Tuesday, May 01, 2012

A secret trip to Afghanistan and a not so secret trip to Negromerica.

O made a secret -and surprise- trip to Afghanistan and gave a "win one for the Gipper" speech to the troops.  (That sound you hear is wingnut heads exploding. I think he is "spiking the football" in the end zone. )"I could not be prouder of you...there is a light on the horizon because of the sacrifice you have made". Good for you, O. The troops needed a pep talk from their CIC.

Unfortunately, it looks like we will be in Afghanistan for at least two more years. That is not what I wanted to hear. One more day in Afghanistan is one day too much as far as I am concerned, so I will have to jump off the O train when it comes to his Afghan policy.

But enough of all this foreign policy talk. Let's talk about a little national politics.

Did you know that President Obama won the election because he is black?

 "He was a historic figure. He’s our first African-American president. The country voted for him because of that. It made us feel good about [our]self. I’ve said it before, it helped that John McCain was about 142 years old. It helped that the economy was tanking. A lot of these things helped. But he never would have gotten there without his historic nature. " [Source]

Yes, because God forbid a black man actually got something on merit.

I love these comments:

" Never happened to the good old days when being black wasn't so cool? I bet they miss slavery, Jim Crowe, the 50's...Good times...Good times...
· 95% of blacks voted AGAINST Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Alan Keyes, Shirley Chisolm, Lenora Fulani, in favor of Carter, Mondale, Kerry, and Gore. Those are the facts....
· So Obama won because he was black ? Is it safe to assume that the 43 white president won because they weren't ?
· I'd rather be elected because I was black; than be elected because I lied about being a dead-beat dad.
· Boehner was only elected speaker of the house because he's orange.
· thought Clinton was the first black President. Obama is the first white black President.
· We elected 1 black guy because he's black ? Why did we elect 43 white men in a row ?
Yes, because every other Black person who's run for President has been extremely successful!
We all fondly look back on the Presidencies of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Alan Keyes, Carol Moseley Braun, Cynthia McKinney, and Herman Cain, right?
I mean that's all you need to be is Black, right?
Black folks vote for Black folks right? Who cares if John Kerry got 90% of the Black vote in 2004? That must mean he's a secret Black!"

Oh yes, there is that "dead beat" thing. Isn't this the guy who owes his wife over $117,000.00 for child support? Owed field. He settled with her.

Well that explains it. No wonder he is chirping off about O's race. There is nothing like clearing up those child support issues to help you get your voice back.

Anywhoo, I took a trip to Negromerica today, and I have some thoughts:

First, you Negroes need to stop sending your children off to school with soda pop and potato chips. That is not a "breakfast of champions". No wonder your kids can't learn in school.

Second, it's called a child safety seat for a reason. If you have a damn toddler in your car they should be strapped into a child safety seat. Their little bodies need all the protection they can get in case of a sudden impact. This device really doesn't cost that much. I see some of you with handbags that are worth twice as much. Invest a little of that money into your child's safety.

Third, why are there so many satellite dishes? It seems like every other house in Negromerica has a satellite dish. That cannot be a good thing.  

Finally, if I ever get elected to city council, the first bill I will introduce will be one limiting the amount of churches and liquor stores within certain areas.
Why? Because driving through Negromerica you would think that all Negroes do is drink and pray. 




  1. Field, have you forgotten those glorious days of Shirley Chisholm, the first woman president.

  2. Awwww Field, those last few comments were cold!!

  3. Jaysuss, Jaysaf & Mayree,

    Can you imagine the peacock-puffed strutting if the texas banty-chickenhawk had been in charge of taking out the "evil one?" He'd have had to top his commodore-codpiece flight suit extravaganza. How would he do that, have a sailor with a deck-cart carting a pair of 800lb testicles in front of him as he marched to the podium?

    Yeah, you r rite as rain Field, I'm all the way out on the Left Coast and I could hear the wingnuttjobs heads popping like piss-hot beer. I kinda hope they keep talking about O-B's modest reminders that because of our votes for him, UBL sleeps with the fishes. I suspect it works for him too.

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "Yes, because God forbid a black man actually got something on merit."

