Monday, May 14, 2012

It won't be Condi, and Usain makes a run for it.

I have some bad news for my republican Negro friends: None of you will be on the republican presidential ticket this year. The same might be true for women and Hispanics.

"Mitt Romney’s campaign is looking to fill its vice presidential slot with a “boring white guy,” according to one Republican who is privy to some details of the campaign’s decision.

Politico reports that Romney is trying his hardest to pick “a deliberate anti-Palin,” and apparently that means he cannot pick a person of color or a woman:
One Republican official familiar with the campaign’s thinking said it will be designed to produce a pick who is safe and, by design, unexciting – a deliberate anti-Palin. The prized pick, said this official: an “incredibly boring white guy.”
Of course, there are plenty of women and people of color who would be perfectly boring — and suitable — choices for Romney’s running mate: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is a crowd favorite, Louisiana Bobby Jindal (R) is about as boring as it gets, and there’s plenty of hubbub over Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). But the objective of boring, white, and male shows that the Romney campaign will prioritize absolute vanilla-ness over the candidate who may be best for the job." [Source]

This sounds a little racist to me; why does a white guy have to be boring?
Anyway, I hope that Sarah Palin sees what she has done. She has made it hard for women and people of color to get another shot on the republican stage.

I would never try to tell a republican what to do. But Flipper, if you really want shake up this presidential race and increase your chances of beating his Oness come November, you would choose Condi Rice as your running mate. There is nothing boring about Condi. And she is quite competent to boot. But I get it, republicans, especially white male ones; do not associate women- especially women of color-with competence.

Finally, speaking of women of a certain color, I see that Usain Bolt decided to call it splitsville from his melanin challenged paramour. I sure hope that this had nothing to do with the backlash the speedy one got for choosing a white mate. He says that it's because he has to focus on training for the Olympics. I will take his word for it. But the timing of this break up is a little suspect. And apparently I am not alone in thinking that Usain might have caved to some yawdie backlash.

Hey, it might not be right, but believe me, I understand it. If Bolt had stayed in his relationship and he doesn't medal in London, that poor woman's life (not to mention his) would have been unlivable on the Island. I don't care if she is white, black, gold, or green.



  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Boring? Boring? You want excitement? Try having a president that is making it so that many americans don't know when they are going to work again and sometimes eat next.

    I want boring and competent, I'll put my own excitement in my life thank you very much. I want someone competent enough to do the job that there are no major scandals and weekly addressing bringing excitement and finger pointing to the table. The best leaders get things done and you don't even know they got them done.

  2. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Black Jamaican men are such untrustworthy fickle people. Bolt will fall badly in his sport, much like Tiger fell. There will be no return.

    Anyway, we now know how racist Jamaica is. Does anyone know if Field chases the big R in Jamaica?

  3. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Mitt is doing the right thing in making his choice of a running mate. He should win in Nov.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Field Said:

    "This sounds a little racist to me; why does a white guy have to be boring? "


    It's not so much that we "have to be" boring, but that we're predominantly predisposed to it. If you see a white guy with charisma he's an outlier.

  6. My posts keep getting deleted. Please excuse if this is a repost.

    Why the hell would Romney choose Condi when this race will be all about race. The whitest white man ever will point out how blah Barack is to get the racist vote. Condi? Really? I mean she's good at parroting Bush talking points but what if she left massa's plantation? Too much risk.
    My bet is Romney drags the Osmonds out of retirement to help his campaign "white is right".

  7. Anonymous9:46 PM

    good for that white chick. women women are 12 times more likely to be murdered by their black bf/husband than they are their white bf/husband.

  8. Anonymous9:48 PM

    PilotX, when have you left the democrat plantation?

  9. "PilotX, when have you left the democrat plantation?"


  10. Anonymous9:59 PM

    that's right. someone who has never voted for anyone other than a democrat talks about "massa's plantation".


