Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not everyone has a ground to stand on in Florida. And Rodney King style justice in Texas.

It looks like yet another one of you Florida Negroes have come up empty in an attempt to seek shelter under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. Sorry, these laws aren't meant for everybody. (Not even abused Negro women. NRA where are you?) In A-merry-ca, you Negroes are the threat. These laws were meant to protect certain people from you folks.

"A Florida judge on Monday ruled that an elderly black man charged in the shooting death of his neighbor can't use the Stand Your Ground defense, the second time in a week that the controversial law at the center of the Trayvon Martin case failed to provide cover to a defendant.

Monday's ruling dealt with the manslaughter case against Trevor Dooley, who has admitted to shooting his neighbor, David James, in 2010 after a verbal dispute over a teenager's right to skateboard on a local basketball court turned physical. (James was defending the kid's right to skate, fwiw.)
An ABC News affiliate in Tampa explains that Dooley—who had a concealed weapons’ permit—maintains that he only shot James after he became aggressive and threatened him. But a circuit judge ruled Monday that the evidence suggests that it was not until Dooley "reached for and pulled out his weapon—indicating an intent to escalate from an argument to violence—that Mr. James exerted and used physical force against Defendant." You can read more on that case over at ABC Action News and" (h/t Nancy Lockhart) (Source)

I don't even know why they have "Stand Your Ground" type laws in places like Texas. They truly do not need them. White folks in Texas have the police force to put a beat down on you Negroes when you get out of line, and just like in the days of the Citizens' Council, they make sure that the po po walks after administering their form of justice.

 "Even though a security camera showed Houston, Texas, police officers stomping and kicking then-15-year-old burglar Chad Holley (pictured below), jurors unfortunately decided Wednesday afternoon that the first officer on trial for the beating, Andrew Blomberg (pictured left), is not guilty of official oppression, according to the Associated Press.

On the videotape, Holley is seen laying face down on the ground, while several officers kick and stomp him. Still, Blomberg testified that Holley was resisting arrest — and while it may have looked as though he was abusing the teen — he was actually using his foot to move Holley’s arm.

Even Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland Jr. testified that he believed that Blomberg assaulted the teen.
The Associated Press reports:
Prosecutors told jurors that Blomberg kicked the teenager several times and Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland Jr. testified that he believed Blomberg kicked and stomped on the teen.
Not surprisingly, the all-White jurors still came to the decision that Blomberg was not guilty of abusing Holley. If Blomberg was found guilty of his misdemeanor charge, he would have faced up to a year in prison. Three other police officers will stand trial for the offense. Relieved that he had gotten off, Blomberg contemplated whether he would consider going back in to law enforcement:

“This is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do in my entire life,” Blomberg said referring to being a police officer. “And I’m just glad this part is finally over.” [Source]

Yes, I am sure you are. Next time just watch for the video camera.


  1. It's open season on blah people. Just read any of the comments section of any story about a blah person and I swear you will get the comments about whites being abused by us and how they're not going to take it any more. They believe the media is covering up all the stories and one dude yesterday commented about white women being especially targeted in blah neighborhoods. This is the same shit they pulled when they formed the klan, to protect their virtuous women from the raging negroes. No matter that the vast majority of white women who are raped are raped by white men but hey it sounds good when you want to go string up some negras. I swear some folks never learn from history.

  2. New York City can't even convict cops on forcible rape with eyewitnesses and dna evidence. Juries, and they don't even have to be partly white juries, let them off whenever they can find anything to justify it. Even the cop who shot handcuffed prone Oscer Grant only did 9 months.

  3. NSangoma10:11 PM


    Kick dat NGGIERS punk-ssa,
    motherfcuking-ssa; ssa!

    Police chases not only endanger the lives of police officers, they also, endanger the lives of innocent civilians.


  4. thomas sowell10:25 PM

    field is lost in the woods as usual.

    All that springs from his keyboard is Stand Your Ground, Stand Your Ground.

    As if Zimmerman's NOT charged with 2nd degree homicide because he said the magic words "Stand Your Ground."

  5. Nirrti10:33 PM

    Field, I've never in my life been more afraid to be a black person than I am now.

