Monday, June 06, 2011

Weiner was sexting. Now about those jobs.

Oh oh Andrew, I hate to pile on, but even the democrats are pissed at you. (I see that Lady Nancy is already calling for an ethics investigation.) You took too long to come clean with your Internet escapades. What were you thinking? You had to have known that you sent the pictures of yourself au naturale. Why the week long press tour to deny your short comings? (No pun intended.) And was that Andrew Breitfart at your press conference? Yes, I think it was.

Anyway, today you finally came clean:

"I take full responsibility for my actions," Weiner said. "The picture was of me, and I sent it."

Yes Anthony, we can see that it was you. And I am sure that there will be more to come.
BTW, what is it with you elected officials from New York and these nude pictures of yourselves? "Sexting"? Leave that stuff to the teenagers.

Still, after all is said and done, you might just get reelected. (If you don't lose your seat to redistricting.) As far as I can tell, you didn't break any laws, and you seem to do a good job for your district. Hey if folks like Charlie Rangel and David Vitter can get reelected, I am sure that you will be fine.

Finally, (h/t to CNN where I heard this today) why are the republicans in Congress not doing anything about the high unemployment in this country? They swept into power this midterm promising to get us jobs and turn the economy around. But they have done nothing. They have given us no ideas and have done every thing in their power to make sure that his O ness is not successful as president. If the economy fails and folks lose their jobs then Obama fails. I am sure that is just fine with them.

"Since assuming the majority, House Republicans have focused their attention on symbolic health care votes and divisive anti-abortion bills instead of job creation, which they promised to make their "number one priority." Their only real effort to address the economy, a controversial proposal to slash spending on government programs, could have a devastating impact on the recovery. The best evidence Republican leaders can muster that their massive spending cuts won't harm the economy is the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who actually believes that the proposal will destroy "a couple hundred thousand" jobs.

When there's good news, Republicans are quick to claim credit, but it's increasingly apparent that they're more excited about bad news. Just compare the press releases blasted out when monthly job statistics fall below expectations and when they exceed them. This, of course, is all part of a strategy to achieve what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has unapologetically labeled "the single most important thing" for Republicans to accomplish: making sure President Obama loses in 2012."

Mr. Tan Man, why do you and your friends hate the American worker?


  1. Sarge9:21 PM

    "Weiner was sexting. Now about those jobs."

    Translation: I was wrong, let's change the subject:

    "Finally, (h/t to CNN where I heard this today) why are the republicans in Congress not doing anything about the high unemployment in this country?"

    First off, you shouldn't be getting your news from that hack propaganda outfit, CNN.

    Secondly, repealing Obamacare would reduce unemployment immediately, by removing uncertainties about the Government healtchcare takeover costs and by immediately lowering those costs.

    Slashing the Federal budget would free up capital for private job creation.

    The Republicans are trying to help the employment situation Field, it's just they can't do much until 2013, after they win back the Senate and the Presidency in 2012. Then prosperity will return for all people, even liberal negroes.

  2. Everything that I’ve said so far has come to be true. I’d like to hear one… The media says “Breitbart lies, Breitbart lies, Breitbart lies.” Give me one example of a provable lie. One. One. ONE. Journalists, One! Put your reputation on the line here. One provable lie.

    Do you know what I’d be accused of if I released this photo? I’m doing this to save his family, OK?

    And if this guy wants to start fighting with me again, I have this photo. But, I’m not doing this for nefarious purposes. I’d like an apology from him for allowing for his political protectors to attack me. This was his strategy, to blame me. To blame me for hacking:

    "Oh, don’t worry Breitbart’s our regular whipping boy. We can accuse him of anything and the press will not hold those journalists to account no matter what they say".

    And, so I’m here for some vindication.

  3. PilotX9:29 PM

    Hey Field if it's ok I'd like to tell folks about the Young Eagles Program here in Chicago. Free airplane rides for students ages 7-17. Next one is Saturday the 11th. (773) 602-2880 for more details.

  4. What's with these Jewish guys?

    First the IMF dude, now Weiner.

    Is it a cultural thang?

    Slappy, how 'bout some input?

    Maybe "input" is the wrng word since y'all seem to do more flashing than anything else.

    tee hee

  5. PilotX9:36 PM

    The GOP has always hated working folks. Why anyone who punches a clock for a living would vote for these people is beyond me. Even if they were right about the economy I would still be hesitant to vote for them because of all the hidden agendas they have. Palin rolls into town wearing the star of David, we know why but she'll never come clean. If they could just legislate like they say they would they may be ok but when they get power they pass all kinds of religiously influenced bills and the stuff they never campaign on. I would respect repubs more if they were honest about the crazy stuff they really want to do, I wouldn't vote for em but at least I'd know what I was getting into. Be honest, campaign on removing evolution from the schools, putting up the ten suggestions everywhere and forcing everyone to have babies. No more stealth shit.

  6. Striker9:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hey Field if it's ok I'd like to tell folks about the Young Eagles Program here in Chicago. Free airplane rides for students ages 7-17. Next one is Saturday the 11th. (773) 602-2880 for more details.

    PilotX: You ever been in a cockpit before?

    Young Eagle Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.

    PilotX: You ever seen a grown man naked?

    PilotX: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

    PilotX: Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?

  7. Abouhtwite9:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    The GOP has always hated working folks. Why anyone who punches a clock for a living would vote for these people is beyond me.

    That's because you are a union man.

    Things have changed. Working folks today are the backbone of the GOP.

    Non-working folks are the backbone of the Democrat party. It is an alliance of the super-rich and the poor against the middle class.

  8. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Striker @9;37 that was pretty damn funny.

    PilotX: I have to give you credit, Young Eagles is a great program. What plane will you be flying? I heard young eagles was founded by the EAA, you aren't taking them up in ultralights are you?

  9. Anonymous10:04 PM

    UptownSteve Said....

    What's with these Jewish guys?

    First the IMF dude, now Weiner.

    Is it a cultural thang?

    Slappy, how 'bout some input?

    Field, I have to protest. First you have Granny and Qeeufa hittin on you and lookin to start some sextin thang and now we have UTS asking for No_Slapps to put it in and give him some input, this is getting disgusting.

    Look UTS we know you liked when you were a semen but do you have to publicly flaunt this stuff? It is unseemly and actually made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I guess seeing all these Jewish guys sex issues got ya hot for No Slaps input, but could you just send him a private message please. My delicate senses can only take so much of this.

  10. "And, so I’m here for some vindication."

    I think you missed your turn.

    "Slashing the Federal budget would free up capital for private job creation.

    The Republicans are trying to help the employment situation Field, it's just they can't do much until 2013, after they win back the Senate and the Presidency in 2012. Then prosperity will return for all people, even liberal negroes."

    Riiight, there is this bell here in Philly that I would love to sell you. It's an antique with a slight crack on the side. But I think you will love it.

    PilotX, that sounds like a great program. Congrats!

  11. Anonymous10:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    The GOP has always hated working folks. Why anyone who punches a clock for a living would vote for these people is beyond me.

    Lets look at what Obama and the Dems have done for working people.

    Thanks to Obamacare health insurance have gone up more than they would have,and in 2014 more than 30% of companies will drop health insurance.Not to mention the thousands of Obamacare weavers.

    Thanks to Obama and the Dems,free checking is almost gone and bank and credit card fees have gone up.

    Thanks to Obama and the Dems, food and clothing prices are going up while wages remain low.

    Gas prices are going up thanks to Obama and the Dems.

    All the working people get from Obama and the Dems are lies.

    "Pass my healthcare bill and your insurance rates will drop by $3,000."

    "Pass my stimulus package and the unemployment rate won't get above 8%."

    "This will be the summer of recovery' 500,000 jobs will be created per month."

    "I will not raise taxes on anyone making less than 200,000."

    I could go on.yeah, its hard to see why any working American would vote republican.

    Field always has a hard time remembering this so i will tell him again,Dems control 2/3'rds of our gubmit.Republicans can't do anything without their support.

    Not like it was during the first 2 years of the Obama regime where Dems controll the gubmit and could have passed anything they wanted.

    Anyoooooo....its looking like Republicans have a great chance of winning the senate in 2012.

  12. PilotX10:15 PM

    PilotX: I have to give you credit, Young Eagles is a great program. What plane will you be flying? I heard young eagles was founded by the EAA, you aren't taking them up in ultralights are you?

    It's a collaboration between the EAA and the Tuskegee Airmen and it's light aircraft, no ultralights.

    "PilotX, that sounds like a great program. Congrats!"

    Gotta inspire the next generation, somebody needs to pay my retirement;-)

  13. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Andrew Breitbart rocks!!

  14. PilotX10:18 PM

    "Things have changed. Working folks today are the backbone of the GOP.

    Non-working folks are the backbone of the Democrat party. It is an alliance of the super-rich and the poor against the middle class."

    Ha! One there is no middle class anymore, the Koch's and the Romneys have seen to that with outsourcing and all. Secondly the GOP is the super rich and hyper-religious folks who want to bring about Jeezusland. Thirdly what about dem poor southerners in them trailers, a doubewide only constitutes being middleclass in Mississippi and S. Carolina.

  15. Gotta inspire the next generation, somebody needs to pay my retirement;-)"

    I feel you. BTW, did I ever tell you that the best commercial flight I ever experienced was with two yawdies in the cockpit?

    Air Jam, Kingston to Miami. :)

  16. Jobs? Jobs?

    Let's see. Open up ALL energy-rich territory to oil & gas drillers.

    The Marcellus Gas Field extends from New York, though Pennsylvania to West Virginia. But the NY Attorney General is standing in the way of drilling operations in NY.

    ANWR -- lots of easy oil there. It's time to tap those reserves.

    Off the West Coast there's lots of oil that's off limits to drillers now.

    There's more in the Gulf of Mexico. By the way, last year's spill caused no lasting damage.

    There's a shortage of engineers in the US. Not all engineers, but electrical and computer guys. Jobs are going begging, and then the jobs are shipped to other countries where the engineers live.

    They would come here if the US government would issue more H1-B visas. But some boneheads in Washington won't lift the cap on these visas.

    On the education front, if we were to approve school vouchers and charter schools, the demand for teachers would rise.

    Very simply, when administrative costs are cut, as they are at charter schools, the charter schools can allocate more funds to to classrooms, which means there's money to hire more teachers.

    End the embargo of Cuba. It's a future market of 12 million consumers desperate to enjoy US-style prosperity.

    End the subsidies for ethanol and end the tariff on imported ethanol, thereby allowing corn prices to ease, which would lower the cost of food, especially meat, while increasing demand for corn.

    Eliminate the tax on corporate income earned outside the US. As long as those foreign profits are taxed when they are brought to the US, the longer the money will stay offshore.

    Eliminate capital gains taxes. That will stimulate funding of a lot of businesses.

  17. field negro said...
    Riiight, there is this bell here in Philly that I would love to sell you. It's an antique with a slight crack on the side. But I think you will love it.

    No, Field, you simply do not get it. You cannot sell things that don't belong to you.

    Just like the government cannot create jobs by taking money away from employers.

    It really is pretty basic. If you cannot understand the issue, you should at least have the courtesy to STFU.

  18. Anonymous10:37 PM

    UptownSteve Said....

    What's with these Jewish guys?

    First the IMF dude, now Weiner.

    Is it a cultural thang?

    Slappy, how 'bout some input?

    Notice how all these incidents involes black women? Come to think of it,wasn't those Duke players jewish? Wasn't those cops who rubbed dog poo on the lips of Tawana Brawley Jewish?

