Saturday, June 29, 2024

The old man and the felon.


   I watched what was promoted as a Presidential Debate by CNN Thursday night, and it was painful. The old man, in spite of all his accomplishments, and the obvious successes of his administration, could not convey that to the American people. First, because he is old, and second, he has a stuttering problem. His handlers and the paid DNC consultants should all be charged with political malpractice by the millions of people who support the old man. Whether you think it was because he was out campaigning the day before, or he had a cold, his voice was not ready for prime time. (We could barely hear the poor guy for crying out loud!) And they crammed him with too much information. You could see the information overload freezing his bran in real time. This is not how you win an election and save democracy.

  The felon, on the other hand, was in his wheelhouse. Telling lie after lie unchecked, and having his way with the CNN anchors, the old man, and most importantly, the truth. I was embarrassed for America. When your Presidential Debate is reduced to which one of the candidates has a better golf game, and whether one of the men on stage actually had sex with a porn star while his pregnant wife was at home expecting his child, you might just have a problem. The truth is, the felon should not have been out on that stage in the first place. He should be in jail, just like the sycophants who support him, and are members of his cult. (FYI, Steve Bannon will be reporting for lock up on Monday) But here we are. Oh to be a wealthy powerful white man in America. Just think, you can literally have a bunch of Supreme Court Justices in your pocket, and avoid having to own up to your misdeeds because a Judge you appointed is beholden to you.     

The dems are now in full-blown panic mode, as they should be. The old man's numbers are not good, and they don't seem to be getting any better.  There is talk now of an open convention. "He must be replaced" comes the screams from the talking heads and pundits on television. This, in spite of the fact that his administration is kicking ass by all objective measures. I can understand the fear, though. The thought of giving the felon four more years in the White House is frightening. It's not hyperbole to say that he most likely will end democracy as we know it. It's what he and his Christofascist friends have promised.  You have to take them at their word when they say that they will do something. It's already started. (Google Louisiana and the 10 Commandments, and Project 2025 when you get a chance.)

 The old man has some soul searching to do. Only he knows if he can see this thing through. He sure didn't look like he was up for the job of beating the felon in a debate Thursday night. If he truly believes that the felon is such a threat do democracy, and he has no chance of beating him, he should step aside, and give the dems a shot. That would be the patriotic thing to do. If, on the other hand, he believes that he is up for the job, well then go for it.  Personally, I would vote for a dead turtle before I even consider voting for the felon. The man who said he created more "black jobs" than any other president on Thursday without batting an eye. (Like WTF is a "black job"?)  It just goes to show you who we are dealing with.  If the felon thinks he will win the White House with black votes, he is in for a big surprise. Sadly,  he could very well win it all because of white folks, who don't see the threat because of their shared skin color and the lies. 



Anonymous said...

As usual, you nailed it with this commentary. Yes, it's all about "race." Racism trumps democracy (literally and figuratively). All you have to do is make it about race and "they're hooked." Also, let's not forget it took 2 terms of a previous "chief" before they realized he did not have their best interest at heart either( stock market crash; predatory loans). It's all about the rich taking care of the rich. Also, to get votes, they always use the "divide and conquer" tactic as a smokescreen. Notoriously using fear tactics that scare white women into voting against their own best interest. And they also manage to divide and conquer some black people and some hispanic males into voting against their own best interest. They do this by tricking them into believing that they are being "accepted" and then getting their votes. Lastly, when the Constitution was written they never dreamed that it would have to be shared with people that did not come from Europe. That's what's causing all the mass hysteria.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t watch the debate, but the clips of it were grim. If Biden wasn’t feeling well enough to perform, he should have postponed it. That would gave been a bad look, but better than stumbling your way through the debate and helping Trump’s narrative that you’re senile and should be put out to pasture.

As far as replacing Biden, this is now a real possibility, but one that fills me with dread because the process may be divisive, and who knows if the replacement will even have a better shot than Biden?

The main problem here is the Kamala or Someone Else problem. Because those are the alternatives.

What Kamala has going for her is that she’s already nationally known; there wouldn’t be much time to introduce the public to a less well-known figure picked at the convention. The downside of Kamala is that while the public know her … they don’t like her. Her polling is frankly bad. And Trump will be in his happy place running against a woman of color. It will be the most hateful general election campaign you’ve ever seen.

However, if you pick someone else, while there are some great choices out there — many people have been pointing at Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer — as I’ve said, they may be less nationally well-known, with little time to introduce themselves. And also, I fear that black voters will feel betrayed if Kamala gets shut out. As VP, there may be an expectation that it is her “turn” to run, and that she’s being treated unfairly. The Trump campaign has been crowing about how he is going to win black voters. I don’t buy this. I don’t think many will vote for him; the real danger is that some may not vote at all. A sense that Kamala got shafted will only increase this.

Just a dreadful situation for the Dems and the country. While I think Joe Biden has actually done a good job as president, he is unable to get out there and argue against the false narratives that he’s done a bad job. I still wish we’d nominated Liz Warren instead. She’d be shredding Trump right about now, and he’d be reduced to yelling “COMMIE!” and making pathetic Pocahontas jokes.

Anonymous said...

Knew the next posting would be today, Mr. Fields... Anon contributions so far are especially insightful. Faith & Fairness

field negro said...

Yes, three great insightful comments. These field hands are always on point. It's why I keep blogging. For feedback like this. TY!

Faith_and_Fairness said...

post @2:18pm... "Anonymous said...
I didn’t watch the debate, but the clips of it were grim. If Biden wasn’t feeling well enough to perform, he should have postponed it. That would gave been a bad look, but better than stumbling your way through the debate and helping Trump’s narrative that you’re senile and should be put out to pasture."


Or, after extending greetings to CNN moderators and the viewing audience, why did Pres. Biden simply not convey he was under the weather because of a very bad cold symptoms?

This would have been understandable. And former Trump fixer, Mr. Michael Cohen, offered a stellar perspective about Pres. Biden's poor debate during his appearance on MSNBC's Ali Veshi's show today 06/29/24. Mr. Cohen reminded viewers the president was running the country and had just returned from the G7-Summit in Europe.

So many people the world over know firsthand what it's like to push forward enduring head and/or chest congestion. And how about Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett, also appearing on Velshi this morning, further opined too many folks in the democratic party are willing to throw their own under the bus over a bad performance night.

My other dismay concerns the CNN rule banning extemporaneous note cards. Really don't understand the campaign agreeing to this.

Anonymous said...

“My other dismay concerns the CNN rule banning extemporaneous note cards. Really don't understand the campaign agreeing to this.”

The main deficiency in the rules was that the moderators were not allowed to shut down Trump if he lied. Because it was totally predictable that he would.

Of course, Trump would never have agreed to debates held under these conditions. So maybe Biden should have held a press conference announcing that there would be no debates held this year because Trump demands the right to lie.

dinthebeast said...