    Merit? What merit?? His only venture as an executive was chairing the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a program to boost black student test scores at Chicago schools. The program spent over 100$ million dollars, yet showed no measurable improvement. In other words, in his only pre-presidency leadership role, he was a complete failure as an executive. He spent boatloads of money and produced zero results (just like his presidency).

    As a US Senator, he also voted "Present" 90% of the time.

    His congressional district is home to some of the highest violent crime and poverty in the nation.

    And he still hasn't released his college transcripts.



  5. f-stop10:23 PM

    "The troops needed a pep talk from their CIC"

    Yes they did. Too bad all they got to hear was a campaign speech for the folks back home.

    1,275 soldiers have lost their lives in Afghnistan since he took office, and all they are to him are props.

    What a fucking tool.

  6. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "Finally, if I ever get elected to city council, the first bill I will introduce will be one limiting the amount of churches and liquor stores within certain areas.

    Why? Because driving through Negromerica you would think that all Negroes do is drink and pray. "

    Word, Field!

  7. Dr. Freeze10:27 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 20?? said...
    Awwww Field, those last few comments were cold!!

    How's med school going Queen?

    Oh, that's right, you are not in med school. You will never be in med school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  8. More "color arousal" field negro won't post about.

    A beating at Church and Brambleton

    FOX6 News:

    The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department has released the name of the student who allegedly created a “hit list” (with her own name included) targeting African-American students. Officials say 21-year-old UW-Parkside junior Khalilah Ford, of Louisville, Kentucky, confessed to creating the hit list found on campus last week. The hit list was found after two nooses were found, made from rubber bands. The incidents created fear on campus, and led to a meeting of the student body, before it became clear the situation was a “hoax.”
    The Denver Post

    Police say no hate crime occurred in Ellen Bunyan Bein Park in Berthoud, after a black Berthoud High School foreign exchange student from Germany said she was attacked by four white men.

  9. The only reason Obama got elected President was because he was "black".

    No white man of such meager qualifications would ever be elEcted President. Never had a job in the private sector. Zero accomplishments as a legislator. Won every election he ever had by getting his opponents disqualified or having their sealed divorce records illegally leaked. He was Senator for all of 6 months before he started running for President.

    Affirmative action admissions aLl the way up to Harvard. Zero publications, shitty grades. His whole life history scrubbed from the record books and replaced with a false autobiography written by Bill Ayers.

    No wonder he has been such a colossal failure.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "And he still hasn't released his college transcripts."

    Why don't YOU release YOURS?

    Then get a username with a valid profile.

    Then GET A LIFE!!!

  12. Anonymous10:43 PM

    "Second, it's called a child safety seat for a reason. If you have a damn toddler in your car they should be strapped into a child safety seat."

    Black people don't seem to care all that much about their kid's safety.

  13. "Black people don't seem to care all that much about their kid's"

    BIG yawn!!!

  14. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Jaysuss, Jaysaf & Mayree,

    Can you imagine the peacock-puffed strutting if the texas banty-chickenhawk had been in charge of taking out the "evil one?" He'd have had to top his commodore-codpiece flight suit extravaganza. How would he do that, have a sailor with a deck-cart carting a pair of 800lb testicles in front of him as he marched to the podium?

    Yeah, you r rite as rain Field, I'm all the way out on the Left Coast and I could hear the wingnuttjobs heads popping like piss-hot beer. I kinda hope they keep talking about O-B's modest reminders that because of our votes for him, UBL sleeps with the fishes. I suspect it works for

    Do you actually believe Obama isn't campaigning on Bin Laden? Now? A year later? Do you really? Or did you have to repeat this to yourself over and over so you wouldn't feel like a complete and utter loon who supports con men because he is a pandering idiot?

    This is the President who has literally gutted the military for the last three years. He is reviled for being a talking/walking head by commanders, Generals, seargents, soldiers and of course corpse-men. How many years have we been in Afghanistan? Why are over 60% of casualties under Obamas crazy policies of don't fire or if they fire but throw the gun down you can't fire back?

    More liberal incompetence. No head popping. Sad acceptance, he outed himself even more to the country. We see it. We know who he is.

  15. President Einstein10:47 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "And he still hasn't released his college transcripts."

    Why don't YOU release YOURS?

