Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Those mean liberals.

It seems that Glen Beckkk is upset because someone (allegedly) spilled wine on his wife at a park in New York.

 "Reuters) - Glenn Beck, the conservative television and radio host, has taken to his Web site and radio show to complain of a "hostile" reception he and his family met from New Yorkers when they attended an outdoor film screening at a park in midtown Manhattan.

Beck told radio listeners that one person at the Bryant Park movie screening of Hitchcock's "The 39 Steps" on Monday evening shouted at him and his family: "We hate conservatives."

Another spilled a cup of wine on his wife, Tania, which Beck said he believes was a deliberate act of malice.

"As we got up to leave the movie, the crowd broke out in applause that we were finally leaving," he told listeners on his syndicated radio show..." [Article]

Question: Is there a more pathetic individual in this country than Glen Beckkk? The guy makes millions of dollars by being a polarizing figure and a lightning rod, and he cries a river because he gets the business at an outdoor park. Besides, it's not like the guy doesn't have his own security detail with him everywhere that he goes. It must be nice. If someone wants to step to me and try to kick my ass I have to go Kingston 12 on his ass all by my damn self.

Anyway, as is always the case with wingnuts; it seems that Mr. Beck might have been stretching the truth a little bit.

  "It was my friend that spilled the glass of wine on Tanya -and I can assure you that it was a complete accident. A happy one, to be sure, but nonetheless a complete and utter accident. As soon as the wine spilled (and I question how Tanya became soaked from a half glass of wine) apologies were made and my friends pretty much scrambled to give Tanya & co napkins -no doubt aware that it would look terrible and that their actions could be perceived as purposeful. No words were exchanged after that, as I think that it became pretty clear to Beck & co that my friends and I were doing everything in our capacity to help clean the “mess”.    

That quote was from a lady named Lindsey Piscitell who claims that Beckkk is full of it. In fact, from all accounts, it was Beckkk and his bodyguards who made everyone in the park tense.

Still, it is clear from the accounts that I have read that Ms. Piscitell has no love for Beckkk, so the truth could be somewhere in the middle.

Beckkk has once again put himself in the spotlight by crying "woe is me". And, of course, his minions are eating it up. "Those liberals are so mean and nasty." 
Stop it! Nothing was going to happen to Glen Beckkk or his family, and if someone even thought about stepping over the line, those well paid bodyguards would have done their jobs.

So Glen, here is a suggestion: Next time dial up Netflix and watch "Birth of a Nation" in that beautiful home theater you have there in your Connecticut estate.


  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    32 shot and 6 killed in less than a week?

    Whats going on in Philly?

    Where the black shooters/killers watching Sarah Palin's Alaska?

    Where they watching FOX NEWS?

    Did they attend Glenn Becks' Restoring Honor rally/

    Did they have Rush Limbaugh on their i-pods?

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    This is a VIDEO of what liberal progressive dems hatred did to Beck's wife and daughter.

    Field, I see you left out the videos about this story. I am surprised that you would skew and spin this story.

    If it had been some Dem, you would be outraged. You are such a heartless hypocrite:

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    After watching and listening to the video, even an animal would be sympathetic and feel for Mr. Beck and his family.

    Liberals are some mean-spirited folks.

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    If you think what was done to Beck's family was terrible, look at what that uncle-tom-jig-dancing Al Sharpton did to Hermann Cain!

  5. Farley11:45 PM

    My sympathies to the mental patient. His admirers, too. They need help.

  6. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Liberals are dangerous.Beck had every right to be worried.

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Those black liberals are a bunch of assholes and have no loyalty to their own race.

  8. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, Al Sharpton should be fired for his comments about Cain! There should be an outcry for his firing, because what Sharpton said was racist.

  9. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Slapnuts...SHhhhhhhhh - don't talk about that lets try and paint someone conservative as crazy so we don't have to look at what is happening with Obamanomics and blacks wilding all across the country and Islamic terrorists attacks and illegal aliens and on and on....

    Field, you have to get out more and stop listening to liberal hackjobs, the lady your talking about is a Liberal whackjob named Lindsey Piscitell who is "something of a Nomad who likes to write short poetry and short stories in between her panic attacks". She also tweeted under her name "dangling baby" when she saw Glen Beck she said ""#asshole Glen beck is sitting nest to me at bryant park #getthefuckoutofmycity"

    One of her friends Marissa Parker tweeted back eww..can you accidentally spill something on him or accidentally kick him in the mouth?

    Glenns security? yeah when they Lindsey started doing acrobatics right next to him (to kick him in the mouth I guess) then held up a sign that said facist duestchbag..asked her to stop. Other then that they were as normal polite and in the background.

    Sure this was all innocent. Then they said

    "I'm confused why we the east coast liberal elite have allowed glenn beck to inhabit our city for so long we should be driving him out with pitchforks, we have failed"

    This is democratic liberals for you. Cause all the problems and then blame the victim with people like you helping to spread the lies and hate.

    Liberals are disgusting garbage who think they are elite, they are, in a class all by themselves, one most of us would need a ladder to descend to. This woman clearly is a liberal of standard fare, one with mental problems that bring on panic attacks who likes to attack others and then make it seem as if it were thier fault. You know, pure liberal.

  10. Farley11:54 PM

    "If I had suggested -- and I almost did -- wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here. You could just lynch me. And I think there would've been a couple in the crowd that would've!"

    Wow, he recalls the days he wishes that would return.

  11. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Anon11:53 you nailed it perfectly and truthfully about the "nature and character" of liberal progressives that are not only in NYC, but in Philly, PR and all over this blog.

    One would think Field would have the decency to admit that wine was NOT spilled accidentally. One would think that Field would show some sympathy and be angry at the way Beck's "family" was treated by those uncouth liberals. Such HATRED!

  12. Farley12:02 AM

    These "kids" KNOW to whom they're INDEBTED!

  13. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Farty, "Wow, he recalls the days he wishes that would return."

    You are a big liar. Beck has NEVER advocated returning to the days of lynching.

    Beck is a good Christian and you definitely NEED some religion because all you do is so many black liberal dems. I can't think of ONE who has NOT lied.

  14. Anonymous12:14 AM

    After watching Al Sharpton on msnbc I must say that he has great potential of soon becoming NBC's country's #1 anchor man.

  15. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Anonymous said...
    After watching Al Sharpton on msnbc I must say that he has great potential of soon becoming NBC's country's #1 anchor man.

    Yeah, anchorman like Osama bin laden maybe, weigh his ass down and heave ho overboard.

  16. Anonymous1:25 AM

    "Yeah, anchorman like Osama bin laden maybe, weigh his ass down and heave ho overboard."

    how dare you compare Sharpton to bin laden, show some respect you racist.

  17. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Yeah, anchorman like Osama bin laden maybe, weigh his ass down and heave ho overboard."

    how dare you compare Sharpton to bin laden, show some respect you racist.

    Racist? What is wrong with you? You don't like Terrorists? Oh and Bin Laden was no nice guy either.

  18. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Field said:
    "I have to go Kingston 12 on his ass all by my damn self."
    LOL! You can do it Field!

  19. Anonymous6:39 AM

    He felt "hostility"? Awwwwwwwwww, poor baby! Got a sip of his own medicine huh? Well maybe now he knows how it feels!

    But you know, they gave him what he wanted. and now he's exploiting it. Instead if he would have been met with love and warmth.....NAH....he makes his living spewing hate, he won't change. :(

  20. Just Another Day/Night in the City of Brotherly Love:


    Two women who got involved in a street fight between two brothers got stabbed - one fatally - when one brother's girlfriend showed up at the scene in Southwest Philadelphia swinging a knife, police say.

