Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Oh Canada..."

My lord! White folks are rioting in Canada! Now I love Canada, but you all know that you don't have any business rioting. Vancouver is one of the truly great North American cities; please don't ruin it.

I know that you all love your Hockey, and it wasn't cool to see your team choke like dogs to those B's, but stop it already, you are confusing the children of racist here in A-merry-ca. They were raised to think that only Negroes riot. Yet still, you have to love those Canadians, they always find time for a little love in the middle of chaos.

But enough of my friends up North, I want to talk a litte A-merry-can politics.

It looks like our friend Mitt told a bunch of unemployed workers that he is also unemployed. What a jerk! Mitt, it's easy to be unemployed when you are worth over 200 million dollars. I guess I would be unemployed, too. Hell we all would be. Who would want to work when they have that kind of money at their disposal?

Anyway, it pays to have dumb people in your corner.

"The comment was clearly meant to hint jokingly at Romney's bid for the presidency, but it was also an odd statement coming from a candidate whose financial situation is so far removed from his audience's. A former head of Bain Capital, Romney is said to be worth at least $200 million--wealth that has enabled him to concentrate on running for president full time for the better part of the last five years.

But Romney's audience was in on the joke. According to Zeleny, the group "chuckled" along with Romney, with one man asking, "Are you on LinkedIn?"
The former governor replied, "I'm networking. I have my sight on a particular job." [Story]

Mitt, I am sure you do. Good luck with that.

So Mr. Weiner called it quits today. I really wish he hadn't done that. This gutless dumbocrats should be ashamed of themselves. So the guy got a little freaky with his Iphone, so what? He broke no laws. And as far as I can recall, he was never one of these hypocrites sitting in judgment of how others live their personal lives.(Unlike those other do as I say not as I do clowns on the other side) The dumbocrats got behind Bubba, why couldn't they have gotten behind this guy?  I guess the whole Internet thing is still new to them.

Got luck Anthony, I guess we will see you on CNN in the very near future.

Finally,I got all the emails from you haters after my city was voted the dirtiest in A-merry-ca right next to the "Big Easy". (A bogus poll if there ever was one.) Apparently, not everyone is drinking the "hateraid". Anyway, I challenge you to tell me what city or town you live in and I will be glad to go tit for tat with you as to why Philly is better.


  1. PilotX7:48 PM

    Check it out.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Canadians rioting. It's the beer, eh.

    Steven D

  3. Canucks_Fan8:09 PM

    Nice try, FN.

    I have family in Vancouver, blacks started the rioting, and the local news is showing BLACKS being arrested.

    The police were concerned about "human bites" and several people were hospitalized with stab wounds and concussions.

    No matter where they are, the behavior never changes.

  4. Was listening to NPR this morning and heard something peculiar: "...the riot was caused by a small group of people."

    When whites riot, it a small group of people causing the turbulence. However, when blacks riots all of us are responsible.

  5. Yeah that Weiner is a fucking loser for quitting, but whatever, I don't even know of the guy anyhow, but he's still a loser eh. Come on man, now you know those rioters were Black Canadians!

  6. PilotX8:33 PM

    "I have family in Vancouver, blacks started the rioting, and the local news is showing BLACKS being arrested."

    Looking at the pic Field provided, the look kinda pale to me or maybe he doctored the picture. So you want me to believe all both of the Black folks in Vancouver started the riot? OK.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth8:40 PM

    Ahhh...fiddlesticks! Here I was thinking about moving to Vancouver.

  8. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I live in San Diego, CA...there are no ghettos or snow days...ever!!! Sunshine, the worlds most beautiful (fit)women of all ethnicities (combinations of races), Los Angeles to the north (where you get your freak on), and Tijuana Mexico to the south (where you get your freak on internationally), top rated beaches, mountains and desert within 30 min.

    All we don't have is a championship sports team...of any type.

    Oh yeah, today is sun splashed (71 degrees), no humidity, no mosquitoes, no air conditioners (in the city proper). We still wear sweatshirts at night because of the on-shore flow. This is why they call San Diego "America's Finest City."

    People in SD go to other places just to come back and tell everyone how crappy other places are and how good we got it...on the downside, you better have at least a business, an undergrad degree or better to afford's expensive living in paradise.

  9. Field I have to disagree with you on this one - Wiener had no choice but to step down or slip away for a few weeks/months until this bull blows over.

    Yes, he committed no crimes, but unlike the pink Tutu Democrats, the GOP would no problem chasing the man around obsessing about Anthony('s) Wiener instead of getting the job done. And he also lied like a dog to his media friends at MSNBC and other places making him persona non grata for the Lefty world. Also, through his action, he gave Andrew Briebart the fig leaf he needed (no matter how moldy or wilted) to be considered "Legit".

    I don't think having cybersex is a high crime nor does it warrant 24/7 coverage. But with an American press corp too lazy for real news, Dems doing anything to maintain power and the GOP willing to play the moral outrage card as a distraction without a hint of David Vitter-tinged irony - yes, homeboy had to bounce.

  10. whitey8:53 PM

    This predominately white riot in Canada doesn't change the fact that a disproportinate amount of rioting in North America, UK, and Europe are done by people of African descent.
    Furthmore, anytime minorities riot we are told it is because they are oppressed. When whites riot when are told they are thugs. Black rioting always has lame excuses. I think rioters are opportunists, and considering that 99% of it is done by young men I think it is due to testosterone, probably sexual frustration too. I judge rioting by whites the same as I do of any other race- it's an excuse to act like a thug.

  11. Anonymous9:02 PM

    field-"Finally,I got all the emails from you haters after my city was voted the dirtiest in A-merry-ca right next to the "Big Easy"."

    Wow, that's a lot of filth, field. any city that beats out NYC shouldn't be called a city, it should be called a garbage dump.:)

    The "Big Easy" STILL has an excuse...Katrina. What's Philly's excuse?

  12. whitey said...

    This predominately white riot in Canada doesn't change the fact that a disproportinate amount of rioting in North America, UK, and Europe are done by people of African descent.
    Furthmore, anytime minorities riot we are told it is because they are oppressed. When whites riot when are told they are thugs. Black rioting always has lame excuses. I think rioters are opportunists, and considering that 99% of it is done by young men I think it is due to testosterone, probably sexual frustration too. I judge rioting by whites the same as I do of any other race- it's an excuse to act like a thug.

    Care to site some numbers or facts to back up such an outlandish claim? Do we have watch you pull a rabbit out of your ass? Because that's obviously where you got your ideas from.

  13. Anonymous9:17 PM

    LAC-"Care to site some numbers or facts to back up such an outlandish claim? Do we have watch you pull a rabbit out of your ass? Because that's obviously where you got your ideas from."

    com on lac. you KNOW it's true. Everybody, including Blacks around the world know it's true.

    Why don't YOU show some facts that prove it isn't? You can't and neither can Field. otherwise, he would have posted about it.

  14. Anonymous9:18 PM

    LAC with the bubble butt and four chins said...

    "I don't think having cybersex is a high crime nor does it warrant 24/7 coverage"

    Of course you don't Shirley..or will you be "wanda" tonight big boy?? Remember plasic on the keyboard now, saves you much Splainin to your life partner later. You can't keep tellin him it's chicken grease, he is gettin suspicious.

  15. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Field, that kind of rioting smells like it was started by some folks of color and the Whites just went along for the ride. Doesn't that make more logical sense?

  16. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "Why don't YOU show some facts that prove it isn't? You can't and neither can Field. otherwise, he would have posted about it."

    Lac, we are still waiting.

  17. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Must be the horrible nasty terrible awful Lefty Liberal Progressive habit of using Facts...and the Goobers are now asking for us to show the sun rises in the East and the origins of the alphabet...because it am exactly the same. Just like when they quizzed teachers about the basics of Science...or Math...or Hygiene.
    Why is it that Cons keep telling us it is our sensitive, effeminate noses that are the issue...and not their marked unfamiliarity with the gawdless soap and water? Of course, it is we women who are the true discriminatory persons...what with our insistence on personal cleanliness and moderate bathing.
    Like with Cons can stop being the problem at anytime.

    Ummm....rioters in Vancouver? Forgive my cynicism...but isn't the Harper regime looking for an excuse to rescind Canadian rights...including the eveeel Universal Health Care? And why do so many Cons seem so eager about this? Perhaps it is Krystallnacht for the current crop of Goober Nazis. I would caution them that most of the Germans ended up dead. Sort of Darwin Awards for beleeverating.



  18. Anonymous9:47 PM

    You notice how no one says in this instance that the solution to this behavior is more social programs, more community centers? Notice no one says they are acting out of legimitate frustration and anger? Notice how no one brings up their poor socio-economic background and uses the poverty card as an excuse? Now if they were black we'd be hearing that left and right.

  19. GrannyStandingforTruth9:59 PM

    Notice that the rioting had nothing to do with poverty or injustice, but that it was over a silly game, could that be the reason why you did not hear about more social programs? Duh!

    Guess what, I know a nice screen name for you...Meanspirit!

  20. "Wow, that's a lot of filth, field. any city that beats out NYC shouldn't be called a city, it should be called a garbage dump.:)

    The "Big Easy" STILL has an excuse...Katrina. What's Philly's excuse?"

    No excuse needed. Still a world class city. Where do you live?

    "This predominately white riot in Canada doesn't change the fact that a disproportinate amount of rioting in North America, UK, and Europe are done by people of African descent.
    Furthmore, anytime minorities riot we are told it is because they are oppressed. When whites riot when are told they are thugs"

    Hey, relax, black folks aren't trying to out riot you. I am just reporting so that you can decide, that's all. :)

  21. "Field, that kind of rioting smells like it was started by some folks of color and the Whites just went along for the ride. Doesn't that make more logical sense?"

    To you, and others who think like you, I am sure that it does.

  22. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Granny, "Notice that the rioting had nothing to do with poverty or injustice, but that it was over a silly game, could that be the reason why you did not hear about more social programs? Duh!"

    for you to call it a silly game proves your insensitivity. maybe you ought to use the screen name of Mean-Spirited yourself.

  23. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Field, "No excuse needed. Still a world class city. Where do you live?"

    I live in Detroit. Unlike dirty Philly, it's pretty clean.

  24. Anonymous10:16 PM

    and don't be writing my boss complaining about his Detroit agent.