    Right after I become a major party's nominee for President, just like every other major party nominee, except for Barack Obama.

    The myth that he is some kind of genius is a lie. He is an affirmative-action fraud. Just like you, only better at it.

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "Why don't YOU release YOURS?"

    If I ever run for public office, I will.

    Until then, I can't imagine why any human being would be interested in my college transcript.

  17. Dr. Excitement10:49 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Black people don't seem to care all that much about their kid's"

    BIG yawn!!!

    I'll bet you got dropped on your head a lot.

    I'll also bet you drool after you yawn.

    You will never be a doctor.

  18. I'm with you on the likker stores Field. Zone those things 10 blocks apart like titty bars, and you'll have all those good folks in all those churches right behind you. They aren't the problem. In fact, they re a major part of any solution.

  19. "The myth that he is some kind of genius is a lie. He is an affirmative-action fraud. Just like you, only better at it."

    And you're just another jealous, undereducated hick who couldn't get accepted to or attend a top college, and blames that for why you're under employed and barely middle class.

    The fact is that your attitude toward your job, your pathetic life and your CONSTANT whinning about affirmative action instead of busting your ass on the job like us successful Black folks, is at the heart of why your epitaph will simply read "dead".

  20. "A secret trip to Afghanistan"

    Ummm field...... The "secret trip" has been top headline on Drudge all day.

    Secret? Not so much.

  21. Meshach10:56 PM

    "More liberal incompetence. No head popping. Sad acceptance, he outed himself even more to the country. We see it. We know who he is."

    That's right. The country is disgusted by this pathetic, preening narcissist.

    Heroes don't brag.

    This is going to be a historic landslide defeat for an incumbent President. Good riddance.

  22. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "Can you imagine the peacock-puffed strutting if the texas banty-chickenhawk had been in charge of taking out the "evil one?""

    Can you imagine if Obama had really meant all those empty promises about "cutting the deficit in half" and "shutting down Guantanamo" and "not allowing lobbyists" in his administration, and "putting people to work", etc etc etc...

    Me neither.

  23. "Until then, I can't imagine why any human being would be interested in my college transcript"

    Considering you didn't attend college, no one here is a bit surprised.

  24. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "successful Black folks"

    More than half of all black males do not finish high school.

    I guess you could say they are very successful at Not Graduating.

  25. Miles Aboveyou11:03 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    And you're just another jealous, undereducated hick who couldn't get accepted to or attend a top college, and blames that for why you're under employed and barely middle class.

    No one, and I mean no one, is jealous of you.

  26. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "Considering you didn't attend college, no one here is a bit surprised."

    Not only did I attend, I graduated.

    And since you do not know me, I can't imagine why you would say something so stupid.

  27. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "I can't imagine why you would say something so stupid."

    I can.

    Queen exhibits an epic stupidity renowned across the internet.

  28. "More than half of all black males do not finish high school."

    Bullshit, and save your links to bullshit websites!!

    The majority of poor folks BOTH BLACK AND WHITE drop out of high school, so STOP trying to make this a Blabk thang when it's a poverty thang!!!

    Educated Black men have sons who are educated too!!! But you don't want to talk about that because it disproves your racist point!!!

    And yes, living in metro DC, I know, see, and work with PLENTY of EDUCATED Black men!!!

  29. "And since you do not know me, I can't imagine why you would say something so stupid."

    ALL you Assnons are the same in my book, so get a fcuking username if you want to distinguish yourself from the other Assnons.

    Now as I said before, go to college then someone may be interested in your transcrips!!

  30. Spell Check Negro11:13 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    The majority of poor folks BOTH BLACK AND WHITE drop out of high school, so STOP trying to make this a Blabk thang when it's a poverty thang!!!

    Blabk thang? You mean black thang?

  31. Spell Check Negro11:15 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    ALL you Assnons are the same in my book, so get a fcuking username if you want to distinguish yourself from the other Assnons.

    fcuking? You mean fucking?

  32. Anonymous11:16 PM

    @11:13' is that you Dr. Queen?

  33. Anonymous11:18 PM

    "Bullshit, and save your links to bullshit websites!!"

    I don't need to post links, black failure in education is well-documented.

