Saturday, June 25, 2011

Too Close for Comfort.

I just watched the USA Mexico Gold Cup soccer final. Is that Giovani Dos Santos still breaking down the US defense? Somebody stop that man! 4-2  to Mexico. Maybe next time boys.

Now on to some more serious business. If you feel a bump about one o'clock Monday afternoon, it might just be something breaking off and hitting us from that "tour bus" sized asteroid that will be coming a little too close to mother earth for the kid.

"UPDATE for 5:35 p.m. ET: NASA has recalculated the time of closest approach for this event to be about 3 1/2 hours later than initially reported. The change is reflected below.

Here's something to dwell on as you head to work next week: A small asteroid the size of a tour bus will make an extremely close pass by the Earth on Monday, but it poses no threat to the planet.

The asteroid will make its closest approach at 1:14 p.m. EDT (1714 GMT) on June 27 and will pass just over 7,500 miles (12,000 kilometers) above the Earth's surface, NASA officials say. At that particular moment, the asteroid — which scientists have named 2011 MD — will be sailing high off the coast of Antarctica, almost 2,000 miles (3,218 km) south-southwest of South Africa.

Asteroid 2011 MD was discovered Wednesday (June 22) by LINEAR, a pair of robotic telescopes in New Mexico that scan the skies for near-Earth asteroids. The best estimates suggest that this asteroid is between 29 to 98 feet (9 to 30 meters) wide.

According to NASA's Near-Earth Object Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., an object of this size can be expected to come this close to Earth about every 6 years or so, on average.

There is no chance that 2011 MD will hit Earth but scientists will use the close pass as opportunity to study it w/ radar observations," astronomers with NASA's Asteroid Watch program at JPL wrote in a Twitter post Thursday (June 23).
Even if the asteroid were to enter Earth's atmosphere, it likely wouldn't reach the surface, they added.

"Asteroid 2011 MD measures about 10 meters. Stony asteroids less than 25 m would break up in Earth's atmosphere & not cause ground damage," Asteroid Watch scientists said.

The asteroid's upcoming Earth flyby will be a close shave, but not a record for nearby passing asteroids. The record is currently held by the asteroid 2011 CQ1, which came within 3,400 miles (5,471 kilometers) of Earth on Feb. 4 of this year."

Okay NASA, now that you have my attention, how concerned should I really be?

Finally, it's nice to see Van Jones trying to stand up to FOX. His lawyers have sent them a "cease and desist" letter (good luck with that), but I am pretty sure that it will be business as usual over at wingnut propaganda central. If Mr. Jones is planning a defamation suit it will be an uphill battle; but hey, at least he can give it the old college try. Besides, maybe the folks at FOX will think twice before they make false and inflammatory statements about him in the future.


  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    dear mr. field, i am terribly disappointed that you did not give recognition of the death of Peter Faulk, who played who played a great detective by the name of Columbo. R.I.P.

  2. Wesley R12:23 AM


    Nick Charles also. I remember back in the day, I didn't go to sleep without watching sports on CNN with Nick Charles and Fred Hickman. My youngsters not knowing who they where feel the same way about ESPN Sportscenter.


    Once again you are on point. This time about Van Jones. Why did it take him so long?

  3. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Field, what you and NASA don't know about is the asteroid that might hit us on Oct 21 along with some other stuff.

    May I suggest you get your house, blog and political affiliation in order? For starters, drop Obama, Jon Stewart and a bunch of those lefties. Pick up Romney or Bachman and join the GOP. God will be pleased. Do this BEFORE Oct 21!

    Secondly, start blocking out uts, lac, mack lyons and blackpurple Cow. they are the devil's disciples.

    FYI. The Rapture could come a month sooner than anticipated due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York.

    I urge you to read what the Bible says about same gender's not good.

  4. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I am afraid Van Jones won't change anything regarding how Fox operates. Let's face it, Fox is the most powerful broadcasting corporation in the world. No one can stop it, let alone sue it with any impact.

    Van Jones should save his money and sue someone else. His chances will be better against a leftist organization, considering the GOP will be in the WH and controlling Congress soon.

    Don't get me wrong, FN folks. I sympathize with Van Jones but he is no match for Fox. No need for him to double his bad karma by going after Fox.

  5. @Anonymous 12:46 AM

    It seems that a little group that Van Jones helped start called Color of Change was helpful along with Media Matters in getting Glenn Beck off the air.I think that Van should keep going.


    Have you read what Walter E. Williams wrote about Black people? The man is a Super Tom

  6. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Van Jones Is a self proclaimed Marxist, a strong 9/11 truther, a self proclaimed communist and he was exposed with his green wealth redistribution schemes, that is why he had to resign.

    Nothing anyone said was slanderous they showed videos of HIM saying it.

    Now Mr. Jones signed a letter sent by the infamous 9/11 Truth organization to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer. Now that organization alleges that the U.S. government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, that it knowingly conspired to murder 3,000 American civilians.

    Van Jones did sign and send documentation demanding "real answers" to 9/11 called for a, quote, "immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur."

    It also raised questions like, quote, "How could Flight 77, which reportedly hit the Pentagon have flown back towards Washington D.C. for 40 minutes without being detected by the FAA's radar or the radar possessed by the U.S. military."

    van Jones's lawyer on the cease and desist letter states he hasn't been a communist or marxist now for "many years. OK, but he certainly was and just admitted so. Therefore the truth has been shown. Of course he says he isn't a communist anymore, he can't get a job anywhere outside the obama circles and this is drying up.

    Can't wait to read a real judge saying, did fox say you were a communist, yes, were you, yes, then whats the libel and slander about?