    Black women are so jealous of white women and the power white women have.The only way black women will have that power is to have half Jewish kids that will grow up and take over the banking industry and the media.
    Than black women will be put in power and have control over everyone.

    What happens to the black man?

    what happens to all those sexy non black women on FOX NEWS?

  19. PilotX10:43 PM

    Good plan Slappz, you should be GOP spokesperson. Eliminate all taxes, privatize everything, drill everywhere and destroy unions. Nice try, next.

    How about we as consumers take some of the task ourselves. Demand stores only sell products made in the U.S.A. and stop patronizing stores that sell us foreign goods. Look for the union and USA lables when you buy, it's not hard. Also, we punish companies that outsource. You wanna relocate your factory, we don't buy your shit. Period! Who's with me?

  20. "No, Field, you simply do not get it. You cannot sell things that don't belong to you."

    Why? I thought that was the wingnut way?

  21. Abouhtwite10:51 PM

    PilotX: "the GOP is the super rich "

    Wrong. You are living in the 1930's.

    The democrats are the party of billionaires, and what the super rich are most interested in is keeping the riff-raff off the property.

    Nobody hates the top 10% like the top 1% does, not even the bottom 10%.

    And nobody hates the top 1% more than the top 0.1% does.

    The super rich use the poor to keep the merely rich down. Affirmative action bothers not the super rich, who do not compete for wage jobs, and whose children will not be denied entry into the most elite of the elite institutions. They do not care about crime as they can just build the walls arround their gated communities a little higher. They do not care about jobs or the state of American communities, as they see themselves as Citizens of the World who have more in common with other like-minded elite in other countries than they do with the "average" American.

    They rally the poor by pointing at the modestly succesful business man and saying he should share the wealth. They point at the white man's house and tell the black man it belongs to him. They maintain control by fomenting class and race hatred, and the poor masses love them for it.

    They assuage their guilt by forcing others to atone for their sins (think Ted Kennedy).

    A takes from B and gives to C and declares it "social justice".

    And the beat goes on.

  22. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "Finally ... why are the republicans in Congress not doing anything about the high unemployment in this country?"

    Nope, Field, that's Obama's gig.
    He made a whole buncha promises.
    So now it's time to deliver.
    BTW, do we have a budget yet?
    Have the oceans stopped rising?
    Is the planet healed?

    Obama is a joke and is being hoisted on his own self-inflated delusional petard.

    It's not up to the R's to save his Administration.

    Word verification: enablers.

  23. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "I would respect repubs more if they were honest about the crazy stuff they really want to do..."

    Oh, pleez
    Now you're lying about even stupid stuff?

    You're an embarrassment.

    It's people like you that give Erlich and Holdren ideas like put birth control and lithium in the water supply.

  24. "It's not up to the R's to save his Administration."

    I know, they would rather have the country suffer so that they can get back in power. Wait, they control Congress now. And yet, there is still no movement with the unemployment numbers. :(

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth11:20 PM

    "They maintain control by fomenting class and race hatred"

    I agree on that with you because that is the truth and nothing but the truth. It has always been that way since those hypocrit founding fathers suggested it.

    The Religious Right = Puritan values that they themselves do not possess. Institutionalize racism to control those others and whites, who were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths with all the stereotype labels. That includes the positive ones.

  26. Anonymous11:21 PM

    "What's with these Jewish guys?"
    Yeah they make up 1% of the population and less then 1% of all sex offenders. While black males male up 6% of the population and over 50% of all sex offenders. Where da problem lie? Dem Jooos!

    "Notice how all these incidents involes black women? Come to think of it,wasn't those Duke players jewish? Wasn't those cops who rubbed dog poo on the lips of Tawana Brawley Jewish?"
    Nope cause none of dem actually happened. But there have been hundreds of elderly Jews mauled to death by Negroids in da same time frame you using. Can you name em?
    Eldely Holocaust surviror mauled to death by negroids last year. Apparently easier to survive Auwchitz then a nigger. Den there was a elderly Jewish cleaning lady pounced on by a female negroid in NY 7 months ago. Nigger attacks on Jews are a daily occurance silly chimp

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth11:24 PM

    Oooh... but the GOP did make that promise about jobs in the last election when they took over the house. Don't get amnesia on us now.

    Bye, I'm signing off.

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth11:28 PM

    Field, before I go, it looks like you've been invaded by some folks from over at that nasty racist Drudge Report.


  29. Field, before I go, it looks like "you've been invaded by some folks from over at that nasty racist Drudge Report.


    Just fumigate the joint when they leave. I have some great cleaners if you need some. :)

  30. Anonymous11:49 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Field, before I go, it looks like you've been invaded by some folks from over at that nasty racist Drudge Report.


    Hey granny there are equations for what you just said:






  31. Field...what's so disappointing about Congressman Weiner's fall from grace is that he was such a strong and forceful advocate for the poor, working class and struggling middle class. He had to have known he was on the Republican's hit list and the stupidity of his actions warrants a return to the private sector.

    He'll have to advocate and financially support these critical issues as a private citizen given his credibility is *shot*!!!

    Oh well.......

  32. Wesley R12:31 AM


    Remember the classic movie 'Let's Do It Again'? When Bill Cosby and Sidney Poitier got caught fixing the big fight, John Amos and his Boys came in and one of the guys called Cosby and Poitier 'dishonest hypocritess'! Politicans of both parties remind me of that.
    We keep talking about all of this bull ( Palin, Schwarzenegger also) and folks are still out of work, and getting blown up a half a world away.

  33. So, Anthony Wiener got caught showing his wiener to some chicks on Twitter. If he would have came out, told the truth - the story would have been over in 2-3 days. Instead, he gave the Washington Media another day of non-news.

    Now field, you know the GOP doesn't want to talk about jobs and....that would require actual work. Better to let the Washington press corp chase some junior congressman having the 2011 equivalent of kinky chatroom sex.

    I'm watching Rachel Maddow for basically outlining how two of the biggest goofs in the GOP primaries, Palin and Gingrich, benefited from everyone covering Anthony (and his) Wiener scandal. Palin's minions were attempting to screw up wikipedia and Gingrich went on a luxury cruise. If Anthony (and his) Wiener weren't all over the news - we would be reemphasizing that Gingrich is an out of touch snob and Palin is an idiot who appeals to even bigger idiots.

  34. "Truth+Blacks=Racist





    Geez. And the GOP still doesn't get why blacks won't touch Republicans with a ten-foot poll. Guys like our anon friend here do nothing but paint themselves as color-aroused nutcases with an axe to grind and the party as full of said nutcases. Not a good look.

    Weiner's wiener is a non-event. I didn't even bother checking up on that bit of "news." But it is good for distracting people from America's more pressing problems.

    Slappo, you really should stop espousing your party talking points as the only thing that can "save" the country. You urge the United States to throw its legs wide open for any and every oil and gas driller that wants a go, when we should be investing in alternative energy that won't leave the U.S. looking like an ersatz eastern Kentucky when those companies finally decide to fuck off in search of greater profits. You urge us to import H1-B engineers from India and other places, when we should be hiring our own out-of-work engineers and training others as needed in our own country. You urge Americans to rush headlong into charter schools that don't perform any better than current public institutions, but have less accountability and more incentive for corruption. And taxes? Isn't the whole "low taxes/no taxes" mantra the reason why this country's sporting a deficit the size of Boss Hogg's belly?

    The only points I agree with you on happen to be getting rid of ethanol subsidies and putting the kibosh on the Cuba embargo.*

    Sarge, you really should learn how to take a joke. And it's also in poor taste for some commentator to tell the owner of the blog to "STFU." Learn some manners.

    *Corporate America's gonna look forward to returning Cuba back to the "Las Vegas of the Caribbean" days, at the expense of the average Cuban.

  35. Anonymous1:25 AM

    From the previous thread:

    PilotX, "Just can't leave us alone huh? Funny how someone who thinks we're so inferior always hanging out. Sad.
    But seriously, it might be right Field. You may want to think about secret handshakes, you remember how Denmark and John Brown went down."

    9:17 PM


    Just can't leave us Whites alone, can you? FYI. We like FN as much as anybody and it's where all humans can meet, regardless of race.

    Field has FN set up that way where EVERYBODY has voice, not just exclusionary racists like you. Who do you think you are, advocating to have Whites thrown off ANY blog, let alone FN blog, you self-centered selfish inconsiderate nitwit?

    It's the meeting of ALL races that gives FN blog its uniqueness and popularity. For once there is an unregulated forum for EVERYBODY to freely speak their feelings and mind no matter how dysfunctional it may be. And it's through this process that we can begin to move beyond race and color.

    That is the genius of the founder of FN blog. But it is too deep for you and some others to understand at this time in your life, or maybe never.

  36. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Field, "Yes Anthony, we can see that it was you. And I am sure that there will be more to come.
    BTW, what is it with you elected officials from New York and these nude pictures of yourselves? "Sexting"? Leave that stuff to the teenagers."

    Field, two years ago I commented about Sex and Love Addiction and YOU said you had heard about it and was going to blog about it. But you never did.

    Since that time there have been a string of celebrities, politicians, bankers, and sports figures who have ended up doing such shameful behaviors. How many must come your way before you Negroes "get it" that it might be a disease? Oh, I forgot. Folks like LAC, Mack Lyons and uts don't believe in getting psychological help.

    If you were to post on S&LA you would lose them. FYI: the black race needs a lot of help with this disease.

  37. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Field, I can't believe the Sarge who is posting today is the same Sarge from the past.

  38. Oh, I forgot. Folks like LAC, Mack Lyons and uts don't believe in getting psychological help.

    WTH are you talking about? Where did you get the idea I or anyone else had an opinion on sex addiction or psychology?!

  39. Anonymous1:57 AM

    LAC, "WTH are you talking about? Where did you get the idea I or anyone else had an opinion on sex addiction or psychology?!"

    No, you don't because you are completely IGNORANT of it. Your ignorance showed when you made the following comment:

    "So, Anthony Wiener got caught showing his wiener to some chicks on Twitter. If he would have came out, told the truth - the story would have been over in 2-3 days. Instead, he gave the Washington Media another day of non-news."

    If you had any psychological insight into human feelings you would know that ANY addict wants to quit behaviors that are destructive to his well-being, his family and his career but can't without help. Guaranteed this won't be the end of Weiner's addictive episodes.

    But I understand your unawareness. Again, Negroes like you have NEVER believed in getting psychological help for ANYTHING.

  40. "Since that time there have been a string of celebrities, politicians, bankers, and sports figures who have ended up doing such shameful behaviors. How many must come your way before you Negroes "get it" that it might be a disease? Oh, I forgot. Folks like LAC, Mack Lyons and uts don't believe in getting psychological help."

    I'm getting sick and tired of you bringing up my name in your inane conversations. Care to put an end to it?

  41. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Anon 1:39am, thanks for the reminder. I remember your comment years ago because it struck me as true. Now here it is again. Ever wonder how long it takes before people start to wake up?

  42. "WTH are you talking about? Where did you get the idea I or anyone else had an opinion on sex addiction or psychology?!"

    Who knows? The guy is clearly an asshole with an innate need to expel his shit, no matter how it sounds.

  43. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Dear Mack Lyons, you are right. It was ungentlemanly of me to bring up your name.

    Being the upright Conservative gentleman that I am you can trust I won't bring up your name up again if you will agree to not bring up my name.

    Do we have a "gentleman's" agreement, even though you are a liberal lefty? I am willing if you are.