    "STOP trying to make this a Blabk thang when it's a poverty thang!!!"

    LOLOL Poverty does not happen by accident. Poverty is a result of poor choices and irresponsible behavior. In order to stay out of poverty, all you need to do is finish high school, do not commit crime, and get married before having children. Apparently this is too much to ask of black people.

  34. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I'm with you on the likker stores Field. Zone those things 10 blocks apart like titty bars, and you'll have all those good folks in all those churches right behind you. They aren't the problem. In fact, they re a major part of any solution.

    Whitey - whats your theory behind there being so many asian owned liquor stores in black neighborhoods? Why are there so many and why are they in Black neighborhoods and why don't blacks own them?

  35. Anonymous11:24 PM

    "Now as I said before, go to college then someone may be interested in your transcrips!!"

    LOL You don't know how to spell "transcripts".

    Do they teach spelling at black colleges??

  36. @11:18, and since there are FAR more of YOU than there is of us, clearly your people need to take your "sage advice" more than ANYONE in America!

    Now how many assnonymous idents are you going to assume tonight?

  37. Latreen Is Dartay11:29 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "More than half of all black males do not finish high school."

    Bullshit, and save your links to bullshit websites!!

    The majority of poor folks BOTH BLACK AND WHITE drop out of high school, so STOP trying to make this a Blabk thang when it's a poverty thang!!!

    Educated Black men have sons who are educated too!!! But you don't want to talk about that because it disproves your racist point!!!

    And yes, living in metro DC, I know, see, and work with PLENTY of EDUCATED Black men!!!

    Aww you poor "thing" Studies have shown that even rich, wealthy Blacks have IQ's at least 15 points below poor starving non blacks. It isn't about money or "thangs" it's about genetics. DC is a created middle class society where even quasi illiterate blacks like yourself can make a little money with lowered standards and government (non blacks) subsidies.

    If you don't think over 50% of Blacks do not graduate HS and that despite trillions of dollars being thrown at the education achievement gap blacks have gone backwards instead of forwards. You just proved the point about IQ.

  38. "Do they teach spelling at black colleges??"

    Don't hate, you couldn't get a job moping the floors of one of my alma maters which just happens to have been attended by a former US president.

    Jealous much?

    And much to your chagrin, this university doesn't offer degrees in spell checking blogs, otherwise you may have had a chance, lol!!

  39. "Aww you poor "thing" Studies have shown that even rich, wealthy Blacks have IQ's at least 15 points below poor starving non blacks. "

    So from high school drop outs to IQ levels? Poor thing, you never learned how to make a logical and cohesive point in an argument.. Freshman English 101 anyone?

    Maybe you should have tried to transfer into your top ranked college, then maybe you wouldn't have such a chip on your overalls from that second rate, no name education you "earned".

  40. Ice Latte11:39 PM

    "Poverty does not happen by accident. Poverty is a result of poor choices and irresponsible behavior. In order to stay out of poverty, all you need to do is finish high school, do not commit crime, and get married before having children. Apparently this is too much to ask of black people."


    That's the gist of it.

  41. "Now how many assnonymous idents are you going to assume tonight"

    I guess 100 is the answer to my question!!!

  42. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Aww you poor "thing" Studies have shown that even rich, wealthy Blacks have IQ's at least 15 points below poor starving non blacks. "

    Poor whites do better than rich blacks on the SAT.

  43. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Yes, because God forbid a black man actually got something on merit.
    I've yet to meet a black that got anything on merit.

    All the ones I know are gibmedats.
    And confuse "credentials" and an actual "eduation". Theys all abouts collecting "credentials", like that's supposed to mean something, and one is supposed to be impressed and deferential.

    Uh, no.

  44. Anonymous12:19 AM

    pResident pampers jets off to Afghanistan to remind people the allegedly OBL was killed one year ago. Sure he was.

    Another Obama messaging fail.

    What makes me laugh is the Otards think that this is a "national security cred" they can tout in campaign ads. Hilarious!

    When even the Seals are calling you out .... not so much.

  45. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Aww you poor "thing" Studies have shown that even rich, wealthy Blacks have IQ's at least 15 points below poor starving non blacks. "

    So from high school drop outs to IQ levels? Poor thing, you never learned how to make a logical and cohesive point in an argument.. Freshman English 101 anyone?

