Friday, May 25, 2012

Lighting up in North Carolina, and a president who lit up back in the day.

If there is a lack of comments after this post from from my wingnut friends tomorrow, it might be because most of them are in Reidsville, North Carolina for a big Memorial Day weekend bash. There is nothing like a little cross burning to bring friends together.

Anywhoo, I wish them luck with that. This is America, and they should be free to assemble as they please. As long as they are not being violent or breaking any laws, I say let them burn their crosses. (h/t Tia for this story)

Speaking of fire, it seems that our president liked to fire up the good collie weed back in the day. ("The Choom Gang"? I know I liked something about that dude) O even had rules for burning the collie. That sounds downright Rastafarian to me.  I bet Mitt didn't burn the collie weed back in the day. I know he spent some time in Paris, but he was on a mission from God, and the last time I checked Mormons didn't hit the blunt for inspiration.

Finally, it's time to attack black. My House Negro of the day is a woman named Wanette Gibson. She is the woman who lied about a budding football star raping her, and cost the young man five years of his life and a possible lucrative professional career.

"A woman who claimed that she was raped by a star high school football player -- sending him to prison for five years -- is not likely to be charged with making a false accusation, prosecutors said.

In the summer of 2002, Wanette Gibson accused Brian Banks, now 26, of rape. The two were students at Long Beach Poly High School. Rather than take the he-said-she-said case to trial and risk a 41-years-to-life prison sentence, Banks pleaded no contest to forcible rape, spent five years in prison and, after his release, was forced to register as a sex offender and wear an electronic monitoring bracelet.

"It's been a struggle, it's been a nightmare," he said. "It's more than I can describe, the things that I've been through."

Banks was considered a top college football prospect. A 6-foot-4, 225-pound middle linebacker, he had been courted by USC, UCLA and other football powerhouses, he said.

He asked the California Innocence Project for help, but with no new evidence there was little the organization could do.

Then, last year, the woman sent him a friend request on Facebook.
She felt guilty that he had lost out on going to college and playing football and had "a desire to make amends," Banks' attorneys said in court documents.

When Banks heard from her, he recalled, "I stopped what I was doing and got down on my knees and prayed to God to help me play my cards right."

She agreed to meet him and a private investigator. Their conversation was taped and Gibson said, "No, he did not rape me."

That admission set off an extraordinary chain of events that culminated Thursday morning. A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge dismissed Banks' conviction, ending 10 years of turmoil in a hearing that lasted less than a minute.

According to Banks and his private investigator, Gibson refused to tell prosecutors that she had lied, so that she wouldn't have to return the $1.5-million settlement her family won in court after suing the Long Beach Unified School District." [Source]

Now let's keep it real folks. If a white woman had falsely accused Brian Banks of raping her there would have been hell to pay. Yours truly would have been blogging about it for sure. The fact that he was taken down by a sister does not make this story any less tragic.

The sad thing about this story is that when women like Wanette Gibson lie about something as serious as rape, it makes it harder for the next victim who legitimately comes forward seem less believable.

The woman's family got 1.5 million to settle with the School District. It's a shame that Brian Banks couldn't have gotten some or all of that money.

*Pic courtesy of The Grio.





  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What happened to Brian Banks is down right wrong. It is so depressing to be a bm in America. Even the sistas set us up and ruin our lives.

    I bet Hatchett was set up also and Field wrongly pictured him as a HN! I often wonder if Field is for or against bm.

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    FN, what happened to Banks depressed me but this cross-burning in NC is even more depressing. Why do you keep posting such depressing news? I want to be happy. Can you at least say something uplifting regarding our future President, Mitt Romney?

    depressed Negro

  3. Meanwhile, the state of New York is considering making anonymous comments on websites illegal, out of concerns about cyberbullying:

    Members of both the state Senate and Assembly are pushing legislation that aims to crack down on cyberbullying and other online nastiness by requiring a commenter's actual name and contact info be associated with a comment.