    The fight broke out just before 11:30 p.m. on Upland Street near 60th, police spokeswoman Officer Tanya Little said. As the brothers brawled, one called his girlfriend, who arrived and began fighting a 22-year-old neighbor and a third bystander, Little said.

    Octavia Harris, who was stabbed in the side, died at 7:16 a.m. at the Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania. The other woman was cut in the forearm and was treated at the Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania.


    Jameel Earthy East, of Towamencin, Montgomery County, was charged with homicide yesterday in connection with the beating death of his baby boy.

    East allegedly struck his three-month-old son Enzo's skull against a bathroom counter Friday after the baby vomited. The child was unresponsive and showed signs of head and brain injuries when he was taken to Abington-Lansdale Hospital, officials said, then was flown to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for treatment. The boy died there Saturday.

    An autopsy by the Philadelphia Medical Examiners's Office on Monday revealed blunt cerebral trauma that was ruled a homicide.


    An argument over a woman led one man to shoot another to death in Point Breeze early yesterday.

    The dispute erupted just after midnight, when a 20-year-old man got in a dispute with his sister's live-in boyfriend at 21st and Morris streets, police spokeswoman Officer Tanya Little said.

    The boyfriend shot the brother in the head and then fled, she said. Dwayne Lawson died at the Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania at 12:45 a.m..


    State Police are seeking the public's help in locating a man who leveled a gun at troopers during a traffic stop Monday night in Upland.

    Shortly before 7 p.m. on 22nd Street near Upland, State Police tried to stop a car for traffic violations.

    Two blocks later, the car pulled over and police saw the driver of the car, Rasheem Metts, hand a gun to the passenger, his brother, Asmar Metts, police said.

    Asmar Metts, 20, then ran, pointing the gun at troopers as he fled, police said. A trooper fired at Asmar Metts, but it wasn't known if he was hit. As he fled, Rasheem Metts, 22, tried to drive away from the scene, but not before aiming his car at a trooper, who fired a bullet at the vehicle, police said.

    Rasheem Metts was not injured but was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, fleeing and eluding, and related offenses. Anone with information on the whereabouts of Asmar Metts, who is from Chester, is urged to call State Police at 484-840-1000

    -Dana DiFilippo and Stephanie Farr

  21. If the news of the day involves someone spilling wine of Glenn Beck's wife at an outdoor movie in Bryant Park, or a fatal stabbing of a black woman in Philly and the beating death of a black infant in Philly, you know field will headline the Glenn Back Wine Spilling massacre in NY.

  22. Well Slappz you can always take your tired racist ass to a white supremacist site if all you want to read about is the evil of negroes.

    Don't tell them that you're Jewish, though.

  23. Anonymous8:06 AM


    Its just another day in Obama's America.

  24. dumbtown steve,

    One thing about white supremacists -- almost all talk, almost no action.

    And when they act violently, they are caught, prosecuted, sentenced and sent away with no complaint.

    Unlike Afrika Owes who gets backing from the Abyssinian Church after she's caught in a gun running scheme for her murdering boyfriend.

  25. slapnuts,

    too true. Too true.

  26. Merlot Thru The Uprights8:44 AM

    Let's see me kick a glass of wine on your Mrs., field, and see the tribal riot that would ensue. If I got out it alive, I'm certain you would be filing charges the next day in ,(at least), Civil Court to sue me.

  27. Merlot...

    I doubt you would be at any event FN would be at or allowed in, and if you were, those people would call 911.

  28. Merlot...

    I doubt you would be at any event FN would be at or allowed in, and if you were, those people would call 911.

  29. F Beck. I think its all a publicity stunt by him and his people to keep his name in the press. If it did in fact happen, what goes around comes around. He's made a multitude of inflamatory comments (i.e pres is racist, comments about the presidents daughter etc...)while on FOX and he allegedly gets "attacked" well TOO bad. If he can't handle what comes with being a controversial media figure then again i say too bad. He's lucky he didn't get his ass whooped.

  30. If You're Mold, You Can't Ride This Ride9:40 AM

    Read, and try to think as a plain-ole, tax-paying American.

    (and NO, you're not included mold, you water-headed twat):

    The Costs of War

    All the clueless, self-styled "conservatives" who think they can simultaneously support small government and foreign wars need to have "$4 trillion" stamped on their small, sloping foreheads. No amount of militarily and historically illiterate blathering about how "we gots to kill dem ober deah so's dey doan kills us heah" is going to change the fact that borrowing trillions of dollars in order to kill a few hapless goat humpers is demonstrably neither a sustainable nor an effective approach to war:

    Staggering as it is, that figure grossly underestimates the total cost of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the U.S. Treasury and ignores more imposing costs yet to come, according to a study released Wednesday. The final bill will reach at least $3.7 trillion and could be as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

    In the 10 years since U.S. troops went into Afghanistan to root out the al-Qaida leaders behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, spending on the conflicts totaled $2.3 trillion to $2.7 trillion. Those numbers will continue to soar when considering often overlooked costs such as long-term obligations to wounded veterans and projected war spending from 2012 through 2020.

    The estimates do not include at least $1 trillion more in interest payments coming due and many billions more in expenses that cannot be counted, according to the study.

    I've heard some say that the "isolationism" of Ron Paul and others is dangerous and crazy. The fact is that if you do not subscribe to that "isolationism", you are without question historically illiterate, militarily ignorant, and a complete, unmitigated financial moron. That $4 trillion spent on the unnecessary Bush-Obama wars could have been used to completely eliminate all of the state and local government debt in the country while reducing outstanding federal debt by 16 percent.

    What profit it a nation to guard the borders of Germany and South Korea while leaving its own unmanned?

  31. Anonymous9:45 AM

    field knee grow you are an ignorant creep but most of all you and your knee grows are traitors to america.what i can not under stand is why all of you whining knee grows don't go to africa where i am sure you be welcomed by the african all are knee grow liars because i know you have never watched mr.beck who speaks the truth which your sort can not abide.

  32. @anon
    "beck is a good christian" beck is a mormon. Mormons didn't even allow Black people in their church until 60's/70's. How can you say that?

    Anonymous said...
    Farty, "Wow, he recalls the days he wishes that would return."

    You are a big liar. Beck has NEVER advocated returning to the days of lynching.

    Beck is a good Christian and you definitely NEED some religion because all you do is so many black liberal dems. I can't think of ONE who has NOT lied.

  33. Glenn is trying to express his inner Howard Beale. Glenn has a death wish. He wants someone to do something. He deficated on MLK's memory now he's going to Israel to try and start a war between the Christians, Moslems, and Jewish people.

  34. @dtwo

    Mr. Sockpuppet you are a liar. Glenn has advocated VIOLENCE against several people and groups. Don't believe me well you forgot about the five Pittsburgh police that was shot because of something he said. Three of them DIED. Strange, when people listen to Ghandi or Dr. King they go out and help people. When they listen to Glenn they KILL people.

  35. kid writes:

    he's going to Israel to try and start a war between the Christians, Moslems, and Jewish people.

    It takes someone as ignorant as you to believe the war between Islam and everyone else is about to begin.

    The Islamic world has been at war with non-muslims for 1,400 years. I guess you're so accustomed to muslims conducting terrorist attacks around the entire planet that you can't see the forest for the trees.

    Anyway, Israel does not get its ideas about military action from American entertainers.