    Maybe you should have tried to transfer into your top ranked college, then maybe you wouldn't have such a chip on your overalls from that second rate, no name education you "earned".

    Sure and YOU don't see any relation with IQ and the ability to finish high school. Or having the intelligence to see the life of all those you know who did not finish High School and what kind of life that will give you if you make the same choices.

    Do you think those huge numbers of over half the population drop out of High School because they are Wizards and Magicians in English and so far advanced they become bored? That's the only sense your ebonical point could possibly make in the vein of logic.

    You proved it again, it is about IQ. You can't even make a connection with the most basic of dots. Thinking isn't something you are good at, clearly. Even at in it's most base form.

  46. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Now how many assnonymous idents are you going to assume tonight"

    I guess 100 is the answer to my question!!!

    What a veritable genius. How many different Dr Reines are you going to use tonight?

    Jeez and you are supposed to be edumacated?

  47. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Do they teach spelling at black colleges??"

    Don't hate, you couldn't get a job moping the floors of one of my alma maters which just happens to have been attended by a former US president.

    You can't make this stuff up. You are so cool you attended the same College as a former US president and yet think you should walk around sadly on the floors..that's what "moping" is dumbass. Which president? Jimmy Malaise Carter? That would fit.

  48. Anonymous2:12 AM

    And yes, living in metro DC, I know, see, and work with PLENTY of EDUCATED Black men!!!

    They might be educated to you knowing how to stop the impulse from using mothafucka every other word..it's a start. They are really good at crime, just like Negatroes everywhere.

    Lucky for you no one would want to rape you.


    In Washington, African-Americans are 3.6 percent of the population, but are responsible for 19 percent of homicide, 12 percent of rape, 31 percent of robbery, 19 percent of aggravated assault, and 16 percent of burglary.

  49. I also read today that all our servicemen detest the President, which must be why when he visits bases overseas the enlisted personnel are crowding around him to shake his hand, get his autograph, & have their picture taken with him.

  50. One seal in a wingnut London newspaper. You don't travel much , do you?

    BTW, those troops scrambling to see O certainly looked like they loved their CIC. It's just the haters and wingnuts stateside who seemed to be having fits.

    See why Bob said.

    Man this Anon troll won't let it go with the good Doctor. I am starting to believe her when she says that the big J has a lot to do with it.:)

    She is in med school you are not. Get over it already!

  51. Frank Davis, would you be willing to bet your George Bush autographed calendar that O will lose by a landslide? Or is this all just wishful thinking?

  52. "Man this Anon troll won't let it go with the good Doctor. I am starting to believe her when she says that the big J has a lot to do with it.:) She is in med school you are not. Get over it already!"

    Field, when my kid finishes high school, I'll go to med school, so first things first. We call that responsible parenting where I'm from, something I'm certain you've seen other good Black parents exercise.

    Besides the fact I hear that public high schools in Boston, where one of the NUMEROUS schools recruiting me is located, aren't that good!!!

    So in the VERY well paid meantime, it's research in big Pharma for my day gig, with some bioinformatics thrown in on the side, all while basking in everything that God has blessed me with!!!

    And shout out to Field and all my fellow FN's who have vicariously joined me in beating down health disparities by supporting MY dream!!! Muah!!!

    Class of 2017 baby!!!

  53. Anonymous7:10 AM

    And thanks goodness Assnon's homeboys/cousin/ fathers were caught before they blew up that bridge in Ohio.

    D@mn, don't you peckerwoods have something better to do with your time?

    Dr. Queen's alter ego.

  54. Omg fn

    Maybe there is hope for you…yes?


    Afghan is hobama’s war!

    And the msm are blatantly ignoring horrid losses and escalations!


  55. Kudos to all fn!!!!


    few homes have books
    most homes have cable
    that is why most Americans are illiterate yet entertained to death

    pookies rule the world
    they are generically horrid parents and they rarely cook ANY real meal
    especially breakfast!
    They buy more car tvs than car seats…shame!!!!!!!