Ditching Biden is electoral suicide, plain and simple. This election will not be decided by the informed voters who are now screaming for a different candidate, it will be decided by unengaged voters making their decisions on the thinnest of reasonings, on the margins, as the pundits say, and those folks aren't gonna vote for a candidate they have never heard of, no matter how good they are or what is in their resume.
So now, our job, getting those unengaged folks to mark the space next to Joseph Robinette Biden on their ballots, just got harder.
What then, are we gonna do? Throw up our hands and weep that the contest isn't a fucking cake walk? Or fight like hell as if our very lives depended on it (as well as the survival of American democracy)?
There are worse things than a bad debate. This is only over if we give up and don't even try.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“This election will not be decided by the informed voters who are now screaming for a different candidate, it will be decided by unengaged voters making their decisions on the thinnest of reasonings, on the margins, as the pundits say, and those folks aren't gonna vote for a candidate they have never heard of, no matter how good they are or what is in their resume.”

That’s the problem with replacing Biden, alright. You’ve only got a couple months to introduce a new candidate to people who stubbornly, I would say stupidly, pay virtually no attention to politics, but still think it’s a good idea to go ahead and vote anyway. I won’t say that’s impossible, but boy, is it a tall order.

Or you’ve got two months to make them start liking Kamala Harris, when they don’t like her now. Again, a tall order.

bethhawes said...

I say let's just watch and listen--Biden has to pull himself back into the running. He knows the stakes and will do the right thing. Meanwhile, the entire NYT editorial staff is running around with their hair on fire. You don't lose an election with one bad debate.

dinthebeast said...

The goddamn New York Times is still butthurt that Biden wouldn't give them a sit down exclusive and has been "slanting their coverage of him negatively" ever since. They do employ some first rate journalists, but as a company, they suck donkey balls.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Smells like desperation!

Anonymous said...

Well, Joe did mumble something about sidewalks. I think? We can all get behind sidewalks. Maybe, it all depends (heh) if he was mumbling about sidewalks. Is there a transcript for the debate?

Anonymous said...

Doug should know about donkey balls.

mike from iowa said...

Scotus is trying hard to fulfill McCturtlefuckface's desire to legisleate from the bench while protecting drumpf from criminality.

By protecting drumpf the court protects their conservative majority and lack of ethics for our lifetimes.

anotherbozo said...

You hit all the right notes, Field, and I wanted to shout "amen" after every one. Even saying that it's up to him whether to bow out, because only he can release his delegates. Can the electorate realize that, unlike Orange Man's assumption, the presidency is not a one-man show? That Biden presides over an ADMINISTRATION of, in this case, almost all quality, efficient people who have helped him achieve what he's given credit for by the fair-minded? Biden's judgment is far from perfect (hello Gazans, those of you who are left), but mostly he's known how to accomplish things in spite of Republicans who would rather see the country fail than let him take credit for any positive improvement in American live. On one level that's miraculous.

dinthebeast said...

As if to underscore how fucked in the head the overturning of Chevron is, Gorsuch demonstrates that he doesn't know the difference between oxides of nitrogen and nitrous oxide in an opinion ruling on their regulation.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

I made a contribution to Biden's campaign fund. It wasn't as much as I would like to give but I'm an old lady on a modest fixed income, but every little bit helps. I'll bet the consternation will die down and this election will continue--the truth teller and the liar. Rational voters know the stakes and know the difference between the two.

Faith_and_Fairness said...

@bethhawes... So grateful for your sharing the importance of contributing, which in turn, inspired me to action.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

Scotus slow walking drumpf's immunity decision is designed to help the convicted felon avoid more accountability for his despicable crimes.

This should never had been up for screwtinny by a majority of partial ideologues sworn to uphold the constitution. Any decision other than no immunity for drumpf will prove, beyond a doubt, magats don't take their vows to protect the constitution seriously.

mike from iowa said...

scotus really shit the bed this time....

magats claim drumpf had complete immunity from prosecution for acts while he was officially in office.

Anonymous said...

Worst Supreme Court term yet. Holy Shit.

Regulators can’t regulate? Presidents can break the law, as long as they do it in the course of “official acts”?

Apparently, the wingnut justices’ actual goal is anarchy and social collapse. I am very worried about what comes next.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

I guess now is as good a time as any for Biden to sic Seal Team 6 on drumpf, 6 conservative magats on the scotus and all magats in congress. magat fake noize and all right wing media, phony alleged Kristians, magat guvs and legislatures.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus: "I'm officially buggering this toddler while officially chowing down on these barbecued baby legs."
SCOTUS: "OK, you're cool."
The goddamn Republicans on SCOTUS and Fergus both have a serious misapprehension of the job of POTUS. The constitution and the nation's laws are not, in fact, impediments to a president doing their job; upholding the constitution and faithfully executing the nation's laws IS THE JOB of the president. Do they sometimes make it more difficult to do the job? Sure they do. Nobody besides Fergus ever said that the job is easy, and even he admitted later that it wasn't.
He, of course, wants the job to be "I'm the big boss of everything" because he's a malignant narcissist, but the goddamn founders were pretty damn explicit about that not being the case.
We need to win this and the next few elections and get rid of the filibuster so we can pass democracy reform and expand the court. Thirteen justices to match the number of circuits (as the nine we have now did when instituted) would help, but it would only delay the capture of the court like it is now for a while. Politics Girl had the sanest court reform idea I've heard: expand the number of justices to 27 and pick nine at random for each case, so the filthy rich can't tailor their approach to woo specific justices.
This only empowers the criminal and the corrupt among presidents as they are the only ones who want to break laws while doing the job. Fuck Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon, and fuck Poppy Bush for pardoning the Iran Contra felons.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did Joe Biden Drop Out of the '88 Presidential Race After Admitting to Plagiarism?

Anonymous said...

Justices rule Trump has some immunity from prosecution
By Amy Howe
on Jul 1, 2024 at 12:26 pm

Anonymous said...

Is jack Smiths position even legal?? Is it another democrat hoodwink?

dinthebeast said...

On the lighter side, Bannon is in prison.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So on the same damn day that SCOTUS tried to establish a monarchy, they ruled that Texas and Florida can't force social media companies to publish right wing propaganda if they don't want to.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So on the same damn day that SCOTUS tried to establish a monarchy, they ruled that Texas and Florida can't force social media companies to publish right wing propaganda if they don't want to.”

Count your blessings, I guess. At least a few of the wingnut justices prioritized private businesses’ desire to be free from regulation over conservatives’ “right to lie” demands. One form of right-wing ideology has defeated a different one. At least for now.

Anonymous said...

To be clear, SCOTUS didn’t issue a final ruling on the social media cases. It punted them down to the lower courts for further review. They will probably be back.

dinthebeast said...

Power grab:

The entire ruling looks like a project to turn Presidents into Kings - but with a giant caveat.

