Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Staring while black.

Image result for st gabriel consolidated school ohio school images"Teacher, the scary black kid  was staring at me."

It starts for us when we are young. The constant sense of apprehension, unease, and trepidation some in the majority community feel when they are in our presence.  It is that  (some would argue justified) fear of the black male that makes us all uncomfortable while we try to navigate our way through our daily interactions. We can't escape it.
I personally get it all the time, especially on weekends when I am not in my work uniform: wingtips, suit, tie, and a dress shirt. But I have learned to deal with that. 
It is annoying, though, when I am wearing a suit that costs more than what the starer pays for her mortgage every month, and she has the audacity to think that I am going to rob her.  But I digress.
Anyway, some poor lad in Ohio caught the business from the authorities in that state for……well... staring.  
"Last week, an Ohio judge refused to erase the suspension of a 12-year-old black boy who was punished for staring at his classmate last year.
The boy was suspended several days after participating in a staring contest with a white female classmate at St. Gabriel Consolidated School, and allegedly made her feel “fearful.” School officials were notified by the girl’s parents the day after the contest, claiming she felt intimidated by the boy. But the boy, who was forced to write an apology letter and subsequently suspended for a day, maintained he was unaware that his classmate was feeling uncomfortable.

“I never knew she was scared because she was laughing,” he wrote. “I understand I done the wrong thing that will never happen again. I will start to think before I do so I am not in this situation.”

The 12-year-old’s mother, Candice Tolbert, said her son was suspended because of a “perception [that] he intimidated her.” The family filed a lawsuit to have the punishment dismissed from his record, but Judge Patrick Dinkelacker declined the request. The ruling could be appealed in the future." [Source]

One of the sad things about this story is how clearly beaten down and belittled this child was after the accusations were made against him. He actually had to apologize for playing a game that most kids play all the time without repercussion or negative consequences. 

But if you read the study talked about in the story I provided the link to, you will get a clue as to why this is the case. And you will also realize that this is not an isolated incident. This seems to be par for the course in how many schools treat young men of color in modern day America.

Oh, and by the way, I believe in having strict discipline in schools to create a good learning environment, and I believe that persistent trouble makers should be thrown out of the classroom if they disrupt others and prevent them from learning.

This was clearly not the case in this story. There is no indication that this 12 year old was constantly disruptive in class. The poor child was suspended for "several days" for being scary looking to his classmate when he stared. That's it. Just imagine if the poor kid had said BOO,  he probably would have been thrown in jail.

*Pic from theroot.com



  1. LOL! The guy who sees the Klan lurking behind every woodpile mocks a young woman's fear of creepy black males who really are actually staring at her.

    Statistics would validate her fears far more than yours.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    This reminds me of the Pop-Tart Pistol controversy a few years ago. A (white) 7-year-old got suspended from school for gun-shaped pastry

    A Maryland kid chewed his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun at school and wound up with two days suspension.


    7-Year-Old Joshua was suspended this morning from Park Elementary School in Brooklyn Park. Joshua says he was eating a pastry during snack time and trying to shape it into a mountain, the teacher said it looked like a gun and took him to the principal's office. Joshua's parents were called, he has been suspended for two days. Joshua's father says it's ridiculous since no one was threatened or harmed by the pastry. A letter will be going home to all students of Park Elementary School this afternoon. School officials declined to comment due to privacy issues.

    It ain't a black kid discrimination issues, it be progressive idiots issue, in my opinon.

    The point is race it is the hysterical reaction of progressive teachers charged with our children’s education.

  3. What was the class, Cowardice 101?

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Lt. Commander Johnson10:17 PM

    This is a crock of shit.

    Why would you suppose people are frightened of the Black's shit? Seen the videos of the apes going wild in fast food joints?

    Hell, it's not even worth continuing.

  5. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Field said...I personally get it all the time, especially on weekends when I am not in my work uniform: wingtips, suit, tie, and a dress shirt. But I have learned to deal with that.

    Nothing better than a well dressed man! A Black well dressed man? Divine creation! :p

  6. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Here's a riddle:

    Question: What's better than a black well dressed man?

    Answer: Undressing him! xD

  7. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Something about this story seems ... wrong. I feel like there are some details missing from the story.

    The black kid says he was involved in a "staring contest," which implies that he was involved in a game with the girl, not merely looking at her. But then she complained to school authorities and got him in trouble. So either there was some sort of misunderstanding between them, or the girl is lying for some reason.

    The first scenario suggests to me that the boy might be a special needs kid. Maybe he doesn't understand social conventions and really believed he was playing a game with this girl, but that wasn't the case and she just thought he was creepy for constantly staring at her. Kids who have developmental problems can come off to other people as creepy when they're only trying to be friendly. His quote also makes him comes off to me as developmentally disabled. His language is kinda bad, and he's readily taking the blame for having done something horrible, even though he really didn't. Maybe I'm just reading into the situation, but it seems plausible that other people could be wrongly seeing a lack of social skills as a threat, which would make this story even sadder.

    The second possibility is that the two of them really were playing a game, and the girl made up this oddball story later on because she was mad at him about something. Kids can be cruel, especially in junior high. It's a crappy age they are at.

    Either way, the response of the school is definitely insane and possibly racist. Suspending someone for "looking too hard" is bonkers. I don't know where they find these school administrators, but some of them seem to be so timid and terrified of being blamed if something goes wrong, they massively overreact to events that are not at all serious.

  8. From reading this site a lot, I'm fully aware that some black people believe that having X amount of melanin in one's skin thus gives them magical powers; e.g. knowing "what it's like" to be "black" even if one's from Europe or legit Africa in Nigeria or in the southside of Chicago. Airborne osmosis, what some might call nonsensical mysticism, is considered to be part of what "black" is in America. But this seems to be taking it too far. Now folks are claiming to know what's always on the mind of other people?

    Dafuq kinda new religion is this bullshit?

    Could it be that, hey, some people just don't like being looked at by anyone? Nope, 'cause I'm black!

    Could it be that some people are just uneasy around all strangers in general? Nope, 'cause I'm black!

    Could it be that staring at someone is, in fact, something that some people perceive as incredibly menacing in general? Nope, 'cause I'm black.

    Could it be that your projections of what you think you look like while staring are being forced onto other people, and that you're the one with the issue and not them? Nope, 'cause I'm black.

    Could it be that your read on people is just wrong and based on nothing at all save loose guesses of how you think people feel when you have zero evidence for such a claim? Nope, 'cause I'm black.

    There's a lot of damn things wrong with this world. There's a lot of injustice and criminality and suchlike. To project on people that they have an issue because you perceive such with your super-duper powers of blackness (read: uber-projection) is just crossing that modern feminist border of inventing shit like the wage gap and "microaggressions" to complain about shit that's literally not real.

    Kat Williams, a black man, of course, put it the best. When a girl claims that all her boyfriends "ain't shit," maybe she's the one who ain't shit. When you assume that everyone else on the fucking planet are the people with the problem with you, maybe, just maybe, it's you. with the problem and not every other damn person under the sun. Maybe you won't stop projecting your own feelings onto other people, so you perceive them as feeling X or Y while you're eye-fucking them for no apparent reason.

