Monday, April 10, 2006

House Negroes (Updated)

Time to update my top ten house-negroes list.
Some negroes will remain and some will move off. This of course will allow more worthy house-negroes to get on the list.

Here goes:

1. Clarence Thomas-Let's just put this out there right now; this negro ain't ever coming off this list, and he probably will never be bumped from his number one spot. EVER!
2. Ward Connerly- Still number two, because like uncle Clarence, this self hater gives new meaning to the term house negro. (See previous write up)
3. Condi Rice-I hated to do this to girlfriend because deep down I kinda like and respect her. But her blind loyalty to frat boy and her narrow minded view of the war effort in Iraq tells me that this negro loves it in the house way too much.
4. Harold Ford, Jr.-Yes congressman you are right at home in the house. In fact, I would suspect massa would have to beg you to go outside just to get some sun. I know you are running for a senate seat from the great state of Tennessee, so you have to track right to get all those red state votes. But enough already. Trust me, they wouldn't vote for your black ass if you gave every voter a life time ticket to the Grand Ole Opry.
5. Rev.Floyd Flake - The good reverend is a former member of congress from New York City.He always went against the CBC when he was in Washington and couldn't wait to get out of congress to start pimping for the man. Well, the pimp game is good. He is now a key member of the National Right Network, and a fellow at the Manhatten Institute. Say thank you Massa, for keeping me from the fields with those other negroes.
6. Oprah Winfrey- I have previously written ad nauseam about Ms. Thing so I won't say too much more here, but America's favorite Aunt Jemima is loving it in the house. So what if it's the kitchen, it's still the house.
7. Lynn Swann- Yes sir Mr. former Steeler, you are still on the list. By the way, I think the black voters of Pennsylvania are on to you. Did you see the latest poll of the black voters in the state? The white candidate is killing you among black registered voters. So you see, you might be able to fool massa, but you can't fool us field-negroes.
8. Thomas Sowell- You are a smart guy which is what makes your refusal to come to the field so sad. Come on Thomas, it's not too late. They don't need you in the house, there is more work to be done out here with us.
9. Roy Innis- "For me to remain viable in NY I have to remain at least for the time being a democrat" Oh I get it, you are just a democrat because it's viable for you right now. This man has the support of the NRA for his organization, in of all places; New York City. What a pimp. Hey, the guy named his son Niger for crying out loud. That's all you need to know about this self hater.
10. The Williams Boys-Armstrong & Walter- These two knuckle- heads are birds of a feather. None of them have any real intellect, but they have managed to pimp white conservatives into thinking they are actually as smart as other black conservatives, such as Shelby Steele, and Thomas Sowell. Well, nothing could be farther from the truth. Both are mental lightweights, and Armstrong -a so called journalist- recently took money from the white house to push frat boy's agenda. How embarrassing.

Off the list is Wayne Brady (Just not relevant right now),Colin Powell (I like how he came out against frat boy's war effort recently), Alen Keys (Not relevant), Reverend Jessie Peterson (Too clueless), Ronald Christie (He has been quiet lately, I guess he is finished plugging his book)


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What about Al Roker, doesn't he belong on your list?


  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    So basically what you're saying is, any black person who doesn't follow the liberal/democratic party line like a lockstep lemming, word for word, without question, like *YOU* obviously do, is a house negro? You don't think that prominent, educated black folks are leaving the democratic party in droves because they've watched the DNC's failed promises over the past 4 decades and just had enough of democrat lies? The question is, how long are you gonna stay a DNC CHUMP?

    Good luck with your "stuck on stupid" problem, homie.


  3. Anonymous9:12 PM

    First, I am not your homie.

    Now FYI I am not in lock step with democrats. If you have read anything that I have written on this blog you will see that I am quite independent. Having said that, I strongly believe many black folks -educated or not- have sold out and are only looking out for their own self interest, and if it takes co-opting their values to fit into main-stream society they will do it. (That's where our house negroes come in)

    I think it was Bob Marley that said; "Who the cap fit let them wear it" obviously, your republican buddies seem to fall into this catagory more so than democrats.

    You say that black folks are leaving the democratic party in droves. [Cue twilight zone music here] Are you insane? The last time I checked, dems received over 80% of the black votes in national elections.

    A little advise for you; stop drinking the Kool-Aid, you will be able to think with a clearer head.


  4. Anonymous11:38 PM

    You are a one trick pony. Same old, same old. Seriously, you need to get into private practice and get a life. Ol' Massa isn't out there trying to get you.

