Sunday, June 19, 2011

In praise of AMC and Father's Day. And a phony Obama gets the boot.

I am having "The Killing" withdrawals already. Now what am I supposed to do at 10:00PM on Sunday nights? With all due respect to HBO, AMC is fast becoming the best channel on television for original programming.

So anyway, another Father's Day has come and gone. Hopefully, putting some focus on one particular day will continue to make us aware of the importance of being  good fathers. Clearly this guy wasn't a good father, and these guys more than likely weren't raised by one. But I suspect that most of you reading this are good fathers and were raised by good men. I know that I was. My father was the kind of man who was as comfortable with college presidents and Prime Ministers as he was with the "average Joe" on the street. He taught me the importance of judging people by their character and and not their title or the size of their bank book. He loved the same woman as long as I knew him, and he raised his two children to value education, family, and the community in which they live.

In the black community, now, more than ever, we need good fathers. I am glad that our president is a good role model in that respect. But we need the cab driver, the cop, and every dude in the neighborhood pushing a nine to five (even the ones who aren't) to be good role models as well.      

Finally, I see that those oh so sensitive republiclowns yanked an Obama impersonator after his "tasteless Jokes" at their Leadership Conference in New Orleans.

Funny, they didn't yank my man until he started telling jokes about the republiclown candidates. It seems that only tasteless jokes about O will be tolerated by my wingnut friends.

Sorry Reggie, I hope that you at least got your check before you left.



  1. he was a lot funnier than hobama...

  2. Whitey's Conspiracy12:37 AM

    I've seen people sell themselves a lot cheaper.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. excellent sermon on amoral fathers like kosher kkk needs slaps/molded mumbling moron

    dumb amoral ignorant uneducated illiterate mindless bastards who breed:

  5. Anonymous1:09 AM

    alicia banks said...
    excellent sermon on amoral fathers like kosher kkk needs slaps/molded mumbling moron

    This woman has to be in love with slappy, she starts every post with a bow or ref to him. Cuckoooooo..cuckooooooo.....

  6. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Field I agree that the black community needs good fathers more than ever. I am surprised that LAA, Granny, Ann G. Myma and Sharon frm WI failed to wish the many good bm Happy Father's Day. I am hurt that they didn't-and I know you are too. Why can't they show a little love towards us?

    How are we to come together as a unified race when the opposite gender won't honor and celebrate our existence?

  7. NSangoma3:01 AM

    Negroe, you want to be a Role Model for young Black boys ??!!

    Punk-Fool-Ass Negroe, who the fuck was your male role model ?

    Where him daddy am?

    Does your fat-ass mama know where he am?

    Does she know who the fuck yo' daddy iz, Negroe ?

  8. Field, did you watch any episodes of Game of Thrones

  9. Field, did you watch any episodes of Game of Thrones"

    No, I never got into it. Should I check it out?

    Nsangoma, are you alright? They might need to take down your dosage a notch. :)

  10. Field, I have not watched "The Killing" so I can't say "Game of Thrones" is THE best. But it's certainly among the better shows. I describe it as The Wire meets Rome with a side order of The Sopranos.

    If you do decide to give it a shot you should probably not look at any online info as there are tons of spoilers all over the place.

  11. Anne Lynn Montgomery had two kids with the anonymous, but willing, sperm donor who happens to be black.

    The news item says she faces 20 years in jail for their conspiracy. Meanwhile, nothing was said about his responsibilities. Furthermore, he's now 17, thus it's notable that his name is missing from the news reports.

    In a similar case that began in the 1990s, Mary Kay LeTourneau, a teacher in her early 30s fell for one of her 13-year-old students, Vili Fualaau. She also bore two of his children.

    She was prosecuted and sentenced to prison for 7 years. She was released from jail in 2004.

    Where are the two today? They're married.

    Meanwhile, in the black community, Father's Day remains the most confusing day of the year.

    Therefore, it's no surprise that field tries to take the focus off the real problem by bringing in a story that presents the illegitimacy issue in the black community as another conspiracy perpetrated by whites.

    It seems field depends on a lot of stories of whites taking advantage of blacks that portray blacks who are too young and too foolish to know better.

    He presents entire black nations in the same way.

    The population of every black nation in Africa has a median age of 18 or less.

    In other words, these countries are populated by children, which means the girls begin having babies when they are in their early teens.

    How old are the fathers? All ages.

  12. field writes:

    He taught me the importance of judging people by their character and and not their title or the size of their bank book. He loved the same woman as long as I knew him, and he raised his two children to value education, family, and the community in which they live.

    Wow. Was he white?

  13. field writes:

    In the black community, now, more than ever, we need good fathers.

    Now? More Than Ever?

    Why? Is it possible that even more disintegration of the black family is occurring?

    Why is there virtually no such thing as an intact black family?

  14. Anonymous7:41 AM

    no_slappz, "Why is there virtually no such thing as an intact black family?"

    You are right, there is a problem in the black community when it comes to fathering children.

    What do you recommend?

  15. Anonymous7:58 AM

    field, "Nsangoma, are you alright? They might need to take down your dosage a notch. :)"

    take down his dosage a notch? it's going to take more than a change of dosage for him. he is straight out of "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest". he's crazy; he hates life--this half-human person is among the living dead. his pattern of emotional thinking has all of the earmarks of child abandonment, neglect, emotional abuse and probably other abuses by both parents. the result is self-hatred projected on an entire race.

    It's a living hell because there was never any love. might as well be dead=the living dead.

  16. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The national black illegitimacy rate is 72%, however, in some cities the rate is considerably higher than that. For example, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin the black illegitimacy rate is 92%!!!!!!

    Happy Father's Day.