    There's legitimately bad shit happening to people in the world today. This whining feminist shit might make good blog fodder, but any individual with even an ounce of skepticism undoubtedly knows projection from a hole in the ground.

    Staring is a stupid reason to suspend anyone. But why the hell is he staring at kids? I mean, c'mon. Don't treat everyone else like they're stupid because you wanna grand-stand on a point. What are some of the reasons one stares at another?

    - Spacing out
    - Checking them out sexually
    - Giving them the "I'm about to fuck your ass up" look

    Any other reasons you eye-fuck anybody? Except maybe so you can decide if people are racists or not by eye-fucking them and seeing if they flinch first. LMFAO...now that's a good social justice test to get going on Tumblr!

    Hey, white people, if a random large black male stares at you, and you perceive that as him being angry or him having a problem, then you're the racist. He's not the asshole; it's you who has the issue.


  9. the Field Negro said...
    claiming she felt intimidated by the boy

    The war on women continues. When will males learn?

    Meanwhile lilacpr2000 is continuing her war on well dressed men.

  10. Anonymous11:18 PM

    "Could it be that, hey, some people just don't like being looked at by anyone? Nope, 'cause I'm black!

    Could it be that some people are just uneasy around all strangers in general? Nope, 'cause I'm black!

    Could it be that staring at someone is, in fact, something that some people perceive as incredibly menacing in general? Nope, 'cause I'm black."

    Josh, the point here isn't that people can't be made uncomfortable by staring. Sometimes this absolutely can be the case. Most of us do know not to stare at others to the point it makes them uncomfortable.

    But how can staring alone possibly merit a suspension? It's a breach of social etiquette at worst. A suspension is clearly huge overkill.

    And there's statistical evidence that at least some schools DO hand out suspensions like candy to black kids. There's likely no way to prove that race affected the decision, in this particular case, but ... it's not impossible. It might well have.

  11. "The first scenario suggests to me that the boy might be a special needs kid"

    Yeah, he was black.

  12. Sideways Roy11:40 PM

    PilotX eats at Chuck E. Cheese so he doesn't have to tip.

  13. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Brother Field, don't you think bm should learn to be more cautious and teach their kids not to stare at Whites, esp females? I mean, this rule has been in place since slavery and Jim Crow.

    My question is what are the parents of this 12-yr old teaching him? That should be one of the FIRST things he should know: "Never stare at a ww."

    Look at what happened to Emmitt Till. The best thing a bm can do to protect himself is to mind his own business and leave ww alone. Because if he ends up in the wm's justice system the judge will be White and WILL crack down on him.

  14. Bloody Baltimore: No end seen to post-Freddie Gray spike in homicides, shootings

    For the year, the 246 homicides recorded through Sept. 26 put Baltimore dangerously close to the record pace of 1993, when 353 people were victims of homicide. The fact that the spike occurred after April 19 bodes even worse: Before the unrest following the Gray arrest, Baltimore had recorded 65 homicides for the year. A four-decade high of 42 homicides in May was topped in July when 45 people were killed in homicides, making Baltimore the second deadliest city in America on a per capita basis, trailing only St. Louis.

    Baltimore, St. Louis. I wonder what the common factor is?

  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, whether you are in a very expensive suit or casual, never forget that Whites see you as another Negro.

    Btw, your idea that if you are well-dressed Whites will feel comfortable around you. That is an illusion that some bm like yourself have.

    As a wm I know. So save yourself som clothes money, it won't make any difference.

  16. Anonymous12:23 AM

    "“I never knew she was scared because she was laughing,” he wrote. “I understand I done the wrong thing that will never happen again. I will start to think before I do so I am not in this situation.” "

    Brother Field, this kid is lying. He knew she was scared and he knew he was intimidating her. When will our folks learn not to do this?

    When will our folks learn to leave white folks alone? It's just stupid to do what he did.

  17. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Oh I can relate. Hell I went to jail retroactively because a white woman was "frightened" by my language when we were discussing her losing my rent payment. Ha! Not the first time a white woman will claim to be frightened of a blah man and wont be the last.


    PS, gonna have to hit and run for a few week. I'm in training for a different plane. Yeah, finally got off my ass and left the 737. Don't worry guys, still staying on a Boeing product. 757/767 here I come. And TPC, get some free time bro, I'm doing Europe.

  18. And let's not pretend that this country doesn't have a loooooooooong history of over punishing blah males by white men because of the demonization of us as being hyper sexual. Emmitt Till anyone. Watch "Birth of a Nation" if you need a refresher.

  19. Anonymous12:50 AM

    No one would ever think PilotX was hypersexual, except maybe his sock.

  20. "Hell I went to jail retroactively because a white woman was "frightened" by my language when we were discussing her losing my rent payment."

    So that's it, you threatened your landlord when she tried to get you to pay the rent.

    I thought better of you.

    1. Reading isn't big in your community huh Confront? Lots of stupid around here.

  21. Least I pay my rent by next Friday.

  22. Anonymous1:42 AM

    I am so glad we are having a discussion without PC. That bm is crazy. As a bm I dread it when he is around. Fortunately, he disappears from time to time. I can tell when he goes into hiding. The environment of FN is much nicer and certainly much better.

    If Field had any sense he would ban PC from FN. And PX, forget about seeing PC in Europe. It ain't going to happen. The man is in dire states to the extent he cannot let you see how far down he has gone as a bm.

    PX, do you ever fly to the West Coast? Let me know and we'll have a good time.

    Anyway, I can tell you that nothing is going on in the UK with PC. You will be so bored that you can't get away from PC. You might end up flying out of there faster than you arrived.

    I am not sure PC is Black. He sounds and thinks 'White'.

  23. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Come clean, PX....you like white female pilots don't you? Isn't that why you are going to training school to upgrade the planes you can fly?

    Because that's where the ww are? Yep. I got you figured out.

    Did you and your landlord have an affair?

  24. "I am not sure PC is Black. He sounds and thinks 'White'."

    He's right. I am white.

    Whiter than white, even. I'm like the whitest thing this side of a Sami hunter, hunting reindeer while carrying a brand new white iPhone in his new white Lexus, through the snow capped forests of Finland.

    I go line-dancing every Thursday night, I have the world's largest collection of Pat Boon records, and I live in a small wood-cutter's cabin just 38.73 kilometres from Auschwitz.

    Now as much as I would love to talk to you folks all day, I've got yodelling lessons to go to.


  25. "But how can staring alone possibly merit a suspension?"

    I said I didn't agree with the suspension.

    I added all that "'Cause I'm black" stuff because that seems to be the only POSSIBLE factor that Field and those like him ever look at.

    Reading more about the story, here's an extremely possible and extremely simplistic explanation: Girl and boy agree to something, girl then lies on boy, boy gets in trouble instead of girl because we're taught to believe girls and to react based on what a girl says. Guilty until proven innocent -- just how Field's elected officials want it.

    This entrance of "'Cause I'm black!" is just nonsensical in many different contextual situations which happen throughout America, past or not, and just stand in start contrast with reality. Playing that race card, first and foremost and never backing down, just stifles everything that will ensure, guarantee you, that the real motives are never found out.

    Ironically, while claiming to be a progressive, I find it highly doubtful that Field and his "'Cause I'm black" minions even realize the implications of supporting this system. For instance, the UN called a legitimate, recognized, taxpayer-funded meeting with Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, wherein the subject matter was that these women were arguing that their accusations should not warrant people to ask them for evidence. They went in front of the UN and literally called for "structural changes," so that when a female accuses someone of something, the accused is automatically guilty until proven innocent, with the accuser--the female--having to provide zero evidence. And they preach this in the UN because they can, and they can because some areas in America already work like this.

    Wanna play lacrosse at Duke, anyone?

    It could likely be the case that this girl just lied on the boy, and because he's a boy, not because he's black, her word was taken and his was not. However, we will never, ever, in a billion years, know what's what because the loudest voices here are always going to be shouting, "'Cause I'm black!"

    Not impossible, but also exceedingly less likely than a legitimate dozen other scenarios, the main one being that, as is typical in America today, a girl is believed and the boy is not. Race may have as little to do with this case as the happenstance of the boy being black, and guys like Field starring on it.

    But we'll never know. Never. All we will know: The "'Cause I'm black" crowd will be heard from, and Americans without a racist bone in their body will have to be lectured about the past, as if (a) they don't already know, (b) they had something to do with it, and (c) it's not changed at all. And people will whine and cry that systems need to be changed, and everybody's against black boys. And whatever the truth is will be obscured entirely by people who just want to shout "'Cause I'm black."

  26. Anonymous5:06 AM

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...

    Here's a riddle:

    Question: What's better than a black well dressed man?

    Answer: Undressing him! xD

    Mudshark. You are forever tainted.

  27. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Blacks - particularly black MALES - are highly prone to random outbursts of savage violence - everybody knows this. See: Knockout Game; Omar Thornton: Christopher Mercer, et. al, ad infinitum.

    If a black male stares at you, YOU ARE IN DANGER. Walk the other way, and don't let him out of your sight. These school officials did the right thing.

  28. Fucking Mutants9:40 AM

    Maybe Black males are angry and sick and tired of wimpy ass softer than shit whites fucking with them every turn of the die. A lifetime of of unjust treatment and ridicule will do that to a person. Fuck you and your mother you white recessive mutant devils, hopefully the lot of you will get just what you deserve.

  29. ctrl+halt+del9:51 AM

    "he probably would have been thrown in jail."

    The old "school to prison pipeline" trick. Start them young and git that hitch out of their "giddy up."

    What better way is there to enlist the euro-peons than by providing jobs and euro-pagans by making them feel safe. The school to prison pipeline is run on the separation and miseducation of blacks.

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that "Pale Males" are hazardous to your health. They cause cancer, diabetes, hypertension and chaos.

  30. To me MOST schools are awful. I don't need statistics to show my son, seven, is viewed as a behavior problem. And because he laughs at words like kiss or sex, like most typically developing children, he's considered more sexual than his white classmates. Other parents have made that clear. One parent, said her daughter didn't want to play with him because he "liked" her too much. What does that even mean?

    Educators like my sister are a big problem. And lowest of low. I don't want her near my kids, near any kids. Her superficial "kindness" fools everyone. But, I know her fucked up beliefs are deeply rooted in the bullshit Bob Jones education my parents struggled to pay for.

    She has worked as school teacher for 20 years. A couple weeks ago she asked me to attend her son's school IEP meeting. Now, she knows the ins and outs of the meeting, and the attendees are her colleagues, but she wanted me there for support. When the meeting didn't go her way, when she didn't get what she wanted, she concluded in private the school sided with her son's teacher because she's black. She said in her sweet child like voice, "She's incompetent and shouldn't be teaching. The school won't disagree with her because she black. You know sometimes "they" file lawsuits the schools cannot afford to pay. "

    WTF, no I don't know! I've never experienced that! I've experienced many people like you in all white circles making up lies in school and workplace settings to get your way. I've experienced that. Were we sitting in the same meeting?? She seemed highly competent to everyone else in the room.

    Lesson learned: In 2015 keep "religious" white teachers as close as possibly, especially my sister.

  31. clarice11:20 AM


    Black kids reach puberty a couple of years before white kids, and are exhibiting sexual behavior much earlier. This can cause some problems, and is one reason for segregating students by race and/or gender.

    1. When you reach puberty lets talk.

  32. Wow, Ted Cruz really hands it to this Sierra Club stiff:


    It's just like debating global warming with PilotX!

  33. President Hussein1:13 PM

    A Black guy with an ISIS flag kills nine White Christians, but it's not a hate crime OR an act of terrorism?

  34. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Al Whore said...
    Wow, Ted Cruz really hands it to this Sierra Club stiff:


    It's just like debating global warming with PilotX!

    My crazy liberal family members had no idea of the hiatus either when they brought it up at a wedding of all inappropriate places (taking a cue from the dem leaders to annoy your family with talking points at family gatherings) and they had no idea either. Their response was where did you get that from, fox news! This is how the left operates. Don't learn anything about the issue and turn it into a tribal team battle if someone brings up an item that was missing from their talking point script. I don't watch fox news but that really shouldn't matter, because first it's a fact that exists outside of fox news and second I don't like playing into those kind of liberal games to change the topic.

  35. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "A Black guy with an ISIS flag kills nine White Christians, but it's not a hate crime OR an act of terrorism?"

    Now he's a only a black guy? Where did all his white ancestry go?

    He posted rants online about his distaste for religion. Doesn't exactly sound like a Muslim fanatic to me.

    He was a big fan of the IRA, too. Does this prove that he was fighting for the independence of Northern Ireland from the UK, by carrying out a massacre in Oregon? Maybe he was, you know, just a angry fruitcake who thought killing random people sounded like fun.

  36. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "My crazy liberal family members had no idea of the hiatus either when they brought it up at a wedding of all inappropriate places (taking a cue from the dem leaders to annoy your family with talking points at family gatherings) and they had no idea either."

    It doesn't exist outside Fox News and other conservative cesspools because, like 90% of everything they broadcast, it's crap. There is no "hiatus." The oceans have been accumulating heat like a sink and there's been no reduction in warming. The climate's been warming continually, even if all parts of the planet aren't warming at the same rate.

    The entire GOP is now an anti-science party, headed back to the medieval era as fast as their legs can carry them.

  37. Bigfoot2:41 PM

    "The oceans have been accumulating heat like a sink and there's been no reduction in warming."

    So...it is warming, but the heat is hiding in the oceans! Except ocean temperatures have not been rising. Maybe the heat is hiding under a rock, or maybe the whales are getting hotter.

    I love how liberal kooks call the GOP "anti-science" because they ask for actual scientific proof and point out how a corrupt government science complex fudges data to justify government power grabs and economic cronyism.

    But the people who can't be bothered with the fact that unfudged satellite data proves t hat the earth has not warmed at all in the last 19 years are somehow the defenders of science.

    Simple questions like "If the data showed no warming, would you accept that there is no warming?" are met with blind obedience to tribal dogma. Global warming alarmism is not science, it is a religious belief justified by fake science its adherents have no ability to understand.

    97% of criminals say they're innocent.

  38. George Orwell's Ghost2:45 PM

    Ted Cruz should propose defunding all climate change studies by the federal government, because, hey, the science is settled, right? Then propose diverting all that money to building nuclear power plants, to cut carbon pollution.

    Then watch Greenpeace squirm....

  39. "The entire GOP is now an anti-science party..."

    This may well be true. However, a couple of points for political context:

    A) A total lack of predictive success can possibly mean only two things: 1) The theory is wrong, 2) The predictive model is wrong. If we were talking about any other theory on the planet, the total lack of predictive power would have rendered it bullshit long, long ago. However, "climate change" gets away with it. Why? All the doom-and-gloom predictions ever promoted by any and everyone have as much predictive power as end-of-the-world or Rapture predictions by the ultra religious. Yet the people who throw the GOP under the bus as "anti-science" DON'T KNOW SCIENCE! If they did, they'd be demanding better science in climate change.

    B) Liberals, Democrats and progressives are every bit as anti-science as the GOP. Need proof? Here are just a few of the many, many unscientific things which these people believe:

    - Feng Shui is real
    - Yoga has healing powers
    - Chakras actually exist
    - Alt. medicine is viable
    - Dolphins have human-like intelligence
    - Our planet's forests are in danger
    - The wage gap is real
    - A "microaggression" is a real thing
    - Second-hand smoke is deadly
    - Self-esteem is a tangible thing
    - Fast food is dangerous
    - Children are helpless creatures who need recess plans, parental guidance at parks, and to be watched so they're not kidnapped
    - Recycling actually helps the planet
    - Genetics don't matter in weight
    - "Gun-free" zones--e.g. government protection--is what keeps people "safe" from guns and not the fact that it's pure statistical likelihood
    - Everything's some "ism"
    - Workers need sensitivity training
    - Video games cause violence

    The GOP may well be very anti-scientific, but so too are those on the left with their whacky, anti-scientific beliefs. Science is not big on most people's agenda. Most people just cannot sit through years of biology and then paleontology and then geology and suchlike to major in Evo-Bio or something, nor chemistry or engineering. And most people do not have a skeptical mind but would rather believe. Millions more people believe in ghosts than believe in God, and do you think 95% of the USA is the GOP? No. The left is every bit as anti-science as the right. Every bit.

  40. Josh is not a racist (wink)2:48 PM

    I added all that "'Cause I'm black" stuff because that seems to be the only POSSIBLE factor that Field and those like him ever look at.

    No Josh you added that because you're a fucking racist. And thank god you can here to whitesplain to us the social norms of society because we would never have known them without you. Oh great all knowing white male. Really dude? We would never have known that it is socially unacceptable to ice grill other people as adults? Really? You took a article about a KID who was staring for whatever reason and turned it into a racist diatribe about how big black negro bucks shouldn't stare and then blame others when we do. Just wow. But no Josh you're not a racist.

  41. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The left is every bit as anti-science as the right. Every bit.

    Josh is every bit an idiot. Every bit.

  42. Josh is a gay sex slave2:52 PM

    Anyone else notice Josh likes to talk about big black males and also eye-fucking? Hmmmmmmmmm, seems out little Joshy still likes to dream about black schlongs.

  43. Anonymous2:56 PM


  44. "And thank god you can here to whitesplain..."

    Oh, let me guess, you can't be a "racist" because every dictionary on the planet is wrong, but what's right is the social justice definition of "racism" which conveniently gives all "racial minorities" an out because racism is supposedly only a white--a power--thing.


    And I don't know why you're referring to Field as "black negro bucks." Is that his male stripper name or something? Hey, if the two of y'all are cool on that level, where you can call him such names, it's really not my business. Live and let live, I say.

    "Josh is every bit an idiot. Every bit."

    I would point out the glaring lack of logic in using an ad hominem as an argument. But the fact is that you're stone-fucking-stupid and wouldn't be able to follow this conversation without one-line insult blasts. But thanks for helping to prove my anti-science point in your gross lack of anything empirical or logical.

    I can always count on Field's crew to show folks with whom they argue just how correct those arguments are, as they shit the bed habitually in responding.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Typical Conservative3:04 PM

    Unlike Big Foot's dumb as who states global ocean temperatures haven't been rising we can prove they are and here are the charts to prove it. Just like a conservative to say stupid shit but have no data to back it up. Just like Josh.


  47. Josh is a gay racist sex slave3:07 PM

    because racism is supposedly only a white--a power--thing.

    Nobody said that Josh but yes you are a racist. Stop trying to deflect. Wear your racist flag like you wear your gay flag.

  48. Josh is a racist piece of shit3:10 PM

    Hey, white people, if a random large black male stares at you, and you perceive that as him being angry or him having a problem, then you're the racist. He's not the asshole; it's you who has the issue.

    Yeah Josh because us negroes promote the act of large black males randomly starting at white people. You are one racist piece of shit.

  49. You also seem to be totally unaware of what a non sequitur is.

    I would ask you how B follows A, but since you're too ignorant to grasp such things, you would just say it's racism that I'm trying to talk down to you.

    If it's my fault that you're an unintelligent person, whatever. Make that case and count the people who give a fuck.

    Make any case and count. We'll leave the light on for ya...

  50. LOL @ LilacPR, girl you so crazy, ROTFL!!!

  51. Quote Bigfoot

    "97% of criminals say they're innocent."

    Nope. It's about 11% according to the University of Southampton's Criminology department.

  52. Anonymous4:16 PM

    @ Josh

    A) A total lack of predictive success can possibly mean only two things: 1) The theory is wrong, 2) The predictive model is wrong. If we were talking about any other theory on the planet, the total lack of predictive power would have rendered it bullshit long, long ago.

    But there hasn't been a total lack of predictive success. Climate scientists have been overwhelmingly right in their predictions. The Earth's climate has made relatively little deviation from their models. And some deviation is to be expected since the Earth is a much more complicated system than any simplified computer model.

    You just won't hear any of this if you've got your head all the way up the asses of the climate deniers.

  53. Anonymous4:16 PM

    @ Josh

    B) Liberals, Democrats and progressives are every bit as anti-science as the GOP. Need proof? Here are just a few of the many, many unscientific things which these people believe:

    Wow, what a list of strawmen and horseshit.

    - Feng Shui is real
    - Yoga has healing powers
    - Chakras actually exist
    - Alt. medicine is viable

    A relative handful of superstitious hippies with their crystals and Reiki does not constitute any kind of representation of what most liberals believe. And none of this crap constitutes a healthcare policy recommendation in any case.

    Dolphins have human-like intelligence

    Virtually no one is claiming this. They're intelligent animals, and some people think that means they should have more rights, but not that they're as smart as people.

    - Our planet's forests are in danger

    Many of our planet's forests ARE in danger. Just because you don't live in, say, Brazil, where they're clear-cutting forests, doesn't mean it's not happening. Yikes, this is dumb.

    - The wage gap is real
    - A "microaggression" is a real thing

    Not really science, more sociology, so I'm not going to even bother with these. Sorry.

    - Second-hand smoke is deadly

    It isn't good for you. If you're living with a chain smoker who smokes indoors you're lying to yourself if you think that's not impacting your health.

    - Self-esteem is a tangible thing

    Psychology isn't real because you can't hold it in your hand? That's dumb as hell, too, Josh.

    - Fast food is dangerous

    It sure as hell is if you eat it every day. What you object to here is not the science, but the "nanny state" philosophy of the government telling you what to do.

    - Children are helpless creatures who need recess plans, parental guidance at parks, and to be watched so they're not kidnapped

    Not really science, either, but I'll address it, because OMG how dumb! Children don't get kidnapped? Fuck, I hope you're not a parent.

    - Recycling actually helps the planet

    Let's see, which is worse for the planet, reusing the aluminum in a can to make a new one, or opening a whole new mine to dig out more aluminum while the original can sits useless in a land fill?

    - Genetics don't matter in weight

    Strawman-o-rama. Nobody says this.

    - "Gun-free" zones--e.g. government protection--is what keeps people "safe" from guns and not the fact that it's pure statistical likelihood
    - Everything's some "ism"
    - Workers need sensitivity training

    Again, not really science questions.

    - Video games cause violence

    It's mostly conservatives who claim this one. Mostly so they can not have to enact economic policy that would reduce the incentives for crime, or provide mental health treatment that would keep dangerously disturbed people off the streets, or limit access to guns.

    Instead, it's all the fault of videogames. Or rap music. Or not enough Jesus.

    Hallelujah and no more Grand Theft Auto for you.

    I hate to tell you, but you are deeply detached from reality, Josh. I used to laugh at paranoid Alex Jones fantasies about liberal re-education camps, but now I think they might actually be a good idea. You need to be sent to one.

  54. The Global Warming computer models have proven to be remarkably accurate in their predictions.

    Here are a few examples. ( I have more if you need them.)

    1.The warming at the Earth's surface should be accompanied by cooling of the stratosphere and this has indeed been observed.

    2. As well as surface temperatures warming, models have long predicted warming of the lower, mid and upper troposphere, this warming has since been observed.

    3. Models expected warming of ocean surface waters, and this has now also been observed.

    4. Models predicted an energy imbalance between incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation. This has been detected.

    5. Models predict sharp and short lived cooling of a few tenths of a degree in the event of large volcanic eruptions and Mount Pinatubo confirmed this.

    6. Models predict an amplification of warming trends in the Arctic region and this is happening.

    I've got peer-reviewed references for all of this if you need them.

  55. "Climate scientists have been overwhelmingly right in their predictions."

    This is absolutely, unequivocally false.

    Both satellites and surface records show that sometime around 2000, temperature data ceased its upward path and leveled off. Over the past 100 years there is a statistically significant upward trend in the data amounting to about 0.7 oC per century. If one looks only at the past 15 years though, there is no trend.

    A leveling-off period is not, on its own, the least bit remarkable. What makes it remarkable is that it coincides with 20 years of rapidly rising atmospheric greenhouse gas levels. Since 1990, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen 13%, from 354 parts per million (ppm) to just under 400 ppm. According to the IPCC, estimated “radiative forcing” of greenhouse gases (the term it uses to describe the expected heating effect) increased by 43% after 2005. Climate models all predicted that this should have led to warming of the lower troposphere and surface. Instead, temperatures flatlined and even started declining. This is the important point about the pause in warming. Indeed, the word that ought to have entered the IPCC lexicon is not “hiatus” but “discrepancy.”

    The absence of warming over the past 15 to 20 years amidst rapidly rising greenhouse gas levels poses a fundamental challenge to mainstream climate modeling. In an interview last year with the newspaper Der Spiegel, the well-known German climatologist Hans von Storch said “If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models.” Climatologist Judith Curry of Georgia Tech recently observed “If the 20-year threshold is reached for the pause, this will lead inescapably to the conclusion that the climate model sensitivity to CO2 is too large.”

    We will reach the 20 year mark with no trend in the satellite data at the end of 2015, and in the surface data at the end of 2017. The game is almost over, bitches.


  56. The Purple Cow said...
    "I've got peer-reviewed references for all of this if you need them."

    Fraudsters like Michael Mann have no difficulty getting things like hockey stick hoaxes peer reviewed; why should your references be any different?

    The global warming scam has forever tarnished the credibility of government funded science.

    The corrupt peer review process is just one symptom of a corrupt government-science complex:


  57. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Holy shit!! Reading some of the stuff here makes me feel despair for the country

  58. 1) "Science" is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment -- e.g. a steps-long method of induction and deduction to build theoretic models and test the functionality of predictions.

    The context was incredibly clear: The GOP, because they deny climate change, is anti-science.

    Okay. So, that people deny the objective process that is science to hold on to their gris-gris and beliefs such as the dolphin bullshit, chakras, etc, then that illustrates that "science" is just as much of a thing that isn't important to the left as it's not important to those on the right. Right? Seems axiomatic to me. The logic aligns. Where is there fault here?

    To go through a list of unscientific, outlandish beliefs and to say X isn't science, Y is psychology, etc, is to blatantly miss the entire point that was being argued.

    Let's see if we can make a Field Posting for Dummies section: A claim was presented that the GOP is anti-science because of climate change, which implies a few things. (A) It implies that the left is about "science." (B) It implies that the scientific method is used by non-GOP people. (C) It implies that only the GOP believes in anti-scientific horseshit. And as was clearly illustrated, despite any semantics argument, the GOP are far from the only people who are anti-science.

    Lastly: "Video games cause violence

    It's mostly conservatives who claim this one..."

    This is just proof that some of you guys here are so completely and utterly sheltered from the real world that it literally takes a posting by Field for you to realize that shit happens outside of your bubble. Have you honestly never heard of Anita Sarkeesian? She only had an hour-long 20/20 special, one of 2014's biggest FBI investigations, and was named one of the world's most influential people. She only spoke in front of a UN conference about women not needing to provide evidence of accusations. Her models for video game-caused misogyny are only being used as templates in some universities. She only makes hundreds of thousands a year to slam games. She's only the model used for startup gaming companies. She's only been the number-one trending topic in all of gaming media for five years.

    Sure, I'm a crazy Alex Jones backwards Bible-thumping conservative. If that's what you dullards need, then that's what I am. Racist and sexist and probably gay to boot. But the objective reality is that, in today's world, it's not the right coming after games but instead the hard left via feminists and social justice advocates.

    And you don't have the slightest damn idea about any of this I'm speaking about.

    You're not aware of shit that's literally been going on for seven damn years. Yet you want to present yourself as an authority on the number of people on the dolphin kick, or the number of liberals who believe yoga has healing powers. This would be laughably ironic if it weren't just so brutally sad because it's true that you're perhaps the farther removed from in the know of anyone I've ever seen at Field's blog. You're completely and wholly blissfully unaware of reality outside of your bubble.

    You don't have a fucking clue what's going on today, yet will pretend so just to argue.

    Man, I can't even ramble more about this. I feel literal pity for how sheltered a person you are.

  59. 2) PC, those are general warming predictions. E.g. if the greenhouse effect were taking place, then per the model extrapolated and compiled to measure, test and suggest the greenhouse effect, A, B and C would have effects X, Y and Z. And such is found. So, yes, the greenhouse effect is assumed real. But, if that response was meant for my claims that the predictions are bullshit, then perhaps I didn't qualify enough what I was getting at. The doom-and-gloom predictions are all bullshit, 100% of them, 100% of the time. If that's going to be extrapolated to A, B and C, in any scenario involving warming, having X, Y and Z effects, then a question still remains on whether it's natural or influenced.

    But the bigger issue is that climate change predictions made today are similar to doomsday predictions made, in that they don't come true. Florida isn't under water. We measure storms worse than current storms decades ago. Crops haven't massively failed. Gore's stick 'o doom didn't happen. Polar bears aren't extinct. These, and hundreds more, are the doom-and-gloom predictions pushed by the likes of those who claim the GOP are climate deniers and that they're anti-science. Meanwhile, they're o'fer infinity on their "science."

  60. So Josh, please show me where a climatologist predicted that Florida would be under water by 2015.

  61. Sorry, missed this one: "You just won't hear any of this if you've got your head all the way up the asses of the climate deniers."

    Again, you're so far removed from in the know here that I feel nothing for you but pity. You're so blatantly set in your ways of boxing and grouping people up in neat little packages that you don't have the slightest fucking idea of what you're speaking about.

    PC won't admit it, because he's a racist troll, but I've been on this board for, oh, three years now, and during that time I've pushed actual science against ignorant "deniers" to show them that climate change is happening. (And also evidence against racist horseshit about blacks have low IQs or are inherently violent, but nobody pays attention to that shit -- only to the shit that fits their confirmation bias in wanting to create neat boxes.)

    What was plainly implied--or maybe I could have done a better job of qualifying, I admit--is that the doom-and-gloom predictions by the political hacks who call GOPers "deniers" are all unequivocal bullshit. All of them. What you and PC are speaking about are general warming models and their predictive capabilities which, ironically, are the same exact type of axiomatic whether it's natural or man-caused.

    Use Google if you need help with any of this.

    However, those doomsayers' predictions, the ones levied against the right by those who insult them as ignorant anti-science deniers, are all just as wrong as end-of-the-world predictions by religious blowhards.

    If I didn't make that clear enough, my apologies. I should have. But what's more likely the case: You don't know shit about shit yet still want to argue, so why bother reading what I actually write?.

    Still want to argue?

  62. Global warming is a"scam"? WT absolute F?!

    Someone has to save the right-wing in this country before it's too late.

  63. "Fraudsters like Michael Mann have no difficulty getting things like hockey stick hoaxes peer reviewed; why should your references be any different?"

    The hockey stick graph remains a well respected and robust scientific argument. It's precisely because it does work that it collects so much opprobrium from climate change deniers.

  64. Again, PC, just like I told the other guy: You want so badly to argue that you're not reading what I wrote. Now, there is no law saying that you must use my own arguments against me, and not arguments you invent as straw-men because they're easier to refute. But presenting a straw-man is exactly what you're doing.

    If you want to visit reality, I have no issue discussing any and everything. If you want to argue your straw-men, I can't help much in that regard.

  65. "What you and PC are speaking about are general warming models and their predictive capabilities which, ironically, are the same exact type of axiomatic whether it's natural or man-caused."

    Absolute nonsense. Global warming through the build up of man-made CO2 was first predicted in the mid 19th century. Those predictions have proven to be startlingly accurate.

    "Still want to argue?"

    Oh god, yeah. Anytime, anywhere.

  66. This is exactly what you said...

    "But the bigger issue is that climate change predictions made today are similar to doomsday predictions made, in that they don't come true. Florida isn't under water. "

    Who predicted Florida would be under water in 2015?

  67. Sorry, buddy, but the greenhouse effect (e.g. A, B, C influence = X, Y, Z result) would be the exact same for a natural effect or for a man-caused effect. A model to suggest the greenhouse effect simply suggests the greenhouse effect or doesn't.

    Are you trying to argue that the greenhouse effect is only a real thing if the planet experiences man-caused warming? There is no greenhouse effect naturally via our atmosphere, the sun, et al?

    Not even you are that hopelessly stupid.

    I bet you do want to argue anytime, anywhere. Since you don't actually even argue what a person says, but rather your straw versions, I bet it's brilliantly easy over there on your end. All you have to do is invent from whole cloth your opponents' stances and then refute them.

    If only real life--like jobs, bills, relationships, etc--were as easy as Internet arguments, your ilk might be onto something.

  68. Josh, if as you claim greenhouse gasses are not causing the world to warm up, what is?

    Oh and by the way, DO NOT EVER CALL ME BUDDY.

    I am not your buddy, I despise you and everything you stand for.

  69. Bigfoot5:46 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "The hockey stick graph remains a well respected and robust scientific argument."

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    The hockey stick graph has been thoroughly discredited by hundreds of scientists who have attempted and failed to reproduce Michael Mann’s hockey stick using his data and other proxy data. Further, Mann's work attempted to overturn hundreds of papers that describe a world-wide Medieval Warm Period from around 900 AD to 1300 AD.

    Professor Jonathon Jones of Oxford University:

    "The hockey stick is an extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence...the evidence is extraordinarily weak...its defenders were desperate to hide this fact...I'd always had an interest in pathological science, and it looked like I might have stumbled across a really good modern example...The Hockey Stick is obviously wrong. Everybody knows it is obviously wrong."

    What is wrong with liberals that they simply cannot accept the parts of reality that do not conform to their wishes?

  70. The strangest part is that you literally not only stick to your straw-men, you then quote-mine to double-down on the straw-men, and you do this in plain view of everyone here.

    What a luxury it must be to blend into the fold of a site, where you know you won't be called on your demonstrable bullshit save by one or two people:

    I said: "But the bigger issue is that climate change predictions made today are similar to doomsday predictions made, in that they don't come true. Florida isn't under water. We measure storms worse than current storms decades ago. Crops haven't massively failed. Gore's stick 'o doom didn't happen. Polar bears aren't extinct. These, and hundreds more, are the doom-and-gloom predictions pushed by the likes of those who claim the GOP are climate deniers and that they're anti-science. Meanwhile, they're o'fer infinity on their "science.""

    If you cannot grasp English over there in the UK, what that's saying is nothing to do with climatologists or anyone but morons who label the entire GOP as "anti-science" while wanting to hang their hat on the "left" being the party of science. Context matters. What people actually say matters.

    You said: "So Josh, please show me where a climatologist predicted that Florida would be under water by 2015..." which is the first straw-man (at least for today)

    You then say: "This is exactly what you said..." but then blatantly quote-mine what I actually said, omitting the crux of the context, as to not have to admit that you're creating straw-men.

    Yeah, I bet you do want to argue. I have no fucking earthly idea what pings around your skull as you believe it acceptable to do this, but I guess being in a safe space "black blog," as you've called it frequently, has its advantages.

  71. Liberal bubble popper5:54 PM

    field negro said...
    Global warming is a"scam"? WT absolute F?!

    Yep. And I hate to rock your world any more, but Caitlyn Jenner is actually a dude.

  72. "Josh, if as you claim greenhouse gasses are not causing the world to warm up, what is?"

    Holy fucking shit. Did you JUST create ANOTHER straw-man after being called on it and shown demonstrable PROOF that you've been crafting them in order to argue?

    This is literally beyond redundancy at this point. At no point in time, during this post or my tenure on the entire fucking Internet, have I claimed that greenhouse gases are not causing the world to warm up. And you know for a fact I didn't claim such, or else you would have quoted it.

    My claim, which is just a point of fact: The greenhouse effect exists whether it's man-caused warming or natural warming. A, B, and C causing X, Y, and Z in no way need necessarily be influenced by man. Natural causes can also be used to test for the greenhouse effect. The model of the greenhouse effect tests for--wait for it--the effect. It doesn't have to be man-caused to measure as the greenhouse effect.

    That's all I said. You know that's all I said. You simply want to troll here in a safe space where you know you won't be called to the carpet for demonstrable illogical bullshit like quote-mining and crafting multiple straw-men even after being called out on it.

    Holy shit, buddy. You fucking win. I cannot keep wasting my time responding to your easily provable lies. The facts exist literally inches above your head, in black and white, yet you willfully and blatantly lie because there's no downside to it.

    Man. I tip my hat to you. It's gotta be quite a persona to keep track of. I have never met someone as dishonest as you are, and purposefully so. I cannot compete. There is literally nothing I can say that you won't spin and twist and contort to make your straw-men and lie saying that I claimed such. So I'm going to STFU...

  73. Al Whore5:56 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Josh, if as you claim greenhouse gasses are not causing the world to warm up, what is?


    The world isn't warming up.

    Take a look out the window once in a while.

  74. Stop joshing6:05 PM

    Josh said...
    "I cannot compete."

    You are a loser, through and through.

    Purple Cow is a disingenuous ideologue who has zero commitment to truth or honest discourse, yet you (like Bill) attempt to engage and appease him through your cuckservative arguments, despite innumerable examples of where that always goes.

    Give it to him good and hard if you want respect. Everybody hates a whiner.

    Get the fuck out of here until you grow up.

  75. Quote:Bigfoot"The hockey stick graph has been thoroughly discredited by hundreds of scientists who have attempted and failed to reproduce Michael Mann’s hockey stick using his data and other proxy data. Further, Mann's work attempted to overturn hundreds of papers that describe a world-wide Medieval Warm Period from around 900 AD to 1300 AD."

    Total nonsense. Here is a detailed point by point refutation of your idiotic arguments.


  76. Al Whore, I ain't mad that you're trying to take it to PC. There are only two or so here who will. Everyone else gives him that "black" pass, since it's a "black blog" (PC's words to me on numerous occasions) wherein he's welcome but others are intruding. However, that quoted claim of his isn't my stance. That's the straw-man he demonstrably invented for shits and giggles.

    I do subscribe to climate change because the evidence suggests that climate change is happening. What I disagree with, however, are the doom-and-gloom predictions pushed by political asshats who want to call people "deniers" and pretend that they only ever embrace empirical science.

    It's the equivalent of a creationist citing a PHD, peer-reviewed article for dinosaur tissue because they feel it "proves" a young Earth, but then discrediting 99.999% of all other peer-reviewed science that, by happenstance, points away from a young earth. These political buffoons are the same. They want to embrace "science" because they feel it's a weapon they can use against the GOP. But they believe in ghosts and humanoid dolphins and Feng Shui and in healing crystals and in yoga being mystical and in chi and centering the spirit, etc, etc, etc... So they're explicitly not about "science." They're just about scoring political points by attacking people in some faux culture war.

    So we might agree PC is a racist troll cunt who's the most dishonest person to ever draw air at Fields, my little buddy in all his glory; but we disagree about warming in general.

  77. "You are a loser, through and through."

    You may be right. I spent $20 on scratchers last week, didn't win shit. Last time I played poker, I sat at a table for over 50 hands and never even made a pair. The highest card I got was a jack. So, yes, might be a loser.

    Should I borrow your winning Charlie Sheen-esque formula of creating bullshit anon names and leaving fly-by troll blasts bereft of all substance and serving as nothing but illogical ad hominems?

    I mean, if that's winning, and that's how a winner acts, maybe I need to exercise a little parity.

    Thanks for showing me how a winner does it!

  78. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Mr Josh, I am so glad you are back. I often wondered what happened to you. What happened?

    Anyway, you were, and still are, the one who can stomp PC's ass and I am grateful to you for that. PC makes me sick. And you are right....PC is a liar, a BIG LIAR.

  79. "The greenhouse effect exists whether it's man-caused warming or natural warming."

    Josh, credit where it's due, you are a bullshit artist of the highest order. Debating with you is like trying to nail mercury to the wall.

    How can the Greenhouse effect exist if it's not man made?

    What 'Natural warming' are you alluding to? What ‘natural warming’ can explain the astonishing increase in temperature since 1900 (>0.85C) compared to Milankovitch cycles of 0.5C in 8000 years?

    It is irrefutably true that man made CO2 levels are increasing.

    It has been predicted that increasing CO2 level would cause global warming.

    The world is getting warmer.

    If it's not man made CO2 that is causing warming (as predicted) then what is it?

  80. Well, my little buddy PC has gotten himself into the habit of lying his ass off because there's nothing or no one to hold him to account for it. So while half the time he wants to quote actual papers and suchlike, the other half--the half aimed at me--is all about misrepresenting what I say, when the truth is literally sharing a screen, and then pretending that a lie isn't a lie because his bare assertion trumps observation and evidence.

    Typical political troll, he is. Nothing special. Other than PC being exponentially more dishonest than anyone else to whom I've ever spoken, his tactics are exactly the same. He's just more brazen with lies and lies more often.

    As to what happened: Time flies and gets away, unfortunately. Pops got sick, and my niece had some rare brain cyst, and next thing I know I'm back after what was likely months. Not sure. Time just gets away.

  81. "since it's a "black blog" (PC's words to me on numerous occasions)"


  82. "How can the Greenhouse effect exist if it's not man made?"

    Ultra huge mega nuclear facepalm.

    For the rest, I'm not answering any more of your straw-men. For fuck's sake, little buddy. Do you want to argue against me or against yourself? The way you're going you're arguing against yourself.

    Dafuq type of bizarro world is this?

  83. "Anyway, you were, and still are, the one who can stomp PC's ass..."


    Does he plan to start anytime soon?