    Every day liberals get me more and more naseous. How can you defend this when you KNOW the guy was/is a truther, communist/marxist and you say with a straight face that showing his own words and actions are a smear campaign? Truth is not a smear, unless you are a liberal. What is the next entitlement going to be ? No truth allowed because it is offensive to blacks?

    In a way this is good, liberals are using/have used up any political capital there might have been with this obvious nonsense.

    Go to court, publicize the shit out of it and make sure it is known he was in the Obama administration. Go for it.

  7. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Have you read what Walter E. Williams wrote about Black people? The man is a Super Tom

    Oh my god, noeess, he wrote about black people? Did he dare to be honest that gottdamn tom, what did he say that you think was a lie and that he just said it to please some imaginary white massa instead of staying black and not snitchin. What did he say?

  8. Anonymous1:25 AM

    "It seems that a little group that Van Jones helped start called Color of Change was helpful along with Media"

    Van Jones is also a color struck white woman worshiping negro. Fuck em.

  9. Anonymous1:36 AM


    Question Van Jones is real good at race baiting and talking about being held down by the "man" . I wonder, do you think he is this angry about white people at his in laws dinner table? You know his wife is white dontcha? Or maybe he is just another brutha playin the useful idiots like you and making green jobs for him, his racebaitin gets him lots a green but don't change a damn thing.

  10. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Don't get me wrong, FN folks. I sympathize with Van Jones but he is no match for Fox. No need for him to double his bad karma by going after Fox.

    I disagree, it is time the democrats and crazies like this get exposed without mercy, go to court, sue, then let the conservative media for no mainstream leftist media will tell the truth, expose everything. Let the country see what whackjobs liberals like this are and how disgustingly they band together without shame to protect even the dirtyiest. Expose this all the way.

  11. just wondering2:52 AM

    FN- what do you think of Alice Walkers "Freedom Flotilla" expedition?


  12. Anonymous5:37 AM

    "the guy was/is a truther, communist/marxist"

    It's heap sight better than attacking a country (Iraq) without provocation, resulting in the senseless death of thousands, using torture to extract useless information, and cooling your heels (delaying a lifesaving response) during the aftermath of Katrina.

    Give me Van Jones, the truther, communist/marxist any day to a Republican/liar/capitalist/oil-sucking/torturer.

  13. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Good to see the folks at anonymous Inc. are still going strong.
    There is a fundamental and deep difference between black cultures view and history with Communism and that of white Americans. It isn't apples to apples and any honest assesor of Van Jones would know this. If you don't know this, then you are, even if innocent of malice, are part of the bigger problem.

  14. dear mr. field, i am terribly disappointed that you did not give recognition of the death of Peter Faulk, who played who played a great detective by the name of Columbo. R.I.P."

    R.I.P. Columbo. & R.I.P. Nick Charles.

    "May I suggest you get your house, blog and political affiliation in order? For starters, drop Obama, Jon Stewart and a bunch of those lefties. Pick up Romney or Bachman and join the GOP. God will be pleased. Do this BEFORE Oct 21!

    Secondly, start blocking out uts, lac, mack lyons and blackpurple Cow. they are the devil's disciples.

    FYI. The Rapture could come a month sooner than anticipated due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York.

    I urge you to read what the Bible says about same gender's not good."

    Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc., your people are killing me. :(

    "Van Jones Is a self proclaimed Marxist, a strong 9/11 truther, a self proclaimed communist and he was exposed with his green wealth redistribution schemes, that is why he had to resign.

    Nothing anyone said was slanderous they showed videos of HIM saying it."

    FAKE NEWS said that he "IS" a Communist[not WAS]and that he is a convicted felon. None of those statements are true.

    Besides. see what brohammas said above.

    "Just wondering", regarding your Alice Walker question, anytime someone can give aid and comfort to people in need I am all for it.

    Although I wish someone would organize something similar for the people of The Congo, or Sudan.

  15. Black News Update:

    All eight suspects in brutal Five Points beating in custody

    Updated: Jun 25, 2011 11:27 PM EDT

    All eight suspects in brutal Five Points beating in custody

    COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - All eight suspects are in custody after a brutal attack in Five Points early Monday morning which left the teenage victim in critical condition, according to Columbia police.

    Columbia Police Department spokeswoman Jennifer Timmons said 19-year-old Thyeem Henrey was charged with second degree assault and battery by mob, common law robbery, and criminal conspiracy.

    He appeared in court Friday afternoon where the judge set bond at $750,000. That bond does not allow Henrey's release upon posting only 10%, which is sometimes permitted by the court.

    The 19-year-old is the only adult in a group of eight being held by Columbia police.

    The other seven suspects are all juveniles, according to Timmons. Their names cannot be released.

    She said a 14-year-old, 15-year-old, and 16-year-old were charged with strong arm robbery, second degree assault and battery by a mob, and criminal conspiracy.

    A 13-year-old and three other 16-year-olds were all charged with criminal conspiracy, according to Timmons.

    Timmons said most of the suspects turned themselves in with their parents after the surveillance footage was shown on the news.

    Police Chief Randy Scott said the 18-year-old victim, later identified as Carter Strange, was jogging through a parking lot near the intersection of Blossom Street and Saluda Avenue just after midnight on Monday when the assault happened.

    "This teenager was minding his own business, trying to make his curfew when he was brutally attacked and robbed," said Scott.

    Police said Henrey and the seven juveniles he was with were roaming Five Points, targeting others until they came across Strange.

    In fact, investigators said the group tried unsuccessfully to rob or assault at least four other people.

    They've been dealing with a flood of angry reactions from the public. "I've been on the phone all day fielding calls from the community about increasing patrols in Five Points, and what I have to explain is I'm responsible for Columbia, not just Five Points, not just the Vista," said Chief Randy Scott.

