Thursday, April 06, 2006

Don't Let The Door Knob Hit Ya

"After many weeks of personal prayer,thinking,and analysis. I have come to the conclusion that it it time to close this public service chapter in my life.."

Prayer to who, or what? I think it was F. Scott Fitzgerald who said "There are no second acts in American lives" I sure hope this is the case with Mr. Pest Control AKA The Hammer. I can honestly say, that since Richard -I am not a crook- Nixon, there has not been a worse man in American politics than the congressman from Sugarland Texas.

Tom DeLay stood for everything that was wrong with Washington. Greed, money,power, petty jealousy, and hubris. This little weasel of a man gives new meaning to the term Napolianic complex. Ultimately, it was this percieved sense of power and entitlement that led to his downfall. Now all his republican buddies are running from him like a whore from a vice cop. Well, I say too late, the damage has already been done, and thanks to this pack in Washington, the approval rating of congress stands at about 29% with the American people.

So what are you going to do now Tom? I mean it must be hard to give up all that power and control. But I am sure you will think of something. Maybe you will find even more religion and start pastoring one of those mega churches down there in Texas. Or wait a minute, I know, you could be a lobbyist and peddle some corporate agendas to the rest of your sleazy friends for big bucks. Either way, I am sure you will make out just fine.

By the way, I saw where you accused Cynthia McKinney of being a racist. Now you accusing her of being a racist Tom, is kinda like Al Capone accusing Minnesota Fats of being a cheater. It just doesn't fly. So could you do us all a favor and just shut up and go away? You are a former exterminator so I am sure you can understand, that now that you are out of congress, they really need to fumigate the joint.


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM

    This blog is pathetic. Personal insult, factless, substance lacking, and pathetic.

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Thanks for checking in.

    The truth always hurts!


  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    It's no surprise that Tom Delay and Cynthia McKinney are from the South---playing racial politics has a long, sad history there. It still gets votes and it puts charlatans, hacks and crooks in Congress.

    (And yes, I know, white pols started it after the Civil War, but McKinney and Nagin seem intent carrying on the tradition---why not, it works).

  4. I thnk we agree on that point. I personally don't agree with racial politics -black or white- I think if a black politician uses the race card to get elected he or she is more than likely incompetent which can only hurt the community he or she serves in the first place. Having said that, you are right, it was white politicians who started it, and for the most part are still the better of the two groups at it today.

    But you also have to ask yourself, how many people -of either race-vote across racial lines? Most people vote for those who look like they do, regardless of the persons policies or agenda,which is kinda sad and unfortunate.



  5. Anonymous4:03 PM


    There are those who drink the Kool-Aid, and those who actually have the Kool-Aid truck backed up to their face so they can stick the hose down their throat and drink, and you definitely fall in to the latter category.

    For example, were you aware that the redistricting DeLay accomplished as a Congressman in Texas actually REDUCED the number of Republicans in his own district? Why, FN, is it ok for democrats to gerrymander when they are in power, but when Republicans do it, it's a capital offense?

    Racism? Do you have one single OUNCE of proof DeLay has ever been racist to anyone or about anything? One shred of evidence? Cynthia McKinney, on the other hand, was so outrageous and over the top with her laughable attempt to play the race card after SHE assaulted a white police officer, that it registered barely a ripple among rank and file black folks who knew a con when they heard one. She deserves an academy award for her performance, however, in the "best comedic performance" category.

    FN, free clue - you can't type intelligently when the kool-aid is running all down your face and hands and on to the keyboard. Try to understand that just about everything your beloved leftwing kooky leaders are using to keep you indoctrinated are lies.

    Get a clue.


  6. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Sep, you can try to humanize Tom DeLay all you want. The truth of the matter is this; he is an alleged crook, and he is facing criminal charges in his home state. Whether he is a racist or not is irrelevant to me at this point, and that's up to his God to judge. But what I do know is that he was a terrible politician and legislature who cared about all things republican and his own party and nothing else.That's a terrible way to lead, and history will judge him harshly for it. Even if he never gets convicted of a single crime, the man was a polarizing figure who prided himself on bullying those who didn't agree with him.

    As for your reference to me drinking Kool-Aide, I won't go back and forth with an obvious partisan becuase trying to educate those of your ilk is almost impossible. But let me leave you with some advise; there are actually other news outlets besides FAUX News and conservative talk radio. You should try listening sometime, maybe another point of view will help to broaden your horizons, and make your Kool-Aide taste a little less sweet.


  7. FN I love your reply to this guy, its classic.You got some serious rebuttal skillz. But how about putting some of that energy into solving the problem of getting young black males ready to participate in american society. Im trying to be together a think tank on this stuff peace. Mark

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Thanks Mark; trust me, I take on worse than him on a daily basis.
    Hey, you can hit me at: or

    I will be more than willing to get involved. We are doing some things here in Philly as well as down south, so shoot me an email and I will let you know more.