  25. "I live in Detroit. Unlike dirty Philly, it's pretty clean."

    Did you say Detroit? Sorry, I won't bother to argue with you. There is a latin phrase in Tort law that says Res Ipsa Loquitur.I am thinking that it we could use it here as well.

    I will save my argument for someone from a city like Dallas or Salt Lake.

  26. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Mr. Field said, "So Mr. Weiner called it quits today. I really wish he hadn't done that. This gutless dumbocrats should be ashamed of themselves. So the guy got a little freaky with his Iphone, so what? He broke no laws."

    Mr. Field, Weiner created his own dirty lewd karma and must pay the price, which is resignation and distance from the umbrella of the Democratic Party. I agree that the dumbocrats ARE gutless most of the time, but this is not one of them. They should not be ashamed they should feel they are above the gutter of freaky porn pictures by a MARRIED MAN who was old enough to be a college girl's father.

    And he DID break a law: THE LAW OF DECENCY. Of course, in the filthy low neighborhood of progressive leftist liberals, there is 'Nothing' wrong with what Mr. Weiner did.

    At least the Dems are trying to APPEAR to be taking the high moral road than sinking into the porno sewer with a sexually addicted Rep who WILL, more than likely, continue his freaky ways as he has done in the past.

  27. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Canada is one place i can go with my daddy and still have fun.Cananda hasn't been turned in nazi america by goobers and cons.

    My daddy and i go there all the time.Very little racism and there's no fox news.You goobers keep beleeverating fox news is real news while i take my daddy on a trip to my special place.


  28. Anonymous10:31 PM

    field negro said...
    "I live in Detroit. Unlike dirty Philly, it's pretty clean."

    and getting cleaner as the democratic policies and leaders over the past 50 years have failed and now the city is returning to farmland...wait, that's dirty...hmmmm. quick, black farmers are living with dirt and getting dirty, we need another taxpayer social program to combat this injustice.

  29. Anon @10:31 PM, I am going to talk to your president about having some reading comprehension classes. :)

  30. Anonymous10:47 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon @10:31 PM, I am going to talk to your president about having some reading comprehension classes. :)

    Ha-Ha well you did say the "dirtiest city" :)

  31. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Canada is one place i can go with my daddy and still have fun.Cananda hasn't been turned in nazi america by goobers and cons.

    My daddy and i go there all the time.Very little racism and there's no fox news.You goobers keep beleeverating fox news is real news while i take my daddy on a trip to my special place.


    Wow, I think that is the first time in my life I have ever heard anyone call an asshole "canada" although daddy's special place is not so new for Mold. So mold when daddy goes deep does he say, woohoo we in detroit now?

  32. field writes: city was voted the dirtiest in A-merry-ca right next to the "Big Easy". (A bogus pole if there ever was one.)

    A bogus POLE?

    Those Poles. What a phony bunch.

  33. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Black Power Wanes Amid Rising Hispanic Economic Clout in U.S.

    U.S. Representative Danny Davis sits in his west side congressional office, long ago the headquarters of Sears Roebuck & Co., and watches black Chicago slip away.

    The third-largest U.S. city lost 17 percent of its black population — 181,000 people — in the past decade, according to the Census Bureau. In their place, Hispanics gained 25,000, or 3.3 percent. To explain the seismic shift those numbers represent in economic and political power, Davis drew on the words of Chicago blues legend Buddy Guy.

    “While you’re steppin’ out, somebody else is steppin’ in,” said Davis, 69, an eight-term congressman and pillar of Chicago’s black political establishment.

    In the city that drew waves of blacks during the Great Migration of the early 20th century, their descendants barely remain the largest racial or ethnic group, at 32.4 percent. Blacks earn less and are more likely to live in poverty than Hispanics, who make up almost 30 percent of Chicago, a city of 2.7 million that lost 6.9 percent of its population since 2000.

    Damn fields, hispanics are running y'alls black a** out of town.

    Whats gonna be left for y'all?

    North Dakota?

  34. "I have family in Vancouver, blacks started the rioting, and the local news is showing BLACKS being arrested."


    Because the only black guy I saw in this vid was a Vancouver cop. Perhaps he was the one who started the riot -- you can never tell with these wily negros!

  35. la coincidental babbles:

    Wiener had no choice but to step down ...

    Wrong. He was ELECTED. Thus, the job of Congressman is his until the voters throw him out. But until the next election, the job was his to keep.

    He wimped out.

    It's too bad that he left. His exit proves that weird standards exist among Democrats.

    Weiner embarrassed himself but committed NO Crimes. On the other hand, Charlie Rangel committed tax evasion AND he illegally acquired rent-stablized properties.

    Thus, Rangel committed crimes in two categories, yet he remains in Congress.

  36. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Field, "Did you say Detroit? Sorry, I won't bother to argue with you. There is a latin phrase in Tort law that says Res Ipsa Loquitur.I am thinking that it we could use it here as well."

    What does that latin phrase mean? Never mind. I'll look it up myself...

    Just looked it up, and I DO believe you are saying that anybody living in Detroit ought to STFU. Because the difference between the cleanliness of Detroit and Philly isn't worth talking about?

    Are you messing with me? Are you aware that Thursday is Anons night out on FN blog? You are suppose to be welcoming not throwing out insulting legalities. Are you drinking that Jamican shit again? For peets sake, it's only Thursday.

    btw, what ever happened to that Weiner fan out in PR called Desertflower? She must be bawling(no pun intended) over the resignation of the diminished and deflated Weiner(no puns intended).

    I know Anne G Myma, Granny and Barbara Walters are sick over this! Granny, you are the only one of these women who is a devout Christian. That means you are the only one that has a good chance of going to hell.

  37. The population of Canada is less than 2% black. But wherever the local population of blacks is high, so is the crime rate.

    As for the "riot" in Vancouver, well, there was a video of people who beat one man who tried to steer people away from smashing store windows.

    When the punches started flying, the middle-aged white guy was getting clobbered by several blacks.

    Moreover, as the videos of the riot showed, the rioters were going all out attacking the metal boxes from which newspapers are sold, they smashed some store windows and made a general mess. But it appears there was little or no looting and there were no fires.

    Thus, by the absence of looting and fires, it's easy to conclude the black involvement was low. But again, that's due to the fact that there are few blacks in Canada.

    Watts, Detroit, South Central, NY City 1977, Crown Heights, Rwanda...

  38. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Field, "Anon @10:31 PM, I am going to talk to your president about having some reading comprehension classes. :)"

    Dear Mr Field: As you can plainly see, anon is a distraction in our organization much like the dems had with the great weiner.

    Please pressure our boss to fire anon 10:31pm's ass because he is a 'distraction' to what we anons are trying to do here on FN blog.

    Thank you.

  39. Granny said: "Notice that the rioting had nothing to do with poverty or injustice, but that it was over a silly game..."

    So could you imagine if they were anything close to poor and oppressed people? Scary. And they call black people animals?

    Canucks_Fan, like Christopher Columbus, you lie.

  40. field writes:

    Did you say Detroit? Sorry, I won't bother to argue with you. There is a latin phrase in Tort law that says Res Ipsa Loquitur.

    Res Ipsa Loquitur? This seems to be a black thing. Black gasbags on black TV shows try to use erudite, convoluted or abstruse language to say something simple -- like "the thing speaks for itself".

    I was on the subway earlier and overheard two black guys talking.

    One said "I went to an outer borough today."

    For you non-New Yorkers, the boroughs are Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island.

    The second black guy asked "What borough."

    The first said "Long Island."

    The second, aghast said "You dumb n-word, Long Island ain't no borough. Harlem's a borough."

    Res Ipsa Loquitur...and it won't stop.

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth11:18 PM

    Anonymous 10:56:

    Hold up anonymous, not so fast! Surely, you've heard of Repentance?

  42. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Field, "Anon @10:31 PM, I am going to talk to your president about having some reading comprehension classes. :)"

    Dear Mr Field: As you can plainly see, anon is a distraction in our organization much like the dems had with the great weiner.

    Please pressure our boss to fire anon 10:31pm's ass because he is a 'distraction' to what we anons are trying to do here on FN blog.

    Thank you.

    So you are saying my "great weiner is a distraction"? Yeah, thats what all the girls say, wait, I hope you are a girl, I dont play that MOLD shit. By the way, I am the boss and your demoted!! We don't want another wienergate so you get to stay so we can abuse ya.

  43. Anonymous11:22 PM

    no_slappz, thanks for explaning what "Res Ipsa Loquitur" means. like the good teacher that you are, once again you bring out the meaning of words through real life stories. Thanks again.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. "Thus, by the absence of looting and fires, it's easy to conclude the black involvement was low. But again, that's due to the fact that there are few blacks in Canada."

    That made no sense, another moron has spoken.

    Yet we clearly saw looting, fires, violence and indecent sexual conduct. All brought upon by white faces.

  46. "As for the "riot" in Vancouver, well, there was a video of people who beat one man who tried to steer people away from smashing store windows.

    When the punches started flying, the middle-aged white guy was getting clobbered by several blacks."

    Really? Do you have a link to this video? I hope you have a link, otherwise your claims would go unsubstantiated. Again.

  47. Anonymous11:31 PM

    field writes: city was voted the dirtiest in A-merry-ca right next to the "Big Easy". (A bogus pole if there ever was one.)

    A bogus POLE?

    Is a bogus pole anything like a fake weiner?

  48. Anonymous11:33 PM

    once again i can see that anons are having a good thurs nite out and it's already a successful blast and we still have a lot of time to go. wow! we just keep getting better and better on these nights out.

    i know field and 'some' of his insecure followers with 'ids'-- like uts, mack lyons and pilotF are very pleased.

    it is our pleasure to be of service to to you. and we pray and love every one of you, including the worst of you. u know who u r.

    loving anons, let us pray.

  49. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "Yet we clearly saw looting, fires, violence and indecent sexual conduct. All brought upon by white faces."

    is there a video of the indecent sexual conduct? if so, would you mind providing the link to it?

  50. Anonymous11:40 PM

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth11:45 PM


    "So could you imagine if they were anything close to poor and oppressed people?"

    If it is anything like the parties they give, I can imagine how uncivilized they would get.

  52. "Watts, Detroit, South Central, NY City 1977, Crown Heights, Rwanda..."

