Wednesday, May 09, 2012

This "race war" will not be televised.

"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace"
~Dalai Lama~

Years from now a new generation of Americans will look at this age we are living in as one of the most regressive and backwards time in our history. Yes I know we elected an African American to be our president, (albeit a half one) but that might have been the catalyst that is helping to take us back to the dark ages.

Yesterday in North Carolina the citizens of that state voted for an amendment to their state's constitution declaring that marriage should be between a man and a woman. ---Yes, because marriage between a man and a woman in those Southern states have been working out so beautifully. Not!

Of course these types of events should come as no surprise to us. Not when almost half of republican voters in one state believe that Loving V. Virginia was decided the wrong way.  I suspect that these are the same types of people who keep preparing for the coming race war(Great, a brotha can't even go to Disney World anymore without having to worry about  some Deliverance type dude with an AK-47 trying to split his wig. BTW, FOX calls them a "civil rights" group.)

In a way, it has already started. Most of you just don't know it yet. But the folks who control the narrative in this country certainly do, and they use it to play on the fears of the naive and innocent without them even knowing it. (h/t Tia)
And don't expect so called scholars and journalist to call it out. Most of them have already chosen which side they are on.

So anyway, with all of this as a backdrop, it was nice to see O come out in support of marriage equality. ---Better late than never I guess-- Although we all know that this was part political calculation and part conscience. He says he is "evolving." That's fine. Whatever it takes to get you there, O. At least you are there now. The folks on the other side will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21 Century. It could be awhile. Look how long it took them to recognize us black folks as citizens.

“I have the same view on marriage that I had when I was governor and that I expressed many times. I believe marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman,” Romney told reporters and about 30 supporters at an appearance with Republican Gov. Mary Fallin...Romney called same-sex marriage a “tender and sensitive topic,” and he acknowledged that not everyone agrees with him. Decisions about hospital-visitation rights and other benefits should be determined by the states, he said. “But my view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman.”

"Should be determined by the states"? Hmmm, where have I heard that before?





  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    speaking of the race war

    more racist black mob attacks.


    A roving band of teenagers assaulted five people as they left a sold-out concert at Newark’s Prudential Center Saturday night, leaving one man unconscious and another with a fractured eye socket during a two-minute crime spree, according to police officials and incident reports.

    The attacks happened as nearly 20,000 guests departed from a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and marked only the second major reported crime at the arena since it opened in 2007, officials said.

    When it was all over, three teenagers and two adults had been beaten and robbed along Broad Street between Market and Lafayette Streets, according to the police reports. One victim, a 23-year-old Pennsylvania man, suffered a fractured eye socket and needed 12 stitches to close wounds to his lip and eyebrow, the reports said.

    The same group attacked a father and son from Morris County, stealing their cell phones and the older man’s wallet. The teens cornered the 14-year-old boy and repeatedly punched and kicked him, the reports said. A cab driver and parking attendant intervened and helped the boy, who then discovered his father unconscious and bleeding nearby, according to the reports.

    The same group of thieves, described by Newark Police Director Samuel DeMaio as a band of 10 or 15 “thugs,” assaulted and robbed two Livingston teenagers, according to the reports.

    “It’s so unfortunate that this one group of kids can cause something like this to happen,” DeMaio said. “It’s sad.”

  2. Kingnut10:28 PM

    Field Negro: "Should be determined by the states"? Hmmm, where have I heard that before?

    Maybe here:

    The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states' deciding the issue on their own"

    And your point perpetuates a misunderstanding of "state's rights". The fact that the concept of state's rights was used to justify slavery and segregation does not delegitimize the concept of state's rights. The fact that firehoses were used against civil rights protesters does not delegitimize the use of firehoses to put out fires.

    Do you really want the federal government dictating every detail of how 300 million Americans live their lives?

  3. Anonymous10:29 PM

    inmate #11593-051 got 42% of the democratic vote in wv. HA!!

    "Should be determined by the states"? Hmmm, where have I heard that before?'

    From the lips of obama?

    field you are more likely to attack a white person than a "Deliverance type dude" is to attack you.

  4. Prez. Obama's recent support of gay marriage is so contrived!

    Much like the so called "anonymous field negro" aka conspicious peckerwood, who dominated the previous post.

  5. To anonymous above who said:

    "speaking of the race war

    more racist black mob attacks"

    Where does it once mention skin color in the entire article? Oh, it doesn't.

    As for the evolving decision of the President to support same-sex marriage, at least he's being honest about it. He's not pandering by changing his beliefs about it every time he gets a new question, unlike Mitt and Ron Paul.

  6. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dr Reine, "Much like the so called "anonymous field negro" aka conspicious peckerwood, who dominated the previous post."