    The bill's Senate sponsor -- Tom O'Mara, a Republican from the southern tier -- has framed the bill as anti-cyberbullying measure: "Victims of anonymous cyberbullies need protection. We're hopeful that this legislation can be helpful to the overall effort to deter and prevent anonymous criminals from hiding behind modern technology and using the Internet to bully, defame and harass their victims." [NY Senate]

  4. Can you at least say something uplifting regarding our future President, Mitt Romney?

    The man is impeccably well-dressed and keeps his hair nice and tidy.

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Mack, thank you. I know I can always count on you to be understanding when it comes to depression. I feel better already.

    But I must say it is somewhat depressing that some Senator is introducing a bill against anons. We don't deserve such legislation.

    I hope you, Field, Granny and ALL devoted FN Negroes will join anons in petitioning against what this Senator is trying to do to Anons? Please help.

    This is depressing.

    depressed Negro

  6. E.T. Bass10:13 PM

    Just read about melungeons in appalachia...Reidville,NC this weekend better be doing DNA at the door.

  7. Wesley R10:15 PM

    I was told a long time ago, It doesn't matter if you did it or not. All a woman has to do is say you did and it's a wrap.

  8. Whenever I pass a splif with friends some people want more off it than others. Looks like Barack was that guy then. I bet he still would if he could too.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth10:40 PM

    Depressed Negro, Mitt is married and has children and that's as far as I am going. So, please don't push it. :)

  10. Anonymous11:18 PM

    @ depressed Negro,

    Massachusetts has healthcare, thanks to Mitt Romney. I think that is pretty "uplifting."

    de-stressed Caucasian

  11. StillaPanther211:22 PM

    Brother Field the world of equilibrium....think of all the rapes on both genders that are not reported. Then again, one wrong don't make a right on the obverse. just passing thru....hope to blend in at the big bloggers meeting. Looks like the Brother had his back against the wall. Life is truly a balancing act. Should he be glad she came forward and let him be freed...or should he now sue her for the money she have left?

  12. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Checked the link on that cross burhning it says

    "No alcohol, drugs, fighting, glass bottles or weapons."

    Thats it you know no Negroes are going there. Although it didnt say anything about guns that fire sideways.

  13. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "Massachusetts has healthcare, thanks to Mitt Romney. I think that is pretty "uplifting.""

    Yes. Romney has done a lot for ALL citizens of MA, esp when comes to healthcare. Blacks in MA are very grateful for it, esp the poor and downtrodden.

    I am convinced that Romney can beat Obama. Mitt will carry a substantial % of the Black AND Latino vote nationally.

    Thanks for the uplifting comment about Mitt Romney. I am feeling better.

    depressed Negro

  14. Anonymous12:49 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Depressed Negro, Mitt is married and has children and that's as far as I am going. So, please don't push it. :)

    10:40 PM

    Dear Granny, thank you so much for your kind words about Romney. You have made my day! I was so depressed that I was thinking about driving over to the Golden Gate Bridge and do a swan dive. But your words and de-stressed Caucasian words about Mitt have lifted my depression.

    And the best part I saved some gas and toll fees from NOT driving over there. I drive a 1989 Caddy and it is a gas guzzler!

    Anyway, it really feels good to have another day to look forward to. I only hope Field won't post something depressing. He always does. So I probably won't be able to sleep much tonight.

  15. "The fact that he was taken down by a sister does not make this story any less tragic. "

    I am wondering if it makes it _more_ tragic. Like Bernie Madoff ripping off his fellow Jewish people. Are things like this worse when they involve people from the same marginalized group?

    I don't have a definitive answer, but I do think it is something that can be discussed.

  16. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Have you noticed how 'negative' FN posts are? I have never seen anybody so negative before. Then he tries to tear down Romney when he should be after Obama...He must be from Jamaica.

    depressed Negro

  17. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Myblackfriendsays, "I don't have a definitive answer, but I do think it is something that can be discussed."

    Well, good luck getting Field to discuss the obvious. Oh no, no, no, no. That ain't gonna happen here. It's quite depressing.

  18. For my part I refuse to trust anyone under 70 who has not smoked pot. Mitt Romney certainly seems like the people I knew who never smoked dope (I don't think I know anyone at the moment). Something wrong with them.

  19. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Most Republicans have never smoked pot. That is why they think clearly. Pot smoking Dems can't think clearly or understand clear thinking Repubs.