    Yeah, yeah Slapstick, we get it. Whereever there are Niggers in great numbers, riots happen. It's "their nature", after all.

    Which is why the great white leaders of this nation deigned to see fit that the collective energy of the Negro was to be harnessed on plantations and directed towards agricultural and industrial pursuits, for their own good, of course. The Prison-Industrial Complex is simply a return to a solution that has benefitted America as a whole and prevented those sorry scenes that are "commonplace" in today's society.

    "i know field and 'some' of his insecure followers with 'ids'-- like uts, mack lyons and pilotF are very pleased. "

    Anon, I'm intrigued by your fascination with us. Every time you put your anonymous John Hancock on a post here, you mention us, as though we were "Field Negro blog celebrities" or something. I just don't get why you go on like you do about us -- that sort of fixation ain't healthy. You may need psychiatric help of some sort.

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth11:47 PM

    *I meant to say how MORE uncivilized and violent they would get.*

  54. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Watts was short for wites getting scared that other citizens would no longer defer to the wites obvious lack of breeding, manners and hygiene.
    Now they attempt to Brietbart the Vancouver violence is sourced by AfAms. Ummm...Canada is a country...not the 51st State.
    Want to bet me the idiots who were being stoopid are ardent Harper fans?

    Shame about Weiner...but the decision was his. I did note the glee from the dishonest opposition over his resignation...but why are they also not calling for Diapers Vitter to leave...or for Ensign to cease imposing his lust upon his subordinate in the workplace...or Mark Foley to leave young boys alone...


  55. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Shame on you field.Pointing out some bad behavior on the part of our white brothers up north.Like thats suppose to make us forget about black memorial day weekend 2011?

    Did you know cities where the black pop is over 30% are now thinking about banning black 4th of July celebrations?

    Has black 4th of July approaches i urge you to use your blog to help bring calm to black America.

    The safety of whites depends on you fields.

  56. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Anon, I'm intrigued by your fascination with us. Every time you put your anonymous John Hancock on a post here, you mention us, as though we were "Field Negro blog celebrities" or something. I just don't get why you go on like you do about us -- that sort of fixation ain't healthy. You may need psychiatric help of some sort."

    Are you intrigued or obsessed? But you ARE special folks aren't you? like celebrities?

    I know you don't get why i go on like I do. My therapist says it IS healthy when you want to be personal on a blog. "You should try to be as direct as possible, he says, "even if some people don't get it. You should be who you are and express your feelings because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind."

    I read him some of your comments to me. It made for a great therapy session. We both concluded that you were pretty sick and needed therapy. Ironic isn't it? :D

  57. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Slapnuts-"Has black 4th of July approaches i urge you to use your blog to help bring calm to black America.

    The safety of whites depends on you fields."

    My God, Slapnuts! that is a heavy cross for Mr. Field to carry. Not even Christ would want to carry that cross. Please, show some mercy for my hero...he's all I got. Where is your heart and appreciation for God's children?

  58. Anonymous12:30 AM

    slappy-it's a legal thing. wait a min...don't tell me that in one of your 5742365 lives, you're not a lawyer??! i'm truly surprised.
    "black gasbags on tv try to use erudite, convoluted and abstruse language to say something simple."
    oh the irony.

    coffee and cigarettes

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth12:36 AM

    Dang, Slapnuts,all this time I thought that the 4th of July was to celebrate Independence day and that glorious moment when those color aroused founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence that said, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

    Why am I not surprise, this county foundation was built on a fork tongue.

  60. Anonymous12:38 AM

    slappz-"black gasbags on tv try to use erudite, convoluted and abstruse language to say something simple."

    Coffee& Cigs coughed, "oh the irony."

    Did you notice how slappz simplified what field said? As a proud Negro I am grateful to him for making that legal latin term very simple so that ALL can understand. You just don't appreciate the straightforward teachings of slappz. you would rather stay confused, which is a bad habit of yours.

  61. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Yeah, yeah Slapstick, we get it. Whereever there are Niggers in great numbers, riots happen. It's "their nature", after all."

    Why do you use the N-word? have you no black pride in being who you are?

  62. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Which is why the great white leaders of this nation deigned to see fit that the collective energy of the Negro was to be harnessed on plantations and directed towards agricultural and industrial pursuits, for their own good, of course. The Prison-Industrial Complex is simply a return to a solution that has benefitted America as a whole and prevented those sorry scenes that are "commonplace" in today's society."

    My God, man. have some mercy on us folks. the card is still out on whether those days were good for us or not. But I agree, it's beginning to look like the Jim Crow days as a compromise between slavery and Black on black crime, might be a better choice...and probably something we all could live with because it is merciful.

    Mack, I realize it is a complex matter, but please try to think on this and let folks know your best thought out conclusions.:)

  63. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I am so glad slappz has gone to bed. I get a break from his bashing my people. By midnight my stomach is in knots from his slaughtering us. No one can stop him. No one can match him. He proves White is right; and White is might. It looks almost hopeless.

    Please dear God, make a lot of house calls to my people and lift their fearful hearts for Mr. Jim Crow is on his way in 2012.

  64. "Why do you use the N-word? have you no black pride in being who you are?"

    Do you not know sarcasm when you see it? Spare me...

    "I read him some of your comments to me. It made for a great therapy session. We both concluded that you were pretty sick and needed therapy. Ironic isn't it? :D"

    That stuffed doll on the edge of your bed does not count as a "therapist". You need help.

    "My God, man. have some mercy on us folks. the card is still out on whether those days were good for us or not. But I agree, it's beginning to look like the Jim Crow days as a compromise between slavery and Black on black crime, might be a better choice...and probably something we all could live with because it is merciful.

    Mack, I realize it is a complex matter, but please try to think on this and let folks know your best thought out conclusions.:)"

    You don't know sarcasm when you see it, either.

    You thought the days of Jim Crow were "good" for you? Exactly how old are you? Most black folk who lived during those times thought it was complete shit back then.

    Of course, some Uncle Tom-type blacks would insist on bringing Jim Crow back, since they've been so beaten down by white opinion of themselves and their fellow blacks that they must advocate cordoning off black folk in their own separate spaces and curtail their rights as human beings once more, for their own good, of course.

    Perhaps once more it will be just fine and dandy for white folk to picnic under a Negro's hanged corpse. I'm pretty sure whatever he did to deserve that, he had it coming. :)

  65. "I am so glad slappz has gone to bed. I get a break from his bashing my people. By midnight my stomach is in knots from his slaughtering us. No one can stop him. No one can match him. He proves White is right; and White is might. It looks almost hopeless.

    Please dear God, make a lot of house calls to my people and lift their fearful hearts for Mr. Jim Crow is on his way in 2012."

    Heh. I thought I wouldn't see the day slappzstick managed to convert someone over to the gospel of Black Self-hatred. Calling on Jim Crow to ascend from the grave in all his shining, white glory is a bit much. You'd probably be one of the first Negros to be hanged for some trivial offense against Whitekind.....reckless eyeballing of a white woman, perhaps? Nah, you'd probably cut your eyes out to keep such a thing from happening. At least then you'd be able to endear yourself to Whitekind as a lovable blind Nigg....whoops...Negro. :D

  66. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Mack Lyons-"Of course, some Uncle Tom-type blacks would insist on bringing Jim Crow back, since they've been so beaten down by white opinion of themselves and their fellow blacks that they must advocate cordoning off black folk in their own separate spaces and curtail their rights as human beings once more, for their own good, of course."

    My sentiments exactly. We Blacks are beaten down, even more so today. Even Granny provided a link in the previous thread about how our black intellectuals have been manipulated in their thinking. When Granny speaks, I listen.

    So it WOULD be better to go back to Jim Crow days. Like you said, "it would be for our own good." I agree with you 100%...thanks...I knew we would come together sooner or later.

  67. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Mack Lyons, "That stuffed doll on the edge of your bed does not count as a "therapist". You need help."

    That is hilarious. Did you know I have a doll at the foot of my bed that looks like Chuckie? He's pretty wise.

  68. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Mack, when I say bring back Jim Crow I meant 'without' the hangings. Separate facilities and schools would be ok...we's be a lot happier and might even become better educated because many of our kids quit those integrated schools anyway.

  69. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Mack Lyons-"Do you not know sarcasm when you see it? Spare me..."

    I did not know that you were being sarcastic. You sounded serious to me.

  70. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Mack said, "You don't know sarcasm when you see it, either."

    whoa, wait a minute. I thought you were at first joking. But then I began to think, "Mack doesn't joke. Mack is a very serious black guy who doesn't bullshit." Now you are telling me that you were joking? Bullshit.


  71. GrannyStandingforTruth1:54 AM

    Anonymous, evidently, you just read the link and not the article. The title was an attention grabber. He didn't say that blacks cannot think for themselves.

  72. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Mr. Field, Mack and Uts, get yourselves a Chucky doll and place it at the foot of your bed. You'll be surprised at the cathartic effect it will have on your brain when you wake up in the AM.

    Btw, Chucky also comes in case you might have trouble waking up to the White one. Just sayin..

  73. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Granny, you didn't refute anybody and there were quite a few brothas and sistas, including AB who did not like the article. But you hid from everyone which surprised me about you. I guess aging saps the energy from us and makes cowards of us all.

  74. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Dear Field, I sometimes wonder if you are Black because Blacks don't go to bed at 12mid. I mean, that is not BPT. I am afraid that you may be developing some abnormal sleeping habits which are less than Black. I am concerned that you are becoming NOT Black enough.

    Mr. Field, please say it ain't so.

  75. Hey Field I bet West Midwood is cleaner than Philly since it doesn't actually exist.


  76. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Brooklyn, it must exist because slappz lives there. slappz doesn't lie, he is a man of integrity. JEWS DON'T LIE!

    Why don't you just ask slappz to give you directions? He is a detailed man that will give you unfailing specific instructions.

  77. "That is hilarious. Did you know I have a doll at the foot of my bed that looks like Chuckie? He's pretty wise."

    Does he have a knife? You should calmly walk away and call the police.

    "Mr. Field, Mack and Uts, get yourselves a Chucky doll and place it at the foot of your bed. You'll be surprised at the cathartic effect it will have on your brain when you wake up in the AM."