  17. NSangoma9:42 AM

    The Negroe baby-mama problem produces Negroes like this one:

    MoFo, showing the crack of nas-si-sti-dy ass got on a public means of conveyance wearing his nasty damn pajama bottoms.

    And, who does field negro breaph and field negro breaph Negroes find fault with? ...

    field negro breaph enjoys viewing young Negroe male butt-crack.

  18. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It was riotously funny when the Jew was telling us rite-thinkerating christians that Jews have large beaked nosies, that Jews loooooove money so much they will work for it instead of inheriting it like decent folk, that Jews keep the gawd-fearin' hard-werkin'smartenuff wite man down...then the dirty filthy educated Jew went and pointed out that Sarey's eldest was famous for two bastards, that Michelle has a fake degree from a kkkollege, and that we are Goobers.
    Had to string him up fer uppityness!!!
    Cue the puerile attempts at humour. Cue the fauxtrage. Cue the self-awarded teeh-hees of widdle boys. Cue the hoerating that their idiocy pissed off the adults/Liberals.


  19. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Anonymous said...
    It was riotously funny when the Jew was telling us rite-thinkerating christians that Jews have large beaked nosies, that Jews loooooove money so much they will work for it instead of inheriting it like decent folk, that Jews keep the gawd-fearin' hard-werkin'smartenuff wite man down...then the dirty filthy educated Jew went and pointed out that Sarey's eldest was famous for two bastards, that Michelle has a fake degree from a kkkollege, and that we are Goobers.
    Had to string him up fer uppityness!!!
    Cue the puerile attempts at humour. Cue the fauxtrage. Cue the self-awarded teeh-hees of widdle boys. Cue the hoerating that their idiocy pissed off the adults/Liberals.


    You are about as Christian as you are an old black woman. That little bump between your legs may resemble a clitoris, thus all your apparent mental issues, but you were still born a white guy.

  20. MayTheforceBeWithTheWookie10:13 AM

    Hey the first wookie is off to Africa, she needs more photo ops for Obummers campaign. Pretty smart, just show some black folks picture of her in Africa and evoke a sense of oneness. I wonder if Hans Solo is making an appearance with her?

    "I’m a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.”

  21. Field, Have you checked out Treme on HBO? It's about the only thing they have going for them since they canceled The Wire. Showtime isn't much better.

  22. no_slappz said...
    Meanwhile, in the black community, Father's Day remains the most confusing day of the year.

    I NEVER cosign with this dude, but I think this blog would be VERY different if Black women were primarily absent in the lives of their kids.

    Mother's day IS celebrated differently in many Black households.

  23. Magnum10:41 AM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    no_slappz said...
    Meanwhile, in the black community, Father's Day remains the most confusing day of the year.

    I NEVER cosign with this dude, but I think this blog would be VERY different if Black women were primarily absent in the lives of their kids.

    Mother's day IS celebrated differently in many Black households.

    Just think how different it would be if Black Women used better judgement and didn't have so many kids out of wedlock and at such young ages. Imagine what that would change in maturity, outlook, preparedness to handle raising children up to and including responsibility for teaching them, guiding them and supporting them. Why is it ok for black men to stick it and leave and the cycle gets worse instead of better? Buy a vibrator and wait until you find the right guy and close shop until you do.

  24. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wayne that was beautifully written.Everyone knows just how special my relationship with my dad was.

    Without my dad i would have never been able to finish atop my class at Harvard Law and i would never have worked for the NSA.Thats right goobers, hard to thinkarate a black woman like myself could be so rich.

    Your day is gone wite goobers.Thinkarate your women liking dark meat.

    I was just glad to play a part in ending wite privilege.


  25. Anonymous11:16 AM



  26. Anonymous11:47 AM

    It is so sad that many black children's lives are not valued.

    When humans don't care about children, then children won't care about humans. The family problems in the black community are generational and will continue in to extinction. How sad.

  27. Anonymous11:56 AM

    i am still hoping for a fair Prez in 2012 that will help many Blacks learn how to parent and care for their children. Sarah Palin would represent a Prez FOR THE CHILDREN.

    i had hoped the First Lady would have been a greater force in the black community for children, but alas, it's not going to happen.

    but being Black, it's difficult for her to get that kind of support from Whites with mind-sets like slappz.

    I am afraid that the USA might be done unless Sarah becomes President.

  28. Anonymous12:05 PM

    dear mr. field, before i book field negro, are there any audio recordings of your talks?

    are you comfortable speaking on Sundays from the podium of a church?

    we church going people would like to book you but are afraid you might start cursing at God. that would truly be shocking and embarrassing. some of our members would probably feint.

  29. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I was just glad to play a part in ending wite privilege.


    10:56 AM

    The only "part" you play is the male organ, I hear you are a hell of a flute player. Pretty sad for a young white guy to wish he were a woman. When daddy gives it to you mr diddles do you pretend your anus is a vagina? I love how you keep adding to your resume, now Harvard Law grad, NSA and CIA. No more head of a large corp or pilot or engineer or teacher or banker or stock broker or accountant or so many its silly to keep listing them, you are one crazy assed dude let me tell ya.

  30. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "The only "part" you play is the male organ, I hear you are a hell of a flute player. Pretty sad for a young white guy to wish he were a woman."

    mold is gay and White? wow. that's a surprise.

  31. Happy Belated Father's Day to all the brothers out here who do the right things for the right reasons every day while nobody but their families and friends are watching.

    Here's to you.

  32. Anonymous12:26 PM

    why can't field ever post anything religious or spiritual? that is just as important as science.

  33. Anonymous12:29 PM

    uts-"Happy Belated Father's Day to all the brothers out here who do the right things for the right reasons every day while nobody but their families and friends are watching."

    uts is a day late. bm are so confused about father's day. some don't even know when it is.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. From the previous thread:
    no_slappz said...