  16. Anonymous8:11 AM

    FAKE NEWS said that he "IS" a Communist[not WAS]and that he is a convicted felon. None of those statements are true.

    C'mon field who are you trying to kid with this? Lies? Smear campaign? Hardly, it is simple truth.

    "Van Jones " I met all these young radical people of color in jail - I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'...I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.... I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist - This he said even though he co-founded communist storm one year earlier and had very close links with the RCP

    But your honor, I haven't beat my wife for a year, so I am not a wife beater anymore because I say so and anyone reporting honestly about what I have said and done is trying to smear me with the truth.

    This should hold up in court for about 2 minutes. I hope he goes all the way and FOX takes it to the max, let the history of his actions/words and affiliation with the democratic party and STORM and truthers and the Obama admin and everything come way out into the open so everyone can see what type of people are into these things and what they stand for and how racist sycophantic democrats will twist all logic and lie to avoid the truth.

    The man is a criminal did riot, did loot steal, promote and engage in violence, anarchy and on and on. These are facts that he himself is repeatedly on record confirming in his own, yes his very own words. Now he might be a recovering socialist once he got outed and had to leave obamas camp to minimize the damage with all the other nutjobs obama put in office, somehow his actions don't mirror what he says though.

    Guilty, charge that man court costs and obstruction for attempting to litigate someone out of telling the truth. (Can they charge him with that?) This is step one, next step is to call someone racist for telling the truth..right.

  17. Van Jones thinks he has grounds for a defamation suit naming Fox News as the defendant? Haaa. A clown to the end.

    Inasmuch as Glenn Beck is NOT a journalist reporting NEWS, Jones' claim is going nowhere.

    Moreover, it was Obama who fired Jones. Thus, if there's a culprit in this story -- which there isn't -- it would be Obama.

    Furthermore, because Jones is a public figure, it's entirely legal to describe him in unflattering terms, which fall under the heading of OPINION.

    However, there is a limit. Even public figures can be defamed, though after what's been said about George Bush, the limits are way out in space.

    Nevertheless, to FALSELY claim that someone has committed a heinous crime goes over the line. Jones has not been accused of committing a heinous crime.

    Believing in communism is not a crime.

    It is also goes over the line to FALSELY state that someone has a loathsome disease. AIDS, for example. No such claim has been made.

    In the end, Jones' lawyers will most likely turn on him for getting them to go on this wild goose chase. Or maybe they think Obama will give the Jones Team some money to go away.

    Who knows? But no money will flow from Fox to Jones.

  18. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Was this asteroid caused by global warming?

    Does Al Gore's doomsday clock need to be adjusted?

  19. anon 12:45 am writes:

    I am afraid Van Jones won't change anything regarding how Fox operates.

    Correct. Why should his whining complaints change thing? Jones skewered himself with his own statements and Glenn Beck shared his opinions on Jones. Nothing actionable in that.

    Let's face it, Fox is the most powerful broadcasting corporation in the world. No one can stop it, let alone sue it with any impact.

    The same could have been said of CBS during the Vietnam War.

    But General William Westmoreland sued CBS for defaming him -- and the General won. He won because he clearly showed the recklessness of CBS's reporting and the falseness of its claims.

    If Jones is foolish enough to proceed, and he is a foolish guy, he will come out looking worse. Or better, depending on how you view him and what he stands for.

  20. Asteroid Alert. Bweep, bweep, bweep. Asteroid Alert. Bweep, bweep, bweep.

    If an Earth-bound asteroid closes in on the planet while Obama is in office, what will he instruct NASA to do?

    Will he demand a media alert? Or will he tell everyone to keep quiet.

    Would it matter where the asteroid or meteor might crash?

    Maybe NASA has already detected a big rock heading our way. Look at the Moon. It's about one-sixth the size of Earth, but its entire surface is made of big and small craters. Hits from big and small pieces of interstellar debris.

    Okay, there's no atmosphere on the Moon to burn up approaching space junk. But Earth's atmosphere isn't deep enough or dense enough to obliterate a space-rock the size of a Manhattan office building. And that stuff is out there.

    Anyway, how can all that junk miss Earth but hit the Moon when the Moon is so much smaller? Okay, so like other natural events, every once in a while, there's a really bad one. Recent flooding in the US, for example.

    Will Obama admit it if we face a Doomsday by meteor? What if someone told him a big meteor was aimed at Earth and would wipe out life on part of the planet?

    Does he already know the meteor is heading for Central America? Is that why he's letting everyone from Mexico and points south into the US? Is he saving them from the approaching meteor?

    Or is the meteor heading straight for the Saudi Arabian oil fields? Is that why he's desperate for America to have electric cars? Is it because he knows a lot of the world's oil is going to disappear a lot sooner than anyone knows?

  21. Anonymous9:42 AM

    MSNBC went from covering the NY gay marriage vote to Lockup Raw:Gay prison sex.


    Mean while,CNN uses psychics to try to convice people things are going to get better in Obama's America.

    Obama talking about states' rights?obama trying to be Reagan again?

    What is fields swf obsession with Herman?Could it be that field hates Herman because Herman did something field doesn't have the courage to do? Which is leave the Democrat plantation?

  22. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Umm...the Bibble of BillyRaySue? The one that tells morons it am OK to rape their neighbours?
    Or the teachings of Jesus? While you might thinkerate that following the tenets of sheep-loving Stone Age Rape Cultists is a form of wisdom...your own sacred text has Jesus being considerate to others.
    So, why do you continue to cling to the vile notion that your 15 yo boy needs are more important than the teachings of Jesus?