  44. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Who knows? The guy is clearly an asshole with an innate need to expel his shit, no matter how it sounds."

    Now see? there you go again. You consistently criticize my comments to others and call me asshole and other names.

    When I retaliate, you claim I am including your name in things that I shouldn't and you want me to stop...while you continue your crap.

    Well, my proposed agreement with you didn't get far off the ground did it? You see, Mack when you keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, you step on the toes of others and they retaliate.

    Learn to mind your own business and you won't draw negative attention to yourself. Can you understand that, or it too hard for you?

  45. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Mack, remember this moment when you called me an asshole. It will help you to understand why I am giving you shit on the next 10 Posts. Don't worry, it'll make sense to eveyone because I weave things in very well. It'll seem seamless and for no reason, but you and I will know better. lol

  46. pilotX writes:

    How about we as consumers take some of the task ourselves. Demand stores only sell products made in the U.S.A. and stop patronizing stores that sell us foreign goods.

    You can do that now. What happens when you go to your local GM or Ford dealership? You get a car that's more or less an American-made vehicle. Of course a lot of Toyotas are built in the US too. But, cars are made of parts from all over the world, so it's tough to find one with all its parts made here.

    You could buy a Harley motorcycle. They're 100% American, I think.

    YOu can buy Allen-Edmonds shoes. From Wisconsin. Great shoes. Check the company website. I've got several pairs. Been buying them for a long time.

    Food. Meat, milk and eggs. All from American farms.

    Books. A lot of books are written by Americans. Published and printed by American companies too.

    Newspapers? With rare exceptions, every paper on every newsstand was printed here.

    TV? Movies? Movie theaters?

    Healthcare? Education? Construction?

    Look for the union and USA lables when you buy, it's not hard.

    Then reflect on how labor unions brought about the bankruptcies of virtually every major manufacturing company in US history.

    Also, we punish companies that outsource.

    How? What are you proposing? Do you want to make importing a crime? Put a penalty fee on oil Exxon pumps in Nigeria and sells here?

    You wanna relocate your factory, we don't buy your shit.

    You already have that right. But somehow, when it comes to oil and oil refineries, you want to drive the entire industry to other nations. And then complain.

    Period! Who's with me?

    Who? All the communists, mercantilists and protectionists. In short, the idiots and morons of economics.

    Obama says he's with you, but even that moron understands your plan would destroy the US. Maybe he's even wishing he could make it happen, but, as president, to his sorrow he knows he lacks the power.

  47. mack lyons jabbers:

    Slappo...You urge the United States to throw its legs wide open for any and every oil and gas driller that wants a go, when we should be investing in alternative energy that won't leave the U.S. looking like an ersatz eastern Kentucky when those companies finally decide to fuck off in search of greater profits.

    Here's some news, bonehead. The efficiency of "alternative energy" is low. Very low.

    If a solar panel were a car, it would be a Hummer getting one mile per gallon.

    If a solar panel were an oil well, every barrel of oil coming out of it would cost $500.

    Ya get it? Alternative energy is way too expensive. But to make it as cheap as oil and natural gas, it will take the genius of a new Einstein to multiply the efficiency.

    To develop cheap solar power, the US must invest in science and engineering. In other words, full scholarships to MIT, CalTech and our other top science and engineering schools, given to kids who want to study energy. That's how we do it.

    You urge us to import H1-B engineers from India and other places, when we should be hiring our own out-of-work engineers and training others as needed in our own country.

    Hey bonehead, employers are complaining that there are TOO FEW Americans with the specific engineering knowledge they need. Should the US government FORCE more people to pursue specific engineering specialties?

    You urge Americans to rush headlong into charter schools that don't perform any better than current public institutions,

    Yeah, sure. But even if there's some truth to your claim, the charter schools cost less than existing public schools. In other words, they give taxpayers more value for their dollar.

    ...but have less accountability and more incentive for corruption.

    What? You've just described the essential problems of the public school system as it is today.

    And taxes? Isn't the whole "low taxes/no taxes" mantra the reason why this country's sporting a deficit the size of Boss Hogg's belly?

    Try a little thought experiment. North Korea and Cuba are communist nations. In other words, earning a profit is a crime. Or to put it another way, the corporate income tax rate is 100%.

    How are those economies doing? Are they properous? Filled with the bounty of human ingenuity? Vibrant? Innovative? Or...

  48. Slappy

    "Here's some news, bonehead. The efficiency of "alternative energy" is low. Very low."

    Slappy kills me with this.

    He puffs his bird chest out with this air of certainty and spouts total BULL$HIT.

    The fact is SlappedStupid is that you don't know $hit about alternative energy and are just spewing some crap you heard on Fox.

    EPA studies have shown that biofuels can save money and 60% of carbon emissions compared to petroleum and diesel.

  49. TickleMeLeroy8:48 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Here's some news, bonehead. The efficiency of "alternative energy" is low. Very low."

    Slappy kills me with this.

    He puffs his bird chest out with this air of certainty and spouts total BULL$HIT.

    The fact is SlappedStupid is that you don't know $hit about alternative energy and are just spewing some crap you heard on Fox.

    EPA studies have shown that biofuels can save money and 60% of carbon emissions compared to petroleum and diesel.

    8:29 AM

    A lot of expletives and useless name calling polished off by a CNN Obama/EPA talking point.

    So exactly which Biofuel do you think could not replace, but slightly even challenge the energy efficiency of oil and gas in terms of production and economic impact, actually saving money?

    I suspect it might be methane gas considering the smell of excrement each time you post, but will wait and see.

  50. Slappy (in one of his many anon roles) asks

    "So exactly which Biofuel do you think could not replace, but slightly even challenge the energy efficiency of oil and gas in terms of production and economic impact, actually saving money?


  51. About those jobs:

    An excerpt from commentary in today's Wall Street Journal:

    ...Still, when forced to choose between the teachers and those on the losing side of what President Obama recently called "the civil rights issue of our time" — the chance for a decent education—the NAACP has come out foursquare for the teachers.

    That decision sent thousands of black moms and dads out to protest the NAACP in Harlem on May 26.

    For these parents, charters provide one of the few sources of hope. The charter population reflects this dynamic.

    According to the Center for Education Reform's Annual Survey of America's Charter Schools, 52% of charter students are minorities, 50% are at-risk, and 54% are considered poor.

    What sets charters apart is that they are not in the excuse business. Take Boys' Latin in Philadelphia, a charter whose student body is almost entirely African-American.

    In the Philly public schools, fewer than half the African-American young men will leave with a high school diploma. At Boys' Latin, which had its first class graduate yesterday, almost all its students graduated, and almost all are going to college.

    "Look, the issue should be educating children," says David Hardy, the school's chief executive officer. "Suppose somebody came up with a program that could educate a child without the intervention of teachers. If it worked, I'd be for it, even if it cost us some jobs.

    "But they [the NAACP and the teachers unions] wouldn't. They aren't about learning. They are about jobs."

  52. Here's one for the cheap seats Slappy.

    What percentage of students from the the NY City or Philly public school system go to charter schools?

    Do you even know?

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. fn:

    what dem jobs program did the repubs block???...

    ask that repub hobama and the dems about jobs too!!!!

    why would anyone of any age sext????

    even teens are having to be registered as sex offenders for underaged sextcapades etc

    even celebs like jamie foxx/chris brown/nba fools etc are sexting their own erections all over the net....why?????

    i would advise no one to sext or even photograph anything that can haunt u later

    ask vanessa williams

    it is all fatal folly made more fatal by technology...


  55. 6/6/11

    screaming hobama reaming assnon:

    did i ever lie on hobama????????

    is my hate any stronger than your blind mindless love for hobama????

    why do u love him so???

    what the hell has hobama done for you that you would claim his blackish nwo mask as YOUR "face/nose"????

    wtfu u faceless noseless mindless fool!!!!!!!

  56. gasbagsteve writes:

    EPA studies have shown that biofuels can save money and 60% of carbon emissions compared to petroleum and diesel.

    Biofuels? According to your other moronic post, you believe the biofuel of choice is ethanol.

    Again bonehead, here's some news. Ethanol is okay. There's almost as much energy in a gallon of ethanol as there is in a gallon of gas. But I know you don't understand energy equations or energy economics, so whatever I write is lost on a cement-head like you.

    Ethanol in the US is made with corn. Now that we MUST 00 by law -- mix ethanol with gasoline, the demand for corn from the highly subsidized ethanol industry is soaring.

    What happens when demand for corn soars? The price goes up. Then what happends? The price to feed cattle and all the other livestock goes through the roof, giving us higher prices for everything in the supermarket.

    If Congress were smart, which it isn't, it would end the 47-cent per gallon tariff on ethanol imported from Brazil. But the farm lobby hates that idea.

    Anyway, there isn't enough land and water in America to grow enough ethanol feedstock to replace the gasoline we use. So the best you can hope for is enough ethanol to displace maybe 10% of gasoline.

    Meanwhile, ethanol costs more than gasoline. At the moment it is like the Internet -- untaxed. But even you can grasp the fact that an ethanol tax is coming.

    Back here on Planet Earth, the best intermediate "alternative" fuel is natural gas. Combustion of natural gas is over 90% cleaner than gasoline. And -- it's cheaper.

  57. 6/6/11

    retarded rotten cheesehead in wi/cesspooled fool sharon :

    your retorts reek

    ditto for your cheesy weak criticisms of herman cain


    predator drones trump "paranoia"!!!

    hobama slays muslims daily


  58. no one is more mentally ill than the avg cheesy blind hobama nazi

  59. boneheadsteve asks:

    What percentage of students from the the NY City or Philly public school system go to charter schools?

    Do you even know?

    Without checking, I know the answer is very, very low.

    In NY State, there is a cap on the number of charter schools. I think the number is 100. In NY City alone, there are 1,100 public schools.

    As is already obvious, you support more stupidity in public education.

    New York City is now spending $19,000 a year PER STUDENT. There are 1.1 million public school students here. However, as you well know, the lowest performing schools are those with the highest percentages of black and hispanic students.

    YOu ought ot think about that, and keep in mind that black teachers aren't the answer.

  60. TickleMeLeroy9:29 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slappy (in one of his many anon roles) asks

    "So exactly which Biofuel do you think could not replace, but slightly even challenge the energy efficiency of oil and gas in terms of production and economic impact, actually saving money?


    OK, how did I know this was the one you would pick. Firstly you can call me Leroy or tickles, dependant on how you feel on any given day. Most times apparantly not to well. It isn't very hard to confuse you, so there would be no need to try and trick you into who I am or am not. Remember not everyone who highlights your foolishness is No_Slapps, albeit he does an admirable job.

    Do you have any idea where ethanol comes from? How inefficient it is in terms of UOE Units of energy 6-1 compared to oil and gas, what it takes to produce, how it impacts food and EBT credits? Less food supply, less purchase power for the high % of americans living off of EBT cards. How much it costs to subsidize and on and on.
    Do you know any of this or are you just playing Maddow and tingles today?

    Brazil is an often used example of ethanol success. Only not so much, they use sugar cane and it hasn't worked out so well. 2 out of 5 vehicles in Brazil are outfitted and run off of propane gas, ethanol didn't work so well. Ethanol is used as an additive in the US simply because american taxpayers pay for it, then we rebuy it with our gasoline purchases.

  61. TicklemeSlappy is spewing bull$hit from a rightwing website because he dosen't know what he's talking about.

    Gas would cost significantly more per gallon in the US if were not presently blended with corn-based fuel.