    Anne Lynn Montgomery had two kids with the anonymous, but willing, sperm donor who happens to be black.

    The dude was 13 in the beginning and hardly anonymous and I'm sure he didn't know any better, initially. Nice twist on words. #Ignaramous

    The news item says she faces 20 years in jail for their conspiracy. Meanwhile, nothing was said about his responsibilities. Furthermore, he's now 17, thus it's notable that his name is missing from the news reports.

    Far as I'm concerned she influenced a MINOR. She FUCKED A MINOR and had some babies by a MINOR. IT'S HER FUCKIN' PROBLEM. Period. But if he decides he wants to be a Dad to them, then good for him (which he did say in a live interview). And his name is out there. Goes to show you don't fact check something as simple as a name but you can solve the worlds problem. #dumbass

    In a similar case that began in the 1990s, Mary Kay LeTourneau .........

    She was prosecuted and sentenced to prison for 7 years. She was released from jail in 2004.

    Where are the two today? They're married.

    Yeah? And? #whogivesafuck - Different circumstances leading up to Anne running away because she FUCKED A MINOR. Now she wants to play victim because she was getting her ass beat by dude because he found out she was FUCKING OTHER MINORS.

    Meanwhile, in the black community, Father's Day remains the most confusing day of the year.

    Same could be said about that white educated lady named Anne being confused as who the Daddy is of both her children because she was FUCKING OTHER MINORS and I'm sure they were all black. #youarenotthedaddy

    The population of every black nation in Africa has a median age of 18 or less.

    In other words, these countries are populated by children, which means the girls begin having babies when they are in their early teens.

    How old are the fathers? All ages.

    Why you so obsessed with Africa? You need to worry about that sorry ass country called Isreal. Especially when the US starts cutting aid to their asses. It's coming down to money now homey because the USA is broke. Will you go over to Isreal to defend "your" country when they Daddies get killed? #Idoubtit #chickenhawk

  36. uptownsteve12:44 PM

    Slapped Stupid

    "Meanwhile, in the black community, Father's Day remains the most confusing day of the year"


    Slappy you are just another worthless racist who waves around stats in order to gain a measure of self-esteem.

    Out of wedlock stats have only one true indication.

    The parents of a child were not married at the time of the child's birth.

    It does not factor in the millions of black men who not have married the mothers of their children but who are definitely involved in the raising and support of the child.

    I see them every day.

    And with over 50% of white marriages ending in divorce, there are a lot of white kids growing up in female dominated homes. Many with no support from the Father.

    Just talk to our friend Maria

  37. Field -
    I don't watch AMC, but Game of Thrones is the truth. Its basically 'The Sopranos' meets 'Shakespeare in the Park' , with enough weird stuff to keep it interesting.

    The Obama impersonator was too stupid to realize the Rethugs only had him around so they could make him dance like the monkey out of some weird bash the black President fetish. Did you think this room of cowards and creeps would take jokes at their own expense? Doesn't he realize that the only people who can take a joke a their own expense are on the D side of the aisle? Politicians in general, but ideologues and Right wing power brokers in particular, are notoriously thinned skinned.

    I called my dad on Father's Day. Like many men of his generation, he was notoriously nonchalant, but I can hear the joy of hearing his son call him on Father's Day. As many of my friends have lost their father - I'm happy to still have the old man in my life.

  38. lack:

    what about hobama and his ruthlessly elitist dancing for brutal banksters/corps/warmongers???

    which is worse for us???

  39. kosher kkk bastard needs slaps:

    there are millions of stable black families with great dads who would define u as an inferior peasant/toxic kapo bastard

    ditto for that defective drone deddy molded


    see tributes to great black dads at my youtube channel...

  40. kosher kkk bastard needs slaps:


    cc that racist bs to millions of absent deadbeat white dads/white blogs asap

    When it comes to deadbeat dads, these guys are the poster boys — literally. Massachusetts today released its annual Top 10 poster of dads who’ve shrugged off their financial obligations by refusing to provide support to their children. A man with Methuen ties (pictured above) made number two on the list. Eric Grenier has a 13-year-old child and was ordered to pay $136 a week in child support to the child’s mother. He’s wracked up a $188,733 tab so far.

    Is the state serious about getting these guys? You betcha — as a Sharon man who police caught learned when he was ordered to serve two years in prison after failing to pay $100,000 in child support.

  41. lac:

    i am very proud of you

    i would never do that

    i am blessed to have a real dad

    he wed my mom at 19...

    and he has also been a perfect father and friend

    i admire you

    you are a great son

  42. Anonymous1:30 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous1:31 PM

    My Head is Up My ass Steve said...

    It does not factor in the millions of black men who not have married the mothers of their children but who are definitely involved in the raising and support of the child.

    I see them every day.

    And with over 50% of white marriages ending in divorce, there are a lot of white kids growing up in female dominated homes. Many with no support from the Father.

    Just talk to our friend Maria

    Right uh-huh because you have someone else to point a finger at who is getting worse, the problem in the black community doesn't exist and can be ignored.

    This coming from the fool who insists the economy is doing well under obama, has improved with unemployment dropping 3 months in a row?

    Really, even CBS just said Black unemployment is higher then the big depression era. Blacks at 16.2% with Black Males at 17.5%.

    Woohoo, if you think this is good, I hate to see how bad it has to get before you say it is bad.

    Don't worry, illegal immigrants have a much lower rate of unemployment/public assistance than blacks, they are rated at under 5% - you know almost like we used to have before Obama

    Single moms, out of wedlock babies, baby mama syndrome is not a problem in the black community what a delusional fool.