    Van is somehow eveel? For what? Telling us FOX lies. We already know this. Some posters like the lying fer Rs, while some wish that FOX would be Truthful, even if they do suckle the teat of conservative dogma. Communism sounds pretty good to a kid who watched the US invade VietNam for Jebus. Or refuse to allow US citizens equal rights. Or toppled democratically chosen governments...because the new leaders were genuflecting enough to US interests. In case you missed it, the better case is to offer Van Jones a reason to part of the system...not tell him to be a slave as gawd wants it.

    Are you sockpuppets really that illiterate? Global Climate Change must be a hoax...for asteroids exist? Do you even read your marching orders?

    Funny how super-religious folks never get beyond the absolute laws against cheeseburgers and camel-hair coats...but never share the live/let live of Jesus.


  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally

    "At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions."

    Another prediction that will not happen.

    Global Climate Change is real yo.

  24. Quote:anonnymous 1:22 am.

    "Van Jones Is a self proclaimed Marxist, a strong 9/11 truther, a self proclaimed communist..."


    How does that work?

    He's a Communist and a Marxist at the same time????

  25. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Or is the meteor heading straight for the Saudi Arabian oil fields? Is that why he's desperate for America to have electric cars? Is it because he knows a lot of the world's oil is going to disappear a lot sooner than anyone knows?

    Maybe that is why Obama is playing golf yet again this weekend for the 13th weekend in a row, he is trying to get in as much time on the links before the meteor destroys them. Debt ceiling, deficits, broke, no more money, unemployemnt, housing slide, stagflation, wars, wars, wars - fuck that I am out there raising money and playing golf, Why isn't he working? Why is he always out campaigning or spending our money on another field trip or vacation?

    Affirmative action president

  26. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Are you sockpuppets really that illiterate? Global Climate Change must be a hoax...for asteroids exist? Do you even read your marching orders?


    Sorry mold i will try to dumb down my post so you can understand them.

  27. For blacks, the national stain of slavery was survived by Lyndon Johnson’s dream writ large. As Ronald Kessler writes, when asked why the Civil Rights Bill had recently become so important to him, President Johnson said: “I’ll have them n——s voting Democratic for two hundred years.” History remembers Presidents, not senators. And despite the efforts of Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, whose leadership supplied the votes needed to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act that Johnson took credit for, black support, by a consistent 90% margin, became a democratic dream come true.

  28. fn:

    ever heard rush limbaugh impersonate hobama?

    he makes him sound like kingfish


    jon stewart just did the same to herman cain

    proving yet again that racists come in lib and neocon

    reps = dems
    comedians = pundits etc


    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more on you white marauders in haiti

    more on your global bloody discoveries and deceits


  29. "Finally, it's nice to see Van Jones trying to stand up to FOX. His lawyers have sent them a "cease and desist" letter"

    Cease and desist with the truth? Leftists hate it when they don't control all media outlets. Fox must be silenced! Talk radio must be silenced with the Fairness doctrine! We will decide what the people must hear!

    What does it say about a doctrine that cannot abide free speech?

    It says that leftism is based on lies.

    Carry on my witless minions, the glorious future of communalism is within reach!

  30. Never Forget1:18 PM

    Van Jones attended an anti-American rally on September 12, 2001.

    The day after 9/11, a day on which almost all Americans came together, Van Jones gave a speech blaming America for the attacks.

    Before the dust had settled, while people were still dying in the wreckage, Van Jones was already attacking America.

    How much do you have to hate your country to do that?

    Van Jones is a true enemy of America. That Obama appointed him to a high position in his government says everything you need to know about the current administration.

  31. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more on the tsa

    and u elitist racist global thieves...shame!!!

  32. Anonymous1:30 PM

    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more on the tsa

    and u elitist racist global thieves...shame!!!

    1:28 PM

    Whiner was about as much jewish as Kidd is.

  33. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Think "As Ronald Kessler writes, when asked why the Civil Rights Bill had recently become so important to him, President Johnson said: “I’ll have them n——s voting Democratic for two hundred years.”"

    What you have said is bs. How dare you stain Johnson's good name like that! President Johnson was very much committed to ending Jim Crow and you know it.

    No other President did as much for Blacks as Johnson. You are one ungrateful person.

  34. Anonymous1:44 PM

    AB, "ever heard rush limbaugh impersonate hobama?

    he makes him sound like kingfish


    jon stewart just did the same to herman cain

    proving yet again that racists come in lib and neocon"

    I love the truths you speak. They are direct, short and sweet.

    Jon Stewart is clearly a racist. Yet FN supports his racist mockery of Blacks because Cain is a black Conservative. Imagine that! FN willing to sacrifice the dignity of Blacks for leftist Whites who denigrate Blacks!

    This is the insidiousness that divides and splinters our race...the shame of it all.

  35. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Anon, "Field, what you and NASA don't know about is the asteroid that might hit us on Oct 21 along with some other stuff.

    May I suggest you get your house, blog and political affiliation in order? For starters, drop Obama, Jon Stewart and a bunch of those lefties. Pick up Romney or Bachman and join the GOP. God will be pleased. Do this BEFORE Oct 21!

    Secondly, start blocking out uts, lac, mack lyons and blackpurple Cow. they are the devil's disciples.

    FYI. The Rapture could come a month sooner than anticipated due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York.

    I urge you to read what the Bible says about same gender's not good."

    Field- "Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc., your people are killing me. :("

    ROFLMAO!! i am laughing so hard i can hardly type..nothing like a good laugh before the asteroid hits.:D

  36. hispanics hate America2:04 PM

    It's so cute watching angry frothing at the mouth mexicans smooching off american welfacre boo the US and cheer mexico beating it at SOMETHING. Congratulations, we're better at just about everything else, lol.