  56. Kudos to all fn!!!!


    few homes have books
    most homes have cable
    that is why most Americans are illiterate yet entertained to death

    pookies rule the world
    they are generically horrid parents and they rarely cook ANY real meal
    especially breakfast!
    They buy more car tvs than car seats…shame!!!!!!!



  57. it is true that a wm career clone of hobama would NEVER have been elected!

    That racist bankster/global warlord/3rd generation cia agent hobama
    has always had a razor thin resume

    Counting his failures as prez, hobama’s resume is arguably even thinner now

    Historically, it may be the thinnest ever…watch and see.

    Ask Geraldine ferrarro









  58. ask bubba/bill c about hobama's razor thin resume too

    I’ve finally gotten my hands on a copy of Game Change, in which John Heliemann and Mark Halperin report:

    [A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.

  59. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Man this Anon troll won't let it go with the good Doctor. I am starting to believe her when she says that the big J has a lot to do with it.:) She is in med school you are not. Get over it already!"

    "Field, when my kid finishes high school, I'll go to med school, so first things first. We call that responsible parenting where I'm from, something I'm certain you've seen other good Black parents exercise".

    Looky here Field she aint good and she aint a Doctor and she lied about going to med school. She aint in medical school and now is using her kid and "public schools in Boston as an excuse" how nice.
    What a load of shit. If'n you want you can find a great school in Boston. In fact Boston has some of the best public schools in the country.


    You say you rich, so pay for a private school for your kid. The kid is worth more than you getting your bling on and drivin your mercedes as you always brag about (as if it's something to brag about) Achievers get things done. People like you spend a lifetime explaining plans and making excuses while having someone else fund the scam. Then what a joke say how they aint doing something makes them something good, like a good parent.

    Do your kid know his baby daddy?

    You will never be a Doctor. They still gonna test you no matter how much you demand they give you credit.

  60. we have had our fill of that FAILED demonic blackish global warlord bankster hobama!!!

    novelty trumps novice 2008


    wealthy trumps warlock 2012


    go mitt!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!


  61. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Anonymous said...
    And thanks goodness Assnon's homeboys/cousin/ fathers were caught before they blew up that bridge in Ohio.

    D@mn, don't you peckerwoods have something better to do with your time?

    Dr. Queen's alter ego.

    Yeah, Democrats are having a hard time now that people know who they are. These were the "occupy" folks. Obama said if he had a son he would have looked just liked that occupy anarchist or was that Nancy Pelosi?

  62. @ I do believe there's an incurable case of hateration with the "I'm a po' peckerwood therefore I hate Blacks who are more successful than me" thing in these here parts, lol!

  63. Can someone PLEASE explain to the resident jealous stalking assnon what the phrase "class of 2017" means?

    Then again, any college grad knows that already. High school grads do too!

  64. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Oh....I am not surprised. Obama admits Dreams from my father is partly fiction AFTER the girl in the book denies his writings and account......

    The Liar/Campaigner In Chief.


    “During an interview in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that, while Genevieve was his New York girlfriend, the description in his memoir was a “compression” of girlfriends, including one who followed Genevieve [Cook] when he lived in Chicago,” Maraniss writes in his new biography, an excerpt of which was published online today by Vanity Fair.

    Though Dreams From My Father is an autobiography, and hence non-fiction, Obama makes no mention of this “compression,” nor is their any note by the publisher, Broadway Books. In fact, Obama only acknowledged the “compression” after Maraniss learned that Cook had no recollection of some of the events at which Obama said she was present.

    Broadway Books, a division of Random House’s Crown Publishing Group, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  65. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Negroes have been praying and singing gospel since cotton pickin' days. Now we have children murdering each other in the streets every single day, it seems. Evidently, whomever Negroes are praying to isn't listening and the system's not working, is it?

    I have a poster hanging in my hall stating the 6 black presidents we've had. The 5 others didn't have African blood that could be seen. You know, like a lots of "white" folks in this so-called country. All we do is live amongst a pack of lies and deceit.

  66. I'd rather have a thin-resume'd black man than anyone from the other side that thinks my uterus (although now past it's usefulness) is any of their business.

    It's not about not electing Obama in November, to me its more about what the republican theocrats have on their agenda for the country - By God, it'll be my God or else.

  67. mellaneous5:01 PM

    Field good answer to the idea that black folks only vote for black presidential candidates.

