Tuesday, February 06, 2007

They Are Really Really Sorry!

CLEMSON, S.C. -- More than a dozen Clemson University students apologized at an emotional campus meeting for a gang-themed party many criticized as racist after photos emerged showing a white person wearing blackface, school officials said.
The university organized the meeting, allowing 15 partygoers to stand up one by one and express remorse in front of about 200 people.
"Some people really recognized the courage that it took," said Gail DiSabatino, vice president for student affairs. There was discussion, tears, "and eventually there was hugging," she said.
University president Jim Barker and the NAACP announced investigations into the party, which was held during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, after photos emerged online earlier this week. The pictures featured some white students drinking malt liquor and at least one wearing blackface.
"They didn't know that they were being racist. It's really sad," said Ranniece McDonald, a junior who is black. (I would like to thank the AP for that story. Please don't sue me, I am sick of court rooms right about now)

Well, nice to see all is well that ends well down in South Carolina. I mean there was "tears and hugging" for crying out loud. Ohhhh isn't that nice? I knew it was just a big mistake and these poor kids didn't mean to be racist. After all, you just can't tell what is and isn't racist anymore. It must be really hard to be a white person right about now. Look at poor Joe Biden and his little slip of the tongue with the Obama clean articulate reference. Heck, even the frat-boy had a verbal faux paux when he referred to Obama as articulate. ("George Bush doesn't care about black people" Oh shut up Kanye!)

I for one am just glad it's over. Now maybe we can all move on to more important things besides worrying about race every day. Although that's going to be hard, at least for the next twenty two days or so. I mean this is black history month right? Well, at least they gave us a month. Thank God it wasn't one of those long months; like say, March or May. Can you imagine having to watch what you say or how you party for an extra three days?


  1. They were trying to belittle the legacy of Dr. King. Whether they were doing it consciencely or subconsciencely that is what they were doing. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    February was choosen by a black organization, because they were trying to promote racial unity. They chose it because both Pres. Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas birthdays are in the month.

  2. Aww, and there was hugging too? Let's gather round the campfire and sing Kumbaya. *insert sarcasmhere*

    Black History Month started out as Black History Week to coincide with Presidents' Day, but then extended for the month.

  3. Wow tears? They must REally really be sorry....that with Obama being "one of the good ones" really starts off "Black Folks Are People Too -in small doses- Month" off right.

  4. lol @ "Black Folks Are People Too -in small doses- Month"
