX2aMwkvjYUlCyIFAQK#ixzz1PMaiLcZz

  78. You're Fat & Ugly12:53 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    kosher klkk needs slaps:

    file this under another viagara swilling old wm pookie whore fool pimp gets played by another wf gold digging trick young enough to be his great granddaughter


    Hugh Hefner's wedding to Crystal Harris was called off after she secretly planned to ditch the Playboy mogul at the altar in return for a $500,000 media deal, Page Six has exclusively learned.

    Harris, 25, was shopping for a big-bucks deal to tell all after she ditched hapless Hef, 85, in front of 300 guests at their wedding at the Playboy Mansion on Saturday, to be filmed for a Lifetime TV special.

    Yesterday it emerged that the pair had called off the wedding following an argument on Sunday, and the blond bride-no-longer-to-be immediately moved out of the mansion.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/hef_honey_plotted_altar_dump_cO7aX2aMwkvjYUlCyIFAQK#ixzz1PMaiLcZz

    12:38 PM"

    What in the Wide World of Sports does this story have to do with ANYTHING?

    You're just jealous because she is one hot b*tch, and you look like a chimpanzee's ass.

  79. hobama to banksters:

    "hey...uhm yaknow...u guys owe me...so uuuuuhm...jobs???...no i do not want any of those....how about some campaign cash...ok????"


    Unemployment numbers are often the best predictor of an incumbent president's reelection, many have noted. Despite a lackluster Republican field and brinksmanship over the debt ceiling that has some on Wall Street scared, sustained joblessness isn't likely to make the majority of the country get out and vote for more of the same. And the jobless rate is at its highest among young people and recent graduates, the very people who put Obama over the top in 2008, the ones whose energy was dedicated not to raising money but to getting out the vote.

    The 2012 presidential race will no doubt be the most expensive in history, bolstered by the unlimited corporate cash allowed by the Citizens United decision. It's understandable, of course, that the Democrats don't want to go into that race with their pockets empty. But as the Obama reelection campaign starts calling its small donors and volunteers, asking them to sign back up, to kick in $20 or $30 at a time, what response will they get when those same people can see the administration's interest in courting the investor class, rather than the working class?



    nasty fat assnon playboy mag fan:

    cc that relevancy bs to that retared crime reporter kosher kkk needs slaps

  80. nasty fat assnon playboy mag fan:

    cc that relevancy bs to that retarded crime reporter kosher kkk needs slaps

  81. nasty fat assnon playboy mag fan:

    got glasses????????

    once more with feeling!!!:

    cc that relevancy bs to that retarded crime reporter kosher kkk needs slaps!!!!!!!

  82. You're Fat & Ugly1:03 PM

    So....what the's crime??????

  83. Al "Stupid" Gore1:23 PM

    A little something for you Global Warmers:

    "And we're back to the Ice Age predictions:

    I hope you all enjoyed the brief, but glorious Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change era, as it appears Science (ever to be praised, never to be doubted) has now changed her mind again and the Earth is going to be getting colder. But this time it's not Man's fault, but rather the Sun's."


    "The amusing thing isn't so much the about-face, or even the way in which news sites that previously bought into the AGW/CC myth were quick to attempt to minimize the announcement. "However, the temperature change associated with any reduction in sunspot activity would likely be minimal and not enough to offset the impact of greenhouse gases on global warming, according to scientists."

    Of course. How could even a minimal cooling manage to offset something that isn't even happening. But the statement is literally true since there is no impact of "greenhouse gases", also known as "carbon dioxide", on global warming and they were careful to utilize the word "likely" to cover their posteriors in case they happen to be wrong. Again.

    But whether the Earth is headed for a mini Ice Age or a maxi Heat Age, we can be certain of one thing. The only possible solution recommended by Science will involve handing over more money and political power to whatever government authority pays the salaries of the scientists involved.

  84. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Sorry Scienceless Goober, but the term is more accurately Global Climate Change. Because silly WATBs in rural Podunkia thinkerate the whole world is their patch of poverty.