    Wow the anon who said that no black has gained anything on merit definitely disqualified themselves from civil discussion. I don't know why Dr. R argues with him. Some comments are so ignorant that the statement doesn't merit a response.

    And besides if folks refuse to acknowledge the obstacles put in the way of black success you don't really have a basis in which to have a discussion.

    And Field I feel you about too many churches, esp since too many of them have such narrow focus and so little real outreach.

    But prayer is a good thing in fact its sometimes all we have.The repsonses to your blog on occassion drive me to pray, other
    wise this does feel like so much folly.

  68. "Wow the anon who said that no black has gained anything on merit definitely disqualified themselves from civil discussion. I don't know why Dr. R argues with him. Some comments are so ignorant that the statement doesn't merit a response."


  69. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "Why? Because driving through Negromerica you would think that all Negroes do is drink and pray."

    Wow. I pray everyday. It helps to bring peace of mind and heart living in a racist country full of injustices.

    Field, what is too much praying? how about meditating? IMHO, there isn't enough of it.

  70. Maxine Waters

    “We don’t put pressure on the president,” said Waters. “Let me tell you why. We don’t put pressure on the president because ya’ll love the president. You love the president. You’re very proud…to have a black man [in the White House] …First time in the history of the United States of America. If we go after the president too hard, you’re going after us.”

    “When you tell us it’s alright and you unleash us and you tell us you’re ready for us to have this conversation, we’re ready to have the conversation. The Congressional Black Caucus loves the president too. We’re supportive of the president but we’re getting tired ya’ll…we’re getting tired. And so, what we want to do is…we want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do and what he’s prepared to lead on. We want to give him every opportunity…but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is. We don’t know why on this trip that he’s in the United States now, he’s not in any black community…we don’t know that.”

  71. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "First, you Negroes need to stop sending your children off to school with soda pop and potato chips. That is not a "breakfast of champions". No wonder your kids can't learn in school."

    Dear Field, living in NegroAmerica, soda pop and potato chips might not be a "breakfast of champions" but it is it's an affordable meal, while doing the best we can. There are some who understand what it is to be poor. I don't expect you or Obama to understand. That's why I am voting for Romney. He understands!

    What do YOU consider a "breakfast of champions" for poor kids?

  72. Anonymous8:53 PM

    My Lord LT! Where in the hell did you find that statement by Maxine Waters? Is that recent? Because if it is, the CBC is full of it.

    I am Black and I am sick and tired of the President stepping on us. I want to be treated equally but never before since the Jim Crow days have I seen my people so discriminated against in America. Look at our job situation. It's devastating. And Maxine claims we love the President so much because he is Black that we are willing to starve to death? GET REAL.

    The truth is the CBC has joined Obama in being against us. But so has Field. He keeps covering up for the President by being silence about what's happening to Black America.

  73. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 20092:51 PM

    The bias of numerous writers & bloggers on the subject of race & intelligence is showing. If the issue were truly about science then they would ask the equally valid question "are blacks smarter than whites?" They'd also ask "are Asians smarter than whites?" & "are native Americans smarter than whites?" & so forth. The fact that those questions generally aren't asked is a sign to me that they're looking for science to back up their preconceived notions (a clear violation of the scientific method), often despite the fact that socially-constructed racial delineations don't have a basis in genetics. I was under the impression that numerous PEER-REVIEWED (as per the standard for any truly scientific work) studies, as The Bell Curve (one of more commonly cited sources when espousing the genetic intellectual inferiority of members of the African diaspora) among others was NOT, were produced following its publication showing its methodology & conclusions to be incorrect, subjective & illogically drawn from the evidence, & exposing the underlying flawed assumptions that drive the work. In other words, I was under the impression that, in this case, the academic & scientific community did what it does regarding all ideas; held it up to scrutiny, put the evidence to the test, & found their arguments wanting, as these genetic arguments for intelligence have consistently been found wanting since the early days of eugenic thought. Again & again, there has not been shown any statistically significant difference in intelligence between different "racial" - what does that word even mean, anyway? - groups. Really, how many times does the question need to be answered before those asking the question & making false statements are satisfied? Also, a very brief summary of what is now known about the human genome: various groups of people carrying similar genes whose migrations have been traced, do not really correspond well with what we think of as race, which ends up being a social or sociological construct more than a physical reality. Now as to intelligence: 1st off, it was originally hypothesized as a single entity or construct & the original tests were validated against--wait for it--school performance. It doesn't take much to recognize there is a pretty solid class bias there & yes, it was borne out: how many people today could imagine their grandparents being able to define the word parterre, let alone know it themselves? Back when I learned this stuff, the best predictor of IQ was having an encyclopedia in the home. More to the point, the best recent studies have shown that when environment is held constant at what would be considered a middle-to-upper-middle class level in terms of enrichment, that is the point where genetic differences *between children* begin to emerge. & the *between children* part of the equation is also significant since, even if you want to use our notions of race as a way to group children, the variance AMONG each group is, BY DEFINITION (each group's own "normal curve"), vastly greater than the variance BETWEEN the groups. So the blanket statements with little data behind them strongly suggest that many biased readers/bloggers don't grasp the basic underpinnings of how IQ is assessed or what the word does & does not mean. Therefore, even without the statistical concept of regression towards the mean reinforcing the common observation that smart parents don't always have smart kids, many of these readers/bloggers might be surprised at both their own IQ's & down the road, the intelligence of his/her children.