  11. Field, your trolls are no longer entertaining. They keep repeating the same tired talking points and dancing the same tired jigs. I thought you upgraded to the latest troll package.

    good for that white chick. women women are 12 times more likely to be murdered by their black bf/husband than they are their white bf/husband.

    Interesting stat. What resource did you get it from? That's another thing about these trolls, Field. They rarely bother to cite their statistics. I wouldn't want to think they were creating them out of whole cloth, now.

  12. Then again maybe the righties have this one right. The Dems may have a plantation because there were actually blah people on plantations. I guess the more correct term I should have used to describe the GOP would have been Klan rally. Live and learn.

  13. I wonder if Mitt will find himself a nice, white "family values" Christian guy who'll play off his Mormon businessman personality.

    Hmm..sounds like a job for Rick "Frothy" Santorum. He'd be perfect.

  14. "Then again maybe the righties have this one right. The Dems may have a plantation because there were actually blah people on plantations. I guess the more correct term I should have used to describe the GOP would have been Klan rally. Live and learn."

    Think "coal mine" or "workhouse," with those hapless folks surrounded by miles of poverty, company stores and a ring of armed Pinkertons. And they're grateful for being paid the same wages as a Chinese sweatshop worker.

  15. hey Mack, makes you wonder how most white people are killed by fellow white people. From listening to racist whites the only folks you need to watch out for are us darkies. Oh well, gotta run got to find a white woman to rape and kill. (don't worry, I have Field on retainer so i'll get off and be back posting in no time).

  16. "Hmm..sounds like a job for Rick "Frothy" Santorum. He'd be perfect."

    The choices are limitless. Boss Hog Barbour, Rand "Hairpeice" Paul, fat boy, the newt or even Pawlent............zzzzzzzzzzzz..........sorry fell asleep.

  17. Anonymous10:20 PM

    White Women are 12.4 Times More Likely to be Murdered by a Black Husband Than by a White Husband

    Of spouse homicides occurring from 1991 to 1999, 96.3 per cent occurred in intraracial marriages. Spouse homicides in marriages where the husband was Black and the wife was White constituted 1.4 per cent of the total, and marriages where the husband was White and the wife was Black accounted for 0.5 per cent. Spouse homicide incidence rates were 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages relative to intraracial marriages.

    White women who marry a black husband increase their chances of being a victim of spousal homicide by 12.4 times.

    In the report, “Fatal Violence among Spouses in the United States, 1976-85,” by James A. Mercy and Linda E. Saltzman, spousal homicide is examined along racial lines

  18. negro spell checker10:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Hmm..sounds like a job for Rick "Frothy" Santorum. He'd be perfect."

    The choices are limitless. Boss Hog Barbour, Rand "Hairpeice" Paul, fat boy, the newt or even Pawlent............zzzzzzzzzzzz..........sorry fell asleep.

    "Hairpeice"? Pawlent?

    you mean hairpiece?

    you mean Pawlenty?

  19. Anonymous10:29 PM

    If Mittens picks a boring White guy to run with him then there will be two boring White guys on the Republican ticket.


  20. At some point these stormfront folks should really start thinking about gettting out some more. :)

    Nope, I don't think that black folks have a lock on family violence. In fact, I think those other folks are the masters (no pun intended) when it comes to that type of stuff.

    Mack, you are right, this is getting a bit old.

    "..that's right. someone who has never voted for anyone other than a democrat talks about "massa's plantation"."

    How do you know how he voted?

  21. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Mack Lyons-"Field, your trolls are no longer entertaining. They keep repeating the same tired talking points and dancing the same tired jigs. I thought you upgraded to the latest troll package."

    Mack, you are never satisfied. Field upgraded a week ago and here you come complaining like a whining Negro.

    This package of anons is Anon Inc's B+ rating package guaranteed to excite FN Negroes like you and PilotX.

    I offered Field the A+ package but he didn't want to pay the price. Field didn't want to pay that kind of money for folks like you, PilotX and Whitey.

