Saturday, August 10, 2024

The switch.


One of my favorite songs of all time is Copacabana by Barry Manilow. (Don't judge) Yes, I love Barry Manilow.  Anywhoo, there is a verse in that song that I keep thinking about every time I see the felon holding a presser or giving a speech. "Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl, but that was thirty years ago when they used to have a show, now it's a disco, but not for Lola, still in the dress she used to wear faded feathers in her hair. She sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind. She lost her youth and she lost her Tony, now she's lost her mind."

The felon's shtick has gotten so old, that even some of his MAGA faithful are starting to be turned off. He is like that comedian with the same old cringy and grown-worthy jokes. They used to be funny to some people, but now nobody is laughing at them anymore. 

I was watching his press conference the other day, and dare I say it? I actually felt sorry for the felon. The lies, the desperation, it was all, in a word, cringeworthy. This Harris/Walz ticket has really thrown the felon and his people for a loop. The guy is clearly shook. Harris and Walz are sucking up all the oxygen, and are now, officially, the cool kids on the block. They drew twenty thousand people in Arizona last night, and it was one hundred degrees outside. Standing room only. Meanwhile, the felon is having a hard time finding enough people to fill a venue in...wait for it.. Bozeman, Montana. The same slurred speech, the same sloppy takes and lies. It has to be getting old, even for the MAGA cultists.  Now that he is officially the only really old guy in the race, it's putting the focus on his mental acuity and stamina. 

Speaking of guys in the race, Kamala has picked hers.   As someone who actually knows Josh Shapiro, (Yes, I'm name dropping) I was a bit disappointed. I mean who is this Walz fellow? But then I watched his speech at the Temple University rally in Philly, and I was like...good pick, Kamala. I tweeted this right after I watched him: Walz is that dude you meet at an airport bar, and you almost miss your flight because of him. Instant chemistry and likeability. As my sister would say: He is good people.

Not so much for the felon's VP pick. JD is scary, and, yes, weird. So much so, that even though you know it's probably not true, you almost want to believe that couch story. The thought of the vice president of the United States getting his rocks off on a Rooms To Go catalog is not something I ever want to think about again. Ever.

So we're off. The race is on to November. Expect it to get really ugly from here. The felon is trying to stay out of jail, and winning is the only hope that he has. The switch by the democrats has really thrown the felon for a loop. He was hoping for Uncle Joe, instead he got younger, darker, Kamala. The ugliness started already. The felon has already injected his racist birther like challenges to his opponent's racial identity.  And his post election plans are already in place to thwart the wishes of the American people by any means necessary. The Russians and Elon Musk will do everything in their powers to make sure that happens. What this all means is that if Kamala Harris wins, she better win by a lot.  If you think January 6th was bad, wait until you see what happens this time.

In Manilow's song,  Lola could only sit and drink herself half-blind. Not this aging lounge act. He will be doing a lot more than drinking and lamenting his losses. He will be kicking and screaming right to the bitter end.   


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Anonymous said...

A live look inside the Deep State war room after RFK Jr. and Trump joined forces!

Anonymous said...

Trump’s henchmen got into a fight with the management of Arlington National Cemetery over his desire for a photo-op laying a wreath on the graves of veterans killed in the Afghan War. Filming is not allowed at Arlington, except by cemetery staff, under federal law. Trump is not allowed to use it for a campaign ad.

There is a zero percent chance that Trump gives a shit about Americans who died in a foreign war. This was another despicable attempt to blame Democrats for the 13 service members killed during the evacuation of Afghanistan, rather than, you know, the jihadis who actually killed them.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

Total BS.

Anonymous said...

Total BS

Anonymous said...

Just MAGA thugs being their usual charming selves.

Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington National Cemetery:

Two members of Donald Trump's campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president participated in a wreath-laying ceremony, NPR has learned.

A source with knowledge of the incident said the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump staffers from filming and photographing in a section where recent U.S. casualties are buried. The source said Arlington officials had made clear that only cemetery staff members would be authorized to take photographs or film in the area, known as Section 60.