    Ethanol is already responsible for may gasoline prices totally unaffordable for the average consumer.

    SlappyGoober says ethanol in Brazil "didn't work so well".

    You know where he got that from?

    His ass.

  62. One more thing Slappy.

    Only 70,000 students in NYC Public Schools attend Charter Schools.

    Only a racist buffoon like you would sacrifice the education of a over a million kids to benefit less than 1%.

  63. Anonymous9:49 AM

    What's with these Jewish guys?

    First the IMF dude, now Weiner.

    Is it a cultural thang?

    Although I don't agree with a lot you post. Perfect example of one person's actions NOT speaking for an entire group of people. Great point.

  64. ree-tard-steve,

    Okay. Let's stick with the current system. Since that's what you want, it's clear you accept the outcome -- black and hispanic students are ALWAYS at the bottom of the barrel.

    My kids go to compeitive public schools in NY City. The percentage of blacks in their schools is very, very low. The percentage of asian students in their schools is very very high.

    As long as the public education system stays on its current path, the imbalance will continue to grow.

  65. The point which went right over your pointed head was that while Slappy and others are great at attributing the bad behavior of certain black individuals to the entire community when they get a little taste of their own medicine they whine like toddlers.

    Like shooting fish in a barrell.

  66. White Foreman9:58 AM

    public school teachers are leeches upon society. So are the admins. The only hope is to break up the monopoly and go with alternatives.

    steve, no_slappz is mentally and morally superior to you so you should learn to speak more respectfully. What was the name of that black guy that defeated you daily? Everybody defeats you, because you are a profane black racist buffoon.

  67. u cheesy blind lying mentally hobama nazis are doing nothing to help your blackish false god hobama at the polls!!!

    hobama's JOB of hoaxing osama = 1 more FAILURE!!!

    go mitt!!!

    The public opinion boost President Obama received after the killing of Osama bin Laden has dissipated, and Americans’ disapproval of how he is handling the nation’s economy and the deficit has reached new highs, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

    The survey portrays a broadly pessimistic mood in the country this spring as higher gasoline prices, sliding home values and a disappointing employment picture have raised fresh concerns about the pace of the economic recovery

  68. TckleMeLeroy10:05 AM

    Typo's in previous post left in purposely so Steve can garner some measure of self respect when he is once again proven to be intellectually disabled. Leaving him his normal actions of coming back with name calling, racist diatribes or some other type of deflection, asking inane questions, or blaming history.

    I predict he will choose one of the above, even reading this prediction he cannot help himself.

  69. white foreman writes:

    The only hope is to break up the monopoly and go with alternatives.

    Yes. The bureaucratic monopoly is the problem. The break-up strategy is simple -- Vouchers.

    Break ups often work well. See AT&T for example.

    The Old AT&T provided few services and charged a lot for those it offered. After the break up we entered a new world of cheap telephony.

    The public schools have the extraordinary power to compete on price -- free to the consumer. But expensive for the taxpayer.

    No private school can offer free tuition. But if Bill Gates were paying the bills, where would parents send their kids?

  70. White Foreman10:07 AM

    steve says: "The point which went right over your pointed head was that while Slappy and others are great at attributing the bad behavior of certain black individuals to the entire community..."

    because you black racist negroes consistently support your criminals. Like the Jena 6 thugs, M Vick, R Kelly (who got an NAACP Image Award along with MJ), Tookie from CRIPS and on and on.

    That also included Damien Football Williams. When the reporter overhead in a helicopter said that the negroes trying to kill Reg Denney said they were like "animals", you negroes reaction was not to decry the violent animals but to call the reporter a 'racist'.

    The examples are endless, including the black racist negroes of the jury taking Lemrick Nelson out to dinner after they freed him and gave him high fives. Black racist negroes have no morals. The blacks who do have morals get called "Tom".

  71. clueless uneducated assnon:

    public school teachers are the backbone yet brutalized scapegoats of america...

    america is proudly dumbed down by design

    u r proof of that mission accomplished

    therein is the entire issue with miseducation and hobama's destruction of public schools


  72. shame!!!!!!!

    Rightwing foundations have become so emboldened in their privatizing campaigns, they are attempting to swallow whole the entire school district of Washington, DC. Four foundations, led by the Wal-Mart owners' Walton Family Foundation, have offered DC almost $65 million to help fund the public schools - with plenty of strings attached. In addition to dropping important seniority system protections for teachers, the foundations demand that the city and school administration remain intact, or they'll take their money back. That means, if Adrian Fenty, the corporatist Black mayor of DC, fails to win re-election this year, or his union-hating schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, loses her job, the Walton Family and the rest of the foundations think they can pick up their millions and leave DC to find some other way of paying for the schools.

    This is blatant rule of the rich, an oligarchy of extortion by the worst elements of the ruling class - all under the guise of helping inner city school kids.

    When you think of it, $65 million is a cheap price to pay for the foundations to control, not only the DC public schools, but the entire political process of the nation's capital city. If the voters get rid of Mayor Fenty, they can kiss the fat cats' money goodbye.

    Actually, that's no more outrageous than President Obama making states jump through charter school hoops to get a piece of his $4 billion "Race to the Top" prize. Obama is also a bully and an extortionist, in league with the Wal-Mart family's foundation and the bankers and hedge funds on Wall Street.

  73. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Anyone waiting for either the Dem's or Repub's to create them a job hopefully packed a hearty lunch.

  74. TckleMeLeroy10:12 AM

    Uptown Steve Said...

    Only 70,000 students in NYC Public Schools attend Charter Schools.

    Only a racist buffoon like you would sacrifice the education of a over a million kids to benefit less than 1%.

    Actually it is more like only a racist buffoon would sacrifice any opportunity of improving education for blacks and hispanics by breaking the mold that has not worked and is worsening by being a disingenuous Black liberal.

    Coincidentally someone who sounds just like you made the news about this very issue in NY today.

    Nothing like Black leaders who cannot recognize failed policies and fight to keep on keepin on and gettin thier own.

    NAACP leader Hazel Dukes blasted a pro-charter-school parent from The Bronx as "doing the business of slave masters" in a shocking e-mail defending the civil-rights organization's lawsuit against city plans to expand charters.

    Dukes made the stunning attack in response to a Hispanic woman who wrote a heartfelt letter urging the civil-rights leader to pull the NAACP out of a lawsuit aimed at blocking the expansion or co-location of 19 charters in city school buildings.

    "If you and the NAACP continue on this horrible lawsuit against my daughter's school and the fellow 18 charter schools," Janette Ramos said, "it will not be the best legacy to leave behind."

    David McGlynn

    Hazel N. Dukes, President of NAACP/NY.

    Ramos's daughter attends kindergarten at Bronx Success Academy charter school.

    Dukes issued a terse response.

    "You are not a member of the NAACP and don't understand that you are doing the business of slave masters," Dukes said in a June 1 response.

    Ramos said Dukes should step down as New York chapter president of the NAACP for using such language.

    Read more:

  75. hobama and his ed corp crooks are racist elitist repub hatchet men in public ed....shame!!!!

    Back in June of 2009, BAR told the story of activist teachers who sued the Chicago Public Schools for racial discrimination in the firings of hundreds of committed, experienced teachers, most of them black and female, who were replaced by younger, less experienced and mostly white teachers. Since then, the years of resistance to undemocratic “reform” by Chicago's teachers, parents and communities has borne tangible fruit. This summer some of the teachers involved in the lawsuit were elected to lead the city's 30,000 member Chicago Teachers Union. And this week, a US District Court judge ruled on their discrimination lawsuit, giving the Chicago Public Schools 30 days to come up with a plan to recall the unjustly fired teachers.

  76. White Foreman10:14 AM

    no_slappz said..
    Yes. The bureaucratic monopoly is the problem. The break-up strategy is simple -- Vouchers.

    Unfortunately, idiot voters reject vouchers, just as they reject term limits.

    Just as they elected Bush 3 with a semi-black camouflage named Obama.

  77. ree-tard steve writes:

    The point which went right over your pointed head was that while Slappy and others are great at attributing the bad behavior of certain black individuals to the entire community when they get a little taste of their own medicine they whine like toddlers.

    There are 1.1 million kids in the NY City public school system. Here's the racial breakdown:

    black: 35%
    hispanic: 35%
    asian: 14%
    white: 14%
    other: 2%

    Standardized testing groups kids in four quartiles. The top quartile is asian and white, but more than half asian.

    The bottom quartile is almost all black and hispanic.

    Like shooting fish in a barrell.

    Given the popularity of shootings in the black community, target practice at home on the fish tank is a black favorite.

  78. Hot Grits Cooking10:17 AM

    What is the difference between sex texting and going to the strip club? I don't know, but a wife will not like either one.

    As, my grandma (8 children married 67 years) would say " I don't care where you get your appetite but you damn well better eat dinner at home."

    It is "Weiner's wife's" problem let her deal with him.

  79. that repub corp drone hobama is deliberately destroying public ed for profits

    nclb 2.0 is just like hobama 2.0 = worse and more repub than gwb


    Obama is counting on Republican support for reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, as well he should, since George Bush’s program opened the door to Obama’s efforts to break teachers unions and create a national system of charter schools. The differences between George Bush’s educational policies and Barack Obama’s are in emphasis, not intent. In a practical sense, Obama’s policies represent an even bigger danger to public education.

    Under George Bush, the Republicans were ideologically wedded to providing public money for private school vouchers. Charter schools were their second choice for weakening public education. But corporate Democrats like Obama saw that charterization was a much more politically acceptable way to privatize many more schools in a much shorter period of time, while maintaining the veneer of public education. Most importantly, charter schools are the best vehicles for handing control of education over to private corporations while the public continues to pay all the costs. Hedge funds and all kinds of speculators and hustlers have discovered that charter schools are a no-risk, potentially high-profit proposition – that is, no risk to themselves. The charter school racket is the perfect Trojan Horse for corporate domination of the classroom, at public expense, opening up a new, wholly subsidized educational “market” valued at hundreds of billions of dollars a year, in which the public pays and the private parties profit. And that's why Obama is a greater danger to public education than the Bush brothers ever were.

  80. shame on that repub hobama!!!!!

    kudos to warrior teachers in chi!

    Last week, reformers finally won control of the Chicago Teachers Union, in what will hopefully set an example for teachers, nationwide. Karen Lewis, co-chair of the victorious Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators, or CORE, told the truth that so many teachers' union hacks have been avoiding: "This so-called school reform is not an education plan," she said. "It's a business plan." Lewis continued:
    "Fifteen years ago, this city purposely began starving our lowest-income neighborhood schools of greatly needed resources and personnel. Class sizes rose, schools were closed. Then standardized tests, which in this town alone is a $60 million business, measured that slow death by starvation. These tests labeled our students, families and educators failures, because standardized tests reveal more about a student's zip code than it does about academic growth," said the union reformer.
    And that is the heart of the matter. Public and private policies have devastated inner city America, with totally predictable results in terms of inner city student performance. And yet, what do both the Obama's and the Bush's propose? They demand more privatization, more so-called "public-private" initiatives that outsource Black and brown schools to corporations, for profit. Barack Obama and Arne Duncan learned the privatization game in Chicago. Hopefully, Chicago teachers can awaken five million union members and millions more inner city residents to the clear and present danger posed by Obama's corporate school agenda

  81. Once again Slappy is just spouting bull$hit he pulled out of his ass.

    "Standardized testing groups kids in four quartiles. The top quartile is asian and white, but more than half asian.

    The bottom quartile is almost all black and hispanic."

    Prove this.