    On a funnier note...Oliver Willis..
    'This is why conservatism is crap. This is why conservative whining about the liberal media is crap. Their claims do not survive the scrutiny of basic fact checking.

    This is mostly because they are lying.'


  85. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Now...on a completely different note...Chris in Paris...
    'Krugman links to an earlier Giuliani comment about how if Democrats won the 2008 presidential election, American health care might become like France!

    We can only wish.

    In France, visits to the emergency room cost around 27 euros a pop (around 40 bucks), whereas in the US the average ER visit costs $1000. Doctor visits in France are set at around 22 or 23 euros ($32 or $33). My chest x-ray a few years back, which I was warned was going to be "really expensive," was around 45 euros or $65. And expensive surgery, like my retinal detachment surgery, which would have cost $20,000+ in the US, came to a whopping 1600 euros ($2300) in France. But, you're wondering, are there long waits? Not for the emergency room - I waited between 20 minutes and 3 hours, just like in the US. For my retina surgery I had to wait 3 days because my doctor was busy doing other surgeries until then. For the chest x-ray, I just called them and walked right over - I waited a whopping 1 minute in the office, got the x-ray, and within 20 minutes the doc had already consulted with me about my results and I was done.
    But the quality of care? Our medical system is better right? Well, my American specialist was so impressed by the job the French did on my eye, he asked, "who did your surgery, this is amazing!" - not knowing I had it done in France.

    We're number one.'


  86. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    On a funnier note...Oliver Willis..
    'This is why conservatism is crap. This is why conservative whining about the liberal media is crap. Their claims do not survive the scrutiny of basic fact checking.

    This is mostly because they are lying.'


    What scrutiny?? What fact checking??

    Please provide more info.But always start with facts.Something negro goobers no nothing about.

  87. Al "Stupid" Gore.1:45 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Sorry Scienceless Goober, but the term is more accurately Global Climate Change.


    1:30 PM"

    Oh, I know, moldycrap. They had to change it from "Global Warming", to "Global Climate Change", when they realized THEIR OWN SCIENCE couldn't prove it was actually warming.

    How convenient. We have Global Climate Change EVERY DAMN DAY!

  88. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I wanna know why it's Blacks who complain about zero tolerance policies..SMH.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. fat fugly hairy lipless farcical fogey fecal farting fearful fretting frantic flustered festering fitful flacid(always!!!)
    frenzied flustered frog-licking fuzzy felled furry freaky fibbing flea-bitten feral felonious faceless filthy foolish fink funky flaming-dl fan assnon:

    cc that bogus bs to kosher kkk needs slaps
    so he can take his tired racist crime stats kapo antics to a white/jew blog NOW!!!!!

  91. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The French are a wonderful bunch.Always willing to help a fellow out.

    I just happen one night in the fall to enjoy the company of a nice young man.He was striking handsome.A real man.Not american made.

    He ask something of me that i had dare not mention.He wanted to diddled me.I remembered how much it hurt my hiney when daddy went there.

    After a wild night of love making it happen.Afterwards,I starting bleeding from hiney and i was scared.

    I was able to call a Doctor to my room.It took the doctor about 10 mins to get to my room.My poop was bloody.No worries,within 10 mins he had stop the bleeding and i was able to go on about my day.

    It only cost 29 euros to fix my hiney.

    Born in the usa!!! We're number 1.

    Whatever goobers.


  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Field, "If you were to find out that the little rugrat was white would it make a difference how you perceived the situation?"

    Com on, Field. You know it make a hell of a difference IF the child were White. This is America. If the child happened to be White it would make all the difference in the world because white kids don't run their hands up a teacher's thigh...it's not in their DNA, and you know it.

    However, you and I know that the child HAD to be Black to have done that. Blacks and Whites live on different moral levels when it comes to raising kids with 'values'.

    Your Killadelphia Murder Count proves that, Bro. We haven't learned to 'value' each other's lives, let alone raise kids to know what is appropriate and NOT appropriate.

