Saturday, December 07, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for jim jordan trump images

Please give me a caption for this picture.

*Image from The Palmer Report.


  1. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:59 PM

    "Right now in a number of states the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother's womb in the 9th month. It is wrong. It has to change."

    Yes folks, he really said that. Trump is suffering from dementia.

    Please see

  2. Holy shit, what do I have to do to get impeached? My followers are dumber than I thought.

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Please Share Your Sad Stories About How Trump Destroyed the Economy and Blew Up the Planet and Killed You.

  4. I _think_ he was _trying_ to speak against late-term abortions, but he got birth and abortion mixed up.

  5. "...he got birth and abortion mixed up."

    That would explain a few things.

    Fergus: My hair's trying to get away again. Fuck.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. He gets lots of things mixed up. And not just him. Up is down, war is peace, debt is money, hate is love, tyranny is freedom, death is life.

  7. Caption:
    "Everything goes straight over my head."

  8. Anonymous12:02 AM

    "When I poop, I have to flush 10-15 times! I don't even understand how toilets work anymore! Someone help me!"

  9. Trump's Tax Returns6:56 AM

    Trump refuses to pay for plugs... " I'm gonna' sue! Do these look straight to you?"

  10. Trump's Tax Returns6:58 AM

    "I said they'd pay for the wall and my mind is made up, see?"

  11. Bloviating Ignoramus7:56 AM

    Eureka !!! ... I've had a motherfucking epiphany !!! ... I'm a miserable lying cheating money laundering racist rapist treasonous rotten to the core prick !!!

  12. Statement from The President: “Right now in a number of states the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the 9th month. It is wrong. It has to change.” Watch.

    — Noga Tarnopolsky (@NTarnopolsky) December 7, 2019

    Has me scratching my head, too, drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  13. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 436
    Shot & Wounded: 2140
    Total Shot: 2576
    Total Homicides: 482

    Only 18 more dead negroes to make 500!!

  14. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Rural Redneck America 2019 year to date:

    ODs: 999,990
    Babies sold for meth: 1,000,000
    Teeth: 4
    Showers taken: 3
    High School diplomas: 17

    Only 10 more dead hillbillies to make a million!

  15. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Rural Redneck America 2019 year to date:

    ODs: 999,990
    Babies sold for meth: 1,000,000
    Teeth: 4
    Showers taken: 3
    High School diplomas: 17

    Only 10 more dead hillbillies to make a million!
    12:02 PM

    Sad fact about your infantile post is its completely false. The Chicago post is 100% and this drives the left nuts.

  16. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "my god I've won again!!"

  17. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Rosie O’Donnell defends law professor over Barron Trump joke: ‘I don’t think she did anything wrong:

    What a BULLY!!

  18. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The sad fact is the hillbilly post is 100% accurate and that drives the fuckboys crazy.

  19. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The sad fact is the hillbilly post is 100% accurate and that drives the fuckboys crazy.
    3:08 PM

    It doesn't, we just enjoy correcting your delusion.

    TRUMP 2020!!

  20. Anonymous3:46 PM

    The Chicago post is 100% and this drives the left nuts.
    It doesn't, we just enjoy schooling you fools.
    Biden 2020!

  21. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Biden/Harris 2020!

  22. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Biden/Harris 2020!
    3:57 PM

    Liberal delusion!!!

  23. “Can you believe the simpletons on Field Negro’s blog are wasting their time with stupid captions when they could be focusing more of their time and efforts into getting rid of all the crime, drugs, and rape in their communities? Unbelievable!”

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:48 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden/Harris 2020!
    3:57 PM

    Liberal delusion!!!

    4:17 PM
    Racists' nightmare!!!

  25. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Racists’ nightmare is another old white man as President?

  26. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Can you believe the racist fuckboys criticizing others about wasting time while they watse time criticizing others when they could be focusing their attention and efforts into solving the opioid and toothlessness crisis in their trailerparks? Unbelievable!