When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source.

dinthebeast said...

Damn straight:

Michelangelo Signorile

“They're demanding interviews from her while still allowing Trump's lies to go unchecked as he uses their platforms. They're also not forcing him to lay out policy prescriptions.”

Why Kamala Harris owes nothing to the corporate media
Bottom line is they have nothing to help her win an election that she must win. If they can't help her win her election, she doesn't have to help them forestall obsolescence.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

TFG has once again crossed the line of immorality. He thinks rules don't apply to him and the rule was simple, don't use dead soldiers for political campaigns. This is low for even him. This is not gonna end well.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh

mike from iowa said...

We learned the physical altercation at Arlington that never happened did happen and drumpf thugs cirsed and pushed a female worker trying to uphold long established federal rules. ofwhich the drumpf thugs were told of in advance.
The female in qiestiion was advised to file a report but she declined because she feared retaliation from magat thugs.

Anonymous said...

“Bottom line is they have nothing to help her win an election that she must win. If they can't help her win her election, she doesn't have to help them forestall obsolescence.”

I don’t think this is true, though.

Trump has already written off voters who have substantive concerns about policy, but Harris can’t afford to. Republicans’ brand is: “The government doesn’t do anything anyway; burn it all down!” But the Democrats’ brand is: “We’re the grownups who know how to competently run the government,” so, like it or not, that means you’re stuck explaining how you will do that. Your voters are the guys who care about the details. And it’s hard to see how you communicate these details without using the mainstream media.

You can, of course, conduct a campaign entirely on TikTok, but it will be extremely shallow and based only on style and memes and vibes, but you will lose a meaningful number of voters. In a race this tight, Harris can’t afford to lose any more. (Particularly allowing for all the votes she’s already guaranteed to lose because of lefties pissed-off about Israel/Gaza.)

dinthebeast said...

The media environment has changed since the last couple of presidential campaigns. The voters she needs to reach overwhelmingly don't get their news from legacy media, they get it from the internet. This is reflected in her ad spending, where $200 million of her $370 million in ad spending is for digital advertising, and really, you can't click on a damn YouTube video without clicking past one of her ads. I don't know how effective this will be, but in terms of eyeballs shown her ads, it's kicking the legacy media's ass, especially among the demographics she needs the attention from.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Kamala's favorite curse word:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Israel bombed another aid convoy, carrying food and medication to Gazans. Yet another accomplishment for the IDF, the self-proclaimed “most moral army in the world.”

mike from iowa said...

Irrefutable proof that magats can't read and comprehend....
Meanwhile, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, who attended the Arlington events with Trump, apologized in a social media post for sending a campaign fundraising email with a photo of him and the former president in Section 60 with the family of Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover.

Anonymous said...

"The female in qiestiion was advised to file a report but she declined because she feared retaliation from magat thugs."

Too bad because we need to stop this thug from breaking every law ever created😖

dinthebeast said...

So what was Fergus' SS detail doing while his staff was criming at Arlington? If he robbed a bank, would they drive the getaway car?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So what was Fergus' SS detail doing while his staff was criming at Arlington? If he robbed a bank, would they drive the getaway car?”

Might not be driving, but they’d definitely be riding in the back seat.

All joking aside, if Trump goes to prison, Secret Service agents will have to join him there, since he’s entitled to their protection for life.

Of course, prison is looking less likely for him now, since the Supreme Court, in their infinite wisdom, decided that Nixon was right and following laws is optional for U.S. presidents.

mike from iowa said...

Arlington Cemetery thugs who assaulted a female employee of the park were named Steven Cheung and Chris La Civita.
Spitting images of drumpf's total disdain for women.

mike from iowa said...

Jiant Douche Vance claims the photographer just coincidentally happened to show up at Arlington Cemetery. Claims drumpf didn't want to violate the solemnity with photo ops..

Anonymous said...