    Chances are you wouldn't be able to wake up at all. I don't want to involuntarily "donate" any blood to the mattress or the floor.

    "Dear Field, I sometimes wonder if you are Black because Blacks don't go to bed at 12mid. I mean, that is not BPT. I am afraid that you may be developing some abnormal sleeping habits which are less than Black. I am concerned that you are becoming NOT Black enough."

    Some of us live in different time zones. And some of us are just night owls. Not literally, of course. That'd take the term "hunting and pecking" to a new level. :D

  78. GrannyStandingforTruth2:41 AM

    Nah, it wasn't quite a few brothas and sistas. Hide for what?

    LOL! Sweetheart, are the only elderly people you know frail and deteriorating? You do not have one of those overactive imaginations do you? Because sounds like if it was left up to you, I'd be immobile in a convalescent hospital. I'm putting you on my prayer list.

  79. GrannyStandingforTruth2:56 AM

    Hey Brooklyn:

    I pray that all is well with you and your enjoying a shower of blessings! I like your icon. A female warrior standing firm and like a tree planted by the water and spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green.

  80. GrannyStandingforTruth3:04 AM

    Mack, I'm a night owl myself because it's quiet and peaceful.

  81. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Granny "LOL! Sweetheart, are the only elderly people you know frail and deteriorating? You do not have one of those overactive imaginations do you? Because sounds like if it was left up to you, I'd be immobile in a convalescent hospital. I'm putting you on my prayer list.

    dear Granny, I have been to a number of old folks home in Oakland and seen a lot of ageing folks with their walkers and canes. I have seen them in stores and supermarkets. I have an interest in old people because they teach and show me what to expect. Maybe you are the exception but the body wears out for most elderly people. In fact, I haven't seen ONE elderly in my family whose body didn't break down, sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly before death. I am praying that my case will be quick. But in the end, it's God's choice.

  82. Anonymous3:10 AM

    well, it's time for bed. you and mack are too slow in commenting for me. I know Mack is slow, but you used to be much faster, Granny. Don't fool yourself. Old age has its effects. If you don't respect it, you are going to suffer needlessly.

  83. GrannyStandingforTruth3:19 AM

    I'm reading a book in between posting and just don't have much to say.

  84. Anonymous3:28 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm reading a book in between posting and just don't have much to say.

    Is it a porno mag You know you can find that online now right Just sayin

  85. GrannyStandingforTruth3:41 AM

    LOL! Nope, I'm not reading porno. LOL!

  86. brooklyn writes:

    Hey Field I bet West Midwood is cleaner than Philly since it doesn't actually exist.

    Here is the link to the West Midwood Neighborhood:

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. News from the Front:

    Best observation by a reporter -- rioters broke the windows of a bookstore, but no one took anything.

    Just after 11 p.m., in the aftermath of violence, the street was a deserted war zone. Very few businesses were left unscathed and sidewalks were littered with shattered glass.

    One shoe store had virtually no merchandise left, while the London Drugs on Georgia and Granville, where alarms still blared, had its doors smashed in, and coat hangers and shoes strewn outside.

    Unruly, booze-fuelled mobs also broke into Sears at Robson and Howe. One looter managed to break into Chapters bookstore, but apparently no one bothered entering.

    Ugly brawls tinged with a racial element were seen breaking out on Granville Street as late as 11 p.m. and a police chopper circled the crowd overhead as police attempted to take control of the melee.

    At a hastily-called press conference, Mayor Gregor Robertson said he was disappointed at tonight's "embarrassing" turn of events.

    Again, this was not all Vancouver Canucks fans, and the looting appeared to be the work of anarchists based on the local news reports.

  90. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Jim Crow was grate...if you a wite dude with zero talent, education, or work ethic. You could be guaranteed the ability to supplant a vastly more qualified candidate based on your paler skin. No wonder Affirmative Action is so abhorrent to them.

    I do laugh at wites who sockpuppet their ignorance...just like their heroes on the wingnut welfare.


  91. Facebook is handy for starting revolutions in the middle east and North Africa, and it's going to provide evidence against rioters in Vancouver. Video Snitchin'.

    Rioting Canadians exposed online -- Images are being gathered to identify those involved in the Vancouver riot

    Vancouver: Riots after Cup defeat
    Boston Bruins win NHL Stanley Cup
    Concerned Canadians have turned to social media to name and shame people behind the riots in Vancouver.

    Violence flared in the city after the Vancouver Canucks hockey team lost to the Boston Bruins in the final game of the Stanley Cup.

    Facebook groups and picture blogs have been set up to catalogue those inciting the worst of the violence.

    A "riot criminal list" was created on the Tumblr photo blog site to gather images of those claimed to be involved. It gathered video of the ongoing trouble as well as pictures of individuals breaking shop windows, helping to flip cars and attacking riot police. Dozens of pictures were posted within hours of it being set up.

    Similar pages on Facebook have attracted thousands of supporters.

    Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and the police department issued calls to those in the city at the time of the riot to save their pictures.

    Mayor Robertson said they would be used to identify and track down the "hooligans" involved. The police said they would set up a site where people can electronically upload images.

    A Facebook event has also been created to help deal with the aftermath of the riot. The page asks for pledges to go into the city centre and help to clean up. More than 10,000 people have signed up to get involved.

  92. I wonder where that uber-Tom Larry Elder is today?

    Remember he held up the Japanese as an example of civility because they supposedly didn't riot or loot in the wake of a national disaster? (In fact there were several incidents of looting in Japan after the earthquake.)

    Where's Uncle Larry to lecture the white Canadians on their "cultural deficiencies?"

    The same place he was when white college kids rioted and tore up College Park, MD in April 2002.

    Grinnin' and shufflin for Massa.

    See black conservatives aren't allowed to critique or attack anyone but other blacks.

  93. Anonymous9:06 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I wonder where that uber-Tom Larry Elder is today?

    "Remember he held up the Japanese as an example of civility because they supposedly didn't riot or loot in the wake of a national disaster? (In fact there were several incidents of looting in Japan after the earthquake.)

    Where's Uncle Larry to lecture the white Canadians on their "cultural deficiencies?""

    Don't be mad cause you negros never miss a opportunity to riot,loot,rape and murder.

    Don't believe me? Do some research.

    The same place he was when white college kids rioted and tore up College Park, MD in April 2002.

    Grinnin' and shufflin for Massa.

    See black conservatives aren't allowed to critique or attack anyone but other blacks.

    This comes from a negro who has attacked every black poster here that has dared to criticize Obama.


    Its always fun watching plantation negros attack those negros who were brave enough to step off the Democrat plantation.

    The real jiggin' comes from you negros that blindly support your Democrat masters.

  94. hobama inc cleared over 6 million last year...

    how close to the poverty level of his best nazi fans is that????

    the real joke is that joker millionaire and his global billionaire banksters and ceos who run!

    mitt will never be as morbidly funny as that global elitist warmongering fool hobama...

    President Obama and First Lady released their 2009 federal and State of Illinois income tax returns on Thursday; they reported adjusted gross income of $ 5,505,409 out of $6,114,931 total income. They donated $329,100 to 40 different charities.

    Their return was prepared by the Chicago firm of Wineberg Solheim Howell & Shain, PC and signed by the Obamas on April 7.

  95. the "Big Easy". (A bogus pole if there ever was one.)

    A bogus POLE?

    Those Poles. What a phony bunch."

    Hey loser, you are late and wrong as usual. That was corrected way before you posted your drivel. Try again. Dope!

  96. hobama made less in 2010

    but he is still a millionaire

    how many of his broke black hobama nazi mongrel fans can say the same???????

    ALL of the politicos who bilk their voter fans are FAR richer than any avg voter!!!!!

    mitt is no why pretend he is??????????
    President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden released their 2010 tax returns on April 18, 2011.

    Obama reported $1,795,614 of total income, which consists mostly of his salary as president ($395,188) and proceeds from the sale of his books ($1,382,889). Obama also itemized his deductions, reporting deductions for state income taxes, property taxes, mortgage interest and charity. The Obamas paid federal income taxes of $416,734, roughly 23% of their total income. Obama also contributed to the maximum to a pre-tax retirement plan based his self-employed book proceeds.

    The Bidens reported total income of $379,178 on their 2010 tax return, which consists mostly of the vice president's salary of $255,888 and Jill Biden's salary as a college teacher of $82,488. The Bidens also itemized, taking deductions for state income tax, property tax, mortgage interest, and charity. Like many other taxpayers, the Bidens got hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax. The Bidens paid federal income taxes of $86,407, roughly 23% of their total income.

    The President also released copies of his federal gift tax return and his Illinois state return. The Bidens included copies of their Delaware and Virginia tax returns.

  97. "Did you say Detroit? Sorry, I won't bother to argue with you. There is a latin phrase in Tort law that says Res Ipsa Loquitur.

    Res Ipsa Loquitur? This seems to be a black thing. Black gasbags on black TV shows try to use erudite, convoluted or abstruse language to say something simple -- like "the thing speaks for itself".

    There he goes using up google again. Sorry slappy, we are not impressed.

    BTW, you never told me if you were a PE. You seem to conveniently ignore certain questions. :)

  98. most politicos are rich

    mitt and hobama are in LOTS of wealthy comaony

  99. mitt and hobama are in LOTS of wealthy company

    many of the richces are INSIDE hobama's own elitist regime!!!

  100. More news from the front:

    "Btw, Chucky also comes in case you might have trouble waking up to the White one. Just sayin.."

    Dear Mr. President of Anon Inc. your people were actually very funny last night. I think they are on their way to redeeming themselves.

    Thus, by the absence of looting and fires, it's easy to conclude the black involvement was low. But again, that's due to the fact that there are few blacks in Canada.

    Watts, Detroit, South Central, NY City 1977, Crown Heights, Rwanda...

    ...East Lansing, Ann Arbor....we can do this all day.

  101. Anonymous10:08 AM

    the "Big Easy". (A bogus pole if there ever was one.)

    A bogus POLE?

    Those Poles. What a phony bunch."

    Hey loser, you are late and wrong as usual. That was corrected way before you posted your drivel. Try again. Dope!

    Field, I am getting confused. Let me try to elaborate, if someone like Mold for instance is smoking a cig and someone from poland is smoking a cig would one of them be a pole smoker or a smoking pole?

    Could you clarify that for me, thanks. P.S remember if your significant other starts smoking and you want it to stop - slow down and use some more lubricant.

  102. Field, I am getting confused. Let me try to elaborate, if someone like Mold for instance is smoking a cig and someone from poland is smoking a cig would one of them be a pole smoker or a smoking pole?"

    Why do you have to use "Mold" as an exampple? But to answer your question; he would be a smoking pole.

    10:12 AM

  103. Slapped Stupid

    "Don't be mad cause you negros never miss a opportunity to riot,loot,rape and murder."

    Oh really?

    Hey, black folks on FN.....been doing any rioting lately?

    Slappy why are you so ignint?

    "Don't believe me? Do some research."


    "I don't have evidence of my assertion. I'm just belching baseless racist bull$hit and praying no one challenges me."

    "This comes from a negro who has attacked every black poster here that has dared to criticize Obama."

    I don't even respond to AB anymore. Who else are you speaking of Slappy?

    Do you respond to disembodied voices?

  104. uts/da mayor of gated utopia:

    u do not respond because you have nothing to say in defense of:


    the WORST foreclosures looming YET...even in gated enclaves


    if anyone slew me as i slay u, i would ignore them too

    carry on muzzled coon.


    thank u so very much!!!

    The rich and famous now have something in common with hundreds of thousands of middle and lower-class Americans: The bank is about to take their homes.

    Houses with loans of $5 million or more will likely see a sharp rise in foreclosures this year, according to a RealtyTrac study for The Wall Street Journal.

    View Full Image

    Gabe Palacio for The Wall Street Journal

    Banks had scheduled a foreclosure auction of Richard Fuscone's Westchester County, N.Y., mansion this week. But the former top Wall Street executive declared personal bankruptcy, delaying the auction.
    Just this week, a Tudor mansion in Bel-Air belonging to film star Nicolas Cage was in foreclosure auction and reverted to the lender. On Wednesday, Richard Fuscone, a former top Wall Street executive, declared personal bankruptcy, forestalling a foreclosure auction that had been scheduled this week on his 14-acre Westchester mansion. Last month a Manhattan condominium owned by Italian film producer Vittorio Cecchi Gori was sold in a foreclosure auction for $33.2 million.

  105. somebody said it yesterday.

    If she was a horse they'd shoot her.

  106. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Mitt is worth over $200 million and doesn't work.

    Obama is president (a real job) and made (with his wife) $1 mill.

    Oh, yeah, they're equal!

  107. field writes:

    BTW, you never told me if you were a PE. You seem to conveniently ignore certain questions.

    I must have missed that question. Are you asking if I have a Professional Engineering (PE) license?

    If that's your question then --

    No. That's a professional designation for engineers who operate as consultants, particularly if the projects on which they consult are government projects.

  108. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Man With Suspicious Device Detained at Pentagon

    A man carrying a suspicious package was detained in Arlington National Cemetery this morning after police searched his backpack and found the materials as well as pro-al Qaeda literature, officials told ABC News.

    Police believe he was carrying ammonium nitrate and spent ammunition for an automatic weapon. Ammonium nitrate has been used in terrorist bombs.

    According to law enforcement sources, the man is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Initially he was thought to be of Ethiopian ethnicity.

    The statements were found in a notebook that contained mostly notes for a financial class. There was also was a page containing words “al qaeda”, “Taliban rules”, “mujahidin and “defeated coalition forces.”

    The man allegedly told police that there were other “devices” in the area and also the location of a vehicle.

    Sorry Libs...He wasn't a white Christian male.....

    Maybe next time..................

  109. Spokane Goobers plant a bomb on the route of the MLK Day Parade.

  110. Leftists are Evil11:44 AM

    The riots in Vancouver were started by anarchists (a.k.a. unemployed progressives) under cover of the Stanley Cup loss.

    "Progressive" is just another name for violent Marxist.

    You on the left are playing with a fire that will burn down the world.

  111. Anonymous11:45 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Spokane Goobers plant a bomb on the route of the MLK Day Parade.

    LIE! That bomb was planted by a black muslim.

  112. Quote:someidiot"This predominately white riot in Canada doesn't change the fact that a disproportinate amount of rioting in North America, UK, and Europe are done by people of African descent. "

    What's everybody got against rioting all of a sudden? It's what teenagers are supposed to do.

    I rioted a couple of times in my late teens, didn't do me any harm.

    What kind of world are we living in where kids kids aren't encouraged to riot anymore? I blame all this political correctness.

  113. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Anonymous said...
    btw, what ever happened to that Weiner fan out in PR called Desertflower? She must be bawling(no pun intended) over the resignation of the diminished and deflated Weiner(no puns intended).
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What I feel isn't important. and anyway FYI I don't care if he resigned, he'll be working and prolly at something better soon enough :)
    What is important is the Pandora's box that his actions have opened.
    In today's cyber world where the internet offers a world of opportunity to have different kinds of interaction with so many different people, is there a chance for true and complete fidelity in a marriage? I say yes, but only if there i true love, and good communication. In this case I think (only my personal opinion) he married for political and social climbing, I hope I'm wrong,and anyway she's never home so I think he feels lonely and insignificant. I feel badly for them,especially because there is a baby on the way who did not ask to be born into this mess.
    But as the French say,Ce la vie!

    I must admit that it would be nice if they would be able to work this out, continue happily together and thus restore ones faith in love and marriage, which seems to be rapidly
    becoming a thing of the past.

    (you think she'll make him permanently throw out all the computers and phones???) LOLOLOLOL

    and pardon me for being such a yenta.

  114. Quote:No Slapzz "I am so glad slappz has gone to bed. I get a break from his bashing my people. By midnight my stomach is in knots from his slaughtering us. No one can stop him. No one can match him. He proves White is right; and White is might. It looks almost hopeless."

    Give it a rest Slappy, you are convincing nobody.

  115. Anonymous11:55 AM

    the mental masturbation with desert flower and her anon admirers is freaky this is some weird shit

  116. Anonymous11:56 AM

    hey buceta licker what happened to ur rogue alter ego wannabe dawktaw kimqueef? she always disappears after people have abused and callt her out for her obvious lies jess like u kuntlicker

    hows that 250 iq treating ya? fount any cures for diseases? fixed the world economy yet? miss smarty pants

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Anonymous11:59 AM

    that is the most absurd thing eyeve ever heard and u sposed to be what almost 50? ure a gottdam shame! anon wit sense

    aint dat da troof! almost 50 acting like a nine year old what a phukkin loser!

  119. Anonymous12:01 PM

    you would be the smashed fuzzy flea uo under my shoe.

    bet u tiny lil beta male bitch. kuntlickin banks

    and this is the language of someone who claims to be a 'scholar' a teacher and an edumacaytor? what a gottdam joke! kuntlickin banks claims to be all of the things that she clearly lacks the mental capacity to be what a gottdam joke!

  120. vdlr:

    if ignorance, stray babies, serial baby deddies, ghettoese, and illiterate vulgar babble were cash, you would be richer than hobama and any of his peers!!!

    keep toking that dragon weed u fiery std breeding turbo breeding wench.

  121. uts:

    if i was a horse

    you would be the smashed fuzzy flea up under my iron shoe.

    bet u tiny lil beta male bitch.

  122. Anonymous12:03 PM

    ever notice how kuntlick always talks about alphas and betas? shes such a dog that even omegas wont even talk to her! she has to go on those fetish websites to buy ass for her wants filthy diseased cat kunt lickin moron!

  123. Anonymous12:05 PM

    39 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    somebody said it yesterday.

    If she was a horse they'd shoot her.

    10:41 AM

    Funny and you are hoarse because of a shooter, a guy who shot a load in your throat

  124. i am not a horse
    and u silly nasty lying mfs are not debaters

    i am a human who shoots u inept hobama nazi clowns herien daily!

    rat a tat tat tat...who shot ya????


  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Black Power Wanes Amid Rising Hispanic Economic Clout in U.S.

    It's only gettin worse for black folk. You think something untried needs to be tried yet?

  128. From the Department of Bad Ideas:

    Geese caught in NYC to be fed to hungry in Pa.

    (CBS/AP) NEW YORK - New York City plans to send geese captured around its airports to a slaughterhouse in Pennsylvania, where the high-protein, free-range meat will be sent to food banks.

    The decision by the city Department of Environmental Protection was made following criticism that the gassed geese were dumped into landfills.

    A department spokesman tells The New York Times that it wanted to enhance public safety but also help those in need.

    He says Pennsylvania was chosen because it has a protocol for processing and distributing slaughtered geese.

    Goose eradication was authorized after U.S. Airways Flight 1549 made a miraculous landing in the Hudson River in 2009 after geese were caught in its engines.

    The agency says that next year the meat will probably be fed to needy New Yorkers.

    According to the Times, Canada goose meat is widely believed to be unpalatable, but a Virginia-based locavore said that a properly handled goose is tastier than most species of duck.

    Last year, the government killed 1,676 geese in New York City and western Nassau County, the newspaper reported.

  129. the burbling cow moos:

    I rioted a couple of times in my late teens, didn't do me any harm.

    What kind of world are we living in where kids kids aren't encouraged to riot anymore? I blame all this political correctness.

    Great idea. Let's take a stand against living in a world defined by Disneyland. We'll show 'em.

    Put the word out on Twitter and Facebook. The riot starts at your house.

  130. Anonymous12:39 PM

    freaky and funny how all u donkeys wish i was a horse..

    i would slay u dumb asses in any life!!! almost 50 year old LOSER

  131. The Glue Factory12:44 PM

    Yeah, WE even rejected her skanky horse-ass.

  132. braying brain dead mr. ed:

    cc that to hobama...

    he may need that when he is rejected worse than 2010 in 2012...

  133. Ass-non

    "It's only gettin worse for black folk. You think something untried needs to be tried yet?"

    I'm soooooo scared.

    Hispanics aren't my enemies.

    In fact they voted well above 70% for Obama and will continue to.

    As well as supporting other black politicians and sharing neighborhoods with African-Americans.

    This is classic divide and conquer rhetoric from gooberville and it won't work.

    If hispanics are such a threat to blacks why is that the white right is the most angered and agitated by hispanic immigration?


  134. The Purple Cow said...
    I rioted a couple of times in my late teens, didn't do me any harm.

    Ah, the world view of the narcissitic, ever-adolescent socialist fop.

    Riots actually do harm to people and property not engaging in all the fun.

    But that doesn't matter, as long as you got your childish posturing in. That's what important.

    Viva something!

  135. Anonymous1:11 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    If hispanics are such a threat to blacks why is that the white right is the most angered and agitated by hispanic immigration?

    The white right is not angered and agitated by hispanic imigration.

    Its ILLEGAL imigration that angers the white right and is killing off ray ray and pookie in California.

  136. Anonymous1:12 PM

    mold is attacking ab again.

    Can't we just all get along?

  137. s:

    i despise them all

    they amuse me

    especially that pack of hyenas aka mold/vdlr/uts/mr. ed/assnon etc

    as always
    faceless fools flock in stereo herein

    inept illiterate
    cowards chirp and yap in packs

  138. Quote:CheeseGuevara"Ah, the world view of the narcissitic, ever-adolescent socialist fop.

    Riots actually do harm to people and property not engaging in all the fun.

    But that doesn't matter, as long as you got your childish posturing in. That's what important.

    Viva something!"

    I knew somebody would fall for it.

  139. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Steve said:
    Hispanics aren't my enemies.

    Tell that to LAA.

  140. Ohhhhhhhh wadya know, NoSlapzz fell for it as well...

    "Great idea. Let's take a stand against living in a world defined by Disneyland. We'll show 'em.
    Put the word out on Twitter and Facebook. The riot starts at your house."

    It's true what they say, conservatives are incapable if understanding irony.

  141. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19821:18 PM

    Hispanics voted 67% for Obama.

  142. Nucka Pleeze1:24 PM

    UTS: "If hispanics are such a threat to blacks why is that the white right is the most angered and agitated by hispanic immigration?"

    Because blacks are idiots. They'd rather trash the whole country no matter how much it hurts them as long as the white man suffers too.

  143. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Because blacks are idiots. They'd rather trash the whole country no matter how much it hurts them as long as the white man suffers to anon dummy wit a point

    golly anon its wack that u talkin bad about black folks but with kuntsuckin banks representing blacks of course they look bad kuntlickin imbeciles are not a credit to their race

  144. most latinos are smarter and more literate than most black hobama nazis

    and hobama has betrayed latinos too!

    his latino voters will pay him back in 2012!!!

    “The fact is that on immigration issues,” Lovato continued, “Barack Obama has been the worst US president of modern times. Supporting him again, for many Latinos is a proposition that flies in the face of our own dignity and self-respect.”

    Without overwhelming majorities in brown constituencies, re-electing Barack Obama will be difficult indeed. White support for the president is dropping, and even African American support is softening. Latino support for the president, according to an authoritative February 2011 survey by Latino Decisions and impreMe, is around 70%. But that number, they caution, “...does not translate into automatic votes for 2012...” The second part of that poll reveals that while Republicans are gaining no ground in Latino communities, only 43% of Latino voters are certain they will support Barack Obama next year.

    Lovato adds that many Latinos have carefully studied the struggle of African Americans, both before and since the Freedom Movement of a generation ago. Let's hope they don't make some of the mistakes black America is making today, like unconditionally supporting an administration that does virtually nothing for them. They have little to lose. When that happens, black people will have a lesson to learn from Latinos.

  145. The Purple Cow said...
    "I knew somebody would fall for it."

    Fall for what? It's your socialist credo.

    If you are embarrassed about your beliefs, perhaps you should reexamine them.

    Viva Idleness!

  146. the vdlr and her entire generation of fertile floozies and thugz are breeding the black race out of existence via dumbed down baby deddyless broods of dumb black bastards....

    they see each stray baby as a "credit" to the race because they are as mathematically illiterate as they are genetically and politically suicidal...

    we will all pay their fatal social debits....shame!!!!!!!

  147. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    the mental masturbation with desert flower and her anon admirers is freaky this is some weird shit
    11:55 AM
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"me"mental masturbation"??? LOL! That's a new one:)
    I gotta go Google that one!!!
    Be back......

  148. unglued unlicked bald vdlr:

    it is never too late to grow hair and become educated and win an award.

    best wishes to u.

    go get your life!!!

    best wishes to you!

  149. Slappy,

    "Its ILLEGAL imigration that angers the white right and is killing off ray ray and pookie in California."


    If illegals were killing off negroes in California, goobers like you went be renting C-130s to bring 'em over here by the thousands at a time.

    Face it, it's the white right which most fears the "browning" of America because they see their day of dominance quickly coming to a close.

    Doesn't bother me one bit.

    C'mon over Pedro and Yolanda.

    I'm barbequing tonight.

  150. Anonymous1:42 PM

    God bless the generic Republican.Why?

    Because he's beating Obama 44-39.

    I know,I know.........Still a long time to go before the election.

    I'm just keeping hope alive!!!!

  151. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Here's the link

  152. Anonymous1:45 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "It's only gettin worse for black folk. You think something untried needs to be tried yet?"

    I'm soooooo scared.

    Hispanics aren't my enemies.

    In fact they voted well above 70% for Obama and will continue to.

    As well as supporting other black politicians and sharing neighborhoods with African-Americans.

    This is classic divide and conquer rhetoric from gooberville and it won't work.

    If hispanics are such a threat to blacks why is that the white right is the most angered and agitated by hispanic immigration?


    Ahhh, the intellectual reply of a spear chuckin, small cranium mudguppy. Names, names, names, that's all this little boy has.No brains, brains, brains for him.

    Are you truly that stupid? Divide and conquer of what? The U.S? Aint no latinos singin Kumbaya for you Kuntakente, they despise "negras" like you. As for who they support? Wow, how infantile, your friends are those who voted for Obama and your enemies are those who did not. Better load your guns boy, gonna have a lots of enemies real soon.

    As for "If hispanics are such a threat to blacks why is that the white right is the most angered and agitated by hispanic immigration?"

    Well, I wouldnt say being one of the few people to speak logic and truth is angered. You have the typical mentality, this is all someone elses country, it isn't yours, someone else is responsible to run it and make the tough choices. Why look at how you point fingers for every problem in your own community. Ya think it's time you manned up and realized you either help with the solution or you are a part of the problem?

    Out comes the racial wheelchair and crutches or "let me axe you a question" tactic in 3...2.....1....

  153. Cheese Guevara, you are without doubt the lamest right-winger on this site. Being attacked by you is like being attacked by a dead halibut.

  154. Meester Chef1:48 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    C'mon over Pedro and Yolanda.

    I'm barbequing tonight.

    1:41 PM"

    I've always do you keep the beans from falling through the grill? Put them on top of the chitlins?

  155. Anonymous1:50 PM

    This post is a FN Failure.

    The majority of those living in Toronto and Vancouver are people of color. Not White folks.

  156. Anonymous1:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Its ILLEGAL imigration that angers the white right and is killing off ray ray and pookie in California."


    If illegals were killing off negroes in California, goobers like you went be renting C-130s to bring 'em over here by the thousands at a time.

    Face it, it's the white right which most fears the "browning" of America because they see their day of dominance quickly coming to a close.

    Doesn't bother me one bit.

    C'mon over Pedro and Yolanda.

    I'm barbequing tonight

    Foolish little man. Do some math and apply some logic for a change.

    White boys love them latina women and latina women love them white boys, clean light skinned, blue eyes.

    Latin folk are extremely religious, very family oriented and display high levels of honor. They do nothing but support development and accountability of improvement of children with entire families going to see kids placed in college, entire families contributing to the utmost important thing to them, education and improvement. It's common to see uncles, nieces and nephews and aunts drive to college to visit a child. It's common in the black community for a baby daddy to be unknown. It is common for a latin man to work his fingers to the bone to be a man and support his responsibilities, while it is common for a black man to demand what he is owed. Thus, latinos are hired hands down over blacks and are pushing mal educated blacks furhter and further out of the manual labor market.

    Another words, latin culture is the complete antithesis of the black community with 70% unwed mothers, over 50% drop outs from high school and you think latins will tolerate this cultural degradation more then whites will? Events prove they do not and again you prove you don't really have a mind that works.

  157. Anonymous1:58 PM

    151 ure an asshole

  158. Wheres Da Beef2:02 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Cheese Guevara, you are without doubt the lamest right-winger on this site. Being attacked by you is like being attacked by a dead halibut.

    Close your legs and that dead halibut smell will no longer be a problem. If the odor persists, try washing your face, with special attention given to your upper lip.
    Speaking of upper lips, have you been able to grow a mustache since that episode with penile friction burns? Is it still ratty in certain spots? Hope you are being more careful with face jobs now after that mishap.

  159. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I saw some blackie was asked to pull up his pants before boarding a plane. Was it racism FN??????????

    I for one am sick of seeing people's undergarments etc.

    Not sure why you blackies like to sag.

  160. Goobers Anonymous

    They are so excitable!!!

    "Better load your guns boy, gonna have a lots of enemies real soon."

    Not anybody who hasn't been an enemy all along.

    Like I said earlier, I'm soooooo scared.

    "White boys love them latina women and latina women love them white boys, clean light skinned, blue eyes."

    So what's the problem then goober?

    Why aren't you helping Consuela get across the border? It'll be the first piece you ever got.

    "latin culture is the complete antithesis of the black community with 70% unwed mothers, over 50% drop outs from high school"

    You dummy.

    In urban barrios in East LA, the Bronx, Nicetown in Philly and Westside Chicago the dropout and illegitmacy rates for hispanics are indistinguishable from blacks in those areas.

    "and you think latins will tolerate this cultural degradation more then whites will?"

    And what are they going to do about so-called "cultural degredation"?

    What CAN you do about it?

    This is just code for the "final solution" for blacks that you goobers always whisper about but know damn well you can't do.

    If you could have done it you would have done it 50 years ago during the Civil Rights Movement.

    Now all you clowns can do is make empty threats and get mad that so many blacks live better than you.

  161. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "the mental masturbation with desert flower and her anon admirers is freaky this is some weird shit"
    11:55 AM
    Nothing wierd about it!It's perfectly natural and fun too!!

    "the act of engaging in intelligent and interesting conversation purely for the enjoyment of your own greatness and individuality. Subjects range from obscure lp's to cultural movements in preindustrial societies. Either delivered through grand monlogues or subtle conversation orientation, it links large words and random references resulting in nothing acually being communicated.