    I have read your past posts and opinion about humans being on a higher rung of life than dogs(pets) are. Then why do a lot of our folks 'act like dogs' when it comes to sex?
    Does my explanation answer your question this time around?

    Speaking of sexual misconduct, North Carolina today became the third state to axe Planned Parenthood funding:


    One thing about Repubs...they do bring CHANGE...unlike those lying Dems who NEVER bring change. Brotha Field, please give some serious consideration to coming on over, Bro. We'll be glad to have ya. Bring Desertflower, Granny and Kid with you. CF would love it!

  94. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc this to a white/jew blog now!!!

    fertile fertilizing wm pookie baby killer


    A northeastern Pennsylvania man was arrested and charged with killing his newborn daughter by dropping a cinderblock on her head because he and his girlfriend couldn’t afford another child.

    According to police, Christopher Fitzpatrick’s girlfriend began experiencing labor pains while the couple and Fitzpatrick’s 11-year-old sister were inside a grocery store on May 28.

    “Have this f*cking baby,” Mr. Fitzpatrick, 20, allegedly told Jennifer A. Barrise, 28. “I just want to get rid of it. I gotta do what I gotta do.” Barrise asked him twice if he intended to kill their baby, but she never received a response.

    The three returned to their car in the parking lot of the grocery store where Barrise gave birth to an apparently healthy baby girl, who landed on the floor of the car. None of the three touched the crying baby.

    Later that day, Fitzpatrick took the baby to his job, a lawn care business, where he dropped a cinderblock twice on the baby’s head. Fitzpatrick and Barrise already had a 1-year-old boy together. She reportedly had 5 other children by different men.


  95. Harlem Highlights:

    Teen shot and killed on Harlem street outside community garden


    June 15, 2011

    A 15-year-old boy was fatally shot last night near his Harlem home, police said.

    Juan Ortero, 15, was on East 117th Street near Madison Avenue when bullets flew at 9:36 p.m., cops said

    Police were called and found Ortero, a 10th grader, had been struck in the chest outside the Peaceful Valley community garden.

    He was taken to Metropolitan Hospital where he later died.

    Ortero, who loved computers and video games, has a prior arrest for robbery in 2009. He was also the victim of a shooting last year when a gunman blasted him in the hand.

    The victim's father, Juan Anthony Ortero, 35, who lives in Jersey City, said his son was a good kid.

    "My son was a good kid," he said. "He was just a teenager going to school. I don't know what happened."

    Police have made no arrests in the shooting.

    "He was just 15," Ortero said. "He didn't deserve this."

    Ortero's uncle Arturo Vega, 36, who lives across the street from where the shooting took place, said Juan was a "very loving young man."

    "He always wanted to hang with his friends, but that's what caught up with him," he said. "Maybe hanging with the wrong people.

    "When they're young, [teens] think they're invincible. It has been hard on everyone."

    Vega said he heard the shooting from his apartment.

    "I heard four or five gunshots. I had just spoken to him before he left the house," he recalled. "His friend was waiting for him at the corner [of 116th Street]."

    Vega said he didn't think Juan had been hurt.

    "I hear gunshots all the time," he said.

    Vega said it wasn't until a friend called him "that he knew Juan was shot."

    "I came down and I knew he was gone when I saw him," he added.

  96. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The French are a wonderful bunch.Always willing to help a fellow out.

    I just happen one night in the fall to enjoy the company of a nice young man.He was striking handsome.A real man.Not american made.

    He ask something of me that i had dare not mention.He wanted to diddled me.I remembered how much it hurt my hiney when daddy went there.

    After a wild night of love making it happen.Afterwards,I starting bleeding from hiney and i was scared.

    I was able to call a Doctor to my room.It took the doctor about 10 mins to get to my room.My poop was bloody.No worries,within 10 mins he had stop the bleeding and i was able to go on about my day.

    It only cost 29 euros to fix my hiney.

    Born in the usa!!! We're number 1.

    Whatever goobers.

    Mold, OK cool, do you feel better now that you have come out and told the world about your hiney diddling daddy? I hope so. I think he overcharged you for the hemmorhoid suppositories though, just FYI, you can get them for about 2 bucks in any drugstore in the U.S ya pathetic mongrel.

  97. Police are trying to make sense of the shooting death Sunday of a well-known white-supremacist leader, allegedly at the hands of his young son.

    Authorities believe the boy, whose age was not released, did not shoot his father by accident.

    "We believe it was an intentional act,'' said Riverside police Lt. Ed Blevins.

    Officials have not speculated about a possible motive.

    Jeff Russell Hall, 32, was Southwestern regional director of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi group based in Detroit. Police were called to his home at 4:04 a.m. Sunday and found a badly injured Hall lying on a couch.

    Paramedics attempted to revive Hall, but he died at the scene, Blevins said. After interviewing Hall's wife and five children, police booked a minor son on a homicide charge, he said.

    The boy was booked into Riverside County Juvenile Hall. Riverside County prosecutors are reviewing the case, Blevins said.

    Hall's other children were taken into protective custody, he said. A neighbor told the Press-Enterprise that all of the couple's children are under the age of 12.


  98. March 18, 2011

    Man arrested at hospital for disorderly conduct
    David Ball
    The Orange Leader The Orange Leader Fri Mar 18, 2011, 07:37 PM CDT

    ORANGE — A screaming and cursing reportedly intoxicated man was arrested at the emergency room of a local hospital.

    According to a report by Officer J.M. Busby of the Orange Police Department, he was dispatched at 1:11 p.m. on Thursday, March 17 to Baptist Hospital Orange at 608 Strickland in reference to a belligerent white male.

    He spoke with the white male in the ER. Busby wrote he saw the white male allegedly had poor physical demeanor and a strong odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath and person with slurred speech. He was also repeating himself.

    He then began to curse and use vulgar language. At one point, he became very angry and began to yell curse words. Multiple people were watching and listening to the white male.

    The white male was identified as Clifford Page. He was placed into custody for Disorderly Conduct- Language and Public Intoxication and transported to the Orange County Jail.


  99. Moynihan was right on urban crime


    June 15, 2011

    In just the last few days, a deadly shoot ing on the Brighton Beach boardwalk in Brooklyn killed Tysha Jones, 16, and wounded five others.

    In The Bronx, cops busted a 17-year-old boy for shooting a teenage girl in the head outside a party. The victim, Yvette Torres, 15, was only trying to break up a dispute.

    On Monday, a woman in her 80s, Mazzie Garris, was stabbed inside her Harlem apartment during a robbery attempt.

    In another recent Bronx case, Claudia Millan, a 29-year-old mother of four (including a visually impaired child) was fatally shot in the face on a Bronx street while holding her 2-year-old son's hand.

    And in Newark, a 16-year police veteran, Officer William Johnson, was fatally shot last month while off duty and grabbing a slice of pizza at a neighborhood restaurant.

    Are these cases the result of a shrinking police force? Or of urban violence -- and history repeating itself?

    No one really likes to publicly talk about black-on-black crime -- what New York's first black police commissioner, Ben Ward, once called "our little secret." But one man saw it all coming.

    Forty-six years ago, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then an assistant secretary of labor, famously wrote to President Lyndon Johnson warning that the collapse of black family life would mean rising chaos and crime. Before the days of last year's alarming 31 percent jump in the homicide rate among African-Americans in New York City (even as the number of whites slain last year dropped 27 percent) Moynihan saw the predicament of the African-American male as a vicious cycle.

    "There is one unmistakable lesson in American history," Moynihan wrote in his much-talked-about 1965 report, "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action," "a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring rational expectations about the future -- that community asks for and gets chaos."

    Liberals and civil-rights leaders screamed bloody murder then, accusing Moynihan of "blaming the victim" -- even calling him racist. History has shown it wasn't Moynihan but his critics who were the impediments to progress, and that Moynihan was dead on with almost all of his predictions.

    Take nearly any city, and the results are almost all the same -- chaos.

    Moynihan was trying to break the cycle of generational poverty, which he knew a thing or two about, having lived fatherless and in poverty himself. Yet instead of honoring Moynihan, civil-rights leaders and others ridiculed him.

    But 46 years later, it seems as if Moynihan had a crystal ball about the stories that dominate the news. The lack-of-opportunity argument doesn't fly anymore -- nor does blaming others.

    Imagine what historians writing 100 years from now might say. Use of the N-word not only accepted by young people, but justified in some circles. Young men socialized to think that prison is a rite of passage as opposed to obtaining a college education. Maybe we should've listened to Moynihan?

    Even America's first African-American president has expressed the same alarm over black family disintegration. President Obama cited Moynihan in his book, "The Audacity of Hope," praising Moynihan's warnings and complaining that Moynihan had been wrongly accused of racism.

    Moynihan didn't just point out problems, he also advocated, warning that without jobs, educational programs and vocational training, black men would become systematically alienated from their roles as husbands and fathers.

    We should all realize Moynihan was years ahead of his time and saw the troubles ahead.

    Journalist Dominic Carter has covered city and state politics for 25 years.

  100. | Advertisement
    Question: How does a mentally unstable man who was kicked out of school and had run-ins with the law buy an assault weapon?

    The weapon reportedly used in the mass murders in Tucson was an assault weapon -- a Glock 19, semi-automatic pistol, with an extended magazine. That weapon was illegal to sell in the US from 1994 to 2004 under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. It is now legal to sell and own. The National Rifle Association reports there are tens of millions of assault weapons is private hands in the US.

    The federal background check for people purchasing such weapons only prohibits selling such weapons to people who have been legally determined to be mentally defective or found insane or convicted of crimes. This man had not been found legally mentally defective or convicted so he was legally entitled to purchase an assault weapon. In Arizona he was legally entitled to carry the weapon in a concealed manner.


  101. * A white bank robber is alleged to have attempted to fool US police by wearing a Hollywood special effects mask and gloves that disguised him as a black man. According to police reports, Conrad Zdzierak, 30, is alleged to have used the £450 silicon mask in an audacious string of six bank robberies in Ohio. Five of the robberies took place on the same day, April 9. Police in Springdale, Ohio released CCTV footage from the banks, appealing for public help in finding what they believed was an African-American male.


  102. Boy, three, left with horrific facial injuries as Labrador savages him while his mother strokes puppy

    A three-year-old boy could be scarred for life after he was savaged by a dog during a family picnic.

    Logan Trim was left with horrific facial injuries when he was mauled by the black Labrador in a park at Poole Harbour, Dorset.

    The attack was especially shocking as Labradors are known for having an excellent temperament and are friendly around children

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003849/Boy-3-left-horrific-facial-injuries-Labrador-savages-Poole-Harbour.html#ixzz1PNOiSGg5

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003849/Boy-3-left-horrific-facial-injuries-Labrador-savages-Poole-Harbour.html#ixzz1PNOfuVNU

  103. Anonymous3:56 PM

    shut up ya cast iron skillet lookin banks queefa!

  104. Mequon, WI - Dennis Markov, a 20-year-old Wisconsin man was charged with murder Thursday after he allegedly shot both of his parents in the back of the head over $5 in gas money.

    According to Police, Markov told investigators that he became angry when he asked his father for $5 in gas money, and his father refused.

    Investigators say an argument ensued, and Markov retaliated by retrieving a .22 caliber rifle from his bedroom - which he then used to shoot his father in the back of the head.

    Markov was reportedly trying to wrap his father's head with a towel to contain the blood when he heard his father gurgle. That's when he pointed the rifle at his father once more and shot him again.

    Markov then dragged his father's body across the kitchen floor into the garage before swiping $30 from his father's wallet.

    Markov was mopping up his father's blood in the kitchen when his mother returned around 8 p.m. after running errands.

    Police say Markov hid in the laundry room and waited for his mother. When she walked past the laundry room, he reportedly fired two shots into the back of her head. He then reportedly wrapped her head with towels and hid her body in the garage along with his father.