  27. Oh my god! There's something moving on my head!

  28. Anonymous7:01 PM

    So Fooled Negro can't be bothered to post anything about this corruption scandal that hits very close to home (Harrisburg, to be specific):

    It must be rayciss to Notice when a black woman in a headscarf (that's 3 Intersectionality Points) does something that's not only wrong, but steals from the very poor people she's claiming to help,  Fooled don' wanna be rayciss.

    Sure would be funny if his name crops up in one of these news items someday!

  29. "So Fooled Negro can't be bothered to post anything about this corruption scandal that hits very close to home (Harrisburg, to be specific):"

    If you're not happy with what Field posts you're free to go to some other site that is more suitable. Better yet start yer own blog. I'm sure it will be successful.😂

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:25 PM

    Thuuuuney said....

    Can you believe the simpletons on Field Negro’s blog are wasting their time with stupid captions when they could be focusing more of their time and efforts into getting rid of all the crime, drugs, and rape in their communities? Unbelievable!”

    4:46 PM
    Can you believe the right-wing simpletons on Field Negro’s blog who post here vomiting their hatred? What do they expect to gain from that? No one here believes their horse shit. Why don't they go where someone might take them seriously?

  31. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "Why don't they go where someone might take them seriously?"

    No one takes them seriously.

  32. I just read an article in the Mercury News listing the 10 poorest zip codes in the Bay Area, and noticed that I had lived in six of them.

    What struck me, though, was how much better those neighborhoods have gotten since I lived in them. The article notes >50% of households below 200% of the federal poverty level, and that seems a far cry from the grinding poverty of, say, Dogtown in the late eighties.

    The one bullshit item on the list, though, was Berkeley south of the UC campus. It serves to illustrate how income does not necessarily measure wealth; sure, most of those students are only marginally employed, but almost all of them have way more in the way of resources than what I could call impoverished.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous10:00 PM

    "What struck me, though, was how much better those neighborhoods have gotten since I lived in them."

    Addition by subtraction.

  34. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (she/her/they)10:05 PM

    When it comes to scientific theories, unless they have been verified by black women they can be safely discounted.

    And yes, that includes the straight white male construct known as “gravity”.

  35. Q: Why did the online hater spew lies?
    A: He had nothing better to do.
    Q: Troll or bot?
    A: If mindless, then troll; if dirty, then bot.
    Q: Why here?
    A: Because a scoundrel's curse is praise.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Why don't they go where someone might take them seriously?"

    No one takes them seriously.

    8:29 PM
    I think maybe the FOX and Breitbart followers do. And then there's stormfront.

  37. It hurts super-bad! The doctor gave me some cream, but it still hurts like shit!

  38. The look you have when you realize the jokes about you write themselves. We know he's full of shit but 15 flushes????????😂😂


    How to make fauxkinee kristian wingnut heads explode.

  40. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Look, the doctors finally gave me some hair where it was bald as that damn eagle.

  41. trump's reaction to IG report.

  42. Anonymous1:46 PM

    India grows ever more ethnonationalist, as its Trumpish prime minister, Narendra Modi, promotes India’s own Muslim ban.

    Indian government pushing new immigration law that would single out Muslims

    Trump’s example is helping popularize and justify this vile ideology around the world.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:42 PM


    Yup, the GOP reps have been whining, lying, and expressing phony outrage. But they haven't provided anything that contradicts the mountain of evidence provided by the committee.

    Wonder if they are going to continue acting this way all through out the senate trial. I hope they do so that all of the sane voters will have a chance to see how they behave.

  44. So the Washington Post has obtained a trove of documents that show the government knew the war in Afghanistan was unwinnable all along.

    Other shocking revelations from the documents: fire is hot and water is wet.

    Gee, remember when Reagan met with the Taliban at the White House? How could any of our leaders have known Afghanistan would be such an intractable problem? It's not like they could have known ahead of W's invasion that it would last two decades and cost a trillion dollars with little if anything to show for it, or that that was precisely Reagan's strategy against the Soviets there.

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Breaking news...New Zealand has banned volcanoes after a violent volcano erupts and kills five people.

  46. Anonymous11:41 PM

    What struck me, though, was how much better those neighborhoods have gotten since I lived in them.

    They all got whiter.  Whiteness is the Magic Dirt you've been looking for all along.

  47. Anonymous6:35 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!