    Quite frankly, I don't blame him. Besides the A+ package contains anons with Einstein IQs. That's waaay beyond anything you and the rest of your FN regulars with your tiny brains could handle. They are just too bright for you. Therefore, Field decided not to waste his money.

    Mack, in all sincerity, the B+ package is all YOU can handle. In fact, I'm thinking it's too much for YOU. BTW, where the hell have you been, chasing white girls like Bolt and Tiger? Be careful.

  22. Anonymous10:36 PM

    A United States Department of Justice report showed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004, 52.2% of the offenders were Black.

  23. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Val- "If Mittens picks a boring White guy to run with him then there will be two boring White guys on the Republican ticket."

    Yeah, but it's the 'winning' ticket against the 'losing' Dem ticket of one lying black guy who ignores and insults Blacks and a funny white guy with a big mouth.

  24. the only hets who should be fretting over gay marriage are those have received gay proposals!!!


  25. wtfu

    that racist bankster hobama has grossly failed as prez

    now his ego can blame the gays if he loses in nov


  26. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "A United States Department of Justice report showed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004, 52.2% of the offenders were Black."

    It's good to know that the percentage of black offenders has been steadily decreasing each week. I believe last week it was +80%. That's progress.

  27. Anonymous10:52 PM

    AB, "now his ego can blame the gays if he loses in nov"

    That will be ironic since the gays blamed Blacks for losing on Prop8 the first time. I remember Dan Savage saying he had had it with Blacks and their double standards.

  28. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Field, "Hey, it might not be right, but believe me, I understand it. If Bolt had stayed in his relationship and he doesn't medal in London, that poor woman's life (not to mention his) would have been unlivable on the Island. I don't care if she is white, black, gold, or green."

    You got it all twisted. Ursain needs that woman to win. Mark my words he is going to lose now because he has set up very bad karma in his life...just like Tiger. Besides, she was a woman who stood beside his sorry ass. Well, no more gold medals for Jamaica.

  29. Condi is not nearly as interesting as you seem to remember her. But more importantly, she's a damned liar & the farther she stays away from government, the better off we'll be.

  30. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Field, your trolls are no longer entertaining. They keep repeating the same tired talking points and dancing the same tired jigs. I thought you upgraded to the latest troll package.

    When you say "repeating" do you mean by opening or including in most of your posts the same old line you use over and over and over and over "your trolls need an upgrade" or now that you saw someone use a new word "entertaining" you grabbed that and use it in a sentence without a point. You have to get a new schtick and a mind.

  31. Anonymous11:24 PM

    field negro said...
    At some point these stormfront folks should really start thinking about gettting out some more. :)

    Wow, look there is white crime too so all the huge black crime is non-existant. My little brother used to use this tactic with our mother when we were 7.

    So, which city do you think we should visit? Detroit? Birmingham? Clevelend? Which city in the U.S has a population where blacks do not lead the crime statistics no matter how small of a population they might be? Which one?

  32. "So, which city do you think we should visit? Detroit? Birmingham? Clevelend?...."

    No, let's go to the small town of Jackson, KY.

    Or, how about the suburbs of my hometown?

    I could go on, but I hope you get the point.

  33. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Field@11:46P-Brother Field I am surprised that you would stoop to such low tactics. I am so sad that you have become the "R" that you have been chasing for so long. I suppose it was inevitable...pray to be relieved of the cross of this burden.

  34. Anonymous12:07 AM

    If we question the unproven wite is rite...what else will we question? The pay of CEOs? Why we pay double or triple what eveel Socialismists countries do for health care...and get less? Whether the American Dream is a birthright...or available to all? Should we let businesses pollute...because some poofy haired actor said it was OK?

    To Goober, Obama is the Wurst Prezndt Evah...because an African American played...and roundly trounced all the wites.
    And, most USians prefer him to the R brand.