    But liberal nutcakes do. Hollywood is always churning out liberal wackiness, or goofballs like Sean Penn are ranting about issues beyond his impaired comprehension, and then there's Michael Moore, who really takes the cake, and from the looks of him, he eats it too.

  36. kid blathers:

    Don't believe me well you forgot about the five Pittsburgh police that was shot because of something he said.

    Seems you're confusing some crazy attempts to craft a defense argument with what happened in Rwanda, when black Hutus with machetes murdered 800,000 black Tutsis, urged into action by radio broadcasts.

  37. gb is clinically and genetically insane...and brain damaged by chronic alcoholism as well...


    "stretching the truth" is the new patriotism

    ask hobama the lie/liar in chief

    or any "humanitarian" us soldier bombing/murdering/robbing any libyan...


  38. when it comes to "stretching the truth"

    hobama nazi dem wingnuts are the MOST STRETCHED OUT LYING wingnuts of all!!!

  39. @anon
    but most of all you and your knee grows are traitors to america.what i can not under stand is why all of you whining knee grows don't go to africa where i am sure you be welcomed by the african brothers.

    - Traitors to America
    May be that stems from being enslaved for 200 years plus, then dealing with black codes, jim crow and every other dam thing you could throw at us.

    - Go to Africa
    The foundation of this country was built on the backs of black people, free labor for 200+ plus years, i think I'll stay right where I am thank you.

    May be you should head out to Iowa where you can be among your own, I'm told aside from Mississippi it has the largest concentration of Klan in the country.

  40. Does No Slappz ever leave this board?

    This fool is obsessed with his hatred of blacks.

    It consumes him.

    How sad.

  41. The World Sux. Deal With It.10:23 AM

    " kid said...
    He deficated on MLK's memory now he's going to Israel to try and start a war between the Christians, Moslems, and Jewish people.

    9:53 AM

    MLK has a few home-grown turds on his grave, I'm afraid.

    And I just LOVE seeing someone, anyone, kick mucho Muslim ass. It's for the goats!

  42. It's over. We know where the Egyptian revoluion is headed. Let's welcome the new Saudi Arabia to the fold of Islamic theocracies creating misery wherever they're found. It's really a telling measure of Obama's ability to bring change to the middle east when Egypt goes from bad to worse.

    U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood


    The U.S. has decided to formally resume contact with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group - which does not recognize Israel – in a move that could further alienate some Jewish voters already skeptical of President Barack Obama, it was reported.

    One senior U.S. official said the Brotherhood’s rise in political prominence after the forced departure of former President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year makes the American contact necessary.

    “The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing… It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency,” said the official, who confirmed the news to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

    The Muslim Brotherhood - founded in 1928 to promote a conservative version of Islam in politics, culture and society – has previously had some communication with the U.S. through Brotherhood Members of Parliament who had been technically elected as independents. U.S. diplomats had been instructed only to deal with Brotherhood members in their role as Members of Parliament.

    The decision to resume contact with the Muslim Brotherhood group may worry members of the Jewish community and Israeli officials, Reuters reported.

    POLITICO’s Ben Smith wrote yesterday about the increasing anxiety of center-left Jewish Democrats who are losing faith in Obama, most recently because of the speech in which he called for the country’s 1967 borders to be the basis for peace talks, with “land swaps.”

    Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mohamed Saad el-Katatni told Reuters that no American contact with the group has yet been made, but he added: “We welcome such relationships with everyone because those relations will lead to clarifying our vision.”

    In recent years, the Muslim Brotherhood has asserted that it renounces violence. The group is not considered a foreign terrorist organization by the United States – but organizations sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, like Hamas, have not renounced violence against Israel.

    Egypt will hold parliamentary elections in September, and the country’s military government has promised an election for president by the end of this year.

  43. Anonymous10:38 AM


    Good Grief, Slapp the Nut, and Anonymous Aryans! Why do you troll here? Can't you find a website to spew your hate, like Melanin Challenged or Dominant Culturists or Something like that. I think the discussion "should" be about Beck and his antics. That's pretty simple, isn't it? Can't we just stick to the Blog du jour?

  44. Anonymous10:39 AM

    ab-"gb is clinically and genetically insane...and brain damaged by chronic alcoholism as well...


    "stretching the truth" is the new patriotism

    ask hobama the lie/liar in chief"

    you are insane and probably an alcoholic or a drug addict.

    Obama is a good man who tries to look out for poor people like yourself.

    Obama does not stretch the truth. it's Obama haters like you who lie and stretch the truth.

  45. Anonymous10:42 AM

    no_slappz, "It's over. We know where the Egyptian revoluion is headed. Let's welcome the new Saudi Arabia to the fold of Islamic theocracies creating misery wherever they're found. It's really a telling measure of Obama's ability to bring change to the middle east when Egypt goes from bad to worse.

    U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood"

    it's a good thing that we recognize the Muslim Brotherhood. afterall, they are legit in Egypt. why should we ignore them, because YOU thinks so? face it. you are afraid of them.

  46. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Essence, "Good Grief, Slapp the Nut, and Anonymous Aryans! Why do you troll here? Can't you find a website to spew your hate, like Melanin Challenged or Dominant Culturists or Something like that. I think the discussion "should" be about Beck and his antics. That's pretty simple, isn't it? Can't we just stick to the Blog du jour?"

    funny how you can see the hatred spewed by trolls but you can't see your own spewed racial hatred toward glenn beck and other whites.

    typical negroes. it's always somebody's always the wm.

  47. Anonymous10:51 AM

    no_slappz, the Muslim Brotherhood renounces violence. Can Israel say the same?

  48. @no_slappz

    POLITICO’s Ben Smith wrote yesterday about the increasing anxiety of center-left Jewish Democrats who are losing faith in Obama, most recently because of the speech in which he called for the country’s 1967 borders to be the basis for peace talks, with “land swaps.”

    Which is the MAIN reason why you're here, to start shit between Jewish people and blacks. Niche Marketing. You're here to pull votes away from the POTUS. Well you can't call him a friend of al Qaeda anymore since the death of bin Laden. So you want Israel to survive and America to fail, some American you are. Couldn't America and Israel BOTH prosper? Do you have to have a "Final Solution" for Muslims and Blacks? It's getting tiring you blaming Blacks for ALL the world's maladies.

    BTW I'm not anti- Semitic, I know the difference between a real Prime Minister like Tzipi Livni and a fat warmongering racist bastard like Benjamin Netenyahu.

  49. Arab Flush11:02 AM

    In an interview once with an Israeli General who had been kicking the Muslim asses all across the dunes & waddies, (I think it was Dayan), a reporter asked him, "To what do you attribute all your combat success?". He laughed, and said, "That's easy. All I have to fight is Arabs".

    Hell, one Arab country can't even beat another. When was the last time that happened? Look at the Iran-Iraq war.

    We could put three Carriers off ANY Arab coast, and they'd be humping goats for Allah in 24 hours, begging us to leave them aaaaaalone, and give us their daughters, if it weren't for all the "collateral damage" pussies in the US.

  50. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Essence 73T

    Anonymous Aryan, where in my spill did I ever mention anything "racist" about Beck? Are you totally incapable of a half way intelligent discussion here? You are a total waste of my time...this is my last response to your idiocy.

  51. Anonymous11:15 AM

    More Affirmative action dumbing down our kids.

    First California banned 'gifted" classes because blacks and hispanic were not smart enough to pass them.

    Now the LA School Board is all but banning homework because blacks and hispanics are not smart enough to do their homework.