Twitter/X has been banned from Brazil. (Or, at least, it has been banned from appearing on the Apple App Store and Google Play; some tech-savvy people will still manage to access it via workarounds.)

Brazil is probably only the first of a number of countries that will tell Elon to take his thoroughly trashy social media platform and shove it.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf essentially blamed his bas visit to Arlington Cemetery on the Biden Adminstration.

Anonymous said...

“Twitter/X has been banned from Brazil. (Or, at least, it has been banned from appearing on the Apple App Store and Google Play; some tech-savvy people will still manage to access it via workarounds.)”

Speaking of workarounds, the judge in Brazil is going farther than I thought. According to NBC news, he has ordered “daily fines for people or businesses in Brazil that use virtual private networks (VPNs) or other methods to access X while the site is banned in the country.”

Wow. I’m not sure how enforceable that really is — how will the Brazilian authorities figure out what website you accessed via VPN? — just issuing this threatening order means you really do not want anyone in your country going on X.

dinthebeast said...

I just hope that the crackdown doesn't end up just playing into Elmo's free speech absolutist bullshit.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“I just hope that the crackdown doesn't end up just playing into Elmo's free speech absolutist bullshit.”

I’m not sure how he will handle this, aside from firing off a million tweets bitching about Stalinist censorship.

It’s hard to see how he can implement the controls on lies and hate speech that overseas governments are demanding for their citizens while still keeping Twitter a complete free-for-all for U.S. users.

Unless he just allows Twitter to be removed from Brazil, the EU, UK, and probably a bunch of other parts of the world, leaving Americans as pretty much its only user base. But that will only hasten its financial collapse. Recall that he is, insanely, attempting to sue advertisers for leaving his social media network, after previously having told them to “go f*ck yourself.” That sure makes it look like the company’s prospects are pretty desperate.

Anonymous said...

Because Trump’s soul is a fetid cesspool filled with rotting roadkill and crusty toenail fungus, he recently reposted an offensive, dishonest joke on his social media account.

It contained the pictures of Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, with the caption: “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently…”

Which, besides taunting Hillary Clinton about her husband’s infidelity with Monica Lewinsky, also references the lie that Kamala Harris’ career success is somehow based on her having exchanged sexual favors for promotions.

mike from iowa said...

...and a spoiled rotten, 78 year old, whiny, sappy baby shall lead them.

Anonymous said...

The Boeing Starliner spacecraft docked to the ISS has started making strange noises. No word as to whether anyone has checked to see if it is trying to sing "Daisy"...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flying Junior said...

No kidding

Flying Junior said...

The Tulsa race riots were quashed for nearly a century. My mother lived close to Tulsa and went in to Tulsa for music lessons and hundreds of different reasons. I would be willing to bet that she died in 2023 never having heard about the race riots/massacres that occurred in her city.

mike from iowa said...

Dumb as dog shit drumpf was telling even dumber than dog shit, Mark Levin that he had every right to interfere with election certification.

dinthebeast said...

These creeps again:

Fraudsters Launch Lobbying Firm Using Fake Names

September 2, 2024 at 8:09 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 101 Comments

“A Washington startup pitched as a service to integrate AI into lobbying is covertly run by a pair of well-known, far-right conspiracy theorists and convicted felons who are using pseudonyms in their new business,“ Politico reports.

“LobbyMatic was founded last year by Jacob Wohl, who in 2022 was convicted along with his longtime associate Jack Burkman of felony telecom fraud after running a robocall campaign in largely Black neighborhoods in several states telling people not to vote by mail.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“LobbyMatic was founded last year by Jacob Wohl, who in 2022 was convicted along with his longtime associate Jack Burkman of felony telecom fraud after running a robocall campaign in largely Black neighborhoods in several states telling people not to vote by mail.”

They also tried to create fake sexual assault allegations against various political figures who opposed Trump.

These are the guys who heard the statement “nobody could be bigger, sleazier liars than James O’Keefe or Dinesh Desouza” and said “hold my beer.”

Anonymous said...

