Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Not So Happy Day

Today the field is in a real shi**y mood. The East Coast is still feeling like we are in the fu****g ice age, and it has to be minus fifty degrees outside. To top it off, I was totally off my litigating game, and got my ask kicked in court by some ADA fresh out of law school.

So while driving home from work, I find myself filled with negative thoughts, and as a result, some things come to mind that really set me off. To insure that I won't be alone in my misery, I will share them with you:

Tip cups. Why does every freaking store have to have a tip cup? I am so sick of business people depending on my f*****g tips to offset their employees salaries it isn't funny. And have you ever noticed how some of those mother f*****s watch your tip as you drop it in the cup-Dunkin Donuts comes to mind-to make sure you are not stiffing them? Enough already!

Girl Scouts and their fu****g cookies. "Would you like to buy some cookies sir?" No little girl, I just bought cookies from the other little girl scouts camped outside my gas station, my grocery store, and my freaking front door. No I don't want to buy anymore girl scout cookies!

Co-workers who go around collecting for sh** for their kids school. OK you hit me up for $20 last week, can you wait at least another...oh, I don't know, maybe month or so before you hit me up again?

People with fake sh**. Folks, if it ain't real what's the point of wearing it? To fool people into thinking you have a real Louis Vuitton or Coach hand bag? News flash, it ain't working.
Stevie Wonder can see that your stuff is fake, and so can damn near everyone else you come in contact with. Trust me, you are far better off with a real handbag from K-Mart than with some knock off sh** you bought from the vendor on the street.

People who tell everyone via bumper stickers on their cars, that they are Christians, that their child is a straight A student at Main Street Elementary, or that abortion is wrong. Keep that sh** to yourself. The world doesn't need to know that your thoughts are thanks to a sign plastered on your car. Like I need to be looking at a sign that says "Jesus Saves" when I am on my way to deal with the sh** I deal with every day.

Republicans. OK, most, fu** it, right about now I hate all those mother f*****s, if only because they voted in the frat boy. So yeah, republicans get under my skin big time! Most are self centered hypocrites who hate blacks,gays, immigrants, and atheist. (Not necessarily in that order) But then, some democrats get under my skin too. They pretend to be so progressive, but are no less ignorant and hypocritical than the republicans they claim to be so different from.

Politicians. They lie, they cheat, they steal, and will do damn near anything to get elected and hold on to power. The only thing worse than a politician in my book, is a republican politician.

I could go on, but I just heard Anna Nicole Smith was found dead in Florida. Now I know I am supposed to say something respectful and profound here but I can't. Sorry, I feel nothing. I am still not sure I understand the American fascination with celebrities and their lives. -and deaths- Here was a woman whose only connection to me was the constant tabloid and gossip rags detailing her life's excesses with various men, and an 89 year old billionaire. I never got her while she was alive, and I sure as hell and not going to pretend I get her now. Sorry if I am being a bit harsh on the former "Trim Spa" spokesperson, she has a five month old, and I feel for the kid. But....

You know what, I better call it a night, I really don't want to say something I might regret at a later time. This has just been a real f****d up day, and I don't want to make it any worse. I am not sure if it's the cold, my job, or the fact that I have an appointment with my accountant tomorrow to do my taxes....that's another thing that sets me off; The damn IRS!


  1. Sorry about your day, FN.

    It's colder than Antartica here too.

    I hope tomorrow is better for you.

    I don't give a rat's ass about Anna Nicole either.

  2. seems like you most def. had a bad day! but i hope things are looking up now :) and ditto the comment about tip jars ;-)


  3. LMAO!!!! whooo lawd.. I was laughing hard regarding the fake shit.. YES!! I do agree with what you said..


    woooo sahhhhh

  4. I had the same kind of day yesterday.

    I have a**holes & bigots for bosses...and yesterday they wanted a Field Negro to knock around... they chose me.

    I really hate Rich Whites..... especially rich White Men.

    It's because of these bastards that the World is so f*cked up....

    Iraq= Exhibit A.

  5. I've had those days before.

    I'm over here dying at the co-workers collecting ish for their kids. I mean damn, I can only buy so many rolls of gift-wrap and candy bars. They should just set up a collection plate like in church.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about the fake ish. I mean if you're working at Dunkin Donuts worried about the tips in the cup, then I know that Louis Vuitton bag isn't real.

    Anna Nicole--well. I'm sorry for her family. Does that count as nice?

  6. Global warming is still real, bruh. This is a jet stream fluke. As cold as it m-fing is, it's the same weather they are having in Greenland...and that's not good, as it should 50 below in Greenland.

    And dude,we got 19 year olds coming home in plastic bags from Iraq, and folk barely covering their mortgages, yet all I see on TV is Anna Nicole and this made-up right wing crap on Nancy Pelosi's plane. God Lord, help us...

  7. Oh, this blog is f'ing tremendous. Angry sports loving lawyers, unite.

  8. I hope that things pick up, I agree with most of what you said. Keep up the good work.

  9. Thanks guys, today was actually much better. It's nice to know I have some like minded peeps out here. I guess we all go through the same sh** from time to time, and see the same crap everyday.

    I got mad love for all yawl!

  10. Hmm...I guess this is a bad time to tell you it was about 70 degrees here in LA today?

  11. Bush/Cheney 2004 bumper stickers are the best.

    Yeah, good pick asshole!