  52. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Essence 73T, "Anonymous Aryan, where in my spill did I ever mention anything "racist" about Beck? Are you totally incapable of a half way intelligent discussion here? You are a total waste of my time...this is my last response to your idiocy."

    wow! typical angry negro who spews hate and calls people names but can't take criticism of themselves. typical weak childish negro.

    fyi, most of the comments are NOT about Beck. they are about other happens quite regularly on FN blog...get it, mr. empty head? did you manage to finish the 7th grade?

  53. Stupidity Suits You Well11:23 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    no_slappz, the Muslim Brotherhood renounces violence. Can Israel say the same?

    10:51 AM"
    Yeah. "renouncing violence" is cod for "I always get my ass kicked"

    Tell me, Anon...let's say you live in Harlem. And every night, a bucnch of Somalians, about ten blocks away, lobs a few mortars onto your street. You want the NYPD to "renounce violence"?

    Hell no. You want them to go kick some Somalian ass.

  54. racist lazy dumb assnon:

    africans BUILT america as CAPTIVES for free due to lazy thieves and morons like YOU!!!

    black blood is in the SOIL & FABRIC of america

    we will NEVER leave...but we welcome YOUR departure anytime!!!

    so do the native americans u slaughtered and stole from to be/rule

  55. Slapnuts said...
    More Affirmative action dumbing down our kids.

    First California banned 'gifted" classes because blacks and hispanic were not smart enough to pass them.

    Now the LA School Board is all but banning homework because blacks and hispanics are not smart enough to do their homework.


    So what do you want to do? Send them to the showers and put them in a oven? People already want whites to rise up and shoot the brothers in Atlanta. Some want to call the National Guard on them in Chicago. Anything a black person does you want to get Draconian on them. Whites should fix this maee because whites made it. Tupac didn't "invent" Thug Life, Ronald Reagan did.

    BTW I'm with you on getting rid of Affirmative Action, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann had enough help. It's time to help minorities. Rich white women don't need any more help. Their poorer sisters need the Goverments help and protection.

  56. Slapnuts

    "First California banned 'gifted" classes because blacks and hispanic were not smart enough to pass them."

    More reason not to live on the left coast.

    Here in Maryland most schools have TAG (talented and gifted) programs and there are plenty of blacks and hispanics in them.

    My son was a TAG student for 2 years in middle school.

  57. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Kid said....

    So what do you want to do? Send them to the showers and put them in a oven? People already want whites to rise up and shoot the brothers in Atlanta.

    What are you talking about? Can you link things coherently in your mind. So you agree that it is ok to dumb kids down so they become like you? You want kids to be stupid and lazy and wind up as 50 year old file clerks? Then you compare ovens and shooting with not having standards in education, what nonsense.

    Lastly, if a "brother" is a thug and carjacking someone, what is wrong with somene shooting him? Tell me - should they tickle him and hand over their file clerk paycheck or are you just racist, bad is good if you black?

  58. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Kid Said..

    "Whites should fix this maee because whites made it. Tupac didn't "invent" Thug Life, Ronald Reagan did"

    Yup, whites made the mess of your life. You see this is where racist blacks get into trouble with whites today. Your life and the decisions you made are your mess, no one else's you might want to be coddled and treated like a child, but you don't listen to good advice and engage in bad behavior so we have disowned you. Try and find your parents and give them hell for not making you do homework, stay in school or do better. Don't look to whites to be your surrogate parents, you don't treat them well enough to even be friends let alone responsible for your life.

  59. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Dear Field,

    Love your blog. I'm Essence73T and will eventually remove the Anonymous off. I encourage friends and family to read you everyday. Gonna stick to the topic of the day and not be distracted by the trolls. I encourage others to do the same.

  60. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Dear Field,

    Love your blog. I'm Essence73T and will eventually remove the Anonymous off. I encourage friends and family to read you everyday. Gonna stick to the topic of the day and not be distracted by the trolls. I encourage others to do the same.

    You are looking a bit short, squat, hairy and as if you crawled out from under a bridge, ok, will ignore you as you encourage.

  61. hobama shamed himself by stretching MANY truths at a recent press conference...

    hobama is a dunce who really needs his teleprompter…shame!!!!

  62. Wish I Had Known Then....12:19 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    racist lazy dumb assnon:

    africans BUILT america as CAPTIVES for free due to lazy thieves and morons like YOU!!!

    so do the native americans u slaughtered and stole from to be/rule

    11:23 AM

    Well, I don't know how much of this country you BUILT. Sorta like, if I have a bunch of Mexicans build me a house, is it THEIR house when it's finshed? I don't think so. Matter of fact.....just what CAN blacks point to, and say, "we builts that"? I mean, something that the majority of the whites in this country can't make the same claim to. (besides some mighty fine drainage ditches).

    As far as "native Americans" go.....MOVE! You're living on their land too, you hypocrite.

    If "native Americans" had been half the pussies blacks turned out to be, we would have had them picking cotton, and left all the blacks to wallow in their crap in Africa.

    BUT....what you said about the SOIL & the FABRIC rang true. Y'all sho could pick some cotton, I'll give ya that.

  63. Truth Hurts12:19 PM

    They're just static. It gets easier and easier to ignore them.
    As for Beck, my sympathy that he cod not enjoy the show, but not surprise. After insulting and railing against anyone who did not fit his particular mindset, he ought not be surprised that a non-fundamentalist, non-'tea-party' crowd was unfriendly.
    +1 for Essence for ignoring the chaff (it gets easier as you realize they are dying off.)

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. ignorant racist fool assnon:

    did u steal and own the mexicans who built your trailer and make them labor for CENTURIES for free u racist retard????

    start with the initial capital of EVERY corp in america...


    know your his-story u LYING amoral amnesiac!!!!

  67. hobama nazi drone assnon:

    wtf has hobama done for anyone who is not a bankster???????

    cc proof of his gifts to the poor asap

    guess u missed his prep for bankster bonanza #2 huh??

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. silly dumb bastard assnon:

    blacks are living on the land U stole that we built...and???

    this only means you are a bloody DUAL thief

    u stole people/slaves/land

    and u did try to enslave the native americans first

    but they could not withstand your filthy diseases like we indelible africans do...and they took your scalps like MORE africans should have
    done...u germy lice infected loon!!!

  70. Anonymous12:35 PM

    hobama nazi drone assnon:

    wtf has hobama done for anyone who is not a bankster???????

    Oh, lots, if you are a union head who steals union dues to fund democratic campaigns and spread corruption. He has done lot's probably one of the most criminal law breaking president's ever in the history of the U.S. Get's worse everyday.

  71. illiterate assnon:

    cc that bs to a laid off teacher...

    hobama is a unon BUSTER...just like his hero ronny raygun

    all else is PR for voter drones like u

  72. Illiterate assnon:

    Catch up on hobama’s legendary union busting asap u blind racist drone

    Ronny raygun is proud!