  44. racist assnon:

    the vdlr has millions of white clones and the turbo breed by serial wm baby deddies just like she does


    cc this bs to that fertile turbo breeder ahnold s

  45. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Ab examples are fox nation and hillbubba turds.Wouldn't be suprised if ab isn't a bush mole.Go back to your simple life.No one here wants to smell a abturd.Isn't that what your daddy would want?Stop actin' like aunt jamama?


  46. racist assnon:

    the vdlr has millions of white female and male clones...

    and they ALL turbo breed deddies just like she does

    are you counting the babies that wf turbo breeders make with black men???

    those stats are also rising rapidly!!!

  47. molded moron:

    have you been sniffing auto fumes in your car cemetary again???

    u r a vulgar psycho racist sexist clueless faceless mumbling moron and a perpetual liar!!!

  48. uptownsteve1:42 PM


    "Really, even CBS just said Black unemployment is higher then the big depression era. Blacks at 16.2% with Black Males at 17.5%."

    Bigger than the big depression era, eh?

    Unemployment for white Americans during the Depression was 25%. For blacks it was twice that.

    I just bought a brand new SUV and will going on vacation in the Caribbean in two weeks.

    And you'll still be a dumb goober ranting on this board.


    God you're stupid.

  49. molded moron:

    u r a gd racist lying fool!!!


    Other findings in the Census Bureau report include the following:

    The proportion of White women under age 30 who had a premaritally born or premaritally conceived first birth tripled, from 15 percent in the early 1930s to 45 percent in the early 1990s.
    The comparable figure for African American women doubled, from 43 percent to 86 percent.

    The proportion of first births to women 15-19 years old that were premaritally born or premaritally conceived increased from 28 percent in the early 1930s to 89 percent in the early 1990s.

    In 1990-1994, about 85 percent of all first births to White women ages 15 to 19 were either premaritally born or premaritally conceived, compared with 25 percent for the 1930-1934 period.

    The comparable figures for African American teenage women were 98 percent and 47 percent, respectively.

  50. Pamela1:44 PM

    If you like The Killing, I'm recommending the original Swedish Wallander. Henning Mankell's Wallander.

  51. uptownsteve1:47 PM


    "I called my dad on Father's Day. Like many men of his generation, he was notoriously nonchalant, but I can hear the joy of hearing his son call him on Father's Day. As many of my friends have lost their father - I'm happy to still have the old man in my life."

    Right on LAC.

    My dad and grandpa were both soft spoken, hardworking Southerners who never let tough times get to them. And whose greatest goal in life was for their children to live better then they did.

    You are lucky to still have your dad.

    I lost mine 13 years ago from cancer.

    Make sure you let him know how much he means to you while he's here.

  52. lac:

    the bilderbergs select every prez

    since jfk

    perry has been selected

    Every indication suggests that Bilderberg-approved Texas Governor Rick Perry is set to become the frontrunner in the Republican race to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency, illustrating once again how a shady, secretive and undemocratic global elite holds the reigns of true power while Americans are distracted by the delusional notion that they have a genuine choice in 2012.

    “Perry has said he will announce his decision soon. One member of his campaign team said he was closer than ever to joining the race and he was testing the prospects in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. If he does stand, Republicans at the New Orleans conference predicted he would become the frontrunner of a so-far uninspiring field,” reports the London Guardian.

    my dream of paul/ventura 2012 has offically ended


    i still say hobama will win no matter what

  53. anon 11:56 writes:

    i had hoped the First Lady would have been a greater force in the black community for children, but alas, it's not going to happen.

    What's she going to do? Is she going to speak truth to morons? Is she going to tell black women -- excuse me, black girls -- to stop the nonsense? To stop having kids before marriage? To wait till they've found someone who'll stick around?

    but being Black, it's difficult for her to get that kind of support from Whites with mind-sets like slappz.

    Ahhh, the excuse. There's always an excuse. Michelle is unable to send the right message to black females because YOU think someone in the white community has a bad attitude.

    This is the black delusion in full flower. It boils down to claming that no black can exercise INDIVIDUAL sense and integrity because of thoughts in the minds of people other than the black individual. What madness.

  54. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Field I agree that the black community needs good fathers more than ever


  55. uptownsteve3:16 PM

    Lying ass-non.

    I never said that "nothing" was wrong with the black community.

    What I will continue to say is that white folks in general and especially toothless racist goobers are in no position, morally or culturally, to wag fingers and lecture black folks.

    We need more good parenting period all across America.

    So there will be less maladjusted, socially inept and hygenically challenged losers like you.

  56. Anonymous3:19 PM

    no_slappz, "This is the black delusion in full flower. It boils down to claming that no black can exercise INDIVIDUAL sense and integrity because of thoughts in the minds of people other than the black individual. What madness."

    I asked you once before, "what do you recommend?" but you keep telling me what's wrong with Blacks around the world, esp. Africa, but offer no solution to anyone in any country.

    I'll ask again: WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND?

  57. uptownsteve3:20 PM


    Out of wedlock births in lilly white Sweden, Norway and Iceland are above 60% and rising.

    Why do you think that is?


    I thought white folks were congenitally more responsible and less impulsive than blacks according to you.

  58. kid writes:

    Why you so obsessed with Africa?

    The black nations of Africa show the world exactly what blacks are capable of. As we can see, when it comes to running countries -- there's a billion people living in Africa -- blacks make a mess of things. IN a big big way.

    You need to worry about that sorry ass country called Isreal.

    It's I-s-r-A-E-l. I know spelling is tough for you.

    Meanwhile, when it comes to organizing a country, Jews in Israel have done a remarkable job. None of the African nations have accomplished anything of consequence, which is doubly shameful when you consider the vast natural resource wealth available to fund economic growth.