  35. "To Goober, Obama is the Wurst Prezndt Evah...because an African American played...and roundly trounced all the wites."

    And just imagine how Boss Hog and Newt must feel getting beat by a ni...(gong).

  36. Anonymous12:41 AM

    PilotX, "And just imagine how Boss Hog and Newt must feel getting beat by a ni...(gong)."

    I don't have to imagine. The entire black race knows how it feels getting played by a Negro....except you, of course. You are still praising the man who insulted the entire black race.

  37. little did I know I was singing Newt Gingrich's praises. I learn something new everyday from your trolls Field. Maybe they're not so bad afterall, no wonder you keep them around as pets. Kinda cute little guys huh?

  38. Anonymous1:54 AM

    PilotX said...
    little did I know I was singing Newt Gingrich's praises. I learn something new everyday from your trolls Field. Maybe they're not so bad afterall, no wonder you keep them around as pets. Kinda cute little guys huh?

    Pets - just like the two squeegee airmen were. Maybe you can write your own legend as well and pretend you also aren't a fraud.

  39. "How do you know how he voted?"

    C'mon Field, you know conservative types like to make up their own facts. Let the little guy play on mommy's computer.

  40. Anonymous2:22 AM

    "So, which city do you think we should visit? Detroit? Birmingham? Clevelend? Which city in the U.S has a population where blacks do not lead the crime statistics no matter how small of a population they might be? Which one?"

    Field you clearly misunderstood purposely. It is not what US city was completely free from a white instance of crime, it is which city anywhere no matter how SMALL the Black population, do blacks not lead in all crime statistics.

    Ok lets look at your offerings:

    Kentucky You say and list a incident of what to you is white crime. Let;s move that toothpick you offered aside and look at the forest.


    In Kentucky, African-Americans are 7.8 percent of the population and 13.3 percent of poor people, but are responsible for 27 percent of homicide, 13 percent of rape, 44 percent of robbery, 28 percent of aggravated assault, and 19.3 percent of burglary.

    can you imagine, most crime is committed by 17-25 year olds in every city, this means roughly less than 1% of Kentucky's population is terrorizing the state making it very likely that when you meet a black, they are criminals.

    As for Pennsylvania, it was at this point I realized you are just playin the fool. Pennsyl. is in the midst of white flight experienced by Atlanta, Birmingham, Detroit and other largely black cities, all resulting from black crime and gangs of "youfs"

    Who are you trying to kid? You know the media didn't "blackout" many incidents like the attack by the liberty bell, knockout king capital of the U.S, Oxford Circle home invasion, youfs attack of the cab driver in center city aww...whats the point you know Kill-a-delphia is out of control you are just being disengenious.

  41. Hmmmmmmmmmm Field, maybe math is different in conservo world but since when is 27%, 13%, 44%, 28% and 19.4% a majority? Damn, these fools are even screwing up math. First science then history and now this. Sad day in 'merica when stupid is celebrated maybe that explains why Bristol has a show now.
    Anyhoo gotta go do some aggravated assaults and burglary since all of us do such things. Bill Cosby is waiting for me in the car.

  42. Sad day indeed Pilot X. And here I thought there was hope for the republic.

    I was simply trying to show my moonshine drinking friend that crimes such as this is not exclusive to one race.
    No matter how hard they try they can't change that fact.

  43. Anonymous6:05 AM

    "Sad day indeed Pilot X. And here I thought there was hope for the republic. "
    Mr Field, have you read "Suicide of a Super Power" by the esteemed Pat Buchanan? You should read and recommend it to your FN readers. Things don't look so good for America.

  44. Wesley R6:18 AM

    Justin Gatlin ran a 9.87 last weekend. Powell went 9.88 in the same race. Bolt better focus on training.