    With both parents deceased, Markov rummaged through his parents room and took another $200.


  105. vdlr:

    u r a nig belly warmer


    Let's face it, white men in suits are terrifying. You never know when they're going to steal all your money in a ponzi scheme, steal all your money and give it to other white guys as bonuses, or steal your life savings "and put you upside down in a house you can't afford."

    As Larry Wilmore points out, it's gotten so bad even Republicans don't trust white people, considering that they appointed Michael Steele as head of their party. He adds, "I have a feeling even though they went black, they're gonna go back."

    Wilmore goes on to give white people advice like, "Don't try to run from the cops, we've tried it and we're faster than you."


  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. kosher kkk needs slaps/kkkodombo:

    watch where you chug your bagels kapo!!!

    tell your belly warmer the vdlr to watch where she sucks up her ramen noodles too!!!



    Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) - Murder (19 Counts), Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Extortion, Narcotics Distribution, Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering; Extortion; Money Laundering

    REWARD: The FBI is offering a $2,000,000 reward for information leading directly to the arrest of James J. Bulger.

    James J. Bulger is being sought for his role in numerous murders committed from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s in connection with his leadership of an organized crime group that allegedly controlled extortion, drug deals, and other illegal activities in the Boston, Massachusetts, area. He has a violent temper and is known to carry a knife at all times.


  110. Robert William Fisher is wanted for allegedly killing his wife and two young children and then blowing up the house in which they all lived in Scottsdale, Arizona in April of 2001.

    Fisher is physically fit and is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, and fisherman. He has a noticeable gold crown on his upper left first bicuspid tooth. He may walk with an exaggerated erect posture and his chest pushed out due to a lower back injury. Fisher is known to chew tobacco heavily. He has ties to New Mexico and Florida. Fisher is believed to be in possession of several weapons, including a high-powered rifle.

    Fisher has surgical scars on his lower back.



    Fraud by Wire; RICO Conspiracy; Mail Fraud; Money Laundering Conspiracy; Money Laundering; Aiding and Abetting; Securities Fraud; Filing False Registration With the SEC; False Filings With the SEC; Falsification of Books and... more →

    REWARD: The FBI is offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Semion Mogilevich.

    Semion Mogilevich is wanted for his alleged participation in a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud thousands of investors in the stock of a public company incorporated in Canada, but headquartered in Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, between 1993 and 1998. The scheme to defraud collapsed in 1998, after thousands of investors lost in excess of 150 million U.S. dollars, and Mogilevich, thought to have allegedly funded and authorized the scheme, was indicted in April of 2003.

    Mogilevich may wear facial hair to include a moustache. He is known to be a heavy smoker. Mogilevich has his primary residence in Moscow, Russia. He is known to utilize a Russian passport, but may also possess Israeli, Ukrainian, and Greek passports.

    Mogilevich has pockmarks on his face.


  112. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Jeff Russell Hall, 32, was Southwestern regional director of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi group based in Detroit. Police were called to his home at 4:04 a.m. Sunday and found a badly injured Hall lying on a couch.

    Happened March 15th

    Mequon, WI - Dennis Markov, a 20-year-old Wisconsin man was charged with murder Thursday after he allegedly shot both of his parents in the back of the head over $5 in gas money

    Happened April 21st

    AB are you seriously searching all of history for anything you might consider a crime committed by someone with white skin. Are you seriously incapable of understanding the diff between last nights black news and the assorted historical posts you are putting up? No, really, do you not see the difference?

    If you have to go back months to find a few white boys that can compete with just the skim headlines from last nights black news in america, doesn't that tell you anything?

  113. Inspector Clouseau4:19 PM

    " alicia banks said...

    Mogilevich may wear facial hair to include a moustache.

    Mogilevich has pockmarks on his face.
    4:15 PM"

    Dyyyammmm! It's AB!

  114. pizza faced faceless assnon:

    my skin is flawless
    all over

    got envy to go with your acne mf?

  115. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Anonymous Inspector Clouseau said...