    If the nations of Africa had had 20% of the success seen in Israel, the African continent would be the Garden of Eden.

    Especially when the US starts cutting aid to their asses. It's coming down to money now homey because the USA is broke.

    Your ignorance on economic matters seems like it's the result of a brain injury at birth.

  59. uptownsteve3:27 PM

    "Meanwhile, when it comes to organizing a country, Jews in Israel have done a remarkable job"


    Take away American aid and favoritism (Israel gets more US aid annually than the entire African continent does in a decade) and Israel would be another struggling third world nation.

  60. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Uts, "What I will continue to say is that white folks in general and especially toothless racist goobers are in no position, morally or culturally, to wag fingers and lecture black folks."

    that's your problem, uts. no one can offer your closed minded dumb ass anything. And it doesn't matter whether they are Black or White.

    you take everyone's suggestion as a negative judgment and YOU give your own negative judgment as a way to end a major problem in our community. hence, no solution and the problem goes on,,,generation after generation because of goobers like you...AND THERE ARE PLENTY IN OUR COMMUNITY.

    FYI: This is a problem that cannot be solved by Blacks alone, mainly because Blacks have as much of a moral problem, if NOT MORE, than Whites. so stop your holier than judgments that continues to prevent help and solutions.

  61. uptownsteve said...
    I lost mine 13 years ago from cancer.

    I lost mine to the same disease almost 10 years ago.

  62. outtatown stevie writes:

    Out of wedlock births in lilly white Sweden, Norway and Iceland are above 60% and rising.

    Why do you think that is?

    Why? Free money for breeding. But here's what matters. The birth rate in Sweden is one of the lowest in the world. The population of Sweden is 9 million and standing still. No growth.

    The median age in Sweden is 42. In the US it's 36. In every African nation it's 18 or less.

    In other words, even if the out-of-wedlock birthrate in Sweden were 100%, it would do NO harm to the economy.

    So, as usual, you get show again that you can't grasp the problem.

    Meanwhile, there are some developing social problems in Sweden, and it's obvious the problems are tied to the presence of an increasing number of people who don't look like the Swedes.

    I thought white folks were congenitally more responsible and less impulsive than blacks according to you.

    As you've pointed out in the past, Sweden outperforms the US in academics. Moreover, the Swedish economy is reasonably stable. Thus, the tiny number of illegitimate births has not become a social pathology -- yet.

  63. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "EMOTIONAL RUNAWAY" should be the name of this blog. There IS no rational logical reasoning here by Blacks or the Jew. Mostly "hatred" which is totally irrational.

    well, at least the world can see what Jews "feel" about Blacks...and it is a total lack of respect. Be careful Blacks...a Jew like NO_SLAPPZ could be the next Hitler.

  64. Casper3:38 PM

    " uptownsteve said...

    Out of wedlock births in lilly white Sweden, Norway and Iceland are above 60% and rising.

    Why do you think that is?


    3:20 PM"

    Would you please provide a link that verifies those statistics?

  65. uptownsteve3:39 PM

    You gotta love Slappy.

    He's a consistent fool.

    No matter what the pathology, with whites it's never "really a problem".

    A black born out of wedlock is automatically a welfare case on the road to a life of crime according to the Slapster.

    But a white born out of wedlock could end up a Nobel Prize winner.


    I've NEVER stated that Sweden outperforms the US in academics.

    That's still another stat you pulled out of your ass.

    And what about Iceland and Norway?

    Either children being born to unmarried parents is a problem or it isn't.

    Which is it Slap?

  66. moron steve writes:

    Take away American aid and favoritism (Israel gets more US aid annually than the entire African continent does in a decade) and Israel would be another struggling third world nation.

    Again you show how dumb you are. First, your numbers are wrong. Egypt was the largest aid recipient in the region. Not that it matters.

    If ALL the surrounding nations were capitalistic democracies instead of insane Islamic theocracies, Israel would require much less aid.

    Meanwhile, apparently you're too dumb to understand that Israel is a well organized capitalistic democracy that has produced a lot. The outpouring of science, technology, art, literature and Nobel Prizes puts Israel in a class by itself.

    Again, why is Nigeria a total absolute mess when it has massive oil reserves that can fund the grandest social plans imaginable? Nigeria should be one of the most advanced nations on the planet. It sould be like Norway. Instead, it's a mess.

  67. uptownsteve3:43 PM


    "that's your problem, uts. no one can offer your closed minded dumb ass anything."

    Just what have you offered Goober?

    Outside of some self-serving finger waving that assists your tired ass in gaining some self esteem.

    You don't fool anyone.

    You hide behind racial stats to give your own meaningless life some value.

    "Well at least I'm better than a nigger."

    Well actually, no you're not.

    There are MILLIONS of black folks in America living large, succeeding and excelling despite having far more obstacles to overcome than whites.

    And all your stat waving isn't going to change that.

    Nor will it make one change to your pathetic existence.

    Deal with it.

  68. moron steve asks:

    Either children being born to unmarried parents is a problem or it isn't.

    Oh, I think the black experience proves that illegitimacy is the essential building block for national prosperity, academic achievement and intellectual excellence.

    It's all there. The entire history of mankind makes a clear case for reckless procreation.

  69. uptownsteve3:46 PM

    Slappy busted AGAIN.

    Israel BY FAR gets more US aid than any other nation INCLUDING EGYPT.

  70. uptownsteve3:48 PM

    Here ya go Casper

  71. uptownsteve3:52 PM

    "Oh, I think the black experience proves that illegitimacy is the essential building block for national prosperity, academic achievement and intellectual excellence"

    I do know this.

    50 years ago when black out of wedlock birthrates were about 25% the illiteracy and poverty rates for blacks were in excess of 60%.