  74. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 20092:53 PM

    For example, it has long been known that Jews do better in school & on IQ tests than non-Jews. However, no one takes this fact & decides to conclude that non-Jews are genetically inferior to Jews. There are no books, or roundtables dedicated to the “Gentile Crisis.” Conversely, why is there no research investigating the genetic reasons for this “superiority”? Moreover, in the early part of the century, Jews did so poorly on IQ tests that scientists testified as to their ‘genetic inferiority’ before the US Congress. Using this as a rationale, Congress passed restrictive legislation in the 1920s that reduced the immigration of Jews. Not only does this little anecdote demonstrate how difficult it is to separate out statements of fact from statements of judgment, but it also begs the question as to how you measure intelligence. Since it’s unlikely that Jews as a group got massively smarter in the last 90 years, this suggests that changes as to how IQ tests are constructed & administered are the source for this change. A brief look at the literature would show that there is no credible scientific evidence for any sort of biological basis for race (see for example, Chapter 5 of Racism: A Short History); as a result, it would seem difficult to ascribe differences between racial groups to genetics, given that there is more genetic variation WITHIN racial groups than BETWEEN racial groups. Richard Lewontin, a geneticist, has revealed that 85% of genetic variation among humans is between individuals in the same population; another 9% of the variation is between populations that have been regarded as part of the same race. Moreover, in the US in particular the amount of racial mixing (as Henry Louis Gates has shown, most white people have at least some African American ancestry) makes it even more difficult to rely on skin color as a taxonomic category for anything. & to anticipated one likely attempt at rebuttal, any reader/blogger who talks about how less intelligent blacks were 'selected' as slaves simply does not understand how evolution works. There is absolutely no way to select for 'intelligence' by the single test 'who gets caught by slavers.' If this were repeated over many, many generations, & no other genes were allowed into the gene pool, then maybe, just maybe, you'd be selecting for 'gets caught by slavers.' This doesn't necessarily select against intelligence, of course. Even the horrible conditions of the slave ships, where many died, only select - once - for 'survived a crossing in a slave ship.' In fact, this might select FOR intelligence. & let's not even speak of 'slaveowner breeding programs' - they were virtually non-existent, & included plenty of slave owner genes invading the gene pool. I'm sorry, but even the 400 years or so that black slavery existed were simply not enough time for these kinds of differences to haphazardly breed in to the group. Moreover, AFRICAN immigrants to the U.S. are among the most educated groups in the United States. Some 48.9% of all AFRICAN immigrants hold a college diploma. This is MORE THAN DOUBLE the rate of native-born WHITE Americans. According to U.S. Census data, in 1997, 19.4% of all adult African immigrants in the United States held a graduate degree, compared to 8.1% of adult white Americans. Of the African-born population in the United States age 25 & older, 87.9% reported having a high school degree or higher, compared with 78.8% of Asian-born immigrants & 76.8% of European-born immigrants, respectively.