    Don't tell me to find it.


  82. Hazel Dukes. What a princess.

    Ramos said Dukes should step down as New York chapter president of the NAACP for using such language.

    When you fail in government and you're black, the next stop is the NAACP.

    When that moron David Dinkins was mayor of NY City, Hazel Dukes was the head of the government's own casino -- the Off Track Betting corporation.

    While Hazel was the head of the OTB it lost money. Really. It Lost money.

    How bad does a bookie operation have to be to lose money? Just ask Hazel. Even having the legal right to take bets was not enough to ensure profitability.

    Do you think Hazel knows the NAACP was started by rich whites?

  83. hobama has slain public ed and poor black students

    and he lied to millions of teachers about nclb to woo votes
    then he fired them

    they will remember that dual betrayal in 2012


    The nation’s public schools are in the deepest crisis in memory. It is a money crisis, which has led to the most draconian educational cutbacks in modern times. Teachers have been fired by the tens of thousands, curriculum scaled back to the bone all across the country – yet this film callously dangles a 24-hour prep school as a real and palpable possibility for the millions of educationally underserved in the inner cities. A live-in prep school is supposed to stand in for charter schools as a whole, despite the fact that more charter schools perform worse than their traditional public school counterparts than those that test better, nationwide.

    “Waiting for Superman” is a scam and a sham, that has been catapulted into the national political conversation by a $2 million marketing grant from the Emperor, himself, Bill Gates. In the most perverse sense, it is appropriate that Washington, DC’s Seed School is featured, since Gates and the hedge fund billionaire parasites consider their cash contributions to charter schools as “seed money” from which will grow a hybrid, publicly-funded school system where profiteers will flourish. In the last decade, these finance capitalists have enlisted a cadre of Democratic politicians to wage war against teachers and against the very idea of public education, exploiting the historical grievances of Black parents, especially. Barack Obama is the highest expression of the success of this privatizing project, so it is no surprise that he endorsed “Waiting for Superman” as only a president could, hosting the film and the five kids at the White House. But do not be fooled. The film performs the same function for the corporatizing of American education as the movie “Exodus” did for the founding of Israel. This ain't “Roots.” Rather, it sets the stage for the uprooting and destruction of public education.

  84. White Foreman10:24 AM

    The main damage done by Weiner is that he will get re-elected and so the expectation of public officials exhibiting any personal moral standards is almost now obliterated.

    Liberals will say, "but he's for politically-correct social values so we don't care what he does otherwise". That's the poison of the corrupt Kennedy clan taking hold in all of society.

  85. Do you think Hazel knows the NAACP was started by rich whites?

    Why do you constantly spew outright BULL$HIT???

    Are you retarded or just an inveterate liar.

    The NAACP was founded by a diverse group of reformers that included WEB Dubois, Ida B. Wells and Arcjibald Grimke.


    This is easily verifiable.

  86. teachers are the only professionals who are scapegoated solo

    as if they perform in some perfect vacuum


    all good students have good parents

    as long as toxic parents rule
    horrid students will rule and teachers will suffer
    Teachers are America's most valuable resource and greatest s/heroes. Every successful and productive American citizen is the product of great teachers. Yet, teachers are grossly abused and slandered daily.

    Recent cover stories of the National Education Associations (NEA) magazine have featured the nationwide exodus of teachers and lamented abusively low teacher salaries. Epidemic violence against teachers, that has spawned the new YouTube generations sport of recording teacher beat downs via students cell phone cameras, has also recently appeared as a NEA magazine cover story. To date, I have seen no features on toxic parenting in this magazine.

    Horrid parenting is Americas most grave crisis and best kept secret. Teachers are being ruthlessly scapegoated for literally everything that is so very wrong in American schools. Toxic parents sabotage education. Toxic students are the undereducated leaders of tomorrow. Someday, every person in America will suffer, directly or indirectly, from the parents and children who exclusively torture teachers today.

    Students who never behave will never learn. Students who are never taught to revere education at home will never excel in schools. Students who torture teachers will never encourage superior educators to remain in classrooms.

    Academic ability is more important than ever before in our global economy. Children must now compete with global intellectuals. Retirement is a fiscal fantasy in an increasingly technological world, where students must learn many skills for perpetual job changes. Today, an inability to learn is suicidal.

    Politicos will only continue to scapegoat and betray teachers. Those acts of cowardice are easier than dealing with the complex socioeconomic realities of toxic parenting. Fatally flawed, racist, and elitist federal educational programs like No Child Left Behind (NCLB) will never repair broken American schools. They only serve to sabotage the minority of students who revere education.

    Typically, private schools do not adhere to any of the genocidal and mindless tenets of NCLB. Private schools do not tolerate misbehavior or enable abusive or absentee parents. Teachers at private schools are allowed to teach, while public school teachers are forced to compulsively test and perpetually discipline. This is a tragic national disgrace!

  87. the morons who bash teachers

    have never spent an hour in any real public classroom

    and they would not last a day in the newest teacher's shoes


    Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible ...

  88. uptownsteve said...
    Are you retarded or just an inveterate liar.

    Come on UTS, you KNOW the answer is BOTH when dealing with these modern day Nazi Goobers!

  89. Hey! Look At My Dong!10:36 AM

    "It is "Weiner's wife's" problem let her deal with him.

    10:17 AM"

    Everybody knows Weiner's marriage to Huma is a sham. It was only made to deflect the rumors about Huma being Hillary's carpet-muncher.

    Huma could care less about Weiner-boy. That's probably why he was trying to get Some woman...ANY woman on the net to look at his goober, so he could whack off.

    I just wish some transvestite or 15 year-old would turn out to be one of his internet buddies. Drive a stake in his heart for good.

  90. Queen

    Slappy slipped up during one of his aliases yesterday and revealed his goal here.

    He said something like "Soon there will be nothing but white posters on this board."

    That's amazing to me.

    He is such a sick, pitiable resentful racist that he can't be satisfied with the literally MILLIONS of websites he can go to spew his hate and filth.

    He resents a black website where black folk (and others) can come and discuss issues of interest to black folks.


  91. ree-tard steve:

    The bottom quartile is almost all black and hispanic."

    Prove this.

    Don't tell me to find it.


    Giving you the facts is easy. But, like most morons deep in denial about black cultural problems, you won't accept them. You'll respond with your usual idiocy.

    In any case, the truth is no less the truth if you refuse to acknowledge it. In fact, your refusal underscores the severity.

    It's that capacity for pretending that Africa is 1,000 years behind the rest of the world because some Europeans went there, built some railroads, dug some mines and drilled for oil, and that ruined the people.

    There's a reason virtually no one you knew went to Stuyvesant or Bronx Science. It ties into the fact that few blacks go into science or engineering.

  92. teaching is the new birth control


    it is the newest most dangerous profession too

    as dumb kids of all ages/races/classes become more violent and attack teachers daily



    "teacher beaten..."


  93. Anonymous10:43 AM

    @Alicia Banks
    Mitt Romney, like all the Republican candidates for president, hates LGBTQ people. If elected president of the U.S. he will grind your kind into the dust. Don't you know this? At least your lesbian behind is relatively safe with Obama in the White House.

  94. White Foreman10:45 AM

    question for slappz:

    I have the suspicion that, besides creating AA for admissions, law schools have created mechanisms by which charlatans like Obama can get themselves graduated. So, have law schools instituted subjective scoring on tests? E.g., have they gone to using lots more essay exams?

  95. scared ghost faced nelly dl assnon:

    wtf has that dl hobama done for gays???

    only morons like you vote on one "he gats a black deddy!!!"

    what politico adores gays as u do hobama???

  96. mitt will not grind me and my assets to dust for banksters like hobama has...

    that is good enough for me!!!!

    u worry about all those dead gay soldiers' spouses who get no widow pay...ok????

  97. Nice speech Slappy.

    Where's your proof?

    Same place all your assertions are.

    In your ass.

    "It ties into the fact that few blacks go into science or engineering."

    I never get tired of making you look like the braindead racist buffoon that you are.

  98. TickleMeLeroy10:58 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    uptownsteve said...
    Are you retarded or just an inveterate liar.

    Come on UTS, you KNOW the answer is BOTH when dealing with these modern day Nazi Goobers!

    The irrefutable proof of the minds of low class, low intellectual capacity mud guppy spooks. All you can do is spew name calling and false diatribes. Why? Because the fallacy of your lives and your inadequacies are glaring.

    Thanks for letting me know the NAACP is a white shill organization, until you presented your logical thought processes today and totally dismissed the discussion on charter school effectiveness vs public school inneffectiveness by attacking the NAACP, I did not know that

    So then what are you saying? All the black folk and the agenda of the NAACP is at the behest of very hateful and racist whites - Who for some strange reason in your mind want to see Blacks continue to fail and never gain on the ever increasing educational racial gap? Really? This is interesting. Why do you think intelligent whites would want to continue to secretly have blacks in America fail? So much so that they have in your words created a "black organization" to secretly convince you to remain with failed policies that anyone with one eye can see are destroying the black community and heavily impacting america. So what gives you this logical conclusion that the NAACP is a racist white organization, fronted by I guess you would say Uncle Toms?

  99. White Foreman10:59 AM

    Alicia, what parallels are there in history in which the powers that be pulled such a sleight-of-hand as they have done now with installing Obama?

    What comes to mind is the myth of The Changeling. But I can't put my finger on any deceptions in actual history. There must be some, with Popes or Kings or whatever.

  100. "Why? Because the fallacy of your lives and your inadequacies are glaring."


    This is coming from the goober who hangs around a black website all day every day posting under numerous alias in an attempt to be representing a consensus trying to convince black folks WE'VE got a problem.


    What a clown.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. anon:

    the scariest thing is that there are no parallels

    hobama is the greatest hoax in the history of the world to date

    one that has made black hobama nazis conspire in their own destruction even worse than any slave trading african king

    hobama is the bilderbergs' best blackish wmd/weapon of mass destruction/deception/dejection/droned perfection...EVER!!!

    i am convinced that they had no idea how well it would STILL work after 2+ yrs....even as hobama feigns his dem/pacifist/bro mask no more!


  103. anon:

    at least lack will be able to buy his bulk hobama tees at a discount now

    as millions are waking up

    thank god!

    President Obama poll numbers are nearing the levels he enjoyed in 2008, with one glaring exception: young people. Especially young white people. His approval rating is at 56 percent approval rating among people ages 18 to 29. That's higher than the 51 percent national average, but that's a decline of 10 points compared to the 2008 exit polls, according to the National Journal's Ronald Brownstein report. And if you want a look into the reason for the slump in one of the demographic groups that most strongly embraced Obama in 2008, it may be this: Obama's simply not cool anymore

  104. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Alicia Banks said:
    "wtf has that dl hobama done for gays???"

    President Obama signed the Hate Crimes bill. The Hate Crimes bill that Obama signed was actually passed while Bush was still president but Congress didn't send it to Bush because they knew he would have vetoed it. Obama signed it. Now we have a Hate Crimes bill that includes sexual orientation. Thanks to OBAMA!

    Also Congress passed, and Obama signed, the DADT repeal bill.

    So wtf are YOU talking about, Alicia?

  105. we are all doomed by hobamacare....shame!!!

    LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — Once provisions of the Affordable Care Act start to kick in during 2014, at least three of every 10 employers will probably stop offering health coverage, a survey released Monday shows.

    While only 7% of employees will be forced to switch to subsidized-exchange programs, at least 30% of companies say they will “definitely or probably” stop offering employer-sponsored coverage, according to the study published in McKinsey Quarterly.