* Dinesh D'Souza

Flying Junior said...

Only thing is that nobody cares about anything that TFG says at all.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how the United States is starting to look like a bus station at 2 a.m.?

Anonymous said...

bethhawes said...

Of course Trump had a political purpose at Arlington. His own campaign staff indicated they were going to score points against Harris/Biden for not being there as well. Trump has never done anything that didn't have him as the focal point.

Anonymous said...

US Presidential Elections: Kamala Harris Intoxicated Videos Spark Row | Know The Truth

mike from iowa said...

anymoose lies like drumpf...,

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

The Political Rage of Left-Behind Regions - Krugman

Anonymous said...

bethhawes said...

I realize we should know our enemy, but enough of this Gateway Pundit crap!

dinthebeast said...

BI: Thank you for the link. The male/female divide is being exacerbated by Elmo, who thinks women and "low T males" should have no role in government.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Libtards are hypocrites

dinthebeast said...

Fergus has lost him damn mind:

“The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.”

So, your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later?
In what world does this happen? Has he never heard of consent forms, which have to be filled out for any mundane activity the school wants a child to participate in? Yeah, California has a law that allows children who identify differently than their birth records to do so without being outed to parents who might harm them for doing so, but surgery? No, that's only in goddamn Republican propaganda, alongside infanticide and tax cuts that pay for themselves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“Yeah, California has a law that allows children who identify differently than their birth records to do so without being outed to parents who might harm them for doing so, but surgery?”

In batshit Republican fantasy world, the primary school teacher probably reconfigures the child’s genitalia herself, in front of the whole class, as a science lesson, using some rusty safety scissors, a compass, and a protractor.

What these wingnuts think goes on in school is a hallucinatory malarial fever dream. Remember when they were all talking about how students who “identify as cats” were using litter boxes instead of toilets? And they were dead serious, not joking at all.

Anonymous said...

For more detail on Republican idiocy:

Litter boxes in schools hoax

dinthebeast said...

I just got a phone call and it was the voice of Tom the fuck McClintock inviting me to listen in on a fucking conference call about the crisis at the border and out of control government spending. I had to tell myself "Stop, Doug, you're cursing at a robot, now dig up the voicemail the damn fool has left and delete that motherfucker."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Best comment ever

mike from iowa said...

14 year old magat wasicu wastey murdered 4 classmates in Georgia.

dinthebeast said...

Here's a reality check for anyone getting starry eyed about Lizard the fuck Cheney saying she will vote for Harris:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

The weenie-Nazi is confused by Fergus accidentally admitting the truth:

“He says, ‘Oh, I lost by a whisker,'” Fuentes griped during his Tuesday night livestream. “So what was the point? What’s the point of any of it? You lost in 2020? Seriously? What are we even doing anymore? Then you’re a loser. You just lost. Then you lost to Joe Biden.”

So now that Fergus has admitted on camera twice in a week that he did in fact lose the election in 2020, are his idiot hordes going to be enraged about being played and lied to for four years? Of course not. They are accustomed to accepting the latest lie served to them, even when it directly contradicts the current lie they are programmed to believe.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Tim Walz's sster said she knows none of the alleged Nebraska cousins voting for drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

PilotX said...

"So now that Fergus has admitted on camera twice in a week that he did in fact lose the election in 2020, are his idiot hordes going to be enraged about being played and lied to for four years?"
An intelligent person would take a step back and reevaluate the situation and do some reflection but we are talking about people who thought it was a good idea to trespass on government property and assault police officers. We're not taking about Rhode scholars. LOL

PilotX said...

A pretty good summary.

dinthebeast said...

It is a pretty good summary. Even Lee Atwater finally came somewhat clean before he died. Propaganda relies on ignorance, in general and on specific issues. The whole right wing media project can be in some sense defined as cultivating usable ignorance. That and susceptibility to motivated nonsense.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I have concluded that, because RFK Junior is kind of a dick, he ran for president with the actual goal of supporting Trump, under the theory that his third-party spoiler candidacy would steal more votes from Biden than Trump. Sorry to be conspiratorial, but the leaked audio of RFK and Trump’s cozy chat sure does make it look like they were in cahoots from the beginning.