The Court gets to decide, on a case by case basis, which prosecutions would ‘intrude’ on Presidential authority.

They created a king that is answerable only to themselves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Looks like if a choice has to be made betweeen supremacy and democracy then supremacy will win all the time. America was was built on it and they will do anything to maintain it.
Has America now joined the ranks of every other dictatorial regime?

dinthebeast said...

"Has America now joined the ranks of every other dictatorial regime?"
If we don't win this election, probably, if we do win it, maybe, if we fucking give up, certainly.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

What I remember reading about the Great Depression is the main cause was unregulated business practices.

Here we go again without benefit od Tawny Kitaen's gorgeous gams. Yummy!!

mike from iowa said...

Some good news, if only temporary.....

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, the fortification is going to be epic.

Anonymous said...

Really wish Biden would send the FBI to the Republican justices' houses and chuck them in federal cells without charge, just to teach them a lesson.

Hey, everything's legal now. You guys said so. This is how it works. Emperor Biden.

Anonymous said...

Is that you Doug?

Anonymous said...


dinthebeast said...

That's the fucking thing: this just enables the criminal and the corrupt. People with human decency and respect for the law aren't gonna do corrupt and criminal things just because they are "allowed" to. It's a form of asymmetrical warfare.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

A friend sent me this:
There is drum beat that Obama could be surrogate - - theory is even though US president can't be elected more than twice, he can serve more than twice (e.g., VP Johnson assumed office when Kennedy died and then was elected and could have run again but didn't).
Obama has been laying the path so Dems can avoid knock-down drag-out convention fight. Namely, he will campaign vigorously in Biden's stead w/ tacit understanding that once Biden is re-elected, 25th amendment will be invoked and Obama can "assume" presidency w/ VP Kamala remaining VP.
Who knows?

Anonymous said...

This seems like the wildest of Hail Marys — that while Obama couldn’t legally be elected to a third term as president, he could legally inherit a third term. In other words, he could run as Biden’s VP, with essentially everyone understanding that the moment Biden is inaugurated, he would immediately step down and Obama would become president once more.

The fly in the ointment is that, as far as I know, Obama has zero desire to serve another term as president. I think this option for replacing Biden is a fantasy.

mike from iowa said...

So it begins, again.... Israel, escalating its campaign to seize territory in the West Bank and accommodate 500,000 new settlers, is pushing forward with the largest single appropriation of Palestinian land since 1993, according to major news outlets.

The impending seizure and conversion of these areas into state land, approved by the Israeli government last month and publicized by Peace Now on Wednesday, encompasses five square miles and, like other seizures that were approved and implemented earlier this year, threatens the mass eviction of Palestinians already living there. Israeli policy dictates that state land is effectively off-limits to Palestinians and can only be leased to Jewish settlers.

mike from iowa said...

Turns out all 6 magats on scotus were lawyers in either Nixon or Hitler weasel Bush criminal enterprises and Barret joined Kavernmouth and GoSuck in Bush v Gore. All of them decided Nixon should not have been run out of office and are going to make sure drumpf doesn't get what he deserves

mike from iowa said...

This goes with above comment....

dinthebeast said...

I guess we should celebrate independence day while we still can, so happy fourth of July!

Noem may have shot her dog, but at least she didn't eat it...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Turns out all 6 magats on scotus were lawyers in either Nixon or Hitler weasel Bush criminal enterprises and Barret joined Kavernmouth and GoSuck in Bush v Gore. All of them decided Nixon should not have been run out of office and are going to make sure drumpf doesn't get what he deserves”

I don’t think any of them could really have worked in the Nixon administration. Uncle Clarence is the oldest of them, and he graduated law school just a couple months before Nixon was forced to resign.

They all did work for one of the Bushes, though, in some capacity.

dinthebeast said...

Roberts and Alito were architects of the Reagan revolution together, which is why Roberts will never rein in his brother in arms.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Roberts and Alito were architects of the Reagan revolution together, which is why Roberts will never rein in his brother in arms.”

Roberts isn’t personally inclined to do much reining in anyway when it comes to attacks on democracy or efforts to further empower the rich. He is actually extremely right-wing in his own right on these issues.

He might be at least a bit of a moderating voice sometimes on “social issues” (aka gun nuttery, or bigotry). But it’s a mistake to characterize him as a moderate overall. He only looks moderate in comparison to bomb-throwing lunatics like Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch.

dinthebeast said...

So it would appear that Larry the Cat is getting a new roommate...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So it would appear that Larry the Cat is getting a new roommate...”

The one political bright spot at the moment is that the right-wingers are getting destroyed in the UK today. Unfortunately, it took the Tories completely trashing the UK economy and government services over their 14 years in power before voters caught a clue and voted them out.

Once again, I don’t understand why people don’t pay enough attention to politics. It shouldn’t take a catastrophe to make folks sit up and take notice and realize when they’re being lied to.

Anonymous said...

A protest song (courtesy of a Northern Irish lass, and the Jackson Five) that sums up why British voters kicked the living shit out of the Tories today.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that link appears not to work, because Twitter sucks.

Here’s another one that hopefully works better.

Anonymous said...

At least 9 killed, dozens shot across Chicago in violent July Fourth
by: Andrea Medina, Anna Roberts

Posted: Jul 5, 2024 / 05:56 AM CDT

Updated: Jul 5, 2024 / 07:30 AM CDT

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

‘A massacre of everything:’ 2 mothers, 1 child killed, 2 children still critical in Grand Crossing shooting
by: Andrea Medina, Glenn Marshall, BJ Lutz, Anna Roberts, Eli Ong, Dana Rebik

Posted: Jul 4, 2024 / 07:44 AM CDT

Updated: Jul 4, 2024 / 10:01 PM CDT

Anonymous said...

As expected, it was an absolute bloodbath for wingnuts in the UK yesterday. The Tories are down by TWO-THIRDS of the seats they previously held at the last election.

I cannot imagine the jubilation today.

dodahman said...

The D's will lose to the felon if B is 'the man'. Please prepare yourself for the trauma.

dinthebeast said...