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Actually, I have quite a few tricks, and FYI I do have my own practice on the side. -not that it's any of your business- I guess it's hard for you to believe that a black man can actually have two jobs huh.

    And of course ole Massa isn't trying to get me, I ran away from the house and his plantation a long time ago. He gave up on me so I am one of those free negroes now.


  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    So I find it hard to believe that you have two jobs? I know several people with two jobs, I know one with three; why should a black man making a living be any different? What a puerile, stereotypical concept of my beliefs.

    There are over 40 million African Americans in the United States, I know that there is a diversity of beliefs, outlooks, opinions and politics in so large number of people; however, this diversity offends you so you've created a false "field negro"/"house negro" dichotomy. It's a rhetorical baseball bat you use to beat on people you disagree with.

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "First, I am not your homie."

    No need to be a hater, homie.

    "Now FYI I am not in lock step with democrats. If you have read anything that I have written on this blog you will see that I am quite independent."

    Yeah, except for the fact that you hate on 99.99% conservatives, and fawn over liberals and democrats. Independent....suuuuuuuure.

    "Having said that, I strongly believe many black folks -educated or not- have sold out and are only looking out for their own self interest, and if it takes co-opting their values to fit into main-stream society they will do it. (That's where our house negroes come in)"

    So in other words, when educated (or not), ambitious black folks finally see and take advantage of the opportunities afforded them to become successful WITHOUT playing victim and WITHOUT playing the race card, you think they are field negros? Or, more to the point, you think pretty much any conservative successful black who doesn't fall into lockstep with the likes of Al Sharpton's race-baiting, Barak Obama's tax and spend liberalism, or Cynthia McKinney's victimhood, they deserve scorn from the black community....just curious, can you name one conservative black person who, in your mind, hasn't "sold out?"

    "You say that black folks are leaving the democratic party in droves. [Cue twilight zone music here] Are you insane? The last time I checked, dems received over 80% of the black votes in national elections."

    Black, EDUCATED folks are getting more and more disgusted with the lies that have been perpetrated against them for decades by the DNC. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Michael Steele, Rod Paige...more minorities with substantive positions and real power in the Bush administration than ANY previous democratic administration. To simply dismiss the influence of these folks as "tokens" would be so ignorant as to be laughable, and black folks are taking notice that when it comes to sharing power and influence...democrats talk, republicans act.

    "A little advise for you; stop drinking the Kool-Aid, you will be able to think with a clearer head."

    The kool-aid truck backs up to your face and you get your daily dose from a hose...that is the only explanation I can think of for your blind following of the failed policies of liberalism and the DNC.


  8. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Sep, I am not in lock step with any national leader, you seem to be talking about yourself and your blind devotion to frat boy and his party. Having said that, I pity you, because your are so deep up the elephant's butt that you will never see the light of day. Your loss.

    BTW, don't fall into that typical conservative trap and think that all blacks who are not of your ilk play the victim game and need a handout. I guarantee you I don't need your hand out or anyone elses-Life is good in these fields- Just because I don't agree with the failed policies of frat boy, and I don't drink the red Kool-Aide, don't get it twisted, I am not some bleeding heart looking for a hand out.

    And yes, some blacks have sold out and left their communities just when their communities really need them. Of course, I don't expect you to understand that, because you will always be happy with the status quo as long as it keeps you on top.

    Oh, and I am not your homie. Your homie was a clown that was on T.V. a while ago.


  9. Anonymous5:05 AM

    It's almost 4 in the am, and I am cracking up at this list... I agree with just about all of them... I too, am a bit wishy washy on Condi - but to be honest she scares the shit out of me!

    FN you are correct in that it would be very hard for me to find a Black Republican that hasn't sold out --- like you I am not apart of either of those groups but do tend to lean left of center most times. Conservative and Republican are not the same animal.

    Conservative and Black - are almost synonymous!

    Back to what you two were discussing... the CBC and the NAACP have sold Us out too. There is no getting around it.

    I think that the better road for Us, Blacks, would be beholden to none - face it; We have built in bullshit detectors that would keep Us from becoming Republicans...We know shit when We smell it...

    Democrats are no more Our friends either... in fact they may be a little worse.

    That is all: but You forgot John McWhorter and I would definately add Shelby Steele to the mix.

    And why just the educated coons... how about the uneducated and dumb too... Jesse Lee Peterson, Star Parker, LaShawn Barber - but maybe you are right... maybe they are irrelevent.

    Thanks for the laugh.


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