    Ahhhh, are you still mad cause I whipped your non-intellectual black ass in the comment section in the previous thread?

    By your comment you want to mess with me again. Obviously you want another ass whipping in front of everybody on FN. Step on up.

  7. Sailer11:06 PM

    Why the sudden flurry of attacks on whites for purported racism since about the time Mitt Romney wrapped up the Republican nomination? Several media figures have been fired: Naomi Schaefer Riley, John Derbyshire, Robert Weissberg, and others widely defamed (Lena Dunham, Lesley Arfin, and even Zooey Deschanel). What's behind this spring's hysteria among the chattering class?

    Clearly, some whites are being punished to encourage the others. But ... to encourage the others to do what, precisely?

    To not even think about not re-electing the black President. Don't go there. The message that's being sent is: bad stuff happens to people who don't like blacks, which, for practical purposes in 2012 can be defined as people whom blacks don't like, or whom blacks might not like if they ever noticed them.

    The ultimate message is one that can't be sent publicly, at least not before a lot more ground is prepared via Two Minute Hates or Two Month Hates in the case of George Zimmerman:

    Nice little gentrified downtown you've got there. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it Election Night because some vibrant youths were displeased that their side lost.

  8. WhitesHaveLowIQs11:11 PM

    This is my last time addressing this but LOL at whites talking about a black person beating a white JUST because a black person attacks a white does not mean its because of race, idiot stop playing the race card. Why aren't you talking about what happened at Cornell university? Now THAT was a hate crime because the crackers were mentioning Trayvon Martin.

  9. Anonymous11:15 PM

    RuggerDucky, As for the evolving decision of the President to support same-sex marriage, at least he's being honest about it. He's not pandering by changing his beliefs about it every time he gets a new question, unlike Mitt and Ron Paul.

    11:04 PM
    Oh pleeeze! You mean to tell me Obama is consistent? Brother man, you need an MRI....of your brain!

    Obama has lied so many times and have broken his promises to the American people so many times it is hard to figure out who is the biggest liar, Mitt or Obama.

    One thing for sure: this same sex marriage is going to hurt Obama and give momentum to Mitt.

    Mitt will certainly carry the South and parts of the Midwest and Northeast. As I have said before, "Obama is toast."

  10. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace"-Dalai Lama

    dear field, what does that quote mean?

    and who is Dalai Lama?

  11. SomeWillNeverHaveClassEvenIn201711:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dr Reine, "Much like the so called "anonymous field negro" aka conspicious peckerwood, who dominated the previous post."

    If you hate being called Nigger, why do you use racist terms when speaking to people you think are white? I know you are used to double standards, lower expectations, lower achievements get higher rewards, but this is too much.

  12. Anonymous11:25 PM

    The ultimate message is one that can't be sent publicly, at least not before a lot more ground is prepared via Two Minute Hates or Two Month Hates in the case of George Zimmerman:

    Nice little gentrified downtown you've got there. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it Election Night because some vibrant youths were displeased that their side lost.

    This time unlike the last 100 years of black riots it isn't going to work. Storeowners will be picking off looters from rooftops, citizens will be gunning down vandals, criminals, murderers, violent attackers. And police/fireman will be loathe to go into black neighborhoods when they start burning where they live. Let it burn and good luck rebuilding because non black suburbia can't afford to support Black America anymore. It's time for evolution to happen.

  13. WhitesHaveLowIQs11:27 PM

    Like someone said, race isn't even mentioned your racist low IQ ass assumed because the word mob was mentioned it was black people. For your information booboo the fool most of us aren't checking for bands like Red Hot. I like rock myself and even I am not a fan. Also mobs by whites happen all the time in rock,metal and screaming concerts. I'm done. Back on topic I'm not shocked Obama is supportive of gay marriage. I suggest you to do some research field and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @11:22', please post the comment where I stated having a problem with the word n*gger.

    Say it a zillion times if you like, it doesn't change a damn thing in my supremely blessed life.

    Now carry on, PW!!!

  16. Anonymous11:34 PM


    We do not use inflammatory and racist terms such as Crackers or Peckerwoods on FN. Some of you Negroes are out of control. I have never heard such nasty racist terms before in all of my life. It is plain as day that you Negroes are from the South or DC with no education and low IQs.

    Either you decease from such ignorant moronic comments or I will report your black asses to Field and you deleted.

    Thank you,
    FN's Assistant

  17. Anonymous11:43 PM

    "By your comment you want to mess with me again. Obviously you want another ass whipping in front of everybody on FN. Step on up."

    Mess with you again?? Shut up before I b@tch slap you with a thesaurus!!! And your b*tcha$$ alter ego at 11:34 too!!!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego.

  18. Anonymous11:51 PM

    WhitesHaveLowIQ's said, "Back on topic I'm not shocked Obama is supportive of gay marriage. I suggest you to do some research field and you'll see what I'm talking about."

    11:27 PM
    Dear Sir: get another ID because the one you are using is another racist term on FN by a Negro.

    In addition, your insinuation about Obama is disgusting. Furthermore it is not true, you LIAR. Mr. Field has too many other things to do than go researching for something that is not even there. Why don't you provide a link, LIAR!

    Obama is either from Heaven or Hell but he can't be from both. He reads the Bible which proves he is straight...end of story.

  19. Dr. Bean11:53 PM

    Ms.Queen's alter ego will never go to med school either.

    Neither of you will ever be a doctor.

  20. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Mess with you again?? Shut up before I b@tch slap you with a thesaurus!!! And your b*tcha$$ alter ego at 11:34 too!!!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego.

    11:43 PM
    Didn't you get the memo, knucklehead? It was directed to Negroes like you. Don't make me come to DC and look your ass up kick it up and down Pennsylvania Ave!

  21. Anonymous11:59 PM

    dear mr field, will you promise to run down Broad St after the Nov election?

    I think it would be good for your reputation as a lawyer and a man of his word if you did.

  22. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I have listened to the sooper geniuses and their wisherating for a 'race war' for nigh on 40 years. Most lack the training to survive any confrontation where the opponent is armed.
    They are also fantasizing about their level of competence.
    In a true 'race war'...most of these Goobers would be cannon fodder.

    Odd that fellow citizens dream of murdering other US citizens. Rather creepy, eh?


  23. Manana12:07 AM

    "Odd that fellow citizens dream of murdering other US citizens. Rather creepy, eh?"

    Ask Louie Farrakhan.

  24. sharon in ct12:12 AM

    "marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman.”"

    ..and a woman, and a woman, and a woman,....

    Oh, that's right. Mormon views on marriage have ...ahem... evolved.

  25. Raul in St. Louis12:22 AM

    If "evolved" means pretending two guys who shove their dicks up each other's asses are just another family, equal to any other, then count me out.

  26. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Anonymous said...
    dear mr field, will you promise to run down Broad St after the Nov election?

    I think it would be good for your reputation as a lawyer and a man of his word if you did.

    Field are you going to riot when Obama loses?

  27. StillaPanther22:17 AM

    Brother played sports when you were a young lad, I am sure. When one team is so much better than a lessor team, there was no reason to belittle their skills unless you were worried about them. No, commenters, I am not referencing race wars. Are you aware that Black Africans and Carribean American are more educated than the majority? When will they compare and denigrate Asians when they blast the "Negro from the south". By the way, more Blacks, by numbers, are educated in the south than any other part in American. We had a head start......we have damn near all the HBCU. Go North Carolina Central University 76.....go Howard University 80. Lastly....I have never heard of Minister Farrakhan promoting violence towards whites. He does espouse protecting your family, self and neighborhood. Blacks have been so dependent on the majority largess for too long. The majority, in my mind, should cut them off.....oh but then the poor majority will have to swim also.

  28. Raul, relax, I am pretty sure that the Gay dude down the street doesn't find u attractive. :)

    Sailer, nothing will happen on election night, because in A-merry-ca it doesn't matter which party is in power. It's all the same. Just one team being able to say we won.

    If I was King of this world called A-merry-ca you would see some REAL changes.

    Kingnut, let me answer that last question you posed for me: Yes!

  29. Hey, thanks for the shout out about Mushnick, Field.

    That Riley stuff was insane. She actually reminds me of some of the posters here. Proud, bigoted and absolutely ignorant. She uses cant and stereotype to make up for lack of knowledge.

  30. Geez, field...I don't get it, I suppose.

    What are you talking about "race war"?

    Them goobers in Florida who Rueters said were PLANNING a race war?

    Read the article. They weren't PLANNING a race war.

    They were planning IF a race war broke out.

    Dumb asshole worse than your own.

    Remember those stupid in Minnesota...? You posted on it...I think they all walked. BUT. NO ONE posted about that.

  31. BTW.....where did you get that pic on your post? Do you know what that gun the guy is holding is?

    It's a Sturmgewer....the meaning is "assault rifle". The very first gun of it's type.

  32. AND....the guy is wearing a WWII german helmet, and German camo fatigues.

    Storm Front?

  33. Horation Hornblower8:13 AM

    field negro said...
    Raul, relax, I am pretty sure that the Gay dude down the street doesn't find u attractive. :)

    Damn Field, for what it's worth you even have gay talking points down.

    What gives you the confidence to make a strong statement that you are "pretty sure" Raul wouldn't be attractive to the Gay Man down the street? Do you know the Gay man down the street? Have you seen Raul? Are you an expert on man love and make this statement having intimate knowledge of the characteristics usually found
    attractive in other men?

  34. Anonymous8:16 AM

    APOI said...
    AND....the guy is wearing a WWII german helmet, and German camo fatigues.

    Storm Front?

    Democratic/Socialist/Communist/Progressive Party.

    Jew vill just need to pass ze bill to know vut ve have put in it zat u will comply with comrade.

    Dont be an uncle tom, make sure you do exactly what we say even if it is clear it hurts you and anyone you know. Stay Black!

  35. Anonymous8:31 AM

    "Decisions about hospital-visitation rights and other benefits should be determined by the states..."

    That is not only politically but psychologically inept, and as such is becoming a Romney trademark. He takes the one instance that calls forth most Americans' compassion and then waffles? This election is going to be amazing: the best campaigner of my lifetime against the worst. Will the contrast be totally lost on voters? Will C-pacs succeed in putting lipstick on the animatronic pig?


  36. Dont Hasbro Me Man8:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I have listened to the sooper geniuses and their wisherating for a 'race war' for nigh on 40 years. Most lack the training to survive any confrontation where the opponent is armed.
    They are also fantasizing about their level of competence.
    In a true 'race war'...most of these Goobers would be cannon fodder.

    Odd that fellow citizens dream of murdering other US citizens. Rather creepy, eh?


    Heh Mold, you don't know this but I have called you the "Slinky" ever since I found out you were Uptown Steve. Why the "Slinky"? Simple, like a Slinky you aren't of much use in life but still fun as hell to watch fall down the stairs.

  37. Wonderama9:10 AM

    Field this ones for you.

    Did you know that 99% of liberals live their entire lives without their natural god given hair? Don't worry, it's curable.

  38. I Gotta Stump9:11 AM

    Hey's a fact.

    Whites have blacks out-manned by tens of millions. Whites buy guns, 'cause, remember...we have ALL the money!

    Whites buy weapons, take them out, practice, and buy lots of ammo.

    Blacks just shoot all over the damn place, with whatever they have.

    You're such a turd.

  39. Bernard Goetz10:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I have listened to the sooper geniuses and their wisherating for a 'race war' for nigh on 40 years. Most lack the training to survive any confrontation where the opponent is armed.
    They are also fantasizing about their level of competence.
    In a true 'race war'...most of these Goobers would be cannon fodder.

    My daughter can hit a quickly moving target at 50 yards and she is 12.
    Her mother can handle a desert eagle and is a black belt in tae kwon do and has practised Hung Gar kung fu for 20 years.

    Our three sons , well lets just say they know the value of planning, preparing and staying finely honed and fit and possess a working skill with numerous weapons including survival and business skills. Our successful neighbors are well trained and stocked.

    What else do they have that you don't? Brains and courage. They have enough courage to walk away from someone like you, hell even run if needed when it doesnt matter, it's easier in the long run. But don't ever confuse that with what they can do if they have to defend themselves and choose to end it.

    You might want to talk to the normal majority of americans. You will find that they aren't as soft mentally or physically as the weak willed low esteemed pandering liberals who give you the only credibility you have are. Nor as tolerant of your violent antisocial behaviour and rhetoric.

    It's easy to act on your animal impulses, loot, burn, steal, maim, kill, attack in packs. It takes courage and discipline to think and plan ahead for the eventuality that you need to eliminate that.

    You don't have a chance. Your weak will could never provide the discipline and resources/tools needed.

  40. Bobbie Byrd10:31 AM

    We Democrats love minorities so much, we also know it's really hard being a minority. That's why we set up planned parenthood and give millions of dollars of your money to them for abortions. This helps millions of minority children escape the burden of living every year!!!

    Vote Obama

    Shocking New DNC Ad for 2012 Election.!

  41. fn:

    thank u!

    this is a history lesson for homohating hypocrites!



    kudos to mr. president hobama

    now he must do MUCH more to win sane gay votes!

    we will never be played by words again...even great belated words!


    start by giving gay soldiers' widows equal death pay etc!!!