Snuffleupagus: Come on Joe, give me something that I can turn into a headline saying "President opens door to campaign exit."
Biden: No.
Snuffleupagus: Please?
Biden: No.
(repeat over and over for twenty minutes)

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Beau has thoughts about the interview:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Does a pilot get to have a bad night? Does a brain surgeon get to have a bad night? Biden is the one who challenged Insane Clown. Biden said Come On Man Make My Day. So no Biden does not get to have a bad night. Especially not when your opponent is an Insane Clown who should be childs play. Biden wanted a game changer and he got one but in reverse. Biden has zero chance of beating Insane Clown now. It will get to the point where one of 2 things have to happen. Either the growing chorus of people calling on Biden to drop out will all have to change their tune, or Biden will have to drop out. We have already seen in 2016 what happens when Hillary put self over country. That being said whoever becomes the Democratic nominee must put this They Go Low We Go High bullshit aside and kick Insane Clown in the balls. Insane Clown is a racist career criminal Putin wannabe traitor who belongs in jail. Who has long since dropped any pretense of innocence instead begging the court for immunity for his treasonous criminal acts. These words must be spoken. Insane Clown bears full responsibility with his clownish response to the pandemic for the supply chain issues and in turn the resulting inflation which is only now being brought under control (Biden actually said that and no one else ever has but it got lost in the rest of his stumbling and mumbling and bumbling). Insane Clown is singularly responsible for shitcaning the bipartisan border security bill and as such now owns any deficiency in border security. For that matter Insane Clown never for a minute took being president seriously. Throwing paper towels. Rake the forest. Trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Windmills cause cancer. Nuking hurricanes. Drawing dick pix on a hurricane map. Falling in love with Li'l Kim. All these words must be spoken. This is not a campaign. This is a motherfucking war. Democrats need to get that straight in their heads and put their smiley faces aside or else prepare for the Second Coming of Insane Clown. The writing is on the wall and in The Book Of Retribution.

Anonymous said...

“Does a pilot get to have a bad night? Does a brain surgeon get to have a bad night?”

Actually, yes, they do. If either of them is so incapacitated they cannot do their job, then the job gets postponed. Or one of their colleagues subs in for them and flys the plane or performs the surgery.

There is a reason we have vice presidents — so they can, on occasion, do the same for a president, if necessary. Not a problem. Presidents are human.

However, what everyone is worried about here is that this was not “a” bad night, a single one-off event. They fear that, in fact, this may be a frequent occurrence for Biden, that perhaps he regularly, unpredictably has periods of time when he just goes catatonic and cannot communicate, and this has unconscionably been kept from the public. This would be a disqualifying condition for a president if true.

To make things even worse … maybe it does not even matter whether Biden does or doesn’t have such a condition. Trump has been pushing the narrative that Biden is in decline, and Biden’s abysmal performance in the debate cemented that impression for a lot of people. Even if it turns out Biden is perfectly cognitively healthy, it may now not be possible to change people’s belief that he isn’t — which will likely mean Biden can’t win. (Personally, I don’t even care that much if Biden can do the job, at this point. If he is cognitively failing in the White House, his Cabinet can 25th Amendment him and make Kamala Harris president. What I am NOT fine with is Biden losing, and then fucking Trump becomes president and destroys the country. Virtually anything is better than that outcome.)

These are the motivations behind those demanding he quit the race.

mike from iowa said...

Moar proof magats hate kids and women....

Anonymous said...

13 killed, 61 wounded in shootings during extended 4th of July weekend in Chicago
Of those shot, 20 were in mass shootings in Greater Grand Crossing, the Near West Side and Austin.
By Sun-Times Wire Updated Jul 6, 2024, 9:22am CDT

Anonymous said...

“Moar proof magats hate kids and women....”

Mostly women, in this case.
The increase in infant mortality rates is probably down to infants who were doomed anyway, because they had terrible birth defects. It’s just that when you force pregnant women to carry them to term and deliver, the inevitable deaths count toward infant mortality statistics; when the women abort them, they don’t. Either way, though, the outcome is the same for fetus/baby: death.

There is a major difference for the women, though. It is cruel to force them to continue doomed pregnancies for months more, then deliver, knowing all along that they’re 100% going to end up with a dead baby.

Anonymous said...

This seems relevant to the discussion of Biden's fitness (whether it be fitness to serve as president, or just fitness to successfully campaign and win the election):

A neurologist and expert on Parkinson's disease has visited the White House eight times in the last eleven months.

Parkinson's impairs movement, but in advanced stages can result in cognitive decline.

Anonymous said...

You folks just started noticing huh? No clue what so ever? I'm not sure what to say?

Just one last Joe Biden really the president of the United States?

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Rubs Black Man’s Arm Sexually in Front of Everyone

bethhawes said...

If they wheeled Biden in on a stretcher on life support, I would vote for him rather than Trump! Do you really think anyone who's paying attention and has any decency would do otherwise?! Geez, Kamala Harris will be right there and she's as qualified as anyone else on the horizon!

Anonymous said...

“If they wheeled Biden in on a stretcher on life support, I would vote for him rather than Trump! Do you really think anyone who's paying attention and has any decency would do otherwise?!”

Sadly, lots of people don’t seem to have much idea what distinguishes the candidates. “Low-information” voters don’t get how awful Trump is. Many just think Trump is a wacky “character” who says funny things, and they don’t get that Jan 6th was part of a serious, organized scheme by him to overthrow democracy.

Obviously, if you understand that Trump is an evil monster, you’d vote to put a German Shepherd in the White House before him. But if you don’t understand this, concerns about Biden’s cognitive health may be more convincing. Especially if the Trump campaign floods the Internet with clips from the debate, with Biden looking demented, as they undoubtedly will.

dinthebeast said...

The SCOTUS ruling on immunity just made the single most important characteristic for a US president their character, adherence to the law, and their basic decency.
There are no better candidates on these issues than Joe Biden. Period.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Biden rolled the dice and came up snake eyes. Biden's chances of beating Insane Clown are now zero. Insane Clown doesn't have to do a damn thing now but let this percolate until the election or until Biden drops out.

Anonymous said...

At least 56 shot, 11 fatally, across Chicago at start of long July 4th holiday weekend, police say

ABC 7 Chicago

Anonymous said...

Why are Black voters backing Donald Trump in record numbers?
Latest polls show 17 percent of Black voters would vote for former president today – more than twice the number in 2016.

Anonymous said...

Black Voters For Trump Will More Than Triple, Poll Indicates
Published Jun 20, 2024 at 4:49 AM EDT

mike from iowa said...

If the scotus installs drumpf as king me will be able to hand out top secret materials to friends and foreigners with equal abandon and sell every aspect of his kingdumb to highest bidders.

Putin and Li'l Kim will soon know every secret military weapon we ever had.

Anonymous said...

Time to play La Marseillaise! France dodges another bullet. Exit polls indicate a shock win for a left-wing alliance in the French parliamentary elections, blocking the fascist National Rally Party from taking power.

I have to say, I am feeling extremely envious of Western Europe at the moment. The Left has vanquished the Right in both the UK and France.

Meanwhile, here, the entire political system seems to be circling the drain, between the Supreme Court giddily tearing up the Constitution and the Biden campaign collapsing after his catatonic debate performance. I expected this election year to be bad, but not this bad.

Anonymous said...

Blogger mike from iowa said...
If the scotus installs drumpf as king me will be able to hand out top secret materials to friends and foreigners with equal abandon and sell every aspect of his kingdumb to highest bidders.

Putin and Li'l Kim will soon know every secret military weapon we ever had.