  45. sharon from ct7:12 AM

    I think what "boring white guy" means is that they don't want anyone who would outshine the name at the top of the ticket. Not that that would be hard to do. But any one of the names you mentioned is more exciting that Romney. Condi Rice would be an awesome VP, but God's Own Party would never allow a woman, especially a woman of color, to be next in line for the presidency, even if she is one of their own. So Reps will have not one, but two boring white guys on their ticket this year. Business as usual.

  46. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Things haven't looked good for "America" since 1492.

  47. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Usain left her because he wanted the support from the JA people for the games. You can have a girlfriend and still focus on your training plus...he hasn't just now started to train for the 2012 olympics... so that's messed up. She deserve better!!! He had a girlfriend when he went to the 2008 olympics.. He dump her after the fame came so... he has been an foolish and an ass for years now...

    as a black jamaican woman, it felt like a betrayal on the first reaction... but then i thought.. "this is Bolt, did you really expect anything different"?

    So Bolt dumping anthoer girl for the cheers and fame...hey whose says lighting does strike twice in the same field

  48. Quote Anonymous

    "as a black jamaican woman..."

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Who do they think they are kidding?

  49. Low IQ Liberals9:22 AM

    Here's your favorite, Obama-leg-tingler genius in action:

    God, I'd love to see Al or Jesse on Jeopardy.


  50. assnon:

    blacks proudly did vote against gays

    as they always do

    even though gays have always helped blacks

    ask julian bond

    kudos to dan savage always!!!

    he rocks!!!

    There are black pastors who are not gaybashers. But, the vast majority of black pastors gaybash so frequently and viciously that they make their mindless flocks truly believe that the emotional and physical murders of homosexuals are divine acts.

    Now, some humane and sane black pastors are trying to whitewash the blackout of Prop 8. They are demonizing white gays for telling truths about gaybashing black voters. They are brazenly pretending that black gays are not being pimped AGAIN, just as George W. Bush pimped black preachers since 2000.


    Most black churches exiled gays, and most black people bashed gays LONG before blacks sabotaged Prop 8, irrespective of any hair splitting over voter statistics...

    The white media have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the evil that black gaybashers do. From black gay celebrities closeted with padlocks, to the global black serial killers who lynch black gays daily, to the hate filled sermons that black preachers spew from pulpits everywhere each day, blacks continue to PROVE that they are indeed the very worst gaybashers in the world!!!

  51. why are all these homohaters who are suddenly bashing hobama still saying nothing about ndaa???

    why do they NEVER mention the beautiful lesbian and hay couples in the bible????
    david & jonathan/ruth and naomi
    ditto for jesus and god who never said anything about ANY gays in the bible?????

    why are these evil holy fools not bashing RED LOBSTER for all those sinners cooking and eating shrimp???

    why are they not bashing all their church dl pastors/peers whoring and drugging and drinking????
    ask eddie long!

    we homos WILL NEVER EVER be the ONLY ones forced to live by buybull lies/laws....NEVER!!!!

    all those sinner church nigs better get over that asap!

  52. why do they NEVER mention the beautiful lesbian and gay couples in the bible????
    david & jonathan/ruth and naomi
    ditto for jesus and god who never said anything about ANY gays in the bible?????


    The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. You will not even find the word “homosexual” in any version of this text. The angels came to destroy the city BEFORE they met the evil mob. Lot offers his virgin daughters to that same mob. Later, these same girls rape Lot. Lot’s wife was destroyed. If this story condemns homosexuality, then it also condones incest and gang rape. And, Lot’s wife was a lesbian. NONE of which is true.

    From The Good Book: “The Hebrew verb “to know” is rarely used in a sexual sense. It occurs 943 times in the Old Testament and in only 10 of those does it have the sense of carnal knowledge. Sodom is referred to throughout the Old Testament as a place of wickedness and is synonymous with it. But, nowhere does it state that homosexuality was the wickedness in question...Sodomite refers almost exclusively to a male say that homosexual conduct is wrong because the bible says it is, is not to answer, but to dismiss the question....Sex can be productive without being reproductive. Homosexual rape is never to be condoned. It is indeed, like heterosexual rape, an abomination before God. David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba does not make all heterosexual expressions sinful!”

