Saturday, July 15, 2006

Musings From The Fields.

Good morning everybody, and I do mean good morning. Yes, inspite of the book of Revelation being played out before our very eyes-more on that in a minute-the field-negro is feeling pretty good these days. This is because a few of my best friends are here in town for the Southern University Alumni conference, and I am having a ball just hanging with the old crew, and seeing so many people from the "Jaguar Nation" in the City Of Brotherly Love.

I feel good about the University and the direction it's taking. President Slaughter has some good ideas and wants to raise the Universitie's profile nationally. He is even thinking of bringing an East Coast Version of the Bayou Classic right here to Philadelphia. The Jags would play, maybe Howard or Hampton University here at the "Linc". Now that would be a beautiful thing; the battle of the bands at half time, the "Dancing Dolls", some serious blue and gold football, and a full scale invasion of "Jaguar Nation" -SU averages damn near 30,000 at away games- That's tops among all division 1-AA programs in the country.

So it's been nothing but good vibrations for the field-negro all week. Our Mayor, John -I really need to cut my hair- Street, welcomed Southern to our fair city. My man Harold Carmichal -a Philly icon for the Iggles and SU grad- has been making the rounds hanging with his old classmates. ( I hear they had quite the party in South Jersey Friday night. The real players ball :) ), and I chilled in "Zanzibar Blue" while Marla Gibbs (227, and the Jeffersons) serenaded us, and I swear I thought it was Nancy Wilson when I walked in the joint. Ms. Thing can really sing, and she still looks good.

So SU, this is a message for you: You have a great opportunity here to get this thing right, don't f@#% it up. Southern is not some small time regional University tucked away in Southwest Louisiana. It is the largest black University in America, has the only black University system, has more black generals in the Army than any other college or University,-One of them is Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, Commander of the gulf coast Katrina relief effort- produced the most and finest black engineers in the country, was the first historically black college to be visited by a first lady-Eleanor Roosevelt 1943- and has a fully accredited law school that has sent numerous Judges, politicians, prosecutors all over the country to practice. In the area of entertainment, Randy Jackson from "American Idol" is an SU grad, as is Avery Johnson, who almost coached Dallas to an NBA championship, and NFL, NBA, and MLB icons like Mel Blount, Lou Brock, and Bob Love are Jags as well. And speaking of Avery Johnson. I would like to take this opportunity to speak to him directly; Jag to Jag. I heard some bad things about you Avery, and if what I am hearing is true, I am really dissapointed. You better start returning your phone calls negro and don't forget where you came from. So you had some problems on "The Yard", get over that s@#& , and represent.

But enough of my beloved Southern. It's time to talk news:

Crisis In The Middle East:

Seems like Isreal, Iran, and Syria are about to get it on. I am not going to get into who is right or wrong in this war, - I might as well call it a war- but I have said this many times on this blog, and I am saying it again. George Bush aka "frat boy" and the neo cons who serve in his administration, have put a disastrous foreign policy apparatus in place, and we will be feeling the effects of it for a long time to come. I am not blaming him 100% for this latest escalation of problems in that region, because, quite frankly, if you know anything about the Middle East, you know it was just a matter of time before Israel went after Hezbollah. - Although I said I wouldn't put the blame squarely on one side, I do have to question some of Israel's actions as it relates to Lebanon . I am not sure if a full scale assault on another sovereign nation is how you go about ridding you country of terrorist threats. But wait, isn't that exactly what frat boy did? Oh well, I guess we have no other choice but to support Israel given that we did the exact same thing in Iraq. Not that we wouldn't have supported them anyway, but it would have nice to be able to come to the table with some options. Is it me, or does it seem more and more like we are in the last days? It would have been nice to give Condi and the diplomatic branch of our government some options, but we have none, and don't think for a minute that Israel didn't know it, they have been watching frat boy too, apparently they watch real news and not only Fox. Again, the war in Iraq is having disastrous effects, and not only in Iraq itself, but on everyone in the region. Oh, and let's not forget about what's been happening on the ground there. This past week alone, over 250 people have been killed in mosques attacks , gumen attacked an Iraqi army checkpoint and killed 11 soldiers and wounded 3, gunmen in Bagdad opened filre on a minivan which was carrying passengers to the Shite holy city of Karbala, and killed 5, a body....oh what's the point. Sectarian violence is out of control again, we are still losing an average of one soldier a day, and this war is going no where. That's all you need to know. Worse, it's effecting our foreign policy all over the world -Do you really think that little weasel with the funny hair cut in North Korea would have fired off his version of 4th of July fireworks, if it had not been for frat boy's failed policies? I don't think so. And now we can't even get the Russians or the Chinese to talk some sense into him because we have zero credibility with them as well. Do you want to know what other leaders think when frat boy gives them the old we cannot allow rogue nations to possess these types of weapons speech? I will tell you what they are thinking; ~~F#@% you cowboy, who the F@#% do you think you are, they have a right to possess those weapons just as much as you do. The last time we checked they did not invade a country that was not a threat to their sovereignty.~~~~~ That's what they are thinking.

Rioting Erupts in Pakistan After Cleric Is Slain:

Read what I just said above. It applies to this headline as well. And I will say this, if we are not careful with Pakistan, we will have another Iran on our hands, at a time when we can ill afford to. There is also the potential for some serious sectarian violence breaking out. Like Iraq, Pakistan is made up of Sunnis and Shiites. The difference is, that in Pakistan, 80% of the population is made of of Sunni Muslims while in Iraq, it's the other way around.

India's Leader: Bombers Had Pakistani Help:

Speaking of Pakistan; the leader of India, Manmohan Singh, is blaming Pakistan for the latest bombings in his country. Pakistan of course denies it, but that means nothing. That horse has also left the barn a long time ago, and that region is also seriously f@#% up. And unlike North Korea, India has nukes, and they work!