    I live right on the border between a wealthy white neighborhood and a less expensive, more "diverse" part of town. I often go for a walk in the wealthier neighborhood since it's less dangerous for a woman to walk alone.

    This neighborhood also has security patrolling the area. I've got reactions from these rent-a-cops ranging from friendly (one of them practically saved my life by scaring away a would-be assailant) and suspicious (one tried to follow me on the sly by constantly creeping behind me in his patrol care.)

    I can't walk in the poorer neighborhood because as a woman, I get harassment and rapey vives from the men. Yet as a black person, I'm afraid while walking in the white neighborhood because some rent-a-cop might go all "Trayvon" on me.

    We black folks just can't win, can we?

  6. GrannyStandingforTruth11:54 PM


    They don't want to learn from history. What people don't realized is that the race war is already in progress. It's a war against Black people.

    When they finish annihilating Black people under the cloak of law, they'll move on to Hispanics, Asians, etc., until white supremacy reins and whites are the only ones left on this earth.

    Why? Because it's in their DNA! They are like a bull when he sees red, only with them it is any color other than white.

    Killing people of color is entertainment to them. Haven't you notice how those commenters seem to gloat over the death of a person of color no matter if it is an injustice.

    The commenters justify it with, they had it coming, or all of the exaggerated hyped up myths of blacks raping white women or blacks going on a rampage and killing white people. Dangerous black people.

    However, you don't hear of or see black people planning to stock up on ammunition, gun, and ricin to commit mass murder.

    Like Redeye said, "Yet, they are afraid of black people? Yeah right!

  7. JudgeDredd11:58 PM

    Do you really not have a clue as you put forward here daily? Do you look at any of the facts? Or are you just "playing stupid" to hype the racial angle? I read things like this and wonder how the hell could he ever have become a lawyer, he sees everything with "colored" glasses.
    Dooley pulled a gun to enforce his demands that the father leave the schoolground. The father said no, Dooley pulled a gun, the father put himself in between the kids and the gun. You CAN NOT even if you are BLACK and deserving of reperations and sympathy pull a gun in an argument IF he was being attacked, which he was not, then it would apply. HE pulled the gun and threatened those who would not listen to the negro. Guilty!!

    You will NOT get to apply affirmative action rules to self defense. The laws are extremely strict. Are you a lawyer or not?

  8. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I know how this sounds but if they want a race war let's give it to them. I'm sick and tired of them abusing us and getting away with it. Or abusing us and then crying about reverse racism. A black man can't score the winning goal in a hockey game without being called a Nigger. FUCK THEM. They're gonna keep fucking around and make us mad let's release all the pent up rage it we've held in trying to deal with their ignorant wet dog smelling asses. Yeah let's elect Ron Paul get rid of the laws and let the motherfucking games begin. We'll see how fast they say "Oh y'all are so sensitive we were just playing". We all know their punks at heart that's why they only say shit on the internet. Bitches

  9. Anonymous12:40 AM

    PilotX, I assume when you say, "blah people" you mean "black people"? When did the name of black people change?

  10. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "Sorry, these laws aren't meant for everybody. (Not even abused Negro women. NRA where are you?) In A-merry-ca, you Negroes are the threat. These laws were meant to protect certain people from you folks."

    Field, you are exactly right. The Trayvon Martin case in Florida will be interesting. Maybe they are suddenly finding these Negroes guilty regardless of "Stand your ground" laws because they are going to find Zimmerman guilty? If not, then it's a slap in our faces.

    And guess what? Obama won't do a damn thing about it. He has NEVER done anything about a miscarriage of justice against Blacks. BTW, I believe Romney has stood up for justice for Blacks in Massachusetts.

  11. Anonymous2:02 AM

    This happened two years ago and is only being decided now that charges will be filed but people complained that the Travyon Martin case took 5 weeks for them to decide to press charges? Also this guy is being charged with manslaughter, which is relatively minor. Zimmerman is being charged with 2nd degree murder, far more serious.

  12. "Also this guy is being charged with manslaughter, which is relatively minor.."

    "relative" to what?