    From The Bible, Ezekiel 17:48-50: “The Lord says ‘Your sister Sodom’s sins were pride and laziness and too much food. While the poor and needy suffered outside her door, she insolently worshipped many idols as I watched. Therefore, I crushed her.’”

    From What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “The sin of Sodom was abuse and offense to strangers-insult to the traveler, inhospitality to the needy. The story is no more about sex than it is about pounding on someone’s front door. The bible offers NO valid conclusion whatsoever about homosexuality.”

  53. wtfu

    and read your dusty buybulls u illiterate holy hating fools

    3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex.(Also see WHAT IS REAL SEX herein.) Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....

    From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”

  54. god creates homos in every living species

    even plants

    we are here to stay and we have always been here

    and we will NEVER live by any special rules
    inside your cherry picked buybulls or anywhere else

    u homohating sinners do not faze us

    and u do not even know/study/read your own buybulls!!!!

    . In Levitcus, homosexuality is an abomination not because it is inherently evil, but because the Gentiles do it. It is, therefore, ritually impure.

    From What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “Leviticus condemns sex as a religious crime of idolatry-not as a sexual offense. Romans suggest that sex acts have no ethical significance whatsoever. Corinthians and Timothy object to specific forms of male prostitution.These books do not refer to homosexuality. They make a general condemnation of moral looseness, lewd, lustful, and lascivious behavior.”

    5. “Love Thy Neighbor” is a commandment. For the record, millions of your neighbors are homosexuals.

  55. god creates homos in every living species

    even plants

    we are here to stay and we have always been here

    and we will NEVER live by any special rules
    inside your cherry picked buybulls or anywhere else

    u homohating sinners do not faze us

    and u do not even know/study/read your own buybulls!!!!

    . In Levitcus, homosexuality is an abomination not because it is inherently evil, but because the Gentiles do it. It is, therefore, ritually impure.

    From What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “Leviticus condemns sex as a religious crime of idolatry-not as a sexual offense. Romans suggest that sex acts have no ethical significance whatsoever. Corinthians and Timothy object to specific forms of male prostitution.These books do not refer to homosexuality. They make a general condemnation of moral looseness, lewd, lustful, and lascivious behavior.”

    5. “Love Thy Neighbor” is a commandment. For the record, millions of your neighbors are homosexuals.

  56. Your local Poler10:48 AM

    Hey field,

    We all know how much you diss the Rasmussen about this?

    Which Polls do you like? The ones you agree with?

  57. no church nig pastor has done one sermon on NDAA

    fema trumps femmes!!!

    gas prices trump gays!!!

    what a mf shame!!!

  58. church nigs are the most mindless
    powerless cowards on earth

    those who are not dl cowardly posers

    those who are real hets

    know that het sex is as unnatural to me as gay sex is to them

    the difference is

    they mind their own business and do not use their sex as a weapon

    just as we gays do!!!!

    wtfu and stay out of my bedroom

    and keep your bogus evil religions out of my gd laws!!!!

    until u do so
    the war is on

    and we will keep!!!!!!!

  59. Anonymous11:13 AM

    PilotX said...
    Hmmmmmmmmmm Field, maybe math is different in conservo world but since when is 27%, 13%, 44%, 28% and 19.4% a majority?

    Two Squegee Airman proving again there really is an achievement gap.

    Hey Pile it. Would you say if 1% of the population commits 27% of homicides, 13% of rapes, FOURTY FOUR% of robberies they are "Leading" in instance of crime? Would you? Do you understand the point? Here let me bell it down for you. If there are 10 people in the room, than someones left leg only, not even a full person is causing a hell of a lot of crime and "leading" you know - out in front, paving the path, showing the way, overachieving ahhhh I get why you didn't understand. Never mind.


