Sunday, April 09, 2006

News From My Sunday Paper

The field-negroes take on the news of the day.
[Massa taught some of us to read]

"Though To Make Case For Blaming Media On Iraq"

I have previously written about this phenomena on this blog. The blame game being played by frat boy and his minions for the public perception of the war. It seems, according to the Kool-Aide drinkers that it's the media's fault that perceptions of the war are as negative as they are. Not the fact that there are sectarian killings every day, we are still losing American soldiers at the rate of at least one a day, and there have been billions of our dollars sent to fund this fiasco.

To hear the neo-cons and their apologist tell it, this grand scheme is working, and history will prove that it was the right thing to do. Well I am living in the present, and the present ain't looking too great. One report says that of the eighteen provinces in Iraq, the overall stability of six of them are serious to critical. That's not some left wing media spin, that's coming from an internal staff report at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. There is also less electricity, less household fuels, and less oil being produced in Iraq now than when Madman Hussein was in power. How is that for progress? And yet, the right wing talking heads -Oliely comes to mind- would have us think that it is all going to be alright. Just hang in there America, the rainbow is just around the corner.

"Young Black Men In Crisis"

Now this story broke my heart. I knew the statistics were daunting, but reading this report from the Philadelphia Inquirer brought it home. Black males in Philadelphia make up 4% of the population, yet 50% of them between the ages of 15-29 were the victims of violence in Philadelphia this past year. Only 9% of black eight graders scored at grade level or better reading, compared to 33% of white boys.

Here in Philadelphia, the city has already recorded over ninety homicides, most of them young black males. This is an alarming rate even for a large urban area like Philadelphia. And as is always, the usual suspects are being blamed. The schools, the criminal justice aparatus, the man, a lack of funding for social programs, blah,blah,blah.

Here is the deal, as black folks we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is a largely self created crises that can only be solved when we start taking reponsibility for our own actions. Brothers, start spending time with your children, go back home to your families, and start raising these children that are being raised by the streets. If you have multiple families, make more time to spend with your offsprings, and take less time to hang on the corner and play basketball with your boys. I am sick of seeing these youg men being raised by one generation of females after another with no positive role models in their homes.

Many of you-I am still talking to black folks-are in chruch this morning. You are singing, clapping, and giving praise for all that you have been blessed with. Nothing wrong with wanting to be saved. A little insurance policy for when you check out from this life and go to another one is good. But we also have to make sure that our present life right here and now on earth is right too. It's nice to invest in your local church financially and emotionally. Lord knows that the Pastor could always use more members and a new church. But how about investing some of that emotional and financial capital into your communities and homes? Believe me, you will be just as good a Christian for it. I challenge some of these Pastors -who preach a good game, to be more proactive in their communities with their time and resources. Start walking the walk to go along with that nice talk that you give every Sunday morning when you want us to throw something in the offering plate.

"Finger Pointing On Immigration"

I see frat boy is blaming the Democrats in the Senate for the collapse of the latest immigration reform bill. Actually, this is one of the few policies that frat boy and I agree on. As I have stated before, I think his party is xenophobic when it comes to this issue.-Do you really think that if these illegals were from Canada there would be this much of an outcry?- And honestly, frat boy might be taking this position for political reasons and nothing else. The last time I checked Hispanics were still the fastest growing minority group in this country. So I can hear Karl Rove saying to frat boy; let's not piss off those Mexicans we need their vote. Having said that, his position so far in this debate is still the most practical and sensible of all the others that have been thrown out there.

Now on a lighter note I will check my sports page.

Masters: "Cambell Is Facing Fab Five"

Should be an interesting Sunday of golf. Lefty, Els, and the best field-negro in golf are all in the hunt for the Masters. That would be ViJay Singh. Did you think I was going to say Tiger? Heavens no! Tiger is so far in the house that even white people wish they were him.

I could care less how many green jackets Mr. Multiracial wins. Go Vijay!

"Mayweather tops Judah"

Pretty Boy Floyd is the best thing going in boxing right now, and probably pound for pound one of the greatest fighters of all time. So why is he on the back page of my sports page after his win over Zab Judah last night?

I am guessing pretty boy needs a new publicist.

The Phillies are 0-4. So what else is new?

Barry Watch.

Barry went 1-3 last night with zero home runs. Barry you better start hitting some home runs soon. You don't have much time before the man trumps up a reason to get you out of baseball. Can't have you passing the Babe if you know what I mean.

"Eagles Face T.O. On Christmas Day"

At least I will have some presents to open.

Now if you will excuse me I gotta go, I don't want Massa to catch me reading.


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Both the field negro and the house negro lost, so does Phil Mickelson's victory get an asterisk?

    BTW, Vijay is a citizen of Fiji of Asian Indian descent, currently living in a gated community in Florida---how did he become a field negro?

    BTW#2. Barry's not gonna hit too many dingers without his chemical friend. That's the difference between him and Ruth or Aaron. The difference between a good player and two great players.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    You're wrong about Vijay, yes he does live in a big house now. But in my book, given all that he has been through, and the fact that he never turned his back on his true heritage, makes him a field-negro. Unlike Multiracial man who is basically a sell out.

    BTW, being a lefty myself, I was actually cheering for Mickelson.


  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Why is Multiracial Man a sell out?
    If you're multiracial what is your true heritage?

    BTW, I'm left-handed too and I was also cheering for Phil. Good a reason as any, besides left- handers do face subtle obstacles.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    In America, if you have any ounce of negro blood in you, you are considered black. -I am sure you know that- Multiracial man needs to understand that fact and stop thinking he belongs in the house with Massa.


  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    The racist Louisiana state legislature, circa 1900, said if you had 1/32 black ancestry you're a negro. But that was 100 years ago, you still haven't shaken that mindset, you're still dancing to the dead Massa's tune. Multiracial Man is half Thai and half negro, white and Native American; he's in the house, sitting at the table, and nobody (ceptin' you) cares anymore. Get over it.

  6. Are you shure you're a field negro?

    I thought it was a capital offence to teach black people to read.

    The smart black man is the real criminal.

  7. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I learned in secret!


  8. I'm trying to figure out who you are.

    I take it you mean field because you escaped the "Plantation" of the firms.

    Christ, everybody who works in the firm is an FN.

    "Don't whup me, massa, I'll work 18 hour days just to make partner!"