    Today the illiteracy and poverty both rates are around 24%.

    So maybe the two issues aren't as intertwined as racists like you would like to believe.

    Especially since many middle class professional black women are choosing to be single mothers.

  72. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Minister Farrakhan: 'That's a Murderer in the White House'

    A YouTube video of Minister Louis Farrakhan taking President Obama to task over the war in Afghanistan and the bombing of Libya is making its way around the Web. In the video, Farrakhan admonishes the president for turning into someone else. Farrakhan says, "We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart, and now he's an assassin. They turned him into them."

    Louis Walcott not scared to speak da trutha!!!

  73. "Wow. Was he white?"

    No, he was black, and you are still not an engineer.;)

    Someone above mentioned "Treme". Yes I do watch it. It happens to be a pretty good series.

  74. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Wonder if the US pathology is more about the Con habit of taking funds away from kids so the Kochs can be Fwee Market gawds?
    Once you finish adding up all the taxes...we pay roughly what the Scandinavians do...but they have Universal, long holidays, child care, University for those who wish...and we have subsidies for billionaires.
    While single wite mens endlessly wail over the idear of wedlock...the Swedes have kids, raise them, and go about their life. Is the 1950s fantasy really all that necessary for happiness? While it probably was the Greatest Time Evah for dudes who liked unpaid servants, maids, sex workers and isn't as nice for the women. In fact, when given the option...they work outside. Let Daddums fetch his own slippers...
    Oh, most of the turmoil is from the Swedish version of Fundies and Goobers. It's in their media.


  75. kosher kkk needs slaps needs an education!!!

    he is a racist jew kapo poster boy for "retarded revisioniost historian"

    he boldly ignores centuries of ONGOING white racist destruction and sabotage inside africa...


  76. uptownsteve4:01 PM

    Thank you Mold.

  77. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Slapnuts-"Minister Farrakhan: 'That's a Murderer in the White House'"

    you lie on the venerable Louis Farrakhan.

  78. uptownsteve4:12 PM

    Mold,tell me more about you and your dad.I love hearing daddy/daughter diddling stories.

    Only if you have time i would love to hear about your work in the nsa.Have you ever thought about writing a book,mold?

  79. uptownsteve4:17 PM


    That was anon-goober posting at 4:12pm.

    What a loser.

  80. uptownsteve4:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    That was anon-goober posting at 4:12pm.

    What a loser.

    4:17 PM

    This guy needs to stop using my id.I am the real uptownsteve and i can prove it.Wanna hear about some tickle fights i was in during my time in the service?

  81. sifflo4:25 PM

    bottom line:
    fn and uts don't agree on this one at all. fn admits the problems are more prevalent in the community (as evidenced by a multitude of posts over the years) and uts does not.


    get over it assnon.

  82. kosher kkk needs slaps needs a kosher library card:

    more on ANCIENT & ONGOING white corp evil in black africa


    Before the end of the first period of colonialism African nations were properties of their colonial masters who did what they could to rape the continent of whatever resource they deemed good for the development of their citizens in Europe.

    Out of nowhere and without any consultation with the people of the African continent, the Europeans met and divided the continent amongst themselves in what has been termed ‘The Scramble for Africa’.

    Through this scramble France, Britain, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy all went on a looting spree, raping Africa of her resources without putting any of the proceeds back for the development of the continent.

    When US President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited Gambia on 13 January 1943, he was so appalled by the conditions of Gambians that he made this lamentation:

    ‘It’s the most horrible thing I have ever seen in my life… The natives are five thousand years back of us… The British have been there for two hundred years – for every dollar that the British have put into Gambia, they have taken out ten. It’s just plain exploitation of those people.’

    Developed world considers Africa as a little child whose affairs must be discussed by a selected few countries. The discussion is always on how to help Africa when in reality Africa's resources are manipulated to boost economy in the West. Many think that the developed world is discussing how to eradicate poverty from Africa but the truth is that the discussion revolves around new looting strategies from the North. This consistent looting brings in Socioeconomic and Environmental injustices.

  83. Anonymous4:29 PM

    we now have a black uts and a white uts. it's easy to tell them apart: one talks like he's Black, and the other talks like he is White who has stolen something from a black person.

    will the habits of thievery from Blacks of such Whites never cease? I mean, it's been centuries and they still steal from us. no_slappz, I hope you will take note of this and comment about the effects of slavery on the white perpetrators. surely you cannot condone such evil things?

  84. uptownsteve4:32 PM

    Not really , it was me, just kidding, well maybe. What should I say? Oh, wasn't me. But I want to hear it. No, really it wasn't me. Oh shit it was. Whats a brother to do. I'm so confused about who I am, even my blogging name is a lie as I am from the bronx and that is not uptown manhattan. I knows, just blame someone else.

    Gotta go, Love ya Mold - still want those condoms gimme a holla.

  85. "fn admits the problems are more prevalent in the community (as evidenced by a multitude of posts over the years) and uts does not."

    What are you talking about?

    Are you saying that Field believes blacks were better off under Jim Crow?

  86. Okay Ass-non goober.

    My profile is back so back under the floorboards with your tired punk ass.

    You can't win an intellectual battle to say your life so you have to resort to juvenile bull$hit.

    "I'll just post under uptown's name and he'll get so frustrated he'll leave the board. Yeah, that's the ticket."

    What a loser.

  87. Anonymous4:39 PM


    alicia banks said...
    kosher kkk needs slaps needs a kosher library card:

    more on ANCIENT & ONGOING white corp evil in black africa


    Before the end of the first period of colonialism African nations were properties of their colonial masters who did what they could to rape the continent of whatever resource they deemed good for the development of their citizens in Europe.