But since polling has subsequently indicated that it was mostly the dimwit Trump voter base who were likely to vote for RFK, he dropped out and is now running around frantically trying to yank his name off the general election ballots.

Hilariously, most of the states are telling him, “Nah, dude, you can’t. The deadline’s past. The ballots are already printed. Sucks to be you!”

Anonymous said...

*deadline’s passed, not past

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Bacon Prices and the Windmills of Trump’s Mind - Krugman

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

“Well I would do that. And we’re sitting down. You know I was somebody. We had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that because—look, child care is child care. It’s—couldn’t, you know, it’s something you have to have it—in this country you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to—but they’ll get used to it very quickly—and it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care. We’re going to have—I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just told you about. We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in. We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people, but we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about Make America Great Again, we have to do it because right now we’re a failing nation, so we’ll take care of it.” - Insane Clown

Who can argue with that.

Anonymous said...

Biden took unending flak for occasionally saying incoherent things, particularly during the disastrous debate, which indicated that he is almost certainly experiencing some degree of cognitive decline.

Meanwhile Trump regularly spouts the most incomprehensible gibberish and somehow escapes the same scrutiny. Everyone excuses it by saying, “Oh, that’s just how he is.”


dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

BI: Thank you for the link and the transcription of Fergus' mental health issue in response to a normal question, the most charitable reading of which is (a lie): "We will make so much money that nobody will care about childcare."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Dick the fuck Cheney is now saying he will vote for Kamala Harris.
No word as to whether he might accidentally shoot JD Vance in the face...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“BI: Thank you for the link and the transcription of Fergus' mental health issue in response to a normal question, the most charitable reading of which is (a lie): "We will make so much money that nobody will care about childcare."

The return of “So much winning!”

It’s weird how this miraculous winning never took place when he was president. He inherited an already healthy economy from Obama, and it remained healthy — at least until COVID sent everything into a nosedive, which, remember, happened under Trump. But there was absolutely none of the explosive economic growth he promised. There was no magical “winning.” And in fact, there was plenty of losing, on the part of the specific industries that got hurt by his trade war with China.

Republicans never, ever seem to deliver the transformative economic growth they promise.

Reaganite Republicans promised deregulation and tax cuts would unleash the poor, oppressed billionaires and send the economy into overdrive, and then the wealth would “trickle down.” Didn’t happen.

Trump promises the same, but by different means, such as … what, being racist toward migrants and showing China his middle finger (again)? Just more snake oil.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Amazon’s Alexa says you should vote for Kamala Harris.

When asked about Trump’s positive attributes, the device went “errrrrrrrr …” and started smoking.

Okay, I made up the smoking part.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf lawyer exposes Clarence Thomas role in guiding defense lawyers to protect drumpf. to the judge while court was on session.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

Desatinist is sending police to harass and intimidate verified abortion petition signers claiming evidense of fraud.

Anonymous said...

Trump defends his gobbledygook-filled speeches as him “doing the weave,” as opposed to just, you know, dementia.

I know I might look like an utter moron barking nonsense at crowds of other utter morons, guys, but actually, I am a very stable genius!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You are totally full of shit

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

“Desatinist is sending police to harass and intimidate verified abortion petition signers claiming evidense of fraud.”

He’s obviously only doing this to proudly demonstrate what a total dickhead he is, and to suck up to Christian fundamentalist nutjobs. The people he’s “investigating” have already had their signatures validated, so there’s really nothing to investigate. And the petition has already been approved, so the abortion rights referendum is going to appear on the ballot no matter what.

It’s really hard for me to understand what the hell has happened to Florida, politically speaking. Do most residents really want a governor who behaves like this?