1:39 PM

You mean biden, and he already has.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like California’s (likely) next senator, Adam Schiff, is now suggesting Biden should drop out.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf had exactly 3 blacks vote for him in 2020. Now he has, at most, 9 votes.

bethhawes said...

It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion--with the MSM providing a pounding soundtrack! I'm not feeling as optimistic anymore and every day that Trump's vile aura gets ignored while Biden's age issue sucks all the oxygen from the room, is a day closer to Armageddon. It should not have come to this!

dinthebeast said...

Stormy Daniels, who hasn't been able to work since her subpoena to testify in the Fergus trial, and is under constant MAGA threat, along with her family, has raised nearly a million dollars on a go fund me toward moving somewhere safer for her and her daughter.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Ringo Starr turned 84 today, and he is taking his band out for a tour in September, and another in the spring.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

drumpf has already attacked Kamala Harris claiming her only qualification is she slept her way to the top with Willie Brown.

She is a much smarter attorney than anyone drumpf had ever hired.

mike from iowa said...

Shit fer brains magats in US are crying the French election wasn stolen from French right wing shit fer brains, just like 2020 election drumpf lost by 8 million legally counted votes.

Anonymous said...

The White House has claimed that Biden is not being treated for Parkinson’s, and hinted that maybe that neurologist was visiting somebody else on the president’s staff.

All I can say is, they better be telling the truth about this. Anger within the Democratic Party will be off the charts if it later comes out that they were not.

PilotX said...

Vote like your life depends on it!

bethhawes said...

A blog site I really like has an excellent breakdown of the journalistic malpractice of the New York Times in their "great expose" of the Parkinson's doctor coming to the White House so many times in the last year or so. Turns out the Biden Administration is working on a Parkinson's bill. Of course, the Times never lets on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Duuuuh....maybe he is using the following strategy:

"Support me long enough for me to get re-elected by those that still believe in what Dems can do to save the country. Then, after I'm re-elected I will bow out and give it up to my vice president."

Anonymous said...

Duuuuh... It's REALLY A "NO BRAINER."

You've witnessed what the lives of people living in countries with a DICTATORSHIP looks like (They're all trying to escape to America).

...That's a sharp contrast to the BENEFITS that YOU currently have living under a DEMOCRACY.

Go right ahead. Vote against your best interest. Vote away your rights.

...You will soon get to witness and experience DICTATOR(SHIP) that you so desperately crave.

..."And they shall be led to their demise, like cows being led to the slaughterhouse."

Flying Junior said...

Blog comment test

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

A Parkinson's bill? Why don't they just say so then and fuck all this cloak and dagger bullshit?

Let's be clear. This was a self inflicted wound. Biden wants to whine about a bad night? No Biden is not entitled to a "bad night". Not when he said Come On Man Make My Day. And not when his opponent is a fucking Insane Clown. And this was not a "bad night". A bad night would be one gaffe maybe 2. Insane Clown knocked Biden down picked him up and knocked him down again and again and again. If this was a boxing match it would have been stopped in round 1. All the press conferences or TV interviews won't change that. The only thing that could possibly change that is a rematch and that won't happen until September when it will be too late to replace him. The stakes are too damn high. This is not a campaign. This is a motherfucking war. A war that Biden on his best day is not equipped to fight.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...So now they're saying that Kamala is "not ready."

Question: Was "he" ready when he took office? What office did he hold prior to that? What experience did he have in running the gov?
What did he know about history, foreign affairs, the government...the military, the law, running daddy's business without filing bankruptcy? Was/is he able to speak in complete sentences? When was he able to speak and conduct himself in a dignified manner when speaking/meeting foreign dignitaries Does he sound intelligent. It was 4 years of gaffes.

Love to say black folks have no respect for the police or law enforcement but then condone the crushing death of innocent cops that got killed doing their job to protect and defend "law and order" during the Jan 6th riot.

Oh how they love to forgive each other for their treaspasses and dastardly deeds...but measure the actions of people of color using a longer yardstick... All while they continue to take and work at jobs that they were "never ready for."

Just another day in your good ole USA


Anonymous said...

“A Parkinson's bill? Why don't they just say so then and fuck all this cloak and dagger bullshit”

The White House spokesperson did not say anything at all about a “Parkinson’s bill.” That was just some writer’s invention or speculation, I think.

To be clear, what the White House spokesperson said was that a) Biden did not have Parkinson’s; b) he had in fact seen that neurologist, but only along with his gp as part of his routine annual physicals, not to treat an ongoing neurological condition; and c) implied that all the other White House visits by that doctor were to examine/treat some other, unnamed White House staffer(s) and not Biden.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf magats are blaming right wing election loss in France on cheating by lefties. Sound familiar?

Magats still swear the Earth is flat and one is convinced the sun does not shine on America. He claims every single inhabitant on Earth has their own personal sun which is about 50 miles above them.

Anonymous said...

"drumpf magats are blaming right wing election loss in France on cheating by lefties. Sound familiar?"

Not cheating, just cooperation.

France has multiple major political parties, unlike the U.S., which has only two. But fortunately, they have a two-round election system, which helps voters from the non-fascist parties to lend votes to each other. They can gang up on the fascists and block them from getting into power.

mike from iowa said...

All of a sudden strict constructionist magats on scotus decide presidential immunity is clearly written in the constitution when there is no mention of it anywhere.

Anonymous said...

More than 100 shot in Chicago over holiday weekend, 19 dead
More than 100 people were shot in Chicago, 19 of them fatally, over the long Independence Day weekend, when there is often a spike in violence.
Published 12:41 PM CDT, July 8, 2024

Anonymous said...

So it's all good. No need to reprint ballots or retrieve the ones already counted for Biden. That's a huge relief.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this is the blog and you have failed the test. Please wait 24 hours before trying to test again.

mike from iowa said...

Former Chokelahoma magat senator POS, Jack Himoff finally took a trip to visit Satan in Hell.

Putin shot a missile into children's hospital in Kyiv, most likely with drumpf's approval. Jews bombed a shelter full of Palestinian men, women and children with no apparent consequences.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Jill Biden be the Democrat candidate? After all she makes the decisions for her husband, the Joepedo.

dinthebeast said...

Shit, now who will bring snowballs onto the senate floor to try and disprove climate change?
I must once again thank my father for moving the family the fuck out of Oklahoma before I was born.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

My mom was going to get out of Oklahoma if it's the last thing she ever did. We're talking 1949.

I was testing the comment field to see if I was banned or something else. I think teh Googol has an AI comment moderation algorithm that is more sophisticated than a simple list of banned words. I tried to express the same thought twice, cleaning it up a little bit the second time. Both times my comments simply disappeared immediately after I dropped them.

dinthebeast said...