    It must suck really bad to wake up everyday and remember you're a mexican.

    Hey though, you just might take over the US! Just pop out more dumb and greasy babies, according to some posters here that's all it might take. and hell, they might be right. But here's a though: the US will then be just a third world dump like all latino countries. It takes a lot more than jumping a fence to build what the US has, the only thing you can do is destroy it like termintes or parasites and then maybe you won't feel as inferior, lol.

  37. fn:

    do not fret space debris

    fret the earth wars of that trash hobama



  38. etc

  39. Anonymous2:52 PM

    ab-"do not fret space debris

    fret the earth wars of that trash hobama"

    what does it matter? racism against blacks by whites like slappz continues, and the world will end OCT 21. we never got our equality. i am sad about that.

  40. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Love how you losers are trying to paint Stewart with the racism brush. As anyone but a Goober will listen to such an idiot-based lie.
    As far as Fairness Doctrine ending liar All it means is that one can respond to a falsehood dribbling from ManDumplings sex tourist chin. really, really hate it when Mold points out that 'no, the cheerleaders are not all Gay...and that they are not snooty...and that declining to date a wingnut who refuses to wash his hands after toileting is not an eveel Comnist plot.'
    Exactly how does the presence of asteroids disprove Global Climate Change? Do you have data? Or even a testable statement?

    st reagan and bush set records for spokesmodel vacations...yet that am fine as IOKIYAR and they wite and such.
    AfAms should be toiling away in the noonday sun so that illiterate Goobers can look and sneer. Really? Your whole plan for the US economy is to have Neil DeGrasse Tyson work manual labour so that you can feel superior?
    Genius. That will show those Chinese...or Indians...or Russians...or Europeans. Cons will take the best and brightest among us and have them slave away so that the Left Behinds don't have to feel bad.

    Do you even read your marching orders?


  41. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Do you even read your marching orders?


    What marching orders?Please provide everyone with links.But always start with unbiased facts.Something you leftwing kooks are scared of.

  42. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Alicia Banks: "ever heard rush limbaugh impersonate hobama?

    he makes him sound like kingfish


    jon stewart just did the same to herman cain

    proving yet again that racists come in lib and neocon"


    What's up Alicia? Are u becoming a Republican? I'm shocked. And, for some strange reason, a little upset. As in disappointed, slightly angry even. Let me stop.

  43. Quote: Slapnuts"But always start with unbiased facts.Something you leftwing kooks are scared of."

    Ha! So sez the man who hasn't posted a single reliable fact since he first came here.

    But you know what they say, facts have a known liberal bias.

  44. Wingnuts would contradict science even if the sun was visibly smaller and the earth got colder as the sun became a white dwarf. That is if it doesn't go the predictable red giant stage first which will also be denied. A red giant would expand beyond earth's orbit.

    Here comes the wingnuts.

  45. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Can you answer the query with a 'Yes' or 'No'? Do you read your marching orders?
    As far as the FOX ones...that's public.
    The Rove ones...public.

    Purple, what happened is that the sockpuppet watched me ask the questions with regard to outright falsehoods...when I knew the poster was lying...and sockpuppet wants to have the same authority and results. Sort of a 15 yo Left Behind asking their Bio teacher to 'provide proofs of Evilution' that the lad would accept...and were generated solely by the activity of said pedagogue. Seems Darwin wasn't valid...or nearly three hundred years of peer-reviewed Science. All that matters is that the teener lad can pretend to be as adult.

    When you repeat fake points...verbatim...from the wingnut welfare Wurlitzer without attributing the are following marching orders. Trying to place lies and falsehoods into discussion to further a return to feudalism. Hint...being stoopid Goober is NOT really a pleasant place in the feudal universe. You have less value than the peasants toiling for Master.


  46. Black News Today:

    Suspected flash mob rips off Upper Darby Sears

    Sunday, June 26, 2011

    Times Correspondent

    A group of people enter the Sears on 69th Street in Upper Darby on Thursday afternoon.

    Police say about 40 members of flash mob from Philadelphia stole thousands of dollars of merchandise in minutes.

    Police were able to round up 15 juveniles and one adult, 19, all from West Philadelphia.

    “They came in on the El train and hit Sears,” police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said. “They stole sneakers, socks, watches, whatever they could get their hands on, and left.

    “Imagine the guts of this gang of young hoodlums. One was 11 years old. The others arrested ranged from 12 to 16 years old.

    They planned this out earlier in the day on a social networking site. It was pre-planned. They got on the El, got off at 69th Street Terminal and walked up the hill to Sears.”

    Kyree Marsh, 19, of the 5500 block of Spruce Street, Philadelphia, was arrested and charged with retail theft, conspiracy to retail theft and corruption of minors.

    Police recovered some of the stolen sneakers and socks that were in the backpack of one of the individuals arrested and in the pockets of others taken into custody.

    According to the affidavit, the Sears loss-prevention officer saw the mob enter the store at 7:09 p.m. on Thursday.

    The group then began taking merchandise off the shelves.

    “He watched the group enter the store together from the 69th Street entrance,” Chitwood said. “It was fast. They ran out, leaving empty shoeboxes and store tags behind. Fortunately, no customers or store employees got hurt.

    “Due to the quick response by police, we were able to grab them up. They were heading back to the El train.” Continued...

    According to Chitwood, the juveniles received citations for retail theft and will answer charges before the county’s juvenile justice system.

    “The parents should be held accountable,” Chitwood said.