    "And guess what? Obama won't do a damn thing about it. He has NEVER done anything about a miscarriage of justice against Blacks. BTW, I believe Romney has stood up for justice for Blacks in Massachusetts."

    Links please.

    Take all the time you need. I will wait......

  13. That's because the life of a black woman in AmeriKlan is worth naught.

  14. thomas sowell8:25 AM

    News from the End of the World Department at the NY Times:

    Whites Now Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.


    The Census Bureau has made it official: Non-Hispanic white births are no longer a majority in the United States, a tipping point that has implications for politics, the economy and a nation’s identity.

  15. "end of the world"? I don't think so. Trust me, you will be fine. Brown people won't try to enslave you.

  16. Oh boy, poor white folks-they really suffer quite horribly from several mental afflictions & it might be because they don't do anything exceptionally well--think about it, each minority group is known for having special attributes--except whites, who are only conquerors, destroyers, spreaders of disease and sin--don't get me wrong, some whites fight damn hard to break the stronghold of the mental disease known as supremacy, but as those of you who've lived amongst them, gone to school with and worked with them know, they simply aren't that bright with the exception of their ability to molest the King's English so that they sound like they know what they're talking about. I guess that hate serves them well on earth, but it will end on earth and may God have mercy on their souls. Take the higher road, mind your manners, and forgive them for what they cannot control.

  17. ditto fn!!!


    bright side:

    that kkkiller george zimmerman should now do at least 40 yrs

  18. @Granny. I agree the lack of historical perspective but a viewing of the movie "Birth of a Nation" would show the truth.

  19. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Granny, "They don't want to learn from history. What people don't realized is that the race war is already in progress. It's a war against Black people."

    You are wrong. They learned from American history that white is right, and they have the right to suppress and annihilate Blacks or any other POC they wish. It's BLACKS who haven't learned from history because we allow it to happen as though we are powerless and then whine.

    It IS in their DNA to kill off Blacks. That was very apparent during the days of slavery, Jim Crow and today. Nothing has changed because...well, because it IS in their DNA. Unfortunately, Blacks have no MLK with strength, courage, integrity and faith who is willing to die rather than live under such racism.

    Pray for a spiritual leader....a worldly leader only cares about material wealth.

  20. He's A Loser4:05 PM, what does this tell us, class?

    Not even ONE Democrat would vote for it?

  21. Shabazz4:11 PM

    thomas sowell said...
    News from the End of the World Department at the NY Times:

    Whites Now Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.


    The Census Bureau has made it official: Non-Hispanic white births are no longer a majority in the United States, a tipping point that has implications for politics, the economy and a nation’s identity.


  22. "The Census Bureau has made it official: Non-Hispanic white births are no longer a majority in the United States, a tipping point that has implications for politics, the economy and a nation’s identity."
    I remember in '85 when the demographers were predicting that we'd hit this point in about 40 years and become minority white in 60. Turns out we're something like 15 years ahead of the curve and statistically I'll now live to see it.

    Ultimately, in a democracy, the womb is mightier than the sword.

  23. Anonymous4:50 PM

    field negro said...
    "end of the world"? I don't think so. Trust me, you will be fine. Brown people won't try to enslave you.

    Why do you say "brown"? Every race, indians, hispanics etc see what blacks do. They don't support it. You don't think hispanice are going to supplant whites as the givers and caretakers of blacks as exists today do you? Remember Hispanics are white, just ask Zimmerman and all those who immediately classify themselves as white as soon as they can.

    No enslavement, not because you are good, rather because blacks could never pull it off and all other races are already enslaved in supporting the fallacy of black america.

  24. more proof that cia baby hobama is an undocumented illegal prez and a blatant liar


  25. "He's a loser ", it tells s that we will see come November.

    No wingnut, you won't be enslaved because most human beings are decent enough to know that it would be wrong. Most .

  26. thomas sowell6:28 PM

    field misses the point, as usual:

    "end of the world"? I don't think so. Trust me, you will be fine. Brown people won't try to enslave you.

    Enslavement takes several forms. One of the worst forms is what's found in a number of Latin American nations and an even worse form is found in Africa, in the black nations.