My dad got the family out in 1957, I believe, don't really know for sure as I wasn't around yet and I'm the only one of us left...
Another spot on the bench for Biden to fill:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Now Insane Clown is challenging Biden to a rematch. I wish Bernie Sanders would step up and accept the challenge and watch how fast Insane Clown would punk out. As Insane Clown did in 2016 when he previously challenged Bernie to debate.

mike from iowa said...

Greeson was reported to have been a teacher and both molesters are ardent magats and drumpf lovers, something fake noize isn't about to tell you.

Anonymous said...

Michael Bennett is the first Democratic US senator to suggest Biden should drop out, saying Biden cannot win. He joins seven House Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Biden has lost George Clooney. The Hollywood actor (and Democratic Party fundraiser) says it’s time to retire and let someone else face off against Trump.

dinthebeast said...

Here come the Russians again:

John Scott-Railton
NEW: @TheJusticeDept just disrupted a Russian-run AI-enabled Twitter disinformation bot farm.

Almost 1000 accounts on @X.

Masqueraded as Americans & promoted Russian government narratives.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

magats in the house of reprehensibles passed a bill to deny non citizens the ability to vote in national elections, which is a drumpf fever drem. That law is already on the books, but will not stop from claiming he alone prevented all these ex cons, murderers and rapists from voting for Li bs this election.

Anonymous said...

“magats in the house of reprehensibles passed a bill to deny non citizens the ability to vote in national elections, which is a drumpf fever drem.”

Non-citizens are already banned by federal law from voting in national elections.

This bill is yet another Voter ID law that is predicated on a an evidence-free conspiracy theory beloved by racists (that there are significant numbers of foreigners voting illegally, which is not true). And its actual intent is to suppress completely legal voting in order to help Republicans get elected (under the assumption that those citizens who lack IDs and will this be blocked from voting will be mostly poor people, and that poor people are most likely to vote for Democrats).

Same shit, different day.

dinthebeast said...

Today was the day of Fergus' sentencing in the hush-money election interference trial before the goddamn SCOTUS tried to elevate him to the status of a monarch.
Campaign your asses off and vote like your life depends on it because it very much does.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Meanwhile (via Steve Benen at Maddow blog):

The best inflation news in a long time: “Price increases slowed more sharply than expected in June, adding to evidence that high inflation has subsided and potentially clearing the way for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates that affect everything from mortgages to credit card payments. ... From May to June, prices fell 0.1% — the first time the monthly reading meaningfully declined since May 2020, early in the pandemic.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

So Uncle Clarence took a yacht trip to Russia and then flew in a helicopter to a Russian palace and somehow forgot to report this little adventure on financial disclosure forms, again.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just magat corruption like usual.

Anonymous said...

“The best inflation news in a long time”

In reality:
Inflation and crime have nearly returned to where they were before the pandemic, which was what caused them to surge in the first place.

In Republican world:

bethhawes said...

It's the least they could do after these last weeks of trolling Biden, so give them credit for this:

bethhawes said...

Anonymous said...

Biden’s chances of staying in the race went down today, after he got confused at the NATO conference and addressed Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Putin. *facepalm*

Anonymous said...


1) You put all of your eggs in one basket by spending all of your
time, money and energy prosecuting "you know who" and expecting
the anointed ones in the Supreme Court Majority to rule against
"you know who."

2) You are still waiting for someone who may be stubborn, or ego
driven, or most importantly ...cognitively impaired, to "decide
for himself" if and when to step down from being the commander in

3) Even if by some "great miracle" the Democratic candidate does stay
in and win, do you really think that his age along with his
rapidly declining cognitive ability will enable him to remain in
office for 4 MORE YEARS? HELLO....REALLY?

4) How long do you think that you can continue to "prop someone up"
like a rag doll and pretend they can run your country?

5) Is anyone using any critical thinking skills to realize how
America looks to other countries on the world stage with a
leader that is obviously in rapid cognitive decline?

6) The Democrats painted themselves into a corner and now they either
"refuse to" or "just don't know how to" get out of it. Some fear
that their egos and bad decisions will inadvertently contribute to
a win for "you know who."

7) Didn't the recent ruling by the majority of the highest in the
land do the following:
* paved the way,
* prepared the thrown,
* and officially given rise to an imperial dictator?


Flying Junior said...

A.O.C. is my hero!

mike from iowa said...

magat illegal hijinks begin early in Nevada....

mike from iowa said...

Since this one sided attempt at genocide started Israel has targeted civilian men, women and children with all kinds of inhumane weaponry.

Anonymous said...

A judge has removed Giuliani’s bankruptcy protection. This means that the poll workers he defamed can begin trying to seize his assets, but also apparently means Giuliani can resume his appeal of the giant civil damages against him.

Anonymous said...

The manslaughter case against Alec Baldwin is over. The judge dismissed the case with prejudice because the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense.

This was always an idiotic prosecution. A Hollywood movie set is not a normal situation with regards to firearms, and it is not reasonable to treat actors the same as gun owners out in the “real world.” They cannot be expected to understand or take responsibility for a prop gun (with all of the varieties of prop ammunition that may be used) that somebody just handed them on set.

This is why Hollywood production companies hire gun experts (armorers), who are supposed to be the accountable party for all the firearms used. It’s crazy to blame the actor when the armorer didn’t do her job right.

bethhawes said...

Good discussion on Daily Kos--contained this tidbit I wasn't aware of:

The entire gestalt around the question of whether or not President Biden should step aside is not grounded in reality. If any of the leading media outlets had spent just a few hours researching the mechanics of our electoral system, they would realize that it simply is not possible for Joe Biden to step aside. IF they had, they would know that Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin only let the elected candidate be replaced on the ballot by death.

You can read the entire analysis here:

Anonymous said...

“IF they had, they would know that Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin only let the elected candidate be replaced on the ballot by death.”

This … sounds like nonsense. The writer includes no citations of state law to back up his claim.

As far as I know, all states defer to parties’ internal rules when it comes to which candidate those parties nominate to put on the general election ballot. There is no question of whether you can take Joe Biden “off” the ballot. He isn’t “on” any ballot yet, because his party electors haven’t nominated him yet. That happens at the convention.

Maybe this dude is confusing this with what happens if you try to remove someone from the ballot AFTER they’ve been nominated.

bethhawes said...

You are right and if I had read the comments to the article, I would have arrived at a different conclusion. I let my eagerness to slap the MSM upside the head rush me to an erroneous "gotcha" moment.

Anonymous said...

“You are right and if I had read the comments to the article, I would have arrived at a different conclusion. I let my eagerness to slap the MSM upside the head rush me to an erroneous ‘gotcha’ moment.”

I don’t think you read it wrong. I just think the writer IS wrong. He has probably misunderstood the laws somehow.

I don’t think everyone understands that when you “vote for Joe Biden” in a primary, you haven’t actually voted for Joe Biden. You’ve only voted for Joe Biden’s Democratic convention electors. The real election of the nominee happens at the party convention, and those electors are not required to vote for Joe (although they are very unlikely to vote for anyone else without him stepping down as a candidate first).