    LOL! Pure fun in other words! I love it!!!

  162. burbling cow writes:

    Ohhhhhhhh wadya know, NoSlapzz fell for it as well...

    It's true what they say, conservatives are incapable if understanding irony.

    What's true is that people such as yourself are incapable of understanding the image they project, especially in an anonymous venue like the Internet.

    That's where the true irony lies. You're blind to what others "see".

    Your comments about rioting were consistent with your online persona.

  163. Anonymous2:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goobers Anonymous

    They are so excitable!!!

    Oh, forgot about the other Steve Tactic, project his anger onto others. No steve, no one is upset or excitable, when you speak facts you don't need to be emotional angry and violent to do so, different culture remember that .

    "Better load your guns boy, gonna have a lots of enemies real soon."

    Not anybody who hasn't been an enemy all along.

    Like I said earlier, I'm soooooo scared.

    Nothing to be scared of. Your the one who says you have enemies. Only you think your enemies are because of a different skin color. It just might be they think your an incompetent arrogant prick who stamps his feet when he can't intellectually hang. Oh and please stop the frontin, we know you are a little pussy suburan dude who's family took him out of the real city because he was gettin the shit kicked out of him everyday. A real man, knows when not to talk. Real men don't talk shit like thugs, they act.


    "White boys love them latina women and latina women love them white boys, clean light skinned, blue eyes."

    So what's the problem then goober?

    Why aren't you helping Consuela get across the border? It'll be the first piece you ever got.

    I have more latinos and latinas in my life then you ever will. They also hate illegal immigration, law breakers and dumb coons like you. They think Obama is garbage because he has not done a thing, yet relys on race to carry him through. No honor there.

    "latin culture is the complete antithesis of the black community with 70% unwed mothers, over 50% drop outs from high school"

    You dummy.

    In urban barrios in East LA, the Bronx, Nicetown in Philly and Westside Chicago the dropout and illegitmacy rates for hispanics are indistinguishable from blacks in those areas.

    Of course they are, the ones that have not been able to move away from blacks and go white yet. Or the one who illegally immigrated with absolutely no education (yet) and are on the skill level of HS dropout blacks - complete manual laborers if that. Only they get the jobs over blacks in just about every case.


    This is just code for the "final solution" for blacks that you goobers always whisper about but know damn well you can't do.

    If you could have done it you would have done it 50 years ago during the Civil Rights Movement.

    Why do you make this shit up and embarass yourself so much? Code? who needs to speak in code ya maroon, real men say what they mean even if some weak negro like you threatens them. No one I know (unlike you I can only speak about what I know) has any issue with anyone about skin color, what they do hate and want to get rid of is societal leeches, people who are quick to blame the world for what they don't do but not quick to do anything other then create disharmony, hate and division. Get with the times, you are an old fart and your thinking shows how ill educated and illogical you are, have you tried botox for that old weathered forehead yet?

    Now all you clowns can do is make empty threats and get mad that so many blacks live better than you.

    Please son, you need to keep spreading this "live better than you do stuff" it will certainly change the black struggle to learn from you that there is no black struggle and you have arrived. I agree, blacks have it much better then whites and live better with less effort too. So go spread he word, the struggle is over. In fact, being that you are doing so well in the white supported artifical middle class black community YOU should invite a couple of illegal aliens to live in your house and take care of them. Put your bullshit where your mouth is...ah wait, that is already there. Wait, maybe you should become a big brother and sponser a poor black kid, oh right, they have all arrived and live better then whites like you said, so right go back to takin in some illegal aliens.

  164. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "It's only gettin worse for black folk. You think something untried needs to be tried yet?"

    Nope. it isn't time yet because uts has indicated that there is no reason for black folks to be concerned about Latinos. In fact, I believe he sees Blacks and Latinos coming together as one big happy family.

    Please listen to a black man who knows what is best for our future. Like Obama, he stands with us! God bless uts and the new future "Blatino" America. Uts is a genius.

  165. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Latinos actually have an out-of-wedlock birthrate of 59 percent.

    "This predominately white riot in Canada doesn't change the fact that a disproportinate amount of rioting in North America, UK, and Europe are done by people of African descent. "

    Does this include all those rioters in Greece? I've heard of "black Irish" but not "black Greeks" . . .

  166. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Uptown Steve the Salesman Said..

    "Not anybody who hasn't been an enemy all along"

    Do your co-worker, peers, subordinates( if that is possible) bosses know that you hate and consider white people the enemy? Do they know that while you bloviate and claim how hard you work, you are on a blog all day long, while they work and accompish the Company and individual KPI's?

    Do they? will you tell them as a strong, honest black man who has arrived and is makin his own? Wonder what they would think of you and how they would treat you? Would you not pullin your weight as part of the team be racist if they point that out?

    I smell smoke - logic circuits not often used are kickin in trying to combat reality.

  167. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Does this include all those rioters in Greece? I've heard of "black Irish" but not "black Greeks" . . .

    It's all black/brown from behind.

  168. the vdlr and her generation of ignorant lewd turbo breeders think sagging is a credit to fashion


    Deshon Marman, a 20-year old University of New Mexico football player was kicked off a flight on Wednesday after he was told his clothing was revealing too much, the Associated Press reports.

    Police say Marman's baggy pants led to his arrest at the San Francisco International Airport on Wednesday.

    Marman was boarding a U.S. Airways flight to Albuquerque when an employee saw that his pants "were below his buttocks, but above the knees, and his boxer shorts were showing."

    SFPD Sgt. Michael Rodriguez told the San Francisco Chronicle that Marman was asked to pull up his pants, but he refused. He was then asked to leave the plane.

    Fifteen minutes later Marman got off the plane and was cited for trespassing. Marman's mother, Donna, told the Chronicle that her son had attended a friend's funeral and was "still in an emotionally raw state."

    Valerie Wunder, a US Airways spokeswoman, says the airline's dress code forbids "indecent exposure or inappropriate" attire.

  169. uts/da mayor of utopia:

    hobama and his wilding banksters are like wild horses stomping on all jobs and homes

    even jobs on wall street are not safe like you gated nirvana dwellers...shame!!!

    Wall Street plans to get smaller this summer. Faced with weak markets and uncertainty over regulations, many of the biggest firms are preparing for deep cuts in jobs and other costs.

    Getty Images

    The cutback plans are emerging even as Wall Street firms have mostly recovered from the financial crisis and are reporting substantial profits again. But those profits are not as big as they were before the crisis, and it is expected that in the coming months it will be even more difficult for firms to make money. Worries about debt in Europe and the shape that the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul rules will ultimately take, combined with the usual summer doldrums, are prompting banks to act.

  170. Goobers anonymous,

    He's soooo excitable.

    "Do your co-worker, peers, subordinates( if that is possible) bosses know that you hate and consider white people the enemy?"

    Where or when did I say that?

    And if you are working, where do YOU get time to type three overwrought multi-paragraphed, shrieking drooling posts one after another?????


    Goober, you are as much fun as a man can have during the workday!

    I'm getting ready to leave for the day but I'll type one more pst after this to really set you off.

    Get your blasting cap in place.


  171. Goobers are so easy,

    First the clown says.......

    "No one I know (unlike you I can only speak about what I know) has any issue with anyone about skin color"

    Then in the very next paragraph he grunts........

    "blacks have it much better then whites and live better with less effort too."

    Calling you an imbecile is an insult to imbeciles.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. Quote Slappy:"What's true is that people such as yourself are incapable of understanding the image they project, especially in an anonymous venue like the Internet."

    Why on earth would I care what people I've never met, never will meet, and who live in a foreign country think of me?

  174. must have missed that question. Are you asking if I have a Professional Engineering (PE) license?

    If that's your question then --

    No. That's a professional designation for engineers who operate as consultants, particularly if the projects on which they consult are government projects."

    In other words, you are not a PE. I thought you wrote that you had a degree in engineering. So you are kind of like someone who has a degree in accounting but is not a CPA. Or, someone with a JD who didn't pass the bar.

    Did you ever take the PE test? Or did you get out of the engineering business before you had a chance to?

    "What's true is that people such as yourself are incapable of understanding the image they project, especially in an anonymous venue like the Internet."

    Slappy, I hope that even you can see the irony in that statement. ;)

  175. "Because blacks are idiots. They'd rather trash the whole country no matter how much it hurts them as long as the white man suffers to anon dummy wit a point"

    Which was why Jim Crow was created in the first place, so the great white men of this country could go on with the business of I can't keep going with this.

    You color-aroused anons are unfortunate in your limited mental capacity, after generations of being trained to see blacks as an easily accessible punching bag for lower and middle class whites to take their collective frustrations out on, all while being led around by the nose by wealthy upper class movers and shakers in politics and corporate America. You poor, fucking bastards...

  176. The Purple Cow said...
    "Why on earth would I care what people I've never met, never will meet, and who live in a foreign country think of me?"

    Come to think of it, why would anyone here care to hear tired leftist canards picked up from Chomsky-reading teenagers at the local coffee shop from a vapid 40-something unemployed eunuch from the UK?


  177. "I have more latinos and latinas in my life then you ever will. They also hate illegal immigration, law breakers and dumb coons like you. They think Obama is garbage because he has not done a thing, yet relys on race to carry him through. No honor there."

    I doubt any of this is true. You should stop making up stories to impress your online "friends" in the comfort of your mother's basement. Go outside, get some fresh air and try not to flinch every time you pass by a black or Hispanic person.

  178. Smack Lyons4:47 PM

    "...after generations of being trained to see blacks as an easily accessible punching bag for lower and middle class whites to take their collective frustrations out on, all while being led around by the nose by wealthy upper class movers and shakers in politics and corporate America."

    You're right Mack, blacks defintely are led around by the nose by wealthy upper class movers and shakers of the democrat party.

    It's time to get off the plantation, don't you think?

  179. "I have more latinos and latinas in my life then you ever will..."

    See what Mack said.

    Tell J-Lo hi for me. :)

  180. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Goobers anonymous,

    He's soooo excitable.

    Ha-Ha only when I see your dawn of the dead forehead,

    "Do your co-worker, peers, subordinates( if that is possible) bosses know that you hate and consider white people the enemy?"