    What is it? The inability to manage an economy. South America is bad. Murder and mayhem are out of control in Colombia. Venezuela is poised for collapse as Hugo Chavez gets closer to death.

    Bolivia is going backwards. Brazil, at least, is sort of okay.

    But the African effect will create the nightmare that drags down the US economy as the growing number of incompetent voters elect more incompetent black candidates who believe the way to play is to either jack taxes to the moon or simply seize assets.

    Black leadership can lead to the new Haiti, but given our developed resource base, it's more likely the US would become the new Nigeria.

    With Eric Holder running guns to whomever seems to need them, the various tribal factions around the country would soon start recruiting children.

    We'd have our own Lord's Resistance Army shooting up the place before long.

    To know what's coming, all you have to do is look at the other nations run by blacks. Past is prologue.

  27. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "The Census Bureau has made it official: Non-Hispanic white births are no longer a majority in the United States, a tipping point that has implications for politics, the economy and a nation’s identity."
    I remember in '85 when the demographers were predicting that we'd hit this point in about 40 years and become minority white in 60. Turns out we're something like 15 years ahead of the curve and statistically I'll now live to see it.

    Ultimately, in a democracy, the womb is mightier than the sword.

    Yes, too bad you aren't in a democracy. You are in a Republic.

    Now, real quick question for you. Putting aside your personal interests of preying on the incompetence and misfortune of others, directly in line with your implied statement, can you name one US city, one..or any city in the world that has improved once it has gone from majority white to minority? Improved in terms of city offerings, capabilities, services, crime reduction. Just one, as Field says...take your time I will wait.....

    When you can't find a city, will this make you think of the future if we stay on the same track we are on? How do you see it unfolding? Atlanta, Birmingham, Detroit, Camden, Philly, these are all once white now majority if not approaching majority black. How is that working out? What are the missing elements? When whites are fewer in number where will the money and support from around the country come from to bail out the corrupt inept black regimes (like Detroit)?

    California is a test tube of a state with your views. How is that working out? Anyone with skills and brains is leaving, leaving behind leeches, minorities and illegal aliens and mounting debt, now at 16 billion.

    Go ahead think on it.

  28. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I told you this Trayvon thing was gonna motherfukc you idiots playing the race card..never believe anyone black. Next up sue, NBC, Sharpton, Holder, Crump and indict them for lying. Oh and Corey.

    (ABC News) — Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old who was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, had the drug THC in his system the night of this death, according to new information obtained by ABC News.

    The revelation came as prosecutors in the case prepared to release to the public hundreds of pages of new evidence along with videos and crime scene photos.

    Martin’s death sparked public outrage after police released Martin’s shooter, George Zimmerman, without any criminal charges for the killing.

    Zimmerman, 28, is a multi-racial Hispanic man who shot the black high school junior at close range on Feb. 26, and claimed self-defense, though Martin was unarmed. Zimmerman was later charged with second-degree murder, and the killing provoked widespread debate about racial profiling.

    The autopsy report shows traces of the drug THC, which is found in marijuana, in Martin’s blood and urine.

    Oh my, little innocent Trayvon not only hurt his poor hands attacking Zimmerman, Zimmerman did have wounds and Trey-Von was HIGH on weed. What a good kid......!!!!

  29. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Zimmerman to police emergency operator: He looks like he is on drugs or something.

    Facts: HE did and he was on drugs.

    No limit Nigga was a thug. If Obama had a son, he would look just like him.

  30. "Zimmerman to police emergency operator: He looks like he is on drugs or something.

    Facts: HE did and he was on drugs."

    Yes, because we all know how violent and aggressive marijuana can make you.

    I wonder if stupidity is contagious. I sure hope not.

  31. Everyone should read a book titled: The Isis Papers by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.

  32. Anonymous7:52 PM

    OK let's go back in time and you tell me what and where things went awry. When I look at the 1st civilization in ancient Egypt the faces on the top of those columns and the front of those sarcophages were definitely black and African. They definitely ruled the whole civilized world. In order to build those pyramids there had to be some rudimentary knowledge of advanced math. I think someone there had to know something about PI. These folks also had to know something about economics. Your farm have a bad year or drought. Your bakery burn down, lost your job come to work at the pyramids till you get back on your feet. Hollywood would have you believe these huge stones were moved by hands and ropes. If they could do advanced math it is no stretch to believe blocks and tackle w/oxen would be much more effective. To my way of thinking it would go a long way for black people to try and regain former greatness than always looking at the glass as half empty. Of course I have to admit white folks do tend to drink all of the water making it seem more than half empty.