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Florida would have been better off with the crackhead as governor.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bloviating Ignoramus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Exactly.Insane Clown inherited a billion dollars from Papa Trump and still managed to go bankrupt 6 times. Insane Clown inherited a healthy economy from Obama. Just goes to show how hard it is to wreck the US economy because Insane Clown tried everything. Stupid trade wars where he had to cough up $12B to bail out farmers. Stupid government shutdown to fund his stupid wall. But he finally succeeded with the pandemic and his clownish response to it that caused supply chain bottlenecks and in turn as Krugman calls it the "long transitory" inflation that we are just now recovering from. For his next trick Insane Clown says fuck the climate crisis just drill baby drill and we will all be living like Saudi princes. The only thing that will trickle down from that will be extreme heat, wildfires, droughts, floods, hurricanes. This and more must come out of Kamala's mouth on Tuesday. They Go Low We Go High. They Go Backward We Go Forward. Fuck that shit Kamala. Insane Clown has so much surface area for attack. Come out with aggression and bust his fat ass into oblivion.

dinthebeast said...

How about "When they go low, we go high and nuke them from orbit"? Just maybe be careful whose rocket you use to get up there...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Don't be surprised if Muskrat sez no dice bringing back Butch and Suni if no Second Coming of Insane Clown.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of paragraphs?

Anonymous said...

The truth about Arlington:

Anonymous said...

Washington DC had that and look what happened!!

Anonymous said...

Never happened.

Anonymous said...

Black Americans are leaving the dummycrat party in droves and voting for Trump!!

Anonymous said... has closed out the summer shooting season with a boatload of statistics:

2024 Summer of Silly Decisions*: 225 killed, 953 wounded
Amazingly, this matches last year EXACTLY in terms of dead bodies:

Summer 2023: 225 killed, 907 wounded
Further breaking down this summer:

204 (90.6%) shot & killed
10 (4.5%) beaten
8 (3.5%) stabbed
3 (1.4%) killed via other means
A person shot every 2 hour, 7 minutes
A person killed every 10 hours, 53 minutes
Everyday tallied at least 2 people shot
17 days did not record a homicide
16 mass shootings (81 shot, 8 fatally)
93% of homicides were on South or West sides
4 police-involved shootings, 2 fatal
3 shot in self defense, 0 fatal
12 homicide-linked arrests
222 in serious or critical condition
196 males killed vs 29 females
Killed: 168 Blacks, 49 Hispanics, 8 White/Other

dinthebeast said...

So Fergus called Elmo "Leon", because of course he did. But I find their relationship interesting. Elmo sees Fergus as his gateway to political power without the whole messy having to appeal to voters and run for office thingie, while Fergus thinks "Putin has oligarchs, I need to get some of my own."
I don't think that either of them will get what they expect from this.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Another white guy with an AR-15 shoots up a bunch of folks, this guy in Kentucky... suspect is named Joseph Couch. No word as to whether he was avenging his relatives from JD Vance.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why vote for democrats who don't care about you:

Anonymous said...

Officer Tatum

Anonymous said...

Georgia School Shooter Is LGBT, And His Family Is TERRIBLE!

Anonymous said...

“Georgia School Shooter Is LGBT, And His Family Is TERRIBLE!”

No, Georgia school shooter was called gay by school bullies. Which is not exactly the same thing.

dinthebeast said...

The only former Republican nominee for president or vice president to publicly support Fergus this time is Sarah the fuck Palin. Remember what a scandal it was to nominate such a clueless dumbfuck for the vice presidency?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

No, JD, Haitian immigrants aren't trying to eat your pets, you're thinking of RFK Jr....

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

"No, JD, Haitian immigrants aren't trying to eat your pets, you're thinking of RFK Jr....

-Doug in Sugar Pine"


Anonymous said...

“No, JD, Haitian immigrants aren't trying to eat your pets …”

It’s actually Koreans.


Sorry, Koreans.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Donald Trump on the Dollar, in His Own Words - Krugman

Anonymous said...

Yep! Kamala Harris really sucks!

dinthebeast said...