    The president has signaled loudly and clearly that he and education secretary Arne Duncan have a “'final solution” for public education. Like Ronald Reagan, Obama is portraying the unions as a threat to the national welfare. “The fundamental logic of Obama’s so-called Race to the Top program, is to break the teaches unions.”
    Obama's hatchet man and basketball buddy is Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who envisions waves of school closings, teacher firings and charter school openings for the next “five or six years.” That sounds like a kind of “final solution” for teachers unions – and for public education.
    Obama's plans for America's classrooms are even more aggressive than George Bush's policies. Obama takes Bush's No Child Left Behind scheme to its logical, blood on the floor conclusion: corporate education without the encumbrances of organized teachers. Obama's anti-union vision is more ambitious than that of the old arch-reactionary, Ronald Reagan, who destroyed a union of only 13,000 members. The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have combined memberships of over 4 million. They have the capacity to fight back, to make this president back off. But, like so many others who drank the Obama Kool Aid, they are in denial, refusing to believe that they backed a union-buster who is making teachers the scapegoat for America's historical failure to serve the educational needs of all its children.
    Private teacher training outfits are turning out young and hungry replacements for todays teachers, anticipating a huge turnover in public schools as Obama swings his hatchet. Teachers need to revolt against this administration while they still have a union to fight for them

  73. Anonymous said...

    "Yup, whites made the mess of your life. You see this is where racist blacks get into trouble with whites today. Your life and the decisions you made are your mess, no one else's you might want to be coddled and treated like"

    You don't know me do you? I don't have a record. BTW those blacks that you are so worried about attacking you won't. Like most criminals they attack their own. Now my life isn't "grits and gravy" BUT I WAS LUCKY. It's not talent , skill , or intellgence I was lucky. Now unlike Herman Cain I know I have to help the brothers and sisters that NEED help. Herman not going to help them, Sean Klannity not going to help them, and YOU are not going to help them.

  74. racist fool assnon:

    cc that revisionist racist bs to all of those messed up wm slave trading thieves and marauders who messed up africa and messed up the slaves they worked and abused in the americas too!!!!!!!!....

  75. Wipe My Butt With Your Face12:44 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    silly dumb bastard assnon:

    blacks are living on the land U stole that we built...and???

    this only means you are a bloody DUAL thief"

    Heh, heh. Yeah, you're right Us Crackers may have a propensity for kicking the asses of inferior races.

    Hey! Maybe we could expand that to include just plain demented fuck*rs too! I mean, we haven't played Cowboys vs. Homos yet!

  76. Idiotic assnon:

    Wtfu and read a book/newspaper/mag etc

    Remember, Carter and Clinton both played major roles in the destruction not only of the American Union, but of the US economy as a whole. Obama, despite the avid sheep-like support he has received from sellout unions, has become an even bigger union-buster than his predecessor G.W. Bush. Not only did he force the UAW to accept massive wage reductions, but he has launched his own war against the Teacher’s Union as well.

    In the end, if there is to be any revolution in this country, it must begin by completely rejecting both of the major parties provided by the system. Placing your hopes in either the Democratic or Republican parties is the same as watching the Redskins play the Cowboys. It doesn’t matter who wins, the NFL (read the owners) always profit.

    Unions must abandon party alignments (which are only part of the false left/right paradigm) and begin to assert themselves. Unions must fight for the right of the workers they represent and the workers, being the union, must ultimately force the unions to do this. Workers and their unions must ally with those who support them, but they should not be afraid to make enemies out of those who do not, whether openly or by covert means.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. weak wimpy beta male felled bitch made assnon:

    cc that bs to ethiopia and haiti and to the maroons and to nat turner etc...

    and cc that bs to the nba/nfl too!!!

  79. weak wimpy whiny witless felled failed racist retarded assnon:

    cc that delusional bs to all of your wfs who reject weak wm like you because they prefer strongER bm too!!!

  80. Anonymous1:03 PM

    alicia banks said...
    weak wimpy whiny witless felled failed racist retarded assnon:

    cc that delusional bs to all of your wfs who reject weak wm like you because they prefer strongER bm too!!!

    12:55 PM

    Stronger smelling that's about it. Courage is usually not somethin you see from a BM unless there is a pack against a lone white woman or one guy. As for the white slut rejects that chimp out, must suck to know that BM's prefer a white mans reject fat slutty white woman over a black female. Where does that leave you - oh that's right, eatin pussy. Now let that sink in and fry your braids as your wittle brain smokes.

  81. anon wrote:

    no_slappz, the Muslim Brotherhood renounces violence.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, those Muslim Brotherhood guys all carry photos of Gandhi. It's those Jews sneaking over from Israel who've been killing the Coptic Christians in Egypt.

  82. "Heh, heh. Yeah, you're right Us Crackers may have a propensity for kicking the asses of inferior races."

    Yeah, that's why the mere sight of a black man approaching you on the street causes you to drop a load in your pants.


  83. kid takes retardation to new heights:

    You're here to pull votes away from the POTUS.

    Clearly a few words from me on a backwater website is more damaging to Obama than his own attempts to bankrupt the nation with his bizarre economic ideas.

    Well you can't call him a friend of al Qaeda anymore since the death of bin Laden.

    Really? If anything proves the durability of bin Laden and his legacy, it's the fact that even though that one special muslim dirtbag is dead, I still have to go through lengthy security checks at the airport, schools, government offices and every movie theater in Brooklyn where the audience is predominantly black.

  84. Tag'em & Bag'em1:48 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Yeah, that's why the mere sight of a black man approaching you on the street causes you to drop a load in your pants.


    1:19 PM"

    I don't know where you got that fantasy from. Oh, Jesse Jackson, I forgot.

    Me, I CC. Unless it's a charging black rhion I meet on the street, I'm almost hoping the brutha will try to gimme some sh!t.

    You really need to lose that LMAO crap. You sound like a teenage girl. A really UGLY teenage girl, from the looks of your zombie avatar.

  85. @anon

    just an internet thug. Wouldn't dream of steppin to a black person in public but he's a badass on the keyboard. Typical

  86. Anonymous2:00 PM

    In that video where Mr. Beck tells what happened, he says it was his daughters idea to go to the park. What kind of father/parents would put a young daughter through that experience? He knows that he's a controversial figure.

    Why did he not exercise his better judgment and spare both his wife and especially his young daughter all the unnecessary drama?

  87. Please Don't Hurt Me, Mr. Chicken George2:10 PM

    Yeah, and you're just a bunch of jiggin' Zulu Keyboard Warrior.

    Typical. Wash my car. Mow my lawn.

  88. Quote: Arab Flush

    "Hell, one Arab country can't even beat another. When was the last time that happened? Look at the Iran-Iraq war."

    Iranians are not Arabs, numbnuts.

  89. @anon

    Me, I CC. Unless it's a charging black rhion I meet on the street, I'm almost hoping the brutha will try to gimme some sh!t.

    You're clearly not hanging out in the right areas. Go to any MLK or Malc X blvd and talk the ish ur you'd get your head handed to you. But you probably prefer a nice lilly suburb with your own kind.

  90. dtwo

    "Wouldn't dream of steppin to a black person in public but he's a badass on the keyboard."

    I gave the little bitch my e-mail address so we could make a face to face arrangement.

    Of course then he became the Mahatma Gandhi of FN.


  91. Arab Flush2:22 PM

    "The Purple Cow said...
    Quote: Arab Flush

    "Hell, one Arab country can't even beat another. When was the last time that happened? Look at the Iran-Iraq war."

    Iranians are not Arabs, numbnuts.

    2:12 PM

    You're absolutely right. They're Persians. But I bet they stink the same, and a 5.56 round couldn't tell the difference.

    I should have just used the Generic term, "goat-humpers".

  92. @anon

    u wear a hood or u one of those passive agressive 2520's

  93. Take My Tax Money And Move....2:30 PM

    dtwo said...
    "But you probably prefer a nice lilly suburb with your own kind."

    2:18 PM

    Now, that's the smartest thing you've said all day. Yeas as a matter of fact, I do!

    Funny thing is...your kind is always trying to move near my kind. Don't have to go looking for comes to me.

  94. Arab Flush, I see you are a member of that elite troop, 'The 101st Fighting Keyboarders.' You're all macho bravado from the safety of the cellar of your little suburban shack, surrounded by a protective wall of empty pizza-boxes and empty beer cans, but in the real world you are a wuss.

    Truth is, in reality you are a coward you would never have the guts to actually take on the Arabs in a war - not that you could squeeze your enormous gut and wobbly white ass into a military uniform anyway.

    If you and I ever met in a bar, you would shit yourself. Not that I hang out in bars where racist slimeballs like you hang out - but y'know, I'm speaking hypothetically.

  95. @anon

    things are changin in this country its gettin browner/blacker and soon ur kind won't be runnin ish. You might think about going back to EUROPE b4 we flip the scrip on yo ass

  96. racist eunuch blue balled kkk reject assnon:

    i will never defend bm who do not defend themselves...especially ojs

    but it is truly amusing to see that you are even dumber about lesbianism than you are about american history u vulgar kkkklown...

    u made my day

    i do not have braids u bald buffoon

    i have locks/god's hair

    you are generically foolish


  97. He has a family?

    Thanks for the good news, field.


  98. wittle witless dumb racist hard up assnon:

    cc that to your own jungle fevered wf they all prefer black hips and black lips to limp wm skilless dickless dunces like u...


  99. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I see 43'rd street po boys keyboard gang is out looking bus a cap on any nigga dat be dissin'.

    Dey be so brave with their boofonery.Dey believe thugaration is the answer.Dey mus not be knowing the teaching of MLK.

    Shit MLK blvd. in the hood is dee mos violent place.In the white hood it be nice,peaceful.White folk be gathering to remember MLK and his teachings.Niggas be gathering to sell crack and kill a mofo.

    I be making sure i be putting y'all on my prayer list.If you know what a nigga means............

  100. I'm Three Quarters Of The Way There3:00 PM

    " dtwo said...

    things are changin in this country its gettin browner/blacker and soon ur kind won't be runnin ish. You might think about going back to EUROPE b4 we flip the scrip on yo ass

    2:32 PM"

    Oh, don't you worry yourself about me, now. I've got my land bought on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. I five Ill have enough to retire in five years, and build my house down there.

    You can have this dump....what's left of it.

  101. how now brown cow responds:

    "Hell, one Arab country can't even beat another. When was the last time that happened? Look at the Iran-Iraq war."

    Iranians are not Arabs, numbnuts.

    Persians, arabs, palestinians turks, etc. There's no relevant difference beyond sunni vs shiite.

    It's hilarious that Iraq and Iran fought for eight years and their war ended in a stalemate.

    The US invaded Iraq and totally, completely obliterated the same Iraqi military is three weeks. But that was no surprise after those hapless amateurs were blasted to bits in 100 hours of fighting in 1991.

    The Iranians are now claiming they've got long-range missiles. Af ew weeks ago they claims they put a satellite in orbit.

    These clowns can't build a slingshot, let alone a rocket with advanced avionics.

    Their nuclear claims are also nonsense. The Iranians may well have a contingent of North Koreans building a nuclear facility for them. Who knows. However Iran is nothing but the new Oz, and Ahamdinejad is the Wizard, only he might not know all those aluminum, pipes, wires, meters, gauges and dials are part of a fake nuclear program.

    These clowns are done in by Islam. Their resource wealth is extraordinary, yet millions are still getting around on horseback.

  102. Anonymous3:03 PM


    Thanks TRUTH HURTS. I'm new here as far as commenting...been a long time follower though. Just wanna keep my comments on the blog and current events..not be distracted by ignorance.

  103. Reject rapist assnon:

    Black women are god/ theoriginal hue-men and still the MOST gorgeous works of art ever created by god…bet!!!

    And EVERY race of men knows so…

    That is why your original mf cousins could not stop stealing and raping even the African women they owned…

    A new trend of Chinese workers marrying African locals may be on the horizon. This rise of interracial matrimony is said to be a plausible solution to the overpopulation of males in China due to its cultural mandate of one child per household and strong proclivity for boys.
    The Grio Reports:

  104. dtwo threatedns:

    things are changin in this country its gettin browner/blacker and soon ur kind won't be runnin ish.

    Well, the US is getting browner, but the black percentage is holding steady. It's been pretty much unchanged since the end of the Civil War.

    You might think about going back to EUROPE b4 we flip the scrip on yo ass

    America will see its white population drift away as a result of economic opportunities elsewhere on the planet.

    What will happen to America as whites leave or become a smaller percentage of the population?

    Will the country become more prosperous? Or less prosperous?

    We already know that blacks cannot run nations in Africa or cities in America. Based on black history, predicting the future of an America dominated by blacks and browns is easy.

    Who will the black/brown America turn to for energy? Who will run the energy business?

    Who will staff the future Microsoft? The future Apple? The future Google?

    Who will develop new drugs? Where will America find its engineers and scientists?

    Would the Space Program survive? I mean, we know lots of rockets from African nations have carried African astronauts to many planets.

    Does any African nation have a navy?

  105. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Purple Cow

    Arab Flush, I see you are a member of that elite troop, 'The 101st Fighting Keyboarders.' You're all macho bravado from the safety of the cellar of your little suburban shack, surrounded by a protective wall of empty pizza-boxes and empty beer cans, but in the real world you are a wuss.

    Truth is, in reality you are a coward you would never have the guts to actually take on the Arabs in a war - not that you could squeeze your enormous gut and wobbly white ass into a military uniform anyway.

    If you and I ever met in a bar, you would shit yourself. Not that I hang out in bars where racist slimeballs like you hang out - but y'know, I'm speaking hypothetically.

    What in the hell makes you think your a toughguy? Because some piece of shit politically correct white dude backed off? Because most whites don't front holla and scream like baboons to try and frighten the other jungle animals? Son, you couldnt handle one bit of what you would be gettin into. Anyone who does nothing but talk and threaten other people has 100% of the time in my life turned out to be a little bitch. When you get your throat ripped out you cry for your mommy and as for de Amber Lamps, now stop being the stupid violent knee-grows that you so obviously are. We know your race is prone to mindless violence, but don't think for a minute someone white won't bring it and hard. There is no, stop I'm finished when you get hurt, you start, it ends with a box.

  106. Fn:

    Seen this?

    How ironic that hobama breeds repubs just like jimmy carter bred john lennon into a raygun fan…just like hobama the raygun hero lover???


  107. Anonymous3:18 PM


    Your community has so much to be proud of.

  108. Quote:Anonnymous 3:15 pm
    " Son, you couldnt handle one bit of what you would be gettin into."

    Firstly, I'm no son of yours, cunt.

    Secondly, I'm pretty sure I could handle anything the likes of you could throw at me.

    "Anyone who does nothing but talk and threaten other people has 100% of the time in my life turned out to be a little bitch."

    I'm sure that's right, now explain how it is in any way relevant to our conversation?

    "When you get your throat ripped out you cry for your mommy..."

    If I'd had my 'throat ripped out', it would be very difficult to cry for my mummy, I would have thought - numbnuts.

    ...and as for de Amber Lamps, now stop being the stupid violent knee-grows that you so obviously are."

    No idea what this sentence is supposed to mean.

    "We know your race is prone to mindless violence, but don't think for a minute someone white won't bring it and hard. There is no, stop I'm finished when you get hurt, you start, it ends with a box."