    “And where were the parents of the 11- and 12-year-olds when their children were riding into 69th street with a mob of teenagers? If I could, I would charge the parents. Certainly, this is unacceptable behavior. It was intentionally planned earlier in the day to gather and go to Upper Darby to rob and pillage. There has got to be consequences, and I don’t mean a slap on the wrist. The county has got to send a strong message. This was a (pack) attack and will not be tolerated.”

  47. Anonymous4:26 PM

    No links?? No facts??? Didn't think so.

    All we get is leftwing kookness.

  48. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Purple KnobGobbler said...

    But you know what they say, facts have a known liberal bias.

    Well then judging by this self serving statement you have just admitted you are a liberal. Keep that in mind you slimey snake next time you try and squirm out of truth.

  49. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19825:17 PM

    I just don't know what to say
    about all the inverted liberals. You know...the ones with their asses sticking up in the air and their heads in the sand...

    Science is what it is. And a lot of the time "scientists" get it wrong. Doctors used to think "bleeding" a patient would cure killed George Washington. Many "scientists" thought Charles Darwin was wrong...he wasn't. And let's use Galileo example...virtually all the "scientists" of his day believed the sun revolved around the earth. I could cite example after example after example but...unless you're really non compos get the point. "Scientists" are not always right...even when virtually all of them believe the same thing.

    There are far too many "oopses"...and deliberate climate science to say definitively at this point that man is going to destroy the earth or that unnatural changes will occur.

    What may happen is that man may exhaust all of the things on which he subsists and his species may go extinct. Or the human population might drop to a level sustainable by the natural regeneration of the things on which man subsists.

    This has been going on for some four and a half billion years...without science's knowledge or intervention.

  50. Anonymous5:29 PM


    Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

    Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

    Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.

  51. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Funny, I thought it was the child-touching priests who were against Galileo. You might want to read the Arab Scientists of that time. As far as your allegation that the Scientists of the day disputed Darwin...try lying to someone who can't read the actual journals of the time. It might be honest of you to mention that Evolution was a Scientific question since at least 1730. Bloodletting is yet another of your 'sounds good ta me' fake tales...but has long since been shown to not be Science...but Faith.
    Again with false equivalence...where your beleefs are given the same value as real Data.
    Cite are simply making it up and hoperate that no one else knows besser. Oops, this old gal does.

    Declaring victory after running away, sockpuppet? Do you want me to list all the Con orgs and media that take direction? Oh wait...that would be ALL of a list would be boring to read and you would still attempt to pretend it is grass...when any person with a cell knows it is astroturf. Do you read your marching orders?


  52. Anonymous5:55 PM

    That is a simple query and should be a breeze to answer. are unable.
    Do you read your marching orders?
    Attempt to deflect from this only shows your reluctance to answer. And bringing up the obvious Nazi antecedents of FOX is not really a good defense....or an answer.


  53. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.

    Enough is enough, if the Black Elders will not do anything as they are too busy looking at whitey, then it is time to lock and load. I carry, if I am mobbed I don't care what age they are they will be mown down. Age is not prejudice when you are getting stabbed, shot, hit with a bat etc.

    Welcome to the jungle, Africa has taken over and needs to be put down.

  54. Anonymous5:57 PM

    That is a simple query and should be a breeze to answer. are unable.
    Do you read your marching orders?
    Attempt to deflect from this only shows your reluctance to answer. And bringing up the obvious Nazi antecedents of FOX is not really a good defense....or an answer.


    Now Mold you are being silly, just because you have marching orders does not mean everyone else does. You silly fag.

  55. Anonymous6:10 PM

    It seems there is an increase in black young mob gangs in the MidWest and on the East Coast. This is not good.

  56. Anonymous6:16 PM

    It seems there is an increase in black young mob gangs in the MidWest and on the East Coast. This is not good.

    Where are the adults? THEY are fully responsible, where are the Leaders THEY are fully responsible!!!

  57. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19826:23 PM

    Your ignorance and lack of knowledge shows in each post.

    Instead of pretending to be smart,why not try to educate yourself?

    History for simpletons,

    If you can comprehend something simple has Wikipedia,i can recommend some advance reading.

  58. Anonymous6:34 PM

    When the whoppers run out, just imagine when the EBT cards are empty!!!

  59. liberal tormenter writes:

    Science is what it is. And a lot of the time "scientists" get it wrong.

    What do scientists do? Physical scientists -- chemists, physicists, biologists, etc -- try to understand the world in which we live. They look at what is, and deconstruct it.

    They do not sum up every system on the planet, an impossible task in itself, and use that conclusion to predict the future of Earth. It's beyond our capacities.

    They do what they do with what is known, develop hypostheses, and subject their hypotheses to the Scientific Method.

    Anybody remember that one?

    By following the accepted method of determining scientific validity, it's impossible to call Global Warming anything but a wild guess.

    First, there's observation. Then gathering a boatlad of empirical evidence. Measurable evidence.

    It must be possible to conduct reproducible experiments that support the hypotheses.

    Then you deduce a formula, which is tested, restested and modified until it's certain that the formula predicts observable events.

    Inasmuch as global warming is only a speculation about something that MIGHT happen far in the future, it cannot be evaluated by any scientific means. In other words, it's a prediction -- based on whatever the predictor believes is relevant.

    Just like Thomas Malthus, famous Scot, predicted mass starvation in 1800. Why? Because, he said, the Earth could not sustain the global population of ONE BILLION.

    Yet here we are at 7 BILLION, and in the US we've got an obesity problem.

    In the 60s and 70s there were fears of a Nuclear Winter. Hmmm. Didn't happen.

    And on the last day of 1999, goofy people in the leading nations of the world thought our whole technological existence was going up in a flash of electrons the instant the Year 2000 began.