BI: Thanks for the link. A lot of people get really freaked out over someone as volatile and stupid as Fergus having the nuclear codes, but the actual probability of him launching a nuclear strike is vanishingly small, for various mundane and structural reasons.
What mostly bothers me about the possibility of another Fergus administration is the things he definitely will do, like staff the government with people who don't think their job should exist and will therefore do everything they can to fuck it up, and his trade policy. And Ukraine. And Gaza. OK, there are a lot of things.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

I have the capacity to admit when someone I don't like or agree with does something right. This from the front page of the New York fucking Times:

"The last time the nation held a debate with the presidency on the line, a candidate with about eight decades of life behind him faced the challenge of proving that he was still up to the job of running the country. He failed. Two and a half months later, the cast of characters has shifted and another candidate heading toward the octogenarian club confronts his own test to demonstrate that he has not diminished with age. Whether he passes that test may influence who will be the next occupant of the Oval Office."

What this does not do is make up for all of the support and "sanewashing" they have already done, and still continue to do. But it's a start, and I will give them that.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

If JD was eating pussy instead of fucking a couch he wouldn't be such a miserable prick.

Anonymous said...

Oh good. These guys wanted to start a race war. I wonder if Trump will call them “very fine people.”

Feds say white supremacist Terrorgram leaders solicited attacks, assassinations

dinthebeast said...

Anonymous wants to remind folks just who Republicans are trying to represent and thus why you shouldn't vote for them:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

I fucking told you:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

OK, I usually don't ever watch these debates because they only infuriate me and avoiding them is impossible anyway, but for some reason I just watched this one and...
My usual policy seems pretty appealing right now. I think Kamala Harris did a good job of communicating her stances and who she is as a person and a candidate, and I keep reading how important that is, so perhaps it will end up being a good thing, but having to listen to Fergus lie his fat ass off every time he spoke without anyone slapping the shit out of him just drives my blood pressure up.
Notably absent from the debate was any discussion of gun violence, and Ms. Harris was backed into the corner of having to assure everyone that she and Biden aren't coming to take anyone's guns away. In a real discussion of the issue, she could have elaborated on just whose guns are being taken away: domestic abusers, and why that has driven down the still sky high rate of familicide in states with so called red flag laws where they are actually enforced.
All in all, an hour and a half I'll never get back.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Didn’t watch it, but apparently, Trump thought it was a good idea to double down on the phony “Haitians eating cats” story, which is a new low for a U.S. presidential debate.

So that’s the choice in this election: between a candidate who will deal with real issues, and a candidate who will wrap himself in the American flag and fight the imaginary cat-eaters.

Anonymous said...

You are a basket case Doug. You probably lose weeks or months in your closet, so don't sweat it. And get an injection, you know you like them.

mike from iowa said...

If JD was eating pussy instead of fucking a couch he wouldn't be such a miserable prick.

drumpf would accuse him of being an illegal Haitian immigrant and put a bounty on his pastey white hide.

Anonymous said...

Springfield Ohio pissed:

Anonymous said...

And yet they are.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hispanic people like to make money, so they need to vote for Trump. Harris/Waltz are out to take your money, too .

Anonymous said...

Tik Tok is controlled by the CCP. It contains spyware and infects your device. Please do not use it.

mike from iowa said...

Favorite actor James Earl Jones has left the building.

anymoose, Mr LBoyd should stick to reacting to first time listening to music videos.

Anonymous said...

Another lie by kommiemala fact checked:

Anonymous said...

So after last nights debate performance the DNC will replace Kamala Harris with David Muir and his side chick.

dinthebeast said...

Jon Stewart told Dick Cheney to fuck off twice last night, pretty much in response to the mewling pundits who keep trying to make Cheney, a fearful and fear controlled man, look tough by reminding everyone that he once told a Democrat to fuck himself on the senate floor.
Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on Instagram to her 138 million followers. Celebrities endorsements historically don't matter that much, but if, say, 10,000 Swifties in Pennsylvania register and vote for the first time, this thing is over.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

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