    I see correct English grammar usage is a stranger to you. Perhaps if you had spent more time at school paying attention to your English language lessons, your life wouldn't be the car-crash that it has become.

    Don'cha think?

    Oh and by-the-way, you have exactly no idea what my race is.

  109. Slappy once again shows his incredible ignorance and arrogance

    "Does any African nation have a navy?"

    Yeah, you fuckin moron.

    Gambia, Ghana, Senegal and Liberia all have Naval Forces.

    "Who will staff the future Microsoft? The future Apple? The future Google?"

    Thank the black man for your computer dummy.

    Slappy your biggest problem is that you are one dumb racist who thinks he's smart.

    Self-delusion is a bitch.

  110. @uptownsteve

    I think that Slappy Squirrel get the talking points from the Conservative Citizens Council. They have a science page of black inventors where they "prove" that they didn't make anu contribution.

  111. Quote No_Slapzz "America will see its white population drift away as a result of economic opportunities elsewhere on the planet."

    The problem you have there is that I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want you. It's very difficult for white Americans to leave the USA these days.

    "Who will staff the future Microsoft? The future Apple? The future Google?"

    Doesn't matter, the American empire is dying, the colour of skin of those who run America is irrelevant. The future of the world lies with China, India, maybe Brazil, maybe Russia. That's where the next Google, Apple and Microsoft's will come from.

    (Not that the world needs another fucking Microsoft.)

    "Who will develop new drugs?"

    The Chinese.

    "Where will America find its engineers and scientists?"

    Same place it finds them now - India.

  112. @anon

    What will happen to America as whites leave or become a smaller percentage of the population?
    this country is run largely by white men. Look at wall street, look at the legal field, look at government its people that look like you. This country is hurting. People like you have made it less prosperous. There are qualified blacks and people of color that could be in leadership positions but racists like you won't let them.

    There are plenty of blacks doing great things in this country but the media, run by people like you, would rather focus on the images of blacks that perpetuate stereotypes because that grabs the attention of the viewers and sells papers.

    There are plenty of talented Blacks to run business there just not getting a shot. Also the ones that are getting a shot you are not hearing about because its not viewed as newsworthy.

    I think we'd be just fine and the thought of people like you being in costa rica brings a smile to my face. YOU STUPID TRUST FUND BABY.

  113. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Firstly, I'm no son of yours, cunt. purple cow

    hey field u let pc say cunt but delete other comments that say it whys that? especially when the term is used to accurately describe on of ur denizens buceta breaf banks that is

  114. Anonymous4:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slappy once again shows his incredible ignorance and arrogance

    "Does any African nation have a navy?"

    Yeah, you fuckin moron.

    Gambia, Ghana, Senegal and Liberia all have Naval Forces.

    "Who will staff the future Microsoft? The future Apple? The future Google?"

    Thank the black man for your computer dummy.

    Wow, this is all you need to read to understand how totally fucked any country is with just blacks in it. Black Men like steve who are literally idiots but think they are intelligent.

    Steve, read this slowly, the link you posted to John Henry Thompson specifically says what he did. Did you read it? Can you understand it? He designed a program. Do you understand the difference between a program such as Macromedia that he wrote versus a computer? Are you really that fucking godawful stupid? I think so as this is just a repeat of what you do so often.

    I won't even go into the laugh you present with African navy's liberia? HAHAHAH, they can't even keep fishing boats in the ocean that were given to them by white men. They don't know what maintenance is nor repair, in fact they are demanding more free boats because the other negroes stripped them for parts.

    God help any country filled with arrogant, ignorant stupid men like you. Seriously though, what is your reading level, did you finish grade school?

  115. Anonymous4:25 PM

    There are plenty of talented Blacks to run business there just not getting a shot. Also the ones that are getting a shot you are not hearing about because its not viewed as newsworthy.

    Yup, thats what it is, a business owner who can make a ton of money by hiring a smart competent black person just won't do so. Uh--huh, another myth to not make you feel so bad about your genetics.

  116. @anon
    alicia banks is nothing but a big fat diseased black cunt cunt

    Your above comment is so profound anon. It's what i've come to expect from privaleged fellas like yourself.

  117. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Essence 73T-"Dear Field,

    Love your blog. I'm Essence73T and will eventually remove the Anonymous off. I encourage friends and family to read you everyday. Gonna stick to the topic of the day and not be distracted by the trolls. I encourage others to do the same."

    LOL. You must be new. You certainly are in denial because there is NO WAY you cannot be distracted by my comments. But go ahead, encourage others to do what you can't do. LOL

  118. fn:

    how can u delete my defenses to that dl stalker rapist/masturbating moron vdlr and let her bs stay posted??????

  119. unglued uneducated unloved vulgar blog rapist std infected vdlr:

    i am gunning for u...with azt meds/scalp salves and ebt fraud investigators in!

  120. the cow opines:

    The cow believes future engineers will come from nations like India.

    Some Indians are good engineers, and there could be a lot more of them in the future. So there's a reason to agree about Indian engineers.

    New drugs?

    The Chinese, says the cow. Perhaps.

    But no mention of technology coming from Africa or blacks. Even the cow knows it won't happen that way.

    But the cow moronically knocks Microsoft. Yeah, that's the ticket, show your opposition to success. What a shock.

    Microsoft won't last forever. It's biggest days as a software innovator are past. Of course when Microsoft misunderstood the promise of the Internet, it looked like the company might have gotten lost.

    The new era is probably in cloud computing. But Microsoft is already onboard. However, there's a fair chance the Next Big Thing is still undefined and it will become the baby of some new band of college geeks. That's how it usually happens.

    However, inasmuch as blacks do not attend top-notch technical schools, they will have no leading part in whatever is coming.

  121. Oh Slappsy, the typing Wikipedia..You never cease to amaze me. I'm not going "argue" with you since it's plainly clear that you live in your own planetary system, but I will say I enjoy Purple Cow and UTS smacking you on a daily basis. Thanks for my afternoon chuckles. Where's your PE certification again..oh wait I mean your series 7 (which I have one) or is it 66 or 65...My bad, I'm stepping out of my element. Going back to the file room.

  122. dtwo writes:

    There are plenty of blacks doing great things in this country but the media, run by people like you, would rather focus on the images of blacks that perpetuate stereotypes because that grabs the attention of the viewers and sells papers.

    Plenty of blacks? Doing great things? Maybe in sports and entertainment. But not science and technology. Or business.

    There are plenty of talented Blacks to run business there just not getting a shot.

    Really. If there's so much talent around, why has none of it surfaced in Africa? As you know, things are really, really, really bad in those black-run, blacks-only countries.

    Also the ones that are getting a shot you are not hearing about because its not viewed as newsworthy.

    Are you kidding? Blacks are so desperate to tout positive images, that website filled with bogus tales of black achievement are clogging the Internet.

    Every Barnes & Noble has a section devoted to books by and about blacks and black achievement.

    Public education involves endless tales of the black greatness, even though there's not enough to fill one chapter of a world history book.

    Your problem is you know what's true and you hate to admit it to yourself.

  123. rottnkid writes:

    Where's your PE certification again..oh wait I mean your series 7 (which I have one)

    As I've said, I left engineering not long after college graduation. I knew before I graduated that I was going to switch to Wall Street. Thus, I had no reason or motivation to study for the Professional Engineering exam, which is a test that requires a lot of prep. Like the Bar Exam.

    Meanwhile, as someone who passed the Series 7 exam, I can tell you that's no big deal. As standardized test go, it's easy.