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. no one who is honest and paying attention can deny that hobama has not made racism worse

    it began with his refusal to evade race and avoid any black agenda
    that gave racist a model to use to ignore blacks also
    and to deny black misery

    and racism has only just begun to loom

    wait until they realize that hobama has pulled the same SELECTION tricks in 2012
    that gwb pulled in 2008

    the jobless homeless enraged kkklowns will blame gays and blacks and latinos for his 2012 "win"
    and then the REAL race wars will begin


  44. RUSHING!

    i meant:

    it began with hobama's CONSTANT EVASIONS OF race and AVOIDANCE OF any black agenda

    that gave racists a model to use to ignore blacks also

    and to deny black misery

    and pretend racism ended with a half black elitist gwb cloned bankster prez

  45. NSangoma10:53 AM


    Boys will be boys:
    John Lauber, a soft-spoken new student one year behind Romney, was perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality. Now he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.
    A few days later, Friedemann entered Stevens Hall off the school’s collegiate quad to find Romney marching out of his own room ahead of a prep school posse shouting about their plan to cut Lauber’s hair. Friedemann followed them to a nearby room where they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors.
    Romney is now the presumed Republican presidential nominee. His campaign spokeswoman said the former Massachusetts governor has no recollection of the incident.
    In an English class, Gary Hummel, who was a closeted gay student at the time, recalled that his efforts to speak out in class were punctuated with Romney shouting, “Atta girl!”
    Saul, Romney’s campaign spokeswoman, said the candidate has no recollection of the incident.



  46. Anonymous11:01 AM

    First off:
    "Prop's" are due Obama for his support of "same sex marriage"; especially in the face of this withering storm of repugnican-led hate and ignorance. BTW: Where are you AB?

    Reptilian-brained "whites/caucasians/'crackers'- whatever you wanna call them - have stockpiled weapons/ammo in anticipation of an imagined "race war"/ This, in spite of the ongoing fratricide in the AfrAm community? Geez; only in a-merry-kkk-a; bless us all.

    And, finally: A trip to any WAL-MART, or, surprisingly, any SF/Bay Area supermarket IS a frightening peak into the ocean of obesity plaguing a-merry-kkk-a.
    And, what's up with big healthy looking bodunkadunk, buff-a-rillas using parking spaces designated for the handicapped?

    Thank you,


  47. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder11:04 AM

    Keep promoting the disgusting liberal agenda. This year depravity has a new threshold. Now you can go down on your platoon mate in the trenches, marry some guy who will stick it in your rear and still call yourself a man.

    What's next, child porn. Yes, liberals just want whatever they want at everyone else's expense.

    Now the liberals in New York have deemed looking at child porn is not a crime. Next it will be creating child porn because if it isn't a crime to look at it, surely you can't be oppressive to the disadvantaged pedophiles. Then they will move on to nationwide forced acceptance of child relations.

    What's next liberals?

  48. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Oh!! I apologize, AB... Thank you for your "kudos" re "hobama's" support of gender-neutral marriage.

    Da' "G"

  49. late assnon:


    scan up fool

    u r way late

    i praised hobama yesterday immediately

    as i always do when he earns it

  50. I Gotta Stump11:06 AM

    Must have pissed you off, Moldy!

    Now: "It's easy to act on your animal impulses, loot, burn, steal, maim, kill, attack in packs."

    Now. When was the last time you heard or read about Whites "attacking in packs" against Black folks?

    When was the last time you heard or read about Black people attacking, raping White folks?

    Um. Last week, maybe?

    I can provide links out your ass, if you wish so.

  51. anon:

    i am always fair
    even to obama

    and i always will be

    apology accepted


  52. It'sNastyIfYouGetDookieOnIt11:06 AM

    Anonymous said...
    First off:
    "Prop's" are due Obama for his support of "same sex marriage"; especially in the face of this withering storm of repugnican-led hate and ignorance. BTW: Where are you AB?

    Are you all so easily fooled? His Gay fundraisers weren't going to give him the same money, Biden screwed up and he had to choose. He already abandoned the majority of Americans so needs the fringe lunatics and the money.

    It's called Gay for Pay. He could care less about you, he's been gay before Michelle, he just wants the homo lollipop funds.

  53. NTacoma11:07 AM

    Well, at least Romney didn't have Larry Sinclair give him a blowjob in the back of a limosine and then kick him to the curb. Now THAT'S disrespect.



  55. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I Gotta Stump said...
    Must have pissed you off, Moldy!

    Now: "It's easy to act on your animal impulses, loot, burn, steal, maim, kill, attack in packs."

    Now. When was the last time you heard or read about Whites "attacking in packs" against Black folks?

    When was the last time you heard or read about Black people attacking, raping White folks?

    Um. Last week, maybe?

    I can provide links out your ass, if you wish so.

    that person was beating down Moldy, read it again.

  56. obama was openly bi in IL and he has never really been against gay marriage

    ask anyone in the chi

    he is seeking gay votes

    but it still took great courage to tell the truth...even belatedly with ulterior motives

    kudos to president obama!

  57. Raul in St. Louis11:14 AM

    field negro said...
    "Raul, relax, I am pretty sure that the Gay dude down the street doesn't find u attractive. :)"

    I do have an extraordinarily beautiful anus, but that is beside the point.