    " alicia banks said...

    Mogilevich may wear facial hair to include a moustache.

    Mogilevich has pockmarks on his face.
    4:15 PM"

    Dyyyammmm! It's AB!

    aint that the troof!

  116. Anonymous4:25 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    pizza faced faceless assnon:

    my skin is flawless
    all over

    4:20 PM"

    Well, at least she didn't deny the moustache.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. hey vdlr:

    stop swilling all that yak/weed/baby deddy juice and u too can have flawless smooth skin like my own...bet.

  119. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Did the mere mention of Fact-checking put the fear of God into some? If so, why?
    Oliver Willis is a well-known blogger who has done more than his share of showing that Cons lie...and do so as lying is normal for them.
    Chris in Paris...lives in the Real Paris and shares the experience with us. Funny thing, while the Cons wet themselves over his comments on health care...they overlook his pieces on the French wingnuts...most of whom are ignorant Trashies. I guess getting huffy over illuminating the dishonesty and corruption might have the US folks asking if the US version is just as bad.


  120. more on hobama and his peer hos in dc


    WASHINGTON -- White House Press Secretary Jay Carney forcefully defended the administration's hiring of top contributors for important government posts, trotting out what most good-government groups would deem an innovative explanation.
    The president, Carney said, does not discriminate against people who have raised money on his behalf.

    "Being a supporter does not qualify you for a job," said Carney at Wednesday's daily press briefing. "But it also does not disqualify you."


  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. Roto Rooter Man5:17 PM

    AB, you're just like a turd that won't flush.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. hey vdlr:

    michael jackson's ghost just called

    he read your posts and he asked:

    "why did she teach those thugs to kick her in her weave like that kike?"



    toilet stain assnon:

    cc that to those 2 faceless floaters the vdlr and kosher kkk needs slaps!!!!

  126. Anonymous6:03 PM

    AB said...

    toilet stain assnon:

    Allright that's it for you MS banks, go stand in the corner and put that dunce cap on and you will stay there until the end of recess!!!

  127. Anonymous6:20 PM

    AB said...

    toilet stain assnon:

    Allright that's it for you MS banks, go stand in the corner and put that dunce cap on and you will stay there until the end of recess!!! banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a duncebanks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce banks is a dunce

  128. Spent a night in a French hospital after I fell off my mountain bike - amazing experience. I've been in 4* hotels that were less comfortable.

    You're lying in your bed at 18:30 the nurse brings you a wine list with your evening meal menu.

    "If you are looking at the Sanscerre sir, I can particularly recommend the Pascal Jolibet."

    "Fine I'll have a glass of that with the Monkfish, the dauphinoise, and the petit pois."

    "An excellent choice sir."

    The medical care is pretty damn good too.

    People say that the Finish health service is even better, but on the one occasion I went there I didn't fall off anything.

    In Amsterdam hospitals you can smoke dope, they have a special room put aside for smokers. Sometimes that would be a problem for me, I would call down a patient for a CAT scan and he'd be so high he would practically float off the table.

  129. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Some of you folks have disrespected AB, one of the most intelligent and one of the top teachers known. You Negroes, Jews and fake Whites won't get away with your jokes to AB. She WILL slay your asses one by one: Black...White...Black...White..etc.

    AB is an equal opportunity slayer. You will ALL pay! Prepare yourselves to be un-mercifully destroyed in front of the entire blogosphere! Lawd have mercy on you all.

  130. Anonymous9:15 PM

    no_slappz said...
    In other words, the good will, favor and confidence Americans once offered Obama is now gone.
    Those particular people protest against ANY American president, not just Obama.
    In all fairness I must say that the Independentista Party of Puerto Rico, who were the ones that allegedly did what you referred to. I say allegedly because none of the news stations that I watched covered that particular event, so I didn't know about it, will always demonstrate like that because they want independence for the island, which is now a commonwealth. The party in power now, the PNP's want statehood. and the PPD's want to stay as a commonwealth. As for me, I don't give a s&i#! LOL!