    The Series 7 is for those who want to sell securities or work in a setting where securities are sold. Though getting a Series 7 license was a requirement for me, it has no meaning with respect to my work on Wall Street, which includes being an analyst and portfolio manager.

  124. I'm still trying to figure out what's Africa got to do with "us" in 2011. Last time I checked, VA is a state in the USA, not a state in Africa. Was my state annexed? I'll be sure to ask Governor McDonnell or maybe Mr. Cantor, maybe they'll shed some light..Just asking questions.

  125. dumbtown steve writes:

    Thank the black man for your computer dummy.

    I suppose I would if I were buying a stolen one.

  126. rottnkid writes:

    I'm still trying to figure out what's Africa got to do with "us" in 2011.

    It's all about intellectual history, and the trials and errors of our ancestors.

    Those of us with European roots recognize the foundation upon which America is built. We know where technology came from, and what America has done to advance it.

    We know that anyone born in America can jump on the same bandwagon of gaining technical expertise and then those lucky people can take that knowledge anywhere in the world.

    One would expect blacks in the US to create an educational base in America and bring it to Africa, where almost one billion Africans would benefit.

    But no. that doesn't happen.

  127. My point is, what happens to America is irrelevant to the rest of the world, because you are becoming increasingly irrelevant. The reason you are becoming irrelevant is that your country is slipping into a self-reinforcing swamp of ignorance and denial.

    The American Right has hijacked the American psyche, and you have entered an abyss, an alternative reality where any truth that doesn't fit a right-wing paradigm is denigrated as lies.

    This is something that the world has not seen since Germany of 1926 to 1945. Cognitive dissonance on a societal, rather than an individual scale. If you don't like reality and truth and what they tell you - then simply invent an alternative truth. What was it Joseph Goebbels (surely a hero of yours? You have so much in common) said? "If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes perceived as the truth." So if you don't approve of Wikipedia and it's inconvenient truths, then invent 'Conservapedia'. If global warming is inconvenient, then simply denounce the views of 97% of the world's climatologists as false. Ignore all their peer-reviewed papers and go with the views of any nutcase who happens to have an opposing view.

    The scientific process? PAH!

    Easy, huh?

    You despise and denigrate African America. But African America has given the world it's dominant youth culture of today. Go anywhere in the world and you will see kids looking, talking and acting like young African Americans. it's given the world many of it's great 20th century musical geniuses- Count Basie, John Coltrane, Smokie Robinson, Shuggie Otis, James Brown, Sam Cooke. But you would rather listen to...well I don't know frankly, I don't know anything about the sort of shit you listen to, but you get my point.

    You deny reality, your paradigm is based on a false, alternative reality, of an America driven only by white people. You cannot perceive of an alternative reality (i.e. the truth) because your blinkered world view will not allow it.

    That essentially is why America is doomed to fail, a society that ignores any reality that it doesn't approve of cannot, by definition, be at the cutting edge of human endeavor.

  128. moo cow moos:

    You despise and denigrate African America.

    It denigrates itself through excessive violence, substance abuse, low academic achievement, illegitimacy and fatherlessness. You can be sure I have no effect.

    But African America has given the world it's dominant youth culture of today.

    Another delusional case of overstatement. Black youth culture is part of white youth culture. As much as white kids are listening to some black music, they love the old Rolling Stones and Beatles as much as the Temptations, Four Tops and Sam Cooke.

    Go anywhere in the world and you will see kids looking, talking and acting like young African Americans.

    Yeah, till they start looking for job, and then all the nonsense disappears. Believe me, white kids do not "aks" a question.'s given the world many of it's great 20th century musical geniuses- Count Basie, John Coltrane, Smokie Robinson, Shuggie Otis, James Brown, Sam Cooke.

    Like whites have been saying all along, and you agree, blacks are great at sports and entertainment.

  129. Whitey's Conspiracy7:35 PM

    I hope it was an accident. There's no reason to take him out on her. Him, I'd like to see a boiling samovar spill and hit him; accident or no.

  130. cow moos madly:

    My point is, what happens to America is irrelevant to the rest of the world, because you are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

    The world's largest economy is more relevant than ever. But you're too dim to grasp what's happening.

    The reason you are becoming irrelevant is that your country is slipping into a self-reinforcing swamp of ignorance and denial.

    Typical of nitwits, you think it's true because you read it in the papers, OR you are delusional enough to think you have the insight to "know what's really happening."

    Obama is on the cusp of a full-scale repudiation. Surprise, surprise, he's incompetent, but this time the degree of presidential incompetence matters a little more than usual.

    Let's put it this way, if America were a baby and the baby were hungry, Obama would say "give the baby some water."

    However, the nurse would say, "but the baby needs milk", and Obama would say, "Too bad, there's too many bad things about milk. So give the baby water."

    That pretty much sums up Obama's energy policy.

  131. Poor Slappz,

    He wants so bad to believe he's superior.

    He spends his life on this black blog telling us so.

    Sort of reminds me of the winos on the bandshell in Central Park yelling at passerbys that they were all going to hell.

    A clown.

  132. "It's all about intellectual history, and the trials and errors of our ancestors."

    Like I said, what's that to do with me?

    My family here in America have made things happen. 11 aunts and Uncles were very successful. Damn near all my cousins and my siblings went to college including myself. The problem I have with you are the generalizations to which you label the Black race as a whole. I grew up in CT and I know a few jacked up Jews, Italians, Lithuanians, Asians, you name it, but not once have I generalized them or other races, only that individual. So for you to come on this blog everyday to berate people is beyond me. Point out the "flaws" - fine, but stop putting your fucked up twists on the truth. Man up for once and tell the truth and maybe you might get just a little more respect and you might actually learn something and others might learn something from you. Now I'm going to hang out with my half white and half black kid with my Portuguese neighbors. Caio for now.

  133. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19827:50 PM

    no_slappz said...
    dumbtown steve writes:

    Thank the black man for your computer dummy.

    I suppose I would if I were buying a stolen one.

    Slappz swings and this one is out of here!!! A 3 run homer by slappyz.

    Don't you just love cheese eating, wine drinking, intellectually disabled leftist lecturing Americans about their country?

    ~Jealousy's a bitch~

  134. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Poor Slappz,

    He wants so bad to believe he's superior.

    He spends his life on this black blog telling us so.

    Sort of reminds me of the winos on the bandshell in Central Park yelling at passerbys that they were all going to hell.

    A clown.

    Close friends of your's no doubt. Did your wife make you stop hangin out with them? I thought I noticed permanent dirt in the creases of your forehead, you know the kind that gets tattooed in when you don't wash for a long, long, long time. I bet you were a white guy not to long ago and now you are just a filthy coon.

  135. PC, to quote a line from "Fabolous", "you be killen em". :)

    "Thank the black man for your computer dummy.

    I suppose I would if I were buying a stolen one."

    And I am sure you would know where to find the guy selling it.

    Speaking of stealing, I wonder who owns this joint?

  136. "I bet you were a white guy not to long ago and now you are just a filthy coon."

    I am sorry your cousin left you, but must you be this angry? Hey, this is A-merry-ca; try to pursue some happiness instead of stressing over some black folks on the Internet.

  137. Anonymous9:54 PM

    field negro said...
    "I bet you were a white guy not to long ago and now you are just a filthy coon."

    I am sorry your cousin left you, but must you be this angry? Hey, this is A-merry-ca; try to pursue some happiness instead of stressing over some black folks on the Internet.

    Uncle field? Uncle Field, wow now that is a mindblower! Who knew.

  138. Hey Slappy,is your real name John Hopkins?