    So much for predictions. There were loads of books written about the pending disaster of Y2K. But the writers knew they had to get them out fast. After all, once we rolled into the new year, the pending apocalypse would lose its fear factor. And all validity. Hmmm.

    But the post Y2K crowd learned quickly. Unlike the recently disappointed Rapture people, students of Y2K realized that the art of scaring people depends on keeping the date of Doomsday a little vague.

    Hence, Global Warming. We're all gonna die, or suffocate or feel something awful sometime in the next 100 years, give or take.

    With those far-off dates, it's easy to get people anxious about their grandchildren. And in a hundred years, anything can happen.

    Maybe Iran will get that nuclear bomb and set it off over Israel. If that happens, Israel will counterstrike and that might get Pakistan, Egypt, India and China into the melee. Nukes going off left and right, and suddenly, it's Nuclear Winter Time.

    Anyway, if there's one thing the Global Warming gasbags lack, it's meaningful science. All they have are guesses. And when it comes to scientists making guesses about things they cannot possibly know, history shows the guesses are going to be wrong.

  60. fn:

    hobama's tsa is really NOT ok!!!

    A woman has filed a complaint with federal authorities over how her elderly mother was treated at Northwest Florida Regional Airport last weekend.

    Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.

    Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

    “It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”
    Read more »

  61. Did SEAL Team 6 kill bin Laden?

    Yeah, they shot holes in his worthless Islamic, muslim dirtbag body. But SEAL Team 6 can do nothing for bin Laden's enduring and grotesque legacy:

    Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

    Obviously, this sick legacy proves that Obama accomplished nothing by executing bin Laden.

    If our worthless, failed and incompetent muslim-in-chief were capable of returning air travel to the way it was before 9/11, I'd have to consider voting for him next year.

    But he won't. He can't. Thus, bin Laden's death means nothing. When WWI ended, it truly ended. There was an end to the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

    But the war with Islam will never end. IN fact, the world is going to become a more dangerous place because Obama has tacitly surrendered to the Taliban in Afghanistan. He's bringing troops home even though the Taliban and its allies are in command of vast territories in Afghanistand and Pakistan.

    I'm all for throwing in the towel in Afghanistan. It's a defeat. But so what? However, the bigger defeat is the way the dead bin Laden will continue to impinge on our lives -- seemingly for decades.

  62. Anonymous8:58 PM

    no_slappz said..."I'm all for throwing in the towel in Afghanistan. It's a defeat. But so what? However, the bigger defeat is the way the dead bin Laden will continue to impinge on our lives -- seemingly for decades."

    "Mission Accomplished!"

  63. Anonymous9:02 PM

    no_slappz said..."Inasmuch as global warming is only a speculation about something that MIGHT happen far in the future, it cannot be evaluated by any scientific means. In other words, it's a prediction -- based on whatever the predictor believes is relevant."

    "You bet'cha life!"

  64. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Poor Troll, hoperating that we might not know that Wikipedia can be 'adjusted' by evil-meaning wingnuts...until the moderators get tired of scrubbing lies from the site.
    Try again, this time with the sure knowledge that I do know...and can cite.
    Just because some closeted man sells fake history on FOX and was on The Daily Show...doesn't mean that your beleefs are equal to Facts. It means his lies are sensational.
    Appeal to Authority...only has value when you are an authority. Your claims show immediately and prima facie...that you are most certainly not. One who beleeverates in IntelligentCreationismDesign may try to pretend they understand Biology...but the lies they sell put paid to that.(Hint)
    If that was too subtle...what you posted was proof you are ignorant of much of History. I know, you can pretend in church or to fellow Troo Beleevers in Con...but some of the US actually attended real colleges. Placing those fibs on this thread was a large, blinking neon sign proclaiming your foolish ignorance of the subjects.
    Still, you did provide some silly wingnut with the cash to visit Sarey or Michelle in their Destroi 'Merica Tore.;)

    Gosh, and those uppity Negroes think they can play baseball with wites, too! Wonder how much Koch pays you to hijack threads?


  65. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Slapnuts said...

    "Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here."

    Affirmative Action in Action.

  66. Anonymous9:18 PM

    anonymous said..."Enough is enough, if the Black Elders will not do anything as they are too busy looking at whitey, then it is time to lock and load. I carry, if I am mobbed I don't care what age they are they will be mown down. Age is not prejudice when you are getting stabbed, shot, hit with a bat etc.

    "Welcome to the jungle, Africa has taken over and needs to be put down."

    "In the 1997 film Men in Black, Edgar, an upstate New York farmer, tells a recently-landed alien when asked to drop his rifle, "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers." The alien responds, 'Your proposal is acceptable.' Edgar is then killed, and the alien uses his skin as a disguise."

  67. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "When the whoppers run out, just imagine when the EBT cards are empty!!!"

    "Nobody can do it like McDonald's can!"

  68. Anonymous9:27 PM

    In the 1997 film Men in Black, Edgar, an upstate New York farmer, tells a recently-landed alien when asked to drop his rifle, "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers." The alien responds, 'Your proposal is acceptable.' Edgar is then killed, and the alien uses his skin as a disguise."

    Yeah, only that was a comedy and a real big fantasy. When one goes between the eyes of someone thuggin, that will be real. Remember there is a line between fiction and reality. Have you ever met a white man with loaded gun pointed at your head that you laughed at? Have you? I didn't think so. Most states now have self defense laws (except for the liberal ones) funny enought these liberal states with the strict gun laws are the ones where crime is out of control, not here. A couple of kids start hitting, they get put down - it's all self defense.

  69. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19829:33 PM

    Mold knows.

    Mold's gonna tell.