  58. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Alicia Banks said...

    "it began with his refusal to evade race and avoid any black agenda
    that gave racist a model to use to ignore blacks also
    and to deny black misery"

    Ignore Blacks and deny Black misery? You sound as if you think the world is your parents and owes you something. Why does someone need to acknowledge you and feel sorry for you and the misery you create or they are racist? Don't they have their own miseries?

  59. Anonymous11:24 AM

    alicia banks said...
    obama was openly bi in IL and he has never really been against gay marriage

    ask anyone in the chi

    he is seeking gay votes

    but it still took great courage to tell the truth...even belatedly with ulterior motives

    kudos to president obama!

    Nah, courage is standing up for things you really believe in with conviction. Not when you say something hard because you have no choice, are forced to and are outed by someone else. If he came out because he believed this, I would disagree but respect it. But he didn't he had no choice. The press was all over him for the last four days, Romney barely started the campaign, doesn't have a VP yet and is beating him in the polls and his press secretary was getting a beating from the MSM about his waffling on gay marraige daily. So they cancelled the daily white house briefing, scheduled a interview with Obama and changed to do damage control. That isn't courage, that's convienant cowardice.

    Never trust a person who says whatever you want to hear, they usually are lying to you.

  60. SuperDuperPooperScooper11:25 AM

    G - Got
    A - Aids
    Y - Yet

  61. HomoYouDon't11:26 AM

    Raul in St. Louis said...
    field negro said...
    "Raul, relax, I am pretty sure that the Gay dude down the street doesn't find u attractive. :)"

    I do have an extraordinarily beautiful anus, but that is beside the point.

    At this point I have to say being gay is just a shitty thing to do.

  62. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Anonymous said...
    First off:
    "Prop's" are due Obama for his support of "same sex marriage"; especially in the face of this withering storm of repugnican-led hate and ignorance. BTW: Where are you AB?

    I be ig'nant I aint been to prison and don' go for that bruthalee love shit. aint nobody stickin nothin up my ass and I aint makin no excuse like doin time for smokin some dudes sammy dean.

    Like da good lawd said if you get shit on your dikc you gone catch a disease right quick and you a freak

    what the nation of islam dudes do when they get out of prison? do they tell them they get it up the ass 72 times in heaven if they die a martyr?

  63. I Gotta Stump11:45 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    that person was beating down Moldy, read it again.

    11:08 AM"

    Perhaps you are correct, Anon. Maybe it was that "wisherating" thing that got me.

    BUT....I have seen Moldy bragging about it's brood and their shooting abilities. As a matter of fact, I think I remember Moldy, itself, saying it shot dove out of the air with a .22!

    What a bunch of crap.

  64. Kingnut12:22 PM

    "So anyway, with all of this as a backdrop, it was nice to see O come out in support of marriage equality."

    "Marriage" is a word that human society has used to define an official relationship between a man and a woman for about the last 10,000 years or so.

    Two men or two women pretending they are married is not the same thing, i.e. it is not equal. We have 'evolved' to calling this a "partnership".

    They should be (and are) free to pursue their relationships in peace. They do not have, in the name of "equality", the right demand the word marriage be redefined to include their relationships, because same sex relationships are not equal to unions between a man and a woman.

    For one thing, gay relationships cannot produce children without outside assistance. Society has a legitimate interest in promoting heterosexual family foundation as it the best way to produce raise the next generation.

    In the name of equality, gay couples want the same advantages of marriage as those bestowed by society on heterosexual marriage, even though gay marriage does not offer the same benefits to society.

    This is like childless people demanding to get dependent children tax deductions in the name of 'equality'. When a confused person asks for something that they do not merit, the answer should be "no".

    Gay marriage is not the same as heterosexual marriage; therefore not conferring the same benefits is not a violation of anyone's civil rights.

    Unlike you, I'll agree with Obama that the states should decide the issue on their own. If the people in Massachusetts want to let Barney Fwank and his latest boy toy pretend they are Ozzie and Harriet, fine and fucking dandy. If the people in Wyoming say that people can two people can do what they want in private, but we are not going to officially call anybody Mr. and Mrs. Cowboy, then that should be fine too.

    We are a tolerant culture that is becoming more libertarian as time goes by. The federal government should not be dictating morality one way or the other. At the same time, local communities should be able to maintain their own standards in matters that do not violate people's rights. There is no "right" to have a different kind of relationship given the same status as marriage.

    People who choose an alternative lifestyle should respect the feelings of the majority, and their right to reserve certain privileges to activities that further perpetuation and survival of society.

    We have "evolved" from ensuring tolerance for homosexual lifestyles to mandating approval. It is a perversion of the civil rights concept of equality to demand favoritism. At some point, unreasonable people demanding special status should be told "no". Unless of course they live in Massachusetts.