  84. "For the rest, I'm not answering any more of your straw-men."

    You haven't attempted to engage a single one of my arguments, all you have done is find new and innovative ways of weakling out of dealing with them.

    You are a fraud, a simple minded pseudo-intellectual charlatan.

    Full of bullshit, empty of content.

  85. Bigfoot6:43 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Full of bullshit, empty of content.

    You should have that tattooed on your forehead.

    Defending Mann's misconduct means you have zero credibility. But we knew that already.

  86. Defending Mann's misconduct means you have zero credibility. But we knew that already."

    I wasn't defending Mann's conduct you brain dead fucking moron. Hundreds of proper climate scientists defended his work. His hockey stick graph stands un-blemished to this day.

    Compared to what?


    Nutcase far-Right bloggers?

    Science-hating Republicans?

  87. "You haven't attempted to engage a single one of my arguments..."

    Wait one...

    NONE of your arguments are to do with anything I've actually said!

    Example: You're breaking by balls to prove to you that climate change isn't happening, where I say, blatantly, at least four times on this post alone, that I DO believe in climate change because the data suggests it's happening. How the fuck can I argue against your invented bullshit stances that I don't hold?

    My little buddy has gone full retard.

    So if you're wondering why I haven't engaged on your half a dozen bullshit straw-men which paint me as a climate change denier, let that act as a hint to a possible reason why ole Joshy hasn't bothered offering up a response. He isn't denying man-caused climate change!

    Or this nonsense where you, what? You need me to Google the greenhouse effect for you because you refuse to believe that the model can pick up any measurement from natural warming. Motherfucking dullard that you are, you haven't the faintest idea that natural causes are the primary function of the entire damn theory! The greenhouse effect is about, primarily, the atmosphere and didn't come about to measure man's impact on the environment. This is 4th grade shit, and you want to present yourself on the PHD tip when you can't even sit right at the kiddie table.

    Don't take my word: Google the motherfucking thing.

    You seriously question why I haven't attempted to "engage" with a "singe one" of your arguments? It's because your arguments are either (A) pure bullshit based on shit I never said or stances I never took, (B) total, and purposeful, misrepresentations of things I have said, or (C) so incredibly axiomatic that anyone in here actually arguing in favor of climate change should, at very least, know WTF the greenhouse effect is.

    The sad part: You are seriously being honest now. You're seriously painting me as elusive and evasive and wanting to seek a cop-out because you keep wanting to argue STRAW-MEN by attempting to gather answers on stances I never took, stances I don't hold, and statements I never made.

    The Dunning-Kruger is fucking strong in this one!

  88. The Truth7:21 PM

    Josh is such a fucking loser and has no life he spends all his time being a self-righteous prick on a black blog. Typical white male.

  89. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Mr Josh, I am so glad you are back. I often wondered what happened to you. What happened?

    6:14 PM

    Prison happened. Let's see how long he lasts on the outside this time

  90. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Josh is such a fucking loser and has no life he spends all his time being a self-righteous prick on a black blog. Typical white male.

  91. Anonymous8:06 PM

    You also seem to be totally unaware of what a non sequitur is.

    Josh is totally fucking self unaware and doesn't understand the concept of irony. The builder of strawmen he is. And now he's a fucking climate scientist. Oh Jesus, stop the stupid train before it kills us all.

  92. Josh is a F'n idiot8:09 PM

    But the bigger issue is that climate change predictions made today are similar to doomsday predictions made, in that they don't come true. Florida isn't under water. We measure storms worse than current storms decades ago. Crops haven't massively failed. Gore's stick 'o doom didn't happen. Polar bears aren't extinct. These, and hundreds more, are the doom-and-gloom predictions pushed by the likes of those who claim the GOP are climate deniers and that they're anti-science. Meanwhile, they're o'fer infinity on their "science."

    Holy fuck is this one dumb asshole. Is he expecting the movie 2012 or something? Josh' argument boils down to, since the world didn't end yesterday, as no one ever predicted, there is no global warming. Purple Cow, don't waste time on Josh, he is obviously either Bill or even dumber if that's possible. He is a 14 year old trying to sound smart.

  93. Anonymous8:23 PM

    There is no appreciable anthropogenic global warming of the earth.

    That is the scientific truth.

    Everything else is just politics.

  94. Anonymous9:40 PM

    There is no appreciable anthropogenic global warming of the earth.

    That is the scientific truth.

    Everything else is just politics.

    Thanks for the proof anon. You are not a climatologist, neither is Bigfoot nor Josh. I'll bet $1,000 that none of you have even taken a college level course in atmospheric science. If that's the case nothing you say has any weight here or anywhere else. Hell, I'll bet none of you three has even talked to a climatologist. So keep on blah blah blahing, no one cares.

  95. Union of concerned scientists9:58 PM


    Let's hear what real scientists have to say on the issue and not keyboard warriors with 4th grade educations.

  96. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Fuck the white man.

  97. You know who1:32 AM

    Fuck the white woman.


  98. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Field negro quote, "It is annoying, though, when I am wearing a suit that costs more than what the starer pays for her mortgage every month, and she has the audacity to think that I am going to rob her."


    I doubt your story that you have a problem with people thinking you will rob them. Usually, old black men aren't scary to anyone.

  99. Mr. White12:24 PM

    Black people think fine clothes make them a fine person.

    They think a piece of paper makes them smart.

    They think saying great things is the same as doing great things.

    All of these examples can be strong indicators, but they do not of their own contain any proof of the qualities they hint at.

    Black people cannot understand this.

  100. Damn, Ya'll are still arguing with Josh?

    Must be nice to have so much time to spare, though I'd personally choose a good instead.

  101. Anonymous6:52 PM

    A 6-month-old baby girl died after being shot on Cleveland's East Side, where police continued to search for the shooter late Thursday night.

    The baby is the third young child killed on the city's East Side within the past month.

    RIP, little Aavielle.

  102. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Good book.

    1:53 PM

    Not me,...I'd choose a good well dressed black man instead x*D

  103. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Damn, Ya'll are still arguing with Josh?

    Must be nice to have so much time to spare, though I'd personally choose a good instead.

    1:53 PM

    See now that's what I thought you had left out! A 'good hard man instead'! Ahahaha,
    'cos you know what they say: A good man is hard to find, but a hard man is good to find!

    xD hahhahaha!

  104. "Damn, Ya'll are still arguing with Josh?"

    Yep. 10 vs. 1 and I smack them down like it's a carnival game.

    Those brilliant minds at Field's -- the gifts that keep on giving.

    I mean, you can't beat these fucking jewels like telling PC exactly what he's going to do, by creating straw-men and wanting me to argue against shit I never said, and then have him do it. Tarantino couldn't write this shit. Or how about utterly refusing to simply Google what the greenhouse effect is? No. Instead of that, just assume that, because one is black, he must be right in saying horseshit like there can be no greenhouse effect without man, because the other one is white.

    They make it too easy. All one needs to do to beat them down is speak the truth.

    I mean, c'mon.

  105. Someone poison Josh!9:57 PM