    The survey of 1,300 employers says those who are keenly aware of the health-reform measure probably are more likely to consider an alternative to employer-sponsored plans, with 50% to 60% in this group expected to make a change. It also found that for some, it makes more sense to switch.

  106. hey gay corpse impressed moron:

    u r far too easily impressed

    illegal living spouses trump legal corpses!!!

    Thank you President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0!!!

    Unlike former president King Shrub/George W. Bush, you did not veto the belated Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

    Thank you for enacting this new law that will finally equate the deaths of homosexuals with others who are hated, beaten, and murdered.

    We homosexuals sincerely appreciate that our ongoing murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings will now be as legal as the countless murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings of heterosexuals. All hate crimes are escalating in this violent world increasingly filled with bigoted, jobless, homeless, and hungry people…

    The excessive and unequal frequency of our violent abuses may wound us a bit less, now that our fatal gaybashings will be illegal. We homosexuals are indeed violently abused by all races and classes of persons all over the world.

    Please remember that the profound and valid equality we seek still escapes us as you continue to evade and ignore the real legal changes that we homosexuals so desperately need. That equality includes:

    The equality of marriage and international marital benefits

    The equality of not being forced to live lies in uniform

    The equality to share all insurance benefits and other financial assets with our spouses

    You must understand that all of the above human rights make the equal right to become an illegal punching bag or a corpse feel like a criminally small feat.

    We are weary with your waiting and window dressing Sir.

    And, we are watching you…


    Alicia Banks

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. only morons vote single issues

    health care trumps death labels



  110. white foreman asks:

    I have the suspicion that, besides creating AA for admissions, law schools have created mechanisms by which charlatans like Obama can get themselves graduated. So, have law schools instituted subjective scoring on tests? E.g., have they gone to using lots more essay exams?

    Law schools at private universities can admit anyone for any reason. Thus, Harvard can admit an applicant with low LSAT scores or crappy college grades.

    However, someone I know graduated a few weeks ago from Harvard Law. She scored a perfect 180 on her LSAT and had a 3.8 GPA as an undergrad at New York University. Not uncommon at Harvard. But there are plenty of exceptions.

    However, state schools -- no excpetions. They have to admit people on a competitive basis and cannot discriminate in the admissions process.

    Meanwhile, a law school has to graduate people who can pass the Bar Exam. Of course, like the SAT, LSAT and every other big test, there are prep courses that get people over the hump.

    How did Obama do on his Bar Exam? It's not a pass/fail test. YOu get a score. Did he pass the first time he took it? What was his score? We'll never know.

    Do law school professors have flexibility in grading? Of course they do. In some subjects more than others.

    Yes, there are essay questions on exams. A key skill is "issue spotting".

    On one hand, there's "My Cousin Vinny", but probably one of the better accounts of life at Harvard Law was written by Scott Turow, who is a graduate. Before going to Harvard Law, he went through the creative writing program at Stanford.

    Before he became famous for writing "Presumed Innocent", he wrote "One L" about his first year at Harvard Law. As his tale showed, at Harvard Law, you meet all kinds.

  111. Concealed Carry12:13 PM

    I wonder how long whites are going to put up with this crap? (or, any other non-black, for that matter):

    It's becoming a daily occurence.

    That Ersland fellow in Oklahoma may spend the rest of his life in prison. But, he made damn sure young Antwun wouldn't ever be robbing or molesting anyone else.

  112. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The mother of one of the thugs made sure to give a statement. Did she say, "I never raised my son to do things like that, and I want to tell the victims that I'm sorry"?

    HahahA!!! Of course not, these are negroes! Her reaction is to make a claim of racism! And negroes wonder why they have such a high crime rate among their offspring.

    Speaking later Monday, Sykes’ mother Tonia Rush said she believed the bails would have been lower if the crimes were on the South or West sides. “If it’s black-on-black crime, nobody cares,” she said.

  113. negro definitions12:56 PM

    flash mob: "A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment and/or satire"

    negro flash mob: "when negroes assemble to commit crimes like theft and robbery"

    one more definition: a "racist" is a white person who believes that negroes are prone to crime (especially violent crime), because negroes really are prone to crime

  114. hey cheesheaded hobama nazi in wi:

    string this:

    as a generic failure in all issues
    hobama has set a generally low bar for all issues
    Insurgent GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain offered an odd explanation on Monday for why he’d be OK with appointing a gay Cabinet member – gay people, he said, would be opposed to Shariah law.

    “I wouldn’t have a problem with that at all,” Cain said assuredly in response to a question from a blogger at ThinkProgress. “I just want people who are qualified. I want them to believe in the Constitution of the United States of America. So yep, I don’t have a problem with appointing an openly gay person. Because they’re not going to try to put Shariah law in our laws.”

  115. blacks are no more prone to crime

    but we are MUCH more prone to racist arrests

    see white proof here:

  116. Rodney King1:09 PM

    alicia banks said...
    blacks are no more prone to crime

    That's an insane statement.

    I know I is.

    Just roll with it peoples.

  117. Anonymous1:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Do you think Hazel knows the NAACP was started by rich whites?

    Why do you constantly spew outright BULL$HIT???

    Are you retarded or just an inveterate liar.

    The NAACP was founded by a diverse group of reformers that included WEB Dubois, Ida B. Wells and Arcjibald Grimke.


    This is easily verifiable.

    Racist Steve fails to mention the 4white co-founders of the NAACP.

    The firest president of the NAACP was white.In fact,every president up until 1975 was white.

    Its easy for a racist like Steve to dismiss the role Jews and whites played in forming the NAACP.

  118. uptownsteve said...
    Slappy slipped up during one of his aliases yesterday and revealed his goal here......He resents a black website where black folk (and others) can come and discuss issues of interest to black folks.


    Not so sad to me UTS. Based on the fact that it posts to this blog literally 24/7, it clear that Goober is gaming the "system" by pretending to be mentally disabled so it can sit at home on the governments dime in funky overalls on the porch of it's doublewide trailer.

  119. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "Its easy for a racist like Steve to dismiss the role Jews and whites played in forming the NAACP."

    all the other negroes should demand that steve stay off the site because he makes them look like idiots

    the only one dumb enough to think that steve is smart is... you know... I won't embarrass her by saying she's the one who has to shave her butt while attending med school classes

  120. Anonymous1:17 PM

    AB, "retarded rotten cheesehead in wi/cesspooled fool sharon :

    your retorts reek

    ditto for your cheesy weak criticisms of herman cain"

    Stop insulting Sharon From WI, before I lay your butt out. you cow.

    And you don't want to piss Sharon off because she is twice as smart as you and will slay you fast you won't know what happened.

  121. Anonymous1:26 PM

    dr queen, "Not so sad to me UTS. Based on the fact that it posts to this blog literally 24/7, it clear that Goober is gaming the "system" by pretending to be mentally disabled so it can sit at home on the governments dime in funky overalls on the porch of it's doublewide trailer."

    first of all, slappz does not live in a trailer park, so stop being ridiculous.

    secondly, you have no business talking about "gaming". you are the biggest liar on fn and probably the entire blogosphere.

    thirdly, slappz has repeatedly proven that he is leagues above uts in intelligence. but uts has proven that he is brighter than you are--because you uphold with his ignorance by agreeing with him.

    you two are attracted to each others brains and should seriously consider getting married.

  122. TickleMeElroy1:27 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Why? Because the fallacy of your lives and your inadequacies are glaring."


    This is coming from the goober who hangs around a black website all day every day posting under numerous alias in an attempt to be representing a consensus trying to convince black folks WE'VE got a problem.


    What a clown.

    Put down the spear, back slowly away....that's it, calm down, yes, yes, pull up your pants. Take a good, are you settled? Here, wipe your nose. Ok, listen
    is that all you can do when facts and logic is presented? Laugh your ass off, you really don't think anyone buys this frontin mud guppy tactic do ya? If you don't understand the complexities of the world, simply say so and I will be happy to help. But don't for a minute think that you accusing someone of doing the very thing you do is going to work.

    If you are saying that crime, economic problems and all other matters of significant importance are not of cocern to black folk and the only view is the full of lies diatribe you spew then it is no wonder you are who you are.

    You don't have to engage in your nonsense name calling racial efforts. Simply debate the facts.

    So now that you got another deflectionary rant out of the way, can you please elaborate on how the NAACP is a white schill organization and how the belief you have of continuing proven failed policies of throwing money into public schools without change is better then looking further into charter schools who are getting results.

    See how simple that is if you choose to be honest?

    But, I predict - racial wheelchair is coming out in 3,2,1..... cause you can't hang without excuses diversionary tactics.

  123. Turds In Da Pool1:28 PM

    Guess who???????:

    2nd "riot" at a water park in Alabama in less than a week.

  124. TickleMeLeroy1:35 PM

    Not so sad to me UTS. Based on the fact that it posts to this blog literally 24/7, it clear that Goober is gaming the "system" by pretending to be mentally disabled so it can sit at home on the governments dime in funky overalls on the porch of it's doublewide trailer.

    Hon, there is nothing clear on you at all. Not your miniscule cranium housing the woefully developed brain, not your face full of acne, your body full of stretch marks, dark spots, saggy everything, nothing is clear about you.

    Is this all you do? Pipe in with infantile one liners? You know how funny it is for someone LIKE YOU to continually insist that everyone who is white and does not agree with you must be extremely poor and live in a trailer? It is absolutely hilarious. You are the quintessential example of how anyone can delude themselves into abject failure. Perhaps if you weren't so self indulged and narcissistic you might figure out that people walking around you aren’t in awe, they are trying to avoid the she boon who is causing the odor and judging from past experience will no doubt ask for a handout of some sort.

    This is like the bum living on the street telling everyone thier house sucks and that he would never live there.

  125. Dr. Manwich1:36 PM

    Ms.Queef said...

    Not so sad to me UTS. Based on the fact that it posts to this blog literally 24/7, it clear that Goober is gaming the "system" by pretending to be mentally disabled

    I don't believe you are pretending; I really do think you are that stupid.

    So stupid you will never be a nurse's aide, let alone a doctor.

    How's the studying for the MCATs going? Now that Oprah is off the air, maybe you'll have more time to hit the books.

  126. Anonymous1:49 PM

    dr queen, surely by now you know that others know you are a fraud. do you have such low self-worth coupled with mental illness that you must pretend to be someone you are not?

    stop writing those phony checks that you can't cash. you are merely showing that you are a fool who hates being herself.

  127. Anonymous1:53 PM

    note AB's silence regarding comments about dr queen. she knows it's true.

    AB, silence indicates complicity.

  128. cheese curdled assnon:

    the only moron dumber than sharon herein is you



    racism in crime stats is as real as the racism in the faceless kkk fools who run this blog

    The column cites The Sentencing Project's 2009 Congressional testimony where Marc Mauer testified that while African Americans comprise 13% of the U.S. population and 14% of monthly drug users, they make up 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses.

  129. unlike that cheesy troll and that molded moron sharon who share a legendary lack of reading comprehension and debate skills herein...

    Dr. Queen is regally capable of defending herself!


    Dr. Queen:

    Carry on royally!!!

  130. sharon in wi:

    do u ever remove that mentally ill looking filthy cheese cloth from your empty head?

  131. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Racist black mobs attacking whites.

    From Chicago Tribune…

    One man was smoking a cigar Saturday night on a bench in the Streeterville neighborhood when his evening was interrupted by a group of young men who robbed and beat him. Another man was parking his motor scooter outside Northwestern University’s downtown campus when the same group apparently made him their next victim, police said.