  65. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 200912:39 PM

    With that in mind, Dr. Field Negro, please let me know if the length or frequency or tone of my posts is inappropriate in anyway & I will gladly cease & decist while still continuing to enjoy your site immensely! Honestly, even some of the more unsavory responses to your posts are hilarious in their racism & ignorance & baselessness & irrationality. Sadly though, they're mimetic.

    Also, Dr. Reine, if you'll indulge me in a bit of presumption. I think I uninentionally offended you by my choice of names to post my responses under. My intention in choosing that name was to have a bit of fun with the anonymous posters who were attacking you for your laudable goals & accomplishments as if it were impossible for you to achieve them. I myself am a medical doctor (1 of approx. 30,000 in the U.S. who are members of the African diaspora) and I personally know many, many doctors of all kinds from the Juris Doctors to the Doctors of Philosphy & everything in between who are also members of the African diaspora. So I congratulate you on your accomplishments thus far & those still to come. My apologies for offending you...if I did.

    With respect,
    Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 2009

  66. Dr. Bongo1:27 PM

    "everything in between"

    Does that include chicken-sacrificing witch doctors?

  67. Dr C. Good Zimmerman2:13 PM

    My intention in choosing that name was to have a bit of fun with the anonymous posters who were attacking you for your laudable goals & accomplishments as if it were impossible for you to achieve them. I myself am a medical doctor (1 of approx. 30,000 in the U.S. who are members of the African diaspora) and I personally know many, many doctors of all kinds from the Juris Doctors to the Doctors of Philosphy & everything in between who are also members of the African diaspora. So I congratulate you on your accomplishments thus far & those still to come. My apologies for offending you...if I did.

    I must have missed that post, what exactly were her accomplishments that you are giving her props for?

    I myself am a Peruvian, Black and partially White Eye Doctor. I already graduated so just like the Fake DR Rene I have "no class"

  68. see the gaybashing kkklowns herein?

    in a world where homohaters ALWAYS LIE about jesus/god/their dusty unread buybulls/
    homo animals/homo insects/homo plants/the global biowar of aids that kills hets and gays equally etc....

    it does indeed take real courage to tell any truths about us homos
    especially about great loving gay couples/parents


    and all he has done is speak brave belated words for votes
    but it will only make homohating fools blame gays if hobama loses in 2012

    hobama has STILL done NOTHING to help gays become legally wed/get equal benefits for gay spouses/widows in the military etc

    and hobama clearly stated that he never will do anything
    as he thinks states should do so individually
    he did not stutter

    this is a great historic moment of TRUTH from a prez
    no more
    no less

    there is MUCH more to be done
    ask any jobless homeless foreclosed uninsured american
    any libyan etc

  69. Anonymous3:27 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. StinkyPuss3:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Dear Field,

    The Aryan Brothers have completed and successfully "sabotaged" your comment section. I will from this point on read only your blog...I am still a fan, but enough is enough of this racist, backwards ignorance from all the Anonymous idiots.


  72. hey fn:

    see the racist xxx rated psycho bs moby dickkkless has posted here all day

    why has the vdlr not shut the blog down yet as she does when i post even ONE truth about hobama?????


  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. where is that mindless moderation today while moby dickkkless jacks off with his tonkkka toys herein today???


  75. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. Anonymous5:25 PM

    alicia banks said...
    hey fn:

    see the racist xxx rated psycho bs moby dickkkless has posted here all day

    why has the vdlr not shut the blog down yet as she does when i post even ONE truth about hobama?????


    cause she just started and she aint a crazy lezbean like you.

  77. "Also, Dr. Reine, if you'll indulge me in a bit of presumption. I think I uninentionally offended you by my choice of names to post my responses under. My intention in choosing that name was to have a bit of fun with the anonymous posters who were attacking you for your laudable goals & accomplishments as if it were impossible for you to achieve them."

    I appreciate your apology and offer my own in return. It's simply IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish between decent folks and the racist slime that have ruined the comments section here.

  78. Marriage has nothing to do with sexual reproduction. Marriage is a civil contract.

  79. AfroSheen McQueen7:56 PM

    Dr.Reine forever classless said...

    :I appreciate your apology and offer my own in return. It's simply IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish between decent folks and the racist slime that have ruined the comments section here."

    I hear ya, theres one person going around calling people peckerwoods, talking about them killing themselves, talking about nasty sexual things...someone should give that person a mirror, if she can stand looking at her own ugly nappy head.

  80. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Justice comes quickly!
    Newark police make arrests in attacks at Prudential Center after concert
    Thursday, May 10, 2012 Last updated: Thursday May 10, 2012, 8:13 PM
    Associated Press
    Print | E-mail

    NEWARK — Three teenagers were arrested in connection with a series of violent assaults that occurred after a weekend concert at Newark's Prudential Center, police said Thursday.
    The Prudential Center in Newark.
    The Prudential Center in Newark.

    Police Director Samuel DeMaio said two 15-year-olds and a 16-year-old were arrested Wednesday after police received a tip. All have been charged with rioting, aggravated assault, robbery and conspiracy.

    Police said a gang of about 15 youths attacked people as they left a concert by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. A Pennsylvania man suffered a fractured eye socket and another man suffered a broken collarbone.

    The attacks happened in the span of a few minutes, with the group attacking five people in three separate incidents along the main city thoroughfare of Broad Street, according to police.

    "I am alarmed that our youth who should either be at home under a parent's supervision or engaged in some type of productive or recreational activity, are instead roaming our streets creating mayhem through senseless and random acts of violence," DeMaio said Thursday.

    Police received a tip Wednesday afternoon that the three suspects had boarded a NJ Transit bus in Newark. They stopped the bus on Broad Street, a few blocks from the arena, and arrested the teens without incident.

    "I commend the excellence of the Newark Police Department in making arrests in what was an isolated and unfortunate incident," Mayor Cory Booker said.

    Also Wednesday, police arrested three juveniles after they allegedly assaulted and tried to rob a man in Newark's Ironbound section. It was not known whether that incident and the arena attacks were connected.

    Police and city officials said Saturday's attacks were only the second violent incident at the arena, which has had more than 8 million visitors since it opened in 2007.

    In March 2009, a gay couple who had just left a Britney Spears concert at the arena were attacked and robbed by a marauding group of young people.

  81. Anonymous10:23 PM

    The liberal media, such as the New York Times, consistently portray anti-gay-marriage advocates as bigots.

    This is nonsense. Most Americans are neither intolerant nor bigoted. Rather, they understand that marriage is the basic institution of society. For thousands of years in the West, it has had a privileged role. Marriage solidifies the bonds between a man and a woman, laying the foundation for raising children in stable families. It is the glue that binds a functioning, viable social order. Marriage is the natural unit that enables society to perpetuate itself from one generation to the next. This is not hate; it’s common sense.

    It is why, for example, the drive to ban same-sex marriage in North Carolina was led by black pastors and churches. It also is why the black and Hispanic vote was pivotal to passing California’s Proposition 8, which also upholds traditional marriage. Blacks and Hispanics - although key Democratic voting blocs - tend to be deeply Christian and socially conservative. Mr. Obama has put himself on a collision course with large segments of his base. He has kissed away major swing states, such as North Carolina and Virginia. He also is further alienating Middle America, which still believes in pro-family values. In short, Mr. Obama is committing political suicide.

  82. Anonymous10:23 PM

    The liberal media, such as the New York Times, consistently portray anti-gay-marriage advocates as bigots.

    This is nonsense. Most Americans are neither intolerant nor bigoted. Rather, they understand that marriage is the basic institution of society. For thousands of years in the West, it has had a privileged role. Marriage solidifies the bonds between a man and a woman, laying the foundation for raising children in stable families. It is the glue that binds a functioning, viable social order. Marriage is the natural unit that enables society to perpetuate itself from one generation to the next. This is not hate; it’s common sense.

    It is why, for example, the drive to ban same-sex marriage in North Carolina was led by black pastors and churches. It also is why the black and Hispanic vote was pivotal to passing California’s Proposition 8, which also upholds traditional marriage. Blacks and Hispanics - although key Democratic voting blocs - tend to be deeply Christian and socially conservative. Mr. Obama has put himself on a collision course with large segments of his base. He has kissed away major swing states, such as North Carolina and Virginia. He also is further alienating Middle America, which still believes in pro-family values. In short, Mr. Obama is committing political suicide.

  83. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Here's what I want to know: Who recognized THEM as citizens?? The true citizens of this joint are the NATIVE AMERICANS. Everyone else is "barefootin'." If we were all born in China, would we be Chinese?? I rest my case.

  84. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Here's what I want to know: Who recognized THEM as citizens?? The true citizens of this joint are the NATIVE AMERICANS. Everyone else is "barefootin'." If we were all born in China, would we be Chinese?? I rest my case.

  85. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Not that it brings anything to the conversation, the guys actually holding a reproduction Stg 44, not an AK.

  86. Anonymous5:49 PM


  87. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I can't believe the moderator didnt shut downt he racist assbackward klan members bashing blacks and gays, but actually expresses hatred toward the sistah because she is gay?

    You lady are just another cotton pickin ass nigga who probably brainwashed by religion. You are a moron.