  33. Field Said:

    "I wonder if stupidity is contagious. I sure hope not."

    Have you SEEN the Tbaggers?

  34. Anonymous8:25 PM

    field negro said...
    "Zimmerman to police emergency operator: He looks like he is on drugs or something.

    Facts: HE did and he was on drugs."

    Yes, because we all know how violent and aggressive marijuana can make you.

    I wonder if stupidity is contagious. I sure hope not.

    It must be, how else do you explain someone who is supposed to be a lawyer denying all evidence and acting like some dumb racist with an agenda?

    Sad to see how low you will stoop pretending to be "dumb" . Are you ever ashamed at the things you try and promote and being on the wrong side of facts so often?

    " However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, however, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behaviour gradually improves.

    Studies show that violence can occur more often among people who use marijuana regularly, rather than those who use it occasionally or not at all. It is unclear why this is the case, but it may be because people with violent tendencies can also have a range of other psychosocial problems and are therefore more likely to use marijuana. marijuana is also part of the illegal drug market, which may increase the chances of violence occurring in some social interactions."

    Oh yeah, more documents released. Two eyewitnesses, Two Police reports confirm Zimmermans statements. OH and Tracy Martin said that WAS NOT HIS SON on the tape.

    (ABC News) — Two police reports written the night that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin said that Zimmerman had a bloody face and nose, according to police reports made public today.

    The reports also note that two witness accounts appear to back up Zimmerman’s version of what happened when they describe a man on his back with another person wearing a hoodie straddling him and throwing punches.

    In addition, Trayvon Martin’s father told an investigator after listening to 911 tapes that captured a man’s voice frantically callling for help that it was not his son calling for help.

    The new information is part of a trove of documents released by the Florida State Attorney today in the case against Zimmerman, who is charged with second degree murder for the Feb. 26 killing of Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old African American male.

    Zimmerman, 28, is a multi-racial Hispanic man ....when they arrived at the scene of the shooting, Zimmerman seemed to have a broken nose and bloodied face. One wrote that his “facial area was bloodied,” and the back of his clothing was soiled with wet grass.

    “Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and the back of his head,” Officer Ricardo Ayala wrote.

    Another officer wrote, “I saw that Zimmerman’s face was bloodied and it appeared to me that his nose was broken.”

    Witnesses, whose names were redacted from the report, also lent support to Zimmerman’s version of what happened.

    “He witnesses a black male, wearing a dark colored ‘hoodie’ on top of a white or Hispanic male and throwing punches ‘MMA (mixed martial arts) style,” the police report of the witness said. “He then heard a pop. He stated that after hearing the pop, he observed the person he had previously observed on top of the other person (the male wearing the hoodie) laid out on the grass.”

    A second witness described a person on the ground with another straddling him and throwing punches. The man on the bottom was yelling for help, the witness told police.

    The documents state that Zimmerman can be heard yelling for help 14 times on a 911 call recorded during the fight.

    The lead investigator on the case, Officer Christopher Serino, wrote that Zimmerman could be heard “yelling for help as he was being battered by Trayvon Martin.”

  35. A little off-topic: I was watching a youtube video on the Holley case and the first comment that popped up was just hateful vitriol with the N-word all over the place. Usually I try not to read youtube comments, but this one got me so upset that I checked out the author's channel .. and every one of his comments the same ... N-word aplenty and statements about chimps, the jungle, etc. I decided to report this to youtube using the Safety and Abuse tool (posted links to the worst entries).

    A day later I got a mail from youtube saying "We’re unable to identify a violation of our Community Guidelines within your recent report to our Safety and Abuse Tool."

    I'm baffled - is youtube really that ignorant about hate speech?

    BTW this is the guy's channel:
