Thursday, May 03, 2012

Yasin Harvey is also dead.

It looks like the wingnut neo-Nazis are going to have one less soldier for the looming race war.

Thankfully, Jason Todd Ready can now join the rest of his pals in hell.

Anyway, I am pretty sure that most of you reading this have never heard of Yasin Harvey. That's understandable because unlike you know who, he wasn't killed by some Hispanic or white dude profiling him because of his race. Sadly, I am pretty sure that Yasin Harvey was shot and killed last night by someone who looks just like he does.

The thing is, the person who shot and killed Yasin Harvey deserves our wagging fingers, righteous anger, and all the public indignation as well. Yasin harvey's life was just as precious as you know who, and his death is every bit as tragic.

"Police say an innocent teenage boy died Thursday morning after being shot in what police say could be a case of mistaken identity.
The shooting happened shortly after 9 Wednesday night at the intersection of 62nd and Callowhill Streets.

Yasin Harvey, 16, and some friends were running an errand for a sick family member and walking out a corner store when a car pulled up and fired numerous shots, police said.

The University City High School freshman was struck four times. He was taken in critical condition to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He died Thursday morning at the hospital, police said.

Investigators say the shooting was likely a case of mistaken identity -- that Harvey wasn't the target." [Source]  

It wasn't a case of "mistaken identity". The shooter took aim at a young man and took his life. It doesn't matter if he wanted to kill Yasin Harvey or some person he was "beefing" with. Another mother has lost her child. The fact that the shooter was "mistaken" won't bring him back.

Finally, I want to share a story with you from my local paper and I want to know your opinion. Here goes:

"He dreams often of suffocating, choking as he wakes, unable to catch his breath. He keeps a knife tucked into his waistband almost always, a desperate defense against horrors he can easily imagine because he says he has lived them. He hesitates to get into anyone’s car, unwilling to surrender control to the person behind the wheel. He has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and paranoia.

Although five years have passed since the incident that changed his life, his torment doesn’t end because his tormentor is still out there.
In uniform.

Although Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Paige was arrested and fired in 2007 for allegedly forcing Harris to perform oral sex on him in his police cruiser in Fairmount Park, Paige is back on the force, patrolling the streets of West Philadelphia. Paige dodged conviction, despite DNA evidence proving that a sexual encounter had occurred, because the judge accused Harris of playing the victim after consensual sex.

Harris remains haunted by his past. But he hopes he’ll begin to see relief next week. After filing a federal civil-rights lawsuit against Paige and the city in 2008, his case goes to trial Monday.

“I just want somebody to just simply say this disease did what he did,” said Harris, 34, of North Philadelphia. “If I were a young white girl, he would have been hammered, nailed to the cross. Because I’m a young black male and he’s a cop, they believed him.”

Brian Puricelli, the attorney representing Paige, declined to comment Wednesday, saying he didn’t want to try his case in the press. Paige, 45, a National Guard drill sergeant who was reached Wednesday while on military leave from the Police Department, defended his actions that night as “explainable” but also declined to comment specifically, saying: “I believe you would better learn [the details] by coming to the trial.”

The saga started in the early hours of March 16, 2007, when Harris went with a friend to the Belmont Plateau, where they parked to smoke marijuana and hang out after a late-season snowstorm.

About 2 a.m., Paige pulled up in his marked police cruiser.
Things immediately got weird, Harris said.

Harris said that Paige directed him to sit in the front passenger seat of his cruiser while he looked over his vehicle paperwork and questioned him about his sexual preferences, Harris said. He then told Harris to take his friend home and return to the park, withholding Harris’ car registration and insurance papers to ensure his complicity, according to Harris and detectives who later investigated the incident. Back at the park, Harris said, Paige directed him back into the front passenger seat of his cruiser and then drove past a locked gate deep into the wooded park.

He parked, scooched down his pants and underwear and then turned to Harris, pushing Harris’ head down to his exposed crotch, Harris said. He then forced unprotected oral sex on Harris three times, according to Harris and court paperwork.

“The whole time, I just felt like I wanted to die. I still feel that way,” Harris said this week.

After a while, the cop climbed out of the cruiser and walked a short distance to urinate, leaving the keys in the ignition and his gun on the seat, Harris said.
Harris was sorely tempted to escape. But he didn’t. Fear paralyzed him.
“I knew he’s crazy. Only a crazy person could do what he’s done. I just knew he gonna do what he want to. He gonna kill me,” Harris said.

Instead, Harris said, the officer returned to the cruiser and then delivered Harris back to his car. As Harris pulled away from the park, nausea set in. He grabbed a cup leftover from a recent meal and spat into it as he sped home. He reported the incident to authorities the next morning.

An internal-affairs investigation ensued, and DNA tests linked the cup’s contents to Paige. Detectives determined “nonconsensual sexual activity” occurred, and Commissioner Sylvester Johnson fired Paige in May 2007.

By the end of the year, the case was in criminal court. But Judge Anthony DeFino acquitted Paige of kidnapping, indecent sexual contact and related offenses. Paige never took the stand, and the judge said he believed the encounter was consensual.

“The victim was treated like a criminal. This was a miscarriage of justice. If these were two civilians, there would have been a different verdict,” said Harris’ attorney, Brian Humble." [More]

Serious analysis, please.



  1. Awwwww..... J.T. Ready was going to run for sheriff, as a democrat.

  2. More "color arousal" field won't post about.

    ‘Justice for Trayvon’: 15 Whites Beaten By Gangs of Black Thugs… So Far
    The assaults on a pair of Virginian-Pilot reporters in Norfolk, Va., two weeks ago at the hands of 30 black youths, reported for the first time Tuesday, are the latest in a series of attacks driven by a warped sense of racial vigilantism hiding behind calls of “Justice for Trayvon.” At least 15 whites have been beaten not just with fists, but with potentially deadly weapons including hammers and lengths of chain. Many of the victims have been hospitalized, some may never fully recover, and one lingers on the verge of death.

    David Forster and Marjon Rostami are just the latest victims of brutal beatings tied to the Trayvon Martin shooting, and some Virginians are outraged that the newspaper did not report the attack for “politically correct reasons.” The attack was revealed not as news, but in an opinion piece.

    Aaron Parsons is being held on $1 million bail in Baltimore for the videotaped assault and robbery of a tourist on Saint Patrick’s Day. The man who videotaped the beating and posted it online claimed “me an[sic] my boys helped get justice fore[sic] trayvon.” Three co-conspirators to the beating and robbery are still wanted by police.

    On March 24-25, a string of attacks in Grand Rapids, Mich., by mobs of black youths injured seven whites in separate incidents. Five of the injured filed police reports. Examiner reporter Kyle Rogers interviewed one of the victims, Jacob Palasek, who had been beaten with a chain. Palasek stated that police investigators feel that all the attacks were related to the Trayvon Martin story. Local news media stand accused of burying the story to keep racial tensions from rising to a boiling point.

    A day later, two black men savagely beat a 50-year-old man in a hammer attack in Sanford, Fla., just miles from where Trayvon Martin was shot. The attack is thought to be racially motivated, and the victim, Mark Slavin, has been in critical condition since the attack. He has multiple skull fractures and has developed respiratory problems. His prognosis is grim.

    Seventy-eight-year-old Dallas Watts claims he was the victim of an April 3 assault in East Toledo, Ohio, in which a multiracial group of six youths (five black and one white) are alleged to have shouted, “This is for Trayvon. Kill that white.” Police officials have since attempted to claim Watts “exaggerated” the event, though they still admit an assault and robbery occurred and that Trayvon Martin was mentioned during the assault.

    On April 9 in Gainesville, Fla., 5-8 black men jumped out of a car and screamed “Trayvon” before severely beating a white 27-year-old man walking home alone. The attackers had selected their target at random. The victim is coping with substantial injuries, including probable “permanent disfigurement to the left side of his face.”

    Just two days later, in the same city, a white man that chased down a black purse snatcher had his hands stomped by a black crowd shouting “Trayvon.” They allowed the criminal to escape.

    On April 17 in Chicago, two black teens assaulted and robbed their white 19-year-old victim in an attack they admit was driven by race hate. Alton Hayes III stated that his sole motive was “anger over the death of Trayvon Martin” and that he chose his victim because of his race. He faces attempted robbery, aggravated battery, and hate-crime charges. His partner in the assault has been referred to the juvenile court system.

    In just two months, there were at least 14 known assaults — some clearly attempted murder — perpetrated by black mobs against 15 white victims that have been tied to a widely shared desire to avenge the death of Trayvon Martin.

  3. More "color arousal" field won't post about.

    ‘Justice for Trayvon’: 15 Whites Beaten By Gangs of Black Thugs… So Far
    This list of brutality does not include the highly publicized beating of Matthew Owens in Alabama that may have been the result of a long-running neighborhood feud, nor does it include the shooting of an unoccupied Sanford, Fla., police car at the height of racial tensions before George Zimmerman was arrested. It also does not include alleged vandalism and threats that have been issued, such as the death threats in Wisconsin plastered on neighborhood mailboxes and a sticker featuring a picture of Trayvon Martin and the word “Revenge,” as well as another that said “Kill Whitey.”

    The fact that Martin’s admitted shooter, George Zimmerman, is multi-racial indicates the attacks are merely an excuse to resurrect deeply buried grudges and act out on them with violence.

    The media that doctored evidence to give the incident a racist spin, the politicians that echoed it when they saw a political advantage in parroting disinformation, and the racial grievance industry that fanned the flames of racial discord have downplayed the incidents of violence they nurtured.

    This is far from over, and the worst of the deep-seated, irrational hatred, blame-shifting, and violent sentiments resemble nothing less than the psychosis that undermines the Palestinian cause and keeps them from ever rising above poverty and out of hate. America has balkanized fiercely thanks to a disreputable media and dishonorable “leaders,” and a Pandora’s box has cracked open as a result.

    The vitriol towards George Zimmerman and the call for riots if the courts don’t rule the mob’s way are heavily documented on social media sites like Twitter. Threads for #Trayvon, #TrayvonMartin, #Justice4Trayvon, and #Zimmerman reveal a raw and untouched desire for violent retribution and the most brutal lynching fantasies directed at Zimmerman, sprinkled with naked hatred of other races.

    These documented assaults that have made national media are not likely to be the only violent hate crimes spurred on by events and perceptions surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin, and the case hasn’t even made it to trial. The same malevolent media, race hustlers, and political opportunists that have sowed discord now face a cultural disaster of their own making. If they cannot find a way to rein in the violence they’ve instigated, the integrated, color-blind society that so many of us had hoped was just on the horizon may be set back decades once again.

  4. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "It wasn't a case of "mistaken identity"."

    If the killer mistook the identity of the person he shot, then that is the definition of "mistaken identity".

    "Another mother has lost her child. The fact that the shooter was "mistaken" won't bring him back."

    No kidding. Your ability to state the obvious is awe-inspiring.

  5. "No kidding. Your ability to state the obvious is awe-inspiring."

    You strike me as someone who is easily "awed", so I am not moved by your pronouncement.

    Liberal Torm...aren't you glad for the Internet? At least you have a platform to express your outrage.

  6. Field, I live in North Carolina. My father is from Philly. I love a good hoagie!

    Get me near Cottman Ave and I'm at the nearest Lee's Hoagie Shop. Get me out to King of Prussa and I'm in a hoagie shope. Yeah, South Philly, too. Even had one of them fish hoagies. I love y'alls Cheese Steaks also. And, let me at some Tastycake to complete my meal.

    However, I'll be DAYUMED if I am going to sit in a Philly police cruiser getting some black mamba or polish klebesa rammed down my throat.

    To read the remainder of the article is like reading a bad episode of Star Trek. This police officer is sick as streptococcyx on schitt. This guy need to make a movie.

    Seriously,! The cop was believed over the perp, even with DaNA evidence in a styrophom cup? Consensual Sex in a cruiser? This guy need to be reading meters in "Parking Wars".

  7. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "By the end of the year, the case was in criminal court. But Judge Anthony DeFino acquitted Paige of kidnapping, indecent sexual contact and related offenses. Paige never took the stand, and the judge said he believed the encounter was consensual."

    To make a thorough analysis one would need to know what happened in court to cause the Judge to acquit Paige. Maybe the victim had a lousy attorney and Paige had a very good one?

    My guess with what little I know is there was a miscarriage of justice by the Judge for whatever his reasons were. A policeman should never be caught in such a situation with someone. Proof of his misconduct was the police department fired him based on evidence. That means the police and detectives 'knew' the cop was dirty. Yet the judge freed him?

    And why didn't the victim's lawyer appeal to a higher court? Consensual or not, this sexual act happened in a City Police car, paid for by the people of Philadelphia. That is plain wrong.

  8. Anonymous10:05 PM

    There's a hold up in the Bronx,
    Brooklyn's broken out in fights.
    There's a traffic jam in Harlem
    That's backed up to Jackson Heights.
    There's a scout troup short a child,
    Kruschev's due at Idlewild
    Car 54, Where Are Yoooou?
    (musical interlude)
    Using the patrol car is illegal. He shouldn't have been rehired.

    But it's kind of puzzling as to why the cop would go out to urinate and leave the keys in the ignition and his gun on the seat?

    And what has the other friend who was there when it all began testified?

    I think we need to hear the whole story to determine of a sexual crime was committed.

  9. Anonymous10:31 PM

    The first thing that told me this guy was a whiner was when he said "if this was a white girl...blah..blah...blah....imagine that a homosexual using a race card.

    Whites had nothing to do with this. The reason it hasn't gotten mainstream press is it highlights the polesmoking early morning activities of three males, two confirmed to be black and minority.

    I don't care how horny I have ever been in my life and how amazingly hot the woman was, I can't imagine anyone getting his pole smoked forcibly three times in a short time period....strike number two, doesn't sound reasonable unless he was the absolute hottest mary he found ever.

    My take is the cop came upon two male lovers parked and playing hide the sausage early in the morning and took some. Wether he forced it or the keilbasa licker is pissed because the cop won't return his phone calls remains undetermined.

    Remember your mistakes from Trayvon Field. There are always two sides to the smoking pole. Just because someone accuses someone of something doesn't mean they are innocent and I can't imagine internal affairs clearing this guy to go back on duty unless there was an extensive investigation that cleared him.

  10. Tawana10:40 PM

    Good thing Yasin wasn't shot by a White Hispanic or a White Negro.

  11. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Poor Ja'Quares Walker. A 13-year-old African-American youth who attempted to rob a White couple in a Lexus SUV in a gated community in Southwest Birmingham. He tried to carjack them with his gun and wound up eating some bullets and sadly died.

    Mom said the usual, in fact just copy Trayvons moms words and you already have it. Good kid, never in trouble, budding football star.

    Thats ok, Trayvons parents are in Birmingham today marching for "justice" just in time. Now the arrest wasn't good enough they want Zimmerman convicted of murder. Wonder what will happen when he walks free ?

    Please Join Rev'rund Al und Rev'rund Jackon on the Skittles rainbow tour this summer.

    All donations for justice will be accepted by Al and Jesse with a guarantee that some money will go to Tray,Tray's mom who copyrighted justice for trayvon earlier and the rest will go to Al and Jesse's bank accounts with a healthy cut given to crump.

    And Justice for All.

  12. Kingnut10:42 PM

    Desertflower said...
    I think we need to hear the whole story to determine of a sexual crime was committed.

    I think we've heard way too much of that story already. Jesus.

  13. Alton Maddox10:43 PM

    Tawana said...
    Good thing Yasin wasn't shot by a White Hispanic or a White Negro.

    Yer honor I telling you, the one drop rule does not apply when we wants to march. Zimmerman was not black or hispanic he was white I tell ya white.

  14. Anonymous10:51 PM

    And Justice for All.

    There's no justice for whites in obama's America.

  15. "There's no justice for whites in obama's America."

    I know how you feel my white brother. But don't worry, in a few more months things will be back to normal.

    Those n*&&^%s will be right back in their place.

  16. Kingnut11:13 PM

    field negro said...
    "There's no justice for whites in obama's America."

    I know how you feel my white brother. But don't worry, in a few more months things will be back to normal.

    Those n*&&^%s will be right back in their place

    Maybe we'll get a Department of Justice that enforces the laws equally for everyone. Then we'll all have the same "place".

  17. NSangoma11:26 PM


    Harris said that Paige directed him to sit in the front passenger seat of his cruiser while he looked over his vehicle paperwork and questioned him about his sexual preferences, Harris said. He then told Harris to take his friend home and return to the park, withholding Harris’ car registration and insurance papers to ensure his complicity, according to Harris and detectives who later investigated the incident.


    SIHT field, he wanted to SCUK that NGGIERS DCIK. And like the BISH he is, he is complaining because it was just a quick hit and they did not become butt buddies.

    He did not have to return for his automobile paperwork; instead he could have gotten you as his attorney and then complained to police officials the very next day.


  18. NSangoma11:42 PM


    You know field, some NGGIERS just do not have any punk MotherFcuking gawd damn sense.

    That does not look like the kind of neighborhood where you would send a child out anywhere after dark; regardless of how sick you are.
    The shooting happened shortly after 9 Wednesday night at the intersection of 62nd and Callowhill Streets.


    Can you imagine living in the rainforest field, with lions, leopards, and hyenas prowling during the night; and yet you send a child out after dark to the stream to get some water? Only a MotherFcuking fool would do something like that.

    Children, are the victims of their parents.


  19. Anonymous12:24 AM

    field negro said...
    "There's no justice for whites in obama's America."

    I know how you feel my white brother. But don't worry, in a few more months things will be back to normal.

    Those n*&&^%s will be right back in their place.

    Side by side equally would be nice my brother, then maybe no one will be calling anyone "peckerwoods or cracka's or n*$$^%s" <---hope I spelled that right.

    If we keep playing one upsmanship for history it will just go round and round and round and always end badly.

  20. This reminds me of something that happened in Paterson NJ many years ago. There, cop forced two teenage girls to have sex with him, & said if they told anyone he would have them arrested for solicitation. The frightened girls believed him. But then the cop did it to them again. So they bravely came forward with their story & miraculously they were believed. I can't recall if the cop did time, but he was kicked out of the dept.

  21. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Field, Officer Paige has a dark past as a policeman and a very shady character. His supervisor in the past tried to get Paige fired several times but failed each time.

    My question to you is why did you not mention this fact about Paige? The cop is as crooked as a cork screw. In addition, there is some serious mental and personality problems. Now why would the Philly Police keep someone like Paige who, in the past, has been in trouble repeatedly? This guy is a time bomb waiting to go off.

    This guy's history proves he is crazy just like Harris claimed. Paige is probably a sex addict and a sex predator with a badge!

  22. Anon,I gave the link to the story and indicated that there is more. What else can I do? I didn't want to cut and paste the entire story. :)

    Anon@12:24AM, brother Martin tried that and look where it got him. I am not sure such a thing will ever be possible in "color aroused" America.

  23. I am sick of reading about the deaths of young black men, I don't care who the killer is! It's disturbing that young black boys are being murdered, abused, and drugged; our girls are being pimped, brainwashed, and raped and there is no "movement" to reverse this effect. Can we at least get some positive press to counteract all the foolishness we see in mainstream media?

    I would like to add that if this problem was as rampant in some other communities,the govt would be involved, police would have strategies to combat the trend, and MOST IMPORTANTLY THEIR COMMUNITY WOULD BE FIGHTING LIKE HELL FOR THEM. Field can we get an article about a solution? Cause I'm at a lose for words and ideas.

  24. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Chriscogmta said...

    "I would like to add that if this problem was as rampant in some other communities,the govt would be involved, police would have strategies to combat the trend, and MOST IMPORTANTLY THEIR COMMUNITY WOULD BE FIGHTING LIKE HELL FOR THEM. Field can we get an article about a solution? Cause I'm at a lose for words and ideas."

    Chris, every time government or police do their job to stop Black Crime it's called racism. In neighborhoods where shootings, drugs etc are raging, when cops stop a thug out on a corner at three in the morning obviously dealing and carrying, what happens? People get outraged.

    I was outside at 3 am the other day, looking for a dog that got out. A cop stopped me asked me what I was doing. When we finished do you know what I said? Great, they are looking out for the community, I felt safer, not violated.

    First things that need to happen is people need to stop accepting and condoning it. When you don't snitch, keep it real by keeping it quiet and within. Then it stays within. Now because a neighborhood watch guy stops someone from cracking his head like an egg neighborhood watches are under attack, self defense is racism and how dare anyone practice common sense and think that just because black thugs are robbing houses in the neighborhood that someone who is acting strange, walking in the rain, not on the walkway warrants some attention. Get used to it, unless the people who live it get outraged at the ones causing it and stop pointing fingers and blaming those who they want to fix it, it will only get worse.

    When you look the other way when drug dealers hook kids on sludge, violence and dirty money - you get it.

    When you look the other way when thugs rob, kill, hurt anyone no matter what they look like. You get it.

    Here it is. Every action has effects. The rev Als and Jesse's have forced everyone but those who have to do their job to disengage from most black behaviour. The average person seeing black crime will look the other way so they either don't get attacked, don't get sued, don't get called a racist or now don't get brought up on murder charges for self defense. Why shouldn't they look away, the black community does.

    Try supporting the local police instead of the local thugs either out of fear/cowardice or misplaced responsibility. Watch what happens.

  25. Not sure how you made this about Trayvon!!I wasn't asking for gov't help, I was simply pointing out that if this epidemic was afflicting another community the govt would declare "war on drugs".

    the difference between you and me is that when I got stopped by the cop at 12am, after checking my mail, the cop didn't believe me. He put me in cuffs, searched me, and questioned me for 30 mins. My white neighbor stoppped and asked what was going on. Only after they vouched for me was I released. Was that cope looking out for the community?

    I agree that there needs to be some internal reflection but there also so needs to be some external acceptance of the realites of minorities in this country. Both of those things need to happen in order for true change in any community.

  26. kudos fn

    ditto to all

    re: trayvon

    black men who shoot black men go directly to jail and prison

    all we want is for george zimmerman to go there too
    and he is still free and breathing...why????


    this psycho gay cop is the poster boy for macho men who fear gay men
    in the military etc

    a rapist is a rapist
    het or gay

    and rapists fear clones most


  27. ps:

    blue trumps female too

    more on het cop rapists clones in nyc:

  28. Chris, you are on point. I have some ideas, but I must warn
    you, you might not like all of them.

    Anon 9:33 AM, if we could only get past the clichés and talking points.

    Do you really believe that poor people in the hood who are victims of crime buy into that no snitch bull s*%#?

    You really need to get to the real world ASAP.

  29. Kingnut12:29 PM

    chriscogmta said...
    "the difference between you and me is that when I got stopped by the cop at 12am, after checking my mail, the cop didn't believe me. He put me in cuffs, searched me, and questioned me for 30 mins. My white neighbor stoppped and asked what was going on. Only after they vouched for me was I released. Was that cop looking out for the community?"

    Yes Chris, that cop was looking out for the community. The hard reality is that the color of crime is pretty black.

    Most blacks are decent, law abiidng citizens and many whites are criminals. But you know and I know that a black males are an order of magnitude more likley to be engaged in the kind of criminal activities that involve walking around late at night.

    I've been hassled by the police, especially when I was younger, and it is infuriating. I imagine it is much worse for black guys. But that's the price you pay for the actions of people who look like you. It is not fair, but it is an attempt to protect "the community".

    The anon's point was valid. Whenever cops get serious about cracking down on crime in black neighborhoods, it is not long before the cries of racism put a halt to the effort.

    Black people view the police as the enemy, not as protection. Maybe this is justified in some cases - as far as the bigger picture is concerned it doesn't matter. As long as a community resists law enforcement, they will have to live with lawlessness. And 16 year old kids will take their life in their hands going to the corner store.

    Your choice.

  30. mellaneous12:31 PM

    @Chris- I feel you about solutions. But the truth is the solution is obvious, but we don't have the intestinal fortitude to implement it and we who are somewhat successful or at least getting by don't have the desire to implement real change.

    You know like I know like Field knows and most every other clear thinking person in this country that this system DOES NOT WORK!

    It is set up to favor the rich over the poor and uses race and sex discrimination to keep us at one another's throats. It also set up a group of people to remain almost generational in a state of struggle. Some escape others don't but they live an existence that is always a bit perilous.

    Malcolm X said that if a chicken produced a duck egg it would be called a revolutionary chicken, cause a chicken can't produce a duck egg. And as long as this system continues to encourage second class status for some of its population while ripping it off and subltly and not so subtly holding many of them back we will continue to struggle.

    I find it hard to believe that 2012with all the scientific breakthroughs and the fact that we know that for every cause there is an effect we refuse to read about what happens to human beings when they perceive that their options are limited.

    There are lots of great books about what happens to the minds of oppressed people and why they do what they do.

    And in fact this exercise we have engaged in --somehow comparing one tragedy (Trayvon's death) with another's senseless killing as if they come from different sources is what -- is part of the pathos.

    Both killings are the outgrowth of a racist society. One was a result of internalized racism and the other the outward expression of the despite of all things black.

    But don't take my word for it. Please lets do some daggone research

  31. We'll said Mell.

    Kingut, I always found you to be one of the more reasonable wingnuts on this site, and I actually agree with you about 20% of the time. Unfortunately, this falls into the 80% category. How can the police protect the community if they themselves are doing the wrong thing? And just because some people in certain groups committ more crimes than others, it does not mean that certain people in that group who are NOT breaking the law are not entitled to equal protection.

    I think the Constitution guarantees us those protections.
    Do you agree, or do republicans not believe in the Constitution?

  32. mellaneous1:02 PM

    @Field - I don't think that the Trayvon case and the killing of this young man have to be put in competition with one another.

    Both are tragic and neither should be diminished. It feels a little like the significance of what happened to Trayvon is a bit diminished when we do this false comparison.

    One death results from the pathology of oppressed folks and the other result from the results of years of negative propaganda, and racist stereotype.

    And Trayvon's death is followed up with the abject failure of the system to: 1) produce the child's body in a timely manner 2) hold on to the person that admitted to the shooting 3) bring some kind of criminal charges for at the very least reckless and disorderly conduct.

    Field I aint got nothing but love for you my brother and I know, I mean I know, how crazy our folks act.

    More than you think I know, believe me I KNOW how crazy and trifling and shiftless and foolish some black folks are, like you I encounter them EVERYDAY.

    And I want to hurt folks on occassion, but I always keep in mind that I have a larger foe --and as devilish as they can be-- the real source of evil are the folks who put this mix together in the first place that helped create an environment that helped produce some of the most trifling, ignorant,self- indulgent, backwards,and hateful so-called human beings I have ever
    seen in my life.

    As frustrated as I get, it absolutely does not change the facts behind this situation.

    "An edifice that continues to produce beggars needs restructuring." MLK

  33. mellaneous1:05 PM

    thanks for the compliment Field!

    Believe me I know your frustration. I am dealing with some hood craziness right now.

  34. fn


    news from ar

    pookies are abusing elders

    and the elders are snapping


  35. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Mell, "I find it hard to believe that 2012with all the scientific breakthroughs and the fact that we know that for every cause there is an effect we refuse to read about what happens to human beings when they perceive that their options are limited."

    It IS hard to believe in 2012 racism still rules the roost, where no one seems to know or care what science says.

    That's always been consistent whether it is the year 1812 or 2012. The rational logical mind has never been a match for the emotional imaginary mind when it comes to race and color in America. Hence, the perpetrators in power remain corrupt and the victims remain bound by racism that limits the unfolding of their potential.

    The question is how do we attack and kill off racism? Clearly science does not have the answer. And rightly so because this is not a logical and rational answer. It is trans-rational and trans-logical because racism lies in the hearts where logic and reason has failed again and again.

    There needs to be another approach which is powerful enough to 'change' the heart and by extension 'change' our feelings and fears of each other. Bottom line: to be able to stand together in on the principle of "doing the right thing" without prejudice. But first, we must deal with our prejudices. I submit that to deal with our prejudices and mistrust against each other we must be willing to to give up the old biased blame game that never works.

    The idea that science is the answer doesn't mean much to the wounded heart. Another discipline might be more helpful...Philosophy? Religion? Psychology? None of these disciplines today are doing much about racism. Yet, IMO they are a big piece of the solution.

  36. Kingnut1:40 PM

    field negro said...
    "How can the police protect the community if they themselves are doing the wrong thing? And just because some people in certain groups committ more crimes than others, it does not mean that certain people in that group who are NOT breaking the law are not entitled to equal protection.

    There are of course police who abuse their power and they are certainly not protecting the community in these cases. I do not believe this is endemic and it is therefore not the main problem black communities should be worrying about.

    And yes, everyone is entitled to equal protection, however we have to be real about the situation.

    If the police are looking for a rapist in my neighborhood, I would expect to receive more scrutinity than a female would walking around at night. I would accept being stopped and "hassled" as to what my business was on a higher frequency than a woman would be.

    Some groups should receive more scrutiny in some situations than other groups. Call it "profiling" if you want, to me it's common sense.

    It is hyperbolic to suggest that this position is equivalent to advocating arresting someone because they fit a demographic profile, i.e. violating their rights under the Constitution.

    Of course this is easy for me to say because the extra scrutiny I receive from being male is less than it would be for being a black male. However, I live in a place where I can go to the store at night with a reasonable assurance I won't get shot. All I am saying is that if you live in a place where you have to worry about that, maybe you go along with the efforts of the police to do something about the situation.

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson2:40 PM

    "He dreams often of suffocating, choking as he wakes, unable to catch his breath."

    I would imagine that's what happens when you have a big ole Nubian meat pole shoved down your throat. Too bad Steve isn't around anymore. I'm sure he could confirm this for us.

  38. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anon 9:33 AM, if we could only get past the clichés and talking points.

    Do you really believe that poor people in the hood who are victims of crime buy into that no snitch bull s*%#?

    You really need to get to the real world ASAP.

    Actually Field, it sounds like you need to wake up. How many times are Black kids gunned down in front of dozens of witnesses, yet no body saw nothing and nobody, no car, no description, no idea what happened? Tell me this doesn't happen and I will start to wonder about the colored glasses that you view life through. You might need a new pair that gives you the full spectrum of color and not just a shade of pale.

  39. "Maybe we'll get a Department of Justice that enforces the laws equally for everyone. Then we'll all have the same "place"."

    Yeah right, that'll be a first.

  40. "Yes Chris, that cop was looking out for the community. The hard reality is that the color of crime is pretty black."

    Of course this is true until it's not. I'm pretty sure thise aren't blah people stabbing each other high on meth in trailer parks every night. There's enough crime in your hood to start worrying about mine there kid.

  41. "Justice for Trayvon’: 15 Whites Beaten By Gangs of Black Thugs… So Far"

    Wow, 15? Call the Nationa Guard! Those nigras are going crazy!!!!!!!!!! 15 people in a country of over 300,000,000 have been attacked!!!!!!

    Dear god, conservatives are more paranoid that I thought. No wonder they need guns to take a crap, they're scared of everything.


    The last panel is the truth! Been there about 1,000 times.

  43. PilotX said...
    "Wow, 15? Call the Nationa Guard! Those nigras are going crazy!!!!!!!!!! 15 people in a country of over 300,000,000 have been attacked!!!!!!"

    That's 15 times the number of black teenagers shot by a half white hispanic neighborhood watch guy, and look at all the fuss over that absolutely unique occurrence.

    Contrast that with ZERO racially motivated mass beatings of blacks by whites in the last say, 47 years.

    Who did you say was paranoid?

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  44. Anonymous3:46 PM

    PilotX said...

    Dear god, conservatives are more paranoid that I thought

    negroes are more violent- just like we all thought.

  45. more proof that mitt will be hobama 2.0

    just as hobama has been gwb 2.0

    we are globally doomed

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. pookies do rule the entire world!!!

  48. "Contrast that with ZERO racially motivated mass beatings of blacks by whites in the last say, 47 years."

    ■Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.

    Ha! Yeah, you whities are sooooooo peaceful. Conservatives are dumb too. Field, I thought you were working on new trolls. These are embarrassing trolls everywhere.

  49. Anonymous7:06 PM

    O.K. Field.

    The things that immediately jump out at me is, dropping off the friend and coming back. second is oral sex three times.

    There was definitely a mis-use of power with the officer, but this does seem consensual based on the information you provided.

    Reinstated to a new department is a joke, Its true if the "victim" was white, (male or female) the officer would not be back on the force.

    Your field hand in LA, LA uprising 20 yrs later and South Central still looks like hell. I know cause I reside there.

  50. 352 E.8:22 PM

    I've come to believe that a lot can and does go wrong at 2:30am. Nevertheless, I would think heads need to roll down at department. That makes this a city problem. Where is the white outrage? Where are the city leaders?
    What a lack of Leadership from our elected officials. If this isn't an opportunity what is?

  51. "Ha! Yeah, you whities are sooooooo peaceful. Conservatives are dumb too. Field, I thought you were working on new trolls. These are embarrassing trolls everywhere."

    You need a new line, PiliteX.

    Hate crime statisitcs are not reliable, as we know who they are targeted against.

    And the point was mob attacks, anyway.

  52. In the real world, the rate of violent crime in the US is at the lowest point since 1968 – in fact, it is somewhat of a mystery that the violent crime rate has continued to decline even in the midst of the Great Recession. It's also true that 84 percent of white murder victims are killed by other whites. But if you read the Drudge Report, or check in at Fox, on any given day you will see extensive coverage of any incident in which a black person harms a white person. These fit in with the narrative – advanced by people like Glenn Beck and long-touted by Ron Paul – that we stand on the brink of a race war, led by the New Black Panthers (just consider how frightening it would be if there were more than a dozen New Black Panthers, or if they did more than say stupid things). Marauding “flash-mobs” of black teens – a near-obsession at many conservative outlets these days -- are simply a harbinger of things to come.

  53. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 20094:51 PM

    Despite Congress passing the 1994 Police Accountability Act, incorporated into the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act to require the Attorney General to compile national data on excessive police force, Congress has consistently failed to fund it. Further, the legislation doesn't require local police agencies to keep records or submit data to the Justice Department. Nor does it criminalize police violence and excessive force as human rights violations. On April 4, 2007, Ryan Gallagher, writing for Medill Reports, produced by Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, headlined, "Study: Police Abuse Goes Unpunished" saying: From 2002 - 2004, over "10,000 complaints of police abuse were filed with Chicago police....but only 19 resulted in meaningful disciplinary action, a new study asserts." According to Gerald Frazier, president of Citizens Alert, it reflects "not only the appearance of influence and cover-up," but clear evidence that city residents are being abused, not protected. Most disturbing is that the Chicago pattern reflects what's happening across America. From that report we established a baseline by examining the latest data released by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) which indicated that the conviction rate for members of the general public who were tried on criminal charges ranged around 68% from 2002 through 2006. Furthermore, the US BJS reports indicated that the incarceration rate remained fairly stable at an average of 70% and the average length of post-conviction incarceration for the general public was 49 months. For a comparison we used data from our National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) which tracked over 8,300 credible reports involving allegations of police misconduct in the US from April 2009 - December 2010 which involved nearly 11,000 law enforcement officers within those 21 months. Of those reported allegations, only 3,238 resulted in criminal charges against law enforcement officers. Of those 3,238 criminal cases against law enforcement officers in the US, only 1,063 officers were ultimately convicted of those charges or reduced charges associated with the original allegations. Of the law enforcement officers who were ultimately convicted, 36% were ultimately sentenced to spend any time incarcerated and the average length of incarceration for those sentenced to prison or jail was approximately 34.6 months.

  54. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 20094:53 PM

    The problem of fatal police shootings in America goes beyond a few bad apples. It points to persistent & systemic problems that lead to ongoing tragedies for communities of color. Between 1980 & 2005, close to 9,600 people were killed by police in America -- an average of about one fatal shooting every day. However, the real number may be higher due to underreporting by some departments to the federal government. For example, the Los Angeles Police Department responded to a Freedom of Information Act request by claiming there were 79 fatal police shootings from 2000 to 2005. Yet only 38 fatal shootings were reported to the federal government for the same period. It’s also clear that shootings are not distributed evenly throughout the population. In Chicago, for example, more than two-thirds of the shootings happened in black & Latino neighborhoods, & the majority of the incidents occurred in poor neighborhoods. African Americans are particularly at risk of being killed by police. Black people were overrepresented among victims in each of America’s 10 largest cities. This contrast was particularly glaring in New York, Las Vegas & San Diego, where the percentage of black people killed was at least double their share of the general population. It’s clear that it’s not a local problem. The shootings may be explained in part by implicit bias on the part of police officers, according to research by University of Chicago Professor Joshua Correll. It’s time to look beyond the apples & deal with the barrel.**all data provided for anyone who would like to double-check the math or the primary sources.