    Anyone who has smoked pot shows a lack of self-restraint and should not be President

  20. karma is real

    the lying trick who framed bb will pay

    why is she not in jail now???

    may god bless bb


  21. Anonymous3:28 AM

    myblackfriendsays said...
    "The fact that he was taken down by a sister does not make this story any less tragic. "

    I am wondering if it makes it _more_ tragic. Like Bernie Madoff ripping off his fellow Jewish people. Are things like this worse when they involve people from the same marginalized group?

    Only if you are a racist. What would someones race have to do with anything? Especially if you are Black? Never let a brother in your house, you might get robbed real quick.

  22. fn

    for your castrated cheaters file

    this is


    when pookies rage

  23. She's still an evil thing.

  24. Anonymous6:05 AM

    "The fact that he was taken down by a sister does not make this story any less tragic. "
    "I am wondering if it makes it _more_ tragic."

    No, it's less tragic if it's one of your own. Or maybe not "less" tragic, there just one less offending layer. Example: Trayvon Martin. If George Zimmerman had been black, it would not have been such an explosive issue. In fact, the black community might have even given Zim their tacit support.

  25. I have some good news: the Sixwrs play the Celts tonight in game seven of the Eastern Conference semis.

    I sure hope this bill against Anons in New York doesn't pass. Why isn't the president of Anon. inc. paying a lobbyist in that state?

  26. truthbetold8:05 AM


    I'm saddened that our own people can sometimes be our worst enemy. This is not new with the black race. May God forgive her and may she forgive herself for stealing this young man's life.

    And yes, that's why when a woman cries the "R" word, people scoff and don't pay attention.

  27. Anonymous8:43 AM

    truthbetold said...

    I'm saddened that our own people can sometimes be our worst enemy. This is not new with the black race. May God forgive her and may she forgive herself for stealing this young man's life.

    And yes, that's why when a woman cries the "R" word, people scoff and don't pay attention.

    Read your own words, see if enlightenment is possible. Is there another "R" word that you used so much that now literally means nothing?

  28. Anonymous8:56 AM

    field negro said...
    I have some good news: the Sixwrs play the Celts tonight in game seven of the Eastern Conference semis.

    I sure hope this bill against Anons in New York doesn't pass. Why isn't the president of Anon. inc. paying a lobbyist in that state?

    It's another attemp at getting control of the internet. Like gun control and other things, NY politicians are continually starting to show they are nuts. I don't think this will go anywhere. What scares me though is how continually the government is trying to control the internet, especially with Congress right now trying to lift the ban on Propaganda to US citizens. As if we don't have enough propaganda with the completely useless MSM. But that is why they want to control the internet, so we have to accept the lies.

    The House just passed the National Defense Authorization Act, with a "propaganda amendment" striking the current ban on domestic dissemination" of propaganda.

    "Its authors (Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, and Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.) have stated they are especially concerned about the Internet's ability to undermine the government's credibility."

    Scary stuff. Imagine politicians being able to tax you and then spread class warfare and propaganda so they can keep spending, wasting money/bribing cronies without any real information getting out that they don't want you to know.

    Sounds like a leftist utopia. At least for those in power.

    Welcome to the peoples republic of the United States - Only we won't let this happen. Not without a fight.

  29. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Another interesting issue from New York. I know you are a lefty but I think even you will agree the insanity of Political correctness has gone to far and is a perfect example of what we on the right see with each politically correct reality re-alignment.

    Now in New York Barber Shops are being fined for charging different prices for men and womens hair care. Because it is politically correct to be gender nuetral (insanity) it is against the law to charge different prices. So I guess a fade or a buzz cut is just as easy to do as a weave. You know a lot of business are going to shut down because of this insanity.

    How can anyone Democrat or not, not have a clue that womens hair is more time consuming and requires more skill in most cases than a mans. Or is the liberal goal to have all women just get buzz cuts like men now? I mean surely they can't intend to have men grow long hair and require coloring and feathering, want weaves.

    I bet it is some misguided mope who thinks he will lower the cost of womens hair care, when he probably will just drive up the price for men or have shops shut down.