    Where or when did I say that?

    "Not anybody who hasn't been an enemy all along" read the rest of the post for context, you said it, you aren't gettin off, lying sack no account POS.

    And if you are working, where do YOU get time to type three overwrought multi-paragraphed, shrieking drooling posts one after another?????


    You still laughing your ass off. You won't like this, but I can think coherently and type quickly, I have created a business after all and have people working for me, including salesman. Only I check the stats of my salesman, I don't allow revenue from existing accounts or accounts sold by others yet in your disrict to let them sleep and blog all day like you hatin on white folk, these stats are incidental revenue. If you didn't sell it, you can't claim the revenue ( no affirmative action sales in my company) It's a shame that your posts filled with diatribes and useless false data take you so long to compose that you think this applies to all. Little secret, the truth without spins just flows bubba.

    Goober, you are as much fun as a man can have during the workday!

    I'm getting ready to leave for the day but I'll type one more pst after this to really set you off.

    Get your blasting cap in place.

    Remember, tarbaby, you are the explosive, violent angry one not me. Not much chance of anything you could offer to a discussion that is reality based that would even make me frown. Even though when you can't answer with rationale the first thing you say is "wook, dey upset". Do you really think anyone seeing this for the umpteenth time doesn't know your schtick and that this has become your "code" for shit, I don't know wuts to say and that you are an incompetent liar?

  181. "Come to think of it, why would anyone here care to hear tired leftist canards picked up from Chomsky-reading teenagers at the local coffee shop from a vapid 40-something unemployed eunuch from the UK?


    If that's your own Photobucket, not a good idea to directly link to that. Anyone with a mind to can track down your Facebook/MySpace profiles and any other shit they can find with your name on it on the Internet.

    If not? Fuck off and use your own damned shit instead of leeching off of other people. I'm sure you know how to host your own images or at least upload them to your own image hosting account.

  182. "You're right Mack, blacks defintely are led around by the nose by wealthy upper class movers and shakers of the democrat party.

    It's time to get off the plantation, don't you think?"

    You should take a look at the chains around your ankles and ask yourself that question.

  183. Smack Lyons5:03 PM

    Wow. I never thought of it that way. Maybe I should take my massa's dick out of my mouth and get off the plantation.

    I apologize, Mack, and I will never bother you again, ever.

  184. Good boy. Now don't forget your "freedom papers" on the way out. Don't want you to end up being sold down the river. Again.

  185. "Fuck off and use your own damned shit instead of leeching off of other people. I'm sure you know how to host your own images or at least upload them to your own image hosting account."


  186. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Goobers are so easy,

    First the clown says.......

    "No one I know (unlike you I can only speak about what I know) has any issue with anyone about skin color"

    Then in the very next paragraph he grunts........

    "blacks have it much better then whites and live better with less effort too."

    Calling you an imbecile is an insult to imbeciles.

    Hmmm, good attempt at demonstrating your skill with liberal media. first of all you are the one who came up with, whites are jealous and doing poorly while blacks like you live high on the hog. I said in complete disbelief to your moronic ironic statement "that blacks have it much better then whites and live better with less effort too." yes in context it was sarcasm vulture bait. So go ahead and promote the bullshit you spew. Like I said, go tell blacks they got it made according to you and whites are living below the level of blacks, like you said and are jealous of blacks, like you said.

    You said it, so OK, I will go along with what you say. Its all good in the hood and the black struggle is over - according to Steve. Cause he lives in a gated community and watches rachel maddow.

    You are not only stupid, your a rotten liar as well.

  187. Smack Lyons said...

    I'm asking you to come over and give may ass a good pounding. My grandma is at bingo tonight and I have the basement all to myself.

    I'm tired of being a weak liberal weanie. Please come show me how to be a man. Please.

  188. "I'm asking you to come over and give may ass a good pounding. My grandma is at bingo tonight and I have the basement all to myself.

    I'm tired of being a weak liberal weanie. Please come show me how to be a man. Please."

    Nice try, Smack. See, I have an actual Blogger account that authenticates my identity. I'm the real deal here.

    But if your ass is still good for a pounding, you might want to ask Slapnuts or any one of the freakier anons if they're willing to oblige. Just be careful if one of them comes at you with a 17-inch dildo called MANDINGO Jr.

  189. "You still laughing your ass off. You won't like this, but I can think coherently and type quickly, I have created a business after all and have people working for me, including salesman. Only I check the stats of my salesman, I don't allow revenue from existing accounts or accounts sold by others yet in your disrict to let them sleep and blog all day like you hatin on white folk, these stats are incidental revenue. If you didn't sell it, you can't claim the revenue ( no affirmative action sales in my company) It's a shame that your posts filled with diatribes and useless false data take you so long to compose that you think this applies to all. Little secret, the truth without spins just flows bubba."

    What's the name of your business and what products do you sell? I'll make a note of steering any current or future purchases as far away from your company as possible and persuade others to do the same.

    "Remember, tarbaby, you are the explosive, violent angry one not me. Not much chance of anything you could offer to a discussion that is reality based that would even make me frown. Even though when you can't answer with rationale the first thing you say is "wook, dey upset". Do you really think anyone seeing this for the umpteenth time doesn't know your schtick and that this has become your "code" for shit, I don't know wuts to say and that you are an incompetent liar?"

    Son, anyone can read your comments and easily reach the conclusion that you are a stone fucking moron with more "fire" in his fingertips than brains in his noggin.

  190. Anonymous5:15 PM

    hey there loser kuntlicker how does it feel to be almost 50 and be a loser even by internet standards banks? hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any problems lately? figured out how to solve the financial crisis in greece yet? after all someone with ur alleged brain power ought to be omniscient dummy!

  191. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Remember, tarbaby, you are the explosive, violent angry one not me. Not much chance of anything you could offer to a discussion that is reality based that would even make me frown. Even though when you can't answer with rationale the first thing you say is "wook, dey upset". Do you really think anyone seeing this for the umpteenth time doesn't know your schtick and that this has become your "code" for shit, I don't know wuts to say and that you are an incompetent liar?" troof speaka

    yah anon this could just as well apply to qoohole lickin banks and her company of losers like wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef

  192. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "I have more latinos and latinas in my life then you ever will..."

    See what Mack said.

    Tell J-Lo hi for me. :)

    How witty. did that take you long to come up with? No, this isn't a man with white guilt. I could Give a FUCK about proving to you anything. From what I read YOU need to prove to ME that your entire agenda is not plain race baiting. From what I see everything and anything discussed is white/black, never just issues always how it is white/black. So ditch that oh so tired old victim routine, that shit aint gonna work with this white boy. Besides as Steve said, whites are now jealous of blacks who have surpassed them in living standards and economically. I'm glad, very glad. I just want to get along and stop having someone constantly on my tits.

  193. Anonymous5:19 PM

    but ure still not as bad as buceta lickin banks!

    5:18 PM anon wit sense

    well anon that would be hard to do since buceta lickin banks is the lowest representation of human life on the planet scientifically that magilla lookin beast is barely human at that...muah muah muah muah muah

  194. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Besides as Steve said, whites are now jealous of blacks who have surpassed them in living standards and economically. I'm glad, very glad. I just want to get along and stop having someone constantly on my tits. anon

    on ur cow teats ya stinkin reject! why ever are u listening to senile steve?

  195. Anonymous5:22 PM


  196. Anonymous5:22 PM

    200 dummies

  197. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Those (black) Syrians are rioting . . . awful!

  198. "mack ure a nasty piece of shit eye think ure making those comments so u can get off on them ya nasty fool! but ure still not as bad as buceta lickin banks!"

    Oh Heavens no!! You must have me mistaken for one of them "sexual deviant" types.

    "How witty. did that take you long to come up with? No, this isn't a man with white guilt. I could Give a FUCK about proving to you anything. From what I read YOU need to prove to ME that your entire agenda is not plain race baiting. From what I see everything and anything discussed is white/black, never just issues always how it is white/black. So ditch that oh so tired old victim routine, that shit aint gonna work with this white boy. Besides as Steve said, whites are now jealous of blacks who have surpassed them in living standards and economically. I'm glad, very glad. I just want to get along and stop having someone constantly on my tits."

    So you have "bitch tits"? Some exercise should clear that up. Maybe you should lay off the Cheetos and get out of your mother's basement from time to time.

    Be nice to the Field. This is his blog and you're like Dave Chappelle's "Rick James", just fucking up his couch and shit. The Field might have to get all Charlie Murphy on you.

  199. more on hobama's forced exodus of poor black mongrels from urban america....


    According to data from last year’s Census, the Black population in a number of Brooklyn neighborhoods like Fort Greene and Clinton Hill has decreased by one-third over the last decade.

    NY1 reports:

    The findings also reflect a trend in black migration to the suburbs. New York City’s black population declined by 2 percent. It is the first time since the Civil War draft riots that the overall black population fell in the city.

    With gentrification in full force across the Brooklyn landscape, demographics are shifting. Borough President Marty Markowitz says Brooklyn will always be home to a large, vibrant African-American population.

  200. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Mack Lyons Said...

    What's the name of your business and what products do you sell? I'll make a note of steering any current or future purchases as far away from your company as possible and persuade others to do the same.

    Wrong culture, I don't need to front to impress nobodies, self respect comes from within and a sense of being from improveemnts and accomplisments, not what some idiot thinks of you. But the product is Scuba Gear and oceanic equipment, lets go diving, are you game? we can go deep sea diving in any depth you would like. I kinda like the idea of seeing you underwater with fins and 30 lbs of weight on your back.

    Also, don't believe the hype so much, with the black economic ever shrinking net worth, being transferred to latins the pandering businesses are performing is coming to an end. Increased advertising targeting the black community has resulted in decreased or flat revenue with more "difficult" customers. It will end soon. The average black woman has a net worth of 5USD. and Black women are the wealth holders in the black community with so many men in prison and or hiding out from baby mamas. Maybe good for Mcdonalds or walmart or the dollar store to advertise to in order to gain the EBT business, but high end items, not so much. There are very few ballers and rappers with wealth. So have at it, more and more people are starting to care less for the "black"mail

    Have a nice day and go away content knowing that you can't threaten me, lay a guilt trip on me or any of your normal schtick that you have tried here. Truth is the truth, don't like it? Only you can change it.