And somewhere, deep in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan; a six foot seven inch bearded man is smiling.

Wilsons Say Betrayal Prompted Leak Lawsuit:

I see where Valarie Plame Wilson and her husband have sued Dick Cheney. Now assuming he doesn't shoot both of them first, it should be interesting to watch how this plays out. Of course it wont bring down "Dead Eye" Dick, but at least it will keep this story alive, and bring some more scrutiny to a very ugly chapter in frat boy's presidency.

Heatwave Grips City:

Yes it's still hot here in the City Of Brotherly Love-expecting 100 degrees and oppressive humidity on Monday- I don't care if you call me a tree hugging weanie, Al Gore is right. This global warming stuff is real. But somehow we as Americans don't want to believe it, because it would mean that we would have to change how we live our precious American way of life. Besides, people on the right have politicized this issue because it's coming frm Al. Gore. I bet if that drug addict in Florida-I Need A Rush Limpbaugh- was screaming about global warmiing, all the conservatives would be selling their third and fourth vehicles tomorrow. But such is life in The United Red & Blue States Of America; everything is political these days, even somthing as important as the environment.


Let me talk some quick sports with you.

I see the Sixers are still trying to shop AI. Now I love AI, I think he is the third best Sixer of all time. But I also think it will be best for him, -not the Sixers- if he were traded right now. He will never get a championship here, because the Sixers are capped out with no immediate help in sight. So for Allan's sake, trade him to a contender. This will help my man at least get a shot at a ring, and be able to show America on the grand stage of a championship series, how serious his game still is.

Seems they are going to indict my man Barry Bonds for tax evasion.
All I can say is, I told you Barry, I told you the man was going to get you. And you thought I was kidding huh.

"T.O. said his book miquotes him on his comeback" T.O. are you insane? Now I love your game and everything, and as I stated earlier, you will probably do at least two or three end zone dances at the "Linc" when your "Boys" play the "Iggles" this year. But how in heaven's name can someone misquote you in your own freaking book? Here is a little hint for you my man, the next time someone writes a book for you, do like my man Tony Clayton, make sure you are both on the same page. -No pun intended- And if you are not, just shut the f#@%# up!

Oh, and one more thing. This is for all my white friends out there. BARBARO is a f#@&&## horse! I know you love your animals, but I think I speak for 90% of the black people in this country when I say: We really don't care whether he lives or dies. Got it? So please, no more front page stories in the sports section, no lead in news coverage about his condition on the nightly news, and no more talk shows discussing the type of surgery he had etc. There are CHILDREN being murdered in your cities on a daily basis, and you do not care. But this freaking horse.... I just can't figure you all out.

Anyway, that's it for today folks, I gotta run, my boys are still in town and the field-negro has got to go paint the fields red :)

I'm out.


  1. Yo Field very good post. You got skills dog. Yo you cant blame Israel for this one either. Those fools from Hezbulla attacted Iraels soldiers for no reason. What the Fu#k is thier logic anyway, what do they hope gain. And from my understanding the civilian population mainly wants peace.

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM


    If you read your history, there has never been peace in the middle east. There was no peace agreement between hezbolla and israel.

    So their logic is my friend, by taking the israeli soldiers as POW, prisoner of war, they will get a prisoner exchange.

    Everybody wants PEACE never forget that.

    This guy is ridiculous. First go see what Hebollah means. Then study the history and how they came to exist. Then, understand what it means to be an arab in a Jew occupation. If you feel so sorry for Israel please go sign up for the IDF, they need volunteers to protect their democracy and I will laugh @ your butt when the Jew calls you nigger... both over here and over there

  3. Anonymous4:12 PM

    besides israel killed so many more civilians with their advanced targeting weapons than hezbollah using 2nd world war weapons.

    so go read what katuysha rocket, qassam rockets are. Read, what disproportionate use of force means, read, the oslo peace process, read, the Geneva humans rights, finally read about the jew and black relationship here in america

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Mark = Donohue
    Ugz = M. Kalid

    I know field knows what I am talking about, Mark is just too hopeless to know.

  5. Ugz: besides israel killed so many more civilians with their advanced targeting weapons than hezbollah using 2nd world war weapons

    mb: Yo Ugz that is part of my point. If they know (Hezbollah) that Israel has superior weapons why would they attack in the first place knowing Israel has superior weapons and they have promised to respond to any attacts harsly. I have no special love for Israel. And Ill join the IDF when you join fool. Ive been paying attention to whats going on over thier for a while now, and even without Israel in the picture thier is no peace in the middle east you know that fool. Also the way they treat thier women is backwards but you probably are feeling it.

    Ugz= Armchair revolutionary who will do nothing to help his people. Except bitch and cry
    mark= Mark equals someone who will try to make things better.

    P.S Ugz I own you. You are a fool

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Oh My God... oh my God, this dude, this dude is just hopeless..

    Hezballoah fights because they are not uncle Toms like you Homieeeee

    they are true field negroes... who are ment who will punch back when they are punched... go back to the kitchen and peel onions.

    By the way, If TNB wants a good spokes person to poke fun at negroes, Mark is the man He hates black kids on the subway, so TNB, you are good to go.

  7. Ugz you are a fool every time you open your mouth you manage to say something even more stupid than before. You are of no use to us, continue to read books while earnest people who care about doing something to change our situation make plans to do so. Good day idiot.

  8. Anonymous10:51 PM

    hey you Mr. Mark, stop taking American Media, and start reading some real shit
    here watch some pictures from Lebanon

  9. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Israeli's Protesting Against Israel

  10. Anonymous9:38 PM

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