  30. "I sure hope this bill against Anons in New York doesn't pass. Why isn't the president of Anon. inc. paying a lobbyist in that state?"

    I'm curious Field, where is the line between bullying/harassment and free speech? Or do you not believe one exists?

  31. i love this man!!!

    kudos to tucc!!!

    happy holiday

  32. Dr.Reine, there might be a line, but we have to be careful with that slippery slope. I tend to agree with some of the Anons that this bill is not necessary.

  33. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Who is John Galt?

  34. Anonymous2:39 PM

    On May 19th, a beautiful twenty year old white female was murdered by three black men. It appears to be a thrill killing. The perps just killed her for the fun of it. She was a waitress at a seafood restaurant. Only a tip jar, with a small amount of money, was taken.

    The brutal murder took place in Indiana. We only found two blips the media. The Chicago Sun-Times ran a small article, but censored the race of the suspects. A Fox station in Dallas, Texas also reported on it, but censored the race of the victim. You have to put both articles together to find out what really happened. The Fox station characterized the heinous murder as a robbery. The tiny amount of money stolen suggests it was a thrill killing.

    Oh and She was beaten and strangled to death right in front of her apartment door. Her live-in boyfriend witnessed and watched the whole attack and only called 911. He was a coward who stayed in side while three black men executed his girlfriend in front of him. He was widely known to go around ridiculing those who carried guns for self defense as macho men who used guns as penis extensions.

    Where is Whiteys Conspiracy? How many daughters do you have?

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth3:55 PM

    Field, you know I used to get on your case behind the scenes probably harder than anyone like I would my own son if he was wrong, especially about some of these folks calling women out their name and their use of derogatory racial slurs. Yep! But, later on I recognized the point you were trying to get across and had to admit that you were right.

    I recognize that there are a couple of anonymous folks that are okay and funny at times too. At first, it was hard separating them because the handle anonymous caused a lot of confusion and we saw them as all the same, but after observing them in background for a while I began to notice the difference.

    There are two old sayings, that you never know what a monkey eat, until he dung. And the higher a monkey climb, the more he shows his ass. I know without a doubt that you know where I'm coming from with those two sayings.

    Therefore, I agree with you, they should not pass this bill. Let the world see!

  36. Where is Whiteys Conspiracy? How many daughters do you have?
    Currently 37 25.82' N, 122 05.36' W. 1.

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth4:35 PM

    BTW, Wanette Gibson should be arrested for prejury and causing the false imprisonment of Brian. And what is left of the money her parents got in that suit should be given to Banks. Five years of his life can never be replaced. I hope that they give him a chance at a career in football.

    Field, I posted this comment on last topic by mistake. Would you please delete that one for me. Thank you.

  38. al sharpton5:38 PM

    field blabbers:

    Now let's keep it real folks. If a white woman had falsely accused Brian Banks of raping her there would have been hell to pay.

    Really? Can you offer an example of a white woman making a false claim about being raped by a black attacker? There are some examples. But somehow, the reality never matches the imaginary scenarios that fill the minds of blacks.

    The fact that he was taken down by a sister does not make this story any less tragic.

    The fact that you feel compelled to ad this disclaimer proves that blacks operate according to a very different set of principles than whites.

    The sad thing about this story is that when women like Wanette Gibson lie about something as serious as rape, it makes it harder for the next victim who legitimately comes forward.

    Let's see. Crystal Mangum and the Duke Lacrosse team? She lied.

    How about Tawana Brawley? Any chance she'll recant like Wanette? Nope. Tawana's going to stick to her lie till she croaks.

  39. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Where is Whiteys Conspiracy? How many daughters do you have?
    Currently 37 25.82' N, 122 05.36' W. 1.

    Damn thats a lot of daughters. Whats the decimal for? In example you wrote "25.82" does this mean she/he is transgendered (fitting you raised a freak) and is only 25.82% female? Pending a boob job and "tonsilectomy" by Grannie?

    Real men hope never to need to, but do prepare to take care of their responsibilities. There are no excuses in life.

  40. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Where is Whiteys Conspiracy? How many daughters do you have?
    Currently 37 25.82' N, 122 05.36' W. 1.