    Mold brings up fox,saray,and other things that have nothing to do with topic at hand.

    Mold threatens knowledge and fact.

    Mold posted alot.Without posting anything.

    I figured as much.

    Flamers use big words like "thinkerate" "believerate" and act like experts.

    Look past the playground humor insults.You will see a person that knows nothing relating to the topic.

    Before you attack me again,please have some knowledge and fact.

    I don't want to embarrass you again.

  70. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more proof that you are an original african mf just like uts

    shame u racist kapo dog!!!!

  71. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Anonymous said..."Remember there is a line between fiction and reality."

    "But the fact is that reality is more often than not stranger than fiction – while fiction has to stay true to fact, fact has no such rules to conform to. It can keep getting stranger and stranger, and if the perpetrator is able to pull it off, we wonder at the audacity and weirdness of the crime instead of questioning its authenticity. There are also instances of fact mimicking fiction – we’ve heard of criminals stealing ideas from little-known and famous crime novels to see if they can make it work."

  72. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "But the fact is that reality is more often than not stranger than fiction – while fiction has to stay true to fact, fact has no such rules to conform to. It can keep getting stranger and stranger, and if the perpetrator is able to pull it off, we wonder at the audacity and weirdness of the crime instead of questioning its authenticity. There are also instances of fact mimicking fiction – we’ve heard of criminals stealing ideas from little-known and famous crime novels to see if they can make it work."

    9:52 PM

    How wittingly unrelated. Until you see Aliens coming down and taking someone skin, then I recommend you compartmentalize this into the "not likely" part of your brain. I assure you that as you put forward if you are thuggin and participating in a flash crime mob, then get a weapon pointed at your head, the likelihood of your turning into an alien and being able to beat the bullet is not very feasible. You aren't roachman or some other vermin type superhero.

  73. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Gosh, and those uppity Negroes think they can play baseball with wites, too! Wonder how much Koch pays you to hijack threads?


    Threads? Are you an itsy bitsy spider? Have you gone up the waterspout? Better watch out for the rain it will wash you out you itsy bitsy spider. Why are you talking about playing with white balls? Didn't your mama just tell you to stop your gay stalkin? Tell mumsy I can't make it tonight, but did send over an extra pack of batteries for her.

  74. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Anonymous said..."Tell mumsy I can't make it tonight, but did send over an extra pack of batteries for her."

    "A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother." ~Author Unknown

  75. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Anonymous said...."How wittingly unrelated. Until you see Aliens coming down and taking someone skin, then I recommend you compartmentalize this into the 'not likely' part of your brain."

    'Aliens could attack at any time' warns former MoD chief

    Read more:

  76. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Anonymous said..."Tell mumsy I can't make it tonight, but did send over an extra pack of batteries for her."

    "A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother." ~Author Unknown

    Wow, you are right, I did mean "your Mother"

  77. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Where are the adults? THEY are fully responsible, where are the Leaders THEY are fully responsible!!!"

    They exist but for decades many black children born into highly dysfunctional black families have been on their own. Each generation spawns another dysfunctional generation without care and guidance.

    Kids who have not been cared and loved, will NOT care about their kids, either. Each generation becomes more and more like a living hell. Eventually, there will be a spillover violence into all parts of our society, esp during a recession when people have a lack of things and there is a shortage of police protection.

    As I said before this is not good for America. Unfortunately the media and bloggers aren't talking much about it.

  78. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Anonymous said..."Wow, you are right, I did mean 'your Mother'"

    Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
    Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
    Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
    But only one mother the wide world over.

    ~George Cooper

  79. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said..."Wow, you are right, I did mean 'your Mother'"

    Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
    Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
    Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
    But only one mother the wide world over.
    ~George Cooper


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  80. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Anonymous said..."They exist but for decades many black children born into highly dysfunctional black families have been on their own. Each generation spawns another dysfunctional generation without care and guidance."

    Are White Nationalist Leaders Dysfunctional?

    Whatever one thinks of mainstream political leaders, either on the Republican or Democrat side, one thing you notice about them that isn’t common among white nationalist leaders is the conspicuous presence of wives.

    Whether it’s George Bush, Al Gore, Ronald Reagan or Billy Carter, the public is/was always aware of their wives, what they looked liked, and what they thought of their respective husbands’ political views. In short, they were conspicuous, out there for all to see, with nothing to hide.

    Yet, when we look at our own white nationalist leaders we immediately notice the conspicuous absence of wives - and not just among one or two white nationalist leaders - but almost among all of them. This is ironic, when one considers that these alleged white nationalist leaders have been charged with promoting ‘family values’ and ‘saving the white race’ when they themselves are poor examples of these respective goals.

  81. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Anonymous said..."Secret Mold language"

    "Man who run behind car get exhausted."

  82. Anonymous11:09 PM

    04 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said..."Secret Mold language"

    "Man who run behind car get exhausted."


    " man who go to bed with itchy ass wake up with smelly fingers.

  83. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Man who lay down in middle of street wake up with that rundown feeling

  84. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Man who lay down in middle of street wake up with that rundown feeling"

    "Man, who drive like hell, bound to get there."

  85. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Anonymous said..."man who go to bed with itchy ass wake up with smelly fingers."

    "He who has smelly fingers has cured his itchy ass."

  86. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Baseball all wrong -- man with four balls cannot walk.

  87. Anonymous4:10 PM

    ass hole knee grows you are the biggest bunch of racists in america and are only good for turning where ever you live into a cesspool.just like field knee grow did to jay-may-key.i wish you knee grows would come on to my property and threaten me because i have a nice high capacity present for you.field knee grow you are just a dumb ass commie traitor. go fuck up jay-may-key some more and take detolit with you.