    Police believe the group of about 15 to 20 youths in their mid- to late teens also was responsible for two more attacks moments later along the lakefront.

    From Chicago Tribune…

    Krzysztof Wilkowski said he was hit so hard by a baseball, it knocked his motor-scooter helmet off.

    “The next thing I know is I’m being hit by the helmet, then being dragged into the street,” he said this morning.

    Police believe Wilkowski was one of the victims of one of four reported mob attacks in the downtown area that resulted in the charging of five youths early today. Police say they were part of a group of about 15 to 20 in their mid-to-late teens who made attacks near or along the lakefront. The problem has been growing there as well as Streeterville, the Gold Coast and the Magnificent Mile.

    Wilkowski said he decided to drive downtown from his northwest suburban home because he wanted to get some shoes and “take a ride.”

    He said he was sitting on his bike, checking his cell phone around 7:30 p.m. on Chicago Avenue just east of Michigan Avenue when he was attacked.

    “I couldn’t believe it. It was broad daylight outside, there were people around, and this happened,” he said. “There were about 20 guys surrounding me. I saw one guy running after the ball, I guess they didn’t want to lose it. Then I saw a bunch of people coming after me.”

    This is what is happening in Obama's America.Obama and Eric Holder have green lit white people.

    The bill is due.Whitey has to pay.

  132. alicia banks said...

    Dr. Queen:
    Carry on royally!!!

    Please don't feel like you have to address these Nazi craka's on my behalf, 'cause after all is said and done, I STAY supremely BLESSED!!!!

  133. Dr. Real2:19 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Please don't feel like you have to address these Nazi craka's on my behalf, 'cause after all is said and done, I STAY supremely BLESSED!!!!

    Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

    You will never be a doctor.

  134. Time to take action Field.

    Slappy and his aliases are like termites.

    And it's obvious what he/they are doing.

  135. I never understand how most older folks get more play on the phone then I do and I'm married. Sext me Wife, Sext Me.

  136. Blaq Mind said...
    I never understand how most older folks get more play on the phone then I do and I'm married. Sext me Wife, Sext Me.

    As a middle aged married woman, I plead the fifth on sexting, LOL!!!

    UTS, join me in ignoring the d*ckless Nazis.

  137. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Slapnuts said...

    Racist black mobs attacking whites.


    Of course, the press completely ignores the racial angle in these stories. Therefore. more and more non-blacks come to see the pro-black bias of the liberal establishment.

    I can only hope that the victims were all liberals. It serves them right.

  138. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I remember months ago when Kim/Queen was bragging about how much she loves big penises. The other negroes told her that she evinces every bad stereotype about black women.

    Kim reacted with a defiant chimpout. Hehe.

  139. Dr. Queen:

    it is our blessings that these cursed fools envy!


  140. great sexting info/features here today:

  141. kosher kkk needs slaps/kkkkodumbo:

    cc this to a white blog asap

    A mob of 20 to 30 white teenagers beat and threw stones at two Latino men in an unprovoked attack at a park south of Oregon City late Thursday, police said.

    "This is one of the most hate-filled crimes I can remember in Oregon," Det. Jim Strovink, spokesman for the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, said Saturday. "The mob was shouting things like, 'Go back to Mexico.' "

    An 18-year-old Oregon City man was taken to the Clackamas County Jail on charges that include assault and rioting, but police said Saturday they are searching for other known suspects.

    At 10:46 p.m. Thursday, a Clackamas County sheriff's deputy responded to a disturbance at Wagon Wheel Park in Mulino, where Molalla Police officers were already on scene trying to restore order.

    Two bruised and battered Hispanic men — Edwin Alfonzo Gonzales, 27, and Alex Bivian Guzman, 26 — told officers they had been confronted by a group of 20 to 30 white males at the park. Both men are employees of a Molalla lumber mill.

    Gonzales told police that the instigator of the confrontation — later identified as Austin Wright Greenwood, 18, of Oregon City — hit him on the back with a large rock and encouraged others to do the same.

  142. alicia banks said...
    Dr. Queen:

    it is our blessings that these cursed fools envy!


    Envy indeed!!!

  143. Back to Weiner, he may singlehandedly cause a MAJOR shift in the Dems strategy from offense to defense!!!

    And we all know Dems can't "D" up when necessary!

  144. kosher kkk needs slaps/kkkkodumbo:

    cc this to a white blog asap

    u racist trifling rabid dog!!!

    Black Man Is Attacked by Whites in Brooklyn, Police Say
    A black man walking home alone in a racially mixed Brooklyn neighborhood early yesterday was attacked and robbed by a band of young white men, who leaped out of a car swinging a baseball bat and an iron pipe while at least one shouted a racial slur in what appeared to be a hate crime, the police said.

    Investigators interviewed neighborhood residents yesterday near the attack site, Avenue N and East 59th Street in the Flatlands neighborhood.

    "I'm going to get you," the assailant yelled, adding a derogatory term for a black person, as the group surrounded the victim, Alex Moore, 29, about 1:30 a.m. at Avenue N and East 59th Street in the Flatlands neighborhood, the police said. They said that as the blows fell on his head and body, the attackers took at least $50 from him.

    A black couple in a passing car saw what was happening and stopped. The woman, in an interview last night, described a chaotic scene of blows, kicks and running men. She said she and her husband saw one group of white men dashing toward the victim, who was already down on the pavement being beaten by other white men.

  145. kosher kkk needs slaps/kkkkodumbo:

    cc this to a white blog asap

    ditto u trifling rabidly racist dog

    A man is behind bars, and Colorado police are still looking for a second man, in what they’re calling a racial bias-motivated attack.

    Police said Victor John Montour, Jr., 28, was arrested after racially slurring and assaulting a black man outside of Classic Q’s Tuesday night.

    “Montour and another man, who’s yet to be identified, confronts the victim. The (unidentified) man hold’s the victim’s arms and Montour punches him several times and during the course of the assault, he’s hollering racial slurs to our victim,” Sgt. Eric Bravo of the Pueblo Police Department said Friday.

    A witness told police Montour spit on the victim’s racially mixed child sitting in the back seat of a car.

    Montour is being held in Pueblo County jail for a parole board hearing.

  146. kosher kkk needs slaps/kkkkodumbo:

    cc this to a white blog asap

    ditto u trifling rabidly racist dog

    A black man walking home from work early yesterday was attacked and beaten by six white men wielding baseball bats and sticks on Staten Island, the police said. Three men were arrested and charged with assault in the incident, which the police said was racially motivated.

    The white owners and employees of a pizza shop came to the black man's aid, perhaps saving his life.

    ''There's too much racial violence going on,'' said Jeff LaMartina, co-owner of the Cafe Di Sicilia, where the man ran for help. ''I went against six white guys for a black guy and I'm glad I did. It's a matter of right and wrong, not black and white.'' 'I Feel Weird'

    The black man, Raymond Buckner, 24 years old, said yesterday that he felt ''weird'' and shaken up after the incident.

    ''I got jumped by six white guys and then two other white guys helped me,'' he said. ''I feel weird. But I feel like those two guys are heroes.''

  147. Swight2:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Time to take action Field.

    UTS is a typical bully; punch him in the nose once and he goes crying to the teacher.

    If you want one sided debate where thinking people are shut out, go to HuffPo.

    If you can't hold your own here, maybe you should go back to the kiddie table.

  148. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    how many mobs of black teens would be expired by your racists posts?????

    i dare u to cc what you post to any of them!!!!

  149. Beaty McWhitey2:59 PM

    ab: ''I got jumped by six white guys and then two other white guys helped me,'' he said. ''I feel weird. But I feel like those two guys are heroes.''

    That's the difference, have you ever heard of blacks coming to the defense of white vicitims of black violence? You're lucky if they choose not to join in.

  150. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Good job, of those links you posted was from 2005.....another from 1988! You must be searching really hard.

    Why don't you just go back to this past Memorial Day weekend, and see what you can find?

  151. Beaty McWhitey3:01 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    how many mobs of black teens would be expired by your racists posts?????

    i dare u to cc what you post to any of them!!!!
    Please forward me the email addresses of the black teen mobs. I will cc them on all of my relevant correspondence.

    Thank you.

  152. Anonymous3:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Time to take action Field.

    Slappy and his aliases are like termites.

    And it's obvious what he/they are doing.

    2:21 PM

    When Steve is presented with facts,he crumbles like a house infested with termites.

  153. Negro Logic3:03 PM

    Alicia dumbo, the pizza shop thing from eons ago has already been dismantled: the nigga boyz were thugs who were robbing and sexually assaulting the owner's wife, after a string if similar negro crimes that night.

    I swear that negroes simply cannot handle the concept of prevalence. In the face of a tidal wave of weekly crimes by negro gutter apes against whites, a negro will drag up a few incidents that span many years and then claim that all is equal.

    Most negroes do that dimwitted extrapolation. They simply cannot fathom the concepts or rate or prevalence. It's like asking a chimp to pilot a space shuttle: they'd just sit and stare and then have a tantrum.

  154. u lie like hobama u racist dog.

    i bet you would not show your pasty lying cowardly face there just as u hide it

  155. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Hey AB,'s an oldie, but goodie:

    Remember that one? No? Well, I'm not surprised, since the MSM almost refused to cover it.

  156. Negro Logic3:08 PM

    alicia banks said...

    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    how many mobs of black teens would be expired by your racists posts?????


    now alacia shows her true colors, which always happens with nigs: "you wouldn't dare say that to any of the violent gutterape bruthas!"

    No wonder so many nigs are in prison, and so few nigs understand why.

  157. kosher kkk needs slaps/kkk assnons:

    cc this to an asian blog asap

    better u racist fool?

    any slice of pizza has a higher IQ than u bubbas & guidos & kapos....

    Laura Wilson, 17, a student, had a brief fling with married neighbour Ishaq Hussain, 22, and gave birth to their daughter in June last year.

    Sheffield Crown Court heard Hussain failed to acknowledge the child as his own and did not offer any support, which led to friction between Miss Wilson and Hussain.

    Last October, she confronted his family to tell them he was the father of the child, said Nicholas Campbell QC, prosecuting.

    Hussain and his friend Ashtiaq Asghar, 18, who had also had a relationship with Laura, then sent a flurry of texts to one another.

    They adopted the language of the cult British film "Four Lions" about Islamic terrorists and mounted a "mission to kill Laura Wilson", said Mr Campbell.

  158. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Good job, of those links you posted was from 2005.....another from 1988! You must be searching really hard.

    Why don't you just go back to this past Memorial Day weekend, and see what you can find?

    Black Memorial day weekend 2011will be looked upon by historians has the beginning of Americans' decline into a 3rd world African country.

    Blacks will keep rioting and attacking white people has the Obama Regime cheers them on.

  159. all kids are violent globally

    the white ones are just edited out of the news by racist white media editors

    Blaming "a ticking demographic time bomb," U.S. News & World Report (12/4/95) warns of "scary kids around the corner." The "troublesome demographic trends" are a growing adolescent population.

    "A Teenage Time Bomb," Time announced (1/15/96), quoting Northeastern Universitycriminologist James Alan Fox's view of teenagers as "temporary sociopaths--impulsive and immature." Added Time: "If [teens] also have easy access to guns and drugs, they can be extremely dangerous."