    Damn thats a lot of daughters. Whats the decimal for? In example you wrote "25.82" does this mean she/he is transgendered and is only 25.82% female? Pending a boob job and "tonsilectomy" by Grannie?
    I mean given your feminine state and beliefs and all this is an assumption.
    are the decimals for? Are they transgendered? It is Liberal Freakafornia after all.

  41. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Therefore, I agree with you, they should not pass this bill. Let the world see!

    Preach Granny, the last thing we want is to lose world star hip hop and know what is really going on with the things the media hides from us.

  42. GrannyStandingforTruth6:43 PM

    I forgot to add that there are some anonymous folks that are sick and perverted in the mind. Nasty and vile!

  43. Granny, the more you see is the more you know.I bet a a lot of folks n America didn't know that folks like some of these trolls existed. Or, if they did, they were all living in Mississippi trailer parks.

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth7:23 PM

    @Field, yep, that's true!

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth8:11 PM

    @Field, I was over at Huffington observing the convo regarding the Melungeon DNA study.

    Funny, for centuries they've used science and the medical field to justify racism against people of color. Now, DNA is exposing the truth about the social construct of race and letting them know that they have Negro kinfolks or are part Negro themselves. Well...some of them ( the dieheart racist), not all ( the non-racist) want to dismiss and find an excuse to deny their findings.

    Yep, now, those scientific and medical findings are not true or somehow incorrect or those professionals are not qualified because it's not preaching white supremacy. LOL! Talk about entertainment and some good laughs, my side is hurting from laughing so hard at their excuses.

    Btw, I got my DNA results back from 23andme project and they hooked me up with some of my long lost kinfolks black, white, and asian. When I get over the shock of who all I share a common ancestor with I'll tell you. Field, it was a little deeper than what I already knew. Believe me, it takes a lot to shock me these days.

  46. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Brian should sue Wanette. Who knows what Mitt did in Paris? He ain't no saint, you know! No matter what he wants you to believe. As far as thee cross burners are concerned, I wish someone would burn their butts back to Europe; all of 'em!!!! Caucasians are racially demented and psychopathic. Although, they sure did love those slave quarters.

  47. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I sure hope this bill against Anons in New York doesn't pass. Why isn't the president of Anon. inc. paying a lobbyist in that state?

    7:07 AM
    Field, if you would lobby for us we would give you "free" anon comments next year. How does that sound?

  48. There is no excuse or level of apology for what has occurred in this case. I for one think that she needs to be charged with lying under oath to get the money.

    I swear it is women like this one who make it hard on other women when they are really raped.

  49. E.T. Bass9:40 PM

    "Caucasians are racially demented and psychopathic. Although, they sure did love those slave quarters."

    Don't forget the Asperger trait. Lack of empathy, physical clumsiness and difficulty communicating with others.

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth7:27 PM

    I've been doing genealogy research since the late 1980s. Therefore, the DNA test results are not a surprise to me. In fact, I've witnessed white folks in archives fainting and crying when they were enlightened about their real melanin kinfolks and heritage. Some of them darn near had a cardiac arrest.

    No one wants to replace blacks who have been delegated by the dominant white male hierachcy to the bottom of the social ladder, so that they can maintain white supremacy.

    The only people who are not surprise or who have come to accept it once they got over their shock are those who have been doing genealogy research and or blacks who already knew some of their family history through stories passed down and told by their elders.

    The study of genealogy is deeper than people think and will stun you into a stupor once you get pass the basics.

    However, sexual mixing was going on way before the 1600s. Common sense will tell you that they came up with those dehumanizing laws and banned the mixing of the races to preserve white purity and supremacy. In addition, so that they could keep on raping black women and girls without fear of legal recourse. Moreover, to maintain economic, social, and political power unbalance between them and people of color. But they were a little too late with that sex ban.

    None of the elite, politicians and founding fathers were obeying them anyway. If they impregnated a slave they separated them from their families and shipped them off to another state far away to hide their guilt. Or hid them in the house like Thomas Jefferson did. They hold him up as an example, yet he wasn't the only guilty. As guest, white men were given their choice of slave women and girls to sleep with. Yep, sorta like the way they hire call girls to entertain their guest now when they have a visitor from out of town they want to impress.