    In Kentucky, African-Americans are 7.8 percent of the population and 13.3 percent of poor people, but are responsible for 27 percent of homicide, 13 percent of rape, 44 percent of robbery, 28 percent of aggravated assault, and 19.3 percent of burglary.

    can you imagine, most crime is committed by 17-25 year olds in every city, this means roughly less than 1% of Kentucky's population is terrorizing the state making it very likely that when you meet a black, they are criminals.

  60. I see math still eludes your trolls. Let's try a basic word problem. If 19.4% of a certain crime is committed by a certain group what percentage is left to be committed by toothless trailer dwelling hillbillies? My guess it's more than 50% which by definition is a majority.

    Majority: a number greater than half of a total.

    Field, I know your trolls are dumb but this is getting ridiculous.

  61. I'm sure Bobby Jindal is ecstatic to be defined as "white," the identity he's embraced so fully. ;-)

  62. Anonymous2:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    I see math still eludes your trolls. Let's try a basic word problem. If 19.4% of a certain crime is committed by a certain group what percentage is left to be committed by toothless trailer dwelling hillbillies? My guess it's more than 50% which by definition is a majority.

    Majority: a number greater than half of a total.

    Field, I know your trolls are dumb but this is getting ridiculous.

    Pilot, you are embarrasing yourself. Name calling won't make it any better, I can smell your nappy hair burning from here . Lets try this for the Bell ding-a-ling one last time.

    Do you understand the difference between who "leads" in committing crimes by race and who commits the highest number of crimes by sheer volume of population? You are comparing bananas and watermelons and then not understanding why it won't click in your mind.

    Try a few ingredients in your thought process that seem to be eluding you. Tiny population only 7.8% - very high crime rates for this itsy bitsy group. Lead - ahead of the pack (like that fitting choice of word pack? ) Lead - does more for it's representative group than any other group.

    Have you been watching Al Sharpton must much you have resist you try too hard but cant think, yo?

    Try hard, I know it is difficult, but maybe if you envision the words you may grasp the meaning and also not look like a ridiculous idiot who is actually trying to say that whites commit more crimes than any black population anywhere in the US or in fact the world -representative to the population. I mean no way you are actually sharptonish enough to think you can just stamp your feet change words and talk your way out of the reality of black violence and crimes do you?

    I will put this into two squeegee terms so you can relate and maybe gits it.

    Can you imagine you invite 8 black people to the party where 100 people were invited and they eat:

    50 of the 100 chicken wings with hot sauce made for 100 people - just 8 people ate half the food meant for the whole group - 47% robberies. Not 50 people, not 40, not 30, Only 8 people ate half of the food.

    Then those same 8 people ate 30 of the 100 watermelons meant for 100 people at the party - 27% percent homocides. 8 people ate almost four times more than they were supposed to have eaten and more than anyone else.

    Then they kept going and ate 30 racks of ribs meant for 100 people at the party - Just 8 people ate enough food for 30 - Aggravated assault.

    Now this is just Kentucky, in most other us cities, when black populations reach national averages of 12-13% leaving the 17-25 typical offender group at 2-3%or higher, the rates of crime disproportionately ballon grossly so.

    Summing up, blacks being a small group of 7.5% total population in Kentucky - LEAD in crimes committed by race.

    Phew, thank god your short bus is here, got to go now.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. The consensus in modern scholarship is that homophobia is strongly associated with suppressed same sex attraction such that those who engage in extreme anti-gay agitation have an almost 1=1 probability of being closeted homosexuals themselves.

  65. Anonymous4:44 PM

    field negro said...

    "..that's right. someone who has never voted for anyone other than a democrat talks about "massa's plantation"."

    How do you know how he voted?

    the state in which px is registered in has open voter rolls.

  66. "In Kentucky, African-Americans are 7.8 percent of the population and 13.3 percent of poor people, but are responsible for 27 percent of homicide, 13 percent of rape, 44 percent of robbery, 28 percent of aggravated assault, and 19.3 percent of burglary."