    Other top-quoted criminologists, like UCLA's James Q. Wilson and former American Society ofCriminology president Alfred Blumstein, are in full agreement with Fox: Young equals violent. And top political officials concur. The Los Angeles Times (12/18/95) noted FBI Director Louis Freeh and other authorities' alarm over "the fact that the crime-prone 16-to-24 year-old group will grow dramatically over the next decade--which Freeh cited as "an alarming indicator of future trends.'"

    The trendiest demographic scapegoater is the centrist Brookings Institution's John DiIulio Jr., anointed "The Crime Doctor" and "one of Washington's in-vogue thinkers" by the L.A. Times (5/2/95). "More male teenagers, more crime. Period," is his message. A new breed of youthful "super-predators" menace the nation, so vicious even hardened adult convicts are scared of them, DiIulio said.

    Journalists ought to be aware they are pouring gasoline on a fire they have already fanned. A 1994 Gallup Poll (Gallup Poll Monthly, 9/94) found that American adults already hold "a greatly inflated view of the amount of crime committed by people under the age of 18," with the most salient reason "news coverage of violent crime committed by juveniles." The average American adult believes that youths commit 43 percent of all violent crime in the U.S., three times the true figure of 13 percent--and, as a result, a large majority is eager to harshly punish juveniles.

    Responsible journalists would be looking to reverse this dangerous misimpression they have helped create. Just the opposite is occurring.

    In the scare campaign against adolescents, the news media not only uncritically repeat official claims, they actively embellish them with sinister cover stories and apocalyptic tales of suburban mayhem. The message is screamed from headlines, magazine covers, and network specials: Adolescents are "wild in the streets" (Newsweek, 8/2/92); teens everywhere are "killer kids" (Reader's Digest, 6/93).

    Though casting a few paeans to details like poverty, discrimination and abuse, the media scare campaign declares that violence is innate to teenagers and coming mayhem is inevitable. Therefore, the only real solution, articulated by former Robert Kennedy aide Adam Walinsky (Atlantic, 7/95), is spending tens of billions to hire five million more police officers and suspending basic civil

  160. Mo the Knife3:12 PM

    Alicia: when discussing crime in the UK, "Asian" is a euphemism for "Muslim".

  161. Anonymous3:12 PM

    alicia banks said...

    u lie like hobama u racist dog.

    i bet you would not show your pasty lying cowardly face there just as u hide it


    negroes just can't be civilized, it's not on their genes. On facing the factual charges that negroes are violent-minded animals, they invariably respond with violent boastful, threats about how da bruthas are violent animals and will attack and kill the critic.

    That's how you all ended up in chains to begin with.

  162. RaperX3:16 PM

    Mo the Knife said...
    Alicia: when discussing crime in the UK, "Asian" is a euphemism for "Muslim".

    Fun fact, Mo:

    Did you know that ALL rapes committed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo over the past 5 years were committed by Muslim men?

    Every single one. 100%.

    Is that amazing, or what?

  163. i bet you would have a pizza face when u left that pizza


    see classic video that demos how white teens get away with murder

    while black teens are arrested just for sleeping while black

    see much more on racism and arrests

    and than hobama and his martial law/dna cops for making racist arrests worse!!!

  164. blacks save whites daily

    racists like u simply edit all such news

    and fn is saving your ass by letting u post your kkk bs all day

    i block all u faceless fools always

  165. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Remember this one, AB?

    Didn't hear much about it either, unless you lived in Nashville.

  166. Negro Logic3:18 PM

    alicia banks said...

    all kids are violent globally

    the white ones are just edited out of the news by racist white media editors


    HAHAHAA!!! Delusionville!!! We see into the negro mind, and it is dim.

    also this quote of AB's from 1996: "view of teenagers as "temporary sociopaths--impulsive and immature."

    which is about the time of the rise of NEGRO RAP CULTURE, so popular with teens!!!

    Yes, the violent amoral teens idolize negroes as the role models for bottom-of-the-barrel-lifestyle, what a shocker.

  167. hey kkk caspar:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    here is a classic save by a bm of a kkk bastard who should have been stomped to death just like u herein!!!

  168. u like like hobama!!!

    link me/quote me

    or stfu u faceless kkklown

  169. Negro Logic3:23 PM

    alicia banks said...
    and fn is saving your ass by letting u post your kkk bs all day


    when faced with facts that undo their unending claims to victimhood, negroes long for censorship of the facts

    that's how it worked for the decades while the liberal media and public school teachers did their brainwashing of the country

    then along came the internet, and censorship rules no more - which signals the beginning of the end of the reverse-racism that ruled this country for so long. Hallelujah, free at last!!!

  170. kosher kkkk needs slaps:

    file this under violent white pookie brits
    who are never arrested

    Only one in 50 teenagers convicted of a violent attack is locked up, despite soaring crime rates.

    Official figures reveal the number of under-18s punished for a violent offence increased by 19 per cent - from 9,516 to 11,285 - in 12 months.

    The average age of each thug was 15.

    Despite the surge in violence, only 2 per cent of those dealt with by the justice system were sent to custody

    Read more:

  171. kkk assnon:


    that is why foolish white ghostfaced bastards like u can post racist lies on black blogs all day

    we see u kkkoon

  172. kkk assnon:

    what would an illiterate uneducated racist mf like u know about any teachers at all????

    even lib ones???

  173. Anonymous3:27 PM

    alicia banks said...
    here is a classic save by a bm of a kkk bastard who should have been stomped to death just like u herein!!!


    when faced with verbal disagreement, the negro mind indulges in visions of murder. It's no wonder so many are in prison... for murder and other violent chimpouts. Negroes cannot control themselves like civilized races do.

  174. Chimpout Live3:30 PM

    This reminds me of the recent video of the sheboon having her chimpout at the towing company, tearing the place up just like you see chimps do in the wild.

    The parallels are uncanny.

  175. walking dead scared assnon:

    a brain dead sheet wearing lying cowardly hidden headed goon like u knows all about

    we crave to teach u more

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. Negro 'Civilization'3:33 PM

    alicia banks said...

    walking dead scared assnon:

    a brain dead sheet wearing lying cowardly hidden headed goon like u knows all about

    we crave to teach u more


    now overt death threats from a chimpout sheboon. This will be used at her trial one day.

    Are you destroying your own keyboard, like you negroes destroy your own neighborhoods when rioting?

  178. lipless hairy kkk chimp/mighty joe dumb:

    like u just lied about blacks saving whites????

    u r now lying about your simian kin!!!

    u simpering faceless ape

    got a mirror?

  179. ahistorical marauding moron assnon:

    u mean like u and your wild savage kin have destroyed the world?

    ask a native american/african u raped and robbed for centuries????

    ask your women raping and pillaging black and latino mens' loins now????

  180. Chimpout Live3:37 PM

    that was the other anon, dummy

    now answer: did you break anything in your house just now?

  181. dickless homeless kkk assnon:

    u mean like your women are breaking off black men now???

  182. Chimpout live3:40 PM

    alicia banks said...

    ask your women raping and pillaging black and latino mens' loins now????


    another mindless negro bragging about how the skankiest of white slut females end up with nigga boyz as their descent into the gutter completes, in between the crime and drugs and promiscuity and psychopathic lives

    alicia, you can have them

    unfortunately, the white grandmothers end up raising the halfbreeds that the white sluts invariably abandon

  183. transparent rejected dreg limp kkk assnon:


    we do feel your pain...

    we know exactly why you are red faced and blue!!!

  184. Chimpout Live3:49 PM

    hehe, alicia you are missing the mark so badly

    the only 'pain' is from the side splitting laughter

    you'll have to try harder than holding up white sluts as some sort of treasure that negroes worship - but we don't

    is that all you've got, the tired out white-sluts-love-gutterapes-and-heroin routine? that's your best, besides the death threats????

  185. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Knock her up the head with uncomfortable facts, and Alicia is reduced to nonsensical sputtering.

  186. mortally wounded hard up kkk assnon:

    the blood soaked stains in your sheet are showing...


  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. sputtering kkk assnon:

    u r projecting again...

    and the sputtering is more glaring than your racist lies u spew...


  189. Chimpout Live3:55 PM

    it is funny to see a negro woman actually bragging that white-slut drug-addicted-skanks want to debase themselves all the way by mudsharking with da nigga boyz

    you should be ashamed of it, yet you brag about it

    a few decades ago they'd have been getting gangbanged at the local motorcycle gang's clubhouse, now they are in the negro crackhouse - and you brag about it

    they are the dregs yet you think they are treasures. I guess even negro women think white sluts are superior to negro women.

  190. psycho silly kkk assnon:

    we knew the black men had all your females...

    did they steal your bikes too???


  191. poor grounded rejected lonely lying kkk assnon:

    cc that to rotten kid

    i bet he has beckies and bikes to spare!

  192. Chimpout Live3:59 PM

    alicia banks said...

    mortally wounded hard up kkk assnon:

    the blood soaked stains in your sheet are showing...


    that's worth a chuckle, but entertaining me is not your aim

    try harder

    let's go back to my "racist lies" that negroes are more prone to commit violent crime than normal people. Maybe you can say how whites-in-blackface commit the crimes, then racist DAs lock up negroes. That's about your level of sensibility.

  193. senseless kkk assnon:

    math and reality evade u

    just like your women do

    tragic x 2

  194. Chimpout Live4:04 PM

    alicia banks said...

    psycho silly kkk assnon:

    we knew the black men had all your females...


    hehe, in fact the mark of a white slut is her association with nigga boyz... plus their diseases, too

    oh, plus their drug use

    you really think this is some dynamite point you are making? I repeat: I do not treasure white skanks the way you negroes do.

    hey, why don't you bring up Kim Skankdashian? Or what's that white skank's name who used to be Hugh Hefner's paid whore, but got some negro to actually marry her? Kendra Wilkinson.

  195. Chimpout Live4:08 PM

    So we see the two main items in the negro arsenal for 'debate':

    1) the violent gutterape bruthas will kill you

    2) the lowliest of white drug-addicted self-destructive sluts go with da nigga boyz

    yep, that about sums up negro intelligence and culture

    it's no wonder you people ended up in chains

  196. I Got Tread Marks On My Weiner4:15 PM

    Ha! Harry Reid just threw Weiner under the bus!

  197. Chimpout Live4:15 PM

    here is one that alicia has failed to claim:

    9 out of 10 white prostitutes say that nigga boyz are superior

    that would be just devastating to me... haha

    hey alicia, if Kim Skankdashian spent the night on her back in the back room of Tyrone's Bar and Grill, would you be honored to wash out her panties for her by hand the next day? you do idolize her and her kind, after all, so I bet you would. How many of her posters do you own? Do you wish you could look like her? Maybe get a nose job? Do you look in the mirror and fantasize about being her?

  198. hey uneducated peasant kkklown:

    cc that bs to the nearest elite sorrority house on any campus in america

    preferably after dusk

    when they sneak the black football players in the back door

    and serve them their cakes as they feed them their daddies' gourmet steaks...

    they do not share that info with u in the trailer parks???

  199. never had a follywood floozy kkk assnon:

    only white boys whom kim k ignores like u covet ugly skanks like her

    i love my nose and my beauty

    my wife and i both look better

    and we are not porn star door knobs like kim k too

  200. Chimpout Live4:22 PM

    I Got Tread Marks On My Weiner said...

    Ha! Harry Reid just threw Weiner under the bus!


    that's surprising, he must have crossed Reid in the past because Reid does not take stances on personal morality. maybe it'll signal to others to do the same.

    note that weiner did still cling to his lifelong lying habit when he claimed at his press conference that he'd sent the photo "as a joke". that part went unremarked