So maybe the writer was misunderstanding how that works, in fact and law. Or, like I said, maybe he was talking about changing the nominee after the vote has happened at the convention, which you really can’t do.

Right now, it’s certainly possible for Biden to drop out and for someone else to be nominated. The debate is about whether it is wise to do so.

Anonymous said...

"Right now, it’s certainly possible for Biden to drop out and for someone else to be nominated. The debate is about whether it is wise to do so."

---------------------------------------------- would be "wise to do so."
Many who witnessed said that he may not make it through 4 more months, let alone 4 more years.

Anonymous said...

The EU has decided that the blue checkmarks on Twitter/X are “deceptive,” since they now no longer denote a verified identity of an account number (cuz you can now just buy the damn checkmarks). This is along with other violations of the EU’s Digital Services Act. The investigation is in the early phases, but if the assessment is ultimately upheld, the company could be socked with enormous fines.

Anonymous said...

There have been three new cases of bird flu in humans, this time in poultry workers who were culling birds from an infected flock at an egg farm in Colorado.

The federal government really needs to hurry up and mandate the vaccination of agricultural workers to prevent another pandemic. I don’t understand why they are dragging their feet on this.

dinthebeast said...

The secret service had to get Fergus off of the stage after what sounded a bit like gunfire at his rally:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Insane Clown has reaped what he has sowed. Insane Clown thought he had immunity from political violence because all the tough guys with all the weapons are on his side. Insane Clown laughed his äss off when Pelosi's husband got his head bashed in. Insane Clown is not laughing anymore. Insane Clown never wanted intended or expected to be president and is now in way over his head. Insane Clown raised the temperature to this level. It is now up to Insane Clown to lower the temperature or raise the stakes higher. We don't give a shït either way.

mike from iowa said...

Attempted assination of ass hat drumpf? Pa. voter records shows apparent shooter registered as a magat.

My only question is, "what took so long"?

mike from iowa said...

Pretty sure Biden/Harris get accused of plotting this shooting and Libs are likely up next in the shooting gallery.

mike from iowa said...

Does Primate Bonespurs now award hisself a Purple Heart?

mike from iowa said...

Who could have known this would happen?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Something about yesterday's so-called assassination attempt doesn't click right with me. Is it just me or does anyone else think the GOP leader's comments were pre-prepared? See * Steven Miller, J.D.Vance, and others' remarks about the incident.
I smell fish.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

@Fieldnegro 3:12

You feel like many of your readers and commentators abandoned you, but they haven't.

The majority of your readers still read your blog but to maintain their peace of mind they have chosen not to engage in all the hateful B.S. that flooded the comment section. Nevertheless, they’re still here.

How do I know that they're still in the background reading your blog? Many of them keep in touch with me.

Btw, I'm still riding with Biden.

mike from iowa said...

Granny, this gentleman from Juanita Jean's blog has some interesting things to expound upon....

dinthebeast said...

OK, here's another reason we need an assault weapons ban: The homicidal moron on the roof had an "AR15 style" rifle, meaning a semi automatic gun that fires NATO rounds as quickly as you can pull the trigger. Had he instead had a say, .308 Weatherby, which is a bolt action rifle, he could not have reloaded after his first shot before the secret service permanently perforated him, saving the three bystanders from being shot by the ridiculous asshole.
Now it's also possible that with the better accuracy of the Weatherby, he could have succeeded in his assassination attempt at that distance, but that is neither here nor there. Political assassinations are almost always a bad thing that almost never result in the changes they are attempted to bring about.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

@mike from iowa,

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

If you are bleeding, put your hand on the bleeding area, you will get blood on your hand. There is none on Trump's hand. Blood is liquid and tends to do one of these run, drip, gush, or flow if you're bleeding. It doesn't sit in one spot.

Trump's reaction after he was supposedly shot is unlike his scary ass. He's a coward that has others to do his dirty work.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Pluck Trump!
Trump is unfit and lacks the knowledge and wisdom to hold the position of president. He is borderline retarded:

Trump consistently performed below his peers and had poor grades in school.

He had difficulty with money management and time management

He has trouble interpreting social cues and understanding complex social dynamics

He has difficulty with short-term memory tasks and focusing on tasks.

He has a deficit in problem-solving and logical reasoning

He definitely has a challenge in communication and language

He has difficulty with comprehension.

I won't lie and say I have empathy and compassion for him. Because I don't.

BIDEN 2024!

mike from iowa said...

Guy behind project 2025 says transder of power to seumpf will be peaceful if Dems allow it. Seems like magats have given themselves the excuse needed to start the violence they have been building toward for decadews.

mike from iowa said...

Anonymous said...

Hey ghoulish granny, is Corey Comperatore part of your theory? You are one sick dog.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Suckers and losers. I wouldn't put it past Insane Clown would you?

mike from iowa said...

Dead firefighter's wife told the guv to tell the world her hubby was a hero.

drumpf made if abundantly clear what he thinks of losers who get killed or captured while serving America.

bethhawes said...

From WaPo:

Aileen Cannon, the federal judge overseeing the classified documents charges against former president Donald Trump, has dismissed the indictment on the grounds that special counsel Jack Smith was improperly appointed.

Anonymous said...

Well your attempted assassination worked getting demented Joepedo off the news.
The problem you have is selling the fortification to the public when you've created a martyr.
I still believe the organs will overcome this obstacle. Future headline...The potato wins by 2 trillion votes or Biden wins 50 of 57 states. Quite possible, you folks believe anything the organs tell you.

Recovering TrumpTard said...

Regarding the Trump assassination attempt, you have to ask the impertinent question: Cui Bono? Who Benefits?

The obvious answer is the Republicans and MAGA/Trump benefit.

The Democrats are now on their political backfoot, as they have to sharply curtail their political criticisms of Trump, who now is cast as a sympathetic victim of a horrible shooting.

Moreover, some Republicans like Lauren Boebert have accused the Biden government of being responsible for this attack.

Trump has also used this assassination attempt to galvanize his Republican and MAGA base.

Indeed, the photos conveniently taken of Trump appearing defiant immediately after being shot, with blood dripping from his ear and the American flag waving in the background, help to promote an iconic visual image of Trump as an American Hero™.

Christian Evangelicals are even claiming that God was specifically protecting Trump from this near assassination, with Trump being depicted as a kind of quasi-religious messiah or savior.

Most importantly, some political pundits have even asserted that Trump has effectively won the election by surviving this shooting.

Of course, some people will instinctively dismiss even asking this question as "conspiracy theory."

But it must be asked.

Cui Bono?

Who oh-so-conveniently benefitted from this "assassination" attempt?

Anonymous said...

“Aileen Cannon, the federal judge overseeing the classified documents charges against former president Donald Trump, has dismissed the indictment on the grounds that special counsel Jack Smith was improperly appointed.”