    Which means in normal people math 73% of homicides, 87% of rapes, 56% of robberies, 72% of aggravated assaults and 80.7% of burglaries are committed by non-blah people. Pretty damned sure not too many Latinos, Asians or Indigenous peoples running around Kentucky which means the vast majority (a number greater than half a total) is committed by white people. That tells me that your cousins (and hillbilly dating pool) really like raping and robbing. Interesting but not surprising.

  67. kudos to the fbi!

    we are all trayvon!!!

    hnotds EVERY DAY:

    all blaspheming illiterate homohating liars who pretend that homosexuals are not natural in EVERY living species!!!

    wtfu and read a mf science book asap

  68. more proof that hobama is an amoral bankster

    and set for life

    and ready to go golfing full time


  69. "Phew, thank god your short bus is here, got to go now."

    Leave it to a wingnut to make fun of disabled children. I tell you these people are just pure evil. :(

  70. Anonymous6:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    "In Kentucky, African-Americans are 7.8 percent of the population and 13.3 percent of poor people, but are responsible for 27 percent of homicide, 13 percent of rape, 44 percent of robbery, 28 percent of aggravated assault, and 19.3 percent of burglary."

    Which means in normal people math 73% of homicides, 87% of rapes, 56% of robberies, 72% of aggravated assaults and 80.7% of burglaries are committed by non-blah people. Pretty damned sure not too many Latinos, Asians or Indigenous peoples running around Kentucky which means the vast majority (a number greater than half a total) is committed by white people. That tells me that your cousins (and hillbilly dating pool) really like raping and robbing. Interesting but not surprising.

    You have the brains of an ant. I hope they never trust you to do a manual load sheet with your sense of weight and balance.

    Carry on Willie Johnson

  71. Anonymous6:50 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kudos to the fbi!

    we are all trayvon!!!

    Not yet but keep pissin us off and it can be arranged.

    If this goes through it will be the end of set asides for Blacks.

  72. Anonymous7:40 PM

    field negro said...
    "Phew, thank god your short bus is here, got to go now."

    Leave it to a wingnut to make fun of disabled children. I tell you these people are just pure evil. :(

    seems like yesterday obama was making fun of disabled children. obama is evil. glad you get it fn.

  73. Anonymous8:08 PM

    field negro said...
    "Phew, thank god your short bus is here, got to go now."

    Leave it to a wingnut to make fun of disabled children. I tell you these people are just pure evil. :(

    You are getting funnier. Allright, Allright, we won't compare retards with Pile it X any more, it was pretty cruel to them.

  74. talk radio pastors are wilding on gays and hobama

    i just sent this to kksp











  75. thomas sowell10:08 PM

    pilot x says:

    PilotX said...
    Hmmmmmmmmmm Field, maybe math is different in conservo world but since when is 27%, 13%, 44%, 28% and 19.4% a majority?

    Kentucky Stats:

    In Kentucky, African-Americans are 7.8 percent of the population and are responsible for 27% of homicides...

    The poor pilot has serious trouble with rates and proportions. So let's try to explain the situation to him this way. By using some sports methods.

    Let's say the population of mythical Kentucky is 8% black. Let's say the other 92% is white. Further, let's say the total population of mythical Kentucky is 100.

    Let's say we're picking teams to play Murder Ball. Now, the goal of the Murder Ball game is for the players on each team to go out and murder as many people as they can. They can go to any state.

    Teams must be chosen from the pool of 8 blacks and 92 whites. It happens that each team comprises 8 players.

    We know the 8 blacks in the crowd killed 27% of the murder victims of the previous year. Let's say the total number of victims was 100. So the 8 blacks killed 27 people. Or 3.375 victims each.

    That means the 92 whites killed 73 people. Or 0.79 victims each.

    Would you expect to win a game of Murder Ball with an 8-man, all-white team? Or an 8-man all-black team?