    Out of nowhere and without any consultation with the people of the African continent, the Europeans met and divided the continent amongst themselves in what has been termed ‘The Scramble for Africa’.

    Through this scramble France, Britain, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy all went on a looting spree, raping Africa of her resources without putting any of the proceeds back for the development of the continent.

    Oh those poor, poor, children. Wait, weren't they older nations and countries then the Euro's? Then why were they still, in fact why are they still savage backward nations? Colonialism ended decades ago. What have they been up to since then? Eating and killing each other and now another race has been asked to come in and take care of the incompetent savages and they are - the chinese. How in the world can anyone black hold up your head walking around saying you are just to incompetent and dumb to do anything and need everything dumbed down handed to you or created by another race? Blacks left to thei own devices outside of white society turn into - well africa. How is Haiti doing? They haven't been colonized for oohhhhhh so long now? With all of the attributes you give blacks, having ruled themselves for decades they should be rich at least richer then neighboring Santo domingo - are they? Even with the billions of welfare the world gives haiti - how are they doing with the money?

  88. "Even with the billions of welfare the world gives haiti"

    Prove that Haiti gets billions in World relief.

    I won't hold my breath.

  89. "Blacks left to thei own devices outside of white society turn into - well africa"

    Seems to me that blacks were left to their own devices without whites for tens of thousands of years and did quite well.

    It was the introduction of whites which caused the downfall of the African continent.

  90. Uptownsteve likes white boi action4:56 PM

    Now that blacks are left to their own devices,what are they doing in the mother land?

    Rape,murder and spreading aids.

  91. racist revisionist assnons:

    cc that bs to the ancient sumerians/olmecs/egyptians etc

    wm military scientists created aids at ft detrick md to make the rape of africa easier over corpses...

    who were building pyramids and universities and communicating with extra terrestrial beings who assisted them in all...

    while u hairy lipless batards were still dicovering lice in your own body hair...

  92. racist revisionist assnons:

    cc that bs to the ancient sumerians/olmecs/egyptians etc

    who were building pyramids and universities and communicating with extra terrestrial beings who assisted them in all...

    while u hairy lipless bastards were still dicovering lice in your own body hair...

  93. racist assnon:

    u know nothing about haiti

    cc that bs to france

    the french have colonized and robbed haiti for centuries!!!

    To explain the hidden agenda of the United Nations operation in Haiti, it is necessary first to sketch the historical background of the country.

    Haiti is perhaps one of the most important nations in world history. it was in this remote Caribbean nation that the real principles of the French revolution were tested. It is therefore of particular importance for the current debate on national identity in France, as the principles universalized by the French Revolution of 1789, are, according to recent studies, central to most French citizens’ perception of what France should stand for.

    Since its discovery in 1492 by Christopher Columbus who named the island Hispaniola, Haiti’s history has been one of mass murder perpetrated in the commercial interests of foreign powers, endowed with the mission to impose civilisation. The native Taino population were entirely exterminated by the Spanish. But Spanish interest in the island waned by the 1520s with the discovery of gold in Mexico and other parts of the Americas.

    The French West Indies Company had established control over much of the island by 1664. The treaty of Ryswick with Spain in 1697 enabled the French to gain control over the entire island and it was renamed Saint- Dominique. Thousands of slaves were imported from Africa to work on the tobacco, cocoa, cotton and indigo farms. By the mid eighteenth century Saint-Dominique had become the most lucrative colony in the Caribbean. Over 40 percent of all European sugar and 75 percent of all European coffee as well as much of France’s eighteenth century wealth and glory came from the slave labour in the plantations of ‘la perle des Antilles’, Saint-Dominique.

    But the French revolution of 1789 and the ideas promoted by real ‘grands intellectuels’ such as Diderot and Montesquieu opened up the space for revolution in Haiti. Initially, the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity only applied to France. Although philosophers like Diderot abhorred slavery, many of the emergent French bourgeoisie were content to limit the idea to themselves. They had done well out of the cheap products of the colonial slaves and were not inclined to risk their financial investments

  94. Farrkhan seems to have replaced bin Laden:

    VIDEO: Minister Farrakhan: 'That's a Murderer in the White House'

    By: Nsenga Burton
    June 15, 2011

    A YouTube video of Minister Louis Farrakhan taking President Obama to task over the war in Afghanistan and the bombing of Libya is making its way around the Web.

    In the video, Farrakhan admonishes the president for turning into someone else. Farrakhan says,

    "We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart, and now he's an assassin. They turned him into them."

    He also raises the issue of killing Saddam Hussein over weapons of mass destruction and knowingly sending young men to fight a war based on lies.

    "You talk about a man killing his own people. When you lie to the American people saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. When you lie and then take innocent young men who come to serve their country, and send them to die in Iraq and Afghanistan, over lies, that's a murderer in the White House." Ouch.

    Farrakhan is visibly angry at Obama's leadership of America's intervention in the crisis in Libya, particularly his focus on bringing down Muammar Qaddafi.

    He says that people do not know Qaddafi like he does, and he's a decent man.

    We find it interesting that this video from May is surfacing just as Farrakhan is set to address the United Nations. Nonetheless, the words used to describe the president are brutal.

    He raises important points, like questioning why we're still at war in Iraq and Afghanistan if the intelligence proved false, and how a peacemaking mission to Libya turned into a bombing mission.

    We've examined how black leaders romanticize dictators like Qaddafi, and this is a major example of it.

    Perhaps Farrakhan should consider that he's offering support to his brothers in the Middle East and North Africa while tearing down his brother in the White House.

    If there's a murderer in the White House, then what do you call Qaddafi?