Another Trumpian assault on democracy, taking us another step toward civil war.

This year just gets worse and worse.

mike from iowa said...

Almost clay pigeon drumpf (is a failure at this, too) has chosen Ohio sinator Vance as his running mate. More trash that needs be recycled.

mike from iowa said...

If drumpf gets back into what is normally called the White House until occupied by a magat,then it beomes a "shithole', what are the chances Cannon becomes his AG?

Anonymous said...

“Almost clay pigeon drumpf (is a failure at this, too) has chosen Ohio sinator Vance as his running mate. More trash that needs be recycled.”

The all-conmen ticket. Once again, this year just gets worse and worse.

I can’t get my brain around the number of people who don’t understand why electing these dangerclowns is a bad idea. The percentage of Americans who would actually benefit from a Trump-Vance administration is fucking tiny.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

No question those were real gunshots into the crowd. But let's say Insane Clown has a capsule of fake blood in his hand and claps his hand to his ear. That trick is as old as pro wrestling. You would think there would have been some involuntary verbal response, a scream, something, but no he just claps his ear and goes down under the table. Then there is the security detail outside. They secured every building but the one where the shooter went. The shooter made his way in plain sight across the field and up the building. Multiple people saw him and pointed him out. They said Insane Clown was being treated at "a local medical facility". Can anyone verify that? It wasn't long before Insane Clown was on a plane back to New Jersey. The shooter inmediately himself shot reminds me of the Joe Colombo shooting where they hired some black guy with no mob connection to shoot Colombo then a mob guy shoots the black guy. The timing right before the convention where he can come out like Supertrump faster than a speeding bullet. And where he can announce that he has proof that it's all Biden's doing and that Biden will be charged with attempted murder on Day 1 of the Second Coming. No proof of this but yeah I smell a rat for sure.

Anonymous said...

Trump's classified docs case dismissal is a rebuke of Biden's out-of-control DOJ
In a tectonic opinion issued Monday, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith was unconstitutional
Gregg Jarrett By Gregg Jarrett Fox News
Published July 15, 2024 3:18pm EDT

Anonymous said...

The percentage of Americans who would actually benefit from a Trump-Vance administration is fucking tiny.

4:04 PM

Total delusion!!!

Anonymous said...

Live Updates: Judge Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Trump
Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that the entire case should be thrown out because the appointment of the special counsel who brought the case, Jack Smith, had violated the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Judge tosses Trump documents case, ruling prosecutor was unlawfully appointed
By Andrew Goudsward and Sarah N. Lynch
July 15, 20241:54 PM CDT

Anonymous said...

CHICAGO: July 1st-15th 2024 to Date
Shot & Killed: 47
Shot & Wounded: 177
Total Shot: 224
Total Homicides: 49

dinthebeast said...

Well this does open up the smallish chance that the case lands in front of a competent judge now.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

To the media who have been trying to use Biden's advance team as evidence of his disability: Had Fergus' advance team been a bit more like Biden's advance team, Fergus might have fewer holes in his ear.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Cannon will soon be replaced by someone competent and who does not take cues from Uncle Clarence or anymoose.

Anonymous said...

“Cannon will soon be replaced by someone competent and who does not take cues from Uncle Clarence or anymoose.”

Will she? I guess that depends on whether an appeal lands on the desk of another Trump flunky in the judiciary, or someone willing to do their damn job.

dinthebeast said...

So now that RFK Jr. will get secret service protection, does that mean that he definitely will get shot in the ear, and if so, has he had his tetanus booster?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Of course Doug. Have you got all the boosters?

Anonymous said...

“So now that RFK Jr. will get secret service protection, does that mean that he definitely will get shot in the ear, and if so, has he had his tetanus booster?”

No one will bother shooting RFK Junior, because he’s an irrelevance. And he will not have had vaccinations of any kind, because vaccines are part of a master plan by the lizard people to control humanity. Or something.

Anonymous said...

Don't be a chump. Vote for TRUMP!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bob Menendez, senator with closets full of cash and gold bars, has been convicted of corruption. At least until he appeals to the Supreme Court wingnuts and they overturn the convictions, because, according to them, corruption is totally fine now.

dinthebeast said...

I have my doubts that SCOTUS will intervene to save him because he's not a Republican.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“I have my doubts that SCOTUS will intervene to save him because he's not a Republican.”

That’s possible. They may invent some ludicrous, contorted argument that the logic that excuses Republican crooks somehow doesn’t apply to “Gold Bar” Bob.

They don’t seem to care much about consistency or credibility anymore. They are practically at the point of: “We find for the prosecution because we hate the defendant.”

mike from iowa said...

Be a schlump, vote for convicted felon, pathological liar, tax cheat, rapist and other crimes to numerous to mention, drumpf.

bethhawes said...

Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes
Plans include proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code.

Of course, the Republicans will fight him every step of the way!

dinthebeast said...

Not too bad for an old white guy:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

Biden was on fire at the NAACP convention today. Only he knows how to talk about the things that voters truly need to hear.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Shooter was a white Republican male.
No motive. No religious idealogy.
Iranians are gunning for Trump.

Wait a minute...The Iranians want to assassinate Trump.

Kotex was actually a topic on Twitter/X today.
A panty-liner was used in place of gauze on Trump's baby scratch injury embarrassing those in the medical field.

I gotta say today was an interesting day.

Does anyone know if the shooter's parents were hurting for money?

mike from iowa said...

Both the Mother and Father are licensed, professional counselors who renewed licenses in 2002. Mom is a Dem and Pop is a Libertarian.

mike from iowa said...

This is how magats are saving kid's education?

1.4 billion budget deficit, mainly due to voucher spending. Have to cut other gubmint programs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, his pants were on fire. He was also giving off odors of sulfur.

mike from iowa said...

magats have confused divine intervention with divine retribution. Imaginary kristian god didn't save drumpf's life, he merely smited drumpf with a tiny thunderbolt for usurping religion and making it all about the true king, aka drumpf. But drumpf, like all magats, is too fucking stoopid to take the hint.

There likely ain't a jackass jawbone immense enough to properly smite drumpf to the real imaginary king's satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Potato Joe insulted a Bronze Star recipient and war veteran from his own party. Incredible!

Anonymous said...

So Biden is running on gross negligence and incompetence.
That's a bold move Cotton.

dinthebeast said...

A blogger I used to read used to be an ER nurse, and she says she used to carry a few OB tampons in her pocket at work because they were pretty much perfect for bullet wounds and when there are multiple bullet wounds you can only work on them one at a time...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Wow! Convicted rapist, tax cheat, and lying scumbag, phony kristian, racist drumpf insulted all POWs and wounded soldiers.

dinthebeast said...

Menendez is guilty and resigning, because he's a Democrat. If he was a Republican, he would be campaign chairman or maybe VP nominee...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!