  95. kosher kkk kapo moron needs slaps/all dumb racist ahistorical assnons:

    the usa has robbed africa for centuries!!!!

    how dare you racist revisionist fools like u pretend otherwise!!!!???

    Chevron’s 1974 oil project

    US oil majors have known about Sudan’s oil wealth since the early 1970’s. In 1979, Jafaar Nimeiry, Sudan head of state, broke with the Soviets and invited Chevron to develop oil in the Sudan. That was perhaps a fatal mistake. UN Ambassador George H.W. Bush had personally told Nimeiry of satellite photos indicating oil in Sudan. Nimeiry took the bait. Wars over oil have been the consequence even since.

    Chevron found big oil reserves in southern Sudan. It spent $1.2 billion finding and testing them. That oil triggered what is called Sudan’s second civil war in 1983. Chevron was target of repeated attacks and killings and suspended the project in 1984. In 1992, it sold it's Sudanese oil concessions. Then China began to develop the abandoned Chevron fields in 1999 with notable results.

    But Chevron is not far from Darfur today.

  96. field jabbers:

    you are still not an engineer.;)

    You don't seem to grasp the facts. Even if it confuses you, an engineering degree makes a person an engineer by any academic measure. Working as an engineer, which I did through college and for a couple of years after, fills out the resume.

    Moreover, my name is on a patent. My team developed something for a pollution control device. Very simple, yet new, and thus, patentable. Not exactly the Theory of Relativity, but a patent nonetheless.

  97. Anonymous5:31 PM

    who were building pyramids and universities and communicating with extra terrestrial beings who assisted them in all...

    It wasn't blacks, we can tell you that. So sad that you have to make up a "black race" that appeared just once in history for validation. You do know the DNA tests of several mummies has proven they were caucasian. Does this make sense given history displayed by black abilities before, during and after- Yes.

    The first humans were out of asia.

    Ab you make blacks sound like wittle girls and boys who keep getting fooled and taken advantage of, today it's the chinese. I quess this begs the question, why are blacks so simple minded and feeble that this continually happens or in the abscence of "invaders" they just starve and kill each other when there is no other race mobilizing civilization? Why?

  98. Anonymous5:35 PM


    alicia banks said...
    racist revisionist assnons:

    cc that bs to the ancient sumerians/olmecs/egyptians etc

    who were building pyramids and universities and communicating with extra terrestrial beings who assisted them in all...

    Yes, to blacks not having seen white inventiveness and intelligence before it must have seemed like aliens from outerspace, for they could never think that way and still can't.

    You are a total whackjob you know that? Have you also been kidnapped and anally probed?

  99. I feel the same way about The Killing, Field. I never trusted Holder. :-)

  100. molded moron/racist assnons/kosher kkk kapo moron:

    the ancient african history u deny is very real and documented

    and that is why u really are defective disgraces to the hue-man race

  101. feeble foolish racist assnon:

    cc that to millions of africans who are smarter than you

    start with countless black inventors/scientists/doctors etc


    george w. carver
    charles drew

  102. earth fodder/racist dumb assnon:

    u r the worst of drones

    u r proof that earth is a drone lab

    carry on

  103. Anonymous6:13 PM

    cc that to millions of africans who are smarter than you

    start with countless black inventors/scientists/doctors etc


    george w. carver
    charles drew

    Poor, Poor, AB; Sorry but you should as an adult know the truth, see this site that exposes the black inventor myths:

  104. Anonymous6:27 PM

    From Alicia Banks Link and her site:


    The ancient African Dogon tribe of Mali has always known more about the cosmos than any NASA official

    No wonder why, your a freaking lunatic. Holy white coats batman, this woman is cuhhhhhraaaazzzyyyyy.

    Then you do agree, Michelle Obama is an alien spy unofficially known as the "wookie"

  105. Anonymous7:12 PM

    all of this racist animosity is not good for the mind, heart or soul. how does one consider oneself a decent and humane person? you can't.


  106. "You don't seem to grasp the facts. Even if it confuses you, an engineering degree makes a person an engineer.."

    Hey, if that makes yhou feel better about yourself. Still, the truth is, that it makes you a person with an engineering degree. A PE makes you an engineer.

    What is the name of the device that your team patented?
    Please don't say bullshit. I think we have the cows to thank for that one. :)

  107. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Happy Fathers Day Desmon Hatchett:

    He is 29 years old has 21 kids with 11 different baby mamas, dropped out of HS makes minimum wage, sued by all the moms for child support. Can't pay for the kids so the state (taxpayers) have to take care of the kids that he and the baby mama's made. Cuz they all dropped out of school to have the babies and they cant take care of them either.

  108. "Hey, if that makes yhou feel better about yourself. Still, the truth is, that it makes you a person with an engineering degree. A PE makes you an engineer."

    Not trying to pile on or piss in Slappy's corn flakes, but does this imply that Slappy boy doesn't have what it takes to become a licensed professional engineer?

    From Wiki:
    "The professional status and the actual practice of professional engineering is legally defined and protected by a government body. In some jurisdictions only registered or licensed engineers are permitted to use the title of engineer or to practice engineering professionally."

  109. Yes Mack,it does. But the guy has done sooooo much. What's a little PE certificate? :)

    Anon. does Desmond live in Utah?

  110. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Yes Mack,it does. But the guy has done sooooo much. What's a little PE certificate? :)

    Anon. does Desmond live in Utah?

    Nah, dem mormons provides for dey kids, see the difference? Dey dont make someone else support dey families

  111. "Nah, dem mormons provides for dey kids, see the difference? Dey dont make someone else support dey families.."

    Yes, you are right; and it helps to have multiple providers, no?

  112. Slappy

    "My team developed something for a pollution control device"

    It hasn't seemed to have prevented you from stinkin up the web.
